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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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against the backdrop of the current world agenda, do you really believe that this is possible, well, when you look around what is happening, i believe that it is possible, now by making this movie about the guys who find themselves there, this has become possible, which means that , what we are talking about, well, that is, i believe that everything is possible, but today’s youth, today’s and those who were 80 years ago, you essentially had to dive, well, let’s say,
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they are not different, honor, it doesn’t seem to go away, the actions that people do, they don’t go away, they just commit them in different circumstances, that is , conscience, betrayal, these concepts, they have always been, they have always been and are, i see, i communicate a lot with the guys and those who are 15, both those who are 20 and those who are 25, no, if we are talking, if we are talking about concepts, about some very important ones, they have not gone away, i tried to make this movie in such a way that...
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i am very i hope they come and see it, because this is truly the greatest part of history that, well, not even it is discussed about forgetting, not forgetting, this is the greatest part of history, which needs to be passed on from generation to generation and , as it were, told to children, grandchildren, sons, daughters, what is absolutely necessary, but look, on the other hand, you open instagram and there you go. .. successful success, yes, i have to choose myself, i have to put myself in first place, myself, me, only me, my comfort, and then, you know, this has been cultivated for many years, this is a consumer society, yes, then we get the upper lars, we really get selfishness, complete indifference towards the fate of the fatherland, when we start speaking in this style, we are often not understood, these are the ones we want to bring to the cinema today.
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and at least to show that you work with young people and work for young people, maybe i ’m exaggerating, maybe everything is not so bad after all, not bad, you’re condensing it a little, it’s thickening a little, you’re exaggerating it a little, it’s not so bad, here are your colleagues, your guys with whom you worked together, yes, they were imbued with these feelings of this message that we are trying to convey to viewer, i had a huge number of young guys working on the site, well... the group was more than 100 people, and mm 18-25, a huge number of guys who, firstly, read the story with interest , observed what was on the table to be honest, this rarely happens, people in films, they are a little bit with very thick skin, they are cynics, absolutely true, and it’s like there is a process, there are people, everyone has their own task, but here very often there was... history
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such that the people who work inside the process just stood and watched the scenes, they observed, they came up, asked, at the end of the shift they said: mark, you know, mm, we seem to be from a different generation, it seems like we are told that there should be other interests there, but we are so involved - behind it all we observe, someone came up and said: listen, i want to read more carefully. study, look, and it seems to me that there are some very important things that we can do, for the sake of this we could at least film it, yes, they told me, we will definitely watch it in the cinema, we want to see this movie, we want to show it to our friends, because we couldn’t imagine how it could be, and we couldn’t imagine what, what these people went through and are going through, because the truth is that, well, a history book...
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it a history textbook, it’s paper, yes, it’s still like, well, people read, watch, but here people just immerse themselves there for 2.5 months.
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who advised on reliability and factuality? some of them seemed to be representatives of the military historical society, so medinsky helped from the point of view of consultation and we had several people, as it were, who were inside the production group, specifically related to stunts, pyrotechnics and all the special effects, who were already consulting internally on some very everyday things, how best to make everyday army things, everyday yes, everyday army things things. here, but i still won’t deceive you, the movie is fantastic and there is a certain amount of tolerance and
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fiction in it, no, this is natural, and this is very important, this is very important, but of course, there were people who were always around me, with with which we discussed simple elementary ones. things that are very important, greetings, what happens to hats, that is, you don’t even think about this in real life, in army life, in life as if on the front line, what happens with hats, what happens with outerwear, in different situations, just what happens to people, what is possible, what is not, if a person is sitting or drinking tea, well, you know, yes, all these are what, these are some things when you make a regular movie, i mean, sort of modern . you're not even talking about it you think, well, a man comes and sits down, takes a glass, drinks water, and here it’s like, and if at the same time, for example, a senior in rank comes in or, that is, is obliged to stand up, yes, a whole system of relationships that
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really, well, that is the guys helped us a lot, we have a big scene that takes place among the germans, which we left in german completely with subtitles. it was a very interesting experience, because there is a completely different life there, what did they do, how did they do it, it also helped a lot that almost 80% of the actors there they played it, they meticulously mastered and speak the german language, there are a lot of germans who took part in this and this is straightforward, well, this is so necessary for authenticity, let’s speak frankly, the germans speak in clumsy german in the film.
