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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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the assigned crews successfully completed the flight tasks, now we will monitor how all other activities will be carried out. and let us emphasize once again that the combat readiness check is exclusively defensive in nature and does not project threats onto any state. metro officials explained that moscow is being forced to take such response measures by the actions of ukraine and western countries. as stated in the department, this event will cool down the hotheads in western capitals and help them understand the possible catastrophic consequences generated. strategic risks. right now, in close proximity to the borders with belarus and russia , the largest nato exercises are taking place, in which over 90 thousand military personnel and thousands of weapons and equipment are taking part. at the same time, most of the military units are preparing to remain in the eastern countries of the bloc on a permanent basis. in addition, there are statements by western leaders about their readiness to send their armed forces to ukraine, which will lead to a new stage of escalation of the conflict. obviously, such an increase in tension requires special attention and response. and this is
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the latest news for this minute, see you at 19:00. hello everyone, my name is vika poplevchenkova and today we are again building a route to the city of zhozino. this is not the first time our program has been here, so today our journey will be no less exciting than last time. today i will take a closer look at the history of the founding of the city. i will watch how future brilliant musicians are taught. and i find out what is happening in the last belarusian gymnasium, where only girls study.
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to begin with, as always, a little road information, getting from minsk to zhodino is very easy, either by your own transport or by train or bus. it will be cheaper for the heat, but the bus will save half an hour of time, so who cares what’s more important. the founding of the city of zhodina is inextricably linked with one of the most famous families in belarus, the rozivils. and the people of zhoden do not forget about this. quite recently , a new exhibition dedicated to them was created at the local local museum. walking through
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the halls, you plunge into the life of the city headlong; the entire history of zhodino is collected here, starting with 1643 to this day. the first floor is dedicated to zhodin’s first birthday and to those who had a hand in its creation. look, this is boguslav rodivil, the founder of our city, to his left, his only daughter, ludoika caroline and... the beautiful mrs. radivil, his wife, anna maria, next to him is dominic rodivil, the most famous one, probably, is mrs. kohan, who- then he will ask what relation they have to zhodina, the fact is that they were the owners of these lands, including zhodina, the most interesting thing is to discover the city without leaving the museum, the board game of traveling around zhodina was invented for those who... want to combine business with pleasure.
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there are even tournaments for this game among school and gymnasium students. pyaterochka. so, you have chosen the fifth question. so. in the service of the king of which country, boguslav rodevil received the rank of field marshal. sweden. saxony brandenburg. the first? that's right. how about going the entire route? it turns out that it’s not so simple, you need to really drill your memory into your brain, but it seems that i succeeded, so victoria, you are worthy answered the questions of this game, therefore , by the decision of the scientific team of the zhodino regional museum, you are awarded a diploma signed by the director, hurray, if only it was always like this, you answered the questions and received a diploma, beauty, well, in such an unusual form i got to know zhodino better, it’s come time... i,
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the founder of zhodina, the prince of the holy roman empire, charonzhiy and konyushi of the grand duchy of lithuania, boguslav radivil, am glad to welcome you to the prince’s chambers. 18th century, the year was 1643, i come to these areas and see that the path that passes through my city of smalevichi, not close, i decide to found another city, together, where a small river zhotinka flows into the river forest, and so that everyone who came to our city could feel good in it, could prosper, i freed for 25 years... every new resident of boguslavpol from paying all taxes. the radevels are a group of real aristocrats, and as expected, one of boguslav’s favorite pastimes was hunting. the places here are fox-covered, a haven for animal birds, and hunting trophies have found their place in the exhibition. here we, like
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real hunters, have a huge collection of trophies. here, for example, is the capercaillie, the largest flightless bird living in belarus. aristocrats loved to hunt them. almost all the inhabitants of the forest are collected in collections, and those who would not fit in the room, huge bison and moose are present here in the form of paintings on the walls, roe deer, hares, wolves, boars, lynxes, you can’t count them all. now there are few lynxes, but before they were predators, who were shot along with wolves, because they were very harmful to the herds, a cunning fox, which... really likes to steal prey from lynxes especially from wolves, so here she, for example, stole a partridge from a wolf, and an avid hunter can tell an interesting fact about each animal: mute swan: swans, of course, are a cute bird, but they can stand up for themselves, why
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is it called mute? because he intimidates the enemy by emitting menacing sounds that drown out the whispering of a snake. let's go further, there is an exhibition on the second floor. antique utensils, ancient icons, a real sluch belt. you can see how ordinary people lived, what they did and what they looked like. and, of course, the story of zhodin would not be complete without the story about war. everyone knows the heroes of the great patriotic war, but not much is said about the heroes of another one - the war in afghanistan. in zhodino, more than 200 people participated as part of a limited contingent in afghanistan and more than forty of them were awarded in the form of orders and
