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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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we see the messages that foreign countries are trying to offer us, which do not see belarus as an island of prosperity, good neighborliness, on the contrary, they are trying to create disagreements, but the cultural sphere , the media, with their daily work, are becoming a serious wall, a buffer in relation to such manifestations. and we speak with our people, we speak throughout the entire world community in an understandable language. gratitude is in the hands of our colleagues, agency cultural observer lydia zablotskaya and tv channel host belarus 3 anna panseleyeva. it's a hot time in volleyball, the final series of the belarusian championship starts with a match in gomel, the current champion of the championship, soligorsk shah, is vying for the main trophy. gomel
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energy, which i note this season for the first time in the history of the club, made it to the decisive stage. the first match of the golden series up to three victories will begin at 18:00. the live broadcast will be shown by tv channel belarus 5. further economic news, let me remind you that tv news agency projects are available in all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you at 8 o'clock. belstat calculated the foreign trade turnover of goods for 4 months, sales of new cars on the domestic market continue to grow and russian companies showed a fourfold increase in transactions on the belarusian stock exchange. we will not only talk about this in the coming minutes. you are watching economic news in the studio. good morning. belstat spoke about
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the results of foreign trade in goods for 4 months of the year. so the total amount exceeded $20.5 billion. to the level of january-march 2023, from calculated in current prices, the turnover of foreign trade goods increased by almost 2%. exports added a little more than a percent, imports - almost three. inflation is within the established parameters, the situation in the consumer market is stable, noted the head of mart alexey bogdanov. the adopted action program to stabilize prices for the current year. the document, as noted in the department, includes three main blocks: the first is measures aimed at increasing the goods presented on the domestic market, mostly domestic ones. provided increasing the range of vegetables in protected soil, special attention will be paid to the activation of belarusian producers to promote products both in offline trade and on digital platforms. the second block of the program provides for administrative measures.
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for milk, as well as for feed additives produced by the belarusian national biotechnology corporation. the most active use of exchange platforms is by companies from the moscow, leningrad, smolensk, yaroslavl and kaliningrad regions. the russian ruble has risen in price, the dollar and the chinese yuan fell in price. these are the results of trading on the currency and stock exchange. so, a dollar costs 3 rubles 23 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to nasbank is 3.47. 10 yuaniya costs 4 rubles 44 kopecks. 100 russian 3 rubles 50 belarusian kopecks.
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sales of new passenger cars in belarus in april compared to last year significantly increased by 2.6 times, and compared to the march figure by 17%. in total , over 11 thousand new cars have been sold since the beginning of the year. as the belarusian automobile association notes, this growth is due to growing incomes of the population, high rates of car lending and leasing let me add that the share of electric vehicles in april reached almost four. market, which is double the figure a year ago. belarusians have already begun to actively prepare for the summer season, as evidenced by the statistics of the largest russian marketplace for sales in our market. so, in the last months of spring, products related to beach country holidays have become more popular. interest in summer clothes and shoes has increased significantly. the most noticeable increase in demand for tents and gazebos here was almost 10 times, as well as for grill grates. and finally. so
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russian tourism has started to grow, the demand for summer tours in russia this year has increased by tens of percent compared to the previous year. this was facilitated, among other things, by the development of tourism infrastructure, representatives note. business, the most popular are st. petersburg, sochi, kazan, as well as river cruises. it is noted that no more than 20% of russian tourists are considering trips abroad. this was the economic news, have a nice day and be productive in your business, see you later. morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues the "zone x" program. i'm karina pashkova. hello. on the eve of
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the big weekend, law enforcement officers are warning about the danger of so-called registration flats. in teenage slang, these are parties that they throw in someone's apartment. as it shows. in practice, such meetings are not complete without alcohol, cigarettes and even drugs. often companies consist of guests who do not know each other. young people find each other through social networks. needless to say, such a vacation leads to tragic consequences. last year in in svetlogorsk, on a flatbed, a guy jumped out of the window of an apartment on the ninth floor. a few weeks ago, in the gomel region , after a party, a sixteen-year-old girl was taken to intensive care with a fractured skull. this year , inspection staff. more than 120 such drunken parties have already been identified among minors; more than 400 children took part in them and were handed over to their parents; 180 adults were brought to administrative responsibility for drinking alcohol with minors. in these cases tragic consequences were avoided.
