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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:40pm MSK

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luftwaf research on aviation medicine hubertus struckhelt never lost contacts among the scientific community in the west. at the end of the war, the us air force quickly found him and transported him to texas. there he became the founder of american space medicine. and this is thedor zobbel. he was accused of conducting experiments on people in a french laboratory. this is otto ambros. during the war, he made the decision to poison people in gas chambers in concentration camps. nazi scientists worked in...
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pre-dead-end strategies. can be assembled a whole galaxy of scientists in the aviation industry, starting from kurt tank, willy, messeride and continues with other people who were not just chief designers, but were involved in specific things, these are gliders, structure engines, and so on. surprisingly, the us authorities still deny that they hired nazis, even though a scandal broke out in the city of san antonio several years ago. aviation medicine library. for several decades it bore the name of hubertus struhald. during the war he conducted medical experiments over prisoners of the dachau concentration camp. people who worked for the nazi regime later received pentagon awards from the american institute of aeronautics and astronautics. their names are inscribed in the astronaut hall of fame. hitler's military doctor hubertus struckhald was called the father of american space medicine. a special award was named after him. and the military medical
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library, he underwent special checks by the us authorities three times, but only after his death did data begin to emerge about struckheld’s participation in the nazi experiments on living people, including children with epilepsy. they achieved progress with someone else's mind and someone else's blood. after this, the current policy of the white house seems quite predictable. benefit from the misfortune of others. this is the line the united states has chosen throughout history: to fish in troubled waters. water, even when we ourselves have to stir it up, if nazism was patronized even for selfish purposes, and yet in europe it was also kept reverently, one should not be surprised at what is happening today in western boundaries. it is possible that other members of the governments of european countries, especially the baltics, carefully hide their roots from the public. but if you dig around there, you will probably find a lot of interesting things. so, in almost every country that is now on the list of unfriendly ones.
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the collective west carefully protected our enemies, raged them, raised them, all only to send them against us again at the decisive moment. while some lay in mass graves, holocaust perpetrators built careers and raised children. there are even monuments in their honor, they are not touched today. the canadian parliament applauds the nazis, and requests from belarus for legal assistance in exposing the atrocities of the fascists are studiously ignored. more than a hundred requests remain unanswered. and the lithuanians and latshi are completely in favor... that the implementation of appeals goes against their national interests. not a single request of ours has been fulfilled by lithuania, latvia, great britain, the usa, canada, or australia. the masks were dropped, nazism was not defeated, many punishers and executioners fled abroad, to the usa, canada, and latin america. they live in europe in the baltics, where the ss men march. in 2015, a social security administration report was published, prepared at the request of the house of representatives. us congress.
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according to it, 133 people who were accused of crimes committed during the second world war and lived in the united states between 1962 and 2015 received more than $20 million in various social payments from the american government, only a quarter went to those who was eventually deported. moral criteria there is, of course, no such policy, and where would they come from if it were holy? democracy itself draws a red line, today it is so, but tomorrow it may be different if it is beneficial and convenient for us. more examples in the next issue, a few more monstrous tricks with history and its vile criminals. happily.
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the lithuanian authorities have set conditions for the osce office for democratic institutions and human rights. there should be no observers from belarus and russia during the ongoing presidential elections in lithuania. imagine, such a selective transparency, and small lithuania can dictate to the osce who, with which passport, will be allowed to monitor the progress and legitimacy of their democratic elections. we provided a platform for lithuanian presidential candidates. what is happening in lithuania, what do the candidates think about the leader of the race, the current president in used. and also for... cleaning before the fight. the lithuanian government is preparing the population for the war for the greatness of america. interviews with presidential candidates are exclusively in russian.
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the presidential elections in lithuania will be held on may 12, the second round is expected in 2 weeks, unless one of the candidates receives an absolute majority. the race continues with eight candidates, current president gitanas nausėda, prime minister ingrida simonytė, ex-deputy secretary general of nato giedrimas jaglinskas, former adviser to the minister of health eduard svaitkus. four more candidates dropped out of the race before reaching the 20,000 signature threshold. hello arunas, i thank you in advance for this interview. thank you for allowing me to speak, but i apologize for having already forgotten a little russian
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. i don't see any problems with your russian. for first, please tell us about yourself, why did you decide to nominate your candidacy for the presidency of lithuania? well, i’ll start with... arunas rimkus, ex-candidate for the presidency of lithuania, self-nominated candidate, age 61, psychiatrist of the republican siauliai hospital, former member of the shauliai city municipal council, youtuber dropped out of the presidential race after failing to collect
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the required 20 thousand signatures. it’s good if we evaluate the policies of the current president of lithuania, getanos nouseda, and the current government of ingrida simonyte. you and yours point of view, do you see any shortcomings? well , if i saw that they were doing everything well , i liked everything, i would not have taken this step. it’s precisely because i really don’t like what the president and our government are doing, well, i’m bigger and there’s more of me. as i said, how can we become richer, wealthier, and that’s all, and as i see the actions of the government, they are doing a lot of such enterprises that reduce the wealth of the people
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of lithuania, but usida has been leading lithuania for almost 5 years, have those hopes come true? placed on him by his electorate? well, when he became... president, he is an economist by training, well, you know, i thought that i hoped that he, as an economist, would act according to his knowledge and make proposals, he can say that, well, how did he become president at the expense of that he promised a lot to people, older people, that they would be better off, well, let’s say, a populist, yeah, that’s what he can do, he speaks populistically, but in order to do things so that these people would be better off, indeed, this did not happen, ok, arunas, lithuania is considered a free country and
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democratic, isn’t this populism, is it possible to say publicly what you think, without fear to your country, frankly, is there censorship in lithuania? it’s just that, self-censorship, i think, well, as i dictate, direct us. that not everything is said well, not everything can be said, well, not every word can be said, well, i’ll say about myself, let’s say, so frankly that in medicine there are also things that are not very good, but i ’ll think so, but why should i talk?
