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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. the feat of the people is immortal; everyone should know what price belarusians paid for peace. a ceremonial meeting with the president on the occasion of victory day. we'll tell you which cities and towns were awarded for the holiday.
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belarus remembers, we remember everyone, the memory of the fallen heroes of the fatherland is honored throughout the country. holy minutes of silence at memorials, congratulations and gifts to war veterans. he condemned the polish regime and was accused of espionage. an investigation has been launched in poland against judge who asked for protection from belarus. belarus will bring to justice nazis involved in atrocities, regardless of identity and time frame. ago, alexander lukashenko announced this today at a ceremonial meeting on the occasion of victory day. traditionally, this event takes place on the eve of may 9. for us, this date carries with it an understanding of the essence and truth of life; through generations it warns against mistakes and helps us build the future. it is no coincidence that the preservation of historical memory and the heroic feat of the belarusian people are enshrined in the updated constitution. about, everyone should know what a high price our people paid for peace and freedom. created
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by belarusians, our national wealth was destroyed or taken to the west. hundreds of ghettos and concentration camps have turned our peaceful land into a conveyor belt of death. people from european countries were also brought here to die. in essence, it was genocide of civilians. this fact has been officially established. resisted and did not interfere, so that no matter how anyone in the great democracies says, regardless of identity and statute of limitations, we will identify and bring to justice involved in... the atrocities of the nazis,
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even posthumously or in absentia. moreover, today in many western countries our victory is outlawed. fascist radicals march under the banner of the ss division. at the state level, war criminals are honored, and those who honor the memory of the great victory are declared enemies of the nation.
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in these conditions, the truth about the crimes of fascism serves as a serious warning to humanity, and the preservation of historical memory takes on special significance. it is thanks to the political, economic and military power the soviet union, the continent was assured of peace for decades; the peoples of europe need to understand this long ago. today we see the opposite picture. but with the collapse of the ussr, the lessons of war. were forgotten, the politicians of some countries imagined themselves to be the masters of the world, it became common practice to rudely and unceremoniously interfere in the affairs of sovereign states; it is enough just to declare an undesirable country a zone of one’s interests, or a threat to national security, and carpet bombing will immediately follow and the overthrow of an undemocratic regime. for this reason in
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in various parts of the planet, hotbeds of tension constantly flare up, destroying countries and entire regions. there are a lot of examples . we have come to the conclusion that today not a single state feels protected from external aggression. this is facilitated by the destruction by the countries of the collective west of the fundamental foundations of the strategic stability of international security institutions. the situation continues to heat up. the expansion of military blocs and nato troops on our western borders is a reality. belarus is a peaceful country, but respond to such threats.
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came close to the threshold of nuclear war. the western state is in the vanguard of the europeans, you hear. france every day, every day, until the media, and perhaps in reality, announces an escalation of tension. their statements lead to an escalation of tension, not only on the european continent, but in the world. in general, i am a peaceful person, i don’t want war, i am a historian, i know well that belarus has always fought not only its own wars, and not so much its own, belarus has always
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been a theater of military operations, i not only i studied the second world war, the great patriotic war, in books, with the president i became acquainted with the true state of affairs in the forty -first year in june and the day before on our border, now they began to talk about it more, when we believed in what we were told, we were convinced that war it won’t be that everything is fine, in no case should you succumb to...
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the enemy’s boot will always step on our land, we must inflict unacceptable harm on the enemy, and he must understand this when you understand that you will instantly get what you want impossible to survive, unacceptable damage, damage, you will never, if you still have something left in your head, start this one. therefore, we do not believe in any hopes, we declare once again, we are not going to attack anyone, we are simply reacting to what is happening nearby, somewhere in gaza, where israel
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is bombing civilians, where tens of thousands of people have already died, silence, we do not interfere in these conflicts. we look after our land and we react to what is happening nearby. today, in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, a number of settlements were awarded a pennant for perseverance during the great patriotic war. these are the urban villages of osveya and obbol, as well as the cities of osipovichi, baranovichi, derzhinsk, dyatlova, kalinkovich, lyuban and chausy. each of them has their own heroic story, which is part of the overall great victory. all the details today. watch the tv version of the ceremonial meeting and festive concert on the occasion of victory day in the palace of the republic today on the evening broadcast of belarus-1 and belarus24 immediately after the panorama.
