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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue. we say thank you. on pre-holiday days, veterans of the great patriotic war accept congratulations. let's show the whole world the heroes of victory. polish judge thomas schmidt protested.
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they are asking for protection in belarus against the actions of the authorities; he publicly stated the reasons in minsk. paris denies information about the french on the battlefield in ukraine, and scholz convinces in situ about the importance of placing a german military base in lithuania. news from the collective west. inflation is under control, the program of joint actions of the government and the state control committee to stabilize prices for this year has been approved in the country. president of belarus alexander lukashenko will make a working visit to the russian federation on may 8-9. in moscow on may 8 , the head of state will take part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. this summit will be a anniversary one; in may it will be 10 years since the signing of the agreement on the creation of the ias. the event will be held in a narrow and expanded format. our president will designate belarus' position on the main issues on the agenda is high.
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at the tomb of the unknown soldier, the order was awarded to the veteran of the great patriotic war, viktor tsimbal, for our countries, for the union state, it is very important to preserve the true story of the exploits of our veterans, primarily for the younger generation. it is painful for those who fought in that war, who heroically defended our freedom, to see and realize that not everyone has learned the harsh lessons of history. to resist the revival of fascism is our common task.
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today has become very significant for us, very an important and very necessary event, thank you very much. a wreath from the embassy of our country was laid today at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow. the solemn ceremony traditionally takes place on the eve of the great holiday of victory in the great patriotic war. the monument is located in the alexander garden near the kremlin walls. this place is a symbol of memory of all the soldiers who died for our homeland. on the stone above the eternal flame are carved the words and...
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your name is unknown, your feat is immortal. the vast majority of russians and belarusians understand the need to protect historical truth when macron calls for either troops to be sent to the french republic, or instructors. it may be frightening, but most importantly, whatever the rhetoric, it exists, it is the rhetoric of threat and disagreement with our just struggle. those politicians were people who experienced the tragedy of the second world war and deeply understood, through the examples of their loved ones, through their own experiences, the scale of the threat to the world, and these politicians, the highest on the party tribunes as part of the rotation of party lists with their arrival in parliament, they grew up in then... in
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comfort, for whom the war is in crooked textbooks, where it is written that the united states of america won the victory over fascism, therefore for them the reality of the threat of challenges is, of course, belittled. if only this insight would come sooner, this rhetoric, which has no prospects, would be replaced by a realistic assessment of what is happening, including on the european continent. yes, unfortunately, today the valiant history of the great victory is shamelessly rewritten, and monuments to liberating soldiers are leveled to the ground. in these difficult times, the glorious date is even stronger unites our peoples. the pre-holiday days of may honor veterans in every way. russia, alexey golovatsky also took part in the congratulatory marathon. a pleasant surprise for the gomel resident was the performance of a brass band and a ceremonial march right in the courtyard of his house. during the great patriotic war he was
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a machine gunner in a partisan detachment, as part of the first belarusian front he reached berlin, and was awarded many awards, including an order. red star of the patriotic war, medal for the victory over germany, partisan of belarus, after the war, he participated in the liquidation of gangs in western ukraine. one of these days , the veteran will turn 99. alexey golovatsky is cheerful, full of strength and charges the younger generation with optimism. for almost eight decades , belarusians have been living under a peaceful sky, but our people do not forget the tragic lessons of the past. the solemn ceremony of laying flowers took place today at stella minsk, city.
