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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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and a total purge of the media, any alternative opinion is eradicated and persecuted, let us refresh our memory of the recent suppression of protests by polish farmers, all this, of course, adds up to an alarming picture, because at the same time poland is pumped up with weapons, they are offensive, the question here is why, especially against the backdrop of economic problems, is this really the most important thing in poland now? president alexander lukashenko raised this topic at the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. poland intends to create the most powerful land forces troops in europe, of course, with the help of military-technical support from the united states. warsaw is steadily increasing the number of its armed forces. by 2035 it is planned to increase them to 300,000 people; currently they have a little more than 190. i also cannot resist commenting that in this poor poland there is already no one to work. problems beyond the roof,
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civilians, what kind of battles they dream about, who will provide them, the structure of the ground forces, an army corps is being formed, the operational readiness of which will be achieved by september of this year. for non-military people, i’ll explain what operational readiness means, it means a formed corps, even tomorrow into battle, like at the front. thomas schmidt has been in belarus for about a week, minsk, as a place of refuge, is not an accidental city, the polish judge noted the efforts of the belarusian president to establish peace and tranquility in the country, remembered the minsk agreements, which were a road map to peace in ukraine, therefore they are asking for protection in belarus and personally addressed the head of state. were arrested
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without bringing charges for six months or longer, and i had access to secret documents, i don’t think that fabricating charges against me and accusing me of espionage would be a problem. in addition, western intelligence agencies can organize a car accident or my suicide, so if i want to live, returning is impossible. many of my friends have similar views on the political situation in poland, but it’s impossible to talk about it publicly. we even turn off our phones when we discuss something like this. there are spy programs for wiretapping like pegasus, many people use it, you can listen to conversations even without court approval. this is how our democracy works. i received anonymous threatening calls. strangers came up on the street and said: keep your head down or you’ll end up badly. another important point: anti-belarusian sentiments and russophobia in poland are being artificially intensified. according to him, poles do not harbor negativity towards our country. it is being inflated in the media at the instigation of the authorities. he left behind a family and
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children in poland. evgeny gorin, grigory kristofovich, atn. western myth about democracy, freedom and right, it's collapsing like a house of cards. the veil of their total lies and hypocrisy has subsided. more than 30 years of so-called independence and lithuania has turned from a showcase of a once great country into a doormat for nato. population outflow, high taxes and affordable healthcare. not everyone, it would seem, right now everything can be corrected, this sunday in lithuania, presidential elections, but do people have a choice, or was it stolen 33 years ago, what nausėda promised when running for his first presidential term and how he deceived the lithuanians , agency exclusive tv news, the first interview in the inside out project series, watch this evening on the air after the understandable politics. a series
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of interviews, we will provide a platform for lithuanian politicians, thank you for allowing us to express what they really... think about belarus, lukashenko, well, belarus, he will never give up democracy, this is completely different. the main problem of baltic democracy. democracy in lithuania, when it became independent, there were many more smart people in power than there are now. nausėda, word against deed. it says populistically, but in order to make things better for these people, indeed, this did not happen, and we will break through the propaganda of how lithuanians actually live, this is a painful topic, i would like
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to say, the inside out, interviews with lithuanian politicians on the eve of the presidential elections, see 6 may on belarus 1. and belarus 24. european civilization has simply lied, their american settings are beginning to fail. paris urgently disowned sending its foreign legion to ukraine. the french foreign ministry emphasized that this is all misinformation. why are they making such a fuss? information from a former assistant appeared in the media. us secretary of defense that french military units from the foreign legion have already arrived in ukraine and are sent to support the 54th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. it was even clarified that the group numbered about a hundred people; in total, as they say in the material, fifteen hundred
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french military personnel could arrive. earlier, the french president did not rule out sending his military to the northern military district zone. this is the worst thing that can happen to the people and the country, and i am amazed at the ease with to whom macron speaks about this, when, with a glass of wine in his hands, during a conversation with the singer at 3:00 in the morning they say: i will have to send the guys to odessa. yes, i’m talking about ease, because we are talking about the lives of our soldiers. he wants to send troops for the sake of his own ego, personal image. macron , with his statements, brought the situation to this point.