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self-censorship, yes, yes, but what would you change, in words everyone should adhere to a certain if they became president, what problem points did the current government miss, for example, is medicine accessible and what is the standard of living of lithuanians? well, this is a painful topic, i would like to say, before the covid period in lithuania, i think it was...
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during lithuanian independence there was a significant outflow of the population, you lost more than a million people, for such a small
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country this is a significant figure of a third, because a lot of people left, of course abroad, the working-age population and many more old people remain, of course, this problem exists, no one can escape from it, you have achieved independence, but the young people have left, and the old people have left.
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depending on the authorities, i think there were, there were many more smart people than now in dictatorships, in
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countries with dictatorships, there are, there are advantages, of course, since in the west, in democracies there are a lot of disadvantages, in which case, why democratic lithuania a dictatorship can learn from this; in a dictatorship there is such a thing that if the ruler is smart. a good one will come up with something about the country, then the country will be even better than in a democracy, maybe, but that’s only when this ruler lives if he changes...
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dectature and democracy are not about terms from a political science textbook, an absolute ideology, and a media one, according to the principle of divide and rule, two opposite poles - west and east. on the one hand, democracy, and that’s what the countries of the western nato coalition call themselves, on the other, dictatorships in the east, that’s what they slander us, russia, iran and china. western democracy is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but the predator lives by eating others: by shooting, napalm explosions on the civilian population. this is vietnam, 1972. america decided to bring democracy there. a girl, her
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body was burned 60% from the bomb democracy. total 6,727. also yugoslavia, where the united states and the coalition came to fight the dictatorship, dropping bombs on the maternity hospital. afghanistan, libya, egypt, iraq, syria. africa, rich in resources, but poor for the most part, knows about this, because america took everything for next to nothing. colonial democracy printing press works wonders. invest a dollar in a dozen trained puppet politicians. they themselves will give up both resources and land, this is a democracy of slave owners, capital and oligarchs, they themselves order terms from ideologists, and then carry out a supposed peacekeeping mission to eliminate the so -called countries of dictators and install puppet democracy there, here in these countries the authorities no longer dictate, but mumble, give and give, this is a disaster, a disaster for the state and for
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people, but not for the usa, their puppet politicians, where relations are built like ... to whose music lithuania dances, what america means more in lithuania and what proposals are being hatched for the suwalki corridor, in the next episode he will tell us about this ex-deputy
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they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i
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work for such a company that does it on purpose. getting acquainted with belarusian enterprises and
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the outstanding results of their work, the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities, our equipment today is actually very reliable for... everyone, we have one hundred percent control in order for these products to comply technically, the approach to business that should be strived for regulatory legal acts, corresponded to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals. watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. in principle , everything is degrading today, diplomacy, when
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a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats in turn incite war, they are the main ones hawks. the same concerns their politics, their economy. what's the matter with the west now? more fatal, if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory. this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, meanness, cooperate with the devil and the devil just to win.
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and winter, like smoke, disappeared, greener than the krall meadow, like hell, our native land was filled with pain.
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how did participating in the show change your life? i i told myself. trinity, that means you’re going for the third time, look, you stormed factor byy more actively than the conservatory, we suspect that you didn’t like the milk tanker, accordion and timpachin, i don’t like this word, i don’t know why, authors are performers, and i was one of them it’s like a little bit of despair, i would like to sing completely different songs, no, you think that you are better than winning, what a star, the stars in the sky, i’m not a star, i just sing, i remember in one interview they said that when you sing wings grow up, it's just you don’t leave,
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hello, you’re watching the program say don’t be silent, in the studio victoria popova and... and today our guest, finalist of the factor bay 60+ project, veronika melnitskaya. good afternoon, we've come a long way. they came to us today, but first wrote a letter saying that you have something to tell our viewers and this is for sure, because after all, you have 39 years of work experience behind you. where do we start? veronica? and in 1981, last century, it turns out i finished. minsk pedagogical institute, music and pedagogical faculty, in my the diploma said “singing music teacher, ” but i’ll preface my conversation a little with
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what i had to do. after music school in seventy-seven , not to the minsk pedagogical institute, to the conservatory, because my teacher, my beloved, kolesnikov, vyacheslav mironovich, he insisted that i had to go to the conservatory, but since i really loved to sing, i was just crazy with childhood, so i was even glad for the fact that i was not accepted into the conservatory, i passed the first specialty exam, it turned out that i was a little the technical part, that is, in the speed of running to...
