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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24. this is may 7, 2024, to be more specific, suddenly someone needs clarification, we meet with you. everyone knows that on may 7 every year all
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radio and television communications workers celebrate their professional holiday, and today the entire broadcast, we will congratulate our colleagues, of course our holiday, we have prepared many surprises for our tv viewers, so we personally want to appeal to all of our colleagues and immediately congratulate you, indeed, to wish happiness, health, it would seem. banal phrases, but they are simply necessary for every television and radio communications worker, because without health there will be no good content, right? of course, friends, we also wish you good content, interesting speakers, because after all, what journalism is famous for, including television journalism, is a huge amount of communication with incredibly interesting people, so in fact, be interesting yourself and attract interesting respondents and wake up with us.
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don’t switch, hello, as you can see, this is an ordinary stick, it would seem like an ordinary stick, but today it will help us in training, we will do three wonderful exercises that you can do absolutely anywhere, you don’t need anything for this, in some complex equipment, a fairly ordinary stick, let's go, the first exercise we will do is lunges, but lunges in dynamics, so we take a stick. and behind the head, yes, great, first we fall back with our right foot, great, then we return back with our left leg, work three or four approaches for 30 - 40 seconds, let's go, after such a wonderful dynamic exercise we will squat, that is, we have already prepared, we are ready. legs
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together, completely together, that is, not the way you are used to squatting usually, the knees are also together, arching in the back, but we squat our butt back to an angle of 90°, as we exhale we stand up to the end, do not straighten our knees, but work three or four approaches 20-25 sessions each, let's go. the third exercise that we will do with you is diagonal lunges, they are very they also work well on the gluteal muscle, hitting from the hip, but in this case we will do it for dynamics, and therefore this workout is intense and fat-burning. let's go, and so dash, we take it by the head and do a diagonal lunge back with one leg, accordingly we return and a diagonal lunge back with the other leg, we work three or four approaches of 20-25 lunges on each leg. as you can see, with
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the help of an ordinary stick, it still made us sweat, you can train very well, so train together with your child, be an example for him and be healthy. place the body bar behind your head, fix it on... your piceoid muscles. perform lunges. bend your legs one at a time and move them back. the angle at the knee is 90°. do this exercise quite dynamically. now the legs are together. the heels are pressed together . squat. pull your buttocks back to a 90° angle with your knees. bend slightly forward. keep your back straight. do not straighten your legs completely. now do diagonal backward lunges. also watch your back. she
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should be level, do not move your knee forward, the angle during the lunge is 90°. in each exercise , choose the load according to the child’s strength. live - it's not knowing, friends, what would happen, even if you lost your shoes, even if you don't know. the largest show in our country, and
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today, by the way, we are celebrating the day of radio television communications , congratulations to all those involved, friends, well, in the next 3 hours on... tell you the following: on our professional holiday, we will get to know better those who raise future journalists in the belarusian state university, our correspondent visited about all the innovations of the faculty of journalism, anna ganzhur will tell in her story: a man who changed the world, we will get acquainted with the biography of the chemist bioorganik, the founder of the institute of bioorganic chemistry afanasy akhrem, and also find out how the one who makes his day begins: our morning good country anna silich, crane operator, new hero of our regular profession column, color, aroma, density of stems and branches, what other criteria should you pay attention to when buying greens, purchase everything will tell you, don’t miss it. as part of the section with a quality mark, we will visit
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a straw weaving master and learn the history of one of the oldest trends in decorative and applied arts. and by the way, the property of our country. yes, friends, and these are not all the plans for today, in the third part of our program, on the occasion, in fact, of that same, already a little glorified day of radio, television communications, we are waiting for the visit of the chairman of the belarusian radio company ivan eismant, we will talk about the achievements of the main, main media holding countries, i even started to stutter a little at this moment, because i was very aware of the importance of the moment, don’t miss it, there will definitely be a very interesting conversation, well, besides this. how to set up this connection with yourself, the most important connection of life, i would say, this topic is somehow connected with the fact that
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today is workers’ day, including communications, yes, that’s how, by the way, we will establish all connections , all connections, all possible, such a rich broadcast is planned today, we remind you, on the clock. 07, which means it's time for breakfast, our the food blogger has prepared a truly healthy dish, today there will be envelopes, not envelopes, mind you, but envelopes, and why anatoly moiseev will now explain, good morning, i bring to your attention an easy recipe that even an inexperienced cook can do, today we will prepare a friendly one.. . lavash envelopes are a quick alternative to cottage cheese puffs, which many of us are partial to. we will need lavash, low-fat cottage cheese, hard cheese, dill, garlic, salt, paprika, egg, butter, finely chop
