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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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we tuck the tip in, uh-huh, turn it over like this and these corners in different directions, and now we turn our composition over, and first of all, the girls got such a delightful bouquet, look how beautiful it is, dessert... they prepared it, set the table and they’ve even decorated it, i can finally sit down and drink tea, and at the table i find out from the girls what they think about their high school? thank you very much for your master classes, i really acquired very useful skills for myself today, but tell me how it’s true without boys is it easier to study? yes, it’s true, i used to study in a regular school with boys, here in the girls’ gymnasium we have a more comfortable education - and here we focus on
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studying, and not on boys, and this helps us develop, does this affect your performance? well, yes, girls, do you feel it’s special to receive such an education? well, to some extent, yes, that is, i also go to some clubs outside of school and there i see children who study in other schools, but it also feels a little bit like we’re in trouble... we have prepared a gift for you in it is an honor to come to you in such a way that you will always remember us, and that on the way you will remember this wonderful day. girls, thank you very much, how sweet and delicious this is, i’m ending my route on such a wonderful note, remember! i'll really be back for a long time
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, i'll definitely come back someday, well , bye-bye for now, see you in the next city! liliya aleksandrovna korostoyanova, participant in the partisan movement during the great patriotic war, in the fall of 1942. about
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the death of her husband, she firmly decided to go to the front. in november 1942 she was sent to partisan detachment as a special correspondent. karostoyanova wrote articles about the everyday life of the partisans in combat, essays about demolitionists and called on the population to fight the fascist invaders, while remaining a combat partisan and more than once participated in operations and partisan raids. on the night of march 15, 943, the newspaper's editors received a radiogram from the partisan unit about the death of karostoyanova in a fierce battle. on the eve of her last battle, she prepared a publication for komsomol pravda, an appeal to belarusians. she was only 25 years old. behind courage and heroism, liliya karostoyanova was awarded the order of the patriotic war, second degree, posthumously.
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streets in gomel and minsk are named after the correspondent. one of the places of defense on the central island of the citadel was the barracks of the 455th infantry and 33rd separate engineering regiments. in the barracks of the latter in november 1950, during the analysis of... the remains
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of thirty-four soldiers, their documents and personal belongings were discovered. three half-decayed leaves were found in the bag of one of the fighters. this is order number one. the document was written from hands, there is a date: june 24, forty-first. this discovery revealed a lot, and not only that the defense headquarters of the brest fortress was created on june 24, the defense of the citadel began to be even more organized, which, in conditions of encirclement and continuous shelling, seems impossible. the military leadership was scattered, the war began suddenly at 4 o’clock in the morning, so it was necessary to act quickly and take on such responsibility in the defense of blesk. fortresses yes organize this consolidated group here support yes this the difficult time of the soldiers who were nearby, this is very complex, the document revealed exactly those who led the defense, primarily captain zubachev, he became the commander of the combined group, it was he, as a graphological examination would later establish, who wrote
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the order, until the fiftieth year the name of the commander, like thousands of names of the defenders of the fortress remained unknown, and they tried not to talk about the fact that there were battles here. in the very first post-war years, the conversation was probably more about large-scale battles, the battle for moscow, stalingrad, and such small ones, these lines, which became the same stalingrad, in fact, they were not taken as a basis, the losses were too huge, one small garrison in the rear, at first there were really just vague legends, documented. confirmed now thanks to sergei sergeevich smirnov, this legend gradually became reality. captain zumbachev arrived for service in the brest fortress in the forties, at the same time he transported his family, his wife alexandra and two sons pogodkov, yuri and anatoly. the last dinner, when grandfather
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returned home, he sat everyone down at the table, everyone had a heart-to-heart talk when, as far as i know, he brought another bag of chocolates home, yes, they sat down, had dinner, and, as it were... it was like a farewell party, and how the hairstyle was, although no one knew, that exactly on the 22nd at 4:00 in the morning they will be alerted, at the time of the start of the great patriotic war, captain zubachev is 43, he holds the position of deputy commander of the forty-fourth rifle regiment, an experienced commander with a background in combat operations in the civil and soviet-finnish wars, went to bed long after midnight, and in the morning they kananada woke up... they got up, the grandmother said she was asleep, they didn’t know what happened, you can imagine sunday morning, when everyone was waiting for the day off, they hastily dressed the children, he also dressed hastily, took them out and told them to hide in
