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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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when will it premiere? this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, headed by igor ugolnikov. the start of filming is announced for august, the release of the film will coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. the majority of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. elizaveta lakotko is on the air with you. good evening. and in this issue. eu as a center a multipolar world with doubled gdp and the priority of national currencies. the anniversary summit is taking place today in moscow. heroes of immortal feat who brought the victorious match closer. the baltic states and germany banned symbols of the great victory. plunge into history in the capital's subway, the memory train started from victory square to military songs. president of belarus on a working visit. and today alexander lukashenko
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takes part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in moscow. this is the anniversary summit, 10 years since signing the agreement on the creation of the eurasian economic union. let us remember that belarus and russia are the founders of the eurasian platform, which has become the largest regional economic organization in the world. first, the leaders talked in a small group. at the opening of the meeting, the president of russia emphasized: “during this time, the ias has established itself as one of the self-sufficient centers of the emerging multifield.”
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i will give just a few eloquent examples. first, fundamental decisions were made last year to provide financial support for industrial cooperation. despite however, serious business activity has not yet been observed. at the same time, i would like to note once again that working under sanctions pressure requires immediate decisions, quick decisions. leaders of countries.
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support for industrial cooperation, i would ask the commission to proactively get involved in this work and organize interaction both across industries and with the involvement of business associations and unions of the member states of our union. considerable funds have been allocated to subsidize projects and they need to be used in a targeted manner and very effectively. for that our government and the commission are responsible. according to our president,
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the state approached the tenth anniversary of the eu with certain achievements. the five countries are responsible for ensuring that the eurasian platform becomes a real pole of economic attraction. in modern world. alexander lukashenko expressed confidence in the unification that it is possible. the belarusian leader congratulated everyone on the next anniversary of the heroic victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war. and he wished peace, prosperity and prosperity to our countries. tomorrow, may 9, in the first half , alexander lukashenko, along with other invited leaders, will attend a military parade on red square to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the president will also receive. tomb of the unknown soldier. in belarus , participation in the ceremony of laying flowers at the capital, the main celebrations on this day , a holiday common to all of us, will take place in the afternoon, according to tradition, and will be led by our president. the central location of the celebration will be victory square at 19:00 as part of
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republican action. belarus remembers, there will be a laying of flowers at the monument. belarusians will come to honor the memory of the heroes who gave us peace. the whitewashing company will lead. broadcast of the ceremony. western politicians have forgotten the tragic events of eighty years ago and unleashed a new hybrid war. state secretary of the security council of belarus alexander volfovich said this while speaking at a rally on victory day in borisov. participants of the event gathered at the monument to the legendary tank crew of lieutenant pavel rak to remember everyone who fought heroically during the great patriotic war and their valuable lives.
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it is important to explain to them that victory is not only a holiday, it is a long journey of 4 years, which was or was made up of many thousands and tens of thousands of small victories that every person, every warrior, fighter, commander, including theirs , won grandfather, great-grandfather, grandmother, great-grandmother and so on. he is 98 years old, vasily petrovich fought as part of the partisan detachment struggle, took part in many military operations in the occupied belarusian territory. after her release, he took part in
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a partisan parade in july 1944 in minsk. we proved our victory to the whole world ; we defeated the germans. and fascism, this is not an accidental matter, but the matter is in the people, that from the first day our people took up arms and fought, despite their age, vasily davzhonok still today researches the history of the partisan movement in belarus, he is the author of the book the partisans went on a campaign, and also many monographs, essays and articles on military history. symbols of victory are banned in estonia, the authorities are threatening criminal liability for the celebration of may 9. on the eve of victory day, the police in the baltic republic recalled the ban on
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public meetings and processions, as well as on russian and soviet symbols. for these violations, you face not only a fine, but also a real prison sentence. at the same time, residents of the country are even asked to report. everyone who dares to go against the rules of the regime. i will say right away that the police will react categorically if people with prohibited symbols come to the cemetery. symbolism of the aggressor, if you take with you, for example, some flowers, there will be, say, a st. george's ribbon on the flowers, absolutely, the police will react instantly, right away, we will talk to people, of course with consequences, naturally, the police will react to spontaneous rallies, spontaneous meetings, such bans have been in effect in the baltic states for several years now , for example, in latvia...
