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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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well, here it will all be scalded, cleaned, so that the seams are not visible, here the seat will be covered with wood, on the other side there will also be handles, a person can sit here to take a photo, sway. for 15 years, the iron portfolio has more than 60 unique sculptures, based on fairy tales and legends, they are installed both in cities and villages, the work of a jeweler from the small... belarusian town of
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fannipol, near minsk, inspires fellow countrymen and guests, and also contributes tourist attraction. that's our the episode is completed, we will tell you about the main thing in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel. all the best.
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if we try to generalize, what is more of a journalistic or maternal view in this film? it was then that the following position was chosen: say, don’t be silent, you are seizing on this topic because you understand that you want it to be known. when you come to a colony and
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see these eyes, you come from there different, criminals simply have all kinds of ways to involve young people there, all these bloggers are still... without they tried to create education here without any revolution, and there was ever such rage towards ideological enemies that i wanted to take them at gunpoint, yes, i love to shoot, for a modern woman not a single skill is superfluous, our woman, especially the belarusian one, can do everything, in what a thrill then, a teacher already at the faculty of journalism, who said that i would never become a tv personality because i have no charisma. i like it.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air. in the studio victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is a journalist, reporter, documentarian, political observer. they ran after the stretcher and said, call it olesya, yes, but my small homeland is, of course, dokshitsy, that’s why there is such a discrepancy. how do you remember your childhood now, beautiful, deep in the grass, somehow elegant, and of course, well, the biggest feeling
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is friendship in our class, we had a very friendly class at school, it seemed to me that we were just the only ones like this in the world, this is the feeling. and the feeling of comrade, you know, we even started a tradition for us, to meet every year, we met every year after school, in a chemistry lesson in the eleventh grade, we swore to each other that we would do this, we started something like this, well, we had a list like this, we wrote everything to our names, signed and even put fingerprints. yes, we follow this, yes, we follow this tradition, of course, over the years we don’t meet every year, not so often, but since 5 years it’s a must, and what event prompted me to choose a profession, was there something that worked, so i want become a journalist the funny thing is that i didn’t dream of becoming
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a journalist as a child at all, that is, i wanted to be a musician, i graduated from a music school in the piano class, my mother did not let me study further. to college, i went to the eleventh grade, dasha already dreamed of becoming a translator, and even documents were submitted to inyas, but the gold medal had no weight, and i thought, why not the journalism department, from childhood there was tenth and eleventh grade, i had a lot publications, i was published there in a local newspaper, poetry, of course, at this age i always want to write, talk about myself, that ’s when i felt that i wanted to become a journalist, that i...
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documentaries, about fifty special reports on pressing and in your portfolio more than a dozen resonant topics, and you devoted a significant part of them to children , be it the fight against the drug threat or grooming on social networks, let's watch a fragment of the film mind hunt. here we went, since while the operatives were recording in the protocols bags with the inscription sk speed, we came to alexey, who had been active lately his consumer, i slept here when
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i first arrived, when i felt bad, there is fear and obvious confusion in his eyes, there is smoothness and even fluidity in his movements, to our surprise he makes contact easily, this... this is prayer, here we pray, there. from the excursions we understand what life is like for a drug addict in rehabilitation. alexey ended up in the center of healthy youth , trying with all his might to hold on to... he is a talented guy, we studied his instagram, creative personality, architecture college, but it’s hard to fight with yourself, very hard, very difficult, very often thoughts about using, such nightmares come to mind, you want to feel this instant pleasure, but you wake up and there is nothing, as if he was 17 when he injected himself for the first time in the entrance, an example was friends who are drug addicts, then the search for a dose increases, money. taking things out of the house, funerals one after another, comrades, mother's tears, blinking,
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he understood everything, he cried from hopelessness, if you try to generalize, what is more in this film than a journalist's or a mother's view? well , it seems to me that there is such a symbiosis here, in everyone films that deal with such acute resonant topics, here both a journalist and a mother are included, by the way, this film, it’s very cool that you brought it up,
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problems, we are coming from a position of strength, that is , do it like this, not like, how, do it
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the way i want, but here you need to follow the path, and what does the child think at this moment, and what does he want, and what, what actions, what maybe the actions of the parents, lead him there to the other side, and having heard the stories of children, we made other conclusions in the film road to the abyss, well, yes, and the mood of protest teenagers are common to everyone, you tell him no, that means yes, yes, definitely, that is , why they leave home, why they go to make money on drugs, why they are generally drawn in that direction, and i was wondering, alesya, are you keeping track the fate of these heroes, that is, this guy, he got lost, you know, we once met him in the city, yeah, just in transport, we met our eyes, he recognized me, and he said: hello, i say: hello how are you doing, i ask, is everything okay? he
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says: yes, i’m clean, that’s all, and he says: thank you, i say, for what? did you speak to me as equals? you know, when you try to understand a person, to understand what is in his head, although he told very wild stories, yes, yes, and how he sat on a tree in fear, i don’t understand, so he speaks for pleasure, and what pleasure, she has fear from... this synthetics, that is, he is haunted by the most terrible hallucinations, yes, especially since it was the thirteenth year, in my opinion, when that’s all, we all made these films, yes, it really was just a terrible time, and children, teenagers, young people like that told absolutely terrible stories, so what’s the thrill then, some kind of momentary thrill, perhaps, perhaps this is some kind of first feeling, and it can to be imposed by others - peers, perhaps, yes, who say yes. there may be something there, but they all understand that it’s not true, yeah, everyone understands that it then sucks you in and just
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doesn’t let go, but then you can’t admit it, because well, no, they realize, but they can’t do anything about it anymore, that is, here a person just needs to be treated, to get out of there, yes, yes, in this film he said that i understood everything, but i couldn’t help myself, because there is chemistry chemistry, yes, they all, when they are sober, they all say, yes, i feel sorry for my mother, i cried, i also understood that i...