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now the summer season is coming, the big weekend is coming, this is the time when children can be at home alone, under the pretext of learning lessons, meeting with a friend or girlfriend, constantly paying... attention to the child, call him, ask where he is with whom, if in doubt , ask to send a geotag of your current location or contact you via video, it is extremely important to know the social circle of minors. dear parents, be in a trusting relationship with your children. will continue release of a review of criminal and emergency incidents, alexander komovich compiled a digest. latest news , came from a neighboring country to start pawning, in the vitebsk region a russian citizen was detained on drug charges, as investigators established, a twenty-four-year-old man took a large batch of alpha pvp in vitebsk and went on tour around the region, visited glubokoe
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odokshitsy and bigomal, detained a pawnbroker on the highway along way to sharkovshchina. subsequently, he went towards sharkovshchina, to continue sell drugs. the operatives found almost 60 grams of a synthetic substance on the man, and the defendant was detained. in the mogilev region, a pensioner was attacked by a bull, a man in intensive care. it is reported that a sixty-nine-year-old resident of the region ended up in the hospital. he was unconscious. the workers who brought the victim said that the man was injured after being attacked by an animal while corralling a herd of cattle. investigators were working at the site of the livestock complex. it was established that the elderly the villager was not employed for only his second day on the farm. as a trainee shepherd. based on this fact, the mogilev land survey department of the investigative committee is conducting an investigation. the driver of the car tried to transport about 100 units of medical instruments from lithuania to belarus, but the attempt to save money failed. it is reported that while returning home from a neighboring country,
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a forty-three-year-old man chose the green corridor. but during the inspection , customs officers found magnets for the sound processor of various models, in a box with a children's toy... dental drills, implantable magnets. the cost of packaged goods was about 10,000 rubles. if you try to save money, you will have to pay a fine. a young man from pinsk decided to ride an electric scooter and couldn’t find anything better than stealing someone else’s. the owner contacted the police and said that an electric vehicle worth 4,000 rubles had disappeared from his landing. soon the hijacker was detained; he turned out to be a twenty-year-old local resident who had already been convicted. for hooliganism, now he gets the light and article for theft, near minsk, a gasport driver injured a road worker’s car, three people were injured. the accident occurred the day before on the 14th kilometer of the p1 highway, minsk-derzhinsk. previously, a resident of fannipol, driving a cargo gazelle,
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collided with a cover car with a trailer standing in the traffic lane. he, in turn, ran over the organization’s employees, and the passenger of the first car was also injured. in all circumstances, they understand... this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and good.
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what time is it, you ask, and i will answer you, it’s time to plunge into the world of positive news, today i, nastya rutskaya, will help you with this, you are watching wow news, in the next 5 minutes you will find out.
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our mobile correspondent will tell you in which country a thousand kites were flown at the same time and how the anniversary concert took place at the baranovichi children's art palace. in china , kites are flown en masse. in the city of waifang , a traditional and very spectacular festival started for the forty-first time. every year it attracts thousands of participants and spectators from different countries. in the sky these days you can see. exchange of experience and new ideas. over the course of two days, festival participants
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demonstrated their creative abilities, participated in lectures and master classes prepared by methodological teachers from the grodno region. the festival is being held for the thirteenth time and every year brings more young teachers together. this year, in addition to the teams from the grodno, minsk and gomel regions, colleagues from russia also connected remotely. the intense program of the festival is sure to bring everyone valuable experience. of course, we have no doubt about this either. let's move on to the next news. we also want to share sports news with you. the international rhythmic gymnastics tournament belye rosy started in grodno for the seventeenth time. more than 200 athletes from all regions of belarus, as well as russia and kazakhstan, came to participate in it. international national category judges were invited to evaluate their performances. the participants have a high goal. international. the belye rosy tournament, one of the most important starts of the season before future republican competitions.
