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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 9:10am-9:30am MSK

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people who survived all these hard times and the horrors of war, irina ivanovna vendina, to the house we arrived, she was a messenger in a partisan detachment, that is, a person who was born in the twenty-seventh year, she saw this war already at a conscious age, i always take i bring my daughter with me, she came here for the first time at the age of 7, then every year i come with her, now she is already 17, she is also interested in this. and after all , young people should hear all these stories first-hand; only we can raise patriots. today the feat of our heroes is honored even by the little ones belarusians. children from one of the kindergartens in minsk read poetry, sang songs to oina and their homeland, and drew pictures of victory. yes, maybe they don’t understand everything yet, but from an early age they learn more about the country, about our history. olga davidovich met young artists and patriots. drawing
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a victory for the youngest citizens of our country is a serious task, they cannot cope without the help of adults, it is necessary to tell, explain, remember, and here on the stands are life stories, family stories, connections between generations, sincere and vivid drawings filled with kindness and respect for the feat of veterans who have become a symbol of courage and bravery for many generations, fireworks, sunny skies, white doves, flowers, hugs, long-awaited meetings, this is all a victory. victory day is a special holiday for our country, it is a holiday when we need to go to the monuments to remember the soldiers who fought for our belarus. we remember our warrior-defenders with gratitude. today's children judge war, fortunately, from the stories of adults, from meetings with veterans, from books and films, from lessons.
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they respected the mavet places and memorial complexes installed throughout the territory of belarus. the younger generation already knows the history of their country, older guys easily answer questions and talk about memorable places and dates. the khatyn memorial complex, which is located near the city of minsk, was created in memory of the villages burned by the nazis, along with civilians. in classes with children we talk. about the importance and value of life and a peaceful sky above your head. children and teachers prepared for this day not alone day, because the main event is a festive concert. the older group is on stage, the younger group is in the audience. in kindergarten, musically, we instill in children a love for veterans, for this holiday. the guys sang songs about the war, about victory, and read poems about the immortal feat of the defenders of the fatherland. a touching quatrain, just like myself. sincere wishes:
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let the warriors disappear forever, so that the children of the whole earth, at home, can sleep peacefully, dance and sing. the culmination of the concert is the may waltz. with this beautiful action, the kindergarten students honored the memory of all participants the great patriotic war, because the waltz was the main dance of victory. on victory day , each of us feels especially proud of our history. we adults will always tell the little citizens of our country about this. for belarus, this date is filled with special meaning. sacred memory and great gratitude for the peaceful sky. olga davidovich, andrey grodboev and mikhail drugakov. tv news agency. fierce
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clash. actions in the gas sector, activists blocked the street in front of the entrance to the university, security forces in full gear began to attack the crowd of students. and this is footage of harsh arrests in the netherlands. under the cover of darkness, security forces decided to destroy a camp of pro-palestinian protesters in the student town of the university of amsterdam. the police knocked down the young people with batons and demolished the barricades with special equipment.
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according to local media reports, the police, prosecutor's office and municipality made the corresponding decision, allegedly due to violations of public order. as a result of the storming of the tent camp, 125 people were detained. aggressive rhetoric about the united states began in in europe, major military exercises will take place, the astral knight will practice flights and simulated combat operations in poland and the baltic countries during two-week maneuvers. 5,000 military personnel from the usa and great britain will be involved. lithuania, poland and estonia, as well as over fifty aircraft and other aircraft. the military of these countries are becoming victims of the militarization of ambitious authorities. it became known that more than a dozen nato soldiers were injured as a result of parachute jumps during exercises in sweden. local
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media clarify that military personnel are from the usa and hungary and italy received injuries and fractures. ukrainian regime troops shelled lugansk at night. on the territory of the oil depot, according to the head of the lpr, the armed forces of ukraine struck, presumably with western-style atacoms missiles. according to preliminary data, five oil depot employees were injured and were hospitalized. due to the severity of the fire, it is still difficult to provide first aid on the spot. residential buildings, gas pipelines and power lines were also damaged. the construction of radical nationalism in ukraine began long before the collapse of the soviet union.
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crimes on the territory of belarus? criminals and who is behind the military, see the project trends today after the panorama.
