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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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many of you ate remembered this wonderful day, girls, thank you very much, how sweet it is delicious, i ’m ending my route on such a wonderful note, i ’ll really remember it for a long time , someday i’ll definitely come back, well, bye-bye now, see you next time city!
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inflation continues to slow down in belarus; according to the ministry of economics, it is 1.7% for january-february, which is lower than forecast. annual inflation in february, compared to the month earlier, slowed by 0.3% points and settled at 5.6%. real available in the first month of the year, the population's cash income increased by more than 5%. the gross domestic product of belarus grew by 4% in january-february. according to the initial assessment. according to belstat , the volume of gdp in current prices amounted to 34.5 billion rubles, or 104% in comparable prices to the level of the same period last year. the finnish economy is facing a recession. according to the central bank's forecasts, in the twenty-fourth year the country's gdp will decrease by half a percent. last year the figure decreased by 1%. thus, the economic decline in finland turned out to be one of the worst in europe. reasons recessions are called increased levels of prices and interest rates, as well as decreases.
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export. belarus' debt burden has decreased. according to the national bank, at the beginning of 24, external debt was estimated at less than $37 billion, which is almost 3 billion less than at the beginning of last year. in relation to gdp, external liabilities decreased by 2.3% points and amounted to less than 52% as of january 1. indicators of domestic trade in belarus are growing. according to belstat , retail trade turnover for 2 months exceeded 12 billion. wholesale trade for the same period showed more than 108%. the new concept of national security will be considered at the first meeting of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly on april 24-25. this became known following a meeting with the president. the document defines the strategic approaches of our state to ensuring security in various areas, including economically. what is
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the economic security of the state, who ensures it and how, what threatens our national security in economic sphere, and what adjustments economic policy requires in this regard, we will discuss these and other issues with competent experts right now. today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in issues of economic security. andrey kartun, first deputy minister of economy, anatoly khlebokazov, deputy head of the state secretariat of the security council. viktor frantskevich, deputy director of the department of financial investigations and state committee control, tatyana gorayeva, head of the department. economic security
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of the belarusian state university, dear guests, good evening, good evening, good evening, andrei mikhailovich, please accept our congratulations on your appointment as first deputy minister of economy of our country, we know that last week the head of state agreed to your appointment, but here are the bureaucratic the nuances were settled only this week, so we wish you success in defending the interests of our country, including in the economic sphere security. economic security and give it an interpretation as set out in the new i would consider it necessary to name the term of the edition of the concept of national security, which has been worked out over the past year and a half and has been thoroughly revised. so, economic security is the state of protection of sectors of the economy from the effects of threats. impeding the sustainable
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socio-economic development of our country, a simple, seemingly extremely understandable interpretation, nevertheless, a little needs to be clarified: the object of protection is industries. spheres, what is a branch of the economy, everyone knows, rumor has it, our industry, agriculture, transport and so on, there is a need, i will literally name them, because trading should be unambiguous for everyone to be perceived equally in the sphere of monetary and credit, that is, this is the area of ​​​​responsibility of the national bank, budgetary and financial ministry of finance, foreign, economic, investment, as well as energy and... in other words, this is the degree or ability of the economy to respond to certain external threats and risks and challenges. the most important principle to understand, of course, is the principle of balance, all economic processes in the economic sphere, they
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must be balanced, so if one falls out and begins to hurt, then of course this always pulls other spheres along with it, so the most important principle is ensure balance.
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in one direction or another, each speaker has its own component, it consists of several subcomponents, everyone needs to know them, what is behind the positive, what is inside, because there is a opportunistic some factor that played into the hands of this indicator, and we understand that without this opportunistic situation the situation would be very bad, so we must also understand this and react in time to insure ourselves, dear experts, and please tell me which bodies in our country are entrusted with the task ...
