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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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live panorama in elena nasacheva's studio. hello. belarus will bring to justice nazis involved in atrocities, regardless of identity and statute of limitations. alexander lukashenko stated this at a ceremonial meeting on the occasion of victory day. a tv version of the celebration and the festive concert immediately after the panorama. in view of the changing situation in belarus. the day of
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radio and television communications workers is celebrated today in belarus. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. a date that carries an understanding of the essence and truth of life. she's the same warns against mistakes helps to build the future on the eve of may 9 on values ​​that are unshakable for us.
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the fate of lithuania, how three decades of so-called independence turned out, all the ins and outs of the project, the underside, continuation. today in minsk the celebrations on the occasion of victory day officially started, this is a holiday that is already here. for 79 years in a row, it reminds us of an important moment in our history and honors the heroic feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. on the eve of may 9, a solemn meeting was held at the palace of the republic, and our president took part in it. addressing those gathered, alexander lukashenko will say: for belarusians, the truth is that the memory of the war is stronger than time. and today , minsk responds to all attempts at intimidation with a consistent peacekeeping position and a policy of strategic containment. the belarusian leader appealed to the peoples of near and far abroad with a call to stop. to stop
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the crazed politicians from giving them a chance to turn all life on the planet into ashes. the situation is heating up with the expansion of military blocs to build up nato's potential in our region. in this regard, all actions of belarus exclusively in line with defense. we are not threatening anyone, but we are preparing to inflict unacceptable damage in response to potential aggression. despite the holiday, our president that evening spoke on the topic of the day. the main thing in the report by natalia breus. the first days of may in belarus have been held for 79 years in a row in a special victorious atmosphere. celebrations on the occasion of may 9 traditionally begin throughout the country. we need to strengthen peace on earth, we need to fight against all falsifiers, we need to do everything possible on our land.
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remember this holiday, this bright feeling about that a holiday is better, a brighter holiday than victory day, no, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended belarus during the war years, we still have to defend the interests of the country today, just a couple of weeks ago on this platform the all-belarusian people's assembly approved strategic documents on our security, to be we have never strived to be strong in this world, but we understand how important it is to be strong for the sake of peace. the most valuable thing we
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have is peace and tranquility, you understand, because peace and tranquility encourages further creation, towards future life, looking confidently into the future, raising children. and we value this, the president said very well at the all-belarusian people's meeting: today time has chosen us, and today we must make decisions that will help prevent those tragic events that the long-suffering people, including the belarusian people, unfortunately experienced 80 years ago , not everyone has drawn the appropriate conclusions and is reaping these tragic fruits, peace and security are the most valuable things for...
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a strong, bright, prosperous belarus, therefore, a low bow to them, the president will begin his speech with what may 9 means for us, this is truly a sacred date, it contains the whole truth of life for belarusians, it is no coincidence that in the updated constitution of the country it must be heard, the state ensures the preservation of the historical truth of the memory of heroic feat during the great patriotic war is true for us belarusians. the memory of the war is stronger than time and has no boundaries. we remember our anti-fascist friends, the heroes of the normandy regiment nyoma, participants in the meeting on the elbe, and others examples of joint struggle against the enemy. this is
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a matter of our common pride with everyone who resisted fascism with us. and who else is proud? all the peoples of the earth. it was a terrible time, but we simply do not have the right to let it be forgotten. 300 thousand of our compatriots were driven to germany as slaves. the notorious trostenets camp alone claimed the lives of more than 200 thousand civilians. hundreds of getos have turned our land into a conveyor belt of death. national wealth was plundered and taken away, it was a real genocide of civilians, the investigation of which, the prosecutor general's office continues, no matter how anyone in the great democracies opposes or interferes, no matter what they say, regardless of identity and
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statute of limitations, we will identify and bring to justice those involved in the atrocities of the nazis, even posthumously... or in absentia, with today, in many western countries, our victory is outlawed, fascist radicals march under the banners of ss divisions, war criminals are honored at the state level, and those who honor the memory of the great victory are declared enemies of the nation. unprecedented information attacks of all kinds... falsifications on the part of the collective west justify the atrocities committed by the nazis by their henchmen. we see how revanchists are trying to pull the bankrupt nazi ideology out of the underworld. everything is presented as if
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the nuremberg tribunal never happened. and it’s not just about ukraine. under these conditions, the truth about the crimes of fascism.
