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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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volodka, i love you very much, but no matter what happens, be alive, okay, i promise, in life the mistress of the right officer can find out the plan of an entire army, if a scout has a fiancé, he must understand that they will kill you, but with me i have a fiance, and i would like to, i am not
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interested in what you would like, contacts with german officers should be as productive as possible, this is clear, not small, sorry, this is what you said at the very beginning, we will have to sleep with the germans, you are the best girl in the world, marry me, that i would have shot him with my own hands, he would have shot our people, women, children, hello, marina. arida, little one, congratulations to baroness von rickert, everything will be fine.
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thank you dear.
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“comrade instructor, the training route has been completed, allow me to report the results, report, we have established that we were being followed by two people, the first was a man, red-haired in a checkered cap, the second was a young guy in a gymnast, tall, no insignia, i agree, that ’s right, i don’t agree, fedu, you persuade me, according to my observations, we were followed by four man, they're still watching, who?" "
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that couple in love, they don't look at each other at all, and she's holding flowers like a broom, not very romantic, i don't see the other two right now, they change all the time, tall redheads are a distracting maneuver, you figured them out and relaxed, the test is passed for you, and you better listen to matilda, she explains everything.
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sit down, what do you want, matilda genrikhovna said. so that we communicate more with experienced people, that their advice is worth gold, something like this won’t be written in books, well, here i am i thought, but you are the best, you have completed such tasks, maybe you can teach me some practice, because everything is fine with theory, you are becoming a student, i really want to become a good intelligence officer, how do you like it? the komsomol member, of course, asked to become an intelligence officer herself, wrote an application three times, has a fiancé, a guardsman, in belarus now, writes a letter, every week, if you want
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to become a good intelligence officer, i want to. you see a man, yes, lie with him, that you don’t know what this means, i know, but come and agree, there aren’t enough people on the street? right in the park on a bench or in a gateway , i’ll keep watch, stand, smoke, when you’re free ,
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i’ll be a good scout you won’t, if... for me to teach you, get up, go to him, our stop, let’s get out. fedoto, stop, go, that’s what it’s like,
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everyone has different experiences, i have one, someone else has another, look for another teacher. if you're lucky, everything will be different, go ahead, they called, the fifth group is returning to task, in about four hours they will be at the airfield, we need to meet, there is a fifth group to meet. have you visited velishka recently? 3 days ago, how is she doing? with varying degrees of success, only to get better again, a drip, then infection, then complications, now a drip? no, now is the medical commission, it’s high
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time, let the doctors make a conclusion. if the problems are serious, we will commission. if she survived, we have a lot of tasks, i think i’ll make it in time, hospital, in front of the airfield, hello samoilovich, and hello, hello, we need to talk about the bike, and i congratulate you, citizen the big girl passed a medical examination, and that she is completely healthy, even if she bombed hitler, even if she gave birth to children, we...
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can we talk about the idea? this is where you and i can talk, if you don’t have anything against it? yes, thank you, well, i gave away my office. tan, my dear, you feel bad, the wives
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of academicians are helping you, well, of course, this, this , this is good, yeah, so i want to help you, for example, this is what you need, well , food, excuse me, i can get it i can, a lot, anything, canned food, american, as much as you want, even a whole truck, you know, my last name is not rothschild, i can’t buy a truckload of canned food, i understand, but it’s not necessary to buy, the germans will soon be finished anyway, so maybe it’s not worth taking a big risk, she tried for... motherland, that is, if you if you recognize her as unfit for service, i’ll give you
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canned food or sugar, let her go to the hospital, that’s the thing, he’ll commission you, just like he’s commissioning, the best thing would be to say, even bomb hitler, that’s his saying, in fact, you can’t go on a mission anymore, that’s he decided so, yes, we were just... talking, take the papers, take katya from the children's home, and freely, like the wind, if you want, you will stay at the intelligence school, as an instructor, or as a military unit, samyloch wrote a conclusion in front of me, he said that she is healthy, you know medicine, no, well then keep quiet, he’s a doctor, he knows better. well , that’s it, i need to meet the group, you paid him,
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you wanted freedom, here’s freedom for you, just don’t shout at every corner that you’re healthy. i give permission, well, we met, that’s right, only yakuleva was left alive in the whole group, i gave her half an hour to put everything in order to report to you. the thing is that there she is. well, let's go meet him, it hurts. well, hello , oh, i see the hospital is well fed, that
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's right, first class, well, how's your health, excellent, here's the doctor's report, yes, good, good, well, go get settled, chat with the girls, eat, let me go , come on, let's help. i said, he’s commissioning, what are you doing, we’re saving you, what the hell, the intelligence officer, they didn’t carry out the initial collection of information, but what does that have to do with it, and very much to do with it, samuilych has three sons at the front, between them the funeral has already been sent, i myself heard him say, the country is at war, that means everyone should fight, that’s right, well, why did you offer him canned food, and with samuiloch, who starts such conversations, he seems to agree at first, and then the phone signal went to the right place, the whole hospital knew about it, i how... i realized what you were doing, i immediately went to him, but explained what was what, we had a heart-to-heart talk, thank god that
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samuilovich is a normal guy, he forgave , your new room, i'm getting the keys, but i can go myself, hi, i'm fine, i’ve recovered, if you’re interested, of course, i wanted to say thank you for polotsk, if it weren’t for you... they gave me your thanks, welcome back, thank you. what can you do? sorry, i didn’t know what you thought the big girl wanted? well, it seems like you