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dill, chop two cloves of garlic, having previously crushed them with the side of the knife, so it will be more convenient to cut and it will give more juice. grate the cheese using a medium grater. place a pack of cottage cheese in a deep container, add dill, garlic and grated cheese to it. add paprika salt to taste. the filling is ready. we cut a sheet of thin pita bread into equal strips 15-20 cm wide. place a small amount of tvaruzhny mass on the edge of the strip. we begin to twist the envelope into a triangle, fold it tightly, and the excess cut off part of it with a knife, break the chicken egg into a bowl, beat it with a fork, coat the entire envelope with egg and fry for 2 minutes on each side in butter, that’s all,
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enjoy the juicy curd envelopes with an incredible crispy crust. the beneficial properties of cottage cheese do not disappear during heat treatment. that's why our envelopes are also useful. the filling contains calcium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for teeth, bones and nails. and if you don’t have time to have breakfast at home, take a converter. take it with you, because even when cold they are very tasty. have a nice one appetite and good mood. the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. the most important tests for schoolchildren are getting closer. already on may 27, the first ce and ct will be held in a subject of your choice. journalists asked some of the best teachers in the country to give recommendations aimed at teachers, graduates, as
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well as current tenth graders who are already mentally preparing for exams in the next school year. advice on preparation concerns precisely those subjects that applicants most often choose. and no less the psychological attitude is important. it is very important not to succumb to the crowd effect; if many begin to hand over work and leave, this does not mean that they have all done a great job. read more on sb. a city on seven hills where the volga and oka rivers connect, holder of the title pocket of russia, thanks to the famous local fair with exotic goods from europe and asia, the birthplace of the famous cars poveda, volga and chaika, closed to the public in the post-war years, now nizhny novgorod is a hospitable the capital of the unique volga region, its charms which mass belarusian tourists began to discover quite recently and with some success. night cruises, khokhloma, industrial power and merchant spirit, which surprises our travelers, sb
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belarus correspondents learned today. a spring day feeds the year; in the south of the country, in the gomel region, the main sowing of early spring crops is being completed. currently, farmers are starting to grow corn; in parallel, farms are treating plants with chemicals. protection from pests, fertilizers are applied, the vector of common efforts is aimed at fulfilling the requirement the head of state, to complete the sowing campaign in the near future. read about work from dawn to dusk on the pages of the republic. did you know that more than 2.0 species of plants grow in our country, more than a hundred of them are poisonous. the latter are also pleasing to the eye, growing in summer cottages, near roads, reservoirs, and in the nearest forest. do not rush to tear them, it is dangerous to health. how to recognize a poisonous plant
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and protect yourself from poisoning. for answers to these and other questions, the people's newspaper correspondents turned to the institute experimental botany named after kuprevich, national academy of sciences. their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting in its own way, complicated, and this talent was given to me at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me because that’s how it was, i made my first work, i made it by accident, i i felt like i wanted more. every story is a motivation to change your life.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films that are pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course, online travel. around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air
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24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. good morning belarus, good rajensi belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up, i remind you that today we are celebrating an amazing day called
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tuesday, today is may 7th on the calendar, right now anna valerievna is ready to tell you what. the weather has prepared for us, it is ready, it has prepared for us, yes, today i am in a suit of light fog, which, in fact, is also predicted in some places across the republic. so, today in the afternoon in minsk it’s only up to 11° with a plus sign, although they say that without rain, it’s already good, as they say, +14 + 16 will be in the southernmost, and the regional capital, this is brest, in vitebsk +8 +10 , also with a plus sign, 13:15 will be in gomel, here it will definitely not be possible without precipitation. +12 +14 in grodno in mogilev up to 10° celsius, also without rain, to unfortunately, nowhere, well, as maryana vasilyevna and i always say, these will be cleansing rains, they will help the sprouts to break through the ground more quickly, well, in general, you know, whoever wants to think positively, thinks positively, of course, despite colder weather, we see how the gardens are blooming, how the gray flowers are blooming,