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this is facilitated by the destruction by the countries of the collective west of the fundamental foundations of strategic stability of international security institutions. the trend of western democratizers is total russophobia, the imposition of cancel culture, pressure and blackmail of entire nations. the proxy war is heating up the situation, expanding military blocs. we have been standing at our borders head-on for a long time and are preparing to respond, if anything, adequately. a set of response measures in several stages, the latest surprise inspections of the air force and air defense
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showed their readiness to effectively respond to possible aggression. belarus is a peaceful country, but it is vital to respond to such threats together with allies. this activities to defend the security of our country are planned and involve several stages. as part of the first stage in response. to the concentration of troops near the northwestern borders of belarus, listen, and this is already about 90,000 people, military people, and those who served, know well what a concentration of such troops is, this has never happened , in response to this, we withdrew reinforced tank mechanized battalions to cover the state border, you saw this in the ashmyany and postavy directions.
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readiness and will complete tasks as intended. currently
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, troops are being rotated to cover the northwestern direction. military units, separate mechanized brigades, i don’t say their number, i don’t say their actual name, are occupying new operational areas . they are being replaced by a reinforced battalion-tactical group, and for its implementation, the general staffs of the armed forces of belarus and russia provide for a check of the forces of means, a joint regional grouping of troops within the framework that is planned for the first time work out application issues. strategic nuclear weapons, during the inspection
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, special ammunition will be supplied to missile and aviation military units, loaded onto launchers and suspended on aircraft; missile divisions of the iskander operational-tactical complexes of the domestic polones anti-aircraft forces will be withdrawn to designated positions and will be trained. against the backdrop of testing, including by russian troops, the use of non-strategic
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nuclear weapons, the media have already reported about this, to obtain the military units of the moscow and leningrad military districts, as well as the forces of the baltic fleet stationed in the kaliningrad region will help us with operational information ; the decision on joint coordination: the training and use of our troops with the russian federation, the use of special ammunition, we will discuss tomorrow with the president of russia and make a final decision decision, direct control, leadership of troops, giving signals for training, training use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be carried out by the general staffs of belarus and russia in accordance with existing interaction plans. i would especially like to point out that
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the check is purely defensive in nature.
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france is in the vanguard of the europeans, you hear, every day, while the media, and maybe in fact, are talking about the escalation of tension, not only on the european continent, but in the world as a whole. i am a peaceful person, i don’t want war, i am a historian, i know well that belarus has always fought not only its own wars.
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this is not for me, it’s just our task, if again, as it was and has always happened, the enemy boots will step on our land, we must inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy, and he must understand this, when you understand that you
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will instantly receive something that is impossible for you to survive, unacceptable damage, damage, you will never, if you still have something left in your head - then you won’t start this war, so we don’t believe in any hopes, we declare again, we are not going to attack anyone, we are simply reacting to what is happening nearby, somewhere in gaza, where israel is bombing civilians and where already...
