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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world. passed over the week, in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project ether 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. only for ours
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tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, there were a lower castle and a settlement here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so. the voobrin princes and their squads definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish i caught it weighing 41 kg and 2 m long to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of
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thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i am, so to speak, not a cowardly person, i danced on mines, you managed to erase the years of wartime hardship and your memory, all my canvases, as an artist, are dedicated to those events of distant childhood, they are almost biographical, we also remember events.
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and the state, it allows us today to work on very pressing problems, as the president says, there is no need to get involved in politics, we need to do our job. competently and with dignity. hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air. in the studio svetlana smolonskaya and victoria popova. and today our guest is an artist, painter, head of a military studio.
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thank you for the question, because this is a memory of a great, distant, distant childhood, a distant childhood, it is never with memory will leave, those who survived those years, which, like my generation, these are years, you can say this, childishly, it’s like a fairy tale, but when you start to remember this fairy tale in action on your part... and on the part of those the occupiers who came, you know, this is not a fairy tale, god forbid the next generation, especially the children of today, see such fairy tales. do you remember your most vivid memory? of course, the most vivid memory, it
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comes up in the work on canvases, because all my canvases, as an artist, are dedicated to those events of distant childhood, they... who have five, seven children, these are the biographical fathers of our ages 45-49 years old, the guys were there, they put them to bed, we all wake up, because the house is next to the house, across the road and so on , and where is dad, they went to mow, they left to mow, well, they left, you know, the older ones are so smart and tactful... the generation came to this terrible event, they got up, but there were no fathers, uh-huh, and the day passed, but dad still didn’t came, our name was father, sometimes dad, sometimes father, and sometimes folder, you know, everything is in dad turned out to be a lot, they weren’t there, and where is mom,
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you ask, yes he will come, he will come, and so he didn’t come until the end of the war, this is a memory, and the most poignant moment is the meeting of the germans. what are the germans to us children? well, maybe we’ll come, we also played war, you know, there are schapaevites and whites, with slingshots, fighting, of course, and the germans, who are the germans? well, the adults gathered around our house. we had a small hillock with this diameter, not big, about, well, 80 centimeters, the whole village came here, mothers. both children and grandfathers, great-grandfathers who came from the first world war, here is my grandfather cedar, he came from the first world war from a cop, buried it somewhere in the ground, everyone has gathered and we are waiting for where they will come from, sorry, hot day, hot summer, we are all standing here, the whole
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village has gathered, and we are waiting for what, we are happy like boys, naturally, back and forth, with slingshots, yes, suddenly dust appeared, dust, dust, dust, and... dust, it’s like magic, with a magic wand , it was all the time a quiet, quiet evening, warm, warm, dust, it’s moving overhead like a column, quietly, it’s moving this fervor, like some kind of magical witch, well, we begin to cuddle up to our grandfathers, grandmothers and mothers and so on, finally they appear from one village, drive right through our village...
