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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:41pm MSK

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stands on its hind legs in front of its owner. moreover, such import of personnel has been established in the baltic states over the years. iglinskos probably doesn’t have an american passport, but who knows? at one time, thomas hendrik ivels's american passport did not prevent him from leading estonia for 10 years. and a canadian citizen, vaira vikki feiberga, surrendered her passport a day before her election by the seimas, president of latvia. valdas adamkus also renounced his entire american citizenship. 5 days before taking office as the president of lithuania, in us policy towards lithuania and others baltic republics today have a clearly visible clean-up strategy. politicians trained and installed by america, the population is smaller, there is less industry, agriculture and infrastructure amid the militarization of the region. ekaterina tikhomirova was with you, see you.
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president of the republic of belarus alexander grigoryevich lukashenko.
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dear veterans, dear comrades, our history has many bright pages of which we are rightfully proud. all of them have retained their significance to this day, many, having lost their former meanings, were simply forgotten, however, there are dates and events that carry an understanding of the essence and truth of life, they are not subject to time and circumstances, are passed down through generations with mother's milk, protect against... help build the future. for
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belarusians, such an event was the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war. that is why in the updated constitution we have enshrined the thesis that the state ensures the preservation of historical truth and the memory of the heroic feat of the belarusian. people during the great patriotic war, for us belarusians, true, the memory of the war is stronger than time and has no boundaries. we remember our anti-fascist friends, the heroes of the normandy-neuma regiment, the participants in the meeting on the elbe, and other examples of joint struggle against the enemy. this is a matter of common pride for us and everyone.
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who resisted fascism with us, who else is proud? all peoples of the earth must know what...
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this was a genocide of civilians, this fact was officially established by an emergency government commission immediately after the war, in our time these investigations are continued by our prosecutor general's office, everyone died third, no matter how anyone in the great democracies resists or interferes. no matter who says, regardless of identity and statute of limitations, we will identify and bring to justice those involved in the atrocities of the nazis, even posthumously or in absentia, while today in many western countries our victory
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has been outlawed, fascist radicals are marching under the banner of the ss division state level.
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victory is our common heritage, thanks to it, as well as the political, economic, military power of the soviet union, the eurasian peace was ensured for the continent for many decades. despite ideological differences and geopolitical struggle, in the post-war period, world players still managed to come to an agreement. during the cold war, the warring parties took real steps towards detente based on the balance of power. international organizations acted as real platforms for negotiations and contributed to maintaining peace
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and strengthening security on the planet. but with the collapse of the ussr, the lessons of the war were forgotten.
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international security institutions, their leaders are trying to distract the population of their states from accumulated internal problems. total russophobia has become a popular political trend among the right-wing european elites and their overseas masters. they are hastily creating a frightening image of an external eastern enemy who is supposedly ready to attack berlin with tanks. under the cover of myths about democracy and human rights, western leaders are imposing a cancel culture on states.
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the situation is heating up the expansion of military blocs and alliances to the detriment of the security of other countries, as well as an unprecedented build-up of potential north atlantic bloc in our region. all this is already at the western and southern borders. our belarus, from individual figures we hear talk about war and nuclear strikes. against the backdrop of ever-increasing military activity in belarus in europe, a set of measures is being taken to adequately respond to the aggravation of the situation. a lot has been said about this recently. this activity...
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in response to this, we withdrew reinforced tank mechanized battalions to cover the state border, you saw this in ashmyany and postavy directions. as i said, we are already head-to-head as a north atlantic bloc. issues of preventing sabotage and reconnaissance groups and illegal armed formations from entering our territory have been worked out.
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these inspections showed the effectiveness of the existing system of combat and mobilization readiness, the ability of brigades to move to the highest level of combat readiness in a timely manner and complete the task as intended. currently, there is a rotation of troops covering the northwestern direction, military units, separate mechanized brigade, i don’t call it. number, i don’t mention its actual name, mechanized brigades
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occupy new operational areas , they are replaced by a reinforced battalion tactical group from another separate mechanized brigade. today we are starting to work out the second stage of response measures to carry it out. the general staffs of the armed forces of belarus and russia provide for an inspection of the forces of the joint regional grouping of forces, within the framework of which it is planned for the first time to work out the issues of using non-strategic nuclear weapons. during the inspection , special ammunition will be supplied to missile and aviation military units. loading them onto... launchers and suspension of aircraft. missile divisions
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of the iskander operational-tactical complexes of the domestic anti-aircraft forces polones will be withdrawn to designated positions and will practice missile strikes to repel a possible attack on belarus. at the same time , aviation military units. will prepare front-line attack aircraft su-25 for action with special ammunition to support the defending troops and cause unacceptable damage.