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therefore, i, as commander-in-chief, accepted decision, in all possible directions, we know these directions, battalion tactical groups have been deployed, our military, in addition to the border guards, the police who are on the border, are responsible for the security of our state, that’s all, it will be quiet, good, we will be calm and quiet. if someone uses weapons against us, we will respond, and instantly, we will not draw any lines, we are not russia, thousands of thousands of kilometers away. there you can draw lines and expect something . mother russia won’t be captured right away, but belarus, like the last war showed that within a month
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it ceased to exist, now it will be even faster, so there are no lines, no, any aggression and the response will be instantaneous, many today are talking about nuclear and other weapons that this lukashenko will use, will not use, and so on. listen, this is a weapon of deterrence, this is a weapon of defense, no one will go on the offensive with these weapons, draw a conclusion from this: the concept of national security and military doctrine adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly is our answer to the challenges of the time, and minsk does not hide strategic documents; on the contrary, it openly talks about its security policy. the country and we do not consider any state as an enemy, but if necessary, the belarusian people will stand up to defend their native land, using
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all possible forces and means for this. the main guarantor of the country's military security is our armed forces, therefore we maintain them in constant combat readiness and equip them with the most modern weapons. at that moment it might have seemed to someone that... both the president and commander-in-chief alexander lukashenko speaks too directly, but the situation is alarming and it is better to look at the world without rose-colored glasses. i think about not going overboard, so as not to strain our society, everything we do, we do to prevent this from happening. i don’t believe that in western europe, someone is fried and fattened? wants to climb into these dirty lousy trenches to fight, they are already unaccustomed to this, but our youth, you know, don’t want this, it’s us
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who were born then, not far removed from that great victory, we understand what it cost our parents and our grandfathers, all this, but we must be prepared for anything. “i don’t believe that they have gone mad and will begin to draw some kind of line that they even drew themselves. i don’t believe that the same macron, i more or less know him, is a completely reasonable, not stupid person who claims that he even tomorrow i’m ready to send armed forces into ukraine to start a war, a nuclear power.”
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but it is my destiny and those around me to be able to respond to any threat. the ceremonial moment of the evening, a number of settlements were awarded a pennant for courage and perseverance during the years of the great patriotic war: these are the urban villages of osveya and obol, as well as the cities of osipovich, baranovich, derzhinsk, dyatlova, kalinkovich and lyubon and chausy, each of them has its own heroic history, which is.
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24 after the panorama. belarus continues to improve the combat readiness of our armed forces; on the instructions of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of belarus,
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forces capable of using means will be involved in the current inspection. tactical nuclear weapons. according to the secretary of state of the security council, the verification will be carried out against the backdrop of exercises in russia on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. based on the emerging military-political situation, primarily around the republic of belarus, we continue to improve the combat readiness of our armed forces. the most effective way is sudden inspections, which are carried out in conditions as close as possible to real combat conditions. in accordance with on the instructions of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, other troops and military formations, our forces and means capable of using nuclear weapons will be involved in the verification. these are iskander operational-tactical systems and su-25 front-line attack aircraft. to control their actions, a system for transmitting combat signals for the use of this type of weapon has been deployed. this inspection is planned against the backdrop
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of activities carried out by our. colleagues, our strategic partners, the armed forces of the russian federation in use of non-strategic nuclear weapons and is synchronized with them. during the inspection , it is planned to monitor the skills of belarusian units in supplying special ammunition to missile and military units, hanging them on launchers, delivering special ammunition to airfields and hanging them on front-line su-25 attack aircraft. issues of preparation and use of special ammunition. the main result of this test should be practical confirmation of the skills of our military personnel in the use of this type of weapon. these events are exclusively defensive in nature and does not pose threats to any of the states. in the future, combat combat checks. according to
