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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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red beach in relation to work is one of anid levin’s favorite places, and mine too, i love coming here.
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in krasny bereg during the great patriotic war there was a transit camp, children were collected, first their blood was taken, they were checked to see if they were healthy or not, then they were sent to germany to work. that is why this place was identified by leonid levin to create a monument to the children of war. author of the idea. and architecture leonid levin, but he attracted a large creative team. leonid levin finds this image of an empty classroom, and an empty life and an empty house, but in this big story, on september 1 of forty in belarus, these were empty school classrooms. in
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villages, in cities, because children did not sit at school desks, and teachers did not stand at the teacher’s table. there is history here, here there is this black ray of war with empty desks, and here there is the most amazing... world, the children of post-war belarus gave drawings to their parents. coming here, we understand how fragile the world is. father working on this monument.
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your daughter katya susanina, my heart believes, the letter will arrive, in this war story, when she writes that she eats with the pigs, her heart believes it was. local
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work and of course for me it is more than joint architectural work, because i understand that in these projects there is this invisible thread between the generation that went through wars, whose childhood was taken away, the generation that did not know war, which parents protect so that their childhood is not taken away from them. and reading a letter from katya susanina, who writes to her dad, but the letter did not connect them, that is, it did not find the father. i suddenly understand that the red bank is a message to me too. i still have the letter he wrote to me when i finished. school and there was a question about
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entering college: i confess to you, now more than ever, think about your future, because you really want that... for everything to work out well for you, well - this does not mean easy, but not as difficult as for true, i understand me perfectly well, if i didn’t have such difficulties, i wouldn’t have such an interest in work, i wouldn’t be happy, in verse, that he wrote, there are two small lines that are very dear to me, “when fate burned out the candle, i drew strength from you, daughter, they are very small, they are very short, they are very personal, but now i also return to him and draw from him works, in
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his architecture, the strength to work." watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of azerbaijan,
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kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan , kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united. united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers from the bloody
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those who did not come from the fields did not once die in our land, but turned into white cranes. to this day, from those distant times, they fly and give us voices, isn’t that why it’s so often sad, we fall silent, looking at the heavens.
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one of the first centers of defense of the brest fortress on the morning of june 22, 1941 was organized by soldiers of the ninth border outpost, which was led by lieutenant kizhivatov, it was located opposite the terespol gate.
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squad. the outpost was located on the central island of the fortress. families of border guards also lived here. in the first hours of the war the building the outpost was badly destroyed. many military personnel and their families died. there is a recollection of one of the border guards, in which he writes that when there was a lull, the groans of wounded soldiers, the screams of children and the barking of dogs could be heard.
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we ended up at the location of the 333rd regiment, it
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was already a dark time, and we ended up in the basements, we were in the basements, there by the morning i realized that in some compartments there were women with children, in others our wounded were lying there, further in the compartments they found ... our dead, ours were in other compartments fighters who shot at the fascists. the students of the musician platoon just ended up at lieutenant kizhevatov’s station, he had several wounds, they bandaged them on the move, he didn’t think about himself with whatever came to hand, there were a lot of children and women in the basements, without food and water, all food warehouses and running water were destroyed in the first hours of the attack, only in the dark... so, making our way through the piles of ruins, we crawled to
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the bug, this is the closest, so we filled our flasks, a bowler hat, or maybe a helmet, we tried to silently return back, freezing every time when the rocket took off, paradoxically, the water was very close, but practically inaccessible to those who were in the fortress basements, only the throat and clan burned everything inside. the situation in the fortress is deteriorating, the children cannot
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withstand the constant shelling, fires, lack of fresh air, they are extinguishing before our eyes. on the third day of the war, the commanders make a difficult decision for themselves to send the children of the women into captivity, among them the kizhevatov family, mother, wife and three children. the women didn't want to leave. they said that the germans wouldn’t spare us anyway, but... again and again turned to the women and said that this is an order, perhaps one of you will be able to save the lives of children, your lives, women with a homemade flag from a white shirt came out and walked towards the three-arched gate, where...
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a military graduate school alexander makhnach arrived at the sharp fortress on assignment. the junior lieutenant entered service 3 days before the war on thursday, june 19th. he was only 18. lieutenant smagin had to hand over the platoon to him. on the very first day of his service, makhnach went to training with his soldiers, dig trenches trenches.
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the battalion's cozimats were filled with bullets, where they were shooting from, it was unknown, there was a roar, nothing could be made out, without hearing my voice, i gave the command, i am lieutenant makhnach, listen to my
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command in the gun. novel by boris vasiliev and is far from being fiction. it is known that from the 17th to the lists, it was not just a name . on june 19 , graduates of the smolensk and kalinkovichi military schools arrived at the brest fortress. not all young lieutenants managed to get paid. and so they were precisely not included in the lists of personal composition. the fact became known thanks to those who were not on the lists, but were able to survive, but many died here, there is still no information about them. on the first day there was not a peep of water, we did not feel hunger, we only thought about how to help the wounded, where to find ammunition and how to knock the enemy out of the fortress. then the commander ended up in a hospital;
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they built it right in the garages. on the gates of these, well, the size of these gates, red roofs were already painted on them, when the germans said that there was a hospital here and there was no abstrelu, and here he is, every dachshund, who will lie down on the roof, breathe the hell of the getag, and this hour the germans just snatched a part, from the fortress, and a light tank wedge, well, he carried this gate to hell, we went there and just began to ride in a couple. “makhnach was saved only by the fact that he lay near a repair pit, fell down, remained alive, returned to his own, continued to fight, and then the most serious wound of all, alexander makhnach received on the second day of the war. he was wounded by a german commissioner dressed in a red army uniform "the field was hit in the leg and
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the bone was broken. the lieutenant could not move." that the map was found in the spring, and it was pedantic, everything was painted and dumova, well , this map was supervising the pilgrimage with all the transfers, that the traps...
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in this sector he fought, a defense group was formed there from fighters from different units, he led them lieutenant sanin. chelabanov remained with the wounded. they were found on different floors, in basements, transferred to one room, and provided with the medical care they could, because there was practically no medicine. he bandaged the soldier and - well, he began to cry in pain, he calmed him down, said that everything it will be fine, there, we’ll get you out of here now, at that moment a shell hit, and right in front of his eyes a beam fell on this soldier and crushed him. on the night of june 24 , the enemy uses strong artillery, the building is shelled, they hold the defense for a day, and on the twenty-fifth they make a breakthrough to the east.
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that he would never return to this place again, it ruined his life. from captivity, he brought a handwritten book of recipes, a sweater that he wore in all camps, and a spoon. today , objects, museum exhibits, the mark of a prisoner of war did not allow vasily chalabanov to go to college. only in seventy-five he became a venereologist. he worked in a dermatovenerological dispensary and helped museum staff enter previously unknown names of the fortress defenders. not only did i remember. ranks, surnames, date and place of their birth, but restored the circumstances of the defense, where who was, where he died, he himself lived to be 90 years old, the thirty-first
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motor battalion felcher chelabanov passed away in 2009.
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broadcast of seradyn on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 praciagvayuts naviny stalitsa i people, darya tarasava is with you, good evenings and sunny days and broadcasts. we remember, march and celebrate our forward efforts, our heartfelt words to the heroes and our veterans are heard in minsk and the central region. subscription of the minsk-khashymin travel card, which fields are indicated in the further route.


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