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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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president of belarus alexander lukashenko will make a working visit to the russian federation on may 8-9. in moscow on may 8, the head of state will take part in a meeting of the highest eurasian economic council. council, this summit
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will be an anniversary one; in may it will be 10 years since the signing of the agreement on the creation of the eurasian economic union. the event will be held in a narrow and expanded format. it is expected that alexander lukashenko , in his speech at the meeting, will outline belarus’ position on the main issues on the agenda and speak out about the prospects for the further development of eurasian integration. in the morning of may 9, alexander lukashenko will attend a military parade on red square along with other invited leaders of countries. commemorating the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, and will also take part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. art objects with scenes of front-line and partisan life, stylized four-meter stars and flag cascades. minsk is preparing to celebrate victory day. the central place of the composition is the first military award that appeared in the years war. order of the patriotic war, first degree. you can already see exhibition galleries on the streets of the city.
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which we gleaned from archival and documentary sources, and placed this invaluable information at all major locations in the form of exhibitions. public transport will also be decorated, the metro, buses and trolleybuses will be transformed, this is only the first stage of the city’s decoration, new installations will appear until june, and minsk will arrive in full parade for the day.
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dependencies. to the eightieth anniversary of liberation belarus on poklonnaya hill in moscow held a requiem concert every third. the place and date are symbolic for both belarusians and russians. during the great patriotic war , about 8 million civilians and almost 900,000 prisoners of war ended up on the territory of belarus. in almost every district , the nazis organized concentration camps, ghetto prisons. minsk was under german control for 1,100 days. when the red army troops liberated the belarusian woman. the capital was practically destroyed, only 70 houses survived in the city center, and out of 250 thousand inhabitants, only only 50,000 remained. search operations are still underway in belarus; over the past few years, dozens of new sites of mass executions have been found that were not previously mentioned. quite recently, our prosecutor’s office, together with historians, according to the latest data, discovered that every third person died in belarus. this is our common pain, this is our grief, this is ours. experiences
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are all the tortured victims in concentration camps, these are burnt belarusian villages, we want to remember this today, remember all those who died, about our common pain, which unites us, and how to tell everyone that history cannot be rewritten, it cannot be forgotten, this is our memory, it is with us forever, there is truth in our memory, which means there is power behind this truth, in the concert they sounded like famous songs from the times of the great patriotic war , so the synthesis of new musical... compositions about war and victory. unique newsreel footage, archival witnesses of those terrible events were also shown. the gomel region will present its potential at vdnkh in moscow. first of all, this is an industrial region. mining and processing here oil, 80% of gasoline fuel oil for cars comes from here. the region produces all belarusian cellulose, sheet glass, mineral wool, paper, cardboard, as well as machines for metal processing. famous and
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the production of combines, they work on harvesting grain, corn and fodder crops, not only in their own country, they are supplied to 70 regions of russia, a joint venture was created in bryansk, the gomel region is export-oriented, and in fact the volume of products that are produced in the gomel region is actually 60% of it 119 countries of the world are sold, well, the most important, main strategic partner is the russian federation, of which
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more than 84% of products are sold. the gomel region also represents its tourism potential, due to the proximity of the borders, the region is very interesting for russians, you can not only improve your health. in belarusian health resorts, but also to travel to historical places. the ministry of education of belarus has approved the admission plan for target students. the number of places for each institution for higher secondary specialized education has been determined education in 2024. for example, 90 places have been allocated for bsu in the upcoming admission campaign. the competition will be based on the average score of the certificate and the result of the oral exam. as for the timing of the entrance campaign, there is a target for future students. it will last from june 27 to july 12. the entrance test will need to be passed from july 4 to july 10, and applicants for targeted positions can enter into contracts with organizations and personnel customers from may 1 for teaching specialties from
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june 1. mark, good evening, good evening, you brought to belarus the film... dugout, initially it was supposed to be released on victory day, but it was released two weeks earlier. i met my friend paul when he brought me my first car from germany, cars are his passion, he has another hobby, he
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looks for german awards, helmets, weapons on the battlefields and sells them for crazy money. i see you have mastered the history of the great patriotic war better than me, when it is a business, better and faster. come on over, put it on, why didn’t you take a german uniform for yourself? i will never forget the day when i went with him to the excavations. seryozha, this is bandarsh, he changed our lives forever.