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except for the state control committee, what kind of organics can be understood when it marks its government agency as the leading executor, and how can it be, but of course it is necessary to supplement, the council of ministers is the government agency coordinator for the assessment of the state national security, 14 government
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agencies are identified as the main executors, and these are not only economic government agencies in the usual sense, the ministry of finance, the national bank and so on, but a number of government agencies that ensure preservation control. that means our economy, preserving the treasury, preventing economic crimes and so on, this is the position of the state control committee, but in addition to the above-mentioned government agencies, almost... the entire vertical, one might say, we cannot say that it is not involved in ensuring economic security of the country, well, our executing authorities, regional, district enterprises, of which we have 146,000 legal entities in our country, of which only 16,00 are in industry, each of them makes their own contribution to ensuring our economic security, our 150,000 individual entrepreneurs, yes our sphere of small-medium entrepreneurship. which produces a third of the added value, well, you can’t necessarily separate it, but you need to separate it, but to say that they do not participate, of course,
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everyone contributes their own, at the micro level too economic security is ensured , the responsible executing bodies are one thing, and those who actually produce our gdp, this is the second, we must call it collectively, of course, in this way, well, practically answering the question of who provides, the whole country provides, there is a special commission, you have in view of the interdepartmental commission on security in the economic sphere with -
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competencies, the reason for the desire to eliminate us as competitors, namely competitors, but today i am absolutely convinced that it will not work, we will stand, well, we heard, it will not work, we we will endure, it cannot be any other way. anatoly petrovich, well, you’ve already talked about the updated concept, we know that in
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february our president approved the draft updated concept of national security, which... was finalized by the state secretariat of the security council together with interested parties, i know you personally took part in this labor-intensive work, tell me what issues of economic security were additionally taken into account in the new edition, all sections of the concept of national security, literally everything in terms of economic issues was supplemented, updated and expanded, the first thing is that the main national interests were named, well, let’s say in the 2010 concept , we, well, had no... concept, practically no concept of how digital technologies are, now this the position is revealed in the new concept, yes, non-discriminatory access to world markets, finance, services, trade, this topic, well, literally, concerned us very, very, literally indirectly, we remember the american sanctions in the petrochemical sector, which we practically did not notice,
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now the situation is completely different, then the section is internal sources of threats, external sources of threats, they are updated. supplemented, here i would like to draw attention, well, let’s say a new position appears, such as the development of a circular economy, that is, a renewable one, attention is paid to it in the new concept, that is, a new edition of the concept of national security, in the context of issues of economic security, it is essential updated, i can’t help but ask, we have already noted this several times, that security in the context challenges, threats, risks. andrey mikhailovich, if we approach challenges and threats directly, in your opinion, what can be classified as the most significant risks and threats to national security in the economic sphere, and can they be ranked, so we can highlight the most critical ones for us? in addition to indicators, we also include qualitative indicators, such as threats, essentially we
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define them, what threats are, well, for example, here are internal threats. this is a qualitative indicator, it is clear that it can be measured by different indicators, or competitiveness of an industry or economy, the level of use of technology, how much you use new generation technologies, how old they are or whether the main part of fixed assets is worn out, yes, these are indicators and such high quality ones and this is exactly what we define in the concept so
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there should be solutions here now . viktor ivanovich, what risks do you see, these are the threats to national security in the economic sphere
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, we have to admit that in the economic sphere, what threatens us? unfortunately, crime. develops, develops, their methods, ways of committing economic crimes are constantly changing and improving, and therefore we do not stand still, and build our work based on those challenges and threats to economic security that come to the fore in a given period of time, for example, if you remember the transitions of the nineties, 2000... we were engaged in illegal business activities, basically, basically, we provided, provided, right?
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financing destructive processes, extremism, terrorism, that’s right, and we we are effectively fighting this, and here we need
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new methods, i’m sure you have them, we ’ll talk about this later, tatyana yuryevna, in your opinion, among the risks, threats to national security in the economic sphere, which are the most relevant, from the point of view point of view, well, theoretician, methodology,
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i support this, this is one of our main risks, which i said, that there is a share of critical imports that we cannot produce ourselves, this is the main risk for
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us in today’s conditions, so of course we need to do everything in order to minimize this risk of threats. i would also highlight our limited ability today to attract foreign investment, in general foreign investment is especially great.