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we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight, do not
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take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. the ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell. with a light milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but to me. it seems that sometimes you can pamper yourself, let’s get started, if you have a difficult day ahead, and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will really help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, lift hands up, raise our legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs , our lymph flow starts, see the breakfast project champion, on the belarus 24 tv channel
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you can do a lot in 24 hours, in 7 days and even more. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7. watch everyone on our tv channel friday evening. editors club. what does the all-belarusian people's assembly mean for the country? this is one of the mechanisms that will provide.
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man by man had no future, did not have a long history, europe, in the form in which it is now, has no future. one of the tasks of the entire belarusian people's assembly is, of course, to protect the country from ever starting to build it anew. don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is the story, that at the box office you pushed gayarych aside for his film just this
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day and they gave me a tour, well, a rental certificate, you know, i’ll tell you honestly, i don’t know what the story is, i found out about this story, my friends sent it to me, they started sending me from social networks, which means articles, they started calling, to be honest, i for the first 2 hours i didn’t understand at all what was happening, why they were asking me about it. i was on another set, then i read this story, so i asked the producers a question, they told me, we don’t know, well, it happened, it happened, well, that’s not bad either, it’s correct, but logical, since hollywood was involved, i not i can’t remember how in the usa, the usa is now basically filming it in such a way that they defeated hitler, yes, well, really, so far only in the movies, thank god, uh-huh, you’re familiar with such stories and here’s... what do you think about them , about such distortion, well, let's be straight, and i
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treat them like comics, well, this is a comic, a comic is a fiction, with certain rules of the game in a certain genre, with a certain comic character, well, it seems to me that there is a story, there are people who want to read history or don’t want to read history, that’s their right, here’s the movie - that’s it including fiction and... if there are, as it were, comics in which such events take place, well, they should be perceived as comics, as some kind of fiction, yes, then there is no need to write on them, they are based on real events, they love it that way, perhaps, perhaps, but i feel about it, well, i can’t feel differently about it, because, really, we started the conversation with this, we all grew up on this, and well, it honestly makes me smile absolutely, well let's be straight sarcastic. as if, well, people want to invent - some historical facts - well
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, let them invent, it’s their right, and we will do what we do. okay, mark, forgive me for being emotional, but i hate the hypocrisy, yes, of an american movie like this, about how war is senselessly bad, despite the fact that the usa is a country that has fought, well, more than fifty years in the 120th century once, yes, on foreign territories. now it’s customary to show the great patriotic war they have, not ours, dirty, to look for bad heroes, yes, to abound in nazis. here we are, essentially, people, i i mean, in general, yes, those who have lived 80 years without war, we have the right to this, that’s when they find exceptional negativity, no, of course, of course, well, as if they didn’t, but this is also true, yes, it’s negative there were, indeed, there were bad people, they were on both sides, naturally, among ours,
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including, but do we have the right to raise this topic just like that, no, well, absolutely.
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differ slightly in language, which they speak with names, this is the main thrill, good, good, accepted, that’s the question, where is the difference is, yes, you played a german and a russian, you have already indicated this, for you personally this war is the second world war or the great patriotic war, for me it is the great patriotic war, so i will tell you this, that every year for... for a huge number of years, in general, may 9th was a holiday for my family, people, for example, at the cinema very often get together with their families, for christmas, there for the new year, for some other holidays, when everyone gathers at one table, different generations, children, grandchildren, adults, this has always happened in our country
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to our family on may 9, may 9, no matter where we are, no matter what country in the world... uh, no matter where we are, we arrived at the military cemetery in the city of kiev at 10, at 11:00 in the morning, here at the grave to my grandfather, then my mother was buried there, and it was always a family day, which i always associated with mm, well, something very bright , and at the same time we always chatted, we, that is, we on that day. .. exchanged what happened this year, someone had children, that is, you know, for me it has always been a feeling of some kind of holiday and really a very big family history, i probably don’t know how many people have it, i don’t know, but for my family may 9th was always a family day and a day when we honored the memory, we
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came to grandfather, and he gave us all the opportunity to always get together, for me it was like that, i’m in it...
