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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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on the labor front, generational continuity is certainly one of the manifestations of human strength, human confidence in one’s future. good words come to mind that if god wants to punish a person, he takes away his memory, if we want us to have a prosperous country, a country that has clear goals. guidelines, what we need to strive for, of course, there must be a very powerful platform, this background, this memory, and not only the written tradition is important here, but also the oral one. in the pre-war years, the university had almost 1900 people, of which about 450 volunteered to go to the front. only 620 people managed to evacuate. teachers and students remained in the city, most of whom became participants in the underground and partisan movement. from among the students and employees of bsu,
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participants in the events of these years, twelve were awarded the title of heroes of the soviet union. the ceremony of inauguration of vladimir putin as president of russia took place in the large kremlin palace in moscow. he received the right to hold this post for another 6 years until may 7, 2030. according to the current situation tradition, at the entrance to the palace, the elected leader of russia received a report from the kremlin commandant. then. in st. andrew's hall, on a copy of the constitution, vladimir putin pronounced the text of the oath in the presence of the head of the constitutional court, the heads of both houses of parliament and 2,500 guests. the end of the ceremony was marked by an artillery salute of thirty salvos. it is noteworthy that on the eve of this event , official kiev issued an appeal to its notorious senior partners to refuse vladimir putin recognition. the answer came immediately. the united states stated that they consider vladimir putin to be legitimate and
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war, of course, official warsaw does not recognize anything like this; instead , they frantically began investigating the activities of the now former judge in attempts to accuse him of treason, confusing it with the dictatorial regime of duda. the polish prosecutor general's office has launched an investigation into schmit for espionage. the panic is understandable; in shmit’s poverty there was a special job with specific documents and permission. and now, freed from the pressure of the ruling regime, he has become a direct threat
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for polish politicians who fear repayment. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come out to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions for the hero. igor alexandrovich, what do you think? why did the children choose you to talk to? first of all, if the children chose, it means that they saw me quite often on tv, well, the second thing is that children always like large dimensions, i know from my own grandchildren, here who very often prefer me, but are you ready for the fact that children sometimes ask awkward questions? you know, patients are students too, so i have some experience with it, i hope you promise to be honest? yes, then good luck! participants of the program, today
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our guest is a doctor and scientist, head of the department of infectious diseases of the belarusian state medical university , igor aleksandrovich karpov. igor aleksandrovich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason because you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself. time has passed. medical institute of infectious diseases of the belarusian institute, for more than 40 years i have been working at the department of the state medical university, for 25 years i have been heading the department, we consult quite a large number of patients, we
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are the staff of the department, we teach students, we teach how to treat and of course the scientific component of the work, i must say that i really love my work, it is extremely interesting. thank you, elizaveta, yes, indeed, all this was a long time ago, of course, but in the family they treated this specialty with great reverence, as they say now. secondly, you know, i was introduced to the book very early, my favorite hero, there were two of them, it was robinson cruz and gulliver, if you remember,
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gulliver, he was a ship surgeon, this is all somewhere together worked, and indeed i was very early wanted to pursue this specialty. i don’t remember that i was afraid of doctors and there was nothing terrible, but i remember one case when, while mining in the regional center, i was still very small, a nurse came , my grandmother knew her, she greeted her very well, she hands me this such a yellow jelly, just like i remember a candy now, so i swallowed this candy, so she said, it means my grandmother, i came to vaccinate. a child from a polymelite, then they explained to me what a polymelite is, when , alas, my generation had seen more such patients with really severe lesions, that’s how it was, my grandmother was thinking whether to give me a pill or not, i said, i’ve already swallowed it, well, well , i swallowed it, that means it’s good, and now you have
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some fears, you know, the fears of a person who is not young, they are a little different, maybe from those fears that people have... it is necessary, and the most important thing is that the study itself brings you pleasure and there is one more thing that is extremely important, i want to say it, it is necessary make friends with a book, there is such a very good aphorism, you know, when you watch tv, you are