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what kind of blessing do you mean, most importantly, the weather in the house, everything else, there is me and you, everything that is easy to see, with the help of the manager, is me and you, syu. which is also easy
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to resolve with the help of a zonk. has participating in the show changed your life in any way? participating in the show, of course, my life began to change little by little. i really love performing with the accordion, i have a lot of my own songs, so i dream of being shown on tv somewhere when i play the accordion. accordion and sing my songs. therefore, well, i changed in what way, so that they began to pay more attention to me. this is a little bit for me, well, somehow i, well, i don’t want such attention, but since even strangers who live in my area or who once saw me somewhere at some concert come up to me on the street, or it’s just that even the neighbors live behind the wall and come up to me, we saw you, but it’s so nice, my soul is filled with happiness, and i ask, did you like it, i didn’t disgrace anyone, the city of torysha, everything is fine, they said, great , that is, it seems to me that even they say more
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kind words than i deserve. for some reason i also didn’t get in, although i really hoped, and i told myself, so, verunka, that means god loves the trinity, that means you’re going for the third time, and no one pushed me, i found the information myself on the internet, i sent a video, that means my video with my performance, i waited a very long time for an answer and i think, well, again i probably won’t get in, i think that means i’ll be fourth, suddenly they call me and say, come to a meeting with the producer, look, you stormed factorby
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more active than the canner
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zaslonovka, it’s 7 km from orsha, and you rode a milk truck twice a week to a music
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school, yes, that is, we suspect that you didn’t like the milk truck, and even more so the accordion, that’s how it was, i want to tell you, you know that, not only are the photographs wonderful, not only on the milk truck, but my dad was in charge. and sometimes, when the milk truck, or there was no gasoline, or he had already left, we overslept, or i needed a second shift, here is my beloved daddy, daddy insisted that the girl study, yes, he took me on a horse, here he is he sat down like this, especially when it was winter, he bundled me up in tula and took me, wait, but there was a milk tanker, and a milk tanker too, i say that not only on a milk tanker, but also even on a horse, and why a milk tanker, who has you they took it, now i’ll explain, the point is that it means a car every day. i had to carry milk to hand over, which means, like from a state farm , forget it, i had to hand over to a dairy plant, so he had an order and there was a free place, warm in a warm cabin, so i got out of bed from a warm one they took it out, they gave me
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something to drink, i still remember, girls, i guess it’s still true that there are owls, there are larks, it’s nothing, i struggle with this for so long, i can’t overcome it until now, i’m no good in the morning, that is, i have no energy. no reluctance, but in the evening, especially at night, something appears in me, it’s as if some kind of double force comes out of me, i can redo a lot of things that i didn’t do during the day, i’ve had this since childhood , so of course, now in my mind i’m already more like this, well, it was long, then it was short, when i was little, i am incredibly grateful to my dad for all my children, that’s who i worked with at the music school or college i always say: listen to your parents, they won’t give you bad advice, and even do what they tell you : your parents, because if only dad, mom would be softer towards me, but dad is very firm, you should play, you worked out today, no, go with a twig , he’ll threaten me like that, well, really, dad never hit me, but i remember the girls i was standing in the corner on my knees on buckwheat, well, dad was just for fun,
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apparently i was a very smart child, you are such a sparkler, it seems to me that you remain so, why because we have a video from our favorite show factor buy 60+ , in fact, here is your playing the accordion. they really play, beauty, well done, in fact, the viewers in the comments were curious and wrote that he plays divinely, everyone really likes the way you control the instrument, a few months later... literally in march you went to a show in russia and glorified factor bai 60+ for an audience of millions, indeed, let's see how you coped with the tools there, the wheels dictate the carriage, because
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it's funny to see you, my phone numbers are scattered. there the heart starts, the heart gets excited, which is why it worships gru, wonderful, wonderful, and what i liked is that the buy factor sticker remained on the instrument, the thing is, i think that i already have a historical cardeon, because here it is me, i’ll tell you now, from what year, daddy bought it for me, this is... the second accordion that daddy bought me in a thousand, on the eve of my when i entered the institute in 19007, i entered the namusped institute, which means i had a good german accordion, which i worked with at the music school for 4
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years, but my dad was told that if you want your daughter to study well at the institute, you need to buy even better, but nevertheless he promised you a bicycle all the way, but gave you an accordion. the fact is that even my sons tell me: mom, you too are just as your grandfather promised us, finish school there without c grades, we will buy you scooters there, they then wanted bicycles and didn’t buy anything, i say, children, well, this is who we are...