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the use of special ammunition, we will discuss it with the president of russia tomorrow and make a final decision, direct management, leadership. signals for the training and training use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be carried out by the general staffs of belarus and russia in accordance with existing interaction plans. i would like to especially note that the inspection is purely defensive in nature,
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it is designed to ensure readiness belarusian military units to work with special... supplies, as well as to debug the mechanisms of troop control and interaction of allied command and control bodies. upon completion of the joint training, our troops will continue measures to adequately respond to changes in the situation. dear friends, i ’m telling you openly about this, maybe i shouldn’t, but i want you to know, lately, more than ever, in our... life with you, we have never, ever come so close to the threshold nuclear war, the western state is in the vanguard of the europeans it’s coming, you hear, france, every day, every day, while in the media, and maybe in reality, their
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statements lead to an escalation of tension, not only on the european continent, but in the world. having become president, i became acquainted with the true state of affairs in '41 in june the day before at our border. now they started talking about this more, when we believed in
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what we were told, we were convinced that there would be no war, that everything was normal, under no circumstances. it’s just our task, if again, as it was and it always happened, the enemy’s boot will set foot on our land, we must inflict an unacceptable blow on the enemy, and he must understand this, when you understand that you will instantly receive
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something that is impossible for you to survive, unacceptable... tens of thousands of people died, silence, we do not interfere in these conflicts, we look after our land, and we respond to...
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battalion tactical groups have been deployed, our military, in addition to the border guards, the police who are on the border, serve as the security service of our state, that’s all, it will be quiet , okay, it will be calm here and quietly, if someone uses weapons against us, we will respond, and instantly, we will not... draw any lines, we are not russia, thousands, thousands of kilometers away, there you can draw lines and expect something, mother russia right away
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you can’t capture, but belarus, as the last war showed, within a month it ceased to exist, now it will be even faster, so there are no lines, any aggression and the response will be instantaneous, today they are talking about nuclear and other weapons that this one will use, will not use lukashenko and so on further, listen, this is a weapon of deterrence, this is a weapon of defense, no one will go on the offensive with this weapon, draw a conclusion from this, but the worst thing is that in the understanding of the west, the third world war is not something... abstract and is presented as ordinary and completely acceptable , but it is unlikely that ordinary people need this, both here and in europe and other
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regions of the planet, so today, despite what i just said, i would like to once again from this rostrum on behalf of the belarusian peace-loving people, address to the peoples...
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and equip them with the most modern weapons. thanks to professional training, patriotism, and loyalty to military duty to the fatherland, soldiers of the belarusian army are able to ensure the security of our state and , if necessary, cause irreparable and unacceptable damage to the enemy. however, today it is not only military strength that is important. none of the most modern weapons. will be able to break the people if you and i have unity. our opponents understand this well and are doing everything
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to tear us apart. disunite by paying tribute respect for the military labor feat of our compatriots during the war, today we award a pennant for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war, belarusian settlements that showed themselves most selflessly in the fight against the enemy are all worthy of this award and it was very difficult to select the best, the most special. .. it’s difficult, in every settlement, on every patch of the belarusian land, the nazis faced fierce resistance, everywhere the land simply burned under the boot of the invaders, and you know from the stories of your parents and grandfathers, how difficult it was for those who survived in
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dugouts and trenches to survive. in the forests, half-starved, lousy, half-naked, especially with children, this cannot be allowed anymore, this will not be repeated in the history of belarus, saying all this again. i think about not going overboard, so as not to strain our society, everything we do, we do to prevent this from happening, if you want, i don’t believe that in western europe, fried, fattened, someone wants to climb into these dirty lousy trenches to fight, they...