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trying to reason with some hot-headed european politicians who, for the sake of political points, are trying to do something that will be quite difficult to correct later, because russia’s clashes with nato are, as they say, a completely different
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story. belarusian senators today approved the bill: if the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe is suspended, i will immediately note that this does not mean belarus’ withdrawal from it and the cessation of the armed forces’ internal procedures related to its implementation. our country fully fulfills its obligations under the treaty, strictly adheres to the established maximum levels for the availability of military weapons technology. the draft law has been prepared in order to ensure our...
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we, in principle, will no longer be obliged to adhere to those restrictions on the number of weapons that we signed as part of this agreement, but for your...
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united arab emirates. in general, the range of issues is wide, from mutual recognition of the exchange of driving licenses to investment protection. but if my partners and i are constantly looking for new areas for mutually beneficial cooperation, then in the west, well... everything is not like normal people, there the owner is the hegemon ordered, the puppet authorities agreed and did not have time to calculate the damage. the only passenger railway company in latvia asks not to prohibit the purchase of components from belarus and russia. otherwise there will be a total transport collapse. it is impossible to replace existing stocks within a month with products from the european union. and did not withstand
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operating conditions. it’s even scary to imagine where the anglo-saxons are driving the baltics, but the thirty-year route is already obvious to everyone. if you continue like this, there is only a dead end ahead, without history, without memory, without people. in a latvian city. the police arrested a local resident for placing a sticker depicting the order of the great patriotic war on the wall of his house; as the detainee stated, his relatives suffered from nazism, and he honors this memory. now the man faces a criminal case, and it is possible that he will go to prison. in recent days, at least four suspects have been arrested for committing so -called ideological crimes, among them, in particular, the person who brought flowers. to the site of what was demolished 2 years ago monument to the liberator. another
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victory monument was demolished on the eve of may 9 by ukrainian neo-nazis. the monument to eternal glory was immediately dismantled in the city. the forty-eight-meter obelisk was mercilessly destroyed. the acting mayor of the city said that the wreckage would be sold for scrap. who burns the victory banner in the new one for what reason? during the war, she went through hell, hunger, deadly diseases, three concentration camps and a life of constant horror. gali triskova was taken from her mother when she was...
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every monument, monument or obelisk
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that stands in any corner of the world, dedicated to the events of the great patriotic war or the second world war, this is a tribute to our memory, to these girls, bodies and souls, who were mutilated by the nazis, and also to every soldier and officer who liberated dozens of countries of the soviet union and europe. they are sacred, like the memory of those events, but as the last ones show. years are not for everyone. ukraine, for example, is proud of the fact that all victory memorials on its territory have been demolished. not long ago, the leadership of the lviv region announced in the media that... it had been cleared of those events. by the way, in the forties ukraine lost a fifth of its population. 1,300,000 military personnel died at the front, and the same number in hitler’s concentration camps. the contribution of the ukrainian republic to the victory over nazism is difficult to overestimate. every sixth fighter in the red army was ukrainian. and today,
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today ukraine revived nazism and banned may 9. last year, several countries wiped their feet on the victory banner; for example, in latvia, on the eve of the date, the parliament passed an urgent law banning all festive public events. citizens were not allowed to hold rallies, processions and even laying flowers at monuments. i would like to remind you once again of one fact: in 2019, the mayor of regi called may 9 the day of death and emphasized that people celebrating this date... have no place in his city. estonia surprised me. their government imposed a fine of 1,200 euros for celebrating victory day. and in lithuania , all symbols of the holiday were banned. st. george's ribbon, red star, banners, in general, everything that personifies the date. but no one in the baltics prohibits marches in memory of the latvian ss legionnaires. for example, this year on march 16th
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riga hosted the annual march in memory of the nazis. but belarus. prepare in advance for the holidays. for snioka, the date may 9 is sacred. we are happy people; we are not forbidden to approach the obelisks and lay flowers. for our sake, the country's leadership is blocking the avenues so that people can walk along the main streets with portraits of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers in their hands. on this day there is a day off in the country, all residents in the morning or evening gather with their families and recite the text for those who died in the terrible forties. when the song victory day plays, every a belarusian starts singing, and it doesn’t matter whether he is on the street, in a store or at home. our memory of history was not stolen, and we sincerely sympathize with those whom the leadership of their countries prohibits, even in their apartments, from singing words that the whole world knows. victory day, how
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far it was from us, how it was melting away in an extinguished fire... the miles were far away, burnt in the fire, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory, disappeared like gunpowder, this is a holiday, with sore marks on the temples, it's joy with tears in your eyes. victory day, victory day, victory day,
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in belarus, salaries have been increased for a number of honey workers. the resolution has been in effect since may 1. the size of the bonus for felchers of traveling ambulance teams who travel independently has been increased from 110 to 160% of the salary; additional payment for work in rural areas has been increased from 20 to 40% of the base rate for health workers at felcher-obstetric centers, general practitioners in outpatient clinics, local hospitals, nursing hospitals . medical.