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saxophone, saxophone, childhood years, sweet dream, cast a spell, sigh, old blues, you played for me, before the thirteenth year, recording, 2013 , a record from the thirteenth year, you remain so faithful, and hope for the club. and you continue to work there, the fact is that
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at that time there was no nadya’s club, nadya’s club, a magnificent family club, i will now make one, which means a low bow, a nod to this club, or rather to the people who work there, it happened that way my life, that for some time i didn’t work in retirement, then a place became available, that is, a musician was urgently needed as an accompanist, we have such a andreevchensk library club, it’s actually within our orsha, it’s very easy to get there. i never thought that the people i tell everyone, this is honest, this is sincere, have nothing to do with music at all, they are not musicians, they have such gorgeous voices, they have such, you know, each has their own individual voice , and even i...
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i'm sure that we saw the recording thirteenth year, 11 years have passed, and you haven’t changed at all, you’re in the same amazing shape, you’re wearing the same spectacular dress, well , it’s as if in front of us is still the same girl you’re talking about from the village, screener, but i also wanted i would like to remember that the author’s song also played a big role in your life, there was, i don’t know if there is such a festival in vitebsk, vitebsk leaf fall, where we had the opportunity to hear from all over the country. authors, performers, including your
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team. let's get a look. trio 2+1, city orsha, pattern, fingers weave into the grid.
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and the melody turns out to be the so-called bards, i don’t like this word, i don’t know why,
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the authors are the performers, and i was among them like a little bit of a breakaway, because i only composed music, so i love poetry, i understand, i like it and.. we had some guys who said, don’t change it, so a person read a poem, not a single word from me, correct it a little, because it’s impossible, if this word comes to a person, let this word remain, that is, we carefully. treated each other, it’s a pity that all this remained in the past, because it so happened that our team existed for only 5 years, our club, there were a
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lot of festivals, for example, the acting festival of the old city in vitebsk, it all took place in vitebsk, in borsha we had several festivals called... borisfen, and what is borisfen? you know, borisfen was called that at the time when the way of the rogue to the greeks passed through orsha, this is the dnieper river, that’s what it was called, brisfin, and we brought brisfin to us in orsha people came from mogilev, from vitebsk, from minsk, one person came, now i don’t remember his last name, it’s a shame, but i forgot, he said, guys, this is crazy, we don’t have a single author’s club in the capital of minsk, all this somehow scattered, like...
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we are connected, their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting in its own way, complex, and this talent was given to me at 40. and i say that it was given to me, because that’s how it was , i made my first work, i made it by accident, i felt that i wanted more. every story - this is motivation to change your life for the better. the old old coaches
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played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, just as i would like, i would like to continue... the business that they once started, thanks to the difficulties that i had in life, i have achieved what i have now, life experience, you won’t get anywhere anyway, you need to live it, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel, childish curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty, sincere emotions of the heroes. hello everyone, exactly in a minute a hero will come out to us, who is the answer... to everything, are you ready to meet our hero, why do you think the children chose you to talk? i hope i can answer their questions, a talk show in which famous people answer... tough questions from the younger generation: how are you different at work from yourself at home? well
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, it seems to me solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some grymza into a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere or a kitty everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative, pity is not the same as sympathizing, pity is a feeling, it is a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel . the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air again. and today our guest is the finalist of the factor byy 60+ project veronika melnitskaya. veronica anatolyevna, we know that you have your own
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system of how to stay healthy without pills, can you tell us about them? so, where to start? so, firstly, every time i repeat the same phrase, like a spell. the fact is that it all starts from childhood. and i when i remembered why, i have such a desire to maintain health without using any drugs or medications. it turns out i remembered. my mother, who is still alive today, thank you, god, she lives, lives in kokhanovo, how old is she, i hope that we will live to see 94, august 3rd, mommy, a big hello to you, a big hello, thank you for such charming daughters and son, there are four of you, yes mother, yes, there are four in the family and my mother i always saw, she was making tea, she was reading recipes from magazines somewhere folk, then she gave me some exercises on... something printed on such pieces of paper, i just didn’t realize it then, well, child and child, dad gives a pill or a doctor gives a pill, dad
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gives me a veterinarian, so he treated, well, not like an animal, but he knew about pills, he always treated me, he was such a good fellow, of course, and my mother somehow tried to do everything in such folk ways and even rinse my nose, my mother taught me, i i had chronic tensitis and i got rid of it with since then i have been rinsing my nose with cool water. i never have a sore throat, i never have a runny nose, everything came to me from my mother, and then, when i realized how great it was, that you didn’t have to get sick, that you didn’t have to go to clinics, hospitals, i began to take an interest myself, and honestly i confess to you, i really like oriental medicine, i learned how to do acupressure, i realized that self-massage is the very first assistant in health, that is, i started reading a lot of literature, i’ve been reading georgy sytin’s sentiments for about 20 years now. he is a very interesting person unfortunately, he also died at an old age, well, in general, i just made a conclusion for myself, so as not to be a burden,
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old age will come anyway, infirmity will come, i see that i have people around me who complain about what they have there mother-in-law, mother-in-law or mom or dad, how hard it is with them, how they scream, how they don’t let you sleep at night, and i think to myself, my god, don’t let this happen, so i said, everything is in your hands, and i i do... i find some exercises on the internet, in old textbooks, that is, i i do what i can do, in as much quantity as i can, even with the help of some exercises you can lower your blood pressure, and that is, it then eventually recovers, and i’m very glad that i still don’t take pills , everyone, how smart you are, veronika anatolyevna, i can just envy you, maybe you can just learn from me, learn too, let’s see how you rock, the system works, the audience will just see what you ’re doing on stage, okay, let’s see. now the ships are lying, broken, the chests are standing, open, chips and rubies,
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showered with rain, you agree with the rich, i agree, i agree, stay, boy, with us, you will be our king, you will be our king, can i say, i found such a word, i am incredibly grateful to tanya trukhan , who
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did vocals with me in this project, and i want to say, even though i was unhappy.