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make, as i already said, a decision here now, special commissions have still been created, there is an operational headquarters under the government, at the operational headquarters, we meet regularly at that time , endowed with the broadest powers that the head of state gave them to us, so here we are in that mode they met almost probably twice a day, they could meet, or even more often solving specific specific problems of a particular subject. well, now it is clear that there is no such need, but for us this is a unique experience that we had to solve simply, well, we have never approached such issues, and so that at such a state level it is possible and necessary to resolve issues here now, well, i would probably like to say two words about the topic of government debt, the topic is also rumored, there are a lot of all sorts of insinuations on this topic, so i want to say three components that need to be considered separately when talking about government debt:
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the first is gross external debt. that is , the total debt of the state, the national bank of business entities is a total of 36.9 billion rubles, what is this? well, comparable, let’s say, in latvia today it is 42 billion, in lithuania 52 billion and in poland, for comparison , about 400 billion. whether it’s a lot or a little, we are in the security parameter, that is , this indicator does not cause us any concern, then the indicator duty. which is the state administration, namely the state administration, it is also in the normal parameter and also does not cause alarm, what causes alarm is we have an indicator that characterizes the level of short-term payments in relation to gold and foreign exchange reserves, here the schedule is intense, that is, this is what is worth paying attention to and what is constantly being worked on, that is, the government, the national bank are constantly working to ease today's pressure , here today for this year, there on
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the twenty-fourth for... every year this work is carried out so that today we pay not 3 billion, but 2 billion in dollars, let’s say external debt, something works out, yes, we we agree with our partners with russia, with other countries, to reduce rates and spread out these payments over a period of time, but for today i will say this, it is not critical, but it is tense, this indicator, summarizing this block of questions about risks of threat, it should be noted: that there is no reason for concern for our citizens, that, of course, experts see nuances, features, something worries them, something, something is growing, something is declining, this is normal practice, dynamics good, we have made good progress this year too, we have about 4% economic growth, in annual terms, this is higher than the world average, we are in this indicator,
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so far together with...
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which the head of state was talking about, they are immersed in the concept of economic security, well, export is understandable for us, but for us it’s just it's vital to sell as much as possible because...
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they have new schemes, some more advanced villainous schemes? yes, of course, certainly, and as i already noted, economic crime is improving,
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and new schemes are appearing from year to year, which we promptly stop, for example, at the present time, if we take tax evasion, yes, then a scheme like this is currently working... economic crime is developing, developing, and but it must be stated, if we take it in numbers, then in recent years, if 10 years ago we prosecuted 300-400 crimes for tax evasion, then
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in recent years we have already identified 150, 200 crimes for tax evasion, we must really state that the present... state control committee, its employees daily ensure the protection of the interests of the state from illegal attacks in the economic sphere. last year alone, the total economic effect from the implementation of the proposals of the state control committee is estimated at hundreds of millions
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of rubles. examples of the work of controllers in our next story. monitoring how the state budget is spent is the main function of state control. this is stated in the constitution of belarus. the department’s specialists annually provide an opinion on the implementation republican budget. this is a large-scale document that deeply analyzes all processes in the economy and social sphere, financed from the state treasury. the expenditure part of the budget is analyzed very deeply, and the analysis is carried out both on the financing of the social sphere and on state support for the economic sector. but the budget is not only financing, it is an important component of economic security.
