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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 4:00am-4:50am MSK

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let's jump at the great glory of the holy trinity. geta temple was founded in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school. so let's go to the pragalinka, let 's go to the heights, let's hum in the clear, let's walk in the winter. come, come, spring, come, come red. prynyasy zhany kalaskis, wheaten snaps. and give new life to old traditions. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is regular knitting way, it's wide patterned.
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possibilities, our technology today is, in fact, very reliable, a colossal margin of safety is built into it, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we carry out 100% control so that these products comply technically, with regulatory legal acts, and correspond to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering. i have no doubt that we will achieve your goals, see the quality mark project on tv channel belarus 24.
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now i want to invite you to play a game, which of you, for this i have prepared several questions, and i will ask them now, your task is to answer them with your eyes closed , pointing your finger or yours, understood, understandable, guys, olga will be peeking, you will definitely tell me, okay, let's start. which one of you has the better sense of humor? who is more likely to be stuck on their phone? which one of you is the cleanest? who likes to sleep until lunchtime? who snores louder? which one of you swears more? we don't allow ourselves to do that,
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okay, which one of you is really an alien, which one of you will eat something that he really doesn’t like out of politeness, which one of you likes cheesecake more, which one of you sings better? an excellent result, but we learned the whole truth. please tell me, to the question, who snores louder? olga, who were you pointing at? what do you think? well, of course, jurassic. do you have any bad habits? eat. let's talk about your bad habits.
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girls, of course, there are, but of course, i would like, well, probably to adhere to some more standardized sleep schedule and rest, but somewhere due to our work, and somewhere due to our laziness, it’s not always possible to do this. of course, it would be great to do more sports, and less to delve into the phone, gadgets, and yes, social networks , or while watching some videos. who conquered, flew in, of course, it would be better to eat more healthily, cook more often and take less snacks, well, probably, i would like to never be late, we are not late, but we very often arrive on the spot, so as for me, i have i think one, please, the most important thing is a bad habit, and i sometimes... i still
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allow myself the occasional cigarette, yes, unfortunately, but i’m on the way to finally getting over this, that is, i promised to be completely honest, so i'm being completely honest. i answer, well, answer the question honestly, when you quit, in the near future, guys, we will definitely come to you later and check whether the promise will be kept or not, thank you for your honesty, the next question is from the black sector, i have the following question for you , which is why you may had complexes in childhood, and if you had complexes, how did you cope with these complexes, oh, well, my answer is clear, simple, for many... many years in childhood, exactly 4 years, i wore a plate, my teeth were straightened , well, now this system, it’s already so very popular, i see several guys here in the hall wearing the same plate, and i was the seventh child of the republic of belarus, who was given
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an innovative method at that time, and i wore a braces system, all my peers wore such a plate that could be removed, such an arc, but they mostly carried it in their pocket, but my parents gave me such a plate that was not removable, it was impossible to put it in my pocket, when this whole story began, i i thought that, well , you know, like a child, he thinks, well, well , a week, well, a month, six months, a year, this whole thing lasted for four long years, and if only other children probably wore the same records, maybe i would n’t be shy, but at that time i was the only one in school, and also a girl. you know somehow i always smiled like that, i don’t know, well, something like that, then, when they took off this record for me, i directly remember that day, i was walking along nemiga street, smiling at the whole city, like - like that some person to whom something wonderful happened,
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i just remember that day of my life, well, don’t blame me for taftology, but my story is also connected with teeth, there really was a different story, and one day my friends and i went to play hockey. and the stick hit me very well in the face, it landed really well, and i saw half of my front tooth in my palm, god, what should i do, well, the first thing is, what am i going to tell my parents now, not how am i going to live with this, but what am i going to tell my parents now, i was hiding for a week, i went to rehearsals , at that time i was studying in the folk group karagot, i remember we were learning the lyavovnikha dance on stage. the music stops, mom’s voice, yura, come into the office, i walk in, i don’t understand what’s wrong, he says, smile, that’s it, i had to give up, i showed my smile, and mom understood everything, she says, well, congratulations, that time is not there were no technologies, that is, i