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no, well, you think that you are better than the winner, i don’t think that i’m better, i think that these are the eight people who were there, they are all worthy, i would even do this if i were the producer, eight people came out in a finale, a super finale is not needed, and after all, everyone has their own style, their own attitude to the song, some to folk, some to jazz, some, well, this competition should be won, i understand, but it’s more like i’m generally opposed to children’s
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professional sports competitions, yes, but how can we evaluate a song, all of us? we are all different, each person is a universe, so i, well, of course, i would like to ask there, there is no need to show off, this is not the main thing, participation, the main thing is always victory, no, but no, but it’s very important to me what i did on this competition, who i met, what wonderful people, the backup dancer for me in general, i was just completely out of touch with the backup dancer, and what did you learn during the competition, there was something that you couldn’t do, but now i can, that i learned ? i guess maybe i haven’t fully learned yet, i never thought that when i sing on stage, there’s excitement, my voice trembles a little, i didn’t feel it when i sang, everything seemed so good to me , i see there is something to work on, that is, i need to work on my breathing, because i used to, well, or zakrdion, i don’t run, i stand or sit, it’s necessary, when there are such moving songs, you need, you need to develop your respiratory system, i have breathing exercises, but what i’ve learned, probably, well, i don’t i know, you know, i really
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like communication, i met such people, that’s it... but does your family treat you differently now, tell me, after you’ve already become a star? well, i don’t like the word star, as one person, the grandson of a child, said, what a star, stars on in the sky, i’m not a star, i’m just singing, so am i, here are my sisters, i’m the eldest, i look like a mother here among them, why not, on the contrary, i really like this photo, you look like a people’s artist, well, this to me. i don’t know, i probably haven’t learned anything, it seems to me that there’s something i can already learn, but at least now i know what it’s like to act in a tv studio, exactly, we filmed a belarusian film, such a precious experience, i’m so i probably won’t get it anywhere, but god grant that i get further, i haven’t had such experience before received, so i’m just delighted and
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i can’t even find some kind of russian word to express my... video, let’s watch, okay, i’ll sing for you, although you don’t deserve it, thank you, an eternal film, and this is i showed up, maybe i’m wrong, so that i even listened to the words, and i didn’t answer anything, i was exhausted and silent, but
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this... apparently games, they are known to be old, and the fact that you’ve gone crazy, i’m sorry and very, well ... it’s great, the film was directed by my son, my youngest zhenya, he’s great, he has a very, very cool sense of humor, i watched all the films him about you, and that’s great, he’s great, but i also wanted to remind our viewers that you were at the pedagogical institute, where we started, and there you wrote a scientific work “light and serious music in the aesthetic education of schoolchildren”, she, this work, why do you want to dwell on it, it took first place in the republican scientific competition. well, i’m wondering, you probably remember your main theses, are they relevant today or not? i think that they will always be relevant, because they were talking about how to teach children not to succumb to western
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influence, all this is rock, music in its worst manifestations, by the way, i was on my way to see you here, i re-read it, i even brought it with me, and now i’m very upset, i don’t know for sure , do they study it now in our schools, in belarusian ones, i mean. i conducted research, that is, questionnaires, for a very long period, which means, from the first to the eighth grades, in the first school in the city of minsk, the first school, does it still
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exist or not, i would be interested in visiting it, we conducted research there , and it turned out so interestingly, the most dangerous age in relation to music, that is, they begin to love rough, some kind of harsh music, this is the fifth grade, the first from the first to the fourth grade, children love cheerful music. or sad, tchaikovsky, mozart, beethovin, i’ll even emphasize that the fifth glinka, and the older ones of course, love music, well, according to my claims, when the mood of protest turns on, i want, for some reason i feel class, and that’s how i remembered it, and i think i had a very good curator, probably everyone remembers him, this is vyacheslav mikhailovich chikulaev, and he was my supervisor, and he helped me, of course, and i... was very surprised when they announced that the first place in the republic, but the fact is that again, i didn’t think about places, i just it was so interesting, this passion for documents, i also have some kind of thing, it’s like it’s in my blood, i
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like to work, i love archives, i smell the archive, then these dates, why do i need it, i’m not against my pain, but me pulls me there, i like it, your nuk, as we remember, abandoned your music lessons in favor of logic and mathematics, sasha big. greetings from my grandmother, he is a very boy, of course, well , a big-headed guy, when he was little, i tried to give him children's tsumbaals, give him bells, bells, when he was a year or two old, he somehow perceived it normally, and then i i come to him with tsumbalas with such children’s ones, he says: grandma, you understand that you like to sing, this is for you, well, in other words, of course, but you understand that i’m not interested in this, i’m interested in mathematics, he still when now he will soon be 15 years old, that means he's become interested in computer science. but for some reason last year or two he began to get interested in theater, this makes me happy, it means that he also has some kind of creative streak, but what you say about archives is, of course, your passion and genealogy, we know that you are
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serious you relate to this topic and even plan to go to the archives in st. petersburg, but first, let’s see, this is how you made films about your mother, so about every member of the family, try to do it, zhenya did it, well done. you are probably familiar with these sounds, but you may not be used to hearing them, so for our dear beloved grandmother, zhenya drew all this, these are sounds that are familiar just from the cradle, so, meet our grandmother, our... mother, everyone’s respected and beloved ekaterina romanovna melnitskaya, maiden name gubanova, she is simply pathologically
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hard-working and i’m not used to sitting idle, the same ekaterina romanovna who taught you...
