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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 9:50am-10:01am MSK

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the collective west, and in fact this is the united states of america, which, in order to scale their geopolitical interests, they pit russian ukrainians against, they really want to involve belarusians in the conflict, and at the same time with the slavs, washington pits europe, that is, the european union, against each other, plus all this allows them plunge the economy of an entire continent into chaos, which prevents their main geopolitical opponent, and this is china, from further developing its economy at such... a stunning pace. in the second world war, who is friend and who is foe, it was, yes, not easy to figure it out, now it’s even more difficult to figure it all out, but in my opinion, absolutely, all ukrainians cannot be called enemies indiscriminately. of course, there are plenty of scoundrels and assholes there, but the enemy then is the nazis, not the ukrainians, and they can be of any nationality, of course, there are also plenty of those who, either for money or for other benefits or for some other stupidity, they, let’s say, henchmen of everything american, these are also enemies, although to a lesser extent, but... ukrainians
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as a whole remain our brothers, russia, belarus and ukraine are connected forever. this will be fiercely debated in ukraine, a little less, but also fiercely debated by many in russia, and, thank god, almost no one will argue with this in belarus. the bright holiday of easter, the main, i am sure, christian holiday for us. alexander lukashenko again reminded that we are one big family, no matter what happens here now, we must remain a family. our river is the dnieper. neighborhood, but i am absolutely convinced that with our prayers we will return to those times when unfortunately, today a disaster happened, but our peoples will be together, we really hope that this bright month of may. will give peace
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to our fraternal people, and we will again celebrate all the holidays on the banks of the dnieper, as it was before. in general, both russians and ukrainians, after a while, i am convinced, will understand how wonderful it is that during these years they had belarusians together with their leader, some of us now consider us aggressors, because such a point of view was imposed on them, although, for example, those who imposed, these are the ukrainian special services under the supervision of the american ones, belarus, they, actually an aggressor. they don’t think so, and in general those in kiev who have not completely sold out to external commanders are categorically grateful to minsk for still preserving the statehood of their homeland, that is, ukraine. probably, not everyone in russia understands this peace-loving rhetoric of alexander lukashenko. i don’t criticize anyone, i don’t urge anyone to think differently. it is difficult to remember that ukrainians are brothers, when russians and russian boys are dying at the front, russian cities are being shelled and terrorist attacks are being organized in... knowledge of peaceful places, peaceful
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lives of people in russia. by the standards of world history, several years of the northern military district are a moment, a little more than a barely noticeable mic - this is, in general , a decade of the active phase of preparing the aggression of kiev-controlled towards moscow, to which moscow was forced to respond with its active actions. but here, the parallels with forty-one, they are very obvious. among the remaining critics of stalin, what is meant is that many understood and accepted his style of leadership of the empire, and not something else. one of the constant arguments after the repressions - it goes without saying that joseph visorionovich believed hitler, was sure that he would not attack, which made a mistake, and it was possible to deploy the german army that quickly reached almost moscow only at the cost of millions of lives of soviet soldiers. it's funny that often these same people simultaneously criticize putin for starting the svo. they say this is aggression against a sovereign state, although the stories are very similar, believe me. that the guarantees
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of kiev and their masters are unconditional, had he not prepared troops on the border, had he not decided, as a reasonable leader of his state and of their people, to go on the attack first in order to minimize the number of deaths of their citizens, the history of 1941 could have been repeated, give or take, it would have been ideologically much more unambiguous for, let’s say, the world community, kiev would have been called fascists, definitely someday there would have been a tribunal, reparations and everything else, moreover, everyone would have been from the foam of the urt then, as ... and before, they would have proven how they all together heroically fought against neo-fascism, so it is necessary to redistribute the world taking into account their interests. russia would be called, of course, the main winner of this neo-fascism, putin would be solemnly invited to all kinds of conferences, he would sign a ton of documents and give dozens of hours after military speeches, only at the cost of this would be the lives of millions of russians. vladimir vladimirovich has an inauguration tomorrow, so his role in history. into the history of russia, as