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how, in principle, all nature comes to life and blossoms, and the rains only help, as you said. i didn’t know that fog could be so beautiful, thank you very much, friends, but let’s move on to probably the main things for for us, at least, the main news of today: today is the day of radio and television communications workers, and now there will be such a small historical note, back in ancient greece in ancient rome, much attention was paid to oratory skills, in fact, it was good speakers who could influence the adoption of important decisions , including political ones, so... i don’t know, probably all the world media say that the first, well , the first sign, the first harbinger of the appearance of the media, was julius caesar’s decision to publish, in fact some state decisions, publish state protocols, on such tablets, they were called albums, hung in public places, including, of course, in the roman forum, everyone could come up to read,
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and what was decided today, for example, by the senate, this publication was called the deurna act, which translated means that the belarusian state university is responsible for the quality training of specialists in our industry. our stoba almamator and anna ganjur, our correspondent, visited the university, in fact now he will talk about the innovations of the faculty of journalism. so, anna, you have the floor. the day of radio and television communications workers
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is celebrated annually in belarus on may 7. at the faculty of journalism of the bsu, every year they train a centurion. personnel for work in the media. a modern audiovisual journalist must be a jack of all trades, where technical skills must be combined, in fact, with some deep knowledge of the area about which this journalist is reporting. alexey viktorovich became dean of the faculty last year, but during this time an outstanding political scientist and historian i understood what it is first of all worth teaching the modern audiovisual direction to future journalists. today we are increasing the range of subjects that give an essential idea of ​​modern political, socio-economic processes in the world. it was at the faculty of journalism that we decided that we need, firstly, to acquaint our future graduates with the skills of the youngest journalists, and introduce
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it mainly to the audience, get acquainted with it at the places of their future work. i'm currently working for radio station stolitsa, we have a belarusian-language radio station, i present the news, i have two columns, i really like doing what i do, there has probably never been a time in my life where i regretted choosing the faculty of journalism, with first-year students are introduced to their future profession in the television pavilion, this is a huge studio designed for filming, creating shows and stories, from this year it is equipped with the latest equipment, you can film in this box.
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polina tarasevich and anna gandzhur. today we will discuss with you a very important topic of television and radio day. we will tell you all the details right now. in this studio we taught subjects such as travel journalism, and also the basics of audiovisual journalism. students can edit all filmed materials without leaving the faculty. here they are taught the basics of video editing from the second year, thanks to which last year the students studied independently. youtube channel zhurfackv. our department has been cooperating with belteleradiocompany for
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more than 5 years. this year we decided to expand, so to speak, this is a field, and now we want to create branches of our department on the basis of two major national television channels. we also plan to expand cooperation with radio stations, as well as with regional television and radio companies. media is already cooperating with the faculty, where students undergo internships and later work in their specialty. today, a total of more than a thousand people are studying, most of whom are foreign students. the faculty of journalism is truly a multinational student family, and we wish good luck in studying for the future journalists and thank the radio and television staff for their hard work. yes, thanks to our colleague for the wonderful story, young talents, yes, they will soon come to work for us, friends. meanwhile, tuesday on tv channels continues to be greeted by maryana morenkova and anna belarus 1 of the satellites belarus24 with you quiloria and of course with a portion of useful information. a new kindergarten has opened in
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borovlyany in a new microdistrict on 40 let pobedy street. it is designed for 180 seats. the projects provide cozy group rooms, spacious play bedrooms, music gyms, a computer class, a creative studio and even a belarusian-chinese resource center, where children will immerse themselves in... the culture of the two countries. our institution has created all the conditions for the comprehensive development of preschool children. at the moment, the staff of the institution is being replenished with new personnel, new groups are being recruited. every free corner in the garden is usefully equipped. the building consists of two floors. the first floor is decorated in a marine theme. rising to the second floor we diving into space. there is also a center for teaching chess. computer literacy, correct attitude to technical devices, a center for young computer scientists has been created. the new kindergarten was built in the scandinavian style; the two-story building
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is divided into seven interconnected functional blocks; the design of the playgrounds in the courtyard of the preschool institution attracts attention. here children will not only be comfortable learning from knowledge, but also have fun. the youngest pupils and their parents have already managed to appreciate the new product, the borovlyans were satisfied. for which we congratulate them, an excellent acquisition of the area in fact, of course, so we quite often talk about how a new kindergarten has opened in this or that area or in this or that city and we visited with our colleagues the filming of one of films also for tv channel belarus 1 in the vitebsk kindergarten, well, this is also a regional center, how cool it is there, i couldn’t just leave there, it’s like i had some kind of childhood dream that didn’t come true for a bit, it’s so bad there interesting, i don’t know there are children there yet.
