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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 6:15pm-6:36pm MSK

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yashche hellish tactile expansats - geta abraz kazan godly matsi, what kind of dachshund is carved from different types of high-quality stones. that's all, more on our site afternoon evening. the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave when they are at home. wow, lusty already speaks belarusian, of course, amazing! foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore its sights. the most valuable relic is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross. on which jesus christ was crucified,
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so this is exactly the same one, this is the glubokoye treasure. by chance, during construction work, an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot, and they also share their vivid impressions. as we walked, i noticed that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is, blue, white, it... as if in the air, very beautiful, that’s how i found out to you, right away, of course, this is what i did today , watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. this is an understandable policy, today in the program there are violations of conscience about how the white house helped the nazis avoid the tribunal, seasoned fascists with a ticket to america. knowledge and experience in exchange for
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a new biography. they were taken in hundreds not to prison, but to high important positions. operations such as the paperclip, spider and alsous changed the fate of the whole world, which was not what they were, we will tell you in the next issues of a clear policy, we only have to draw the facts and conclusions for you.
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this issue will be dedicated to the large-scale operation paperclip, which is the recruitment and transfer of german scientists to america. “i am obsessed with technology,” adolf hitler said to his... entourage. named dinner at the beginning of the war, after the surrender of germany, hundreds of hitler's technologists would quickly become americans. scientists, technical engineers. for many years they helped the united states develop military missiles, aircraft, medicines and new types of fuel. former nazis are on the conscience of many a terrible crime against humanity. the bloody executioners quietly worked for the us government and received awards. in the name
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of leadership on the planet, the white house is ready to cooperate even with murderers, when the west has acquired nuclear weapons, a monopoly on the atomic bomb and... then in america, as they say, they began to believe that that was it, they had created some kind of absolute weapon, this is the one that hitler, perhaps, dreamed of, to create such an absolute weapon with which you can defeat any enemy , they believed for a long time that they would have this monopoly on this absolute weapon for decades, which is why everything is allowed to them, which is why they very quickly turned a blind eye to those war crimes.
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logical developments of the third reich are needed save from the clutches of the soviet union. yes, playing the allies card, washington already had figo in its pocket. but the meaning of german drawings is without the minds capable of bringing them to life. at the start of the program , there was some help from chance. the osenberg list helped americans recruit nazi scientists. that was the name of the german specialist who in 1943 was supposed to strengthen the defenses of the wehrmacht. through the introduction of new technologies, for this purpose hitler returned 4,000 scientists from the front, osenberg interviewed each one and literally introduced the list, it also fell into the hands of the allies. the story goes that he was accidentally found in the toilet of the university in beaune. the document
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, through british intelligence mi-6, reached the americans, using it they searched for scientists, conducted interrogations, based on the results of which candidates were selected for employment in the united states. initial operation. was called overcast, the goal was only to interrogate scientists to identify their participation in war crimes, but as soon as the importance of german research became known, it was decided the decision to export many scientists to the united states. those who remained in germany received scholarships, and some were sent to other countries so that they would not fall into the hands of the soviet secret services and be transported to the soviet union. the recruitment and removal of nazi scientists began very quickly, already in august 1945, the secret operation was carried out under supervision. joint agency for intelligence purposes, the task is very prosaic - to ensure the us advantage in the cold war against the ussr, as well as victory in the space race. for their knowledge of ideas they were forgiven a lot, no cases were filed against german scientists; years later they were even able to obtain american
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citizenship. despite the scientists' rather dark past, to put it mildly, president truman passionately defended the project, arguing that it simply had to be done. officially sanctioned the operation, but initially tried to appear fluffy and white, an important saying in the order forbade recruiting nazis or their active supporters, they say, if a scientist got his hands dirty, he should not hire him under any circumstances, especially since in america there was a law that prohibited naturalization of war criminals, as the special services did with the bloody nazis, but good specialists, correctly, they sculpted a false biography for them, worked for the third reich, but had doubts about hitler’s idea... he doubted it, hence, apparently, the name of operation paperclip, a photo of the scientist was simply attached to the new biography . in all likelihood, the american leader simply turned a blind eye to this. to circumvent the order of president truman, as well as the provisions of the podsdam and yalta agreements,
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false biographies were developed for the necessary scientists, and their personal files were confiscated data on nazi party membership and involvement in the activities of the nazi regime. as a result, the government. america, then transported to mexico, from there to the american expanses. operation paperclip was designed to last more than half a century. according to official data, until 1990 , almost 200 scientists were imported to the united states, and most of the names are still... germany are valued at $10 billion. this is at the end of the forties. today the amount can be safely multiplied by at least 10. to be fair, not everyone supported such obvious frauds, for example, roosevelt and several others
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believed that the nazis should be punished for their crimes. but official party policy was quickly clarified by american intelligence rather than trying to punish a dead nazi horse. we need to think about the interests of the united states. american intelligence agencies made enormous efforts to legalize useful people. at the same time, they... they received very significant benefits from
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such an operation from the involvement of nazi specialists. letting the nazis off the hook with all their horrendous atrocities is a crime. no less than pulling the trigger yourself to commit genocide. moreover, the americans gave nazi scientists power, money and control over entire organizations, that is , they planted executioners, including in a whole bunch of american intelligence services, so that they... could better fight communism, the developments of war criminals in the field of weapons were also directed against former allies. who was on the list of those purged and what did the nazis create for the usa? one of the most important acquisitions of the americans was the team of german rocket engineer werner von brown. wernher von braun is the scientist who essentially created the americans' missile program. he led the development of everyone.