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will happen again, and there are signs of all this, so we simply have to honor the memory of these people, we have to show everything to europe, to the whole world, that these heroes are not forgotten, and despite destructive actions of the government of many countries, i know that ordinary people see all this, they just, unfortunately, find themselves in such conditions when the so-called democratic countries are afraid to express their point of view on this matter, it is necessary... to note that belarus - one of the few countries in the post-soviet space where the memory of the great victory is not subject to some political situation, some fashion or seasonality; for us, the memory of the great patriotic war, of that great
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victory is an integral part of our historical code, what is in the heart of every belarusian. pre-holiday days, work collectives, students, senior officials, representatives of different generations, come to the memorials to lay flowers, bow their heads in a minute of silence, forgive everything, how the united states saved the nazis, money and career instead of the tribunal and justice, hundreds of scientists serving the white people at home, why the criminals of the third reich became big business, big politics, fake biographies and a secret resettlement program, the cynical hunt... for minds for the sake of world domination, look in clear politics today after the panorama.
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polish judge thomas schmidt asked for protection from the belarusian authorities, he told reporters about this today in minsk. about a week
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ago, the official left his homeland, and today he publicly showed his official identification and also signed a letter of resignation. the reasons that forced him to take such a step. protest against the actions of the polish authorities, who, under the influence of the united states and great britain, are leading the country to war. wyjazd z polski był podyktowany sytuacją polityczną, przede wszystkim. my departure from poland was dictated primarily by the political situation and the pressure that was put on me. after 23 months it would be too late to leave. if we talk about our policy, it is not completely independent; the united states, great britain, and germany have a very large influence. in poland, we are forced to turn off our phones when communicating with each other. they can be wiretapped without a court decision. this is our democracy. come to me periodically. strangers came up and said: don’t stick your head out, otherwise it will end badly. thomas schmidt
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addressed the president of belarus alexander lukashenko directly with a request for protection, and noted that he was ready for pressure from official warsaw. he believes polish politicians should think about restoring dialogue with belarus and russia. more than 30 years of so-called independence, and lithuania has turned from a showcase of a once great country into a rug. at the doors of nato, population outflow, high taxes and medicine are not available to everyone, it would seem that everything can be fixed, this sunday in lithuania will hold presidential elections, but do people have a choice, or was it stolen 33 years ago, what nausėda promised while running for his first presidential term and how he deceived the lithuanians, the first interview in the series of the inside out project, watch tonight on air, a series of interviews, we'll give you a platform.
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there are many more smart people than nausėda now, word against deed, what he can do, he speaks populistically, but in order to do things so that these people would be better, indeed, this did not happen, and we will break through the propaganda of how lithuanians really live, this a painful topic, i would like to say, the inside out, interviews with... with lithuanian politicians on the eve of the presidential elections. look
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at belarus 1 and belarus 24 on may 6. german chancellor scholz arrived in vilnius today, the purpose of the visit is to resolve the latest disagreements over the creation of a german military base in the country. the bundeswehr will send 500 soldiers to lithuania. their placement will require 11 billion, and although the transfer has already begun, this story is full of ambiguities: who will pay, where they will be placed, how to recruit soldiers if the germans do not want to go to the baltic states. scholz will probably try to force the lithuanians to bear at least part of the costs. baltic militancy is growing as senior partners increase their presence in the region. just today several exercises began at once. in estonia , 1,400 people are involved in spring storm maneuvers. in lithuania, combat effectiveness will be checked. air force during the events vigilant falcon astral knight. paris
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is trying to disown information about sending its troops to ukraine. the french foreign ministry called this information unreliable. previously and hedgehog times reported that french military units from the foreign legion have already arrived in ukraine in the slavyansk region. the publication referred to ex-assistant us secretary of defense steve brian. according to him, the advance group numbers almost 100 people, in the future there will be 1,500 of them, paris, the disinformation company said, yet there is no smoke without fire. about a month ago, macron himself did not rule out sending french troops to the northern military district zone. french president emmanuel macron does not realize it when he speaks out about sending its military personnel to ukraine. such statements could lead to a direct clash between russia and nato countries. so, said the military expert.
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a strange french legion, this is understandable, the information is being clarified, but you know, when the alliance begins to seriously declare that it will send troops there, otherwise, of course, this local, regional conflict, it can become continental, has already been caused today british ambassador to russia to russian
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honey, where he was popularly explained what the risks were this kind of action. russia is trying to reason with some hot-headed european politicians who, for the sake of political points , are trying to do something that will be quite difficult to correct later, because russia’s clash with the nato bloc is a completely different story, as they say. moscow stated.