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well, okay, let’s hope, at least this is what you know how to do delicately, and what is now missing, yes , even if it’s quite conservative, yes, in
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the television genre, here are the ratings among teenagers students, besides, you are an experienced advertiser, yes, you yourself admitted that you were filming, here is a film dugout, yes, what else, except for such a film, a feature film,
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and what we talked about the same dugout, in this movie there is a lot of action, a lot of so -called visual attraction that the viewer may like, as if to see it visually, including, well, like the younger generation, it is very visual, very definitely, and they really need to be captured first there 12 seconds, if not less, yes even less, you absolutely you're right, they probably don't like it very much. there is such a thing behind them, but they incredibly quickly find and see information, that’s what you ’re saying, in like 10-12 seconds, they
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are able to digest some kind of colossal layer of everything, so i think it’s necessary it makes sense to look for such approaches to reach them in what they live in, and in this small world of screens and computers in which they... and we, as it were, draw information from books and reading let's get this for us
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a clear way, yes, that means interactive books are visual documentaries with a lot of interactivity inside; the possibility, again , is half-game, half-learning, why not if yes. most of them, unfortunately, do not watch on tv, do not come in person, asking the question why, they say, well, this is how they
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do it, so, again, you need to think, maybe about some kind of interaction, so that it becomes interesting to them, and they don’t come not because they don’t know there, well, in short, maybe it doesn’t work with them anymore language, it seems so to me, but in any case , big actions, such as parades, like holidays, but they are also probably needed for all people, in order to understand that everything is in place, everything is in place, so , this is probably how it works, you know, a very competent person once told me, yes, no matter what happens, the system cannot be changed radically, that is, it needs to be clear, if there are rules, they must be observed, they must be increased. willingly addresses
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modern armed conflicts, there are many of them a lot, unfortunately, here is a clinical film, he also filmed about iraq, for example, yes, ridley scott about somalia, and many others, now what is happening in gaza 16 states are already somehow involved in this conflict, this is also for sure will find its reflection in cinema, i have no doubt about it, but to be honest, i can’t name a single film about svo today, and moreover, i even listened to shah...
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what are you talking about, yes, this, this is a movie , this is ready-made dramatic material, but in my opinion, here is what we discussed earlier, it seems to me that time needs to pass, a difficult, difficult, hot time, and what will you shoot yourself in the near future, in the near future i will shoot a comedy, we also shot a comedy, you know, i liked the answer our director voiced , when we presented, to my question, to my question. him, why are we now going to make a comedy at this time, and we have, well, let’s say, an information-intensive time after the twentieth, because we were making comedies during the war, that was his answer, and the answer in my opinion was correct, he told me i liked it, so we took a risk, spent money on it, did everything right, yes, but that’s why you’re going to make a comedy about what, you know, i can’t reveal everything yet, because the producers might scold me, that’s it
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- yes, a very good human story , right about two brothers who don’t know that they are brothers and are looking for each other. it will be a full meter, it will be a full meter, it will be released in cinemas, i hope, in the very near foreseeable future, it will be an adventure, a very cool comedy, where you can relax, breathe out, sing, so and while we're on the subject... my next full-length movie will be released in june, called a tour with the ivanushkis, it's already being announced, whom you probably know, and a very warm, very understandable, very musical story in which everything also seems to be very simple, but very sincere, but this will also be a full meter, it will be a full meter, yes, you told me behind the scenes that the dugout was your
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first experience. there is a full-length film, but i didn’t deceive you, it’s mine, you just liked making full-length films, in at some point - i was very worried, uh, worried that i didn’t have a full-length feature film in my filmography, and i made some colossal efforts, i was looking for material, material that i found i didn’t really like, and then i said to myself: mark: do what you do and what you love, and do it well, and i exhaled, i started making wonderful film series, so - i’ve been doing this for many years, i let go of this story, i’ve seen 30 , 40 episodes each, really, and this is only for one season, so i let go of this story and said to myself, the time will come for everything. that is