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they themselves were of course interested, it was surprising to see that people use such methods to transport drugs. well, we also learned about different ways from this film that they transport themselves for very modest sums, which me, for example, i was surprised that people put themselves in mortal danger for 2,000 conventional units, yes, my favorite thing is the coffin lining, we even did and filmed a stand-up comedy there, this topic completely captivated me.
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find out what the sources are, what they are, how it is translated, how it is done, i liked the topic, and we just began to collect our interesting facts, in fact, our operatives have a lot of such stories, in this film they told how criminals they boiled jeans, remember then, in the nineties it was fashionable, yes,
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they carried it, they soaked the jeans and then boiled it in their kitchen, in the paintings it is in fragments. the year when it was very difficult in belarus from synthetic drugs, because well, this wave just covered us and covered mainly young people, nothing could be done with these designer drugs, remember, when one substance seems to be prohibited, but then they add something... something else and...
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still this wave, but here we need to say that there was a set of measures, that is, this is prevention, our belarusian innovative approach, because we were the first in the region to improve this approach to the list of prohibited substances, that is, we included in it not a substance, a base, a base substance, that is, a priori, these changes became illegal, that is, it is still the same ... already in our database, by the way, our innovative method was later implemented by many in different countries, yes, from our experience they did, but today the threat remains relevant, do you think, it seems to me that there is always a threat, because well , firstly, in the world of globalism, this is impossible hide from the threat, the internet, the darknet, it opens up a lot of opportunities for
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criminals, and if there is demand, there is always supply. there are a lot of ways to reach young people, tell them, show them what this leads to, yes, it’s better not to treat this terrible disease, which
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is difficult to cure, here it’s not even about consumption, it’s about consumption, it’s about business that young people are involved in this business , you need to tell them that you can make money once, or maybe not even make money and go to jail for a long time. ruin his own, and our operatives’ technology today allows us to calculate them very quickly, well , this was approached to the children’s topic from a historical perspective, we are talking about the film executed childhood, which tells about the mass execution of children in domachevo, let’s see, it’s a very complex emotional topic, the domachevo tragedy in detail studied at the nyberg trial, the act of fascist atrocities was drawn up in november 1944, eyewitnesses of the execution, residents.
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concerns children, well, this also adds weight to this topic, and here this film is from the point from the perspective of journalism, i was interested in the fact that we worked here as researchers, i would like to note that you found a lot of speakers and it was interesting to listen to them, in volgograd at the eternal flame festival, even you managed to win the first prize, but because journalistic work is impossible here not to see, but we made an impression on the jury, yeah. and it was indeed noted that the research work, we had very good assistants, because that young history teacher from the home school
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school, and the school director, they just did incredible things, firstly, they found us, they found us, told this story, at least they became an impulse for us to start doing this too, and we realized that there is such a layer, that is, yes... we know that there is a monument, many saw it, yes, many knew, heard the story, but to show the viewer how it was, it really was such a serious and interesting work, to work on film, i personally was also interested because here a lot of staged filming, that is, this is a journalist, this is work in the archive, this is a script, plus you also work with the production director and...