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issued on an ongoing basis in the health care system, usually twice a year to various categories of health workers. job local authorities, the quality of road surfaces, issues of dacha cooperatives, a variety of life problems of belarusians were discussed today in the house of representatives. speaker igor sergeenko held a personal reception for citizens. there are about ten issues on the agenda, some of them were clarified immediately on the spot, while others were taken into account. hear people. go to a meeting in solving problems, where the main thing is the work together of the entire vertical of power, the chairman of the house of representatives drew attention to this, noting that a number appeals is associated with resolution...
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and you feel the pulse, the rhythm of the country’s life, it should be noted that it is bad when a person does not receive an answer locally, rises further and further, further, then at the cost of incredible efforts this issue is resolved, there should be a single, practically everyone's approach at all levels. work with citizens' appeals will continue, including in the regions, detailed information and a schedule of personal receptions with management, the secretariat and chairmen of standing committees. the deputy corps can be found on the official website of the chamber representatives. additional measures to stabilize prices were developed by the government
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together with the state control committee. the program is aimed at combating inflationary expectations, saturating the market with goods, and increasing import-substituting production. the mechanism also provides for restrictions on price increases for agricultural producers, including within the framework of government orders. veronica buta has all the details. there are no serious reasons for rising prices in belarus. the inflation expectations of the population were studied by the national bank of the country. the regulator came to conclusion: belarusians view the situation on the market more positively compared to last year. thus, in their opinion, the growth in consumer prices in the future could reach 11%. then, as in the first quarter of 2023, belarusians expected inflation at almost 12. current estimates are approaching the minimum levels of the beginning of 2020. in fact, we have twice as much. let me remind you that at the end of
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last year, inflation was less than 6%. in belarus, price growth was one of the lowest in the eu. this means the measures that are taken in the country has been working for the past few years. the market is saturated with necessary goods, the population does not create an artificial rush. the issue of pricing still remains under... the special control of the president and the government, and problems in logistics, in illegal sanctions policies, in general in the world economy, which is being destabilized today, it has not disappeared anywhere, so in order not to allow this negative impact on the domestic market, this response measure was introduced, both in the form of price regulation, while these external factors of negative influence will not disappear; until then, this measure will apparently remain in effect. the number one task is maintenance. price stability and availability of goods primarily due to its products. domestic production provides for an increase in the volume and range of production of vegetables in protected
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soil. the work recommended by the stabilization fund will be improved, which allowed us in the past and this off-season to provide a wide range of belarusian fruit products in the domestic market at affordable prices. of course, the activation of our producers in promotion. of their products both in offline trade, traditional trade that we have today, on digital platforms. to introduce a system of price regulation , control over its implementation is of little importance; this work includes not only march and state control, the local vertical, parliamentarians and concerned belarusians are involved. here we see the main function from the point of view of more prevention, namely, that is, with the very purpose of punishing a business entity, it does not it’s worth it, we will mainly carry out control.
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the joint program of action of the government and state control to stabilize prices, by the way, already the third in a row, is a strategic document. most activities are already implementing a number of tools; they are being further refined, for example, approaches to regulating dominants will be improved.
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it has already become a good tradition to present the achievements of belarusian regions of industry, agriculture, economics, science and culture in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. since the beginning of the year, presentations have been held brez, vitebsk, grodno and mogilev regions. well, today the days of the gomel region were solemnly opened. our southeast region is famous for the production of combine harvesters, oil production, delicious food and interesting tourist routes. why moscow loves rogachev condensed milk, why the gomel region is attractive for russian investment, why russian tourists are ready to go on vacation here. the potential of the gomel region was studied by daria belousova-petrovskaya. and i play ottushiny. as
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it should be. to the hospitable hostess, these days the gomel region has exactly this status, it welcomes guests joyfully and hospitably, folk music and a rich table, cheese sausages, of course, rogachev condensed milk, they didn’t skimp here, they brought a whole barrel, because this taste seems to take you back to childhood, which condensed milk i haven’t tried, it is the best belarusian, real taste, but the fact that the condensed milk competitors there are different, they have it as liquid as water, well, i don’t like it thick, well, in general it’s a good condensed milk, the best... it’s belorussiyachev. the gomel region is primarily an industrial region; there is no they not only extract but also process oil. 80% of gasoline fuel oil for cars comes from here. the region produces all belarusian cellulose, sheet glass, mineral wool, paper, cardboard, as well as machines for metal processing. not only our gomel region borders on russian regions, but for some reason it is the gomel residents who manage to
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make the most of the russian opportunity. used very successfully. this region is also famous for the production of combine harvesters. these giants work harvesting grain, corn and feed cultures, not only in their own country. they are supplied to 70 regions of russia; a joint venture has been created in bryansk, where they are created.