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“the life of each of us is here, this is their one more day, if you surrender to the germans, you will never come back again, i didn’t think
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to be angry, you will die, you understand this, they understand it too, but they don’t run, russian heroes, i i won’t lie, the trailer hooked me personally, i wanted to watch the film in its entirety, well , including from a professional point of view, given that we are trying to approach this issue, after all, the fact that young people i saw it on the eve of victory day, it’s important for you, yes, it’s very important for me, so we started talking about the fact that it ’s all coming out a little in advance, but the point is that it’ll be out just in time for victory day. because the screenings are on april 25, just the may holidays, when people will have the opportunity to go to the movies,
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by may 9, when the holidays will be, well, relatively speaking, there will be 3 days of weekend left, a large number of people, in my opinion, will be able to watch this movie, of course it’s important for me that it comes out and you we saw our slogan, it says everywhere that it’s for victory day, that is, if you pay attention, nothing else. not in the text, but there is, as it were , an inscription for victory day, and we can talk to you more later, but this movie was made, i tried my best to make it so that a young viewer could watch it and find it interesting, well, i’ll tell you honestly, yes, reality, based on the trailer , yes, it is very realistic, well, high quality, let’s be honest, i don’t like fakes, and i don’t like it when they pretend, well, here modern, unfortunately.
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i’m not talking about the war, why did you come to this most important topic only now? you know, for a very long time i dreamed of making a movie about the great patriotic war, i really dreamed of it, uh, because for me this is a very important topic, it has always been, it will be, and i was brought up that way, so i grew up in a military family, my grandfather was a general -major of the soviet army, holder of several orders of lenin, military red star. a man who, commanding katyushas, ​​participated in the battles for berlin, for prague, for
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warsaw, for a huge number of others cities, i am named after him, this is mark nikolaevich, this is very important for me, there has always been a theme, and it’s not that i grew up with this theme, it’s just that everything came naturally, well, that is, there was a certain upbringing, and i always i really wanted to tell an interesting story - about that war, that is, it was necessary to grow up to it, to it, well, i think yes, i think yes, because there were proposals before from the point of view of war cinema, but i tell you i’ll be honest, well, somehow, probably the scenarios and what happened there weren’t very, not they came in very much, they were not very interesting in the description that was there, but here, when the guys called me from legio felix, here ilya kulikov, they said, read it, i read it: i called this story in the evening in the morning, said, yes, i want it making movies, i’m interested
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in that, and to answer your question, i probably had to grow up, from the point of view of some kind of skill, from an internal point of view, everything always happens on time, there’s a story, we sometimes want everything to happen. happened at 18 or 20, and then i want everything, to happen at 30, that's it. you try to run, grab, at some point you still understand that everything in this life happens on time, then when it should happen, now the story with the dugout, the story with this movie happens on time, i think so, well, great, really in fact, i’m very glad that you got involved in this matter, because i ’ll watch the film, i guarantee it, and then i’ll give feedback, that’s good, very interesting, very interesting, well, look, the war films that were filmed. right during the war, they were primarily propaganda, well, naturally, they were created not so much
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for high art, but to raise morale, this is normal, well, right during, most likely, yes, yes, precisely during the war, yes, after that cult stories were added, and drama, emotions, today , why such films need to be made in your opinion, you know, if we make just such a small microexcursion, you are absolutely right when you say that during the great patriotic war these films were made in order to maintain morale, after uh the most important thing in these films filmed - the greatest actors, like... who went through that war and who could very reliably tell and show in the films that were. now i think this is necessary so that, firstly, the younger generation, and secondly, people can once again experience some very important