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belarus continues to improve the combat readiness of our armed forces. by instructions from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of belarus. inspections will involve forces capable of using nuclear weapons. according to the secretary of state of the security council, the verification will be carried out against the backdrop of exercises in russia on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. based on the emerging military-political situation, primarily around the republic of belarus, we continue to improve the combat readiness of our armed forces. the most effective way is sudden inspections, which are carried out conditions as close as possible to real combat conditions of the situation. in accordance with the instructions of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, other troops and military formations, our forces will be involved in the verification of means capable of using them. nuclear weapons are iskander operational-tactical systems and
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su-25 front-line attack aircraft. to control their actions, a system for transmitting combat signals for the use of this type of weapon has been deployed. this review is planned against the backdrop of activities carried out by our colleagues, our strategic partners, the armed forces of the russian federation, on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons and are synchronized. with them, during the inspection it is planned to monitor the skills of belarusian units in supplying special ammunition to missile military units, hanging them on launchers, delivering special ammunition to airfields and hanging them on front-line attack aircraft su-25. iskander missile divisions of the polones operational-tactical complex will be secretly withdrawn to the specified position areas, where they will work issues of training and...
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nuclear ammunition, today received an order from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the republic of belarus to conduct a surprise test of the strength of non-strategic nuclear weapons carriers, the iskander operational-tactical complex and a squadron of su-25 tactical aircraft are ready to carry out tasks as intended. this inspection will be carried out strictly in accordance with the regulations established by the commander-in-chief, during it the entire complex will be checked from planning, preparation and use of tactical nuclear
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weapons. as part of this event , part of the aviation forces was relocated to a subsequent alternate airfield. with the relocation of the technical staff, we will begin the issues of testing and preparation for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. so far, the assigned crews have successfully completed the task. after the flight, we will now control how all other events will be organized. and let us emphasize once again that combat readiness testing is exclusively defensive in nature and does not project threats onto any state. russia is preparing to conduct exercises with missile formations to improve the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces. the training will be carried out on behalf of the russian president. the russian ministry of defense explained that moscow was being forced to take such a step by the actions of ukraine and western countries. as stated in the department, this event. will cool down hotheads in western capitals, will help to realize the possible catastrophic consequences of the strategic strategies they generate
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risks, will keep them from being drawn into direct armed confrontation with russia. right now, in the immediate vicinity of the borders of belarus and russia, the largest nato exercises are taking place, in which over 90 thousand military personnel and thousands of weapons and equipment are taking part. at the same time, most of the military units are preparing to remain in the eastern countries of the bloc on a permanent basis. in addition, there are statements from western leaders about their readiness to send one of their own. the us said it saw no reason to adjust own nuclear position, but conclusions are already being drawn. in the same statement, a state department spokesman confirmed that washington does not plan to send american soldiers to ukraine. warsaw accused the judge of all serious crimes, who asked for protection from the belarusian authorities. taking such a step, according to tomasz schmidt himself...
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may not bother warsaw, and this is not surprising, because there are so many skeletons in polish political closets. let us remind you that the day before thomas schmidt asked for protection from the belarusian authorities, he announced this journalists in minsk.
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dialogue with belarus and russia, here is another evidence of the atrocities of the polish regime: on the evening of may 6, on the belarusian-polish border in the pruzhany region, border guards discovered two men. doctors took the foreigners to the hospital, where they were diagnosed with bruises of varying severity, as well as cut wounds. the victims turned out to be citizens of afghanistan. according to the refugees, polish security forces severely beat them during their arrest and forcibly forced them out
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through an animal gate into the territory of belarus. belarusians helped to escape border guards who provided. helping those who need it, european democrats mercilessly throw them outside the fence of the garden of eden. more than thirty years of so-called independence, and lithuania has turned from a showcase of a once great country into a nato doormat. trained puppets are at the helm instead of economic support for militarization and transformation into a military springboard, a tendency to purge for the sake of american greatness.