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the statement of the minister of defense of belarus , the entire complex of events from planning, preparation and use of strikes with tactical nuclear weapons will be checked. today i received an order from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the republic of belarus to conduct a surprise test of the strength of non-strategic nuclear weapons carriers. prepared to perform tasks as intended operational-tactical complex from... iskan and a squadron of tactical aircraft s-25. this inspection will be carried out strictly in accordance with the regulations established by the commander-in-chief, during which the entire complex from planning, preparation and use of tactical nuclear weapons will be checked. as part of this event, the relocation of part of the aviation forces to a reserve airfield will follow. the crews successfully
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completed the flight tasks, now we will monitor how all other activities will be carried out. and let us emphasize once again, that the test of combat readiness is exclusively defensive in nature and does not project threats onto any state. as for the position of official moscow, it is to conduct the exercise for the purposes of... that such a step is being forced by the actions of ukraine and western countries, as the department stated, this event will help western capitals understand the possible catastrophic consequences of the strategic risks they generate, and will keep them from being drawn into direct armed confrontation with russia. let me remind you that now in the immediate
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the largest nato exercises are taking place close to the borders of the union state, in which... ceremonies on the part of the collective west and pitiful calls from kiev not to recognize putin , despite the political demarche itself , one of the countries of the opposite bloc did not question the legitimacy of the elected president of russia. on these
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pre-holiday days in our country there is hardly a place of military memory and worship of the fallen, where belarusians would not bring flowers. this is brest. outfits from the forties of the last century. and hot sunny may. waltz of victory danced today on the ground of the legendary citadel. this action has been taking place for the fourth year in a row, but for the first time on the territory of the brest fortress. by the way, anyone could join the victory may waltz of 1945. lena remembers, the alps and danube remember. that knowledgeable singing bright one. no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. today these words unite the modern generation of belarusians. honoring veterans, laying wreaths and flowers at monuments is our tradition of remembrance. his life is an example for
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many generations to follow. university professor, teacher, devoted his whole life to science and taught students. next to the medal for excellence in education, the medal for the victory over germany and the order of the great patriotic war. fyodor sergeevich feshchenko went through the entire war from the urals to berlin, participated in the bloody operation bagration, liberated minsk, all this when he was not yet twenty. this victory, of course, is not only for those who brought it on the battlefields, it is a victory for the entire people, i witnessed this, i told you that i... it is extremely important in these days not only that the labor front was going on again, i know how hard it was say words of gratitude and pay attention to those thanks to whom we live in a free country.
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support has been built in all areas of the life of our veterans, this concerns financial support in terms of payment of pensions with special allowances, this is free medicine, free technical means of social rehabilitation, whoever is disabled today is the first, second or third. groups and needs special means, this treatment is free. congratulations, flowers, words of gratitude from the administration of pervomaisky district, today sounded in the house of yadvigia erobkina. during the war, while still very young, she helped medical workers treat the wounded. today he gives an important instruction to young belarusians to preserve peace. thank you so much for the memory, for your attention, i’m so touched, i can’t even tell you, i have to. your country, you need to raise your children as patriots, work, work, take care of the world, take care of your country, everything, this is the most important thing in life, that time soaked in war
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, nothing warmed the soul and gave strength in battle like music, songs of the war years today they sounded in belarusian state university. on the eve of the holiday, former student employees who contributed to the overall victory were honored here. in the pre-war years , there were almost 1,900 people at the university, of which 450 volunteered to go to the front. eight decades ago, the nazis exterminated every third belarusian; there is no statute of limitations for war crimes and genocide. members of the council of the republic also honored the memory of the fallen defenders with minutes of silence at the masyukovshchina memorial complex. yesterday.
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if not for the victorious july 1944, if if it weren’t for the great victory of may 1945, we wouldn’t have been with you, so, probably, this too must be said, we must convey it to our youth.
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the memory of our fearless heroes is immortalized not only on slabs, streets are named in their honor, their names are assigned by educational institutions. so the name of the hero of the soviet union dzhumash asanaliev was assigned to the capital’s school, but...