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a spectator, when you read a book, you are a co-author, books are needed in order to think about them, this is much more important than receiving maybe some... assessments in this regard, well , this is how it seems, what was your favorite and least favorite subject at school? you know, the least favorite subject i had, i had two, i really didn’t like drawing, i couldn’t do it somehow, and you know the second subject, it was penya, we had a very unique teacher, he was very good, he was a young student who was distinguished by the fact that he played the button accordion and sang the song “my nightingale” in a woman’s voice, all the boys laughed and teased him,
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took this piece of paper and said: is it possible to take such people? look how he writes, i answered, they gave me an unconditional a, then he somehow tried to comment on this, yes, you know, but it turns out that you know all this well, but then i came out and thought like this, you know, i think, just a little handwriting did not play a fatal role in my life, so i have an example of a doctor's handwriting, could you please read it because i can, let's wait and see. thank you for your
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or what, these are priceless doctors, for your work, priceless hero doctors, you know, at first i thought that this was basically a frog’s handwriting, it’s so spread out, big, so i want to give you an assistant who can clearly knows this language, thank you very much, thank you. the next question is from the purple sector, let's turn 180°. hello, my name is christina, what does being a doctor mean to you? christina, this means helping people work, not provide assistance to patients, consult, i can probably define it that way. why is money in demand in medicine now, even though doctors take the hippocratic oath? the question is, of course, interesting, as they say, yes, but i want to tell you that. in our state, money has very little influence on the medical situation, the fact is
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that, probably, we are one of those states that provide free care to patients, and any level of assistance, this is not a cheap matter, but nevertheless the state is moving for this reason, of course, here this same financial pressure that falls on patients is incomparable to what is happening, including among our neighbors. mah, here’s the correspondence, any doctor today, at any level, will tell you this, this
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is a little distracting, in general sometimes it’s very distracting and i would like it to be less, let’s turn 180°, the red sector is when you first felt satisfaction from your profession? maria, probably in the same 1980 we started working as intern doctors and i remember this patient was brought in. with severe bronchial asthma, he was an elderly man, you know, he then told me that he was very afraid that the young doctor was helping him, he was in a rather serious condition , you know, i managed to help him enough quickly, i remember his smile, of course i remember this very much, that ’s when we felt that we could do something, that ’s how it was with each of us who started this work at one time, what do people get sick with most often? i want to tell you what it's like the rule is acute respiratory viral infections, now is the season, a lot of people
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really get sick with these diseases, and what viruses are the worst? you know, there are such viruses, they exist, well , for example in africa, there are viruses that cause serious diseases, these diseases are dangerous, but everything is done at all levels, including... this is always an unusual patient, as for exotic diseases , then now the most
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common cause of these very southern diseases is maleria, you know, it’s not that simple, despite the fact that there are several cases of malaria per year in the republic of belarus , imported, you know, one of the fathers of this trend is malaria, this is the beginning of the 20th century, he called this disease a great imitator, because the clinical picture can be any, and so in different countries i had to see... by the way, here in minsk, these are patients with cholera who were admitted many, many, many years ago, but we had to help them, provide assistance to them, and you know, we coped with it very well successfully, here. i've seen leprosy in my life, i saw japanese encephalitis, i saw many exotic helminthiases, but this was no longer in the republic of belarus. how has the emergence of the new coronavirus infection affected your work? the fact is that you know, this situation with coronavirus infection, it is called a pandemic, which means that
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the incidence covers a very large contingent of patients, practically all of them.
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it turned out that on the territory of the former soviet union, they stopped vaccinating the terrible disease against diphtheria, so we returned when, according to the result, for several years before ninety -four, ninety-three, approximately several tens of thousands of patients appeared on the territory of the former soviet union with quite serious mortality, this was such an example, the second example - i don’t want to name the time and country, from some of our neighbors. when work on vaccinations against measles was weakened, i gave a presentation there then, my relationship with my colleagues was excellent, you know, they stopped me in the middle of the speech, it wasn’t about his measles at that moment, they asked how many you in the republic of belarus, well, i named this figure, the figure was very, very small,
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the audience gasped, because they had tens of thousands of cases of this disease, that’s the truth. this was so, so you know, i cannot treat anti-vaxxers differently. now let's move on to the black sector, it's to your left. hello, i'm diana. i heard that vaccine production has been established in belarus. can this be considered an achievement of our medicine? the fact is that back in the mid-1990s, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, vaccines were purchased, they are being purchased now. look, a situation has arisen related to...