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during the great patriotic war, my grandmother died, my grandmother marfa efimovna, she died in 1947 at her workplace, that is, she worked as a janitor, well, something had to do with the roads, there were five children left, including my dad, when the meaning came to me from this, that they were just growing up, well, they were orphans with wounds, yes, but they weren’t sent to orphanages, because that my dad, that is, my grandmother, had eight sisters, they all looked after these guys, and that’s how it felt to me... it’s
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a shame, i think, why do i have only one grandmother and grandfather, second grandmother, i don’t have a grandfather, and i started doing it little by little, well, it’s too late, so this motivated me, maybe if i had grandparents from my father’s side, i wouldn’t have been doing this, but then my natural desire is to get to the bottom of some essence, some fact, i’m like that in everything , this may even bother me a little sometimes, i’m too corrosive, when i started studying for the last 5 years, i want to say that i found a lot in our...
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a message to my descendants, it will be mine, how to say it, not the message is like this, but what i will leave as a legacy, and we won’t be here for long let's take a break, after a short break, we'll return to this studio again, for now, subscribe to our telegram channel, say don't be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting. wow, luisti already speaks belarusian? certainly. marvelous. foreign students travel around belarus and study its history and explore its sights. the most valuable relic -
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it feeds from the sky, that is, blue, white, it seems to be in the air, very beautiful, here i am so i found out right away, of course, this is what i did today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, in 24 hours you can do a lot, in 7 days and even more, in our project: you
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will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened in a week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. look at ours. tv channel every friday evening. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the finalist of the factor byy 60+ project veronika melnitskaya. veronica anatolyevna, we know that you have two sons, tell us what they do? it so happened that
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my sons were born, so with an interval of 7 years. and this, of course, is the eldest son, born in eighty-third. born in 1990, and it always happened that the eldest son, of course, raised his older brother and raised his younger brother, and we then lived in our own house, and the older brother had to go to the pump for water, which means he was offended there, mom, when zhenya grows up, i can’t do that much, but the youngest son got to do it in quotes, he wore out the older one’s clothes, well, what time was it then? not very easy, the soviet union, well, by the way, my eldest son is already... seryozha, which means he went to work with his dad, and dad was a plumber then, thanks to this, he got such a good profession, by the way, we are in our family there is a saying that we have seryozha not just a plumber, but a glamorous plumber, why glamorous, because he is always
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cultured, polite, intelligent, in clean clothes, glasses, which is important, he has poor eyesight since childhood, so he is so very polite in his relationships with people, because many people told me about him. it didn’t work out, well, we still communicate, but still there is no longer a life together, so it turns out that dad passed on to his children, that is, mine, our children, which means the desire for artistic
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manifestations, this is zhenya, the desire is for good work, hard work and a love of chess, seryozha has already passed this on from his dad, it turns out. the children didn’t get anything from me, well, like the creative component of my youngest son, well, that’s understandable, but a little different, i remember that they studied at school, they had a school with a musical bias, that is, you could go either to a musical bias or to foreign languages, and mother, that is, i insisted that they definitely go, it was secondary school number eight in the city of orsha, so that they went, one went to the choir, the eldest, and the youngest, zhenya, went to play on the clarinet, and i was like that...