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i still see all these faces, a silent scene, absolutely silent, only those who survived the world war say: don’t move and don’t wave your arms, legs, anything, who knows what, yeah, in a wheelchair, a machine gunner, there are two here, with an accordion, and this one while driving, what should i do? we are, of course, a dead scene, absolutely quiet, we come closer to them, they too, they they rise to the accordion, how to play, so they play. then from this maiden crowd of ours,
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you know that until now this scene, as i say, it does not pass almost without tears, it means that one lady goncharova comes out, polino, she was maybe 35, all mothers, 5-8 children, 30, 37 years old, like that, you know, she comes out, with her eyes towards the germans, they sit and play, and lift and raise him to his knees, and dances around the first wheelchair user, and then there are seven or eight people, well, reconnaissance, you see, with such a dance, and i’m glad, and i’m glad that i saw the camarada, all these men,
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from 50 m, grandfather’s house, so, well, you know, a village, let’s go, our house,
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my father just rebuilt it, just literally a month ago, maybe they covered the roof, weaved straw, we were like children, we came to the house, well, of course, we follow them, mom is with them and we all the children go to the hut with them, well, that ’s it, they mean, in german, shlyafan, shlyafan, mother shlyafan, shlyafan, what is shlyafan, my sister, not the eldest.. . the latter says: mom, probably tomorrow they will go along the path, we had the catherine’s path, that same catherine’s path, you know, they say, they'll probably go down the road tomorrow, it's a mess, it's a mess, then it hits the floor and lies down, they'll sleep here, you'll see, the soldier brings a bunch of hay, they're already here, they understand everything, it'll take a century. as soon as we started to leave, suddenly a child’s cry was heard, i’ll tell you, these are frightened germans,
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where did the sound come from, they had more, we know where, the folder means it was done, we had a baby born a week before the start of the war, my sister, baby, she is now alive and well, she was made like they did in the village, so that this stroller would not interfere here, the trough, which means it was just being made the man, he tied it up, that is, with a rope, it went like an escalator to the ceiling, then once on a pinch, that’s it and the rope is there, let him cry, the germans made a mistake, i’ll tell you, this scene was amazing, one grabbed the machine gun, this one i threw the hay, and... everything on the ceiling, well, my mother explained to them, of course, this is my child, i am, they understood everything in russian, and
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said: lower it here, they lowered it, and there is such a tiny thing, take it and throw it out and 4 for years we sat first in a dugout, and then in a bathhouse, this continued for all 4 years of the war, until the liberation of the dubrovinsky region, forty this is the fourth year, this is the largest operation, the path of which is strewn, i tell you, with roses, blood, the liberation of only our dubrovensky district, only our dubrovensky district.
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and 1941 bathing, the meeting of the winners, may 1945, my baptism and other works, it is clear that every picture is dear to you, it may be good, it may be bad, that i won, won in a competition this position, the position of a military studio
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artists, i’ll tell you, it’s amazing, the competition was announced by the ministry of defense, firstly, i i am grateful to those leaders, from the general to, let's say, the ordinary soldier, when they came up with the idea to create a studio of military artists, military artists, that is, the shep military commission consisted of almost 50 people, this is absolutely on a voluntary basis, on a voluntary basis , we went with lectures, with meetings, went to youtube events, to military exercises, we were invited.