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situations will be able to, well, provide their population with vaccines, movies often show how a super virus kills people, tell me, is this possible, you know, if they don’t show all sorts of horror films in hollywood somewhere else , who will watch this, but sometimes humanity falls for this, the director knows this, so of course here he invents not only super viruses, but also a superhero, a super alien, who comes here. that's why we won't, we’ll probably turn this situation into armageddon, but we’ll just understand that we may have some, some viruses, like covid, for example, those coming with...
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hello, my name is daria, and what was the most unpleasant thing during the covid pandemic ? when you lose a patient, these moments, of course, had a very negative effect on the perception of the situation, and finally on the psyche, of those doctors, including me.
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to all patients, please note, regardless of age, regardless of any situation, we tried to reach everyone, from here, this is generally a good, positive word, very appreciated, i want to say that when i was awarded this title, i said, the most important thing is what i feel now, i have nothing to add, this is the title, which we all share among ourselves, those who worked at that time, so our medicine, in general, after all this became folk medicine, how effective is folk medicine? you know, traditional medicine should be treated with respect, the fact is that this was precisely the question, due to lack of money
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once upon a time, for the generation of our grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers, in that period, it was not, they only had these folk remedies left, they were tested, tested by entire generations, but they are not as effective as those medicines that... we currently have, so we need to treat them with respect, but sensibly, sometimes these remedies can also be harmful, but you must agree that when a cold occurs, what mom and dad say: lie down, first, lie down, first. -secondly, something warm, really, thirdly, drink plenty of tea, fourth, here you have raspberry jam or honey, it all came from folk medicine, and i also want to say that many of the most effective drugs that are... currently given to patients, including those with infectious diseases, came from us as a continuation of the experience that
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traditional doctors, namely healers, received, at that time, i will give one example, the two most popular anti-maleria drugs at present, they came out of traditional medicine, simply with their modern technologies strengthened, obtained, purified and... these medicines are currently working very, very successfully in classical medicine. the purple sector is ready to ask a question, it’s on the right, when was the last time you were sick and with what? oh, and you know, i suffered from covid twice, well, i was probably treated for this, i was in our hospital in the infectious diseases ward, but there was nothing serious. how do you improve your condition? friends,
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this is a good walk, somewhere in your age , exercise, a walk in fresh air, swimming, this is what strengthens the immune system much better than different types of pills, believe me, this is very important, hello, my name is polina, what should i do if i can’t make an accurate diagnosis? first of all , again, i want to refer you to the question that was about excellent students, studies, you know, first of all, it’s to have a team, you see, that is, when one failed, it means to have a team that can raise a good medical literature to find a solution for this patient and further
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examine him. that's in the right direction, time has changed, sometimes it’s just collective work like this, which most often leads to success, please tell me, but it is necessary to wash your hands, it is necessary to wash your hands, cleanliness is the key to health, this must be done, and how many times a day do you you do this, the fact is that a doctor who goes to a difficult patient who is in... for example, in an intensive care unit and any medical worker who comes up and touches him, touches his bed linen, touches the equipment, needs follow the rules of hygiene very strictly, sometimes this has to be done many times even in one hour, this is correct and this is mandatory, this is a mandatory program, if, if you had not become a doctor, what else would you work as? i don’t know, you know, maybe i... would
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have been either a sailor or perhaps a military man, but something related to discipline, it could have been a military doctor, because for a very long time i wanted to be a naval doctor, that is, to provide assistance there, but i never seriously thought about it. than they can are belarusian doctors and infectious disease specialists proud? this is primarily due to the fact that we were able to cover the breadth of other specialties, because with viruses there are bacteria. everyone deals with other infectious agents, so they often turn to us for advisory help , including because they need it, it turned out that everything is very much in demand and belarusian infectious disease specialists cope with it successfully. question from the yellow sector, my name is slava, i have the following question for you: how do you feel about material wealth and would you like to receive more money for your
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merits? to material wealth? i have a positive attitude, this is a good thing, well, i have enough money, maybe, if i name it, my salary is not that big, but it is quite sufficient for, in general, to live normally and somehow more than other plans in this i have no relation, you know, there was one very interesting writer, his name was eric kosner, and he said a wonderful phrase, he wrote, money is very important, maybe the most important thing, but only secondary. things, that's when parents will begin to answer this question, they will talk about your health, this is really the most important thing for them, so that you succeed, so that their plans for your brothers and sisters come true, so that no one gets sick around, so that the country lives peacefully, look, even money is not one of the five main problems that i immediately named, but they will tell you much more, and
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sometimes you simply won’t hear about material ones.
