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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 12:55am-1:26am MSK

12:55 am
if you inform your 1.15 people , i will put them under the red banner, i will inform you that you have a walkie-talkie, of course, yes, allow it, comrade colonel general, the task is partially completed, at ease, sit down, our group... prevented the unification of polish troops against us. how many poles are ready to fight for us? well, about a third of the total number of partisans. about 30% support ernovetsky will oppose us, the rest are hesitant. this is bad. alexander nikolaevich, i have my own man in kravchik’s detachment. krawczyk enjoys authority among polish commanders, well, not like ternovsky, but he is respected. i think if we give him
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a guarantee, he can convince the doubters. our analysts gave me a note about kravchik. and here’s the thing, colonel, we can give him guarantees, but here he is, i’m afraid he can’t promise us anything. krawczyk. now we are in conflict with ternovetsky, that’s for sure, but if ternovetsky’s people destroy kravchik’s detachment there will be witnesses, there will be a war between polish detachments, the poles will shoot at each other, and not at our soldiers, but in this it also has its downsides, so come on colonel, let’s figure it all out and...
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but there’s no water, i’ll go get some, wait for the water, what i want to say, sit down.
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kolya, but you don’t know how to treat girls, you don’t smile, you don’t give flowers. to me, thank you for this, comrade, captain, they decided to look after me, not to look after me, i want to say, i love you, but you’re overheated, you’re not tired, i ’ll go now and make a compress from herbs, i love you. i didn’t like you at first, there
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in prison, then i fell completely in love, but i know why i didn’t see how you looked at me look, comrade captain, kolya, kolya, that she didn’t tell me before, and that she looked at me like a wolf, as if i were some kind of enemy, i didn’t want myself. i must admit, i’d rather slip the canned food myself so that i wouldn’t get in front of any more bullets, but we’ll definitely get out, do you hear me, we’ll get out, you hear me, we’ll definitely get out of here, of course, you ’ll drag me on you until the last, so i will, love, or what, of course i love you, lord, then kiss me or what?
1:00 am
i can’t do it myself, there are paths there. the birch tree was broken, so there is a flower under the birch tree grow, the same as i gave you, only yellow, you bring it, it relieves the fever well, i did everything, just be patient a little.
1:01 am
what are you doing, you didn’t just confess your love, i wanted you to know why, we won’t get out together, we’ll get out, we’ve already gone through so much, we’ve gone through so little, i can’t walk like you did me across the front line if you drag us, we will die, both of whom katya will stay with, i will not leave you, you must live, i want to live for you. you hear, you understand, tsuryuk, tsaryuk, i said, you bastards, i’ll put them all down, we’re actually not bastards, who, but you who, we are soviet, well, we are soviet, you
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put down your weapons, yours. tell karam moskva fireman it’s good
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not burned and not added. burnt by fire to the frenchman from dan, well done, damn, why do you need russian? i need you to meet me, arin, and this is chrisya, and hello, i’ll go. thank you, dear chrysya, you see how she’s sulking at me, she’s in love with you, yes girl, go ahead and try she doesn’t have her own apiary, volodya, we haven’t
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agreed on what, we need to think about it, it’s good that you’re going to talk to a special person, really, you can’t tell the truth then that throughout the war angers was, he will confirm, why not confirm, maybe we like pho? everyone for him, either into fire or into water, ours are not animals either, they will figure it out, everything will be smart enough, to grow, they call you for communication, your conditions are accepted, okay, in 4 hours a plane with a negotiator will arrive, coordinates were given, no, i have to meet him yourself, confirm that you are ready for...
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put the location on the map. during the execution of the task, give the command only in polish, do not destroy all the poles, there must be witnesses, comrades, but why attack, they are ready to negotiations, stand, stand, stand said this is an order. wait, don't, wait, wait,
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don't, wait, wait, don't, wait, volodya! volodya, volodenka, volodya!
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1:08 am
watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for... ages in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day.
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be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. heading towards africa, how belarus is building political and economic dialogue on this continent, the strategy of cooperation from first-hand accounts. reform is being completed in belarus entrepreneurship, what is changing, why and what conditions will be created for business to transition to a new status, we will break down the main innovations: comfortable life in the countryside, jobs and social infrastructure, what funds from chernobyl state programs are used for, we will show in the second part of the program. this is an area
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of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. hello. belarus and egypt have already achieved a lot in developing cooperation, and even despite such problems.
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conditions for expanding mutually beneficial cooperation, and we are ready to do everything it is possible for tractors and other trucks and equipment to be produced in large volumes in egypt and used to supply both the domestic market and the huge middle eastern and african markets. belarus is interested in projects to create grain production in egypt. and a feed hub, the creation of joint production facilities for the production of dairy, confectionery and other types of food products, being one of the leaders in agricultural production in the territory of the eurasian union, we, of course, we are ready to offer our egyptian friends
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our experience and the best developments and technologies in this area. good afternoon, we are now in egypt, but the countries for which you are responsible are, of course, algeria, and oman, also sudan, in general, if we talk about africa and the middle east today, how it is changing, how can we build this political and economic dialogue so that it is mutual. we feel movement forward, we feel that i would say that for the last year we have been interested in us when we talk about the fact that
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egypt for us is the gateway to africa, why not should belarus not be a gateway for egypt or for the countries of the region? our cooperation is not realized at the peak, well, there is such a common phrase: full potential, that’s exactly it: the egyptians, algerians, even sudan, yaman, these countries, they all, in principle, can represent a large interesting market for us, when we master one niche, we we can move on, goods, we must not forget about services too, we must not forget about investment cooperation, we must not
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forget about the possibility of attracting investments from these countries, volumes are one thing, quality trade, trade nomenclature.