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despite the serious bar, the young participants confidently present themselves at the competitions with dignity and courage. the winners will be determined in age groups from six to 15 years, as well as among masters of sports. we will closely monitor these events and talk about them. it's so cute, really. i wouldn’t be able to sit on the jury of this competition, because i would give it to everyone. for some reason all the time i want to burst into tears, because you look at such little boogers, and yet they perform such complex elements, in in general, i once again realized that rhythmic gymnastics is one of my favorite sports. moving on to the next one , very beautiful, yes, i agree. well, the third news is the nationwide premiere of the feature film belarus, the film time to return, took place in grodno. let me remind you that the film is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders and shows little-known episodes of the fighting of the belarusian partisans, thanks to which the successful implementation
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of operation bagration became possible. movie action takes place in the summer of forty-four. a prototype. the main characters of the film were real fighters and commanders of partisan detachments who fought the nazis on belarusian soil. the filming took place in belarus, including in smalevichi and the berezensky nature reserve. by the way, before watching the film, guests of the grodno cinema could also watch a thematic exhibition. yes, the premiere of this wonderful film is already happening throughout the country. the director was ivan pavlov. definitely, if you haven’t seen it yet, come to the cinemas and watch it. it is important to know my history. especially in such an anniversary year, well, and we know, a story has already been prepared, yes, to complete this collection of news, we want to tell you about a new addition to our grodno zoo, a collared peccary was born, this is such an animal and will tell you more about it my colleague kristina sheveleva, and i, in turn, want to congratulate you, colleagues of all belarusians, on
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the upcoming victory day, wish you calm, peace and prosperity. thank you very much elizaveta for your congratulations, and today you made us just as nice as possible provide all sorts of videos, let's watch your story. this baby only recently began to go out into the outdoor enclosure; the parents and adult collared peccaries hid the newborn for a long time. he still hardly leaves his mom and dad's side, preferring to spend time in their shadow. an adult pair of collared ones. peccaries have been living in the grodno zoo for several years, and this is their second offspring. in january 2022 , we acquired a young pair of collared peccaries, in the same year in the summer of 2022 they gave us their first offspring, we had a girl, she lives with them to this day, so already this year, on march 29, 2024, we
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received another offspring from them, also one baby. we don't know yet. collared peccaries are native to the forests of colombia in the amazon river basin. they are also common in other south american countries in a small part of the united states. these herbivores have a complex stomach structure, which they need to digest roughage. for now, the baby feeds exclusively on mother's milk; adults are very fond of grass, branch food, vegetables, they also cook porridge and give them eggs. in addition to collared bakers, since the beginning of the year in several more babies appeared at the grodno zoo. the largest increase was in cameroonian braids - 14 kids, the number of cameroonian sheep increased by three lambs. the domestic yaks also pleased with their new addition and gave them a boy. one of the last to appear was a female european mouflon. at the
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moment we have four adult mouflons, one male. we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the cup final president - the most unexpected couple - zhlobin metallurgist and brest. the history
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of the championship has been rewritten again. never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. let's take a look at the most interesting event. the british runner raskuk , known on the internet as the strongest miracle, set a record a year ago. he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase mianuk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists.
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watch in the science nearby project on tv channel belarus 24.
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show you the weather forecast maryana vasilyevna yes or no yes map to the studio so morning indicators right now outside the window up to +7 in the minsk region in brest up to +11 +3 +5 in
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the vitebsk region in gumel to +13 +6 +8 grodno in mogilev we have up to +9 with a plus sign everywhere there will be precipitation throughout the day the situation will change little, yes anna valerievna? certainly yes, let’s change the map to daily indicators, look in minsk +9.11 to 16°c in brest. in vitebsk 8:10 with a plus sign 13:15 of course, also with a plus sign there will be in gomel there, however, precipitation is expected plus 12 +14 in grodno in mogilev up to 10°c will also not happen without rain. yes, well , today there will still be light fogs, but you know, on may 7th for any radio-television communications worker, no matter how much rain falls in the sky, it’s still a sunny day, because today is a big holiday, everyone our colleagues. actually the day of radio, television communications, and i know that you have a small story, historical background, well here i want to talk about journalism in general, about the media in general, back in ancient greece, in
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ancient rome, much attention was paid to oratory skill, because it was good speakers who could influence the adoption of important decisions, including political ones, and well , of course, this may not be exactly journalism, but if we talk about the first newspaper, well, a newspaper, let’s call it that, then in general, probably, most experts agree... that the first publisher, relatively speaking, was julius caes, like this, because he ordered the publication of some minutes, there were meetings of the senate, some other information, on special such tablets , they were called albums, they were placed in public places, for example, in the roman forum, anyone could come and read, and what was decided by ours there today, so to speak, it’s like a kind of notice board, yes, then, by the way, there are more of them removed, added more some kind of secular news, they were also allowed further into the regions.