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things. this is the movie we are talking about, about the dugout, this is a movie about honor, this is a movie about friendship, and this movie... i won’t get tired of talking about it, about the fact that it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, it doesn’t matter what religion you are , no matter what territory you live, the important thing is what’s inside you , it’s really these very important human strings, and this film is about a russian about a german who from 2024 ends up in forty -first, i think that if our grandfathers or great-grandfathers were told in forty-fifth that... you know, your grandson will make a movie about a russian about a german who finds himself in the first 2 months of the war, i think they simply would n’t be able to get it in their head, and answering the question is, why, i think, then, so that people can watch, after all, how, how terrible it is, how difficult it is, uh, to immerse yourself in life in
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the feelings of people who were, were... there and at the same time, uh, they saw and understood that no matter how this happens, you must remain a human inside, that’s not talking about how our movie ends, what will happen inside, mm, let's keep the intrigue, that's right, there is this story, and there really is a story, when you understand that damn it, but until the end in this movie the guys really remain people with a capital letter of this word for... but look, mark, against the background of the current
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world agenda, do you really believe that this is possible, well, when you look around, what is happening? i believe that it is possible, now making this movie about the guys who find themselves there, this has become possible, which means what we are talking about, well, that is, i believe that everything is possible, but today’s youth, today’s and the one that happened 80 years ago, you essentially had to immerse yourself, well, let’s say, in these people who were filmed and shown as if they were 80 years ago, but here they are the same ours today or different? you know, well , of course different, of course different, different rhythm of life, different music, different cinema, different literature, and the world is completely different, of course, the world that was in 1941, 1960, 1970, but this is in the tinsel, it’s all around, yes, but a person, but a person, no, not different, not different, honor, it’s as if
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it doesn’t disappear anywhere, the actions that people commit don’t disappear anywhere, they’re just in different circumstances... them commit, that is, conscience, betrayal, these concepts, they have always been, they have always been and are, i see, i communicate a lot with the guys and those who are 15, and those who are 20, and those who are 25, no, if we are talking, if we are talking about concepts about some very important ones, they have not gone away, i tried to make this movie in such a way that, visually based on history, young people could come to the cinemas, because this category of viewer is not always there. watch such a movie, but it is now shot in such a language that i have great hope that they will want to watch it, because how else can you tell about history, yes, that is, we need to be interested, we are now trying to do this, and by doing it in understandable language, with certain techniques, i really hope that they will come and watch,
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because this is truly the greatest part of history, which... well, that is, is not even discussed about forgetting, not forgetting, this is the greatest part of history, which from generation to generation needs to be passed on and, as it were, told to children, grandchildren, sons, daughters, what is absolutely necessary, but look, on the other hand, you open instagram, and there is successful success , yes, i have to choose myself, i have to put myself in first place there, me, me. just me, my comfort, and then, you know, this has been cultivated for many years, this consumer society, yes, then we get the top lar, we really get selfishness, complete indifference. in relation to the fate of the fatherland, when we begin to speak with this syllable, we are often not understood, these are those whom we want to bring to the cinema today, and at least show, you work with
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young people and work for young people, maybe i i’m exaggerating, maybe after all it’s not so bad, not bad, you’re exaggerating a little, you’re exaggerating a little, it’s not so bad, here are your colleagues, your guys with whom you worked together, yes, they imbued with these feelings ? a huge number of guys who , firstly, read the story with interest, watched what was on the table, i’ll tell you honestly, this rarely happens, people in the movies, they’re a little bit like that with... very thick skin, they’re cynics, absolutely true, and there is a process, there are people, everyone has their own task, but here very often there was the story is that the people who work
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inside the process, they just stood and watched the scenes, they observed, they came up, asked, they said at the end of the shift, mark, you know, we seem to be from a different generation, it seems like they say here that there should be other interests there, but we are so...