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to your health, well, right now, let's go back in time a little, we have a small portion of foreign news, easy, new archaeological finds in croatia on the pelješec peninsula have discovered several artifacts belonging to the ilirian people, who inhabited the north-west balkans in ancient times, their age 2.5 years old, including glass beads, clothing fasteners and even a helmet. the discoveries forced scientists to take a fresh look at the way of life of the ilirians. previously it was believed that they were colonized by the greeks, who founded their settlements in this territory. researchers now believe their relationship was more likely to be mutually beneficial. wealthy and lyrian communities that
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controlled the important. other nationalities, after some time their language culture, unfortunately, disappeared. this is the situation, you ended sadly, you put an end to it, unfortunately you disappeared, but i’m always happy when we talk about some archaeological finds, but they help to learn more, they not only help to learn more, it seems to me that they basis you can build something at...
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the institute, he remained to work there in the department of organic chemistry, during the great patriotic war he served in the army and was awarded military orders and medals. in 1945, akhrem entered graduate school at the institute of organic chemistry, ussr academy of sciences, defended his ph.d. thesis, and 11 years later received the title of doctor of chemical sciences. his research focused on the synthesis of the stereochemistry of steroid hormone analogues. alkaloids and other biologically important substances. scientist created a laboratory for the chemistry of corticoid compounds, with the help of which he made a major breakthrough in the theory of organic chemistry. the anionotropic rearrangement of glycide oxides of steroids that he discovered was later called the akhrem rearrangement. in the early 1960s , afanasy akhrem worked in the laboratories of harvard and stanford universities in the usa, under the leadership of nobel laureate
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professor robert woodwa. in 1970 afanasy akhrem was elected a full member of the academy of sciences of the bssr and was invited to work in minsk. here at the institute of organic physics chemistry, he headed the department of bioorganic chemistry, which was later transformed into the institute of bioorganic chemistry. afanasy akhrem created the belarusian scientific school of bioorganic chemistry, which received worldwide recognition, and organized the production of radioimmune kits for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. laid the foundation for the formation of the immunodiagnostic industry in belarus, the results of his fundamental and applied research were awarded high state awards, the author of almost a thousand scientific papers and 100 inventions, afanasy akhrem, a man who changed the world of science in the 20th century. that's it, well , we continue to celebrate this wonderful day called tuesday, today is may 7th, anna quiloria, marianna murenkova,
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changes yours a little. morning is not guarding your cheerfulness, i would even say, honest modesty, friends, well, on may 9 and 10, the historical-cultural complex stalin’s line invites everyone to ceremonial events dedicated, of course, to his day of victory in the great patriotic war. visitors can enjoy an excursion, a dog show, a concert program, reconstruction of the battle, interactive zones where you will be offered to shoot, fly in a helicopter, or ride on a tank. yes, friends, as always it will be very interesting, very...