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on may 7, the faculty of journalism of bsu trains hundreds of personnel every year to work in the media. a modern audiovisual journalist must be a jack of all trades, where technical skills must be combined, in fact, with some deep knowledge of the area about which this journalist is reporting. alexey viktorovich became dean of the faculty last year, but during this time, the outstanding political scientist and historian understood what modern things should be taught in the first place.
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“i really like doing what i do, probably there has never been a single time in my life where i regretted choosing the faculty of journalism. from the first year , students are introduced to their future profession in the television pavilion, this is a huge studio designed for filming, creating shows and stories, from this year it is equipped with the latest equipment, in this box you can shoot not only programs, but also professionally conduct streams and even create documentaries. this video studio
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has been renovated. faculty, we decided to make our contribution. good morning belarus, polina tarasevich and anna gandzhur are with you. today we will discuss with you a very important topic of television and radio day. we will tell you all the details right now. in this studio we taught subjects such as travel journalism. and also the basics of audiovisual journalism. students can edit all filmed materials without leaving the faculty. they
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are trained here from the second year. new video editing, thanks to which last year students independently created a youtube channel zhurfakv. our department has been cooperating with belteleradiocompany for more than 5 years. this year we decided to expand, so to speak, this field, and now we want to create branches of our department on the basis of two major national television channels. we also plan to expand cooperation with radiostar. and also with regional ones , they are now cooperating with the faculty, there are television and radio companies, more than 200 media ; students are already undergoing internships and later work in their specialty. today, a total of more than a thousand people are studying, most of whom are international students. jurfact is truly a multinational student family, and we wish good luck in their studies to future journalists and thank the radio and television staff for their hard work. i
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saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, you and i will never become this snow, and let everything melt, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in the ocean, well, it’s time to get out our phones. the starry sky here, it seems that we are cold, right inside, this is a problem, it seems that we are cities, that there is water in us and so cold and so cold on your fingers.
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touch your thoughts, how not to fall in love with you again, not to fall in love, tell me, in your eyes i saw snow in the ocean, with this snow with you, we will never get up, and let everything come, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in ocean, i don’t believe in your eyes, snow in the ocean, we are strangers. we won’t be with you and others, so let everything fall apart, flow between your fingers, i’ll let you go and don’t come back, viter, i feel the optare of the zart. the air is flowing, the mask
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is off, we haven’t counted a hundred, from this love, everything is made of ice. and it’s so cold for my fingers to touch your thoughts, how not to fall in love with you again, not to fall in love, tell me, i see in your eyes, snow in the ocean, we will never become this snow with you, and let everything come, because between dreams , we lose love, like snow in the ocean, in my eyes... we see snow in the ocean, we will not become strangers with you and others, so let everything fall apart, flow between your fingers, i let you go and don’t come back, everything is with me ,
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and the world seemed to be in cracks, everything that we had promised before fell into flakes from the sky snowy, i see in your eyes, everything is gone, life will be you, and we won’t become others, so let everything melt, flow between your fingers, i ’ll let you go, and don’t come back.