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raise graduate students in general, but if someone is better than me in something, what do you think? here you have to be happy or sad in this regard, that’s all. you know, the answer is strange, maybe a little, i really want to write a good guide and a good textbook, but i always remember zinove gertos, when i started trying to write poetry, he said, he says, a person should have a feeling of shame even in front of a blank page paper, so you need
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to collect quite a lot of material, a fairly large number of people who will do this, and i really want it to be realized. hello my name is andrey, how often do you visit the patient? treat you with sweets, for example, sweets, sweets or chocolate, but not so often, rarely, but do you take them, i don’t really like sweets, if i must say so, honestly and frankly, here, but uh, sometimes, uh, not only me, and the medical nurses, first of all, they , uh, take these very chocolates, because often and most often, older people do this, they refuse an elderly person, even if, excuse me, he brought it...
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you are the most the main thing is, look, there is a very big life lesson there, which spoon should be used it’s good to eat sweets so that they don’t harm you. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our
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exercises in order to create an information fund around the deployment, german troops are marching as occupiers to lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr at our very borders, they accuse us of that we are carrying out some kind of... listen, we don’t need a pro-russian, pro-belarusian president, make a pro-european leader who thinks about europe, implementation of the agreement on the non-proliferation of conventional weapons in europe, and the exit from it aimed at one goal, so that there is no war. we have always religiously observed international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that this will not help, the west will attack us if it sees that it can win. the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong. are these the rules of the game now? in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe from a big war with its competent, independent policy. the project, objectively, don’t miss
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new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. gets project is a true land on the day of belarus. the lake, it stands high.
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please tell me, do you think love is a virus that cannot be cured, or is there a vaccine? you know, she doesn't need that kind of vaccine, love. this is a wonderful feeling, and
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there is no need to vaccinate against it under any circumstances, it is truly a great happiness, why avoid it? do you remember when first time infected with this virus, remember your first love? i remember in the first grade i really liked my classmate, so i found it on the street, probably either someone threw it away or someone lost it, you know, it’s marvelous in its beauty. the group in my department was left to me for an hour,
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and that’s how it all happened, so you see how - everything happened in working order, as if, well, it turned out to be love for life. how do you share household responsibilities with your wife? you know, we somehow don’t bother in this regard, the thing is, that my wife is a doctor, she is a cardiologist, she is very happy with her profession, so. she works a lot as a cardiologist, so somehow we share this workload, for example, i usually do some shopping or travel, so she cooks more, she says that when she, for example, uses a vacuum cleaner, then her nervous system calms down, so somehow we work on nothing, turn 180°, red sector, please tell us the recipe for family longevity, how to live a long , happy family life? well you know firstly, it is necessary to marry for love,
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at the same time understand what kind of person is next to you, who you choose, sometimes my wife and i are completely different people, for some emotional reasons, for many other reasons, but here it is very important if there is a common direction, so we agree on many values ​​in exactly the same way, well, we have been together for more than 40 years. and somehow we didn’t get tired of each other, probably this is the most important thing, to understand who is next to you , to understand that this person will pass next to you all his life. one of your children continued your work, went into medicine? well, my daughter graduated from medical university, my son is a programmer, are you happy or upset about this? you know, i’m probably neither happy nor sad, that’s because children build their own destiny, the main thing is that everything suits them, that... they are happy, that’s the feeling of happiness, that they don’t