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and there was a scene where a girl in a barn lies on the hay, some kind of bedding, and after the fence blood dies. in these shots , one of the most touching scenes is being prepared: the little actress feels well, but the film crew cannot cope with the godfather in her throat. when you are immersed in this whole story, it is a little psychologically difficult. and now i have a lot of filming specifically on genocide of the belarusian people, i was at the sites of mass graves, executions, to be honest, it’s very difficult to understand, there are skeletal
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remains with... yes, we saw these eyes, we saw this review, but children should not watch this film, although we we put it at 12 plus, but we understand that it is difficult to perceive precisely from the point of view of emotions, because children start watching, they ask a lot of questions, maybe this is good, they ask a lot of questions, they ask what happened to them next , why did they do this to them,
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the audience is already... older, you see, i’m an emotional person, i also have tears flowing, older ones, they begin to think deeply about this, here some more political issues also come into play, and when we showed this film to an audience of teachers, they cried too, yes, well, and it seems to me that the most important words are that if we forget all this, don’t remember, we stop. that is, you understand that this is how it seems to me, when you got into these emotions, when the audience answered you, when people come out on stage, they take a long time they can’t say, they also have this lump, that means we hit the mark, that means we with the director, with the researchers, with this young historian, we hit the mark with the right feelings and worked for six months not in vain, not in vain, but we for now, let's take a break, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, don't be silent,
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subscribe, ask questions and suggestions. guests, we are in touch, the program say don’t be silent is on air again, and today our guest is our colleague, journalist, reporter, political observer, documentarian, olesya vysotskaya. well, working at a tv news agency. obliges olesya to meet with political figures. in particular with our opponents, you had high-profile interviews with arseniy detko, with roman protasevich, and one of the last ones, let’s look at a fragment, i just want to ask for forgiveness from ordinary people, even those who were not there for or against, because that again, including because of my actions, ordinary life has been greatly shaken and society has changed very much, well, i’m the only one... what
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i hope for is that the changes will continue, but only in a creative way in a positive way, because without it it is impossible to live and move on, and moreover, without it it is impossible to develop. i read that i had finally mastered the novel and the creative profession, it suddenly dawned on me that all these bloggers, even without education, without any revolution , tried to create here, but this is the impression you got from communicating with these people, they can be called ours ?
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to ideological enemies, that you wanted to take them at gunpoint, who do you represent when you take aim, no, it’s still a journalistic weapon - it’s still a word. and we must be able to put our opponent in place with facts, the facts are on the table, as our leader says, still beat him with words, and not look at him at gunpoint, we shoot exclusively at targets, we are peaceful people, in 2020 we had to deal with these opponents, so-called a lot of dirt to listen to, how in general these events went through for you, your family, like everyone else, it’s hard, but...
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this photograph, of course, is already from the times of the union, those photographs were older, journalistic work, but of course i can’t to judge for what qualities they chose me, this needs to be asked of all of you, but perhaps the girls thought it was right that i was trying to embrace all this immensity, not to miss anything, maybe these qualities, yeah, but the social burden is not a burden, after all , there is so much journalistic work, no, that firstly, we don’t think in such categories, with the advent of the women’s union in my life, it simply became more fun, more interesting, more diverse, and this is simply when there are a lot of opportunities where you can express yourself, but
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more it's not even about me, it's about our girls, because this is an opportunity to help them somehow, and to show their talents, let’s say, here’s our exhibition, maybe, of course, they watched it. there was an exhibition of television needlewomen, let's show our viewers a fragment of how it was. when talent inspires not only through screens and radio waves, a creative exhibition of employees has opened in the lobby and belt of the radio company, which is involved in different working locations of the media holding. accounting, personnel services, broadcast studios and specialists at the control panels. look at colleagues with different eyes through the prism of creativity, activists of the belarusian women's union suggested to the belteleradio company. i never doubted that we have talented employees and employees, once again everyone was able to see amazing work, and today we have a temporary composition, but i already suggested making it permanent, well, probably,
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only thanks to your energy it was possible to co-organize such an event, in fact , all of our girls are very active, talented and simply generators of a wide variety of... people i just have we need to find time to implement everything that has already been proposed, here’s the list, and the girls come on their own, we’ve already been here for a year already, just, yes, just a year, for which we congratulate you, yes, by the way , at the start there were only 90 of us, now there are already 160 and more are being replenished, you know, when before we were each there as one cornflower, now we are like this... one big beautiful bouquet, yes, so from the needlewoman, obviously, yes, these are our needlewomen, yes they gave them a lot of ideas, and i like how this living one lives body, well, that is, there is no inertia, you don’t
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feel that you alone need everything, yes, no , no, a lot, even during this time we have formed such directions, that is, i know if it’s medicine, and we have medical we have now carried out the oncology campaign, yeah. then this is one person, yes, whom you can trust, if it is some kind of social direction and, say, helping homeless animals, i also have a person in charge, that is... that there are a lot of beautiful works,
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i’ll tell you frankly, i have a week in the office simply smelled of skepedar and oil, yes, these works are not like they are written there by numbers, that is, this is creativity, these are simply amazing moments, there are many, many good works, we started collecting a little at a time, in a week we have already collected a lot, we were thinking about how to place it all. beautiful, at the moment the girls are still informing, the school on the first floor is asking, yes, is it possible to do more, is it possible to do more, so of course, perhaps this exhibition will be continued, it’s interesting, when, let’s say, they invite you to join a trade union, and they talk about certain things, so let's say, buns, yes, bonuses, yes, offered by some trade union organizations, the belarusian women's union, when you invite them to your cell. is this what you are campaigning for or do people
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come on their own? at first, perhaps this was the case, they asked, what will we have in return? we told you that yes, firstly, you will get communication, this is an invaluable communication experience, but now that we held it, we didn’t agitate anyone, no, the girls themselves came, now that we held an oncology campaign, when we held an exhibition , when...
