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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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victoria azarenka, both will miss the first round.
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what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will work together as peace-loving states and peoples striving for common security. let's start everyone with themselves, so i want to reach hearts, so that it becomes better, everyone must become. it’s better here in belarus, belarus and china, without hesitation , points of view came, in belarus the day of national unity was established, strength is in unity, the belarusian path of development, it is real, humane, the future lies ahead of us, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus tv channel 2
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their path to your own happiness. incredibly interesting in its own way, complex, and this talent was given to me at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me, because that’s how it was, i made my first work, i made it by accident, i felt that i wanted more . each story
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is a motivation to change your life for the better. the old coaches played a big role in our development. as individuals as people, just as i would like, i would like to continue the business that they once started, thanks to the difficulties that i had in life, i achieved what i have now, life experience doesn’t matter you can’t spend money, you all need to live it, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel, for a moment you want to stop running , see how it’s raining, move the sun, the sun is shining, and how our life is built from all these little things, i want to look at this world is different every day to discover something new, that’s how it is for us
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interesting because we do it with love, with love from belarus. how can this seem strange to unchurched people who do not know the monastic order and monastic life, that this is some kind of primitive, boring life, wretched, but in fact no one would live a day here without grace, without the help of god, you have not experienced in the world such joy, such satisfaction as you experience in the monastery, believe me... i have something to compare with, so, as they say, before the monastery i was interested in various sections, except for ballet, despite the fact that my profession was, as it were, already chosen for me, choreography, i always strived for some kind of perfection,
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i always found time to read this small, short prayer: “lord, guide my feet on the true path ". after i received my diploma, a pilgrimage to kiev took place, and of course, it is impossible to convey those emotions when we first entered the territory of the kiev pechersk lavra. this was the first such acquaintance with shrines, there are a lot of ancient monasteries, of course, one of them was kiev-pokrovsky monastery. a novice came out to meet us, who paid us a lot of... a lot of attention and we wanted to stay for obedience and it became very interesting that on the same planet, where everything seemed to me to be known and habitually understandable, there was a completely different world, a world in the world , let’s just say, i got carried away and stayed and
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didn’t even go for things. i arrived in bobruisk in 1920 at the end of august, we met with my mother... she was already sick, the lord took her literally 40 days after my arrival. when i looked archival photographs, without a shudder, without tears, it is impossible to describe it all, where she came, sometimes she did incredible things that even a strong man could not accomplish, we are trying our best to continue the great work she started, so that... she wasn’t ashamed of us there, sir. mother learned that there once was a noble military cathedral in honor of the blessed prince alexander nevsky. this is 1934, that is, before the war,
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during these years it was blown up, only fragments of the foundation were preserved. cathedral in its own time was located on the large cathedral square, i came here. alexander ii, emperor nicholas i nicholas ii , the house in which they stayed has survived to this day; this place has a great future ; that’s the feeling when i was there. protectors of all people who seek salvation. in general, everything with god is so amazing, and we ourselves
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don’t know why it was on our, well, let’s say, fragile female shoulders that such heavy construction, such a long-term construction, fell. we hope that with god’s help we will succeed, and the temple will become an adornment not only of the church, but throughout our country. fortress territory. unfortunately, not all of it is used and some, alas, are destroyed, so of course it’s great that the temple has been restored, and after internal work, it can really become another such object, not only for religious buildings, yes, but also for tourism objects, for sure, which the monasteries of st. john the myrrh-bearer already partially are in our time. the name of the monastery in honor of the holy myrrh-bearing women carries out such a special
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service, the myrrh-bearing wives, they accompanied during his earthly life, the lord was not afraid of anyone, neither tormentors nor persecutors, they brought the light of christ, preaching, the gospel, the word of god into this world. following the example of the myrrh-bearing saints, we try to carry out our mission as an educational mission. in general, a monastery is also a family, yes, only a spiritual family, consisting of nuns,
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nuns, novices, laborers who came by god’s providence, we eat together, carry out various obediences, pray, we also have time for solitary, keel prayer, there are times when we get together for spiritual reading, for needlework, i was taught... embroiderers to make these beautiful church bookmarks, a button secures the ribbons, you get this elegant decor, we try to teach this to the sisters entering the monastery, that is , this is how it is embroidered, then stretched on the basis, ordinary everyday needs that people have in the world, yes, that is , some economic needs, we carry all this in the monastery. only we have one common idea: the salvation of the soul, the acquisition of
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the kingdom of heaven. why do you think we draw this, a cross, yes, a cross, it is like a banner of our victory, a banner of our faith. we must not lose the younger generation. this whole complex of ours, the holy myrrh-bearing women, the monastery, the alexander nevsky cathedral, all the other churches that are planned here, in general, it will be a very beautiful spiritual complex, where... i think that over time they will come from other countries, this will be a place of such great pilgrimage, sometimes a person has nowhere to go, yes, that is, he does not find solace anywhere, so i would really like for our monastery to have a pilgrim’s house, where any athletes, artists, that is, people with different professions could come, who, well, somewhere have received maybe... some kind of injury or they are at some crossroads so that they can calm down, pray, to look at life
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somehow more spiritually, even at the problem they were faced with, so that the monastery was arranged like heaven on earth, such a small piece of paradise, i would like there to be a fountain here, and some beautiful ponds, even though we wear black, but so that our buildings, they are beautiful colors, yellow, white, pink, green, so that they carry positivity, so that you want to be here and come and come again. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have
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access to watch our tv channel’s projects, such as generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team.