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here is also the community of my son zhenya savinov together with fyodor, here are his stories, and here are zhenya’s drawings, i think you will like it, because this is also creativity, which i think that you won’t have these books lying around in vain, and you will
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use them with all your heart, thank you very much, thank you for these gifts, thank you, 30 years ago you became a singer in the choir of st. michael’s church. for 30 years now, you have been singing there, in fact, in the church, i remember in one interview they said that when you sing, wings grow, this is true, but this is true, and maybe now i’ll even say not wings, others don’t share their impressions with me, but what do they feel when they sing in the temple, but the point is , that i probably have such a sensitive soul and skin, i perceive everything very much, i feel it very, very subtly, i have many times when i just... it happened that i get up, and some kind of column of energy passes through me it’s not exactly a chill running down the back from the top of your head, it’s just some kind of... energy running someone told me that this is correct, it is cosmic portals opening, because
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in fact, if you think about it, people come to church, are silent, pray, and very positive positive energy accumulates there, correctly called divine energy, so of course people approach icons and everything, all their warmth of soul, kindness, they don’t come angry, they don’t come to swear, to spit in the church, god forbid, it turns out that just any small church, a big one, it’s very prayerful, and why don’t you have you left? i don’t want to, well, condemn them, but i can’t understand, but these are apparently different people, so
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they left, left everything, the graves of their ancestors live here, they left and live there, and apparently they will be buried there, i ask , someday, tell me, you want to be buried in a foreign land, but your ancestors trampled this land, that is, in a good sense, walked on it, didn’t trample it, and you will stay there, she, but i don’t care, well, apparently there are such people, why is it so expensive, well, because everyone, everyone is all relatives, even, why orsha, because all of my father’s relatives are from orsha. dubrovishchina is all my grandmothers, grandfathers, on my father’s side, aunts and grandfathers, and all my mother’s relatives live in mogilev, so in principle, i even studied in mogiloy, because my mother’s relatives are there, i live in boshe because my father’s are here relatives, well, minsk is my favorite city, because i studied here, i believe that student years are the best years, it’s true, when i say, people don’t believe it, it’s true, it won’t be better years, these are the best the best years, and in recent years you noticed how ursha has changed, yes, and i’ll tell you , even when it changed, it changed, you know how... yes, when we had the dozhinkas, thank you very much, it’s a well-known thing when
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the dozhinki city is transformed, thank you very much to our president, our dad, because that in fact, even if there are shortcomings, but still a transformation is taking place, and when people walk along a dirty street, it’s one feeling, yes, and you want to spit and throw a piece of paper, when people walk, everything is clean, beautiful, and i even see that some are picking a piece of paper, they throw a trash can, i’ve never seen this before, that is why it’s great, god willing. so that it will continue to be like this, i haven’t been to orsha for a long time, but i know that the residents of this city themselves are very protective of his jealousy, and when you say, well, there’s a railway junction or there’s a prison in the capital, everyone says: no, we’ve got everything right now - to another, we already have a city there, yes, in fact, i want to say that we have few residents, by the way, i looked on the internet, in 2007 the data for this year 2017, we have only 117. there’s something there, yes, once upon a time i also these statistics. i looked in the eighties, somewhere before the nineties there were 130-odd thousand of us, that is
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, it turns out that the population is still declining, it’s very offensive, but i also want to say this, it’s still very important how society reacts to the way the city is being transformed, it very often happens in our country that some trees have been broken, they didn’t have time to replant ice there, there is no sand, we have hotlines, that ’s how people actively use it because they want order and caring and even nearby. they started to clean their house, it’s very i think this is very important. i think, veronika anatolyevna, in connection with the fame that has befallen you, you will now also receive many requests for help from city residents, because you are shown on tv, at least. well, tatyana and i are very grateful for your interview today, because we saw that there are no random people on our favorite, highest-rated show factor byy 60+, your whole life, of course, is certainly connected. with music, with singing, wherever you work, and we didn’t specify how you became a spinner
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cameraman daenia, but probably next time tell us these fascinating stories, you always sang anyway, your wonderful beautiful family makes such fascinating films, and i would also like to draw our attention to the audience that you yourself wrote and suggested a way of communication, you they said that they have something to tell about themselves, about their family, i think for you, instead of an extensive final word, i will sing my favorite song, which
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is called let's go, maybe outside, the music is my own. and fyodor wrote the poems vasko, member of my trio 2+1. so, let’s listen, but don’t run outside right away, please sing along with me. let's go, maybe outside, there, sadness has fallen into the clouds, there the sun is surprised. threatening someone i won’t come back, and it doesn’t seem true, and let the promised rains, let it all be the main thing, just don’t leave, and it doesn’t seem true, and let the promised rains, let it all be a thing, the main thing is, just you don’t
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leave. veronica anatolyevna, according to our old tradition of the program say, don’t be silent, we ask our guests to sign their wishes to leave, and i’ll say right away what i’ll write, tell me right away, i’ll write these words, with love and gratitude to all living people, i think it ’ll be good, i’ll try to fit it in, right.
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love and gratitude to all living things. 2024, april.
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10 weaving traditions are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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volodka, i love you, very much, well, everything, no matter what happens, be alive, okay, i promise, you need it in the life of a mistress.
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that i would have shot him with my own hands, he shot our women, children, maina. my congratulations baroness hon rickger everything will be good.
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thank you dear.