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lived with this for probably two years, so i was very complex, because i clearly understood that someone was laughing a little, these were such complex times. well, now you both have wonderful teeth, thank you very much, thank you, the next question is from the red sector, this is to your right, how did you spend your time in your childhood, you didn’t have any gadgets, just not like you, coming now and driving past the school where i studied, i don’t see a single teenager, not a single student, well, if we say, this is the summer period, which is just dirty to the point of... blackness from the rubber coating that lies on the basketball court, we played basketball or football until dark, we were constantly active, we never sat on gadgets, well, for obvious reasons, there weren’t any, i grew up in the village, we have a school,
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there’s a forest literally behind the stadium, and if we weren’t playing, by the way, there was a war game in the forest, then we, for example, could just fry a piece of lard on a fire with klebushka, or if we don't go into the forest, then we sit down in a crowd on our bikes on the kilometers for complete pleasure, that is, i think that it was more active, although in no way do i blame your generations, this is a given of this time, and i am convinced that many of you also attend sports clubs, do what - these kinds of sports, maybe not only sports, but in principle not only so to speak... they spend time on their smartphones, but i know, let’s now conduct such an experiment, how do you celebrate your birthdays, on quests, quests , yes, quests, option, also, laser, water park, water park, look,
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we had a different story, we celebrated birthdays either with our parents in the room or in our own, that’s it, there were two options, we were very... happy, because, probably, we still communicated more in person, but i envy your generation, because you really have more options when there are elections for sure, listen, after all, tradition is the good old one. preserved in the school classroom sweet table for a birthday, thank god, everything is there, which means we understand each other well friend, hello, my name is katya, i have a question: is there friendship between show business artists?
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not everyone, let's say, for example, there are employees there, employees of some organization, friends, that's right, or people who work in the same place does not mean that they are all friends, but there are those who go to visit each other, on the same holidays, they come, they congratulate you, but i can’t say that our sphere is exactly the same one that is from head to toe. shrouded in intrigue, this is the truth, this is a myth, this is a myth, and i want to add, well, purely girlish,
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yes, if you came to the site forgot, i don’t know, lipstick, some tights, a comb, hairspray, of course, i always share with you, of course, well, well, really, well no, this story that someone’s got some kind of intrigue going on, oh, you’re going to be ugly today, of course not, and theo even forgot his shoes, in my opinion.
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will always be interested in what’s new with us, what kind of songs, how is your health, how is your career progressing, just to talk about life, it’s very nice when it’s on such a scale, and people who received only love from millions, from millions of people, since distant soviet times, people who performed the loudest, most sonorous hits, again from that time, they are still held in high esteem when you see these...
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how beautiful you are turned, so, well, i would probably, to be honest, rewind several times, and if this is a film not in the cinema, but a film while watching at home , i would rewind several times to the brightest moments of my childhood, my formation of our weddings, the appearance of our daughters, honestly, i would like to relive some of the brightest memorable moments in life again, but if
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i were releasing this film, i would definitely make it a series, because - remember how in our song, in this movie of ours there were so many episodes , you laugh with me, it’s so cute, movies are wonderful, the main thing is that this movie is not black and white, that it has more bright colorful colorful moments. the next question is in the purple sector: my name is victoria, how... how are you usually greeted on the street, as usual on are they reacting to you? well, smiling, who? do you know what the first reaction is? they say hello to us, well, at first, at first, when i heard this, oh, hello, i say hello, and at that very second you miss who it is, me, where could i see this person, no, i don’t seem to be anywhere i haven’t seen it, i have a good memory on my face, someone and most often you know what question they ask, it ’s you, at that moment you say, well, it’s me, yes, but you just don’t understand, do they mean you or maybe some other
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artist, then when it’s already there somehow they call you by name, you understand that yes, indeed. i didn’t mix anything up, and of course, many people even want to hug there, take a photo, i’ll be honest, theo gets recognized more often, perhaps, because it seems to me that, you know, these are men, they are, in fact, both in the frame and in life, there without any evening dresses, accessories, festive makeup, i can stick in front of people in a store in a more ordinary way, in a simple way, and of course, ends with a photograph, well, or some kind of pleasant wishes, unpleasant, to be honest, i haven’t heard, but i once had an interesting story, but this is right at the dawn of general performances on stage, i took part in a television competition, in one of the cities a person comes up to me and says, listen, it’s you , i know, it’s you, i say that i, he says, well, just now i sang
