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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 3:40am-4:01am MSK

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the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus, in the country abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is it like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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lavish, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team, we tell you not only. events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus-24 tv channel is on the air, watch us every day, because we make belarus. closer.
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the chygonachny station at bresce, the architectural monuments, like all the monumental trapyatannaya at the first glance at the most powerful scenes, the front gates of some dzyarzhavy peramozhtsy, budynak, that i would like to spoil the baroque, anastasia artdeco and the greatness of roman classicism, what are the secrets of this pompous quintesen.
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architect lotberg, the facades were carved in a non-aggregate style and greatly reminiscent of the ancient beauty. at that time, the station at bresce was stocked with cossack pennies, from the treasury for more than 2 million tsar’s rubles, from the treasury tones of rich gold. with these pennies it was possible to buy as many as 30 cruisers for the navy-marskogo fleet of the russian empire. budynak has come out of... super-super-super-sustainable,
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abstalyavan water-pravodam, acyaplenny and elektrichnym sanctification. maczals, which were sick in the other half of the 19th century, were not just like new type of budynka, gramadskih budynka, ci budynka is such a transport-cumulative purpose, and yana ўvakhodzіlі is functional for ў purposes... sherag of new pasts of the same hour, primordial cesses, such primordial revaluation, yana i worked out a new product, everything was gone, factories, factories, workshops, there weren’t any earlier ones, but all this need had to be covered, the search for new constructions was soon realized. metal became, darechs, no longer the same gifts as before, i learned the work of the tanney, it became available, and magic appeared. iago
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work as a factory worker, transport and cook here on pabudov. chygunka in the 19th century changed the aesthetic senses of the architecture of the race. empires, i have earned a completely different scale of forgetting and nomenclature of absta- lation. stations, as a rule, were on seven-dimensional plans: a vestibule with toilets and toilets, and in the pubs there were pavilions for drinking, service commemorations and cash registers. train stations and iron stations indicated the city's future structure. factually, station platforms have become new cores. which farms the development of the structure of the population, analyzing the changes in the communications of the 19th century, we respect that there are more revaluation reports, as the stated facts are factual and did not happen, did not happen and sennya,
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so early on the skin, whoever wants to vandravats, will be paid for the money of the transportation system on emergency roads, there were pash stations that softened there... just 15-20 versts, there it was possible to change the crew and that’s all. the chagunka kneaded the navakoll. once upon a time, crews traveled along the roads and the cape gascinians, then in the fall the chygun people changed their entire geography, and some of the towns, garads, which had previously been significant in the buryats, lost their importance in the attacks, when the chygunka passed away and was far from being filled. geta was there. the station serving passengers and a packet of the first worldly war are not agaty. in 1915, russian troops fell to the nazi troops of kaiser germany during the advent of the war , the station was drilled out. however, after the end of
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the war, it would have been unfavorable to be annoyed and irst and matsavana. then the architecture of brest central and the world we knew appeared fish. the main building of the building remains the earliest, only the central pillars of the façade are visible, it becomes double-arched and protrudes forward, with high ceilings and arches ancient and baroque shapes, the halogen façade is re-arranged and there are double-arched roofs, which support the buttresses, which is why sieredzins of another roof, facades.
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brest, the history of the championship has been rewritten again, never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series, we are reviewing the most interesting event. the british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on a record a year ago; he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time champion of the planet in state obstacles anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing kanati. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in
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modern swimming the increase is not so much records, and how much density. all this is in sports projects on the belarus
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24 tv channel. in 1945, stalin attacked berlin and brest to sign the capitulation and ordered the station to be re-demonstrated in order to demonstrate the mots and fees of the savetskaya union. the future was carried out three and a half times. finally, you...