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belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we... a wreath in honor of victory day was laid from the belarusian embassy at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow.
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the ceremony was attended by state secretary of the union state dmitry mezintsev. representatives of integration structures of the belarusian diaspora, diplomats, public and political figures, participants also laid flowers at the memorial signs of the hero city of minsk and the brez hero fortress, installed next to the eternal flame on alley of cities of heroes in the alexander garden. the ceremony ended with the solemn march of the honor guard company. the vast majority of russians and belarusians understand the need to protect historical truth, when macron calls either for troops to send to the french republic, or instructors, or scares, but most importantly, whatever the rhetoric, it is there, it is the rhetoric of threat and disagreement with our
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just struggle, those politicians were people who lived through the tragedy of world war ii. and deeply understood through examples of their loved ones, through their own experiences, the scale of the threat of danger to the world, and these politicians, high on the party tribunes, as part of the rotation of party lists with their arrival in parliament, they grew up in the comfort for whom the war is in crooked textbooks, where it is written that the united states of america won a victory over fascism, so for them the reality of threats and challenges is, of course, downplayed; it would come sooner.
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and what’s most interesting is that the guys are determined not only to participate in combat activities, which is also very important, but in search,
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patriotic events, visits to memorable places, all this comprehensive work allows us to say that we are doing the right thing and raising worthy youth. in total , there are 37 military-patriotic clubs in minsk, more than 1 thousand schoolchildren participate in them. heading towards africa and beyond. a number of projects are being considered to export medical services from belarus, trade and economic relations are developing, and attracting investment in the pharmaceutical industry. in the field of mechanical engineering , modern assemblies and the opening of dealerships are discussed centers. to have an enterprise here that will be oriented not only to the egyptian market, but to the african market.
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they plan to invest almost 100 million rubles in new technological equipment, this is 30% more than last year, the fleet of equipment is being updated and modernized,
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so the famous eighty-second model will create even more comfortable conditions for the driver, change the appearance of the car, a new seventh series and belarus 742, a machine primarily for work in cramped conditions for operation in farm warehouses, the equipment can also be used for communal use in rural areas. economic, plans for this year to sell more than 36,000 units of equipment at the minsk tractor site. a new fire and rescue unit, one of the largest in the region, has opened in grodno. it is located in the grandice microdistrict and has become a guarantor of security for almost 80 thousand residents of the area under construction and adjacent rural settlements. every day , 13 people armed with modern fire and rescue equipment will be on combat duty in the unit. a 32 m high ladder truck, several tank trucks and other equipment needed to work in emergency situations, including a motor boat. employees will also be involved in
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special operations to rescue people on the water. the building itself was erected taking into account the extensive experience of existing fire departments in the regional center. the layout of the premises has been changed so that on-call visits can be organized as quickly as possible, and all the nuances have been thought out so that employees can work. as comfortable as possible. in belarus a new season of the charitable initiative for the restoration of shrines in belarus has started. the first point on the map of good deeds is the church of the holy life-giving trinity in the borisov region. young families from every district of the minsk region came to help with landscaping and putting things in order. volunteers removed garbage, landscaped the area adjacent to the temple, and also planted tui alley. a digital star also appeared at the temple. plate with qr code. the church has become part of the in-between. national historical project, which was created to search for monuments of the great patriotic war. everything you wanted to know
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about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyasoslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, i will celebrate it. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to him. temples in the exaltation of the cross cathedral of the monastery there is a copy of the very cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important... the shrines
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of the monastery are its relics, we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on tv channel belarus 24. conventionally, in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have our need for jobs , our land, we negotiate everything well. then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but not necessarily in the head. they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile. you cannot leave european markets. the polish authorities are, of course, our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility. they can be so different that two, in fact, warring countries can easily do business with each other, then they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best thing a leader can give for a country and its people. balance is the golden mean,
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at opposite ends, like... propaganda, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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they held a book in their hands, leafed through page after page, greedily devouring every word. of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books; man survives through the centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present.