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are already unaccustomed to this, but our youth, you you know, he doesn’t want this, it’s us who were born then, not far from that great victory, who understand what all this cost our parents and our grandfathers, but we must be ready. besides, i don’t believe that they have gone mad and will begin to draw some kind of line that they even drew themselves. i don’t believe that the same macron, i more or less know him, is a completely reasonable, not stupid person, who declares that he is ready to send armed forces into ukraine to start a war even tomorrow.
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nuclear power, the poles or someone else, that they will do it, but so that they don’t do it, we must be strong, i have already spoken about this, now only strength is respected, and no matter how small or large we are, as you say, we must be strong, organized, monolithic, u...
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those who restored our country after wars, did everything for us, and even more, in the first post-war years we found strength and courage, imagine, the lower, poor, weakened, return to restore the country, we must not forget this, as soon as we forget, this misfortune will come to us, therefore our... words today, words of gratitude to the liberators of belarus who live today in different parts of the planet, you are dear people to us, no matter what happens and no matter how you feel about the victory where you live now, the belarusian land remembers and thanks you all, eternal glory to the heroic feat. the soviet union,
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together, went through the fiery hardships of war and defeated nazism. i wish our veterans. to those who restored our country, to adults, veterans, pensioners, to all our compatriots peace, goodness and prosperity, a happy life, under the sky, only free belarus, i cordially congratulate everyone on the upcoming great holiday, on victory day, dear friends. decree of the president of the republic of belarus. for the courage and perseverance of
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the abaronians of the belarusian towns and other settlements in the vyalikaya aychynaya war, we recognize the pennants for marriage and perseverance in the vyalikaya aychynaya gada ainu. garadski paselak. asveya, i know the senior woman of the verkhnedzvinsk district, vasily mikalayevich shylov. city asipovych, the famous senior lady of the asipovitsk district had a kamiteta kanstancin. the elders
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of the baranavitskaya garadskaya kamitet gorad baranavichy, recognized by the representative maxim anatolyevich antanyuk. city of dzyarzhynsk. the award of the senior sergeant-major of the district has a kamiteta for maxim uladzimiravich lysenko. city of dzyatlava. the nobleman has a senior elder.
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city of luban. the famous senior lady of the lyuban district has a kamitet for valery viktaravich melnik. paselak obal is recognized by the senior elders shumilenskaya district vykanauchaga kamitet sergei alyaksandravich galylchyk. city
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of chavusi. the famous senior lady of the chauska district has a kamitet for dzmitry mikhailavich akula. decree of the president of the republic of belarus alexander ryhoravich lukashenka. dear friends, once again i wish you good health. we 'll buy everything else and find it. we won’t even steal, live in peace, live in peace, raise children, everyone does their own thing, we
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can’t escape this time, because this time has chosen us, good luck to you.
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get up, huge country, stand up for your mortal life, with fascist strength. i think i'm celebrating
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the end of the day, i'm in the middle of a people's war , a complete war of strength. the people's holy war will come to an end, like two different poles, we are born in everything, we fight for the mortal world, and for the kingdom.
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i dream about my dear one, there is
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a war going on completely! in the first days of the war, my group was supposed to deliver property to the unit, but they all died, only me and a photojournalist for the zvezda newspaper were left alive, how to carry out an order, there are only two of us, commander, but we still have
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property, food, medicine, mail, just a month ago i worked at the academy of sciences, a nurse, and i was an artist of a large theater, and we were going with a concert to brest, we will replace the dead, our homeland expects victory from us, comrades, we will carry out the order, god gave us life and the right to live on our land, create peace, raise children, but the treacherous enemy decided that not all peoples... are worthy of life, they wanted to destroy the slavs, the genocide of the belarusian people began, fathers and sons found themselves in the same okupas.
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on the field, near the village of saldatsky, during the thunder tearing up the earth, soldier of the maladzhava, abusing your fathers, and destroying your forest, oh my dear father, tell me shchyra, and then we will return . you know so sweetly, sweetly , i will forever remain with the soldiers , you fuck your little wife, i fuck my brother, i know you every now and then, my dear wife
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, we will live forever any. dark words, who knows what will happen to us, may fall in these green oak trees, people will plow us, and only the lady will say the words that he said, that is, it became, and the little dog will cover them galova, and whole from the earth was destroyed.