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yes, friends, it’s not for nothing that this year twenty -four has also been declared the year of quality, in connection with this, our program issues a permanent column, that’s what it’s called, with a quality mark, it’s prepared by our colleague matvey lichonok. yes, today he prepared material about straw weaving, about belarusian straw weaving, because this is a completely unique thing, on december 1, twenty-two it was is included in the unesco list of intangible cultural heritage ; i repeat, about 200 people know the belarusian straw weaving technique, but that’s all. details in the plot, actually matve and leichonka, with a quality mark. straw, thread, skillful hands of a master, a bell, a spider, a horse and even
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flowers around. the room turns into a whimsical world, there is a flat application, and three-dimensional, almost sculptural compositions and simply amulets against evil spirits. from the tree of rye , wheat was the main crop that was grown. it was straw... therefore weaving from this material has become widespread throughout our country. straw weaving is one of the oldest trends in decorative and applied arts. initially, it was utilitarian and ritual. utilitarian - this is everything that was used in everyday life, hats, various containers for storing grain, flour, linseed oil. straw weaving was very widely used in rituals, for this our ancestors created amulets, the most popular were spiders, traditional pyramidal shapes, as a rule, such amulets were made by men from the last sheaf of the harvest, the decorations for
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it were woven by women and children. the spider was hung in a red corner above the table, the steam from the hot food rose, moved it, and it cast shadows throughout the village hut. people believed that it was possible to drive out evil from all corners and drive it into straw tubes, like... from where then the evil spirits could no longer come out? the circle is a family amulet, it has survived to this day as a christmas one, boys were always made of straw horses, a horse is a symbol of male strength and health, girls were made faceless dolls, a faceless doll is the mother-bereginya, amulet of the family home, birds are the bird of happiness. purposes to protect and help those now living on earth. protective energy is more about decorative straw weaving, but there were also applied ones, the methods of creating them also varied. shiyans, they are made using a spiral
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weaving method, this is the most ancient weaving method. men had this kind of weaving because it was precisely the strength in their hands that was needed to tighten the plaits. they were completely different shapes and sizes and accommodated everything. when several tons of grain were stored in them linseed oil. surprisingly, but true, weaving itself is only 30% of the work, the remaining 70 is preparing the straw. traditionally it was rye that was used. in order to make something out of straw, it needs to be removed from the field in time, it is reaped by hand, with a sickle, sun-exposed, threshed, cut into pieces between nodes, moved into long, short, thick, thin, hard, soft. in straw weaving, valentina admits, all products consist of various combinations of joints, which are later tied or stitched together. in that there are three types of crafts... management : inlay, applique and three-dimensional weaving.
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inlay is boxes, straw patterns are glued onto boxes, applique is paintings, there is planar applique, there is volumetric applique, and there is volumetric weaving, that is, this is everything else. the world of straw weaving, or as people affectionately say, straw, attracts connoisseurs of folk art to this day, and belarusian craftsmen carry... through their hands the traditions of generations, because they know for sure that it was made in belarus. how is she does this do? these are simply not hands, but some kind of whole apparatus, this is instantaneous and such a braid, it turns out, we bow to the masters who preserve this ancient decorative and applied art. friends, this concludes the second part of our program, and we won’t say goodbye to you for long, in the third part we will definitely talk with our mediator, psychologist alla komarovskaya about how... not to lose this connection with yourself, and right after the
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news block on the occasion of radio television communications day, we will be joined by the chairman white radio company ivan mikhailovich ezman, it will be very interesting, don’t switch, see you later, is it possible to play sports on the day of vaccination, well, in general it’s possible, but not necessary. like this. why? what is a vaccination? this is the introduction of a foreign substance that causes an increased immune response. after vaccination , you may feel unwell, after vaccination your immune system works with increased strain, and after vaccination your temperature may rise. and so as not to allow the body to layer one stress on top of another. my opinion is that per day vaccination, on the day of vaccination. it’s better not to go to training, it’s better not to go to training, it’s
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better not to go to the pool, it’s better not to go to the bathhouse, generally avoid stress on this day, if 24 hours have passed on this day without any pathological reactions to the administration of the vaccine, then the next day, please work out as usual, the injection reaction, it violates the integrity of the skin for literally a matter of time, as soon as... as soon as the blood stops flowing, no need to press, no need to smear anything, the blood has stopped go, that’s it, it means that everything is already in order there, all these fears, they are not based on vaccination, but this, if you remember, is the reaction to mantoux or pirke, which was in soviet times, you can’t get it wet, rub it, because that this is not a vaccination, this is a local allergic reaction, by the way the skin turns red at the site of tuberculin injection, subcutaneous injection.
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nothing, you don’t need to heat it, because local allergic inflammation occurs there, but if you received the vaccine, this place does not hurt, does not turn red, is not inflamed, is not swollen, for god's sake, please, you can wet it and rub it and do whatever you want with it.


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