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they didn’t even know what an artist was, i brought groups of cadets, officers, including svorus cadets, to mikhail’s workshop andrevvich sovitsky, and i say, hold on to your sleeve, in 50 years you will retire, you will remember that we were familiar with this artist, with these
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works, we will be familiar, to me, as you say, here you go the screen, of course, i need... will comment, even the hot summer of '41, you know, this is mine, my summer of '41, a small picture for, well, let's say, for the listener and viewer, summer, for us it's summer, the war is going on , second, second week, third, it was around the 4th of july, in our village the germans came, the germans had already arrived, it was around july 10th.
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here’s the moment: noon, it’s hot, there’s war, there are no germans yet, our soldiers are walking day and night, i’m running to get some water, this is a well, our personal well, it’s 100 years old, that’s what it’s called, the well of the pole, the water is the purest, you can to open the sanatorium, i run with a bucket to get water, my mother says, run, bring water, i come, there are soldiers standing there and... i'll tell you, i did it with a rifle, it's not the one i saw, not the one, but why not the same one, he was, the rifle lies next to him. white shirt, naturally, his feet were sore, his legs were so chafed that they bled, he had crazy eyes
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like that, i went up to get some water, i looked, he was sitting, and it was as if he was seeing god there in heaven, dead. he retreated into himself, and i ran in fear and said: mom, you know, there are two soldiers, one is drinking water, and the other is sitting, either dead or not, i don’t know, mom says: bring them milk quickly there, and a piece of lard, i depicted lard there, and bread, and milk, then mom came, he came to his senses, sat down, took the rifle, really took it, this documentary footage, here they are retreating, well , just like that, a rifle is taken, like this, a man pours water on himself, and this is absolutely, listen, the heat is incredible, this is a steam room,
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they returned during the operation, i already told you this, now as an adult, just that they returned as red fighters, to free us from our well, everyone lay down with us, when we returned from the refugees, we children were told to run around the ditches in the field, there was already such grass to look for corpses, you know how many, only i’m with your lazy friend , we found four corpses in the grass, in a ditch near the cemetery two, you were under 10 years old at the time, yes, yes, yes, yes. there were slightly older people above us, one generally brilliant person by nature, he found mines, you know, dubrovensky district, dubrovensky district, well, you know, very
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last ones were blown up in the field, but about 10 years ago, every year, because in our country there were warehouses of mines, here's our one comrade, well , let's say, the leader of the village was, he found it, he says, let's go dance for the victory break, where, we went into the bushes, everything was overgrown, listen, he opened this bush of branches, there such a mountain of anti-tank mines, they are like this, thick like this, and he says they won’t explode, don’t be afraid, they started dancing during these shifts, until the mothers discovered it and reported all this. well, nikolai afanasyevich, of course, you are telling this and it’s scary for us to listen to, because dancing on a minefield is scary, and we, of course, are grateful to our grandfathers,
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great-grandfathers and those people who liberated belarus, and today we live under a peaceful sky , and for now we’ll take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, invite guests to ask your questions, we are in touch. the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave at home! wow, he already speaks belarusian, of course, it’s amazing that foreign students travel.