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’ve already been on missions with her three times, practically comrades in arms, but you can’t forgive her for everything, but i’m already doing well. what are you talking about? about the captain, of course, you envy, envy, anger, she already asked for your forgiveness, but it’s none of my business, it just seemed to me before that there is justice in the world, you know, such in general, justice, i know, at the age of 16 i ran away from home to spain, the working people. i helped on the train to vitepsk, there i was removed from the police, my father, it turns out, cut off all the phones, found me, then i became older, volodka asked me to marry, i said, no, let ’s do something great first, not for ourselves, for the country, in the end , the husband was killed, not killed, disappeared, maybe still alive, the dad, but no, probably
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the dad, what else, she had an abortion from a german, that’s also an achievement. now i can't sleep without a bottle i can, but she never thought about anyone, she doesn’t give a damn about anyone, about the country, about the people, she’s a bandit’s litter, everything is fine with her, the captain loves her, everything is fine with her daughter, she’s alive and well, is this fair, there’s a lot of injustice in the world , yes, we need to do what we should do and live with it further, that’s what father veniam said, he said it correctly, so i can’t do anything... they give it to me, others are on missions, and i’ll turn sour here soon, say something, we we appreciate and love you very much, we, we, bratynnikov and i, thank you, of course, just about comrade colonel, i’m not sure,
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it seems to me that he doesn’t love anyone at all, i’m going to bed. you have lectures tomorrow, their lives depend on how much you have time to tell the cadets, and i’m taking this, come in, sit down, tell me. i ask you to send me on a mission, wait, lieutenant, you are a wonderful instructor, the cadets put you and matilda on a par, and you know this, it seems to me that you are exaggerating, he loves matilda, but why do i give them three rubles each? you know, you never know, it’s hard in training, easy in battle, your lessons save their lives, go to work,
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send me on a mission. lieutenant, i really appreciate you as an experienced instructor, your war is here, you have already risked enough, not enough, please send me, at least some benefit will come from me, you want to die, i have no reason to live, there is always something to live for, you will understand , come and talk, it’s free now. yes,
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let me introduce myself. sergey, arina, it’s very nice, thank you! are you waiting for someone? no, that's good. fine. that's what arina, officers, i noticed, i'm at the front
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, crawling through the trenches, dirt, blood, jackpot, that's all. in general, i don’t like these hints, speak directly, come with me, with you, why, then, don’t worry, i’ll thank you properly, you’ll go, what? your hands, seryozha, are soft, calluses, no, your nails are clean, and
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what, you’re not crawling in trenches, you ’re fighting in taverns, you little rats, why am i naughty to you now. what is the miracle of belarusian politics is that we do not forget about the people, the common man is at the forefront , throw and...
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national unity day, strength in unity. the belarusian path of development is real, humane, the future awaits us. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. conventionally, in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit. we have our need. our land is in the workplace, we negotiate everything well, then something clicked for the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to
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openly hostile. you cannot leave european markets. the polish government, of course, is our enemy, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different, that two countries that are in fact at war can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko. is the keeper of the balance, balance is the best that a leader can give for the country and its people, balance is the golden mean, on opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism, this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens, the author’s project of igor turai propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. aren’t you afraid that i won’t pull you out, but what about you? pull me out, i hit a staff officer on the head, i now have a five, or even a ten. unless, of course, you put me on a mission and tell the headquarters that no one except me, then yes, maybe, on the way out, you are the most experienced, so i’m putting you on the most difficult task, as you know, our troops... the poles have a very powerful partisan movement, the movement is heterogeneous, many commanders there are at odds even with each other, the problem is that
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they... don’t really like us, but why do we need their love? of course, you can do without love, but the total number of partisans is about 45 thousand people, if they move against our army in an organized manner, this will complicate our movement to the west. 4500 is not enough against us, they must understand this, they have their own game, the british are here, they are now more afraid of us than hitler, they do not want us to enter europe, knocking down tornovetsky. one of the most influential commanders of the polish resistance, was recently in london, negotiating with the british, our intelligence managed to find out what offer they made to him if the poles stopped our movement army, then the british can conclude a truce with germany, the united anglo-german troops will gain a foothold in poland and will prevent our advance into europe, but the british often give their allies, doesn’t ternovetsky know this, but he knows, of course, he is
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working in several directions at once, met with our representatives, we promised him the preservation of poland as an independent state, in return he promised to convince his people to take our side, so what did he decide? that's the problem, we don't know he is an experienced politician, he always makes vague promises, but one of these days a congress of polish partisan commanders will be held in eastern poland, ternovetsky will speak there and convince the commanders to take... one side or another, the event is official, so some kind of document will probably be prepared if the poles if they decide to take our side, we will receive this document along with the signatures of all commanders; if not, the british will receive this document. your task is to find out which side ternovetsky is going to play on, find out this is needed before the commanders' congress. ternovetsky is a former artist, he loves to show off, cars, suits, cigars, but it’s incredible.