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i wake up at 5:30 in the morning, i immediately have water treatments, then a cup of coffee, and then i go to my favorite job. at 7:30 our working day begins, my responsibilities include bringing the part to the investigation of mechanical assembly work , together with him we assemble mining dump trucks. every morning we come to the first aid station in the morning, take a breathalyzer test, and then directly we come to the foreman, get the keys to the crane and get up, inspect the crane and immediately begin work. initially, i came to the plant, worked as a turner, then i trained as a crane operator, deciding to change something in my life. i am proud of my work, because we assemble the largest cars in belarus and not only in
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belarus. we have a friendly team, the plant organizes sporting events, where we all actively participate, balls are organized , too, in which our ... plant workers participate, there seem to be no particular difficulties, if any questions arise, then we quickly solve them, a person who goes to train a crane operator should not be afraid of heights and must have the qualities of endurance, patience, and attention to understand the person with whom he is working. i am proud of my profession, because guys without corn workers will not assemble dump trucks, and not only dump trucks, because we lift heavy loads. i love my
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job because it makes my country's mornings good.
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may 7, yes, today the weather is not very good, it has become a little sad, the temperature readings fell to +14 across the country, but that’s okay . continues, this blooming lilac needs these life-giving rains, of course, of course, we all need them, it’s just that maybe we don’t understand it yet, tomorrow, when our gardens will start to sprout there. we will say, thank you to the rain, but also from the rains to the music, let's be optimists, maryana marenkova and anna quiloria, yes, let's talk about travel, about news reports, maryana vasilyevna, please announce with pleasure, yes, for example, madonna spent the most biggest concert ever career, more than one and a half million people came to the singer's performance in rio denero, all because the concert was free, it was held on the world famous copacabanna beach, so madonna decided to end her tour.
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you understand, it seems to me that this very
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energy of sound, yes, it is, in principle, already life-giving, because fans, they sometimes travel all over the world for their idol, baryana vasilyevna, i’m afraid of seeming cynical, of course, but i can’t help but quote some folk wisdom for free, for free sweet guys, as they say, maybe, and maybe really, you’re right, maryana vasilievna, for the sake of your idol you can, you know, sleep in a tent 3 days before the start of the performance, it was some kind of absolutely incredible case, and here 1.5 million people, but we are glad that madonna’s concert went well, everyone is alive and well, but we continue to wake up in our country, there are also many interesting events, for example, on may 16 , all residents of magilev guests are invited to cheer for the participants of the happy together competition, which will be held at the base. belarusian state university of food and
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chemical technologies, where young families, and not just young families, student families from all over the country will try their hand at a sports quest, a creative competition, and demonstrate knowledge in the field of financial literacy, etiquette itself and the history of their families, among other things. you can take part in choosing the winner of the republican competition without leaving your home; you just need to use online voting and give the highest score to the family you liked the most. of everything, but can you imagine, from everyone universities in the country, guys come there to mogilev to compete, but firstly, it’s very cool to establish new connections and possibly make friendships that will last a lifetime, i suggest, remember how in the film, i suggest we make friends at home, no , i suggest being friends with families, yes, well, by the way, this is a very good moment to get to know each other in your family, i remember when i was little, we also participated in the family of the year competition in the district, yes, and that was what something amazing we baked some goodies. together with my parents, we made a big family album, we figured out our family traditions,
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because sometimes even family members probably don’t think that there are any specific traditions, they do and do, get together on sundays and get together, it turns out there’s a whole tradition, which unites, and the family tree, you probably also found out that you have so many interesting cells there, yes, well, we can talk about this endlessly, friends, of course, but to other interesting events that take place in our country, started on april 26 in minsk. the season of fountains and attractions, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh visited the capital’s gorky park and is ready to tell you what’s going on there? val zodiac wheel of vision and much more , the season of attractions has started in the capital, i suggest you go together in search of thrills. after winter storage, the park's 50 attractions were transported to the capital.