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, it has come, it has come, now is just such a period when several films in a row are actually being produced that will be full-length for cinemas, and i... am very glad, i really like it and it brings great pleasure and inner happiness. well, haven’t you given up on tv series? no, of course, there will be, well, there will be, it’s just that now, from the proposals that are out there, this is what i voiced to you, yes, these are still full-length films, and then let’s not make any guesses, well, we won’t, okay , unfortunately, mark, the last, extreme, as i like to say, is a philosophical question, but our war movies have always won over hollywood. when she carefully looked into the soul of the hero, did not try to compete with the scale of budgets, it is clear that they are often incomparable and special effects, she won due to sincerity in the first place and reliability, today we are fighting against
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the rewriting of history, we talked to you about this, and first of all turn the history of the great patriotic war, they are trying to impose on us another story, that’s why today we can... win this battle, due to the authenticity that we show in the movie we’re talking about, specifically, for example, the dugout, in this movie, i’ll tell you honestly, i am a very modest person, and i still, well, this is how i was brought up, but the movie that we have now made, for example, in terms of a certain level of special effects, in terms of the content that exists inside, this movie was made at the highest level, and if you compare there. .. him with great world war pictures, yes, we had much there, relatively speaking, the budget is smaller, but it looks no worse at all, inside there is a story that you are talking about, human, understandable, and which cannot
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be rewritten, imposed, remade, i believe that it’s like our task, just doing what we do and telling it is how we consider it necessary and important. and correct, you know, because someone is always trying to change something, trying to turn something around, we have a different path, we know it, we move along it, we go and make the movie that we make, and let the viewer watch and make all the necessary decisions for himself. mark, thank you for this conversation, thank you very much, good luck , thank you, thank you.
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this belarusian strawberry is known among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite. is it true that in developed countries the male population predominates over the female population? the female population predominates there because
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men have a higher mortality rate in childhood. what do you think caused this? various factors. when i was a child, my dad threw me into a river, and then they answer brilliantly. not because it’s the seventh month, no, nikita, great, it’s the seventh month, september is simply called a serial number, relatively speaking, even the adults are delighted with the erudition of these guys, and why the population, it seems to me, cannot be included in the first ten countries in the world, sonya answered correctly, she’s smart, she has very well developed logical thinking, and even if she doesn’t know something, she can...
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meeting unusual people, my name is oksana, i’m a zoo administrator, very nice, well, lead me, rabbit hares, rabbit hares, secrets of good things. the favorites of all children and adults are our raccoons and raccoons three raccoons live with us margosha dugi iroki what a star she is when i’m old and retired maybe i’ll get myself chinese chickens girls you all understand what everything is and there are also many interesting educational stories here we are and produce our miracle.
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a wreath in honor of victory day was laid from the belarusian embassy at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow. the ceremony was attended by state secretary of the union state dmitry mezintsev, representatives of integration structures of the belarusian diaspora, diplomats, public and political figures. participants also laid flowers in memory. sign of the city of hero minsk and the brezskaya hero fortress, installed next to the eternal
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flame on the alley of the cities of heroes in the alexander garden. the ceremony ended with the solemn march of the honor guard company. the vast majority of russians and belarusians understand the need to protect historical history.
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on the eve of the great victory day in minsk the second meeting of military-patriotic clubs, the peak of courage, has started. the guys will be tested on their skills and knowledge. the program of the meeting also includes excursions, dialogue platforms and a teleconference with representatives of russian military-patriotic clubs. the opening ceremony took place on the square of the state flag of the republic of belarus with the participation of honored guests. the opening of a new military-patriotic club “heritage” was also announced here.