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the dates that fell behind the edges, and the fallen oaks, as they say, the earth’s mats were fed up. the evacuation was rushing, the children, many of them instantly became orphans, and what unbearable pain did the parents experience when they lost their children? these images are still before my eyes, how can i live with this pain?
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mom, it’s scary, very scary and dark, cold, and you can’t save spring, it seems like everything was so long ago, but the children can’t forget the war, at home. no, and where this house was, there were only mother’s eyes and cancer. rally at night with fire filled the heavens with fear, my mother’s voice sounded
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in me, you will live, my dear, and i will be a candle in the window, i will keep my soul away. the voice of the palm tree sounded in me, you will live as your dear one, and i will be a light in the shallows, but my soul is far away, poor one. and the cold earth, without love, without the joy of sleep,
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the years passed, and at night i was burned with horror, war, again, we learned to forgive, to understand joy and... and love, just don’t forget about the war, the moment the voice asks again again , the voice of my mother has thickened in me, you will live, my dear, and i will be a candle for you... i will be noisy like a river, so that suffering would howl, you
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undressed me, my mother’s voice saved me, and you dare to save me. my mother’s voice saved me and kept me alive, everyone fought the war in their own place, for many the forest and partisans became their new home.
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everyone had their own story of joining the partisans. viburnum has spread across the field. through work, the daughter grew up, and with
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love, the daughter grew up, natalina, and raspberry. zyazyulya was flying, yes, i was jumping, i was jumping, i was jumping, i was jumping. zarakoide viburnum, hay stung. i'm sadly gone,
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kalina stopped, the flower's ўviratstsa stopped, galina stopped,
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live party battles, there was a game, last battle of the partisans, there was іralino.
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the scale of the partisan movement was amazing; the commanders led and supported them. inspired people to fight, they would later be called heroes, now at one moment they became both commanders and fathers for many orphans who found their shelter in partisan detachments, even for the dead, commander of the partisan detachment konstantin zaslonov, the german administration promised a large reward, but local residents hid his body and buried him, posthumously he was awarded the title of hero of the soviet... union. each partisan detachment had its heroes, famous and those whose feat remained unknown.
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like the bond between the sun and blue. in the early spring, as if the fog was dispelling over the land, a song was flying over the land, a song sculpted by the partisans, a dog was walking over the land. a song, a song sculpted by the partisans, and it will ring throughout our entire kingdom, garads and all the glory, kanstancin will be obscured by our glory, belarus, son of the partisans.
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in ustyakh we will remember our son-in-law brighter, garads of weight and voices.
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in belarus, newspapers went underground, thousands of youth brigades, musicians, actors, poets, writers, journalists operated, and gave a huge number of concerts in military units and in hospitals. yes, commander, we didn’t go on attack or reconnaissance, we didn’t derail trains, but we drove through dozens. performed in factories, field camps, in dugouts and hospitals, we came under bombing and shelling more than once, and we had to
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work almost around the clock, freezing and starve, each actor had a front line stage, sometimes a field, sometimes a forest, but everyone knew for sure that their main task was to strengthen the morale of the soldiers and instill confidence in victory. right now, at the soldiers' trival, there is a concert by artists of the opera and ballet theater. on the positive. you and the girl saw off the fighter, on a dark night you said goodbye on the steps of the porch, but
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the boy could see some of the goods, but... the lights on the cats on the girls' room were still burning, while behind the walls, you see, the boy could, on the windows on the girls' room the lights were still burning. the guy was met by a nice guy front-line family, there were comrades everywhere,
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there were friends everywhere, on a familiar street, he could not forget. where are you, dear girl, where is the light of one, you are a friend, distant, i am sending a message to the guy that her girlish love will never... die, everything that was planned for a long time, everything will come true, will not go out without time,
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golden light, everything that was wished for, everything from... will come true, will not go out without time, a golden light, and the soldier’s soul becomes joyful, from such a good... from her song,
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the boy beats harder for his beloved homeland , behind the scenes. kill my rodzina. behind their native fire, every third belarusian died, the war was going on not only... on the fronts, but in the rear, the enemy