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punctual, his life is very clearly scheduled by the hour, always breakfast, dinner, at the same time, regardless of location, his bodyguard is incredible beauties, one of them was killed the other day and our agent in vienna through tenths of hands managed to get him his niece as a bodyguard, but of course she doesn’t exist in reality, this is a legend, according to this legend she lives in vienna, speaks fluent german, arina, niece.
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you must find out the contents of this document, this is a sleeping pill, if there is an agreement with us, then let him wake up, if not, here is another powerful food, you bury it in the nose of the sleeping person, the heart will not recover, you can, i can, the main thing is not to allow the polish armies to jointly oppose us, and then what are we for, are you in the wings, are you ukrainian?
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“so you’re from vienna, you fight well, dad taught you, you see them, no, they’re most likely living rooms on the second floor, but the windows there are curtained, basically with arina’s arrangement
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there shouldn’t be any problems.” the only question is what impression she will make on ternovysky, will he want to make her his mistress? and how other mistresses will react to this.
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but here she is, already in shape, which means the introduction
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was successful.
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let’s go helme, you today he said that you trust cynics, so what if there is a cynic, i’m not a cynic, i’ve been with you for 6 years,
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no one has served you for so long, if i was only interested in money, i would have run away long ago, it turns out you’re an idealist, if i were an idealist, would i tolerate your adventures with the warrior?
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kravchik will come,
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ogneshka, ogneshka, why aren’t you sleeping, for the light is not. usually at this time i don’t sleep, and what are you doing at this time, reading, if you’re not lucky, and if you’re lucky, if you’re lucky, they don’t ask me what i like, but they tell me what i should do, you’re smart, that’s bad. look,
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tonight you are guarding the corridor outside my room, and it’s good that you read this book, we’ll discuss it later, i warned you, don’t meddle with him, don’t meddle with him, don’t meddle with him, stefa - speak out against the advice if you will repeat.
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i'll be on duty soon, so please, lady, yes, lady,
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i’ll lay out the charge, maybe do it now, 10, he’s already had dinner, most likely at his place, we’ll wait, and when you get into the house, there’s a lot of guards there, i’ll think of something.
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idealist, yes, but i clearly made a mistake in choosing the ideal, stop, stay, do you really think that i hate myself so much to stay, where, no, i know that you love me so much. what's happened? ternovsky is still alive. what's
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the plan? thanks to the obsessive punctuality of the bender, we know exactly the time when he will go to breakfast. this is our only chance. now this room is poorly visible. so we have 23 minutes. wieslaw, wieslaw! veslov, veslov, what are you doing there?
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5 minutes, everything is clear.
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there's a bomb, there's a bomb!
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the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, they see more opportunities there. who else do you have ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that you can spend on laziness, despondency, i i understand, this is definitely not the case, there is no time for depression, or despondency, and there is no time to be lazy,
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yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life? still better than a city one, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange it when we do it here, in the future, we’re a reception room , we’re doing something here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that ’s it , that we have leftovers here, valuable things, we will probably hang an exhibition here, now it’s fashionable to say, there will be a reception here, yes, how it all happens, 13 children, just we will reward you with a portion of applause, smiles , thank you very much, look at the project, i am from the village. on the belarus 24 tv channel. they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people. our quality, your safety protection. our company is famous for its traditions, as well as many dynasties,
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ready to share knowledge. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you are watching the news in tatyana nekrasov’s studio, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing. we remember and cherish it in our hearts. a minute of silence was held at the military cemetery in masyukovshchina to honor the memory of the fallen defenders of the fatherland. dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. concert requiem every third.


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