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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:10pm MSK

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noon news on belarus 1, vladislav bunder studios, hello, at the beginning , briefly about the main thing. our president arrived in moscow for the eac summit, today the economy, tomorrow a parade on red square. no one is forgotten, memorials of the great patriotic war in flowers and orchestras. for veterans, how
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are we preparing for victory day? the independence of poland is under a big question mark, what is behind the persecution of a judge who requested asylum in belarus? tv is prohibited with criminal cases, they were opened against latvians who were watched by russians and belarusian tv channels. their view of our victory, young men from mensk are mastering the heroic story with brushes and paints. alexander lukashenko's working visit to russia has begun. airplane number one landed at vnukovo 2 airport a little over an hour ago. today alexander lukashenko will take part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in moscow. the summit will mark the 10th anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the creation of the eac. the event will be held in a narrow and expanded format.
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forgot the tragic events of eighty years prescription and unleashed a new hybrid war, said state secretary of the security council of belarus alexander volfovich, speaking at a rally on victory day in borisov. participants of the event gathered at the monument to the legendary tank crew of lieutenant pavel rak to remember everyone who fought heroically during the great patriotic war, and at the cost of their lives brought the victorious may of 1945 closer. in memory of them , flowers were laid at the foot of the monument. about the feat
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of the crew, alexander volfovich emphasized that these young guys made a leap of immortality, having broken through the bridge that had not yet been destroyed, they broke into the city occupied by the nazi invaders and fought alone with the enemy garrison for 16 hours. they probably didn’t think 80 years ago that today the world would again come to a dangerous point, the brink of starting a war, a war of a different format, although in essence the war today is a hybrid one. a war that is aimed at ideology, first of all, probably, the information component of this war, aimed at the ideological consciousness of the population, especially the young population, today western politicians are trying to rewrite history, falsify facts, this is aimed at leveling the role of the soviet union, leveling the role of the soviet soldier in the liberation of europe from the brown plague of fascism. in belarus they see triskies. challenges that can develop into
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real threats to national security, and therefore issues of historical memory and patriotism are included in our national interests, and we will defend them, secretary of state safbez emphasized. at these moments , alexander volfovich is meeting with students of the borisov cadet school, opened 2 years ago. also today, in the church of the nativity of christ , a maleben and a prayer for the deceased soldiers took place, as well as the laying of flowers at the mass grave. victory is not only that. in textbooks, but lessons that need to be applied in practice, prime minister roman golovchenko stated this after a flower-laying ceremony at the monument to the t-34 tank in the town of ostrashidy. the head of government drew attention to the fact that the younger generation needs to be substantively conveyed truthful information about the events of those years in including about the suffering suffered by the belarusian land, about the genocide of our people. it is important to explain to them that victory is not only a holiday, it is... a long journey of
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4 years, which was or was made up of - many thousands and tens of thousands of small, small victories - which... was supported by every person, every warrior, fighter, commander, including their grandfather, great-grandfather, grandmother, great-grandmother and so on. thanks to brave warriors, as well as local partisans and underground fighters, the ostroshit town became the only rural settlement belarus, which was awarded a pennant by presidential decree for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war. on the eve of victory day, the main words to the main characters and the chords of war songs for veterans are heard.
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there was such a blockade, it was hunger, cold, drought, dystrophy, we lived so that every day passed with benefit, in order to do something so that there was benefit, so the most important thing is peace, peace is the happiness of the people, peace is the bright sun over the whole earth, peace is the friendship of all countries, we congratulate our veterans at their place of residence, with the orchestra, with youth, with representatives of public organizations,
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special thanks to the heroes from the younger generations , youth organizations take part in the actions. the independence of poland is in question; the influence on the warsaw regime from the united states is too great. a frank view of the situation in the solovyov project was voiced by the polish judge thomas schmidt, who asked for political asylum in belarus. the american swim is a strong bardo in poland.
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memorable dates that unite our peoples. laying flowers on may 9 locally in latvia, where dismantled soviet monuments were located will be seen as a glorification of military aggression, police warned. mass protests against israel's operation in the gas sector have swept europe with renewed vigor. in paris, hundreds of protesters blocked the street in front of sarboun university. the police tried to push back the demonstrators with tear gas.
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under the cover of darkness, dutch security forces decided to destroy the camp of pro-palestinian protesters on the campus. ladies university, at least 125 detained human. new protests broke out in madrid and athens. let me remind you that the day before, the israeli defense forces announced the start of a military operation in the city of rafah. and taking control of the border crossing on the border of the gas sector with egypt. bredskie.


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