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share their vivid impressions, when we walked, i noticed that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is, blue, white, it seems to be in the air, very beautiful, that’s how i knew right away, of course, this is what i am today i did it, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i’m dedicated to my work, i’m proud the fact that i work at an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people, our qualities.
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the machine is assembled by hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it, and how if you don’t feel your work, you will be able to produce or weld such a machine. watch on tv channel belarus 24. on the air again.
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our guest is the artist nikolai opiok. nikolai afanasyevich, we remember the events of the twentieth year, you also showed yourself heroically when you supported the actor gennady ovsyanikov and even came out with work in his support, that this picture was called good riddance, people who left the theater, while insulting the old people who remained in it, why did this story evoke such a response from the artist in you? i accepted. this is a secret message from the theater from his wife, when she came, like really, as i remembered the period, you see, childhood echoes already the time of today, childhood for the first time, i look at her, i say what happened, and she says, theater falling apart,
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how is it falling apart? for what? well, not at all, they decided to leave, a group of artists from the best theater of the republic, a theater that was in fifth place in the ussr, which was headed by raevsky, 30 years with something, my classmate, my friend and so on, everyone got roles, received titles , but refuse
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in this case, i say: and it’s only i who didn’t come, i would have made a proposal, here’s the title on the table, black glasses on the way, i was more indignant than those artists who stayed, by the way, i called three people , because two of them i painted portraits, i wrote, i say, listen, i wanted, i saw in a hero to you, i saw a citizen of the republic through the theater, you are a most talented actor, suddenly you are spoiling my mood, ruining my life, god bless him, yes, i say, you know that i want to make a magnificent portrait of you, the idea is good, the heredity is enormous , the most beautiful, in general for a portrait of a person who is not just
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put together on top, they call... “well, you know, everyone told me to submit an application, why? well, by the way, i detained two of them, i pray that i detained them, today you came, you understand how the prodigal son ranta, and prayed, dad, help, and dad would say, my dear man, where are you, as the son of a rebrant, go there.” and he did the right thing, i’m amazed that syannikov is still so courageous, he’s a humorous person, thanks to humor he removes this hatred and anger, he has no hatred for anyone, but how they desecrated him, in the press, the world press, they read, they didn’t read, but they all read that you are a traitor, you are crazy, listen, what can you call him, then who calls him? i personally
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already know them all, there should have been an offer to leave even before this departure, yeah, but not he was the director, the minister of culture. he himself headed this link, uh-huh, you know, he himself escaped at night in a car, as i call it, who took him where, i’m just with great indignation, i say, gena, let’s do this, i’m finishing your parquet, albeit in the wrong spirit, these roofs from here, and he and i drank tea, and we said, maybe it’s somehow not respectable, i say, i did it myself in anger, and then i removed them, i have one portrait like that, the one which i, so to speak, put out, i removed, this, this,
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you know, that such an impulse, minute, minute, of course, to perpetuate them, i think it’s unnecessary, it was my personal attitude towards that group, well, since i have an honored artist at home every day, and through her i see what kind of condition, what kind of stage, she was also offered, but she, you know, is a lady who was born in the forest, yes, you understand, that the character is like her father’s, this is the character that no, that i will leave the theater, i will leave my homeland, you know, such patriotism with blood. or with milk to a mother born in a partisan detachment, let's tell our to the audience, who are you talking about, you are talking about your wife, tamari apiok, she was really born in 1943 in a partisan detachment, the partisans warmed her
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little baby with their hearts, their warmth, this is another separate story, if you talk with your wife about war, so it’s understandable why you had complete consensus in the family. when we discussed issues with you, you said that some of those who left then, then you called them, they said that we were mistaken, we were mistaken, well, it’s good that they they re-realized, a re-evaluation took place, it’s true, and you know what, yes, i don’t even mention his last name, but you can know, one people’s artist, i say, my darling, have you played pan bykovsky a thousand times? a thousand times, i painted your portrait at the thousandth performance, not so that i wrote a part-net there, i didn’t paint you, i wrote that one, he played the character uniquely, uniquely, where are you
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going, but he thought for a long time, for a long time i thought i won, yes, yes, but he didn’t leave? peace, how’s it going, well, i’ll call, but the psychologist is a little bit, they can’t lie down sleep without a flash of thought, the thought will not leave them in , well, you know, i think that these are the people who left, i’m absolutely not a doctor, not a psychologist, you understand that this is their homeland, here they received all the titles and titles, well and why?
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but they found those who pumped up and are pumping up today, and will continue to pump up for a long time, as long as they exist, they found a good quote, hiding behind vladimirovich lenin, that if you are not friends with the authorities, that is, you are bad in culture and art, you need to be with the authorities conflict,
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and alexander grigorich correctly says on today, what would have happened if that twentieth year had won? yes, this group of people, who they are, would hardly have triumphed, they probably wouldn’t have had any honey from the bees, earn it yourself, now we know what they are told there, how much they can feed you, where the revolution is in belarus, where not? it swings through art, art,
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let's return to this question, to yours, this is a very important, problematic issue, very problematic, and, by the way, a little overlooked, today, perhaps, when the people's assembly, i was a delegate to this meeting, i know that i attended with delight, this is an intermediate link where all segments of the population and all institutions can. culture, i know why from culture over the last 2-3 years , no one, honestly, no one from ideological structures, not even me, the head of the judge of military artists, i ask people who are responsible for ideology to meet with us, i ask, lenin i went myself, i came to the factory, and here, you know, here i am doing...
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painting, no, in the fine arts the twentieth year, what do you think, yes, yes, in well, 100% the twentieth year, should it be reflected or should it be reflected in literature, it should be, it should be in cinema, and many do it, in general , by and large, if so by and large, culture should be at the forefront in this issue on... metaran , you are ours from our gays, let's
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see and listen to what your, you know, cultural program says that you are demolishing monuments, and you demolished our lesha, thank god, you didn’t get to the point of demolishing a monument to a soldier in berlin , the liberator, by the way, nikolaev read this superbly poem on... we need to work with culture, it was lenin who told lunacharsky who is working, so this is the link that is intermediate between the state and the people, this meeting, i think this is an amazing action, well, in our state, where we , so i even...