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deceive themselves, that it it definitely was, this is the main thing for me, a question from the purple sector, this is to your right, hello, my name is daria, how many grandchildren do you have, i have four, the eldest girl, here three guys, or maybe they also have some kind of medical mysteries, inclinations, well , one of the grandchildren, whose dad is a programmer, he uh - has a set that he chose himself, the doctor puts on a robe, so he starts playing, but me warns, uh, i want to be a programmer like dad, we’ll see what happens, how do you usually spend time with your grandchildren, chlyuskintsev park, gorky park, many other entertainments, at present, we use these children’s spaces quite often, they are happy, i love them very much. they think to children: what? what happens if you turn off your phone for the whole
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day? you know, honestly and frankly, i didn’t even try it on vacation, but this is actually a big plus for every person, you need to understand this, if a person is in demand, that’s good, hello, igor aleksandrovich, what does patriotism mean to you? in fact , patriotism can be different, you need to choose the most important direction in which a person works in some general way. difficult situation and does its job, sometimes you have to, as they say, link teeth, because it is difficult to do the work that is necessary, this is absolutely correct, and this also happens, and to treat your work honestly, this is another very important aspect, i also want to say that you need to know in
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general and the history of your country, be interested and be interested in assessing completely objectively how much has been done at the present time. no, the main thing is that you have enough health, so you can continue to work in different positions, in different guises, all this is extremely interesting, but in this regard it is impossible forgetting about both children and grandchildren, this is also a happy part for older people, the next question is to your left, this is the purple
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sector, do you believe in god, yes definitely? after death, i clearly believe that a person leaves behind a memory, i really want this memory to be good after this life lived, this is probably what it looks like, now we are in the period of flu and colds, covid has taught us to wear masks, like do you think this needs to be done now, this is according to the situation, as the world health organization writes,
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this mask, which remains and which is worn for life, hangs somewhere on the lips, has an open nose, how is this, forgive me, maybe the word in this audience is not very well slobbered, from top to bottom, then such a mask is of course better to avoid yourself in fact, you need to wear a mask, it needs to be changed periodically, then in general it can serve as a certain degree of protection . what kind of flu is expected this year? is it worth getting vaccinated? it’s worth getting vaccinated, and it’s highly recommended adults, and if there are grandparents at home , then you just need to talk to them, so that they definitely get this vaccination, because this is again the same risk group for these viral respiratory infections, so
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vaccination is it protects quite well from the disease and, most importantly, the ongoing one. severe form, please tell me, should we be afraid of a new wave of coronavirus or do our doctors already know what to do about it? our doctors know very well what to do about it very correctly, they are not afraid, this is an unnecessary word, this is an unnecessary approach to any problem, belarusian medicine has sufficient experience, there are now many different options. including antiviral treatment, they have appeared, they have it, it’s all there, if you had such an opportunity, what kind of vaccine would you invent? against hiv infection, the answer is unequivocal, absolutely, the fact is that one
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of the very major politicians from a very influential country spoke out and said that such an investment will be made... or later, humanity is always very he’s interested in infectious diseases, you know, these are the waves, covid has passed, everyone realized that it’s an infection.
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such a calmer guy, so one day we went to the book market, we went every sunday to the book market, suddenly he came up asking for a book very much on programming, my hair stood on end, because it was a programming language, he felt interesting, i bought the book, so i was very interested in what he would do with it next, this is the eighth grade, you know, there was 803 pages, i remember, he finished them literally in a short period of time, he...