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medals, this monument, it was prepared for almost two years, as a result, on september 25, 2016, warriors and internationalists gathered here , their loved ones, relatives, city leadership, and, of course, many citizens. captured next to a combat vehicle an image of a mother on a stone and a map of afghanistan. i think this place is worth a visit while exploring the city. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world, the name of prince izeslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to ragnedi. what
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was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, and reconciled them. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. white and red is now our flag. let's join hand to hand. the hitch
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is a priori an element of attack. and of course the phrase “let’s stand together” is a joke. here is the bc flag inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian singer, this is a prototype for the wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing. now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were drawn, he was probably under an emotional influence in general then information flow, very strong, now in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue, i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands i support ukraine, why didn’t it support the inhabitants of the fraternal donbass, whom it bombed for 8 years . ukraine. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support
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of palestine? ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24. a then we go to school, but unusually. about the art school, where brilliant musicians are trained, it is here that talents are discovered in young people. for the first time, the school opened its doors in 1959, for only twenty -four students, and there were only two departments: accordion and piano. together with the city, the roslay school has developed, and now there are 480 children studying in nine departments. the teaching staff are students of our school, which is very pleasing, i am, i also
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studied at this school, for me it is such a temple, a spiritual temple. the school participates in the most various competitions and festivals, and not only participates, but organizes them herself. oruudil, i... i brought a chalka, it was washed, the beech was washed, the ear was steamed, but it burned, it rolled, and it hit, let the little ones come, la-la-la, la-la-la, they poured the kupu kami, la-la- la, la-la-la, the fly became as good and cheerful as it was. i rushed again in that street to fly
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i rushed again on the street to fly again on the street to fly everything is amazing you are simply incredible this whole performance was cool it is very cool guys you are great in school future stars. who perform alone.
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the energy you give off when you hit these, this instrument, i wish you good luck, i am sure that you have a great future, your name will thunder in our country, at least for sure, you are great, someone is performing on their own , others prefer teamwork to achieve excellence, such as the beautiful violinist ensemble inspiration.
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or an exemplary accordion ensemble. children of all ages can realize their creative potential to the fullest. and by the way, it is no coincidence that they are the winners of eighteen competitions. over the past school year, looking at such art, i want to join it a little and learn something new. i can play the accordion, i can also play the piano, i can play the guitar, well, let’s say i can, but i’ve never played the drums, and i really want
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to try, you can teach me, i don’t see any obstacles, that’s great, knock , everything is simple, like that, at the same time, for two and four, 1, 2, 3, 4, bang, bang, that’s right, that’s right, yes, i don’t know how, thousand, thousand, thousand, bang-bump-bump, yes, yes, yes, yes, i play imaginary drums, here you can master any musical
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skill, but the main thing here is that you learn not just how to play instruments, but how to express your thoughts and feelings in melody. understand your emotions and turn them into beauty, this is where you most clearly feel that music heals both soul and body, but not only music heals, because everyone knows a healthy mind in a healthy body, and the people of zhoden do not forget about this, after an active working day you need be sure to take care of your body, movement, life, and for that's why we go to the health and fitness center. i decided to work out the latissimus dorsi muscles in the horizontal pull-down machine. this exercise is not part of my regular training program, it's always nice to try something new. bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible, yes, yes. as you exhale, you pull towards yourself, exhale, yes, the most
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important thing is to breathe. at first i thought it was nothing special, but after repeating it 10 times, i begin to feel the muscle group that the machine is designed for, and the fatigue from playing sports is pleasant, and along with it comes vigor, and new energy, the main thing is to do everything correctly, now the main task is to pull the roller towards me, these muscles that need to be relaxed, that’s right, stretch further, and it won’t fall on me, no, ah, it’s almost like ... on the beach, take your time, you just need to do it slowly, and of course, it is important to remember that if the muscles hurt, this does not mean that they are growing, you should always monitor your technique and your well-being, and at first it is better to work out with a trainer, to learn how to do everything according to science, and i’m full of strength again, which means time to continue the route.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslav. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to ragnedi and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she spent time with the princes and reasoned with them. instructed, reconciled them, she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, helped their needs spiritually and financially, she especially educated the younger generation with love to god, devotion to the motherland, what unique shrines are belarusian
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churches famous for? in the exaltation of the cross cathedral of the monastery there is a copy of the very cross that was created with the blessing. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader , a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell me the details. countries have reached a new level. partnership , an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, agreements that are real works in the energy sector, agriculture, science and education, a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific...