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in this competition, i saw it on tv, it was you who sang, i say, well, i was so grimacing, well, yes, yes, yes , and he adds, are you talking such nonsense there? do you think creativity and love for the motherland are inseparable? love for the homeland, for me it’s perfect a separate feeling, and this is about love for your loved ones, this is about the love of that birch tree that you walked past to school. patriotism is about love, not invented, not written down, but love comes from here, and i think that i have always succeeded in this, because i truly love belarus, i love my homeland, i love my family, i love my small homeland, love for the homeland, it lives, it’s just in the heart, it lives, it’s great when this
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feeling of love that overwhelms you, it gives you the strength to create, and if in creativity there are times with... you fall, there is a creative upsurge , well, well, at this moment, for example, not or vice versa, you keep something on the toggle switch, it is written, then this is love, it always lives, it is with you, and this right, can we also listen to your work, can you sing for us, i think it’s a great idea, we’re ready to perform for our audience right now with joy, we’ll dance, in this movie of ours... there were so many episodes, you’re laughing with me, this so cute, everything around is a mound, the river of time carries us in circles, honestly, honestly, honestly, yes, the world will win again, only yours is here, the questions have been answered for a long time, all the answers are there, and without hearing the clock and in the hand, how
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good it feels for us, honestly, honestly, yes, let’s sing together. let's sing, dad together, let's sing together, we won't sleep in the evening, the whole area will hear, lipless front, that bass, together, how
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she spun us around, loaded us, mom allowed it, this signal means that in... questions to the heroes and glass, theo, olga, now you have to choose the best question of this program, well, in general it will be difficult, because, to be honest, it was the most unusual interview,
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you only need to choose one, maybe it’s a question about how we are recorded in each other’s phones, i at least found out, i at least found out how i am recorded in your phone, who asked the question, my name is christina, i study at the sixty-eighth school in the fifth. class. christina, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift, and that’s you today, please come out, thank you, congratulations, thank you. so, olga, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. let's. let's dream a little let's go to the future. how do you
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see olga and me in - well, let's say 20 years, that is, what do we sing - what do we look like, what are our concert costumes? i see you so happy, you know, when spouses have lived side by side for a long time, they already have such platanic love, they still stand so seemingly modern, everywhere, everywhere you want to show yourself, so beautiful and happy and the daughter next to you is also already an adult, but she will also always remain a little child for you, oh, thank you, something about love, thank you, i believe that you will... calm, well, that is, you won’t have as many concerts as now, because well
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, this time is already calm, that is, you want to be a family with your daughter, with grandchildren, if of course there are any, and well, i think that you will have everything is calm, peaceful and you will be together. i see now that you are bright, beautiful and will remain so, your daughter will grow up, she will become as beautiful as olga, now, well, now it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, guys, thank you very much for a fascinating, interesting conversation, thank you , you well done, so many interesting questions, thank you, visiting the program today. 100 questions for an adult. theo and olga are waiting for you at the entrance to the site. well, this is where i ask you to stay. do you think you managed to reach this audience? we
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tried to answer all questions honestly. well , in the end, we still have two more opportunities to refuse the question, which we did not take advantage of. this means that the first one was used completely by accident. what was the most difficult question for you today?
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they probably infected my entire sector with positivity, these are such open people, i believe that they were frank with us, since they told everything in detail, and did not hesitate to say that they love their daughter, they love each other, in general they love their family, in their answers one could feel this chemistry, which... they didn’t talk about, one felt the development, the fact that they were ready to tell us about everything, and this is such a warm and necessary feeling, who thought that theo and
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olga ryzhikov ... still something is wrong finished, they were a little cunning, raise your hand, but this only means that they were absolutely honest with you today, no one doubted it, theo, olga, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the heroes, sum up the conversation that took place, once again i would like to say thank you for the invitation to this program, it’s an amazing, cool format, probably this is a rare hour in every person’s life when in 60 minutes you have time to plunge into...