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the minister of foreign affairs of belarus today called for national consolidation to unite the efforts of the state and society in the name of preserving the stability and prosperity of belarus sergey oleynik. after laying flowers at the military cemetery as part of the republican action, belarus remembers, we remember everyone. we go to worship. let's go to worship all the victims that remain for us. our sacred duty today is to pass on this
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historical memory, this historical truth to future generations. according to oleynik, during these may days our foreign institutions will hold a series of events dedicated to the great victory. diplomats will visit obelisk monuments, meet with veterans, and organize information campaigns. ongoing active work in the international arena. on may 9, within the framework of the osce permanent council , a statement from like-minded countries dedicated to the 79th anniversary will be read. the day of radio and television communications workers is celebrated in belarus today, and the president congratulated him on his professional holiday. your activity serves as a conductor of objective knowledge of meanings into every home, allowing a person to sense the world around him in real time. and the rhythm of modern life, thanks to your talent and technical skill, people,
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events and facts become memorable images and on-air sounds become accessible, understandable and recognizable to a wide audience, i am confident that the glorious traditions of veterans of television and radio communications will receive a worthy continuation in the achievements of their contemporaries, the head of state noted. belteleradiocompany has big plans for the new television season. on the air of the morning show "dobroya ranitsa" belarus, chairman ivan eismand announced the main one. stage, i think that in the near future we will already
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go on air, so sit behind our announcements, and of course, pay attention to socio-political broadcasts, this is very important, yes, there was information, we are preparing to launch a news channel, and this is a very big job, this is a very serious project, so we are all excited, the belarusian radio company is the largest player in the belarusian information field as a media holding, television and radio products which come out under the bt brand is located. at the top of national ratings and have long won the love of audiences. real technological sovereignty under sanctions is a strategic task for the government. for import, replacement projects. this year , three times more funds are planned from the innovation fund than last year. svetlana lukinyuk will continue the topic. the main task now under sanctions is real technological sovereignty, the prime minister noted at the beginning of the conversation. just for the fund's money.
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management, this is a matter of strategic development of our industry, there are funds for these projects, the main thing is that there are ideas for them, fresh solutions in construction are no less needed, so that everything is quickly understood. the president instructed to radically simplify process. in july , the building code also comes into force, where optimization is also the main thing. at the moment , the construction process is accompanied by a large number of procedures that involve interaction with the developer. with government agencies and organizations at all stages, from the development of pre-project documentation to the commissioning of the facility. this implies the need to obtain multiple approvals from various authorities and leads to a significant increase in the construction period of objects. issues regarding the provision of land plots
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for construction are regulated by separate legislation, but they have a direct impact on the construction process. it's also addictive. construction deadlines, the relevant department has a proposal on how to change approaches to reduce the number of approvals, but for those who will build their own house, for example, they will simplify the procedure for connecting to utility networks; if there is a land plot, there will be serious changes and serious simplifications, such as no need to develop design and estimate documentation in full the scope that is provided for by today's legislation, there will be no need to undergo an examination on it, state traffic supervision will not accompany this construction, but... this facility will have to be introduced at the final stage according to all the canons, with all the reduction in approvals, safety comes first. at the final stage, the state construction supervision makes a final verdict; other conclusions are not needed here. svetlana lukinyuk, vitaly slyavka, telenews agency. district inspectors,
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detectives, patrol officers, as well as those who trains personnel to protect the public order and our security. active of the borisovsky department of internal affairs. the executive committee and the academy of the ministry of internal affairs today became excursionists in the palace of independence, more than 100 people in total, for representatives of the main university of the ministry of internal affairs, this event was a gift for the sixty-sixth anniversary of the founding of the educational institution, it will be celebrated at the academy on may 16, over the years they have prepared about 4,000 officers, among them six ministers of the interior. we walked through the galleries of the symbol of our country's sovereignty the best law enforcement officers of the borisov region based on the results of service over the past year, the team ensures law and order in those
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positions reflect the events of may june 1945, the storm of the reichstag and the hoisting of the victory banner over it, the celebration of the first day of victory, the return of victorious soldiers, a luxurious exhibition on the ground floor, which is dedicated to the day of the great victory, everyone was really impressed, because the exhibits are very telling, telling letters written in pencil by our soldiers, and that is , there is really something to look at and get into it, probably after all.


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