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russia is the main trading partner of the gomel region; more than 80% of exports go here. more than 40 cooperation agreements have already been signed in various fields, from agriculture to high-tech industries. the gomel region is very attractive for russian business. last year, the volume of investments in this southeastern region of belarus amounted to $300 million, and in 3 month of this year it has already increased by... 17%. due to its convenient geographical location , many tourists from russia come to the gomel region to relax. last year the flow increased by 6,000 people. first of all, our sanatoriums attract people, but the gomel region in terms of recreation is much richer and more interesting. the main attraction is an architectural monument of the 18th century, the rumyantsev paskevich palace. turov is one of the oldest cities in belarus, the small
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town of vetka, with moscow, its... moscow, that ’s all for me, an exclusive awaits you ahead television news agencies, the first interview in the series of the project “the inside out”, well, right now we are watching a new portion of historical revelations, the third reich in the us service, only facts in understandable politics. this is an understandable policy, today the program is about deals with conscience, how the white house helped the nazis avoid the tribunal, seasoned fascists with a ticket to america, knowledge and experience in exchange for a new biography. they were taken in hundreds not to prison, but to high important positions. operations such as paperclip, spider and alsous changed the fate of the whole world, what they are
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did you imagine?
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this issue will be dedicated to the large-scale operation paperclip, which is the recruitment and transfer of german scientists to america. i'm obsessed with technology - said adolf. hitler to his entourage at a dinner at the beginning of the war. after the surrender of germany, hundreds of hitler's technologists will quickly become americans. for many years, scientists and technical engineers have helped the united states develop military missiles, aircraft, medicines and new types of fuel. former nazis are on the conscience of many for terrible crimes against humanity. the bloody executioners quietly worked for the us government and received rewards. in the name of leadership on the planet, the white house is ready to cooperate even with murderers, when the west received nuclear weapons, a monopoly on the atomic bomb, then in america, as they say, they began to believe that that was it, they
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had created some kind of absolute weapon, that’s it, oh which hitler, perhaps, dreamed of creating such an absolute weapon with which one could defeat any enemy, they believed for a long time that they... would have this monopoly on this absolute weapon for decades, which is why they are allowed everything, which is why they very quickly turned a blind eye to the war crimes that german specialists committed, but the most cynical thing is something else, they thought about using the developments of the third reich long before the end of world war ii, according to military historian yuri... from the moment they entered the war, the americans were guided by very pragmatic considerations, trying to make money from the world war disaster. in the summer of 1945, the us office of strategic services decided that all the technological developments of the third reich needed to be saved from the clutches of the soviet union. yes,
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playing the allies card, washington already had figo in its pocket. but the meaning of german drawings is without the minds capable of bringing them to life. at the start of the program , there was some help from chance. the osenberg list helped the americans recruit from nazi scientists, that was the name of the german specialist who in 1943 was supposed to strengthen the defense capability of the wehrmacht through the introduction new technologies. to do this, hitler returned 4,000 scientists from the front. ozenberg interviewed everyone and literally kept a list. he fell into the hands of the allies. the story goes that he was accidentally found in the toilet of the university in beaune. the document , through british intelligence mi-6, reached the americans, using it they searched for scientists, conducted interrogations, based on the results of which candidates were selected for employment in the united states. initially, the operation was called overcast, the goal was only to interrogate
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scientists to identify their participation in the military crimes, but as soon as the importance of german research became known, it was decided to export many scientists to the united states. those who remained in germany received scholarships, some of them were sent to other countries so that they would not fall into the hands of the soviet secret services and be transported to the soviet union. the recruitment and removal of nazi scientists began very quickly, already in august 1945, a secret operation carried out under the supervision of a joint intelligence agency. the task is very prosaic - to ensure the us advantage in the cold war against the ussr, as well as victory in the space race. for their knowledge of the idea, they were forgiven for a lot of things; german scientists did not initiate business with...