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most of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. look. in the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. since we are talking about schools, we can’t help but mention the next women’s school. were considered a relic of the past, but it turns out that they have not sunk into the summer completely; it still functions successfully to this day. let's go find out what's interesting to us there waiting. the gymnasium has a special atmosphere and special rules: a strict dress code for girls, a minimum of makeup and mandatory knowledge of the rules of behavior in society. everything is in the best traditions of the institutes of noble maidens. it’s no secret, yes, that girls and boys at a certain age begin to be interested in each other more than usual, and this sometimes, of course, interferes with
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the educational process, when in class you sit and think, what do i look like in the eyes of this boy, which i like, yes, if i answer now, and i will answer wrong, he will laugh and so on, that is, these are some additional barriers, but our girls are liberated, they are not afraid. and the wrong answers, they are not afraid to make mistakes, because they know that their teachers will support them, and their classmates will support them. tell me, what disciplines distinguishes your gymnasium from a regular secondary school? well, of course, yes, since we are a girls’ gymnasium, we also have such nine directions, yes, and on the basis of the gymnasium we have an exemplary dance studio, oxygen, and girls also do vocals, well, there is such disciplines as etiquette, but the rules...
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you spy a little with peripheral vision on the girls and approximately repeat the same movements, we begin, great, all the licurs on the fence, on the fence, on the fence, did not start the conversation, did not start the conversation, co- ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, we open our mouths, there are still dasarkas hovering in the sky, code chickens
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are laughing, laughing at chickens, hey chickens ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, ko-ko -ko, hey, you chickens, ko-ko-ho, isn’t this a bysa. mother hen, mother hen, amazing, give me a five, cool, cool, here, beauties, so cute it turned out, however, but the repertoire for performance, of course, depends on the age of the students, so they sing completely different songs in this hall, soft approach,
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chopped cola, days off from goodness, two white wings, two white wings over the world and the pier is as bright as the sea in our eyes, their tears give us strength, angels, and... and the white light of sadness is the next lesson where i would really like to go - this is choreography, and here i again join the younger girls, raising my leg, we jump on the second one, one two
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three. 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 speeding up eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and what class am i in now? i will go, combines more than one art, many at once. well, girls, what are we going to cook today? now we will prepare smart candies, and they are smart because they contain ingredients that are healthy. such delicious ingredients simply cannot turn out to be an unsuccessful dish, especially when the taste is combined with benefits, but this is just a godsend. you need to take it with the spoon you got here. yes, yeah,
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yeah, put it right in your hand, and so so make a pancake, you can put nuts inside, we have almonds, hazelnuts, but in general you can have any nut that you like, so we put it in the middle, so, all that remains is to roll the ball of sprinkles and the smart candy is ready, i learned how to cook , all that remains is to learn how to serve a hundred. to begin with, the main plate should be placed 2-3 cm from the edge of the table, since we cannot measure accurately, otherwise we place two fingers at the required distance, so on the main plate we place a breakfast plate, on the right plates should be lying the fork, at the same level with the bottom, tare
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with its cloves. yeah, there’s a knife on the right, be sure to reach for the plate, place the dessert spoon on the plate, and complete the composition with a saucer with a cup in the right corner. you can decorate the table with candles or a bouquet as you like, but it turns out that you can even decorate the table with ordinary napkins, you just need to know how to fold them correctly. to begin with, do not fold the front screen into the shape of a triangle. great, iron it. corners, yeah, and now we twist the tube like this to the middle, and so on we we turn our position around one of the corners, well , for example, the left corner, we begin to twist it to the end, that is, to this corner , so now
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we stick this remaining tip in. painted, i can finally sit down and drink tea, and at the table i find out from the girls what they think about their gymnasium, thank you very much for your master classes, i really acquired very useful skills for myself today, but tell me in general how the truth is without are boys easier to learn? yes, it's true, i used to go to a regular school with boys, here in we have a more comfortable education at the girls' gymnasium,


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