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the preparation, knowledge and skills that the guys will receive in 3 days will be enough for them for the first time, and also specifically and tactics, special to become full-fledged defenders of our homeland, from the beginning of 2000-2001, when we recreated patriotic clubs, it began, well, literally from the first one club, with 100 people, dynamics. an annual increase of several thousand people, and what ’s most interesting is that the guys are determined not only to participate in combat activities, which is also very important, but in search, patriotic actions, visits to memorable places, this whole complex work allows us to say that that we are doing the right thing and raising worthy youth. in total, there are 37 military-patriotic clubs in minsk, more than 1. course on africa and the middle
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east. belarus is working on issues of opening direct flights with aman and algeria. the ambassador of belarus to egypt sergei terentsev spoke about this. trade and economic relations are developing, a number of projects are being considered to export medical services from belarus and attract investment in the pharmaceutical industry. in the field of mechanical engineering, modern assembly and opening of dealership centers. to have an enterprise here that will be focused not only. to the egyptian market, but to the african market, given the existence of a free trade agreement here, this is great, this is promising, but everything needs to be calculated, everything needs to be calculated, we are working on... several projects in the field of industrial cooperation with egypt and algeria , we were recently in algeria and very substantively worked on the issues of assembling trucks and passenger vehicles and tractors, there is great interest in our granary, there is great interest in our construction equipment, this is all happening
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right now, if our enterprises see that it is profitable, we consider everything, we consider everything together with them, if they see that it is profitable, why? we must refuse. according to signed contracts, belarus will supply 280 tractors to the egyptian market this year. the plan for the coming years is to double this figure. modernization and expansion of production as an investment in the future. at industrial enterprises in belarus per year quality ambitious goals. thus, the minsk tractor plant plans to invest almost 100 million rubles for the purchase of new technological equipment. this is 30% more than last year. the fleet of vehicles is being updated and modernized, so in the famous eighty-second model even more comfortable conditions for the driver will be created, the appearance of the car will change, the new seventh series and belarus 742. the machine is primarily for working in cramped conditions for use in farm warehouses. equipment can also be communal
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agricultural, plans for this year to sell more than 36.00 units of equipment at the minsk tractor site. open in grodno. a new fire rescue station, one of the largest in the region. it is located in the grandici microdistrict and has become a guarantor of security for almost 80 thousand residents of the area under construction and adjacent rural settlements. every day , 13 people will be on combat duty in the unit, armed with modern fire and rescue equipment, a 32 m high ladder truck, several tank trucks and other equipment necessary to work in emergency situations, including motor equipment. boat. employees will also be involved in special operations to rescue people on the water. the building itself was erected taking into account the extensive experience of existing fire departments in the regional center. the layout of the premises has been changed so that on-call visits can be organized as quickly as possible, and all the nuances have been thought out so that employees can
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work as comfortably as possible. a new season of the charitable initiative to restore the shrines of belarus has started in belarus. the first point on the map. good deeds church of the holy life-giving trinity in the borisov region. young families from every district of the minsk region came to help with landscaping and putting things in order. volunteers removed garbage, landscaped the area adjacent to the temple, and also planted tui alley. a digital star and a plate with a qr code also appeared at the temple. the church became part of an international historical project, which was created to search for monuments of the great patriotic war. conditionally in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have our the need for jobs is our land, we negotiated everything well, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they
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revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, we can’t leave european markets, the polish the authorities are of course our enemies, but there are very different... levels of hostility, they can be so different that two, in fact, warring countries can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the custodian balance, balance is the best that a leader can give for a country and its people. balance is the golden mean; opposite ends, whatever they may be, are radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turay, propaganda. watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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bt - belarusian television began here, from here, from communist 6 january 1, 1956, the first domestic signal went
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to a device for the elite or a miracle of technology of the fifties, television. afford one not everyone could afford luxury, not that now a tv is not only in every home, but also in a smartphone. good evening, dear fellows, we are starting our test broadcasts, from afar we can see the most... from the minsk two-hundred-meter line of the television center, the first test
