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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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baking, that's it, the pizza is ready, this is exactly what napolitana pizza should look like, olive oil, after, very useful, basil, that's it. we always check the dough, here it is baked, bun, bread, here you go, pizza margherita, first pizza, first course - this is, well, i started... when i arrived in prague
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i immediately started making pizza, but it was a proper pizza , it came with pineapples, the italians are categorically against pineapples, so it’s the same as eating pasta with jam, so now there really is one famous pizza yoli in naples gina sarbilio, he was also categorically against pineapples, but for the sake of probably some kind of hype, he prepared pizza with pineapples, which is now simply very popular in italy, in naples. well, it was just done for the sake of advertising, pizza was born in naples, so it has a very interesting history , pizza has a history, pizza has a history, i was interested in learning about the history, the products, they say they started making it in the sixteenth century, although now a fresco has been found in pompeii it is 200 years old bc, and there was depicted on it pizza, archaeologists dispute, and pizza yoli, is it pizza? is it or just like lavash, bread,
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that is, it is very much before the 15th century, i think, i think that, as it were, there was already pizza, first of all, well, this is the most important thing - it is dough, dough, well, that’s it, so that these burns are there, so that according to all the canons, according to all the traditions, how it should be, i adhere to these very canons, the italian canons, the neapolitan canons, so i try to do it. well, in principle, as it should be, that’s how pizza was born, that’s how it should be given away, i cook at home all the time - not only italian cuisine, i like czech cuisine, it’s varied, that’s why i want to kind of present czech cuisine to our people in the city, that is, i like to cook at home, if i like it, i’ll add it to the menu, let’s say here, my favorite is, well as usual, these are potato pancakes, of course. there is a pizza with potatoes, i
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even made it called patat, it’s like italian potatoes in italian, that is, i want to make it, well, now i’m developing a menu there will be pizza with potatoes, well, of course i like belarusian cuisine, and this is a cereal with blood, well, my grandmother used to cook this, i kind of fell in love with it since childhood, it was cooked pork intestines with potatoes, with buckwheat, fresh blood, this is my temple. i’m here , as it were, 24x7 and for me it’s like i don’t know how sacred, but of course you have to cook accordingly and with love, you have to love your business, your cooking, craft, well, it’s easy to feel, for example, if you like it too if you give it to the guest, then the guest will also like it, so i always force people, well, chefs, to try everything that they they cook, that is, if you don’t like it, don’t give it away
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i went to the czech republic for 18 years, my brother and i worked in a pizzeria, and i lived in the czech republic for 12 years, and that’s all during that time. while in the czech republic i worked for pizza, but it was not neapolitan pizza, we’ll come back to this later, but it was a simple classic pizza, wood-fired pizza, well , wood fuel in the oven, classic dough, it was as if niaples was not yet known to me, well, pizza napolitana specifically, well, i worked for 12 years and returned to belarus, yes, i studied with the italians, they were italians in the czech republic, we worked with them, then my older brother... he is a member of the pizza yoli neapolitana association and studied with the famous pizza yoli e in naples, that is, participated in world pizza championship, this is one of the most famous pizza ate umberto salva, he is already in the fourth generation making pizza, and as if there was an opportunity to go and study,
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there was a lot of work, that is, we worked specifically, that is, already some at that time i lived there for about five years, i already had to work at three jobs, well, i just seemed to have strength, and was young, and had an interest in work, uh, that is, it was three different fives and maybe even i would say that i would have a lot i took it from there, that is, to open a tratoria, a restaurant, pizzeria, i took a lot from there, that is, a very large, large school, well, i think that there is no need to study there, but it was just necessary to see everything, gain experience, and how it would be very interesting for me. that is, i already knew that in the future i would have my dream come true, pizza and yoli there is no such profession, pizzar, pizza player, there is no such profession, there is pizza yolli, pizza yolo, like this, the profession pizza yoli - i would say that this is not
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a profession, this is a craft, that is, it’s like i don’t know, like a craftsman, that is, a baker, then there is a baker who invented pizza, who invented pizza, a baker from naples. that is, he was not initially like pizza yoli, he prepared bread, pizza is basically bread, that is, to say that it is some kind of fast food, no, it is a separate dish, that is, it is prepared with soul, with love, with the right products, that is, i would not say that this is fast food, maybe it is street food, but in naples there is pizza prepared right on the street, and people pass there and take the pizza with them, that is, it is wrapped in a portfolio, it is called pizza, it twists... in four parts it is given into the hands of a person and he just walks down the street and eats, but this is not fast food, maybe street food, but italian cuisine, it is very simple, simple tasty, that is, it is homemade handmade pasta, fresco, pizza - well, pizza in general, in principle, pizza is cooked exclusively
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with wood fuel, in an oven, well, the choice is very large, that is, the products are very good italian, we try to take uh. and a single grain, let’s say the best grain, only the middle is taken, the rest goes to another grinding place or there is semal, another grind, but for pita napolitana it is 0.0 grinding, fine flour very, very fine, the strength of the flour there is measured in w380 the strength of the flour, that is, who knows will understand me, and extra virgin olive oil, sea salt , water, yeast. nothing else goes into the pizza in the dough in the pizza recipe, nothing goes into the dough, well, there must be fermentation,