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control measures also make it possible to identify so-called reserves, these are government money, which, if promptly intervention and competent steps can be left in the treasury and used. the most effective for the state, one of the latest examples identified by state control is the situation with the purchase of bitumen. until recently, producers of these raw materials received significant margins from the sale of their products, in turn, this profit fell on the enterprise of the road industry. the intervention of the kgc allowed the problem to be eliminated. the committee made proposals that were approved and the approaches of the head of state that for road construction financed from the budget needs to be limited. due to this,
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more than 65 million rubles were saved. and another striking example, at the initiative of the ministry of energy committee, approaches to the formation of electricity tariffs were revised, which made it possible to reduce the costs of enterprises in the real sector of the economy, leaving more than 800 million rubles at their disposal. but state inspectors study not only the situation around them. internal economic processes, but on an external agenda. the committee proposed to take mirror measures against a number of foreign states committing unfriendly actions towards the subjects of the republic of belarus. the committee’s proposals were implemented in a resolution of the council of ministers, which increased the tax rate on income from dividends to so-called unfriendly states, and the estimated effect on the economy was over 100 million rubles. but it is not only in the real sector of the economy that state control carries out monitoring. business, and especially its unscrupulous representatives
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, are also subject to inspections. this is already the birthplace of the financial police and here are several accents from specialists. first - this is the payment of taxes, from which the state budget is essentially formed. in 2023 , we identified 221 crimes related to tax evasion and nine crimes related to tax fraud. and according to the results of the verification activities carried out last year - these are inspections, monitoring, and the budget has received more than 150 million belarusian rubles. and another important case from the financial police in shaping the economic security of the country, the fight against salaries in envelopes. this negative phenomenon is especially close attention, because it influences the formation of the social protection fund, the funds of which go to pay pensions and social benefits. today we assess that business has begun to understand the need to comply with the law. in this area has become more law-abiding, and the number
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of organizations that, according to statistics , paid supposedly the minimum wage established by law, that is , the so-called potential payers of wages in envelopes, has decreased significantly. efforts of state controllers to ensuring economic security are aimed at studying the state of affairs in most key sectors of the economy and social sphere. due to those adopted by the state control committee.
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this specialty lies in its interdisciplinarity; a specialist in the field
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of economic security must have knowledge in the field of economics, jurisprudence, as well as ensuring information security, which is also an important element in ensuring economic security; accordingly, in general, such a program was opened at the faculty of economics specialty, and today we are actively interacting, because in general, not so long ago, yes, that is, we don’t have one yet.
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in 2023, five finalists from the belarusian state university became winners and prize-winners of this olympiad, the finals of which were held in sochi. from practice, i will say that such specialists are in great demand in government agencies, in the ministry of economy, in the government, of course, we are very supportive, we are always ready to take part in any forums, open lectures.
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andrey mikhailovich, i can’t help but ask you, as a person who is responsible for macroeconomic policy in the ministry of economy, we discussed here the challenges, risks, threats that face national security in the economic sphere, do you think the macroeconomic policy of our country requires adjustments to solve the priority tasks of ensuring economic security, what new tools will... be introduced - tools are always improved, used depending on a particular situation, well , of course, we have done a lot, so to speak, the crisis situation helped us to quickly adapt, well, what did we change here, first of all, of course, we changed the approaches in planning our activities, and what we
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specifically want and what to achieve, this is where we, in our opinion, really helped us adapt faster. adapting to those challenges, this is, of course, such a mobilization principle, a mobilization approach, when we need to mobilize all the resources that we have, what we lack, quickly master it all, develop it and, uh, so to speak, resist those threats that exist, this is the third year in a row now, the principle is that every year our planning begins, for example, already in april, and we develop it like this:
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some will criticize me that this is a short-term period, but we we will apply this approach in the medium term, now we have already begun to formulate a long-term program, a medium-term program for 5 years, how we will live for the next 5 years, so we will extend this approach to 5 years, specific directions must be identified, we have already we see, viktor ivanovich, i don’t know if you can voice this to the whole country, but come on. let's be honest, in the twentieth year new challenges and threats appeared, most likely even internal ones in the context of financing destructive processes, some extremist moments, yes, protests, so on, so on, so on. do you see these techniques that were used, and how the
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financial investigation authorities have restructured their work since then. of course, 2020 and... for us became a kind of lesson that we learned and quickly rebuilt our work, so now countering the financing of activities against the state system of the republic of belarus is our priority task; currently, the state control committee has created an effective system for countering the financing of extremist, terrorist activities, including... the republic of belarus has stopped the illegal circulation of cryptocurrencies,
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illegal crypto exchange, and i want to note that at the time of the suppression, suppression, there was a queue of clients, they also accepted participation in the financing of extremist activities, and including taking part in the financing. we meet our needs, but we also export products to more than 100 countries. last year, in the twenty-third
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year, even in not the most favorable price conditions, we exported about $7.5 billion of products, this is a very serious indicator, in the concept of us-security, already in the new edition, also reflects that we have achieved a fully acceptable level of food security, this is what we can actually to be proud, the second position that i would note is... the energy sector, we have probably not yet achieved our final goals, but we are moving well in the right direction, here is one of the previous programs that you conducted, it fully reflected , how we are now replacing electricity with our own electricity, those same standard safety standards and good dynamics in nuclear energy, well , i would also note one more position, it may sound unexpectedly, it is not customary to particularly praise it, we have learned... our regulators manage inflation, i would like to remember, not everyone remembers, not everyone knows
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those moments when, let’s say in the eleventh year, in 2011, not so long ago, by historical standards, our inflation exceeded 100%, that is, 109% exactly, if in the eleventh year, if we take it at the beginning of 2000, inflation was about 35-40-45%, this was the norm, why is it now included in our parameter. of course, i would like to note that our regulators, primarily the national bank, have grown up a whole generation of successful leaders in this area who skillfully they read the risks that anticipate them and take very timely measures, today the inflation indicators that we have did not just fall on us, they are, let’s say, the fruit of a lot of intellectual work. in any case, we have something to be proud of and to realize.