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we need to do our job politically competently
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and with dignity. i agree with you, let's also look through your portrait gallery, which is in your creative piggy bank. pesnyar vladimir mulyavin is with you, director mikhail ptashashuk, composer igor luchinok, artists nikolai nazarenko and leonid shchemelev, biathlete daria domracheva, cosmonauts pyotr klemuk, vladimir kovalyonok and oleg novitsky. considering the fact that you always paint from life only those you know personally, who will join your gallery, since oleg is here now, he was with me. i have visiting officers at my house, i’ll tell you, they were wonderfully greeted, well, you know that we are all hospitable, and he is such a friendly, magnificent, good, young, handsome guy, what are we talking about, the cosmos dreams of him, and that’s why he flies, will fly there again, of course, i have dipchikhs, here’s one, two,
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three, when i had a personal exhibition at our embassy, ​​i’ll tell you that klemuks and forgings were present, i knew that since he was there taking care of these two beautiful charming ones , he went to the cosmodrome , went to training, i girls, then one of them will definitely fly, i think, okay, i won’t take this portrait in advance when he returns, but when... the rocket suddenly stopped, it didn’t take off, because there were no matches to light, it means the day didn’t take off, which means, you know, i was worried more, probably, like them, we were all more worried than they were, yes, of course, i followed up, i took photographs that i could, and i think that
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for the next exhibition i didn’t want to be included here, because our artists make portraits, already... done, should already be exhibited, but i don’t just want to do it, i want to decide, you know, the first woman from belarus and in general - our first, there shouldn’t just be a portrait of her, i sat down and sat down, i could make her, so she was just at our place in the presence of a people's meeting, she is charming, beautiful, from her you can make a candy, but the candy didn’t fly into space, a courageous, strong woman flew, and to be in space, and i want her to come out of a rocket, so i want her to fly like, you know, a woman from
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belarus, something needs to be done to belarus, as it was, it walked, yes, it flew, so, you know, this is very important, i’ll tell you, even the klemuk, forged, why am i in their hands, they didn’t go down together, they went down each in a different way, but they are the sons of our land, i combined them into a double portrait, klimuki forged, one with a towel, yeah, i know that yes, he had a towel, well, small, but a towel, he hangs grams there, the second with cornflowers, listen, this is already. technical progress, oleg, he worked with these devices that we need and where we fly and test something, she with test tubes, she didn’t just fly like that, you know, how many operations she performed that are needed by laboratories on the ground,
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academies, therefore i have to make a trip, i just really want a space trip. yours, yes, oh, good name, good name, space telefti, honestly, and for now we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you, we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch, the program is on air again say don’t be silent, we’re visiting , honored artist of the republic of belarus, winner of the presidential prize, holder of the order of francis skoryna, nikolai opiok. nikolai afanasyevich, in our studio you see pictures drawn by artificial intelligence, do you believe that in real life there will be a replacement for artists, you, to your colleagues, will neural networks come?
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artificial intelligence is progress, progress, we will say, and thoughts and... progress, but progress in art will not give the human soul understanding, but it can decorate, it can do miracles that the human brain may not even think of this, because a person and the structure of a person are formed by the very same hearth that nature and the past generation laid for him. go to artificial intelligence today, after that, let's say, painting that caresses the soul. let’s just say that where this form of this art is mainly, as in russia, in
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belarus, and throughout the entire soviet post-soviet space, we had a school, a school of classical, realistic direction and art, hundreds of hundreds of generations grew up in this school, today day that school of classical fine arts, the so-called classical... it is in demand all over the world, i’ll give you an example, i had an invitation from germany from three museums, to exhibit there, what did i answer them there, tell me, i’m in the form of picasso, or in the form the one i work with, i have works like this, well, all the artists want to try, and you know, from all three museums, starting... from gonov and ending with two more, i received an answer, no, only in the manner that we saw
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your work, well, yes, it was later after the excessive passion for the avant-garde, a return to realism, of course, artificial intelligence will not paint, probably not, it will do everything, portraits and group paintings, everything will be as it should be for artificial intelligence, exactly just like...
