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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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gaza is sweeping europe with renewed vigor. in paris, hundreds of protesters blocked the street in front of sarbon university. the police tried to push back the demonstrators with tear gas. in berlin, on the territory of one of the universities, protesters erected tents and hung up posters demanding a stop to the fighting in the gas. the police used force. under the cover of darkness , dutch security forces decided to destroy a camp of pro-palestinian protesters on the campus of the university of amsterdam, at least 125 were detained human. new protests broke out in madrid and athens. let me remind you that the day before the israeli defense forces announced the start of a military operation in the city of rafah to take control of the border crossing on the border of the gas sector with egypt. breskie. investigators are
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checking the incident on the belarusian-polish border. on the evening of may 6, in the pruzhany district , a border patrol found two men, injured citizens of afghanistan. according to the refugees, polish security forces severely beat them during their arrest, and then forcibly threw them out. territory of belarus. our border guards helped the foreigners. an investigative team was dispatched to the scene. the refugees told investigators they wanted to travel through poland to france to be reunited with their families. but at the border they were captured by a polish patrol, six mercenaries in military uniform knocked the unarmed foreigners to the ground and began beating them with batons, punching and kicking them. at present , medical assistance has been provided to afghan citizens. investigative actions are being carried out regarding this incident. forensic medical examinations. at the hospital where the refugees were taken, they were diagnosed with bruises of varying severity, as well as cut wounds. according to afghan citizens, polish security forces brutally beat them, and then... pushed out to
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the belarusian side. in addition, in just one week , the death of three refugees was recorded on the border with the european union. on may 3 , the bodies of two foreigners were found on the border with latvia, and on may 5, another one was found on the border with poland. in total, from 2021 on the border with neighboring eu countries, authorities the belarusian border service recorded the death of fifty-two foreigners. instead of helping those who need it, european democrats are ruthlessly throwing them away. beyond the fence of the garden of eden. no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. these words unite the modern generation of belarusians. the names of sixty fighters of the eleventh guards rifle division of the third belarusian front were immortalized at the mass grave of the deceased. they died in june 1944 during the offensive operation bagration. rifle division.
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she was treated in the moscow battle, participated in the kursk battle, fully completed her task in the gorodok operation, and in june forty-four she broke through the enemy’s defensive lines in the varshansky region. the search engines did a great job; they managed to find the niece of private garmaev. she came to honor the memory of a heroic relative from buryatia. i had never been to belarusian soil before, but i decided to go with my own eyes. see - last name, first name of my uncle, my father’s only brother, garmaev tserimpil tsedenovich, our grandmother waited for him all her life, we needed archival sources of combat reports from the eleventh infantry division, the eleventh guards army, all these documents were sent through the regional executive committee, the ministry of defense, here are 60 fighters. who actually
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died here are now immortalized, serious battles took place here, we have plans to immortalize more than 200 more fighters in the lezny region by the eightieth anniversary of the victory. most of the twenty riflemen and machine gunners immortalized at the bras burial seventh and thirty-third rifle regiments. research work at the sites of military glory continues. yes, you need to know the exploits of the winners. on may 9, on the festive evening broadcast on belarus-1 and belarus2. premiere of a three-part documentary investigation into the flock of the fatherland. priests who became liaisons in partisan detachments created underground hospitals and saved wounded soldiers, risking not only their own lives, but also their children. soldiers of the red army who were ordained after the war, patriarchs, bishops, monks, their spiritual feat in the name of a great victory. tv news agency bel tv and radio company.
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the state security committee of belarus and the belarusian orthodox church present a documentary investigation about the religious movement. during the great patriotic war, a time of testing strength, patriotism or betrayal. everyone has their own motivation. the nazi german service tried to recruit priests by any means. divide conquer. implementation of nazi church policy in the occupied territory. supports belarusian collaborators their ideas about...
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warriors of the spirit, their oath of allegiance to god and their homeland in a documentary investigation into the reserve of the fatherland on belarus 1 and belarus 24 on victory day, may 9, in the evening broadcast. only we can raise patriots. little belarusians also honor heroes. children from one of the kindergartens in minsk read poetry, sang songs about the war and their homeland, and drew pictures of victory. yes, perhaps they don’t understand everything yet, but from an early age they learn more about the country of our history. olga davidovich met
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young artists and patriots. draw victory for the youngest citizens of our country is a serious task. they will not be able to cope without the help of adults. sincere and bright drawings are filled with kindness and respect for the feat of veterans, who have become a symbol of courage and bravery for many generations, fireworks, sunny sky, white doves, flowers, hugs, a long-awaited meeting, this is all victory, through the eyes of children. victory day is a special holiday for our country, it is a holiday. when you need to go to monuments to remember the soldiers who fought for our belarus. we remember with gratitude our warrior defenders. today's children judge war, fortunately, from the stories of adults,
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from meetings with veterans, from books and films, from lessons in courage. for the little ones, thematic coloring books for older children are real lectures. i try to present. to your children this information in a form accessible to their age, that is , to tell the simplest, most facts from the history of the great patriotic war. the most exciting thing for preschoolers is role-playing games: a ship, a captain, a sailor and , of course, a cook. children enter with enthusiasm new roles for them and at the same time listening to a story about the exploits of sailors. all this is part of the great work of instilling patriotism, developing a sense of pride in one’s people, and respect for defenders. native land, cultivating love for our homeland, from a very early age, from preschool age, we lay the foundations
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of civil-patriotic culture and behavior for our children, so that in the future they will respect the sacred places and memorial complexes established,
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immortal feat of defenders of the fatherland, a touching quatrain as the most sincere wish, let the warriors disappear forever, so that the children all... victory day, each of us feels especially proud of our history. we adults will always tell the little citizens of our country about this. for belarus, this date is filled with special meaning. sacred memory and great gratitude for the peaceful sky. olga davidovich, andrey grodboev and mikhail drugakov, television news agency. and
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these young belarusians, i think, are the main reward for our veterans. and then sports news, we will update the information at one o'clock in the afternoon, stay on the first button. one step away from the final. today the participants in the decisive stage of the belarusian football cup will be determined. in the return match, one of the other players will win. trophy zhordenskaya torpeda belas will host islaci football players at home. let me remind you that the first meeting of the teams ended with a minimal advantage of wolves 1:0. will car manufacturers manage to rehabilitate themselves? the starting whistle of the match will sound at 6:00 pm, at 20:45 neman and dynamo minsk will meet in grodno, which in the opening match , kovalevich’s squad was also minimally stronger 1:0. borussia dortmund defeated psg and reached the champions league final for the third time in history. the meeting took place in paris. it ended 1:0 in favor of the german club, in which matz
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humels scored a goal. the champions league final will be held on june 1 at wembley arena, borussia's opponent will be the winner of the bayern-real madrid pairing. in the first game in munich, these teams tied 2:2.