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“comrade instructor, the training route has been completed, allow me to report the results, report, we have established that we were being followed by two people, the first man, red-haired in a riveted cap, the second a young guy in a tall tunic, no insignia, i agree, that ’s right, i i don’t agree, tell me, according to my observations, four people were watching us, they are still watching, who?” “that couple in love doesn’t look at each other at all, and she’s holding the flowers like a broom, not very romantic, i’m talking about the other two now i don’t see, they change all the time,
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tall redheads are a distraction, you figured them out and relaxed, they are leading you, fidot’s test has been passed, and you better listen to matilda, she explains everything. comrade instructor, allow me to address you. “why did matilda genrikhovna tell you that we should communicate more with experienced people, that their
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advice is worth its weight in gold, something like that won’t be written in books, well, i thought, but you’re the best, you’ve done such tasks, maybe you can tell me teach me practice, because i’m doing great with theory.” as a student you’re getting busy, you really want to become a good intelligence officer, like a komsomol member, of course, she asked to become an intelligence officer herself, she wrote an application three times, she has a fiancé, she is a guardsman, she’s writing letters in belarus now. every week, do you want to become a good scout? i want, do you see the man? yes, lie with him,
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what do you not know what it is? that means i know, but come and make an agreement, there are not many people on the street, you can sit right in the park on a bench or in the...
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our stop, let's get out! you're done, stop, go, that's what, it's different for everyone, i have one, someone else, another look for a teacher, you'll be lucky.
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everything will be different, go, what did you call? the fifth group is returning to the mission, in about four hours they will be at the airfield, we need to meet them, there is a fifth group, it’s been a long time since they visited the road. 3 days ago, how is she doing? with varying degrees of success, as soon as he gets better and again the drip, then infection, then a complication, now the drip, no, now there’s a medical examination, it’s high time, let the doctors make a conclusion, if the problems are serious, the commissioner, if he called
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him, we have tasks. i think i'll make it to the hospital in front of the airport. hello, levs samoilovich, and hello, hello, we need to talk about wieliczka. i congratulate you. the citizen passed the medical examination with flying colors. and that she is completely healthy, even though she could bomb hitler or give birth to children. we fought for her for a long time, but she relapsed completely.
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“here you and i can talk, if you don’t mind, yes, thank you, well, i gave my office to therapists, i know a lot of patients, i understand, yes, what do you have, i was a trickster, she had a great time, because, well i know she had enough problems before, in general, life beat her, so good." what beat her? comrade captain, my dear, are you feeling bad? are the wives of academicians helping you? well, of course, this, this, this is good, isn’t it? yeah, so that’s what i want for you help, that’s what you need, for example, food. excuse me, i
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can get a lot, anything, canned food, american food, as much as you want, even a whole truck, you know, my last name is not rodschild, i can’t buy a truck. preserved, i understand, but it’s not necessary to buy. the germans will end soon anyway, right? maybe it’s not worth taking a big risk? i tried for my homeland, that is.
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he rides at home, and freedom is like the wind, if you want, you can stay at the intelligence school, as an instructor, or in the household department, he himself wrote a conclusion in front of me, he said that she’s healthy, you’re good at medicine, no, well then i’ll keep quiet, he the doctor, he knows best, well, it ’s rude for me to greet everything. did you pay him? you wanted freedom, here’s freedom for you, but you don’t have to shout at every corner that you’re healthy.
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i have permission, excuse me, girls, have you met? that's right, the only group left alive was yakul, i gave her half an hour to i put everything in order for you to report, okay, about the big car, in general, i talked to each other, it’s such a thing that here she is, comrade colonel, lieutenant of the little one, arrived for further service, and what about we’ll go and meet her, it hurts, well what, hello. oh, look, the hospital provides good food, exactly, first class, well, how is your health, excellent, here’s the doctor’s report, good, good, well, get settled, chat with the girls, eat, let me go, go,
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let me help you, velika. they were born in different parts of the world. i i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband, sergey, was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here. i was born in selinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was telinograd, then akmala, everyone found something here for... themselves, here is our favorite scene, our home, i can’t even say what it is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i came and declared, that is, what i want, that i want to have my own
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team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. every hero its own unique history and its own view of belarus. minsk has very... such good conditions for living with a family, especially with small children. i love belarus, i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness. watch on tv channel belarus 24. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader, a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership. signed in february an impressive package of documents, and these are not memorandums, agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion
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dollars. new products also help promote technology under the made in belarus brand, among which an unmanned tractor will soon appear. what is known about this? when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the security system. most of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments. interesting facts, look in the program events on
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thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel . i said, he’s commissioning, what are you doing, we’re saving you, what’s more, the intelligence officer didn’t conduct the initial collection of information, and that ’s pretty much it for everything. your new room, i’m getting the keys, yes i
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can go myself, hello, i’m fine, i’ve recovered, if you’re interested, of course, i wanted to say thank you for polotsk, if it weren’t for you, they would have told me your thanks, welcome back, thank you.


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