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broadcasts are missing from the antennas , allowed broadcasting for about 6 hours a day at a distance of approximately 60 km from the television center. the first moscow programs of central television came to belarus in 1957, when the seventh festival was held in moscow students and youth. three repeaters and one stationary toilet were used to deliver the signal. and two more that were installed on airplanes, the airplanes flew at an altitude of 3,500 m between orsha vyazma, this is how the signal came to belarus, what kind of television would be without a television tower, no money or metal was spared on this capital landmark, the total height of the tower with antenna was almost 200 m, by the way, many are mistaken that we are now broadcasting using this structure, no, technology: too it is developing rapidly, it lost its relevance literally in the very first decades, it was optimized, shortened by 40
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m, and now it is one of the most recognizable objects in minsk. what kind of banduras were there, what kind of spotlights were there? the lightest device was about 30 kg, plus a tripod, plus a cable, all this had to be carried on oneself. late fifties, right? these were still lamp cameras, that is, lamp technology with all its pros and cons, naturally, it got hot, yes, the weight was large, there were such healthy tapes of this width, which were in the control rooms, the engineers were still tweaking them specifically in order to synchronize faster in 1961, a direct radio relay line was opened, and in 1967 our viewers could see color programs in order to receive the material. from vitebsk and from brest, we came to a special editing room, which was set aside for this, there was such a telephone, you know, in the best soviet traditions, with a handle, you turned this handle,
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said, hello, minsk is listening, mogilev communications, mogilev said yes, i have connections, we are ready parallel communication to convey the material to you, on macov9 there were once people who worked on one channel, on that same bt, nothing has changed, there are actually seven channels, they created a new internet project, the sport5 portal, which is absolutely paying off. the expenses that were planned for the first year of activity paid off, it seems to me that in the first 2 months when i arrived, there was only bt, so when you dreamed of being a television journalist, you certainly dreamed of getting to bt. of course, today we have the ont tv channel and the stv tv channel and high competition, everything needs to be done quickly, and if you don’t become the first, then no one hears your second word. it was more light in relation to, say, the beltiradio company, during this time the channel was transformed, we... started making a slightly different ont, someone didn’t like the goal: we should gradually move into the field of our own product, when
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i came to ont , here was 55% of the content of the first channel, according to the results of last month, this is already 27%. when i came to television in 1995, an agency had already been created television news, it had officially existed for about six months, but it was on everyone’s lips. as an editorial office of information, and here it was customary at the journalism department, in general, in journalistic circles, it was in use, but there were - well , if we consider from the point of view of information media, such cassettes, which were called btkam and btk, that is, btk - it was a more advanced format , but since they looked absolutely the same, it happened that you go out to shoot, give the operator a cassette, he inserts it into the camera, but it doesn’t fit, now these are small, small flash drives that the correspondent... takes with him when traveling, our country, i believe, is the only one in the world that went live at 4:00 in the morning,
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we riveted something out of cardboard, then we painted a board for decoration , everything was... so a little theatrical, if something was wrong, you were simply fired, you were kicked out, they changed you, and it wasn’t a rebranding, a beautiful word, if someone made a mistake in the accent or in the numerals, it’s like there will be 576 in the instrumental case, you can answer me now, i know, they gradually moved from analogue broadcasting to digital broadcasting, the transition to hd, of course, for television. was quite complex, it was, of course , a grandiose step forward, because it was practically necessary to re-equip the entire technical component by 90 percent, there were many nuances that had to be taken into account in connection with the change to, but believe me, not in all countries and even in the russian federation , not in all regions television channels still broadcast in high quality,
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we have all the most modern things in the world, five television companies in wheels. allow us to film projects of the largest scale, they were of the same type, it is very convenient in terms of operation, replacement of equipment, etc., these machines showed themselves to be excellent, 14 cameras, two motion words, two radio cameras and two ptz cameras can be connected, plus you can combine machines among themselves, and that’s what we are doing, new requirements for personnel appeared, and some had to finish their studies there a little, we took a lot of people, as it were, from the communications academy, we have very good cooperation with them, 10 in total shift supervisors, shift supervisors - this is such a key position in production, so, probably, nine of them are under 30 years old, i, for example, go into the control room and masha khrustaleva is sitting, editing some texts, she is quite small in my opinion, she is 25 years old, in my opinion, danik, other guys, that is, they are program managers, directors, editors, then everything started later, that is, like 30
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years old. how much, who, when and where watches what we do, this is important for programming, for building a network, for advertisers, people, who part with their money, advertise their products, are also confident that now they receive accurate information about who sees their advertising, we created our own company, united, we are the world's second national in-person television, we created a company to sell advertising space on
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our air and then... we got it and immediately felt the economic effect. we are glad to welcome you to the bel tv and radio company. the media has become a weapon, and you know, this weapon is more powerful than nuclear weapons. we have become tougher, we forced to talk to our audience more honestly, more openly, shaping their worldview.