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what young boys like them, who are over 20 years old there and who are from what we are talking about, from a good, comfortable foreign car, experience , from good sneakers to comfortable clothes we went into a completely different dimension, in which everything is different, well , life really feels natural there, but mark, you have already indicated that the screenwriter... you
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yourself are from the same generation, which was lucky, lucky to find a lot of more veterans, yes, but today this mission is practically impossible, who advised on reliability and factual information, some of them were representatives of the military historical society. medinsky helped from the point of view of consultation and we had several people on site who were already, as it were , inside the production group namely associated with tricks with pyrotechnics and with all the special effects, which were already consulted internally on some very everyday things, how best to make household army things and household army things. here - but i still won’t deceive you, the movie is fantastic and there is a certain amount of tolerance and fiction in it, no, this is natural,
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this is very important, this is very important, but of course there were people who were always around me, with whom we discussed simple basic things that are very important, greetings, what happens to the leaders, that is, you don’t even think about it, and if at the same time, for example, a senior in rank comes in or, that is, he is obliged to stand up, yes, a whole system of relationships that really, well, that is, the guys
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helped a lot us, we have a big one there. the scene that takes place among the germans, which we left in german completely with titles, and it was a very interesting experience, because there is a completely different life there, how they did, how they did, it also helped a lot, which almost there are 80% of the actors who they played it, they meticulously spoke and speak the german language, there are a lot of germans who took part in this...
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a lot of things went wrong, you see, people are very often triggered when you clearly understand that this form is not from that era, yes, shoulder straps appeared at a different time, the tanks were completely different, yes, these things they immediately give some negative attitude, such cheapness appears, but this is bad, that’s why i say that german should be ideal if it’s german , you're right, the director is sitting with us, now on my ear tells me that we still have it at the television company. it’s customary to get up when the manager comes in, well , it happens, yes, it’s necessary, familiarity with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work, the difference between our equipment is that they have
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very large... literally 3-4 years should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals. watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points interaction, after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader , a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell us the details. the countries
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have reached a new level of partnership; an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, but agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars. new products also help promote technology under the brand made in belarus, including they will soon have an unmanned tractor. what is known about this? when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the security and navigation systems. main. honor the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field to do the work on its own, you can start the smart machine from the remote control, the maximum speed is 38 km/h, it will be able to work 24x7. it is planned to shoot a film in belarus, and the legendary partisan father minaya. who will be working on the project when it premieres? this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, headed by igor ugolnikov.
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the start of filming is announced for august. for news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts, watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus24 tv channel. let's go on a trip to belarus. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that here... visit the striking sights of our country. in 1800, count felix poton.
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touches this miraculous icon of the mother of god, he begins to see this very well lik, she always helps. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . but what is the story, what in? at the box office you pushed aside guy ritchie and his film just on that day and gave out a tour, well, the box office is crazy, you know, i’ll tell you honestly, i don’t know what the story is, i don’t, i found out about this story, my friends sent it to me , they started
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sending from social networks, which means articles, they started calling, and to be honest, for the first 2 hours i didn’t understand at all what was happening, why they were asking me about it, i was on other filming then i read this story, so i asked the producers a question, they told me, we don’t know, well, it happened, it happened, well, that’s not bad either, it’s correct, but logical, since hollywood was touched upon, i can’t help but remember how in the usa, the usa is now basically filming that they defeated hitler, yes, well, really, so far only in the movies, thank god, yeah, you know these kind of stories, what do you think about them? misinterpretation, well, let's get it straight, i treat them like comics, well, a comic, a comic is a fiction, with certain rules of the game, in a certain genre, with a certain comic character, well, it seems to me that there is
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a story, there are people who want to read history or don’t want to read history, that’s their right, but cinema is also fiction, and if there are comics,
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show the great patriotic war is theirs, not ours, dirty, looking for bad heroes, yes, plentiful of nazis, here we are, in essence, people, i mean in general, yes, having lived 80 years without war, we have the right to this, that’s when they find exceptional negativity, no, of course, of course, well, as if we don’t, but this is it’s also true, yes, there was some negativity.