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gdp, and this is not the limit, experts predict. by 2050 the figure will be 200%. the population's debt burden is high; americans' credit card debt has exceeded a trillion dollars. i feel it in my pocket. directly into your bank account now i'm losing hope, everything will only get worse. the economy is not
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doing very well. and i don't think the government is aware of how much it's spending, and that 's very worrying. many ordinary people worry about how they will pay for simple things, food, gas and much more. the european union began with a deep crisis in 2024, large-scale farmer strikes are just the beginning. that's the problem. the european union wants to destroy polish agriculture, but we will not give up, and may god help us. constant restrictions constant prohibitions, constant orders, we have to spend all our time on compliance. in more than half
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of the countries, inflation is high, prices for products, services, and energy resources are rising; experts call brussels’ policy correct. the sanctions war, organized by the europeans themselves, hit the industry very hard; even the eu driver, germany, could not resist. last year ended in recession, with gdp contracting by 0.3%. i believe that we live on an extremely rich european continent and that the problem lies in dishonesty. in the distribution of funds, that is, a handful of people are extremely rich, and the rest live modestly or barely survive at all. inflation in turkey is growing, food items are becoming more and more expensive, prices jumped by 6.5% in january alone. the energy sector is stalling, affected by the rising cost of petroleum products and natural gas. where else to talk about the economy, if not at the grant bazaar in the center of istanbul, the oldest
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market, the turks say in the world. lots of goods, lots of people all the time. at the end of 2023, official inflation is 65%. but the central bank did not raise the refinancing rate; on the contrary, it kept lowering it, thus giving people affordable loans, thus giving advantages to exporters, but rising prices and depreciation of savings. in the simplest words, the state. says to exporters: here is a cheap lira, please produce goods, export them and bring currency to the country, strengthen our national currency, the turkish lira, whether this works, only time will tell, while everything is spinning into the flywheel of inflation? anyway turkey is the twentieth economy in the world, with a gdp of almost 820 billion dollars, debt of more than 40% of gdp is not so much, but the measures of the turkish
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government have not yet brought the desired result, life is simple.
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the mission of one of the world currencies is practically uncontrolled, well, already when polarization begins to develop, a bipolar world there is a multipolar one, of course then. everything that is done better than us in the world, i have already mentioned, we need to learn to attract high-quality investments, create an environment for this, it does not always depend on the country, but a lot depends on the country, you need to learn
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to create the most high-tech production and attract intelligence, educate your own and attract external ones, but you know, i would express such a carol thought, maybe even if we already have peace. learn something, there are few countries that, well , who else can we name, we are russia, not so many that were able to adequately get out of the most difficult situation in which we found ourselves, this is a unique experience, and well, i don’t know, maybe the most in fact, someday this will become a subject of study for someone, i want to say that with regards to assessing the state of national security in the economic sphere, we are self-sufficient here, that is, we have studied the russian experience, we have studied the european experience, and we believe that today’s system of assessments...
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understanding the causes of these problems, this is important, to prevent them from happening in the future. tatyana yuryevna, what is science, do you see advanced practices that we
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could borrow to strengthen our economic security. of course, we have a lot to learn, but we also have a lot to share experience, and accordingly, we monitor all the best practices that appear in science, in teaching and education, and use systems.