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have been here since the times of the soviet union, our mechanical engineering products, of course, this is also very promising, we have not mastered everything in this area, we need to work in this direction too, i’m talking about services, of course, our educational services, medical services , services in the field of high technology, goods in the field of high technology, by the way, why has contacts between our national academy of sciences and the egyptians, with the omanis, been developing very actively lately, i hope that the same will happen with algeria and sudan, this shows interest in our technologies, in our high technologies.
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entrepreneurship reform is being completed in belarus, in particular, the rules for operating micro-businesses have been updated. the changes mostly concern individual entrepreneurs, who are asked to scale up their business, namely, to transform into legal entities. the innovation will not affect all entrepreneurs; certain categories will be allowed to run their own. activities, as before, in the status of individual entrepreneur. what types of work will be left to individual entrepreneurs? the question is still open, but very soon the public will join the discussions. the government emphasizes that the innovations are not intended to increase tax time for businesses. the main task is to streamline the work of entrepreneurs, create clear and transparent conditions for running their business, and at the same time financially support small medium-sized businesses. how many entrepreneurs, according to the ministry of economy, are in favor of the new law and what conditions will be created for business for a painless transition to a new status. olga anishchenko will tell you. how will the business structure change?
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how the individual entrepreneur is encouraged to switch to a legal entity and how the business will be supported, all this is described in detail by the new law. it has already passed all stages of consideration, but now it’s up to the government. he has 2 months to dot everything. and approve a new list of types of activities permitted for individual entrepreneurs, of which , according to the ministry of economy, there are almost a quarter of a million in our country, the changes will affect about 40 thousand of them, that is, less than 20%. it is expected that their activities will not be included in the permitted floor, who will remain, firstly, mass types, but there are other criteria: if this is some type of activity where, in addition to an individual entrepreneur, he also has an involved...
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individual entrepreneur, just submit an application to notify creditors. they will also offer other bonuses, for example, the use of documents issued in the name of an individual entrepreneur for another year from the date of re-registration, or preferences for working in small medium-sized towns in rural areas. the new organization will count a two-year period when this payer will not plan random checks, of course, this is not guarantees that it will not come into our field of view from the point of view of unscheduled inspections, but this work needs to be carried out in connection with the fact that, again, i say, it is necessary... to create equal conditions for doing business. the mode of operation for commercial organizations with up to 50 people, inclusive, the law establishes the requirement that such a mode of operation
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must exist. maintained at the level that exists today for individual entrepreneurs or micro-organizations with the choice of regime in favor of the subject management, plus a commercial organization can be registered at the place of residence of an individual, an individual entrepreneur, while the payment for utilities remains at the same level as for a citizen, and they will also provide financial leverage not only to small, as it was before, but also to medium-sized businesses hands, plus new types of support, for example, in may a public discussion of the types of activities proposed for individual entrepreneurs will start, so welcome to the national legal internet portal, but regardless of whoever is included in these lists will be allowed to continue working in their usual status, individual entrepreneurs will be allowed until the end of 25 . olga onishchenko and roman filyutich, area
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of ​​interest. now let's take a break for a short advertisement, then about investments in the regions, stay with us, they absorb knowledge with an enviable appetite, is it true that in developed countries... the male population predominates over the female population, the female population predominates there, because men have a mortality rate of childhood more, what do you think causes this? various factors my dad threw me into the river when i was a child, and then they brilliantly answer the host’s questions. does anyone know why september is called september? not because it's the seventh month, no? nikita, great, this is the seventh month,
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september is simply named.
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let's follow the history and myastsov's abrasions, let's jump in honor of the greatest glory of the kingdom of the holy trinity. the temple was founded in 1999 on the basis of the former royal parish school, so let's go to pragalinka, to the heights, to the spring, to the winter , to the right, to the spring, to the spring, yidzi, come, red, springy woman to the kalasu.
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this is an area of ​​interest, we continue, now about exchange rates. the belarusian ruble strengthened against the dollar. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 22 kopecks. the euro is now at the national bank exchange rate of 3.47. for 10 ua they ask her for 4.45. 100 russian rubles costs 3.52. the government has identified budget-financed projects for areas affected by the chernobol nuclear power plant accident. they will be implemented in the brest, gomel, grodno and mogilev regions. most. in the gomel region 14. these are mainly projects in agriculture, industry and healthcare. by the way, the sixth specialized state program is now being implemented, thanks to this it has been possible to make a significant contribution to the development of the regions. examples from anton malyuta. a good example of how to improve the quality of life. a pilot project for additional electrification
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of the countryside was launched under the honniks. much better, it doesn’t burn, turn on the heat when you want, pay only for the energy you spent, you definitely won’t have an extra penny here, and don’t think about where to get firewood, how to store them and what to do if they become impatient, the advantages are obvious:


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