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belarus 24, this is belarus, the main one on the belros tv channel, in the studio of veronica abuto, hello, restoration, development and human interests, the belarusian way, which has proven its effectiveness in practice.
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i appeal to young people, i appeal to them that they need to take care of all this, be proud, be patriots and then everything will be fine with us. why today i have to defend the heroic feat of the soviet people, a people who do not know their history, and the vision of it in a distorted, falsified form, this is ignorance of real history, it has no future, if god forbid, these attempts of the west will be crowned with success, although i i am sure that they will not succeed, then just...
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restoration, development and human interests. every spring, the path of the president of belarus lies to the southeast. alexander lukashenko traditionally visits the regions affected by the chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. this time in along the kostyukoviche route, the focus is on land development. rescue and revival of affected areas is one of the main projects of sovereign belarus. national efforts to overcome the consequences of the chernobyl disaster. successfully complement the union programs of belarus and russia ; the first was adopted in 1998. in communicating with residents , the kostyukovichs talked about a variety of topics: compliance with technology, how to sow and how to harvest, energy sovereignty,
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touched upon the future of nuclear energy and even sports: should belarusian athletes go to the olympics in a neutral status. details of the president's working trip to the mogilev region, the main topic of the program. the chernobyl disaster turned out to be a test of resilience; its consequences affected many european countries, but belarus suffered the most. there were 3,678 settlements in the contaminated zone, in which over 2 people lived
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. in the april days, the business route of the belarusian leader has been traditional for many years. the life of people in the affected areas is the restoration of land, all these years under personal control of the head of state. today people live in their native lands, think about the future, and this costs a lot. in kostyukovichi they also returned to normal life. well, is it summer here? the south east, mogilev region program, how did you implement it? prograstok works in the mogilev region, today. almost 230 enterprises 3 billion more, a little less money invested and 3,000 people employed, this program worked, from the helipad immediately into the field, thousands of hectares of land were forced after the chernobyl accident
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were extracted from agricultural production. today, after strict technological processing , high-quality products are obtained here. the operational task for farmers throughout the country is to sow everything before may 9th. here in the fields, alexander lukashenko looks at the equipment. but sometimes you have to count money and you can’t launch this equipment everywhere, so there must be a maneuver here, but we have equipment for removing stones, we have it, we have it, we have it, it’s even 40% cheaper than what is produced in poland, the machine
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is not inferior to absolutely no parameters, it is even partially superior in some respects, 5.2 the working width, it removes stones from the surface of the field up to 100 mm, it is buried, well , here are the stones, yes, yes, yes, now we... you specifically sketched it, i see it in front, to see if it will be collected or not, of course, good afternoon, are you working on it or were they just shown it to you, well, we are working on it, we tried it, and what can you say, they collect it, a good machine, a good one, collects stones, and collects stones, that is, after you , there is no need to let people in, but well, large stones when the sky the big thing is already collected; the little thing is the bigger one. more than 300 mm it is difficult, say yes, but up to 300 can be taken to the edge of the field, can be loaded into a trailer, the unloading height is 2.3 m, it rises and unloads itself, you don’t need anything, you can show it now, of course, let’s have a productivity of up to 3 hectares, that
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is, depending from the density of the stones, 3 hectares, now it will slowly go down to 100 mm , collect everything in a bunker, unload it, please, level the soil, that’s perfect.


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