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maskwe. the district in the ussr looks completely monumental. i would not treat the stalinist empire with any special style. geta was there. such a part of the savetsk architecture and began to grow yana is not in another fallen 40 kavy bastards, as it is to treat, but earlier yashche and the wars are such an arientation of the classical recession and the change to the italian recession of the italian renaissance. dzyarzhava coped with her tasks, which were before her, the nobles were kind, five-year-olds, everything was there, and it was greedy to imprint this in such... in old forms, withered, jumping forms , and yashche da viny
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geta pachala, and paslya wars, shepherding victories, such a significant, familiar and victories, which some people received as a lesson, and to people tell the story of the great lords of various forms. in hodze savetskaya rekonstruktsyi s scenes budynka station shop, instead of all the parameters , they created a belt with reinforced concrete, which is like this... the right plaster of the karynf order, the developed cornice, which falls into two tiers . , a rich blurb on the topic of savetskaya dastatka and unraveling parcels. the plastic folds inside the decor are painted in different shapes and sizes. the hall jumped smaltavay mazaikay. kalyar scale on...
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calanadas, carved marmura, all this abavyazkovy elements, the same vases, the robot of these budynki overdrawn gifts, rich ones, and what darechs, іdze ў, let’s say so, supratsvagu ў cut extraordinary everyday life of the savetskaga chalavek, like albo among the people of kamunal, there were just some hours of khrushchevu, geta byu, hutchey kantrast, there was a need... there was a lot of danger, because the citizens of gramada just straightened out this mots, this energy of the stalinist
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tatalitarian regime , both architecture and talitarism is coming from an order, it is directly transmitted by the program of the palette system itself. the campazic centers of the station have a hallowed building, a vault with a spire. on the side of the entrance there are placed the clutches of the frizzes, the central pavilions, which are... soft in the same entrance group, with an absolute centimeter of the adornment of the central curtain, and what kind of breathing are hidden wings. they are adorned with different types of natural stone, as well as cut out from marmurs and granites. asnovy material: ceramic slabs. decarat elements and jumping beads are carved out from the add. the stone, imperial forms of the budinka are decorated with sculptural
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groups and reliefs. that thousands of metadata will be made, then most of their fall from the wet pumpkins in the scenes of the brestskaga station are simple tsaglyany mur. it was determined that there was a narrow window on the surface, which left a flaccid area of ​​scenes that could be... jumped, but the stalin empire had a standardization of the building at the first stage. do not look at the external misfortunes of the pabuds, forged from styles of satsyyalistychnaga. after a detailed analysis, it is clear to non-classicists that their separate elements have been extracted. not adroznіvaetstsa navat lyapnіna. there was a rich history of idealistic attitudes in architecture during the period of stalinism. these are the memories, these are the architectural masterpieces, we all really
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care. adchuvanne cyclical eighth gmahaў i chalavechaja chalavechaja. it would be such a thing that you don’t ask: who are you? you are only a part of the agul system, you are only worth it because you are marching from the right nakedness. in general, the savetsky architecture of this period has been pompous, since it has become first and foremost, and the system, in our opinion, is satisfactorily. and the geta was all wrong in the 20th century. from the roman empire, the great dyktatars were emperor. the more settled and ambitious you are, the more you remember that you want to be successful. that side is old, like the light, historical. architecture of the exit. the savetsky empire had elements of baroque and the knowledge of classicism. yong is the most pompous, luxury, grandeur and
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manumentalism. for this style, the style is characterized by elaborate architectural orders with distinct features. great and rich decor. savetskaya symbols, workers and kalgasniks, military men, became the main heroes of the bas-reliefs and masaics. for the blessed reptiles, architecture was an ideal tool for transmitting ideas into a bright future. savetsky architects did not simply recreate the details of the structural frames, but also interpreted them ideologically correctly. so instead traditional decarat ornaments were extracted from savetsky symbols, classical sculptures and reliefs replaced the images of workers and laborers. for hours, such badmen look very funny. to complete the discussion at the braska chygunak station you can quote rychard kapuścińskág, the punishment
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of the repartage, like pahodzíu, darečy from the nearby ad kulpinska. he says this way, that... brest station, pabudavana to stalin, this is a yaznaya brama in the savetski union. geta glitter, pomp, gold and emptiness. in different places, the brest station was visited by russian tsars, palatiny leaders of the era of the savetskaya union, ukrainian rulers, famous campers and musicians. the brestsky railway station is alive with a saturated life, which is a warehouse of everyday life and the holy day. from shtodzenny sustrech and melted, such a forest.
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let's go on a trip to belarus; this town was built from 1994 to 1996 of the last century. it is unique in that it is fully realized here.
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