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tonight watch the continuation of interviews with lithuanian presidential candidates. backside project. let's talk to the ex-deputy nato secretary general. lithuanian presidential candidate gedrimes and gliskos. ukraine is to be slaughtered for the interests of others. whose war is zelensky playing in? he fights for us all the time. who will be next? we stand very clearly with america, because it is still a hegemonic country, at least for now. the main reason is the confrontation between the west and the east. is changing, we are seeing growing competition from authoritarian powers, be it russia, china, the suwalki corridor, whose troops will stand on the border? onato is ready to confront russia? yes, we are very ready, of course we are ready, we need a strong america. interview with former
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nato deputy secretary general. look at belarus 1. and belarus 24 on may 7. unite the efforts of the state and society in the name of maintaining the stability and prosperity of belarus. foreign minister sergei oleinik called for nationwide consolidation today, after laying flowers at the military cemetery as part of the republican action, belarus remembers, we remember everyone. according to the minister, every belarusian is obliged to cleanse the memory of the greatest the tragedies of our people and carry through the years the memory of courage and heroism of perseverance.
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our sacred duty today is to emphasize the importance of the historical memory of that war. our sacred duty today is to pass on this historical memory, this historical truth to future generations. the memorial ceremony took place today at the military cemetery in minsk. employees of the prosecutor's office took part in the republican action, belarus remembers, we remember everyone. prosecutor general andrei shved and his colleagues laid flowers. the soviet army liberating the capital.
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marina vasilevskaya, the first citizen of the republic of belarus to conquer space, with pleasure, this quote, is ready to become part of the belarusian women's union. today marina was offered to join the bug by the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova, noting that the hero of belarus needs to engage in social activities. before the meeting, marina was told and shown the council of the republic. our space compatriot shared with the senators how she prepared for the flight into orbit, experiments on the iss, descent to earth, and shared plans for the future. prepare for social activities, i would like to visit a lot of our government organizations, also schools and kindergartens, everyone is waiting, with great pleasure i want to share my experience, my mood, set a good mood for the children and wish them all the best.
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it will be celebrated at the academy on may 16. over the years, about 40,000 officers have been trained here, including six interior ministers. the best law enforcement officers of the borisov region walked through the gallery of the symbol of the sovereignty of our country based on the results of their service over the past year. the team ensures law and order in a territory where about 170 thousand people live. this is a great honor, of course, for the teams.
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what to look at and feel, probably, after all, our common holiday. i have been looking forward to an excursion to the palace of independence for a very long time, since this is a unique opportunity to see
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how the history of the sovereign republic of belarus is created. in addition, it is symbolic that this excursion is held on the eve of may 9, this is quite a significant holiday, including for us, as employees internal affairs bodies. personal belongings and household items of the soldiers, letters of the victorious may are presented. newspaper title pages and propaganda posters, the exhibition is complemented by photographs of military officers and monumental paintings by eminent artists, each of whom personally experienced the horrors of war. in their works they captured for centuries the images of victorious warriors and events that will live forever in the grateful memory of the people. on victory day, may 9 , a three-part documentary investigation premiered on the evening air of tv channels belarus-1 and belarus24 stock and fatherland. this is a joint project of a television news agency.
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after the war, a number of priests were awarded state awards. the trilogy about patriotic pastors is the first documentary investigation about the clergy during the great patriotic war. sports news will continue to be released. my colleagues have a panorama of the day's results. i say goodbye, all the best and see you later. the best players of the belarusian men's handball championship have been named. the symbolic team included three mishka players. prest of the best club of the past season, the same representatives of minsk osk, the country's vice-champion, one each from mogilev mashek and the capital's bgu kosk, meanwhile.


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