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i just saw, let’s say, one of them was working: let's fix this, and then, when everyone found out that i can do this, they suggested to me, but guess what, here the eyes are always afraid, the hands are doing, i think, how can i cope, how can i do this, i had to paint the wall next to gym, but she managed it, and the children, here is the son and daughter, what do they want to become, to journalists,
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the son is already learning the basics of it, or rather not the basics anymore, he is trying to achieve some depth, he is studying at a specialized university in his second year, baby, of course , at this age of 9, she is torn between the choice of whether she wants to become olympic champion in swimming, or perhaps the best hip-hop dancer on the planet, so... well, yes, we are a swimming family, we are a family that loves water very much, especially us, the female half, yes, my baby is showing good results, and i just swim for health, and
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well, i’m also an experienced bath attendant, olesya, please tell me, yes, by the way, the baby also swims with 6 months of experience, for health there are different opinions, that maybe women don’t need to warm up, i’ve even heard that from doctors, it seems to me that everything here is individual, for my health, yes, because it seems to me that if there is heaven on earth, then this is the bathhouse, because it is in the bathhouse that for me personally that reboot occurs, when all thoughts come together, they line up in some kind of logical series, when i... even get a charge of emotions from communicating there with my friends, i think it’s very useful for me. as the chairman of the primary organization of bsg, have you encountered jealousy on the part of men, that is, you know, it seems to me that they notice that our woman is very active, and you know,
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the guys come up and say: take us to your place, let’s take only two strong boys, can we be your wing?
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i even see how these primary organizations now appear in many organizations, and we are already friends there and i know that if i did something good to a person and we did some interesting action together, then i will get the same back the very answer, we communicate, we are connected throughout the country, now it’s no wonder why you were at the headquarters of our newly elected deputy ivan mikhailovich eismant. behind the scenes, but to us of course, yours is interesting, your view on the fact that we now have our own representative in the district council, how did you feel about this, about this work? yes, a deputy of local councils, this is a very interesting job, it seems to me, but for me, as the head of the initiative group in the early
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stages of ivan mikhailovich, it was interesting, an interesting work experience, yeah, that is, for me as a journalist. who saw it all the time from the other side, it was interesting how it works from the inside, because we told the audience a lot about the short stories in electoral code, but how does it work, how do all the institutions work, how does nomination happen, it’s very interesting, an interesting experience, because we think that it’s all very easy and simple, yes, when you start doing this you come across, it’s not easy and before you don’t know the last one, yes or no, that is, in order to get the overall picture, we have studied a lot, how things are in the area, we traveled, talked to people,
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but this is a really interesting experience, and we will take a break for a while, after a short pause, let's return to this studio again, bye subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guests today are journalist, reporter, documentarian, political observer of the television news agency olesya vysotskaya, well , you’re probably faced with a choice with your children, discuss political issues or not, are you doing this? it seems to me that when a family tries to raise a patriot, this basically happens by itself, because a child, these are children, why are they, especially at age. that's how my daughter is there from six to nine they ask a lot of questions when the child comes and asks: mom, why,
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not even why: mom, who builds hospitals? i tell you who builds hospitals, why we have roads, and where does the state get money for these roads? you tell us how it works, why? they ask, yes, let’s say, how does the president then have enough time for everything? actually the child is asking, i think it’s adults. yes, when you explain how it works, and why we have free medicine, by the way, that’s when these covid there were times, my child had a lot of questions, yes, that is, people get sick, who pays for it, yes, well, you explain, you tell, and the child understands, this is also politics, of course, and i understood your message that there is no need to raise artificial patriots, no, no, the child should always be given a chance to make his choice and form his own opinion, that is, you give him as much information as possible, he draws his own conclusions, well,
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plus by his own example, when the child sees what ideals you support him, in fact, it’s very important, we too we rode bicycles as a little girl, we love this thing very much, in my young homeland, we are driving past the monument to the great patriotic war, she sees a fallen basket, says, let's stop, let's do it, i say, come on, that is, there is no need to push him out of... artificially create, let's do this, this, this, it comes by itself, if you give the right messages, gently, another very significant moment, in the summer, and i have a very sociable girl, in the summer she met a friend, met a girl, she lives with parents in europe, and how do children communicate when they come to me with such eyes, they say: mom, she told me about the kindergarten, she says, what is soup-drinking, what is it? i start telling her that this is a package, he says, they eat it, and mom, they sleep on mats, i think,