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destroyed the defenseless, civilian population, burning entire villages alive, they wanted to steal the future from us, gtoria keeps the names, the heroes embraced granite, more the grief for the departed is alive, but bullets are ricocheting at them again, the black sun is rising again over europe, freedom is being poisoned by a mad dog, the generals of darkness are again bending over the card and through. from
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our land there is a military trail again, they grew hatred and anger, and we grew bread, but the gold of kolosyev turned black when they threw our children into the wells, the huts were blazing with kerosene, for the fact that the way to russia was through us, to spare the mother of the children. asked: this is before hiroshima, our history, it is ourselves, we are the children of those who did not survive the khatyn massacre, the children of those who forever became granite crosses, which can no longer be counted, go out into the open, go to the mound, stop, tear wormwood, drink its bitter
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infusion, keep and take care of this wedge leaf, remember, the slavic sun will set in the east. in the remote, treasured woodland, where verez the perfumed one meets the dew, where the foggy haze spreads low, once upon a time there was a village, it was full of joyful life, now in the village. there is silence, the gate does not creak,
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the birds do not sing, and the beast carefully walks around it, there is an ashes where there used to be a village covered by an oak grove, in that memorable year 404, the black sun sent over. with dawn, enemies were in every yard and the children couldn’t escape, the blood of the innocent was mixed, and they clanged in the sky, suddenly bells began to ring, and fresh flowers fell on the ashes.
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a fascist is not a person, war is a beast, winter was blazing with deadly fire, dugouts were burning, houses were burning, only the chimneys of the stoves were in the dead places, and... they began to stand like the crucifixion of christ, a burning village, a burning roof, they were digging in the night, its... bells, then the angels were crying at the top of their voices , and souls fly to heaven on wings, remember people, remember us, remember the names of eternal children were not destined for us,
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we had to become adults, do not let the war happen again. when you can’t sleep at night, and your heart is beating distantly, or the cry of a crane is suddenly heard, then we call you, look around, we are in these trees, we are in these stones. distant lights flickering in the twilight, we are in the shorak of the wind, we are in the stump of birds, we are the furnace of guards at your borders, there was also a village blazing, its bells are crying in the night, then
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the angels are crying at the top of their voices, i am coming. shi are flying into the sky on wings, remember people, remember us, remember the eternal children, the names we were not destined to become adults, do not let the war happen again.
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we expected such a wave of resistance, for every burned village we mercilessly destroyed the enemy, liberating cities, villages, districts, for every stolen and torn life we ​​beat enemy and cleared every centimeter of their native land. one employee of a front-line newspaper noticed one interesting feature. the last street along which our troops passed, it seemed to indicate the route to the next city that should be taken, this is the street that leads west from the eagle, comrades? bryansk, so, in bryansk - gomel, in
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gomel - minsk. that's right, commander. so, he wrote a poem about it. and these words that contained so much. they didn’t fly to the people for victory, yes, yes, the soldiers took it into their arsenal and sang to different melodies in the regiments, divisions, but it wasn't the melody that mattered. we took the eagle as ours, we walked through the city together,
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we read the name of the last street, the name is like this, he stole the word, the fighting bridskaya street is going through the city. that means we have a way there, that means we have a way there, kmyanskaya street is going to the west for us, the town of pryan and the city have passed you by, in the last street you read the name, he deserves the title, it’s a fighting word, ninskaya street goes through the city, that means we’re going there road, that means we have to go there, minskaya street. it leads us to the west, they took the city of minsk, they passed through the whole city, the name of the last street is passed, the name is, the right word is combat. resskaya street goes through the city, that means we
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are going there, that means we are going there, belskaya street is leading us to the west, the city of brest is in its hall, we have passed the whole city, we have passed the last name of the street, the name is right, varshavskaya street goes through the city. warsaw street leads us to the west , are we afraid of warsaw city and the last street name has passed, the name is right, the word reliskaya street goes through the city, it will connect us there , dear to us.
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the entire rear worked for victory, new ones were created medicines, new types of weapons, at the fronts at that time the legendary katyusha and howitzer d-1 swept away the enemy’s defensive fortifications and beat the enemy mercilessly.