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was quickly and firmly forgotten. at the same time , the americans completely turned a blind eye to what von braun did during the war. he was an ss officer whose work in germany involved tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners, many of whom died. von braun himself later justified himself by saying that he knew nothing about torture and executions, but he was clearly lying . there is evidence from concentration camp prisoners and resistance participants that that von braun personally gave instructions to torture them. another co-author of the american lunar program was also a former subordinate of hitler, arthur rudolph, an important nazi
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rocket engineer who worked for nasa. it was he who would be the project director of the program creation of the saturn 5 rocket, the same one that would reach the moon in 1969. rudolf would be publicly suspected of collaborating with nazism only in the eighties. at that moment, an employee of nasa and the us armed forces will leave america and return without any obstacles. in germany, those who were not exposed will continue to receive prestigious prizes and give the prizes their names, like hubertus struckhalt, who experimented on children and then used them in his works. strukkalt, despite this , is called one of the founders of space medicine. his discoveries played a key role in the development of space suits and on-board life support systems that contributed to the success of the american apollo mission. the scientist was even immortalized in the hall. fame of the space museum in new mexico. it was only after his death that it was finally confirmed that struckhelt received
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their scientific data as a result of experiments carried out on prisoners of the dachau and dora mittelbau concentration camps. there is no doubt that the damning facts were known to the american intelligence services for a long time, but they were hidden far away in the name of national interests. in 1984, the american newspaper international herald tribune quoted the words. former chief of special investigations, allan ryan. he stated that at that time there were at least 10,000 nazi criminals living in the united states. punitive services have turned into big politics business. the rockefeller foundation was especially interested in the specialists of luftf's medical service. and their unique research on physiology at extreme altitudes under conditions of oxygen starvation. the data for these studies were obtained from human experiments. in concentration camps, including through autopsies of still living people without anesthesia.
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the head of the luftwaf's research on aviation medicine, hubertus strueckhalt, who coordinated this activity, never lost contacts among the scientific community in the west. at the end of the war, he was quickly the us air force came out and transported it to texas. there he became the founder of american space medicine. and this is thedor zobbel. he was accused of conducting experiments on people in a french laboratory. this is otto. during the war, he made the decision to poison people in gas chambers in concentration camps. nazi scientists worked in various fields, from nuclear energy to the chemical industry. their experience gave the americans enormous benefits.
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surprisingly, the us authorities still deny that they hired nazis, but several years ago in the city of san- antonio a scandal broke out, the library of aviation medicine for several decades bore the name of hubertus struhald. during the war, he... carried out medical experiments on prisoners of the dachau concentration camp. people who worked for the nazi regime later received awards from the pentagon and the american institute of aeronautics and astronautics. their names are enshrined in the astronaut hall of fame. hitler's military doctor hubertus struckhald was called the father of american space medicine.
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a special award and a military medical certificate were named after him. library. he underwent special inspections by the authorities three times. usa, but only after his death did data begin to emerge about struckhald’s participation in nazi experiments on living people, including children with epilepsy. they achieved progress with someone else's mind and someone else's blood. after this, the current policy of the white house seems quite predictable. benefit from the misfortune of others. this is the line the united states has chosen throughout history: to fish in troubled waters, even when they themselves have to muddy it. if nazism was patronized even with the core ones.
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so that at the decisive moment we can send them against us again. while some lay in mass graves, holocaust perpetrators built careers and raised children. there are even monuments in their honor, but they are not touched today. in the canadian parliament, the nazis are applauded, and requests from belarus for legal assistance in exposing the atrocities of the nazis are studiously ignored. more than a hundred requests remain unanswered. and the lithuanians and latvians even stated that the implementation of appeals goes against their national interests. not one of our requests from lithuania, latvia, great britain, the usa, canada, australia were not fulfilled, the masks were dropped, nazism was not defeated. many punishers and executioners hid abroad in the usa, canada, latin america, they are alive in europe and the baltic states, where the ss men march. in 2015, a report from the social security administration was published, prepared at the request
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of the us house of representatives. according to him, 133 people were accused of crimes. if it's profitable, it's convenient for us. more examples in the next issue. a few more monstrous tricks with history and its vile criminals. happily.
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the war found me on the old roads, at the beginning i was a member of the underground komsomol organization, in forty-two i became a partisan, and until the liberation of belarus i fought in the partisan detachment named after kutuzov, the hundredth brigade named after kirov, every morning. started with the radio. levitan read out reports from offiro. everyone listened to them, only then they started working. berlin had already fallen, everything was heading towards victory, and on may 9. it was wednesday on the 5th, i settled down closer to the radio and then i heard, yesterday, the 8th of may at...


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