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now if i ask you a very, very adult question, it can be very difficult to answer, what is more important, knowledge or experience? you know, i can now give you an answer from the position of my age, knowledge, this is where all the conversations that started from the first questions come from, it is necessary to study, it is necessary to enjoy studying, because that’s when they say that there is a mistake and so on , learns from mistakes, but you need to avoid these very same things as much as possible. but in order for them not to be at work, and for this you need to know very, very much and spare no effort in studying, you need to be able to learn. did
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you go through a difficult period in your career? yes , there was a difficult period in your career? if not a secret, then what? well, you know, so... there is no special secret, in the very beginning of the nineties, in the late eighties it was very difficult, because salaries fell then, during this period it was impossible, low, we all tried in some way or to solve the same this is the financial issue you were talking about, i had to work a lot on the side, we took a plot, then i remember my wife and i together took a plot of 12 acres, so we had to sow something, for example, potatoes, everything else in order to... in the profession, it was probably all right , the next question, to your right, red sector,
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would you like to go back to the past and what would you change there, go back to the past, no, i wouldn’t want to, so i wouldn’t change anything, everything that has been lived, lived, here are all the difficulties that were overcome, probably not necessary to change fate like this, to draw some conclusions, well... by and large , i wouldn’t change anything. this signal means that there is no time to ask questions to the hero. igor aleksandrovich, now you have to choose the best question of this program. you know, this is a question about an excellent student, which was asked at the very beginning, which formed the basis for a whole series of my further answers. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best
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question receives a special gift from our guest. you know, here. there lives a wise owl, so that she always helps you make wise decisions, thank you very much, and dear colleagues, i have one small souvenir that i want to leave in the studio, you know, this is a new year's angel, we were talking about literature and then a yellow one quietly jumped from the extinct tree angel, so that in our life, in your life , such an angel will always appear at the right moment... an angel, it could be a mother, it could be a good doctor, but better yet, parents, here is a good teacher, so i i leave this with you as a symbol transfer, you are dealing with children, let it remain here purely symbolically, applause, thank you very much, very nice. igor alexandrovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your questions. i will ask one question to everyone at once,
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please tell me, do you have a dream? i have a dream to become a great artist, because i am learning to draw, i am promoting this business, my dream is to complete all 11 grades with excellent marks, enter a prestigious college to become a doctor, to become a veterinarian, my dream is to become a criminologist and , well, work in the police , i love coockie so much i hope i’ll go into this field either as a pastry chef or a chef, i really want my family and friends to never be denied... i ’m great, of course, igor alexandrovich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. so, doctor and scientist, head of the department of infectious diseases of the belarusian state medical university, igor aleksandrovich karpov. but here
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i ask you to stay. igor alexandrovich, tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? well, probably the damned hippocrates, these are related questions with the virus, with love? today you managed to answer 67 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? why not? i ask our audience, do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today? who thinks so, raise your hand. why do you think so? i believe that igor aleksandrovich answered very sincerely, and this was heard in his voice, he knows the answers to all questions, he answered frankly, he went into a lot of detail, even about his personal life, so this is very was conducive and it was clear that he was sincere in all aspects. igor aleksandrovich answered
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each question as thoroughly as possible, and also a person who works with... whoever thinks that our guest was disingenuous and did not finish speaking, raise your hand. well, that means, indeed, our guest today was sincere. igor aleksandrovich, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. you know, it’s not always such a pleasure to communicate with children like this. here, despite the cameras. very sincerely very interesting, so thank you very much, infectious disease doctor igor karpov was a guest today at the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week.
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describes the use of apple cider vinegar for i remember when a person is on ten pages of cancer treatment, it
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can simply have disastrous consequences, it is clear why. let's share interesting facts. however , there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers; for example, galen believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. sour the ancient people liked the wine and began to add it to food. use in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the opportunity to extend the life of the most important organ of the human body. we have long established clinics; we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses. this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the science nearby project on the tv channel. belarus 24,
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where the nameless river winds like a ribbon, silvery, i will plunge into the honey, heather, fragrant. and an old tenderness will awaken, it will flare up in the heart with a quiet flame, hello, i will say the desired one, i know you have been waiting for me for a long time, linen, linen, deer, crane, native, belarusian land, there behind the ashes. behind the fogs, in the silence of forests and fields, the hidden, the unspeakable, winds the neighbor
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of my land, if there is anything in the world that is eternal, beyond control, they run away from it, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart. my land, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land.
2:06 pm
volodka, i love you, very much, well, whatever didn’t happen, be alive, okay, i promise. in the life of the mistress of the right officer, he can find out the plan of an entire army, if the intelligence officer has a fiancé, he must understand that they will kill you, but i have a fiancé and i would like to, but not me...


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