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was happening with us, what do we need to do for this? in fact, nothing needs to be done, we need to ensure calm in the country, order, and well, the public administration system of belarus, in principle, it is such that it will force and will be able to work, i think everything will work out for us, and we have put it up in such a difficult time, in the conditions sanctions and international pressure, and the economic security of the country will be ensured, and for this we... must be united, as long as we are united, we are invincible, each at his own level must bring a piece of benefit to the common cause for the benefit of our native,
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beloved country. tatyana yuryevna. of course, each of us makes a certain contribution to ensuring economic security and the fact that we attach such great importance to this concept, this phenomenon. economic security of our country, thank you for your opinion, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to us at the bel tv studio on makayonka 9, we thank our guests and we say goodbye to you, realize your economic opportunities effectively and safely for the benefit of our country and may the economic environment be favorable for you. goodbye!
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president of belarus alexander lukashenko will make a working visit to the russian federation on may 8-9. in moscow on may 8, the head of state will take part in a meeting of the highest. economic council, this summit will be an anniversary, in may it will be 10 years since the signing of the agreement on the creation of the ias. the event will be held in a narrow and expanded format. it is expected that alexander lukashenko in his speech at the meeting, he will outline belarus’ position on the main issues on the agenda and speak about the prospects for the further development of eurasian integration. in the morning of may 9, alexander lukashenko on red square, together with other invited leaders of countries, will attend... the 79th anniversary of the victory in
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the great patriotic war, and will also take part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. art objects depict scenes from front-line and partisan life, stylized four-meter stars and flags cascades. minsk is preparing to celebrate victory day. the central place of the composition is the first military award that appeared during the war, the order of the patriotic war, first degree. you can already see exhibitions on the streets of the city. to make the city bright, elegant, festive, solemn, we also had one very important goal, to fill the city with interesting, important things. information that we have extracted from
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archival sources, from documentary sources, and placed this invaluable information on all main locations in the form exhibitions public transport will also be decorated, the metro, buses and trolleybuses will be transformed, this is only the first stage of the city’s decoration, new installations will appear until june, and in full parade minsk will... rise for independence day. to mark the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, a requiem concert was held every third on poklonnaya hill in moscow. the place and date are symbolic for both belarusians and russians. during the great patriotic war , about 8 million civilians and almost 900,000 prisoners of war ended up on the territory of belarus. in almost every area, the nazis organized ghetto concentration camps and prisons. minsk was under german control for 1,100 days. when the troops of the red army.
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new musical compositions about war victory. unique newsreel footage, archival witnesses of those terrible events were also shown. the gomel region will present its potential at vdnkh in moscow. first of all, this is an industrial region. oil is extracted and processed here. 80% of fuel oil and gasoline for cars comes from here. the region produces all belarusian cellulose, sheet glass, mineral wool, paper, cardboard, as well as machines for metal processing. the famous gomel region also produces combines, they work on harvesting grain, corn and fodder crops, not only in their own country, they are supplied to 70 regions of russia, a joint...
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health in belarusian health resorts has been created in bryansk, but also to travel to historical places. the ministry of education of belarus has approved the admission plan for target students, the number of places for each institution for obtaining higher secondary specialized education has been determined education in 2024. for example,
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90 places have been allocated for bsu in the upcoming admission campaign. the competition will be based on the average score of the certificate and the result of the oral exam. as for the timing of the introductory campaign for the future. july, and it is possible to conclude agreements with organizations, personnel customers, and applicants for targeted places from may 1 for teaching specialties from june 1. i don’t really want to run and study like crazy. hat of the forest, the light of the sun, and how our life is built from these pellets, we want looking at the world of our skin and skin day is something new for ourselves,
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it’s so good for us, because we work with anyone, with anyone, and belarus. since childhood, i have always been very fascinated by the railway, in principle, probably, like most boys, there was a children's railway, an electric one, it always delighted me, i loved it very much. ride trains, even at one time i wanted to work as a conductor, i really liked it. my name is andrey gulevich, i am the deputy head of the gomel car assembly shop carriage building plant, our task is


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