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watch in the next episode! dear program participants, today in the studio head of the minsk suvorov military school, colonel dmitry kuchuk, we welcome our guest. why do people fight and kill each other these days? who is better at resolving conflicts? or the military, what do you think is more important: to be able to attack or to be able to defend? what does the word boy mean to you? do the military have star fever and do you dream of becoming a general? is it true that every suvorovite can dance? 100 questions for an adult.
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we are belarusians, peaceful people, we have given the harvest to the serfs, we are packing our strength, we are packing.
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covenant with the great seven, glory to the land, even the bright name, glory to the peoples of the protyr union, our beloved mother, prodimo, forever alive. belarus, our, beloved, mothers, slaves, and belarus, beautiful countries, souls, we have lost, dear people, and... with you i came with
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you to become a feather. hail to our land and name, glorified by the people of the city union, our beloved mother, live forever, to belarus, our beloved. my mother's servant lives forever belarus friendship of the people, the strength of the people our
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for the victorious collections shlyar our stars clear.
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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of monday, may 6, i will tell you sergei lugovsky, hello, the meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council and participation in the ceremonial events on the occasion of victory day, the presidential press service announced the working visit of alexander lukashenko. to moscow. the democratic west puts pressure on people to the fullest. keep your head down, otherwise you'll end up badly. a polish judge urgently requested the protection of the belarusian authorities. he announced the reasons for his decision publicly already in
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minsk. and another total lie from the lithuanian puppets before the elections. what did nauseda promise when running for his first presidential term and how did he deceive the lithuanians? the first interview in the inside out project series. look. today on the evening broadcast, and also in our episode. the memory marathon for victory day has already started, a dialogue between different generations of historians, honoring veterans and a little about how we will celebrate may 9th. another tragic page of belarusian history in uruchishche uruchya, which in the minsk region found new evidence of nazi atrocities, these are three pits graves. details in the panorama. forgive everything, how the united states saved the nazis, money and careers instead of the tribunal and justice, hundreds of scientists in the white house service, why the criminals of the third reich became big business, big politics, fake biographies and a secret resettlement program, hunting for minds for
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world domination. let's show the facts. polish judge thomas schmidt fled poland and is asking for political asylum in belarus. he does not agree with the actions of official warsaw , he believes that... they lead to war with russia and belarus. there are no serious reasons for rising prices in belarus. what additional measures have the government developed and how will they affect inflation? comments from experts. polesya combine, rogachev condensed milk, journey to ancient tuurov. the industrial and tourism potential was recently presented in the gomel region at vodnkh. president of belarus. on may 8-9 he will make a working visit to the russian federation. on the 8th , alexander lukashenko will take part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in moscow. the summit will be the 10th anniversary years from the date of signing the agreement on the creation of
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the eurasian economic union. the event will be held in a narrow and expanded format. our president will outline belarus’ position on the main issues on the agenda and speak about the prospects for the further development of eurasian integration. great patriotic war, alexander lukashenko will also take part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. and today at the foot of this monument lies the vinokot of the embassy of our country. the ceremony traditionally takes place on the eve of the great holiday. monument located in the alexander garden near the kremlin walls. this place is a symbol of memory of all the soldiers who died defending our homeland. it is no coincidence that it is on a stone. the words are carved above the eternal flame: your name is unknown,
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your feat is immortal. in these difficult times, the date of common victory unites our peoples even more strongly, especially now, when the history of the great patriotic war is being rewritten, and monuments to liberating soldiers are being demolished. the vast majority of russians and belarusians understand the need to protect historical truth when macron calls for either to send troops to the french republic, either instructors, or scares, but most importantly, whatever the rhetoric, it is there, this is the rhetoric of threat and disagreement with our just struggle, those politicians were people who survived the tragedy of the second world war. and deeply understood through
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the examples of their loved ones, through their own experiences, the scale of the threat of danger to the world, and these politicians, the highest on the party tribunes, as part of the rotation of party lists with their arrival in parliament, they grew up in the comfort for whom the war in the cries textbooks, where it is written that the united states of america won the victory over fascism, therefore for them the reality of threats and challenges is, of course, downplayed, it would have come sooner.