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rear wind, please zip me up, i'm not scared yet, but i'm not high either, as they say, let's see what happens next. 9 the minutes flew by absolutely unnoticed, i want to say that riding in an open cabin is absolutely safe and not scary. the cost of entertainment, as last year, varies from one and a half to ten belarusian rubles
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, depending on the carousel. the discount is provided for large families. this is probably one of my favorites. attractions at the autodrome, oh, well, let's ride like a breeze, as they say, for safety, do not forget to fasten your seat belt, because the attraction is still high-speed, the ride on the autodrome lasts 3 minutes, the speed is good and there is even small drifts in the new season in the park of jaws... which is also called kotal mountain. many of the attractions remain from last year. there are two inflatable trampoline complexes, they are located in the zhalytsinsky park in the nineth lettie park in minsk. we also purchased two 5d cinemas, one of them is located in gorky park, the second in chelyuski park,
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and we purchased a frame pool with electric boats called akvatika, located in the central children's park named after gorikov. crocodile flamingo. well i think my choice is the flamingo, please can i have it here, closer to the pier, how it works, we start, there is no gas pedal, oh, left, smoothly, smoothly, light breeze, sound of water, weather, and what else, as they say, is needed for happiness? those who want to get maximum adrenaline choose attractions such as mix and zodiac. what is the taste of extreme? extreme, it’s in the mix, we scream more than small children, it’s a good attraction, it doesn’t even make you sick, the vestibular
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system doesn’t suffer, now let’s go try a couple more. and from your squeals we can assume that the attraction is scary, right? really, what emotions there were, oh, just like that, the whole body was tickling, the whole body was trembling, such an expression of emotions, it’s even useful, it seems to me, but i’ll probably refuse, in the capital’s parks the attractions will be open from 11 a.m. to 2:1 pm, on friday, saturday and holidays an hour longer, on monday...
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they left complete creative freedom, residential buildings, public publications and commercial enterprises came under the brush. the author of the best graffiti will receive the audience award. people can take part in online voting: residents and guests of the city. this year , for the first time , they decided to teach street art master classes even to representatives of the older generation. after some training , they created their first piece of graffiti together, inspired by a poem by american poet walt whitman. and it’s worth adding that...
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mines and minerals that are necessary to maintain the functioning of the entire body. nutritionists advise eating 10-15 g of greens daily. some people have certain types of food intolerance greens, but almost everyone can eat greens in reasonable quantities, but how to choose quality ones? let's figure it out. the first thing we pay attention to when we buy bunched or cut greens is the color. the coloring should be uniform, vibrant, without signs of yellowness, without signs of any uneven coloring; all this will indicate that, unfortunately, this
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greenery will not last long in our refrigerator. the next criterion is aroma: if the greens do not have a pronounced odor or it smells rotten, you should avoid buying it. lack of aroma is the consequence of repeated chemical treatment. don't be alarmed by a little wilted greenery, this is a natural process. if it is good, then after you put it in the water. the greenery will begin to come to life. an alternative to freshly cut bunched greens is greens that can be purchased growing in pots. the most important sign we pay attention to is the development of the root system. if the roots are light, not red, not yellow, then this will indicate high quality greens. it can stay in your refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, when choosing vacuum-packed greens, make sure they are in good condition, if the contents ... stick to the plastic, then the spoilage process has already begun. in this case, it is better to leave the greens on the counter. also pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. don’t
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forget to look at the packing date, which will definitely be written on the package, and if we buy freshly cut greens, don’t hesitate to ask when they were cut off experts recommend thoroughly washing leafy vegetables and herbs for at least 5 minutes before eating, and, if possible, soaking them clean. water for at least an hour, in order to keep bunched greens fresh longer, you should put them in water and put them in the refrigerator. so, high-quality greens have a pronounced aroma and a bright green , uniform color. remember that greens in a pot will stay fresh longer, but most importantly, do not forget to wash them thoroughly. delicious and healthy shopping. getting to know belarusian enterprises and outstanding
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the result of their work, the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today is actually very reliable, with a colossal safety margin built into it. approach to the task you need.