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that these bans are considered as discrimination, which contradicts the spirit of the post-war historical reconciliation of the two peoples. military personnel were injured during a nato exercise in sweden, the publication reports. afton bladet. a bunch of malay soldiers happened during the parachute jump. it is noted that up to 800 people were landing simultaneously. it was the mass action that led to the accident during landing. in total , according to the official version, 11 nato personnel were injured. there are four more paratroopers, not officially, these are american, italian and hungarian soldiers, among the injuries are fractures,
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but none life-threatening. the gomel region has built a fairly effective system of working with citizens’ appeals. this natalya kachanova expressed her opinion at an extended meeting of the presidium of the council of the republic in gomel. it was dedicated to the results of a single day of reception of citizens on personal issues, which on may 2 covered all districts of the gomel region. the number of requests for help from senators in this region moved from fifth place to fourth. this is an assessment of the work of local authorities with the population and a litmus test of how to determine where adjustments are needed at the legislative level. at the same time, 60% of problem solving was noted to be within the competence of local authorities. every seventh appeal to the council of the republic is repeated. still. the housing and communal services sector is often criticized; the most difficult issues to resolve are land use. the principle
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of fairness and attentive attitude towards people is key for all government agencies and the vertical of power. a lot has changed. we take control of the treatment issues that people come to us with. and by studying them, we decide on their legality and possibly their use somewhere in the legislative realm. therefore, today we saw and were once again convinced that in gomel areas. a truly systematic work has been built, there are systems in this work and a clear understanding of what still needs to be done, although , of course, serious work remains, today we heard clear plans for 2024. natalya kachanova also visited a place memorable for every patriot; flowers and wreaths were laid at the mass grave of soviet soldiers and underground fighters at the eternal flame in gomel. the memory of the heroes was honored with a minute of silence. in 1945, time chose our grandfathers and great-grandmothers.
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each of the five carriages has its own war story retro photographs, historical facts and documents, and the musical atmosphere
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delighted the passengers. this is just necessary for children to know, children don’t know a lot of things, don’t understand, but when all this is shown, their memories will be debugged, we didn’t expect such a beautiful carriage to arrive, it was a surprise for us, here they sing songs, the queen is here.
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accordionists, famous soviet songs, songs of the wartime, there were young people dressed in the uniform of soldiers of the great patriotic war, in general, passengers who came in, well we were pleasantly surprised, and the famous song katyusha, for example, i heard when i was traveling in a carriage, the victory day songs, they picked up and it was very pleasant that not only people of the older generation, but also young people picked up these songs and sang together, and there was some kind of... you know , such an atmosphere of unity came out on the katyusha feather. the company's tv channels will celebrate victory day with a big festive broadcast. on may 9 , our viewers and listeners will focus on live broadcasts and the channels of the structural division of the media holding of the belarusian
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radio, key events of the celebration, ceremony laying flowers at the monuments of the feat of our people and festive. concert in real time, broadcast networks, documentary premieres, television versions of concert programs, full footage about the events of the great patriotic war. tomorrow, may 9 , belarus 1 and belarus24 at 19:00 online, as part of the patriotic action belarus remembers, will show a flower-laying ceremony at the victory monument. at 21:30 on the same buttons there is a festive concert at 9:00 in the evening after the war. on the holiday, all television and radio channels of the belteleradio company will be paused. a minute of silence addressed to the blessed memory of those who fell in the fight against fascism at 17:55. we will see the documentary premiere of the reserve and the fatherland, about the exploits of priests during the war at 18:30 on belarus 1 and belarus 24. a joint project of the atn state security committee and the belarusian orthodox church, based on archival documents, will reveal the history of the autocephalous
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plan of the nazi occupiers and the confrontation between patriotic priests who they saved the red army at the cost of their own lives. new people about young patriots of brez region, the documentary cycle “the memory of my land”, about the creation of memorial complexes in belarus in the daytime broadcast of a gola-concert at the twenty-seventh television festival of the army song zvezda. at 16:30 the premiere from the national film studio is the last witness of a moment of life. at 22:40 there will be a television version of the gala event for the heroes of victory
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may. next, my colleagues will sum up the sports news and the results of the day in a panorama, a good one. evenings. the minsk basketball club has become one step closer to breaking the hegemony of the horizon in the women's championship. city women prevailed over their rivals from the minsk region in the second match of the final series, which took place in the capital. the result is 80-64. i note that the last time minsk basketball players won the national championship was 4 seasons ago. starting from the 16th they will not be able to claim the next trophy. the third match of the series on this day is an example. molodechno, if necessary , the fourth meeting of the teams will also be held here, let me remind you that the series lasts up to three victories of one of the teams. angelina bordanovskaya and olga klimova won the decisive race in the european olympic qualification. the most important start for our kayak and canoe rowers started today in szeged, hungary. the belarusians finished first in the double canoe event and received the right to compete at the main games of the four-year anniversary. the competition will continue tomorrow
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in the "single crew" program. the right to compete in paris will be given to the first and second rowers.
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where the nameless river flows with a silver ribbon, i will plunge into the honey- heather race of the soul. i stand and the old tenderness will awaken and flare up in my heart with a quiet flame. hello, i’ll say desired, i know you’ve been around for a long time, waiting for me, linen, linen, deer, crane, native belarusian land, there for the ashes. behind the fogs in the silence of the fox fields, the warmed, unspeakable heart
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of my land beats, if there is anything eternal in the world, the uncontrollable they run from it, you ask me and i will answer, you ask me and i will answer, this is the heart of my land!
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. watch all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7 on our tv channel every friday evening.
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