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the basement. the morning of june 22 was the last day that the wife saw her husband, and the sons saw their father. they only knew that he was heading to the location of his regiment. he fought during the first or second day in the area of ​​the forty -fourth rifle regiment in barracks and 455, this is just the central island, a defensive barracks along mukhovets, and many recalled that he was in front of the fighters, and saw their commander nearby. the zubachev family was in the basements of the citadel, where hundreds of other wives and children of military personnel tried to escape with them. with the beginning of the war, it was the dungeons of the fortress that became the place where hospitals were set up. the fortress barracks were very powerful. let's say the thickness of the wall in the defensive barracks of the citadel reached up to 2 m, the internal one up to 1.5 m. that is, they understood that such buildings could withstand bombing, and ordinary residential houses were soviet, one and two-story ones, of course, would be destroyed when shells hit,
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so they tried to take cover. today it is difficult to restore the chronology of exact numbers, data and dates; everything is only speculative, based on the recollections of the defenders themselves. most likely twenty-third. on june 24 , they were forced to hold meetings and unite all the forces of the military units that remained, because the ammunition was running out, then order number one was drawn up, at the meeting the commanders argued for a long time that ... to make a garrison, remain to continue to defend the fortress, or try to break through, because according to the instructions, in the event of war , only one battalion should have remained in the citadel, all the rest were obliged to leave the fortress. about half of the garrison, about 500 people, managed to leave the fortress, and about half, somewhere
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around 4-5 thousand people, were unable to leave the fortress and remained in the besieged fortress. it turns out that those who remained did not carry out the order, but despite... it was the commanders who decided to continue the defense, they did not yet know that the front was already far away, but they understood that reinforcements were unlikely. zubachev was captured on june 26, 1941. there are memories that he had a fairly serious wound to the head, the family will learn about what happened next only after the war, when the writer smirnov begins his investigation, major gavrilov recalled captain zubachev, his deputy, in forty- three they met in a concentration camp hamelburg. gavrilov’s last words were that we had not lived up to our positions, that for them it was not heroism. then, zubachev was transferred to one of the branches of the camp in nuremberg. there he was enrolled in the work team, fell ill with tuberculosis and died, a year before the victory. those who died in this hospital
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are known to be buried south of nuremberg, there is, as it were, such an area. and today, in this cemetery there is a memorial where the names of almost 5.00 prisoners of war who died in this camp are carved on forty slabs. when women and children, fleeing in the fortress cassimates, came out with a white flag. donated to the museum in 1994 by michael
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wechtler, a participant in the assault on the brez fortress, a veteran of the 45th infantry division. among dozens of people, researchers found that one of the women, a military doctor of the third rank, valentina chetverkhina, a graduate of the leningrad medical institute at the age of 26, she volunteered for the soviet-finnish war, graduated from it with gray temples and honey. for her courage, in the forties she was sent to serve in the bresse fortress. on the night of june 22, she was a doctor on duty, so she encountered the war directly at her work, providing helping the wounded, transporting soldiers from the burning hospital buildings. the brest military hospital was one of the first to come under enemy artillery fire. the doctor on duty at the neurological department carried the wounded to the safe premises of kazimat and the earthen rampart, where she continued to provide assistance. from there they were captured, in captivity, when there was no
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medical help, she, as a doctor, really wanted to help, at least morally support the prisoners, she always said the following phrase: gloomy people don’t live to be a hundred, then could she have thought that these words will turn out to be prophetic in relation to oneself. surprisingly, incredibly, but true: valentina met her future husband in captivity. were not allowed to return to leningrad, so the family settled in the town of murino. valentina kokoreva worked as a therapist at the murinsky hospital, died in 2017, she was 104 years old. he was not an eighteen-year-old boy who was called up for military service. he left the army as a head teacher of a school and was a married man.