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it will rain, throughout the day the situation in the regions of these same regional centers will change little everywhere, slight fog is forecast, well, the weather should also be so sad, a little bit denigmatic today yes, so depressing, well , let’s move on from the weather to other news, that... the twenty -fourth year in our country has been declared the year of quality, yes, in fact , the state quality mark has also been approved, now we will see it on our screen, the five corners of this sign mean that belarusian products, the quality of belarusian products is achieved by five indicators, which i will now read out: safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, manufacturability and aesthetics, and we gradually lead you to
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the fact that there is a a whole... section that will introduce you to the most outstanding industries of our country. yes, and today we will talk about straw weaving on december 1, 2022, this unique, in fact, belarusian skill, was included in the intangible unesc heritage list, right now let's talk about it together with our correspondent matvey leichonok. straw no skillful hands. masters, bell, spider, horse and even flowers around. the room turns into a whimsical world, there is a flat applique, and a voluminous one, almost sculptural compositions and simply amulets against evil spirits. from the tree of rye, wheat was the main crop that was grown. there was an abundance of straw, so weaving from this material became widespread throughout our country. straw weaving is one of
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the oldest trends in decorative and applied arts. initially it was utilitarian and ritual, and utilitarian is everything that was used in everyday life, hats, various containers for storing grain, flour, linseed oil, straw weaving was very widely used in rituals. for this our ancestors created amulets, the most popular were spiders, traditional pyramidal shapes. as a rule, such amulets were made by men. from the last harvest sheaf, women and children wove decorations for it, they hung a spider in the red corner above the table, steam from the hot food rose, moved it, it cast shadows throughout the village hut, people believed that this way you can drive out evil from all corners, drive it away into tubes of straw, like into a labyrinth, from where evil spirits will no longer be able to come out, the circle is a family amulet, it has survived to this day as
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christmas, boy... they always made horses out of straw, a horse is a symbol of male strength and health, they made faceless dolls for girls. the faceless doll is a protective mother, a talisman of home and family. birds are birds of happiness, their purpose, to protect and help those now living on earth. protective energy is more about decorative straw weaving, but there was also an applied one. the methods of their creation also varied. shiyana. they are made using a spiral weaving method, this is the most ancient method of weaving, men possessed this weaving, because it was strength in the hands was needed to tighten the bundles; they were of completely different shapes and sizes and could hold up to several tons of grain, including linseed oil. surprisingly, but true, weaving itself
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is only 30% of the work, the remaining 70 is the preparation of straw traditionally... they used rye. in order to make something out of straw, it must be removed from the field in time; it is reaped by hand, with a sickle, exposed to the sun, and threshed. is cut into pieces between nodes, moved to a long one, short, thick, thin, hard, soft, straw weaving, valentina admits, all products consist of various combinations of joints, which are later tied or stitched together, there are three directions in this craft: inlay, applique and volumetric weaving. inlays are boxes, straw patterns are glued onto boxes, applique is paintings. there is planar applique, there is volumetric applique, and there is volumetric weaving, that is , that’s everything else. the world of straw weaving, or as people affectionately say, straws, attracts connoisseurs of folk
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art to this day, and belarusian craftsmen carry through their hands the traditions of generations, because they know for sure that it was made in belarus. yes, belarusian straw weaving has no analogue in the world, it is unique. this concludes the first part of our broadcast, friends, please stay with us, because we have a lot of interesting things ahead, we will definitely get in touch, according to the tradition of tuesdays with grodno, in the third hour our regular co-host alla komarovskaya, a mediator, will come to us called her a pediatrician and a psychologist, friends, and most importantly, on the occasion of the day of radio and television communications, we are waiting in our studio for the chairman of the belarusian radio company, ivan eismant, to talk about the achievements of the main media.
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already speaks belarusian, of course, it’s amazing, foreign students travel around belarus and study its history and explore the sights. the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, so this is exactly the same one, this is a glubokoe treasure, by chance during construction work... an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot, and they also shared their vivid impressions. as we walked, i noticed that the temple goes very well with
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the sky. the television news agency begins informational tuesday morning in the studio ulga kalairova, hello, watch the episode, thank you for. victory, peace and independence, on the eve of may 9 , veterans are honored throughout the country. israel launched a ground operation in rafah. the southern part of the gas sector was affected.


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