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we do not forget our veterans; the state provides them with comprehensive support, from social benefits to free treatment and medications. they are visited by young people, new generations of belarusians still have the opportunity to say personally, thank you for peace, thank you for independence, thank you for victory, but the years, alas, take their toll. today in belarus and please think about this number, there's only one thing left. 1,100 veterans, those who suffered from fascism -
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these are prisoners of concentration camps, blockade survivors, approximately 7,300 people, but our veterans definitely have some secret of longevity, the youngest is 90 years old today, by the way, he was a signalman in a partisan detachment, that’s the oldest turned 107, thanks to these people our memory. is alive, and also to the serious work of our search engines, archivists and prosecutors who continue to restore the blind spots of our history, here are the numbers, which are even greater, expose the whole the horror of the nazi crimes on our land. according to updated data, during the great patriotic war, more than 12,300 settlements suffered at the hands of the nazis. as we see, the main blow fell. in the vitebsk region, here a targeted blow by the nazis
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was mistaken for half a thousand places. new names of the sisters of khatyn, burned along with the inhabitants and unrestored from the ruins of 288 villages and hamlets, have become known, most of them also in the vitebsk region. and this data is inconclusive. the most courageous belarusian cities. by presidential decree, the pennant awarded for courage perseverance during the war, there are 36 of them in total, nine of them were added to the list in february of this year. on the pre-holiday days of may , veterans are honored throughout belarus. alexey golovatsky also took part in the congratulatory marathon. a pleasant surprise for
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the gomel resident was the performance of a brass band and a ceremonial march right in the courtyard of his house. during the great patriotic war, he was a machine gunner in a partisan detachment, as part of the first belarusian front, and reached berlin. he has been awarded many awards, including the order of the red star, the order of the patriotic war, medals for the victory over germany, to the partisans of belarus. after the war, he participated in the liquidation of gangs in western ukraine.
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word: thanks to those people, thanks to whom the fire, like a memory, does not go out. those people who were tried in nurburg, at the famous trial, are already honored in some countries in the literal sense of the word, this is a big problem, it is dangerous because all this can happen again, and there are signs of this, so we simply must honor the memory we must show these people to all of europe, to the whole world.
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heads in a minute of silence. the world must know about the genocide on belarusian soil. new evidence of nazi atrocities was discovered in the minsk region in uruchishche. members of the council of the republic came to lay flowers to honor the memory of those innocently killed today at the site of mass graves. these are three pit graves in
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which prisoners of war, as well as civilians, children, women, and old people are buried. the nazis took people into... the forest, forced them to lie face down in pits, and shot them in the back of the head. only in one such bras grave can they rest several thousand people. information about the extermination of over 50 thousand belarusians was obtained during the investigation of the genocide case. a total of 16 grave pits have been discovered in this area since 2021. most of them were not noted in the archives. it was possible to find new burials thanks to a joint effort.
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several cases are also planned for consideration this year. how did the usa save the nazis, why did the criminals of the third reich become big business and big politics? instead of a tribunal and justice, they received money and a career, hundreds of fascists in the service of washington,
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hunting for minds for the sake of dominance, see today in clear politics immediately after the panorama.
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a loud, resonant event, which in the future could result in a very shocking continuation for the entire west, was unexpected. request for help. polish judge thomas schmit, who had access to secret documents of the military and intelligence services, asked for protection from the belarusian authorities. he told this today personally to journalists, already in minsk. about a week ago, the official left his homeland, today he showed his official id and signed a statement about resignation. the reasons that forced him to take such a step were protest against the actions. the polish regime, which, under the influence of the united states and great britain, is leading the country to war. thomas schmidt notes the pressure on relations
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between dissidents in poland, and also openly talks about the methods of work of western intelligence services to physically eliminate opponents. evgeny gorin, about the polish judge and the murderous policies of warsaw. it's a busy day in the polish ministry of justice and government today. in the morning in minsk, thomas schmidt, a judge from warsaw, and now ex-head of the national council of judges of poland, publicly resigned, read out the corresponding statement and signed it, thomas schmidt is not an accidental person, his high status is evidenced by access to secret documents of the military and intelligence services, that is, he is a holder of state secrets. this act is his conscious step, and it is very important for understanding what is happening in poland now and what it means?
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