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war criminals, as the special services did with the bloody nazis, but good specialists, that's right, they sculpted a false biography for them, worked for the third reich, but in the idea... hitler i doubted it. hence, the apparent name of operation paperclip. a photo of the scientist was simply attached to the new biography. and with a high degree of probability, the american leader simply turned a blind eye to this. to circumvent president truman's order, as well as provisions of the podsdam and yalta agreements, false biographies were developed for the necessary scientists, and data on membership in the nazi party and involvement in the actions of the nazi regime was removed from their personal files. as a result.
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with the current american legislation, well, what can we say in this regard, the americans, the united states, thanks to the activities of the cia, they received very significant benefits from such an operation, from attracting nazi specialists, letting the nazis off the hook with all their nightmares atrocities are a crime no less than...
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he led the development of all the main us space rockets, right up to saturn 5, on which the crew of apollo 11 went to the moon. in fact, thanks to him, the americans managed to land a man on the moon. von braun even held the post of deputy director of nasa and a number of other quite serious positions in the aeronautics. sphere, made decent money and became a very influential american, officially
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receiving citizenship in 1955. von braun and his team built the first ballistic missiles. the nazi past was quickly and firmly forgotten. at the same time , the americans completely turned a blind eye to what von braun did during the war. he was an ss officer whose work in germany involved tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners, many of whom died. himself... brown later justified himself by saying that he knew nothing about torture and executions, but he was clearly lying. there is evidence from concentration camp prisoners and resistance members that von braun personally gave orders to torture them. another co-author of the american lunar program was also hitler's former subordinate, arthur rudolf, an important nazi rocket engineer who worked for nasa. it was he who would be the director of the project for the program to create the saturn 5 rocket, the same one that would reach the moon in 1960.
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rudolf would be publicly suspected of collaborating with nazism only in the eighties, at that time an employee of nasa and the us armed forces, without any obstacles he would leave america and return to germany. those who have not been exposed will continue to receive prestigious awards and give their names to the awards. like hubertus struckhalt, who carried out experiments on children, and then used them in his works. shtrulta, despite this is called. one of the founders of space medicine, his discoveries played a key role in the development of space suits and on-board life support systems that contributed to the success of the american apollo, a scientist even among... it was only after his death that it was finally confirmed that struckhalt received his scientific data as a result of experiments, which were placed over the prisoners of the dachau and dora mittelbau concentration camps. there is no doubt that the damning facts have long been known american intelligence agencies, but they were hidden far
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away in the name of national interests. in 1984, the american circulation of the international herald tribune. quoted by former special investigations chief allan ryan. he stated that at that time there were at least 10,000 nazi criminals living in the united states. punitive services have turned into big politics, big business. the ruckfeller foundation was especially interested in the specialists from luftf's medical service. and their unique research on physiology at extreme altitudes under oxygen conditions fasting. the data for these studies were obtained from experiments. on people in concentration camps, including through autopsies of still living people without anesthesia. the head of luft wafa's research on aviation medicine, hubertus struckhalt, who coordinated this activity, never lost contacts among the scientific community in the west. at the end of the war , the air force and the united states quickly found him and transported him to texas. there he became the founder of american
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space medicine. and this is theadur zobbel. he was accused of conducting experiments on people in a french laboratory. this. otto ambros, during the war he made the decision to poison people in the gas chambers of concentration camps. nazi scientists worked in various fields, from nuclear energy to the chemical industry. their experience gave the americans enormous trump cards during the cold war, and beyond. it was a mind hunt. the united states used war criminals to create more advanced means of destruction aimed at yesterday's allies. german brains helped the white house take a step forward. forward on the important ones areas: small arms, electronics, engines, most importantly, there was no need to waste time on the mistakes of others, avoiding dead-end strategies in advance. you can collect a whole galaxy of scientists in the aviation industry, starting from kurt tank, willy messerschmitt, and continues with other people who were not just chief designers, but were involved in specific
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things, such as airframes, engine building, and so on. surprisingly, the us authorities still deny that they hired nazis, but several years ago in the city of san- antonio a scandal broke out: the library of aviation medicine for several decades bore the name of hubertus struhald. during the war, he conducted medical experiments on prisoners at the dachau concentration camp. people who worked for the nazi regime later received pentagon awards from the american institute of aeronautics and astronautics. their names are inscribed in the astronaut hall of fame. hitler's military doctor hubertus struckhald was called the father of american space medicine. a special award and a military medical award were named after him. library. he underwent special checks by us authorities three times, but only after his death did data begin to emerge about struckheld’s participation in nazi experiments on living people, including