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there are right-wing people, wrong-wing people, bad ones, good ones, if we speak in simple language, well, of course, raise this topic and say denigration, well, of course not, in your film this is a dugout, good ours, these are more famous artists, oh, what a good interesting question, you know what the story is, prostolkina, of course, is known much more in this territory. they know daniel now, so uh, watch the movie, there are no good bad ones, there are, there are people there, they just differ a little in the language they speak they speak in names, that’s the main thrill, okay,
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okay, accepted, that’s the question, where is the difference, yes, you had a german and a russian playing, you’ve already outlined this, is this the second world war for you personally? so i’ll tell you this: every year for a huge number of years. in general, may 9 was a holiday for my family, so people, for example, very often get together with their families at the cinema, for christmas, there, for the new year, for some other holidays, when everyone gathers at the same table, different generations, children, grandchildren, adults, this has always happened in our family on may 9, may 9, no matter where we are, no matter what country in the world, no matter where... we were, we came
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to the military at 10, 11:00 in the morning cemetery in the city of kiev, here at my grandfather’s grave, then my mother was buried there, and it was always a family day, which i always associated mm, well, with something very bright , and at the same time we always chatted, we that is, on this day we exchanged what happened during this... year, someone had children, that is, you know, for me it has always been a feeling of some kind of holiday and really a very big family history, uh, i probably don’t know if many people have this, i don’t know, but for my family may 9 has always been a family day and a day when we honor the memory, we came to my grandfather, and he gave us all the opportunity to always get together, for me it was like that, i grew up in it, i grew up and it’s always been like that. for me this is a great patriotic war,
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because in my opinion a huge number of people in a large international country, as it were, stood up to defend their homeland, their the territory of your country, your loved ones, and the so-called second world war, as it is called now, well, these are some dry numbers, perhaps for some it is like that. initially, i was afraid of a few
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questions, because you were born in kiev, and received your education there, and in any case, this is your homeland at the place of birth, at least, yes, you came to russia at a conscious age, and today the situation in ukraine is a little another, may 9 is not there as a holiday, there is may 8, well, at least at the official level, i won’t hide it, it is my deepest hope that for many people may 9 remains a holiday. it’s just in the soul, it’s either there or not, yes, but now you can’t gather there with the whole family, now no, you can’t go to your grandfather’s grave either, now no, well, let ’s hope, at least this is what you know how to do delicately and what is missing now, yes, even if it is quite conservative, yes in the television genre, here are the ratings among teenage students, and besides, are you an experienced advertiser? yes, you yourself admitted that you were filming, here is the film
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dugout, yes, how else, except with such a film, a feature film, yes, you can tell young people about the war, and even more directly, here’s how to advertise the fact that they are the descendants of heroes today, so that it reaches them, you know, it seems to me , in a language that is understandable to them, these are the ones, well, it’s not on tiktok to put these out - not on tiktok, but... you know, like, again, this is my personal opinion, there are a lot of guys who are closed off to themselves at this age , closed in themselves, closed from society, they are, as it were, a lot of people play, a lot of people are in this they find their world, in this they find something through which they learn about the world, games, interesting, big plot-forming games in which they can tell a story, in which they can show this... story, where they can take part and about this, it seems to me ,
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one might think, and for them this is a simple language, and in this simple language you can talk to them, and what we talked about the same dugout, in this movie there is a lot of action, a lot of so-called visual attraction that the viewer may like, as if to see it visually, including, well, the younger generation, they are very visual. of course, and they really need to capture the first 12 seconds there, if not less, and even less, you are absolutely right, they probably don’t really like to read this. there is behind them, but they find and see information incredibly quickly, that’s what you ’re saying in like 10-12 seconds, they are able to digest some kind of colossal layer of everything, so i think it’s necessary to have it makes sense to look for such approaches in order
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to reach them in whatever way they are live and, as it were, in this small world of screens and computers in which they are located, then you can... make interactive history textbooks, well , so that you know, i think, yes, why not, this could be quite interesting, and doing it in their language, so that it would immediately help, you know, we are used to reading, for example, yes, and we kind of get information... from books and reading we draw, we draw, we draw, so, we understand this, we understand this in a clear way, yes, that means interactive books, uh, these are visual, documentary films with a lot of interactivity inside, the opportunity,
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again, half game, half, half training, why not, okay, here are large-scale actions, parades, military parades, right? what we are constantly criticized for is that we spend money on this, well, such festive concerts, large-scale, let’s say, hundreds or tens of thousands of people in the square, and even a patriotic concert, that’s what they actually need, does it play a role? you know, it’s hard for me to say, of course, like you, i also ask myself this question when you talk to the guys, well, probably most of from...