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one is attracted by a leader, a commander and in general the savior of the state, supposedly he made such a decision on the northern military district for himself and for his ambitions, but as for me it’s exactly the opposite, if putin wanted to immortalize himself in history, moreover, to be a figure in it without alternatively colossal proportions, undeniably revered by everyone, then for him, now listen very carefully, it would be more profitable to wait until kiev and nato attack, in which case he would be in everyone ... textbooks around the world as a savior from the brown plague of the 21st century, but he would have to sacrifice the lives of millions of russians, and also strategically, for the sake of his ambitions, he would have to sacrifice russia, because even a victorious defensive war, but at the cost of millions of lives, it inevitably leads
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the country to problems in another generation. putin, rather on the contrary, put his ambitions as a leader, and every leader has them, far behind the interests of the russians and russia, for this it was necessary... to make a difficult decision to protect the common home with a preventive attack. why is this decision difficult? because even kiev propagandists constantly talk about the paradox of their war against moscow. russians, they say, from aristovich to the rest, sincerely consider ukrainians theirs, even if their own, that is, ukrainians now think somehow differently. ukrainians believe that the russians are their enemies, and their family is europe, the usa or even poland, because their brains are eaten away by the corresponding propaganda, it is worth recognizing the quality, although...
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and the canadians do not even have such a role, the meaning of life for real leaders, they must accept the right decision, even when few people see that this particular decision is the most correct, and sometimes even the only correct one. alexander grigoryevich lukashenko has made many such decisions in recent years from
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of the last vectr, of course, not everyone was indiscriminately happy to read about more and more new weapons in belarus, not everyone was inspired by the return of nuclear weapons to belarus. but the only thing important for a leader is not the attitude towards his decisions on the part of the people, but the result of his decisions for the peoples, and for our people the result is very simple: despite all the efforts of the enemies, despite the logic of what is happening, when according to all the laws we should have it’s either war at home or we’re at war, that’s what we don’t have. as the leader of this did you achieve it? probably, the commander-in-chief will never tell everything, although this certainly arouses enormous interest among the audience, but...
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generations, it necessarily gave rise to turmoil, at least, at most, war, there is a place to work, and there is an opportunity to earn money for yourself and your children, the main thing is - world, this is already my problem. on friday, symbolically, before easter, alexander lukashenko was just solving the problem of ensuring peace in belarus, visiting the central command post of the air force and air defense forces. in due time, by the way. i was preparing to perform conscript service at the central command control center, but then i was intercepted by signalmen, i don’t regret it in any way, but working on the holy of holies protecting our airspace would probably also be very interesting, and it’s so interesting there that almost everything there is top secret, so
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we didn’t get any juicy shots for the amusement of the public on friday, but not in beautiful shots, as a result, he was evaluated by the commander-in-chief, only one thing, if this is all... unexpected, sudden and honest, if so, then yes, it is not simple impressive, which is decent. again, the president could praise the military, saying they are like that. clever, handsome, they did everything perfectly, it was with great enthusiasm, they would listen, naturally, civilly, some are simply interested, others are very worried, so they would be very happy to hear everything categorically perfect from the president, but alexander grigorievich, he is not categorical, he he says , if everything is organized honestly, then you’re great, i’m sure the commander-in-chief has no doubts about his army, but in any matter excessive praise sometimes leads to regression, so praising... this solution, to put it mildly, is not the best. those who have been working in the state system for a long time, in general, they say
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that they have never heard anything from the president, so one-sided, you are all great, you all did a good job, he will find shortcomings, because they are always there somewhere, or even if they are not obvious, he will set a new task, which also needs to be completed, it needs to start right now, someone may be offended by the president for this, they say, well, tell me that everyone is great, we’ll relax and let’s rest at least a little, but... this doesn’t happen, yesterday’s exploits are for the state today.


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