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served in the brest fortress. the junior political officer died in the first hours of the war, and his relatives for a long time did not know where and how they died son, brother and husband. the starting point in establishing the fate of the fortress defender ivan groshchenkov was a photograph taken in the army club before the war. she came to the museum in 1985. and from the caption to the photo it became clear that one of the two fighters was the same ivan grashchenkov. at the museum, the photo was given by the sister of a fellow soldier , private vitaly yakovlev. a few days before the start of the war, he sent a photo to his friend in leningrad. the photograph, which survived the blockade decades later, helped to find the relatives of the defender of the fortress. here was the clue starting point, the photograph was duplicated, sent for recognition by a veteran of the thirty -first motor battalion, where he served... and they really responded, many recognized him, remembered him from his pre-war
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service, and from his peaceful life they remembered him as a participant in hostilities. the barracks of the thirty- first autobat was located on the central island of the citadel. the cars were parked on the outside near the mukhavets river, closer to the terespol gate. destroying the vehicle fleet is one of the enemy’s main goals. therefore, in the first minutes of the war, everything here was on fire, the enemy was leading shelling of the barracks. it was impossible to leave. the fighters tied up sheets and jumped from the second floor. internal rooms melted by flamethrowers, it’s hard to imagine, it’s hard to imagine how you can be so inhumane, dislike people so much? or reproduce themselves in such a way that they are gods on earth, that they simply lived. at the very beginning of the hostilities, during this attempt to leave the fortress, together with our commander, captain yakov dmitrievich minakov, deputy political adviser ivan petrovich grishchenkov died. he died in the first minutes of the war, and literally within
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a few hours before, on saturday june 21, the family received the last letter from ivan, where is he...
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are you alive, why are you healthy? because i also say to me that i am an athlete, i also have a weapon in my hands, but it is peaceful, with this weapon i defended the honor of our country, winning awards, victories, glory, and they defended there and died so that i could did now, only many years after the war
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did olympic champion sergei learn about the fate of his father... political instructor lavrenty makarenko served in the thirty-third separate engineering regiment. the unit was located on the site of the defensive barracks, where today the museum of the defense of the brest fortress is located. his family, his wife alexandra and three sons ended up in a camp; they were going to be sent to work in germany, but in some incredible way they managed to escape, which their father did not know. and he met the war in the fortress and managed to, well, break through. to his soldiers and unit, he was an active participant in the defense; according to the recollections of those who were next to him, already on june 26, one of the shells exploded in the barracks itself. political instructor was seriously wounded in the head and died a few hours later. for many decades, the date of death of lavrenty makarenko was
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unknown for his family, just as the place of his death remained unknown, because he could have been captured, and after the war in the fortress... there was a pioneer camp in which the children of political instructor makarenko were located, they lived in surviving cozimates. it was only in 1975 that the sons saw for the first time what their father looked like. museum employees were able to find a photograph of political instructor lavrenty makarenko in the ussr defense archives.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. final qualifying. the start of the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup there is the most unexpected pair - zhlobin metallurg and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again: never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. we review the most interesting events. british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on the record a year ago. he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase.
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several olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but rather the density of the result. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates , events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. cycle films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course, online travel around nashedi.
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the snow is damp, the snow is falling, the rain is falling, the rain is falling, the sun is bouncing, the ice is drying up, the sun is falling, the gloom of our lives is jumping, everything is showing, the geese are crowing, the spackle is on the oak it's sleeping, cranes are dancing and winter is like smoke prapala, the greener meadow krala, like hell
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our native land felt pain! everyday broadcast on belarus tv channel 1 is inspired by the capital of the minsk region.


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