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my god, are their kindergartens really like that, i start talking to mom, yes, indeed, he says: mom , and we have a kindergarten, that is, the child is already comparing, yes, you start telling that yes, yes, like that, but television, returning to it not right away came into your life, you tasted all sorts of journalistic bread, you worked on the radio, but you chose the white television and radio company, why? because television is very interesting, it is exciting; many opportunities open up before you when you can not only paint a picture with words, yes, as is done on the radio, for example, not only with printed words, as is done in a newspaper, but you see another picture, and you can add emotion with some kind of visual, but of course this alone is captivating, it is captivating that television opens up just a lot of opportunities for you, today you are a reporter,
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by the way, working in the presidential pool means that then such universal fighters come out, yes, i had such experience, that is, today you are a reporter, and tomorrow you are already somewhere on the site you are filming the belarusian film, and we also saw you behind the scenes of the all-belarus people's assembly. we caught you and ksenia lebedeva, some kind of paporation, here we are very, very emotional, yes, we are discussing, tell us about the behind the scenes, that is, we saw everything, of course, we watched this congress for 2 days, but we don’t know what was there in the hall, how you communicated with each other, did not communicate, what kind of atmosphere reigned there, but the atmosphere was simply amazing, incredible, i would say, of course, people communicated a lot , everyone was aware of that historical moment when you... are present at such a global and really historical moment, you live
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these emotions together with the country, when you see...
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you need to show people who, emotions, whose emotions always remain somewhere behind frame, show them as individuals, uh-huh, so here i am i can’t judge, well, in general, all the films, everyone is loved by all the children, and better still to come, what film or maybe the topic are you working on now, is there any time for creativity with such an active social load, olesya has time for creativity
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always, because his creativity cannot be... taken out of thin air, it always lives with you, in your heart, now we are working on large annual projects like this for the union state, there is less creativity here, more journalistic work, but in terms of creativity i i’m hatching an idea to make, maybe not a film, but some kind of project about mothers of war, because this topic, after the children’s theme of mothers of war, is very interesting and close to me, because women...
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of course, i wish you a happy professional holiday for you, well, new interesting films that would evoke the same emotions in the hall as we do today in the studio, it was sometimes difficult to say, i just really got stuck in my throat, but for the sake of this, in fact, this is what our work with journalism is, well, you yourself i said it myself, for feedback and we are working, thank you again for the great interview and success, tatyana sherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye. goodbye, olesya vysotskaya is speaking now. i would, of course, like to congratulate all journalists on the holiday, may all your works be filled with strong emotions and always resonate with the viewer, reader and listener. well, about the program, don’t be silent, further creative success. olesya, in honor of our professional holiday, we have updated our stand, our guests leave autographs,
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it is symbolic, yes, symbolic that today leave the first entry. exactly you, wishes and signature, thank you, strong emotions from new meetings. getting acquainted with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work: the difference between
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our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. our technology today is, in fact, very reliable, with a colossal safety margin built into it. approach to the matter. which everyone should strive for, we maintain one hundred percent control so that these products corresponded technically, regulatory legal acts, corresponded to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the project, quality mark on... belarus tv channel 24 we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, i remember when a person describes in ten pages the use of apple cider vinegar to treat
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cancer, it just can have catastrophic consequences, okay why, we share interesting facts, but there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers, for example, galen even believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. the ancient people liked sour wine; they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend life, the most important organ of the human body. we have long since created and in the clinic we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses. this absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from.
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so our corn differs there by 3-4 centners out of 100, and if we compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imported corn becomes unprofitable. belarus is among the top five countries exporting dairy products and among the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but there is no need to stop there; the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged in production. original elite seeds, and most importantly, that we can give from science new varieties that are highly productive and are resistant to diseases and pests. the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on
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the belarus 24 tv channel.


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