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love burns in our hearts. dear land, we are going into mortal combat, for the honor of our native country, there are cities filled with smoke, temporary foxes, severe killings, artillery accurate otnikas, they have lived through the leaf of death on us, from many thousands of batteries our mothers have fought for our homeland, fire, fire, find out, dear mother, find out my wife-friend, find out
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the distant house and my whole family, that it beats will deprive enemy, then i find that the will endures beyond the edge, the artillerymen, the exact order, the artillerymen, calls upon us, from many thousands of batteries, for the tears of our mothers, for our homeland. fire, fire, victory is coming, now the end of the campaign will come, but first we are looking for a stake for our relatives to leave, in honor of our homeland, in honor of our people, we joyfully know, the midnight hour and the artillerymen, exactly above the order. the artilleryman and the flight purely us, from
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many thousands of batteries for the tears of our mothers, for our homeland, fire, fire, from many thousands of matars for the tears of our mothers for our homeland, fire, to non. it feels like the war goes on forever. sometimes i dream that i am dancing in a city park. we have forgotten what a peaceful life is. there are so many good girls. there are so many affectionate names, but only
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one of them disturbs nastya’s peaceful sleep when she’s in love. unexpected love will appear when you are not expecting it at all, every evening will immediately become surprisingly good, and you sing, my heart, you don’t want peace, my heart, how good it is to live in the world. heart, how good it is that you are, thank you heart that you know how to love as much as
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there are many good girls, as many affectionate names. but only one of them disturbs the night ’s peaceful sleep, when you are in love, love is unexpected on the ground, when you are not expecting it at all, every evening will immediately become surprisingly good, and you sing your heart out, you don’t want peace. heart, how good it is to live in the world, heart, how good it is to be who you are, thank you heart that you know how
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to love so much! heart, you don’t want peace, heart, how good it is to live in the world, in the heart, how good it is to be who you are, thank you heart that you know how to love so much. thank you heart for being you you know how to love
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so much, when there was silence, after the explosion of shells, shots, we dreamed of going out into the field, spreading our arms, raising our heads, there was an endless blue sky above us, we dreamed of a peaceful sky, but the peaceful sky was still very far away, remember, remember , next to us stood a regiment of fighters, senior lieutenant gorovets, 74 sorties and 10 air battles, then one day... having repelled an enemy attack, he saw a group of twenty enemy bombers attacking them, in this fantastic battle he shot down nine, nine bombers, he did what was considered impossible, but when he left the battle, he was again attacked by fascist fighters, a hero of the soviet
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union, senior lieutenant horovets, only in excruciating pain. that posthumously, and the two of us are honored, the alignment before the battle is not ours, but we will play, seryozha, hold on, we don’t have the chance with you, but the trump cards must be leveled, and i will not leave this heavenly square, the numbers are not important to me now, today is mine a friend protects my back, which means the chances are equal, the mester came after me, but then it started smoking, they forgot the screws, they don’t even need them, there are crosses graves, crosses will descend on the wings, and i am the first,
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i am the first, they are under you, i went out to cut them off, knock down the flames, go into the clouds, i will cover you in battle, there are no miracles, sergei, you are burning, trust man, now on reliability of trails. no, it’s too late, and mester came out to meet me, goodbye, i’ll take it head on, i know others will settle scores with them, but gliding through the clouds, our souls will fly off like two airplanes, because they can’t live without each other, the archangel will tell us , in heaven there will be uga, but only the gates are cracked, we will ask god, hurry me and my friend to some angelic floor, and i will ask god, the spirit and the son who fulfilled my will, may my
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friend forever protect my back, as in this last battle, we have wings and arrows, we will ask god, because they need an angel ace, and if they there are many fighters, let them... write our guardians , to protect us - this is an honorable thing too, to carry good luck on the wing, as during our lives we were with seryozha, in the air and on the ground, as during our lives we were with seryozha in the air and on ground, in the air and on the ground. operation bagrorazion began in june of '44, liberation proceeded like an avalanche, because by
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the end of july of the same forty-four year all of belarus was liberated, but the liberated land was scorched and destroyed, the enemy left behind a bloody trail, troubles and unimaginable devastation. it was a pre- determined plan of destruction. people and the plunder of national wealth, our country, like no other, suffered from this war. the war continued, but we brought life back to the liberated cities and villages, and preserved the memory of those who died. they died so that we could live. what else can we do to do in the modern world, where neo-nazism is again raising its head. be worthy of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers, who gave their lives in the name of peace on earth,
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do not wake up the sleeping soldiers. neither at night, nor at dawn, but without having fulfilled their duty, without advice, they sleep peacefully for eternity, contrary to all earthly laws, violating the order of heaven, evil for us, deciding our destinies, cut short their young age, soldiers sleep, seeing dreams. where the suns are not at war, but they are driving away, and we are on the happy road, the soldiers are sleeping, they believe us, they believe he
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is not tied down, not a single person has forgotten forever the price of peace. do not wake up the sleeping soldiers, mistrust was washed with ridicule, and they forgave us sinners a little, but betrayal will not be forgiven, and one day for those who forget their glory and memory, they will stand again between us, so that your life does not leave yours for soldiers dreams where there is sun there is no war, but it is not they who are going, but us,
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and the road is happy, connected, not one person for a century. not forgetting the stage of the world, but'.