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uh, but in any case, big actions, such as parades, like holidays, well , they are probably necessary for all people, in order to understand that everything is in place, everything is in place, so, this is probably how it works, you know, a very competent person once told me, yes, no matter what happens, the system cannot be changed radically, that is, it needs to be clear, if there are rules, they must be observed, some must be added to them additional features. yes, you just need to proceed from the specific situation, from a specific year, from specific events, so i agree, okay, mark, military cinema is increasingly willing to turn to modern armed conflicts, there are a lot of them, unfortunately, here’s a clinician, here he was filming about iraq, let’s say, yes, ridley scott
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about somalia, and many others, now what is happening in gaza, 16 states are already involved in this conflict in one way or another, this is also... wounded, mentally, physically, humanly, it seems to me that it hurts too much , here, this is, if you argue, it’s too painful, well here’s a close one to the living, yes, i think so, well , well, here’s something that can already be comprehended,
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i don’t know how involved you were in this, at least informationally, our year is 2020 in belarus, an attempt at a coup. let’s say, directly with foreign money, a time when families were breaking up due to political disagreements, ties between fathers and children were breaking down, yes, something similar, it seems to me, is happening in russia even now within individual families, or people who have communicated for many years, well, even among people art, let's be blunt, this is a chamber drama, this is already dramatic material, where there is conflict, where there is development? where there are heroes and anti-heroes, they didn’t think about making a story about it, i didn’t think about it, i didn’t think about it, but what you’re talking about, yes, it’s... it’s a movie, it’s ready-made dramatic material, but in my opinion , this is what we discussed earlier, it seems to me
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that time needs to pass, a difficult, difficult, hot time, and what you yourself will film in the near future, in the near future i will to shoot a comedy, we also shot a comedy, you know, i liked the answer of our director, which he voiced when we presented, to my question, to my question to him, why are we making a comedy now? film at this time, and we have, well, let’s say, an information-intensive time after the twentieth, because during the war they filmed comedies, that was his answer, and the answer in my opinion was correct, i liked it, so we took a risk spent money on it, did everything right, i think yes, but that’s why you will make a comedy about which, you know, i can’t reveal everything yet, because the producers will scold me, but it’s very good.