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no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten; today these words unite the modern generation of belarusians. on victory day, may 9 , there was a premiere on the evening air of tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24. a three-part documentary investigation into the fatherland reserves. this is a joint project of the television news agency, the state security committee and the belarusian orthodox church. trilo based. many archival documents about how the clergy rebelled against the plans of the third reich. the priests not only supported the people of prayer and themselves took the path of resistance to the enemy, were liaison officers, joined partisan detachments, created underground hospitals, and at the same time risked not only themselves, but also the lives of their children. some
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priests were sent to concentration camps, others remained with their flock until the end, and burned together with people in churches during the nazi punitive expeditions. already. after the war, priests were given state awards. trilogy about patriotic shepherds - first documentary investigation about the clergy during the great patriotic war. the capital is being transformed for the victory holiday, art objects with scenes from front-line and partisan life, stylized four-meter stars and flag cascades. the streets of the city have turned into a kind of exhibition galleries with archival photographs. the facade of the petuniversity is traditionally decorated with a handmade canvas of 8 thousand flags. the solemn atmosphere of the approaching holiday in the story of karina gurevich. the image of a victorious may for the city of the hero
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minsk, designers always think in detail. this year the emphasis was on the heroes of the great patriotic war. the front-line photo album decorates the streets and avenues of the capital as an art object. sergei perov, a designer at the minsklama enterprise, has been helping create ceremonial decorations for may 9 for 11 years. while the printer is printing banners for the holiday, a specialist is painstakingly cutting out. when i walk down the street and see the work that i did with my own hands, it naturally takes some pride from me that i am doing this work, i do it, i really like the work, naturally i am proud of it, and i make sure to show and tell my children that this is what dad did, the heroes whose names the streets are named after, the marshals, the military leaders who led and accepted the victory. decisions, now on banners, screens, stands, a chronicle in names and faces, an exhibition
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of photographic documents, the legendary operation bagration on the october square of the capital, here are flag cascades and apple blossoms as a symbol of victory. we should be proud and love those people who gave their lives for us. their lives, this love, it just pours out in these installations, in these, well, beautiful flags, photographs, too. these are historical notes that are written everywhere, that you can read, our grandmothers and grandfathers also fought, our children know all this, we were walking the day before, too, when the city is getting ready, you can already feel the eve of the holiday, it’s very interesting, i like it, in general in principle, the history, the history of belarus is also very interesting, how they fought, the flags give more solemnity, yes, it’s very nice, you are on holiday as usual see me off, oh, we go to the city with our family, we go for a walk, we definitely have fireworks, we definitely go to grandma’s grave, because he’s also a veteran, we remember, we tell him, yes, she
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just showed me the pictures, they looked at everything, photographs , read everything. in the center of the graphic composition of the city's design is the first military award that appeared during the war, the order of the patriotic war, first degree. you can get acquainted with the chronology of the liberation of belarus along the pedestrian zone along pobediteley avenue. this walk of fame leads from the sports palace to museum of history. we also had one very important goal, to fill the city with interesting, important, necessary information, which we gleaned from archival and documentary sources. according to tradition , the façade of the pedagogical university is dressed in a ceremonial uniform, a 40 m high panel of 800 flags, and lighting supports on the independence square. there were cubic stands, and there was also an unusual photo zone that repeated the angle of the war photo of the festive
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square in 1944. these stylized stars will decorate all entrances to the capital by may 9, height art object - 4 m. in the center of the installation is a three-dimensional emblem of the holiday, on it is the outline of the country and the silhouette of the iconic memorial mound of glory. on each star there is a golden number 80 - a sign of the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus. transformation of the capital not only through thematic installations and floral accents. the streets and avenues are buried in tulips of various shades. in city parks and squares, lilacs, a symbol of victory, are fragrant. specialists will complement the festive image of the city; minsk will appear in full dress on independence day. karina gurevich and sergei matveychuk, television news agency. yes, in the cities the aroma of victorious may is in full swing. as victory day approaches , we will continue to talk about other events in the country and the world at noon. stay on the first
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africa, how belarus builds political and economic dialogue on this continent, the strategy of cooperation from first-hand accounts. entrepreneurship reform is being completed in belarus, what is changing, why and what conditions will be created for business to transition to a new status. let's break down the main innovations. comfortable life in the countryside, workers places and social infrastructure. what are the funds from chernobyl state programs used for? we will show you in the second part of the program. this sphere. interests, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica buta is with you, hello. it is important for belarus to have an enterprise in egypt focused on the market throughout africa. the prospects for cooperation were discussed last week in cairo during the official visit of a government delegation led by the prime minister. as a result of the negotiations, eight contracts worth $12 million and a number of
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agreements. there are agreements on a number of projects from mechanical engineering to pharmaceuticals and the export of educational services. belarus and egypt have already achieved a lot in the development of cooperation, and even despite such objective difficulties as the global economic crisis, instability in various regions, sanctions restrictions, disruption of logistics and financial chains, economic ties between the republic of belarus and the arab republic of egypt are rapidly developing. important documents for our countries, which, i am sure, will to help create even more favorable conditions for expanding mutually beneficial cooperation, and we are ready to do everything possible to ensure that tractors and other trucks and equipment are produced in large volumes in egypt and used for supplies
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both to the domestic market and to the huge middle east. and the african market. belarus is interested in projects to create a grain and feed hub in egypt, create joint ventures for the production of dairy, confectionery and other types of food products. being one of the leaders in agricultural production in the territory of the eurasian union. we are, of course, ready to offer our egyptians. friends with your experience and the best developments and technologies in this area. how belarus is building a political and economic dialogue with africa and the middle east. my colleague svetlana lukinyuk asked our ambassador to egypt sergei terentyev about this. good afternoon, we are now in egypt, but the countries for which you
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are responsible are, of course, algeria and oman, as well sudan. in general, if we speak, today africa and... the middle east, how it is changing, how can we build this political and economic dialogue so that it is mutually beneficial, this region is developing dynamically, first of all, it is important to note that the countries of this region for the most part, they turn to us, if there was a certain time of calm, there was a certain time of some kind, there may be some fears or embarrassment, then i would


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