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soldiers sleep, they see dreams, where there is sun and no war, but it is not they who are walking, but we are happy along the roads, not a single person will probably be forgotten.
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ask me about the roads on my map. their countless mistakes, grievances, anxieties, everyone has them, ask about losses, did i manage to survive them, but just don’t wait, don’t expect that i will stop loving life, don’t wait, i won’t fall for the light of my heart. i go and even on the edge
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of everything, i will rise again, don’t expect tears in me , i will live to win, otherwise i will destroy my front, i will rise again, tell me to my face, tell me the words that sound... behind my back and share the joy with me , in trouble, stand next to a wall, it’s not scary to strive for heights, but it’s scary to lose friends, you just don’t wait, don’t wait, i won’t be able to give good, don’t wait, i won’t fall, with a light
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heart, i... i’m walking and even on the edge of luck, i ’ll rise again, don’t wait, no, you can see what’s in me, i ’ll be live to damage, even play songs, i will rise again, don’t expect to see tears in me, i will live to win, and even at the close of spring, i am
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resurrected, don’t wait, i will not fall from the light. every person who died, every survivor in this terrible war contributed to the victory.
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today we live on peaceful, native belarusian land, we build houses, create new enterprises, we remember when we are together, we are under the strength to survive any adversity. we stand for what we believe in. we haven’t seen each other for a long time, my brother, i ’m glad to see this meeting with all my soul, come on in, let’s sit down at the table, talk about our past,
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let’s sit down, remember our loved ones and relatives, friends who have passed away and friends who are alive, we all have had it and... i mean, but we will not grieve, we will survive, we will survive, sorrows, sorrows , separation, we will survive, we will survive, everything will be as it should, we will have, we will survive, we will survive, sorrows, sorrows of separation, we will survive, we will survive, everything will be as it should, we will not let's brother, bad remember, we still have grandchildren to raise, how much we still have to live, but we will
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live, what do we have to live, we will sit with you at the table, we will sing about the evenings, about the moscow region, about the wide dnieber, the neman and the danube. come on, brother, be the first to sing, we will survive , we will survive, sorrows, sorrows, troubles, we will survive, we will survive, everything will be as it should be with us, we will survive, we will survive, sorrows, grief and troubles, we will survive, we will survive. everything will be as it should be, we will have it,
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we haven’t seen each other for a long time, my brother, i am glad with all my heart to meet this, well, come in, let’s sit down at the table... we talk, we will sing quietly, we will survive, we will survive, sorrows, sorrows, stir up, we will survive, we will survive, everything will be as it should, we will have it, we will survive, we will survive, sorrows, choirs, we will survive, we will survive, everything. we will survive as it should, we will survive, and everything will be as it should be with us.
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happy victory day in the modern world. we are increasingly realizing the value of the day of great victory and peaceful life. we honor and preserve our traditions and conquer new heights. there's a fire burning in my heart. the unquenchable fire of love. hand it to me. you bring me with you, call me along the endless
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your leek lakes with blue water on the free land of birth i am always endlessly yours i live my songs opening i am here forward i am. i live where there is light on my native land on a free land with my father, i live where a good deed is higher than words!


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