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it ferments for two or three days, that is , we are the ones who prepare the poolish, this is the kind of leaven that is called the levitical mother of yeast, that is, it goes fermentation then just begins make dough, that is, i leave the dough for three days, it gets saturated. that is, the dough is a living product, pizza is a living product, that is, i cook it with love, so that it is tasty, so that it is correct, there are some canons for pizza, that is, there are pizza standards, then there is a pizza can be of any size, there are 22, 23, 25 cm, but not exceeding 30 cm, well, there are such rules and a canon, that is, they often ask the question why the pizza is very burnt, well, firstly - the pizza is cooked at a high temperature , i i’ll repeat again, 500° such bubbles appear,
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such burniness is called in naples pitzaleopard, it’s like leopard, you get such charred coals, that is, it’s useful, it’s carbon, coal, as they say, that is, it’s very useful for digestion, then there is a san marzana tomato grown in the vicinity of visuvius, saturated with volcanic rock, smoke, from a volcano with a salty sea, not every tomato is suitable, in general there are only two types of pizza, there is such a pizzeria de miguel in naples, this is it where the film hedgehog pray love was filmed with julie roberts, and there, as if in the 16th century , two types of pizza have been preparing for all this time, these are marinara and margherita, the first margherita pizza - it was in honor of queen margarita of sovoy. was invented by a baker, she came to naples, she allowed herself to name a pizza after her name, the second
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pizza is marinara, it’s a tomato base, uh, garlic, oregano, the simplest pizza, in general it is believed that pizza is for, as it were, for poor people, this is a freestyle show, it’s kind of impermissible, because people, when they didn’t even have anything to eat, they couldn’t even afford to play with the dough, everything else is improvisation pizza and yule, that is, it’s mine, that is, it can be, let’s say, there in company in the shape of a tennis racket, or i have an italian, an italian is such a friend, very good, giuseppa, hello to him, he’s in italy now, he always comes to me for pizza, and he says, come up with something interesting for me, because well, how i wish i had a classic margarita, yes, of course, well, cool, i i say, well, of course, no problem, i made him a pizza in a rectangular shape, well, it’ll just be... cheese bart there’s cream on one side and on the other there’s meat with piperoni with ham or salsica, there’s something like that i
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made for him and he just well, i didn’t expect this , well, i’m such a belarusian, i just did something unusual for an italian, in his honor i named giuseppe’s pizza. what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will work together in a peaceful manner.
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farmers have something to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell almost $7.5 billion worth of food to hundreds of countries on the planet, and this despite falling world prices, with good agricultural technology, with a good approach, today we can get wonderful harvests from our varieties . our
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corn differs by 3-4 centners out of 100, but if you compare. since seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, imported ones become unprofitable. belarus is in the top five countries exporting dairy products in the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but there is no need to stop there; the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can give new varieties from science that are highly productive. they are resistant to diseases and pests. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. so, we have finished drawing a portrait of mikhail
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zakharovich - on pizza. this is called pizza art, it’s like the finishing touches, here it is please have a look. uh, the pizza is made entirely of dough, tomato paste, cheese, here ’s the final touch, the pizza art by mikhail zakharovich is ready, and we are located in minsk, on the best street, well, here is our pizza truck, one might say, the first and only one in belarus, where we started cooking pizza from a wooden oven, basically on wheels, well , the most important thing in a truck is, as it were, its heart, it’s a stove, not every stove
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is suitable for napolitana pizza, but the stove was made just for me especially like me how well she is. there are five layers of thermal insulation here, that is, it keeps the temperature at 400-500° and the pizza cooks in 60-90 seconds very quickly, so if there’s a line, people don’t wait long, and my mother loves to cook, even a lot of things, even like when i was little, i watched how my mother cooked, i probably liked it , and even when i’m cooking, i remember that my mother added it exactly how it was added. order, and i do the same now, of course, of course, well , each grandmother has her own stove, and we cooked the grandmother, the gut, well, all that, well, thus, in the truck, that is, you can say that this is already a mini-pizzeria,
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if someone dreams of having their own restaurant, well, i started with this, and i kind of continue. here we take a tomato, tomato is good tomatoes, high-quality tomatoes, san marzaana tomato variety, everything is fresh, everything, fresh basil, mozzarella, cheese, olive oil, well, that’s it, basically, the pizza is almost ready, the pizza is cooked - quickly, the temperature in the oven uh 480-500°, it ’s not baked, but practically fried, i lift it up because the pizza is already sweating
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the whole temperature is at the top, so the pizza is baked this way. one of the indicators of napolitana pizza, this burnt one is called boule in italian, that is, if at the world cup they are watching pizza there, what exactly should this burntness be, it’s like coal, it’s good for digestion, well, in principle, the pizza is ready , in a minute, that is, the thick edge of the pizza should be soft, that is, look. like this, i check if the pizza is ready, that is, you see, the pizza is completely ready, that is, the pores, well kneaded dough, proofing. dough - 24 hours, that's it, the pizza is ready, bon appetit.