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the detachment made an ambush, fought off this salt, put kaput, russ kaput, moscow kaput, everything is kaput. she came running away from her children, in a fever, if it’s not you, then he’s father-in-law viktor fedorovich, deposit in the village of a new town in the kerovsky district of the magilev region, military rank, private, position of
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operator of air defense forces in the ranks of the working peasant red army consists of 1944 . i grew up in a disciplined family, with a strict father and a very caring, kind mother. my father, a forester, worked in the forestry, my mother worked on a collective farm, my older brothers and i studied. at school, young people receive the comprehensive education necessary for a citizen socialist society. my memory was good. knew all the surroundings, forests, lines and stitches, paths from the age of 6 already had orders to either herd calves or guard bees, i graduated
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from seven classes with honors in 1941, on june 22... we learned about the war already on june 26, 1941, from
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babruisk on magiliev.
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znamenny ensemble of the red army song and dance of the ussr. from october 15, 1941 , the holy war began to be heard daily on the all-union radio. tanks and motorcycles enter the village, occupy all the wells, drive out
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residents, wherever you want, there in the barn, where they undress, well... we got water there from a small river, because they didn’t let anyone into the wells. so , somewhere on july 10, one of the fascists came and took the buckets from us, and then in the evening
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, around 19:00, apparently they received the order to leave, the buckets were not returned, my mother said, how can we live without a bucket? village, well , i decided to somehow return these buckets, so i come up, he’s tinkering with the cart, that’s it, i grabbed these buckets, well, while he was grabbing the rifle there, or run, i’m a fast sportsman there was a boy, so i ran away with these godras, about two kilometers, porgy, there was a big forest there, there was a small one, in the forest and i’m sitting, somewhere at 12:00 at night or a little later, i don’t know, my mother is calling, they say, already we left, go home, well, i mixed it. i came home, a girl from a neighboring village came running into the village, covered in blood, to
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her aunt, and she sat down and told her what happened there, that everyone was rounded up, shot, which means they were rounded up, and they had five children and their mother left at home, that’s when walked. these policemen from bendera, what a motherfucker i used to think that the germans were laying eggs there, they shot her right away, the children were all on the stove, she ended up downstairs, so they shot her, but she only had a tangential wound in the arm, so she came running, covered in blood, and told what the nazis had done, tears will dry, pain and... grief will subside, but never, never will hatred go out in our hearts, great, sacred
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hatred for murderers and executioners, there was one traitor in the whole village, right there he is, that means
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knock, run away, they're coming , but they jumped in on motorcycles, and in order to get in, you had to sweep across the field, well, the women are running away, and
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those who fought during the civil war told me, if a machine gun fires, crawl, well, i’m crawling, little fluff, really, the snag is so big, in this... “the snag was sitting until they completely burned the village, the invasion of the boots choir, now russia did not know such a misfortune, they shot, that means , everyone who came across, and in the evening it was only seals.”
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as in domestic ones from the twelfth year, as in civilian times, with families, to partisan leaders abandoned by the party in enemy territory union, we were accepted into the partisan detachment with a probationary period, i was physically strong, i was a boy, and mentally developed, they took the same thing and...
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that they went, well, they were taking them there, which means that the detachment made an ambush here, fought off this salt, and it means that such things lived, general field marshal kluge reported to the general staff of the odey partisans, i am forced to seriously point out the danger of the current situation, every day somewhere was burning, somewhere they were shooting, where someone was being killed. did they take someone away, what did we get? sowed in the spring, we sowed all the clearings in the forest, mushrooms, berries, dried them, kept cows for the wounded, for everything, fed them, gave them water in the detachment, saved them as they were, we had a horse, so she could hear from 3 km away, if she stopped, that means we
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have a long way to go and we are setting off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago , the lower castle and passade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show. how
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unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship. but they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtful sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. let's go on a trip to belarus. this town.


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