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we have millions of subscribers on all platforms, let’s take the agency’s youtube channel, it has already surpassed the mark of one million subscribers, reaching about 5 million users weekly, i assure you, i know the plans and of course ours and my colleagues, this is just the beginning, the next year there will be television change a lot.
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our range of tasks that we perform is quite wide, the most important flagship of our television company, the most important program that we have been producing for 30 years, this is the arsenal program, this is why we are recognized, this is the program by which our viewers know us, also our full face and military review programs are the main programs that go on television. but we cannot say that we are limited to this, and we are widely represented on social networks, on the internet, our youtube channel gained 100,000 subscribers last year, we received a silver button, we want to brag among all law enforcement agencies, and we became the first
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received such an award, and we also have quite a lot of other internet projects and documentaries that are aired on other tv channels in the country, and i think that our viewer knows us, recognizes us, and most importantly recognizes us by our content. every day our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day there is more than one report, there can actually be several of them, in addition to this we produce the information that our viewers see every day on the internet, we provide video information about the military for the main state television channels, that is, if you see news about the military, most often it is the video information that we produce, so to say how many there have been in 30 years, well, probably... several thousand, maybe several dozen thousand, these are all those stories about our military, about soldiers, about officers, about the equipment that the belarusian army receives, this is all what the belarusian army lives by today, and what it has lived by for 30 years,
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well, your films like border or brez fortress, soldiers of memory have become the flagships of military documentaries, what is the tv channel working on today these days, on what projects? there are also a lot of them, i ’ll probably focus on... on the main points, now the television company is focused on the historical project of the liberation of belarus, we tell this in several episodes in which we talk about the main historical moments. our correspondents raised and told historical facts that were unknown for a long time. we used a large number archival material, it is worth saying that the vntv television company has a rich archive, so we use it widely. and... in addition, our correspondents are preparing a film, survivors, this is a big project about children of war, about those who survived the horrors of war, and another project is a time of remembrance of monuments, about monuments
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that are dedicated to soviet liberator soldiers, this what concerns historical topics specifically, and also my colleague and i are preparing a project “we are a fortress”, in it we talk about those new products that are entering the belarusian army, in fact also such a wide... spectrum, each episode is dedicated to a specific new product, well, in fact, we still have a lot of such projects, a lot of ideas, i think that our viewers will be able to see all this on air. for 30 years now, your television company has been, as they say, on the front line, you cover everything that is most important, probably the events that are happening today in the belarusian army, in your opinion, how are the armed forces of belarus changing, are they changing today, of course they are changing, and this can be traced primarily by the content that we transmit we... are always together with the army, we always, as you said, cover all the events that take place in the belarusian army, and we see this, we constantly talk about the equipment that the troops receive, we talk about what the army goes through, what
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stages the army goes through in its formation, stages in its development, and indeed, if you open or turn on any of our programs produced by vntv, you will see what the army is like today, it is modern, it is mobile, it is high-tech, and well worth say: we always focus on our reports in public, we talk about those who serve in the belarusian army, and well , probably this aspect, it does not change, these are those who love their job, those who love their homeland, and are really ready to completely devote themselves to this professions.