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convocation took place in minsk, nine projects were on the agenda , de facto recognizing their country as a party to the conflict, the ministry indicated. moscow called on london to think about the catastrophic consequences of hostile steps. meeting the first session of the council of the republic of the eighth law on the ratification of agreements with foreign countries. senators also today approved a bill to suspend the treaty on conventional ones. armed forces in europe, this does not mean belarus’ withdrawal from it and the cessation of the armed forces’ implementation of internal procedures related to its implementation. our country fully fulfills its obligations under the treaty and strictly adheres to the established maximum levels for the availability of military equipment. the draft law was prepared in in order to ensure the national interests
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of belarus and as a response to the decision of nato member countries to suspend the davs. which in practice would mean the suspension of this treaty. first, we will stop providing information that we were obliged to provide to other states about their weapons. second, we will stop accepting inspections and accordingly sending our own to monitor compliance with the norms of this treaty. and third, we, in principle, will no longer be obliged to adhere to those restrictions by the number of weapons that were.
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the previous security architecture in europe, we are committed to this architecture and do not close the door completely. in addition, today senators approved bills on the ratification of cooperation in the field of security and counter-terrorism between the governments of belarus and the united arab emirates. in general, the range of issues is wide, from mutual recognition, exchange of driving licenses to investment protection. the work of local authorities, the quality of roads. coverings, dacha issues cooperatives, a variety of life problems of belarusians were discussed today in the house of representatives. speaker igor sergeenko held a personal reception for citizens and representatives of legal entities. there are about ten issues on the agenda, some of them were clarified immediately on the spot, while others were taken into account. the chairman of the house of representatives drew attention to the importance of hearing people and meeting halfway
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in resolving problematic issues. and the main thing here is the work of the entire vertical together. cases can be found on the official website house of representatives. a program of joint actions between the government and the state control committee to stabilize prices for
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2024 has been approved in belarus. the strategic document contains measures to reduce inflation in sectors of the economy and saturate the domestic market with goods. in addition, approaches to regulating dominants and monopolists in the field of pricing, as well as approaches to procurement, will be improved. the most important thing is to maintain stability in... the range of protected vegetable production , it is planned to increase volumes and soil, the work on the proven stabilization fund will be improved, which will allow us last and this off-season to provide a wide range of belarusian fruit products on the domestic market at affordable prices, in addition, those aspects that provide for import substitution for many other types of goods will be implemented . and of course , the activation of our manufacturers to promote their products both in offline trade and traditional trade, which we have today on digital platforms. what
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regarding control activities, here we see the main function from the point of view of prevention, namely, that is, for the very purpose of punishing a business entity, it is not worth it, but the dynamics here from the point of view of compliance and price discipline, it is positive, if in the twenty-second year we identified . almost such violations were observed in a quarter of the objects inspected; last year , only 12% of business entities subject to control and analytical measures committed such violations; this positive trend continues in current year. this is already the third joint program of action to stabilize prices; a set of measures taken in our country allows us to keep inflation under control, as at the end of last year it was less than 6%. at the same time, in belarus, the rise in prices was one of the most...
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years of excommunication from international competitions , he lost his coaching flair a little, so the specialist cannot predict the results of the belarusian kayakers at the qualifying round. by the way, in segid, the mentor said this in an interview with the arena program before the team leaves for hungary, where licenses for the paris olympic games will be selected from may 8 to 9. in total, eight of our crews will race, singles and doubles for men and women, both in canoe and kayak. absolute leaders marina letvinchuk and olga khudenko are missing from the visiting team. big report from the national team camp: today on the evening broadcast of belarus 1. they are admitted, they will not be punished for certain reasons.
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