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art, the way people buy art, i’ll give you a small example from life, and it’s important for political scientists to know, and not only political scientists, and the country’s leaders, why i told you, yes, if you give me a million dollars, then... all the art will be at my feet, and if i there will also be a political scientist or a leader there, a defender of the fatherland, they
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will all defend the ideology of our fatherland, they will not step a step into the ideology of, say, zelensky, or, not to mention america, they will not step a step, because i am their ideologist, if i am normal. ..a citizen of our republic, but no one talks about this here wants to talk, i’ll give you an example: germany offered us a union of artists, to organize an exhibition with them in a very beautiful business center, before that these curators walked through our galleries, but they walked through with noise, you know, how amazing, that’s right, we now have ideologists and government politicians, i'll tell you amazing. feels, feels the foreign political structure, it is built on cunning, on deception, on meanness, but only
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for their own purposes, what have they done? they made a lot of noise from us, you know, two germans are buying, they go to the workshops, make purchases, all the world is the result, our people rushed in and suggested, make an exhibition of your art with us. today, it is very fashionable, tata, this is fashionable, realism and futurism, everything is fashionable, our people rushed, what did they buy from us, and from us they bought, of course, our art, they bought several works, but they bought one, maybe i’m so past the lights and waters, i caught the idea in this, and i think there is... such a small meanness, over the top and so on, we made an exhibition there, brought it there
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realism, like they did with us, a bunch, beautiful. people caught the idea that we need to do it there, they immediately said to our realism, when i plant a chicken on a tree, it lays an egg there on a bare tree, a birch tree, somewhere they saw a chicken, but we need to buy it in order to turn us into ours ruts, yeah, they fall for it, that is, they work
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for a long time, you just destroy them. and this school is forever, but it can be destroyed in this way, i agree with you, i know several artists who stayed there, now they work as artificial intelligence, churning out the same thing, well, that is, there is no soul, no heart, no school in this, it simply replaces artificial intelligence, people , if i add, also excuse me, please know why they tell me why you
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don’t have replenishment , what kind of replenishment, that is... our generation is the post-war generation, the military one, it has worked out, you know, like technical progress, it has worked out, we don’t have the kind of screws to tighten it, we have come a new generation, i think that we should look at this event today in our world, around us with different eyes, even what i did ... this hot year of forty-one, i didn’t do the bayonet taka, and yet hundreds of times we only had bayonet to bayonet, but i wanted a person to think, should he return here again to this well, or not, now we need to, i think, focus on psychology like rimbrant, the prodigal son, he
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doesn’t do anything, he just put his hand on his back, and how many thoughts there, this thought, it disappeared from the canvas, there is an advertisement, he with his hand, his foot, his head, he grabbed someone by the chest, he hit someone in the face, that’s it, today there is not enough of this warmth and thought, you said correctly, the thought has disappeared from the canvas, unfortunately, this question of yours should be , the shield has been raised by all creative organizations, because this is the time, so i will return again to this meeting that i was at, it somehow made a very strong impression on me, so that we can be heard and so that we say, don’t be at the top, don’t be at the top, i believe the history
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of our homeland and state. it allows us today to work on very pressing problems, even on these problems that existed in the twentieth year, this is a year that gives us the entire culture of art to think about it, hold certain forums, meetings, turn to people like us in europe, why not in europe, we had good contacts, musical, literary, artistic, exhibition venues, why are we silent? we don’t have that confederation that should work with the environment, because they will work with a machine gun here, i think so, we need to not be silent, we destroyed, monuments to our red soldiers have been crumbling for 3 years, i say so, guys, well, you are leaders, let's make a decision, a cry for europe, the culture of europe, that this
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is bad, this, this is good.
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sbigniew tornowiecki, one of the most influential commanders of the polish resistance. your task is to find out which side ternovetsky is going to play on. ternovetsky is a former artist, he loves to show off, his bodyguard is an incredible beauty. why do you want to work for me? yesten polku, i am polish. i want to poland was free, both from the germans and from the soviets, already in uniform, which means the introduction was successful, i’ll see that you’re wooing him, you’re finished, tonight you’re guarding the corridor outside my room, i warned you, don’t go near him with your women you can’t cope, where are you going against stalin, this is our only chance, we are at 23 minutes, something went wrong, don’t move. i am a soviet intelligence officer, me and my comrades had to kill you, watch the intelligence officer series on the belarus24 tv channel.
12:00 pm
12:01 pm
midday news on belarus 1, studios vladislav bundary, hello, first , briefly about the main thing. at the samite. our president arrived in moscow, today is the economy, tomorrow is a parade on red square. no one is forgotten. memorials of the great patriotic war in flowers and orchestras.


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