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my mother worked all her life as a foreman at a garment factory, now she is retired, lives in grodno, she is proud of me, my older brother, calmly, i loved to draw, i went to art school, probably and some kind of skill.
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work at the stove, make pizza, cook, and before that i studied, studied like everyone else, like-minded people, it is very important, because if everyone has their own opinion, and we don’t agree on a certain point, then nothing will work out, that is, you either have to give in, but do one thing in common well, advice. of those, well, yes, of course, i communicate with italians, let’s say, again, well, how come there wasn’t such a main criticism, it’s the italians, on the contrary, they are kind of surprised that in belarus there is real napolitana pizza, maybe they add some, maybe advice on products, maybe some interesting ones the ingredients in the pizza are new, well, that’s it, well, i stick with it. kind of,
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because they are also like professionals, and i’m very interested, yes, of course, of course, this, this is, firstly, like business, this, these are nerves, when something, for example, is not, well, i don’t know, something, something isn’t working out, you think it ’s not working out, so sometimes you want to give up everything, but you can’t stop, you have to go forward and do something new, well, for yourself, something. some kind of skill to take, move on, don’t stop, successful, yes, i consider myself successful, because it’s like i have my own favorite thing, i’m kind of proud of it, that i do it, that i like it, probably this is success, well, now i live in minsk at the moment, well, such a hobby no, my hobby is my work, that is , i am always... at work and now i like
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traveling around belarus, that is, i ride around belarus, i really like it, i didn’t even expect such places that exist, happiness, i i think that there is a family, there is, there is work, there is, the main thing is that everyone is healthy - everything is fine with everyone. pizza should not be perfectly round, it is handmade, as they say, in naples everything that is made 60 km from naples is not considered pizza, these are already cookies, i am making competition for myself, for me there are no competitors, so now i will prepare you pizza margherita and marinaara , this is one of the very first pizzas, uh, that is, margherita is - named after queen margherita of sovoy. the second pizza
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will be marinara, it’s like sailors came from the sea and what their wives caught they put on this pizza, the pizza itself is bread, since the ancient saracens, they simply fried, fried bread, flour, water, later it was yeast, the roman troops, they turned their shields over onto the fire, put bread, flatbread, it was bread, well, even... this pizza is it it tastes like lavash, but it’s like the ancient sorocins, here’s the dough, this is called a gluten film, this is the 24-hour fermentation, that’s it. we don’t give much to the dough so that all the oxygen goes to the edges, there is such a belief as - it’s called cornichon, there are standards, that is, cornichons, corniz, this side should not exceed
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2-3 cm there, it should not be perfectly round, because it is handmade, just like it was born, this is how we give it to guests, the tomatoes are the san marzano variety. grown in the vicinity of vizuvje, without adding any sugars, salts, not dry, no spices, everything is natural, everything is fresh, the basil is fresh, this is a margherita pizza, it’s as if made under the italian flag, we use cheese of our own production (turov milk plant, buffalo), or use one-day-old cheese from buevalic milk, one-day cheese, but it is very similar. that is , this is mozzarella in brine, why am i working without gloves? a lot of people ask why i'm not wearing gloves? firstly, you can’t feel the dough, firstly, for safety reasons, if a shovel, say, is in the oven, i can handle it with gloves on, it will be a painful, even more painful shock, so i work without gloves, all microbes are killed in ovens, that
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is, at a temperature of 500°, everything is killed - known microbes, even radiation, extra virgin olive oil. pizza is cooked at a temperature of 480-500° - wood fuel 60-90 seconds, i had a record of 40 seconds, the pizza was ready, the whole temperature was at the top, so when the bottom was fried, we... looked, it was already ready, we raised it to the top in this way, you see, something like a leopard appears, this means that the dough is well kneaded, with
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doba, that’s it, the pizza is ready. this is exactly what napolitana pizza should look like, olive oil, after, very useful, basil, that’s it, we always check the dough, it’s baked, bun, bread, here you go. pizza margherita, first pizza, first course, this is, well, i'm on...


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