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hello everyone, are you ready to meet our guests? theo. olga. what do you expect from
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the children you meet now? first of all, we probably expect such an interesting, heated conversation. there have already been many, dozens, hundreds of interviews in our lives, and something tells me that today this will be a very unexpected conversation. in what mood? you are going to talk in the most positive way today interest, some kind of experiment, because in front of such a large audience of children, and an audience of teenagers, perhaps, i’m answering a question for the first time, you promise to tell only the truth, then good luck, so, we welcome our heroes, today we are visiting a creative and family union of two artists , theo and olga ryzhikova, hello, hello,
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so, olga, you have the right to refuse to answer the question three times, and be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program, you have to choose the best one. well, now you have one minute to briefly introduce yourself. time has passed. friends, theo and olga ryzhikova welcome you to the studio. by the way, my real name is yuri. yuri alekseevich. i forgot to add yuri alekseevich is 41 years old, but in principle it feels like 31, really, but when i was 31, i was still very young, i then went to european studies, by the way, please love and favor, charming presenter, singer, poetess, olga ryzhikova she is always cheerful and cheerful, she is 18, the rest is experience, believe me, i can say about myself for sure, i can hold a concert, i can watch it, and sometimes i can arrange it, as for the song.
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met. olga, your version? we have two radically different versions. we met when i was 18 years old. the fact is that when we met, i clearly understood that theo didn’t like me. not true, not true. you see, this version differs between us. we met in leonid shirin's studio. i liked him very much, he was all like that, well, in general, nothing has changed after many years, i thought about you very much, i never told me about it. and then i managed to come. studio to leonid shirin, in bell-bottom trousers with three with pigtails, then, after many years , he told me, he says: you know, these are your bell-bottom trousers, so they
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had a kind of, well, small, childish look. i thought that you were generally about 15 years old, so i liked him right away, but i had to try a little to attract his attention, so we listened to the first version, in fact, olga liked how the girl was so well-mannered, and i was surprised her desire to create something so bright, large-scale, she came with such a pile of notes, here wrote this song. listen, look, yuri, how do you like this? in the studio during recording, olga stood at the microphone, i was recording her vocals, and i just looked around and realized, god, what a beautiful girl is standing in front of me now, i didn’t say a word,
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i didn’t make any gesture about... but, i probably walked around for a week thinking about how i could to do, while i was thinking, olga did it herself and invited me to take a walk together with glasses of cappuccino, which we actually did, in general, as they say, girls, if you like it, seize the moment and never give up. olya, and you looked after him beautifully, very beautifully, they know how to look after him 100%. here. by the way, we even have one such funny story, we once went on a date, and i had a cold, and he even politely got out of the car so that i could somehow work with napkins, with nose, then he gives me of course it’s a long time, i’ll never forget it , but in general, as for beautiful invitations, courtship, beautiful flowers, very romantic dates and meetings,
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it’s all here. i am ready to praise endlessly and most importantly the attentiveness with which people fall in love with each other and give it to each other, the most important thing is to carry it through time, i really hope that it will continue to be the same, this is how we still live, this is how we plan to continue to live, before you became husband and wife, you were independent artists, soloists, now you don’t... it’s a shame to share fame between two, as for solo performances, this all continues, along with this, in parallel, we have our duet history with olga, in no case do we have any share of fame here, i probably wouldn’t even wish it on anyone, if some kind of teasing starts on this topic in the family, it would be sad, that’s why we have absolute harmony, i hope
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that we have absolute harmony. how has your creativity changed since joining the duo? only for the better, it seems to me, for basically, well, the process has changed, that is , before we could meet somewhere in a cafe, olga with a piece of paper, and i, for example, there with some kind of instrument, now we do it at home, and this is significant time and more productive, by the way , and can you imagine what a pleasure it is to go together to a concert, filming, or broadcast in some city?
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kants, yes, before you had to participate in vocal competitions or in some kind of music competitions, now you have everything in your hands, guys, just create, and if this is really music and this is creativity will appeal to a decent audience, then everything worked out for you, you know, here’s the downside, i ’ll answer you now like an old grandmother, there are a huge number of fashionable songs, but i don’t always understand the words, and i’m like a person who writes words, i always want to understand them, hear them, hear them and...


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