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children with epilepsy. they achieved progress with someone else's mind and someone else's blood. after this, the modern policy of the white house seems quite complete. benefiting from the misfortune of others, this is the line the united states has chosen throughout history: fishing in troubled waters, even when they themselves have to muddy it. if nazism was patronized even for selfish purposes, and yet in europe it was also kept reverently, one should not be surprised at what is happening today on the western borders. it is possible that other members of the governments of european countries , especially the baltics, carefully hide their roots from the public. but if you dig around there, you will probably find a lot of interesting things. so, in almost every country that is now on the list of unfriendly ones, the collective west carefully protected our enemies, ran amok, raised them, all only to send them against us again at the decisive moment. while some lay in mass graves, holocaust perpetrators
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built careers and raised children. there are even monuments in their honor, but they are not touched today. the canadian parliament applauds the nazis, and belarus' requests for legal support. more than a hundred requests for help in exposing the atrocities of the fascists are studiously ignored without response, and the lithuanians and latvians have even declared that the implementation of the requests runs counter to their national interests. not one of our requests from lithuania, latvia, great britain, the usa, canada, australia have not fulfilled it, the masks have been dropped, nazism has not been defeated, many punishers and executioners have fled abroad in the usa, canada, latin america, they are alive in europe and the baltics, where the ss men march. in 2015 , a report by the social security administration was published, prepared at the request of the us house of representatives. according to him, 133 people were accused.
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criminals. happily. gogo, if it is beneficial and convenient for us. more examples in the next issue, a few more monstrous tricks with history and its vile
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what is the miracle of belarusian politics? in that we do not forget about people, the common man is at the forefront. china and belarus will work together as peace-loving states and peoples striving for common security. let's...
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don't be silent, don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest, and absolute honesty , sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our a hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. talk show in which famous. people answer the tricky questions of the younger generation. how are you different at work from yourself at home? it seems to me
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solely by appearance. i don’t turn from some kind of grump into a cute cat. no, i’m either a grinza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere. how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely categorically negative. to sympathize with pity is an arrogant feeling, it is feeling of superiority, watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel.
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isai pavlovich kozenets, one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground. in the summer of 1941, he created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers. for the sake of secrecy, he took the name of his deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka, he entered the history of the minsk anti-fascist underground. the oil workers established contacts with other partisan detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk, equipped an underground printing house, organized sabotage at the minsk railway junction and other objects of the occupiers. in march 1942, the minsk anti-fascist underground failed
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because agents were infiltrated into its ranks. despite all the measures of secrecy, they failed to protect themselves. almost all members of the first minsk underground were arrested and tortured to death in fascist dungeons. after prolonged torture, on may 7, 1942, isaiah cozenets was hanged in a city park in the center of minsk. in 1965 , isai cozenets was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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on the air sports day, in the studio of anna eismunda. good evening. the national hockey team of belarus and russia 25 in omsk today kicked off a three-match mini-series as part of the team’s grand tour tournament. the meeting ended with the victory of russia-25 with a score of 4:0. bordakov and gritsuk scored in the first period, and in the second. scores a double, sorkin makes the score 4:0. today the goal was defended by the belarusians snetko and lubsky. lubsky, by the way, made his debut for the national team and came on as a substitute after the fourth goal missed against alexey snytko. we approach each game one by one individually, we understood that the opponent would add, they would play to the limit, today they played well, completed the game task, helped the goalkeeper, of course
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we help a friend in defense, scored a good goal in attack. goals, but we can play even better, on may 9 the team will play in tula, and the series will end in minsk, on may 11 at the minsk arena. vladimir shantarovich, due to two years of excommunication from international competitions, has lost a little of his coaching instincts, so the specialist cannot predict the results of the belarusian kayak and canoe rowers at the qualifying regatta in szeguid. the mentor stated this in an exclusive interview with tel news agency before the departure of the national team.


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