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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 1:45am-2:01am MSK

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knock, everything is just like that, at the same time, on two and four, 1, 2, 3, 4, bang, bang, well, right, right, right? i don’t know how, thousand, thousand, thousand, thump-thousand-thousand, yes-yes-yes-yes, i play imaginary drums, here you can master any musical skill, but the main thing here is that they teach you not just to play instruments, but to express your thoughts and feelings in melody. understand your emotions and
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turn them into beauty, this is where you most clearly feel that music heals both soul and body, but not only music heals, because everyone knows that in a healthy body there is a healthy spirit, and zhoden residents do not forget about this; after an active day of work, you must take care of your body, movement is life, and for this we go to the health and fitness center. i decided to work out the latissimus dorsi muscles in the horizontal pull-down machine. this exercise is not part of my regular training program, it's always nice to try something new. bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible, yes, yes, as you exhale, you pull towards yourself, exhale and slowly. the most important thing - at first i thought it
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was nothing special, but after repeating 10 times i i begin to feel the muscle group that this simulator is designed for, and the fatigue from playing sports is pleasant, along with it comes vigor and new energy, the main thing is to do everything correctly. now the main task is to pull the roller towards you, these muscles need to be relaxed, correctly, reach up, further, and it won’t fall on me, no, but - like on the beach, i’m not in a hurry, but you need to do it slowly, and of course, it’s important remember that if muscles hurt, this does not mean that they are growing, you must always monitor your technique and your well-being, and at first it’s better to generally work with a trainer in order to learn how to do everything according to science, and i’m full of strength again, which means it’s time to continue the route, information is weapons,
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conventional weapons in europe and the way out of it is the implementation of the non-proliferation treaty aimed at one goal, so that it doesn't happen.
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project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . since we’re talking about schools, we can’t help but mention the next one - women’s. these were considered a relic of the past, but it turns out that they didn’t disappear completely into summer; still operates successfully to this day. let's go find out what interests us there. waiting. the gymnasium has a special atmosphere and special rules: a strict dress code for girls, a minimum of makeup and mandatory knowledge of the rules of behavior in society. everything is in the best traditions of the institutes of noble
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maidens. it's no secret, yes, that girls and boys at a certain age begin to be more interested in each other than usual. and this sometimes, of course, interferes with the educational process, when in class you sit and think, what do i look like in your eyes? this boy that i like, yes, if i answer now and answer incorrectly, he will laugh and so on, that is, these are some additional barriers, but our girls are liberated, they are not afraid of wrong answers, they are not afraid make a mistake, because they know that they will be supported, teachers, classmates will support them, tell me, what disciplines are different? gymnasium regular secondary school? well, of course, yes, since we are a girls’ gymnasium, we also have such nine directions, yes, and we have an exemplary one working on the basis of the gymnasium dance studio, oxygen, girls also do vocals, well, there are such
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disciplines as etiquette, and rules for receiving guests, behavior in society, yes, but can i express my desire to participate in this, see how this process happens? let's try, let's attend these classes, and you will try yourself in the role of our student. the first lesson for today, where i will become a vocal student for a short time . that means you are the most important chicken, that means you stand in the center, right. and then when we start to move, you get a little you spy on the girls with your peripheral vision and roughly repeat the same movements. here we go, great. the chickens sat on the fence, on the fence, on the fence, didn’t start talking, didn’t start talking, ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, ko, sing, ko-ko-ko, mouth, open, we flew
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high , and movement, class, and also the plantings are hovering in the sky, they laugh at the chickens, they laugh at the chickens, oh you chickens, ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, hey, you chickens, is that high? , mother chicken, mother chicken, amazing, give it to me. tenya, cool, cool, there are beauties here, so it turned out nice, really, but the repertoire for performance, of course, depends on the age of the students, so they sing completely different songs in this hall, so they walk through the singing city,
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lift it, i’ll take it on the wing, the world is heated, a crashing wave, angels goodness, two white wings, two white wings, above the world and the sacrament is bright, like the sea in the eyes, their tears give us strength, angels.
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the next class, which i would really like to get into, is choreography, and here i again join the younger girls, raising our legs, we jump on... second 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 speed up eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hurray, and the lesson i ’m about to go to combines more than one art, many at once. well, girls, what are we going to cook today? now we are going to cook - smart candies, and they are smart because they contain ingredients that
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are healthy, such delicious ingredients simply cannot turn out to be an unsuccessful dish, especially when the taste is combined with benefits, but this is just a godsend, you have to take it with the spoon we got here mass, so yeah, just put it in your hand, and just like that, make a pancake, you can put nuts inside, we have almonds here, a nut in the spring, but in general you can have any nut that you like, that’s what we put in in the middle, all that remains is to roll the ball in the sprinkles and the smart candy is ready, you have learned how to cook, all that remains is to learn how to set the table, for starters, the main plate should be placed 2-3 cm from the edge of the table, since we cannot measure accurately otherwise... we place two fingers at the required distance, we place it, so on the main one
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plate we place a plate for breakfast, to the left of the plates there should be a fork, on the same level with the bottom of the plates, a clove, on the right there is a knife, it must go to the plate, we place the dessert spoon above the plate and... we create a composition with a saucer with a cup in the right corner. you can decorate the table with candles or a bouquet as you like, but it turns out that you can even decorate the table with ordinary napkins, you just need to know how to fold them correctly. to begin , fold the screen into a triangle shape. great. iron the corners, yeah. and now let's twist the tube like this to the middle. next we flip. our position is one of the corners, well, for example, the left
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corner, we begin to twist it to the end, that is, to this corner, so, so, now we stick this remaining tip, uh-huh, turn it over like this and these here.. . corners in different directions, and now we turn our composition over, and it ’s a masterpiece, the girls and i got such a delightful bouquet, look how beautiful it is, the dessert was prepared, the table was set. and even decorated, i can finally sit down and drink tea, and at the table i find out from the girls what they think about their gymnasium, thank you very much for... master classes, i really acquired very useful skills for myself today, but tell me in general, is it really
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easier to study without boys? yes, it’s true, i used to study in a regular school with boys, here in the girls’ gymnasium we have a more comfortable education, and here we focus on studying, and not on boys, and this helps us develop, does this affect your performance? well, yes, girls, do you feel that you are special when receiving such an education? well, to some extent, yes, that is, i also go to some clubs outside of school and there i see children who study in other schools, but it also feels a little bit like we have different upbringings and different educations. , that is, well, i feel a little, as if you feel a little noble, yes there is such a thing. prepared a gift for you in honor of such a visit to you, so that you always remember us and so that on the road you remember this wonderful
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day, girls, thank you very much, how sweet it is, delicious, i ’m ending my route on such a wonderful note, i’ll really remember it for a long time, someday i’ll definitely come back, well, bye-bye now, see you in the next city! good evening, this is the economic environment on belarus one of the satellite tv.


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