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my next full-length movie will be released, which is called a tour with the ivanushkis, it has already been announced, yes, which you probably know, and a very warm, very understandable, very musical story, in which everything also seems to be very simple, but very sincere, but this will also be a full-length film, this will be a full- length film, yes, you told me behind the scenes that the dugout was your first experience of a full-length film. yes, i didn’t deceive you, this is mine. did you just like making full-length films? at some point i
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was very worried, uh, worried that i didn’t have a full-length feature film in my filmography. and i made some colossal efforts, i looked for material, material that i found i didn’t really like. and then i said to myself: mark, mm,... do what you do and what you love and do it well, and i exhaled, i began making wonderful film series, i’ve been doing this for many years, i let go this story, i've seen 30, 40 episodes, really, and this is only for one season, i let this story go, i said to myself, the time will come, everything has its time, that is, it has come, it has come. now is just such a period when we actually get several films in a row that will be
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full-length for cinemas, and i am very glad, i really like it and it brings great pleasure and inner happiness, but they haven’t given up on tv series, no, of course it will be, well, it will be, it’s just that now, from the proposals that exist, this is what i voiced to you, yes, this is still full footage, and we won’t guess there, well, we won’t, okay, unfortunately, mark, the last, extreme, as i like to say, near-philosophical question, our war movie has always won over hollywood when looked carefully into the soul of the hero, did not try to compete with the scale of budgets, it is clear that they are often incomparable and special effects, won due to sincerity in the first place and reliability, today we are fighting with the rewriting of history, but due to what
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today we can win in this battle? due to authenticity that we show in the movie we're talking about, specifically, for example, the dugout, in this movie, i'll tell you honestly, i'm a very modest person, and i'm still, well, that's how i was brought up, but the movie that we're done now. for example, in terms of a certain level of special effects, in terms of the content that exists inside, this movie is made at the highest level, and if you compare it with the world’s big military films, yes, we had a much higher budget, relatively speaking, a smaller budget, but it doesn’t look at all worse, there's a story inside, oh which you speak, humanly understandable and which cannot be rewritten. impose, remake, i believe that our task is simply to do what we do and tell it, this is what we consider necessary,
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important and correct, you know? because someone is always trying to change something, trying to turn something around, uh, we have a different path, we know it, we move along it, we go and make the movie that we make, and let the viewer watch and accept everything for themselves necessary decisions. mark, thank you for this conversation, thank you very much, good luck to you, thank you, thank you. based on the fact that this is already the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, it is probably worth asserting that this is an already rooted form of democracy on the territory of our country, especially since historians and eminent belarusians claim that
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it originates there from the polotsk assembly , from this...
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fixed in such a legal sense how we can restrain certain movements in a destructive direction on the territory of the republic of belarus, as for directly the delegates of the supreme council, this again quite a serious burden of responsibility, so we understand that the people there are not ordinary people, not from the street, relatively speaking, but these are those who have proven themselves in the work collective, those who are initiators, innovators in one or another area within the framework.
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strategy in the military sphere, we indicate that we do not represent, do not consider anyone as some kind of potential enemy, especially as regards the peoples that surround the republic of belarus. in this sense, we also let our neighbors understand our plans for the future, how we see this future, and how we we will react in certain circumstances, including possibly to potential actions that will be directed as a threat. for our republic, for the belarusian society, so again we need to understand in what format these documents were adopted, because quite a serious public discussion took place, in addition to the fact that they were adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is, let's say, such a bold point in the long journey of preparing those same documents, because they were discussed in work collectives, including including in the scientific expert and political science community, so we can
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note that this is quite seriously worked out. is in our documents reflecting the very level of danger that is associated with the spread of the pandemic, we also declare that we will take a closer look at this issue, and alexander lukashenko, among other things , indicated that there is a need for biological safety form some kind of conference on the territory of belarus, and i am sure that in the near future it will will take place. the key point of the forum is probably that all the most important decisions are made by them.
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the way we are building it, this is a rather unique path for us, a unique body of popular power, in this sense, i think that you, as a representative of the presidential pool, know this famous
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phrase of the president that they will come to us in democracy to learn , so i think that the all-belarusian people's assembly is the very point, including what the head of state and representatives are talking about the west really has a lot to learn in this sense, because we see how much that very political system is stalling in the european union, in the united states, that officials live with their own views, their own lives, and ordinary people increasingly forced to go out to protests, and these are narrowly targeted protests, ranging from farmers, ending with doctors, teachers, railway workers, that is, a huge layer of problems has accumulated, and the absence of such a body as the all-belarusian people's the meeting does not allow us to build this... a bridge between people in power, in ours, in our case, such a problem does not arise.
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