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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 7:45pm-8:01pm MSK

7:45 pm
i want to introduce you to my family, here ’s my wife, svetlana vladimirovna, my daughter anna maria, here’s my son ilya, my wife, she’s belarusian, we met when she was working at the medical center, i just went there, played sports, that’s how since she worked there, i saw her and came over. my plan was to return to syria, work in the foreign ministry, become a diplomat and so on, so i thought, no, i won’t be here, when i saw sveta, there was a friend next to me, ammar, i say, ammar, you see this girl, i i'll come and meet her will be my wife, he look at me, he says, you don’t want it, i say, i don’t know, you’ll see, and that’s really what happened.
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i still remember how my mother came here to belarus for the first time, since she went to meet me at the airport, i probably parked the car, that my mother went up to the floor alone, i open the door, well, it’s customary to say hello there, not quite like here, but in in any case, she immediately hugged me, kissed me, went into the house and i thought that the east was more closed, but his mother is not like that at all, his family is not like that, but there are five, i say... there are a lot of children in the family, he says: well, yes, five brothers, five sisters, i think, wow, wow, and then when you get to know everyone better, well, very, very sincere, very kind of their own, their own , mine, i am very proud of my dad, because i believe that he gives us that faith in ourselves, that support that sometimes mom may not even give, because dad has achieved just... these are very
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big things for me, and i would really like my brother to be like my dad. my dad is a very majestic man, because he rose from the very bottom to such heights in his career and work, and he told me that when they were offered a job, at first he didn’t want to take it, because he thought that he couldn’t, but in the end everything turned out well and dad was able to do it, when i told you that... i love syria subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything, when i said period, period - this means education, new life, but most self-realization goes without saying, but most importantly, i think , it gave a family, for me a family, a home, this is a temple, and i how long have i been living here? 20.5 years no one asked me
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the question, what is your religion or your children’s? you know, i lived in kuwait, lived in syria, lived in england, lived in holland in germany, what i like about belarus is that you can raise your children the way you want.
7:50 pm
oh! when we start talking about new products, probably our confectionery industry is always the flagship here, that is, uh , the summer period is approaching, we traditionally produce certain limited - summer lines of some kind, uh, tropical ones certainly prevail there tastes, let's say, some fruity ones, uh, our line of confectionery products with the addition of powdered milk is being developed, it is also quite popular, based on the results of last year, it has proven itself well. probably, on the eve of the same summer period , the current developments in our oil and fat industry, in particular, i think it will be interesting for the consumer to try rapeseed oil with the aroma of dill, rapeseed oil with the aroma of butter, it sounds a little so unusual, but we think the consumer will
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like it interesting and at least you'll want to try something like this, limited edition mayonnaises will also be released especially for men with the addition of pepper, for women with... enterprises have been operating in our market for decades, a number of enterprises have long since passed their centennial anniversary, and accordingly we understand what quality requirements are primarily from the consumer, and based on this, in our legislation, let’s say, quite high
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criteria are enshrined; indeed, on the one hand, of course, it is always quite strenuous to adhere to them, but at the same time this is is our, let’s say, advantage, that is, thanks to these standards, thanks to these criteria, we are able to produce products of the highest possible quality, which means the competitiveness of our products increases. to what extent do belarusian standards correspond to international requirements? are there any problems with supplies abroad? we don’t have any problems with supplies abroad; in principle, all issues are resolved in a working order, that is, if for certain markets, say the middle east, it is necessary... accordingly receiving kosher certificates, halal certificates, this never becomes an obstacle, that is, it is much more difficult to find, let’s say, a consumer, a buyer of our products, but if this is done, then obtaining these certificates is already a certain
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formality, now in progress in the country active work to diversify sales markets, search for new partners, how is the concern working in this direction? in recent years , a lot has really been done in this direction: in the second half of last year we began actively enter the same african market, in principle, the agreements that we had already in the fall, they continue to be implemented this year, these are, first of all, the supply of our brewing malt to equatorial guinea, this year we added the republic of guinea, supplies to the sugar industry are actively developing, then there are also ongoing deliveries to morocco, to hanna, that is, this is the african continent. in addition, for the first time this year we supplied our sugar to afghanistan, to mongolia, respectively, that is, these markets were once for us were considered quite distant, it was much easier to work in closer markets, nevertheless, we set ourselves
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such a task with success, i think we are fulfilling it, but we certainly will not dwell on this, last year we made deliveries to mexico, for example, so ...
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to love the beauty, because everything is alive in the sky, that is, what you don’t know on the internet, you will dissolve your meat roasts.
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alexander lukashenko’s working visit to russia began today. airplane number one landed at vnukovo-2 airport. visit will last 2 days. at a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in moscow , the agenda for cooperation within the organization will be discussed. the anniversary summit marks 10 years since the signing of the agreement on the creation of ea. the event will be held in a narrow and expanded format. on may 9, the president of belarus, along with other invited state leaders , will attend a military parade on red square, commemorating the seventy- ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the construction process in belarus needs to be simplified, said prime minister roman golovchenko at the presidium of the council of ministers. nowadays, the construction of houses and a number of other objects is accompanied by a large number of procedures. according to the government it is necessary. in the near future, we will adopt a package of documents to reduce duplicate approvals, and this work has already started.
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one of the proposals is that if the design and estimate documentation has been fully examined, at the final stage of construction the facility will only be accepted by state construction supervision; there is no need to obtain other conclusions. the code of the republic of belarus on architectural, urban planning and construction activities, comes into force in july of this year. he introduces a number of directed innovations. to optimize the requirements for the construction process, a number of separate decisions have also been made to simplify the procedure for the construction of single-family residential buildings and structures of the fifth complexity class, as well as the demolition of buildings. in 2024, work in this direction will continue. on march 15, we in the government considered proposals prepared by the minister of architecture, the essence of which boils down to changing approaches to control over... the security council of belarus
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alexander volfovich spoke at a rally dedicated to victory day in borisov. participants of the event gathered at the monument to the legendary tank crew of lieutenant pavel rak to remember everyone who heroically fought during the great patriotic war and at the cost of their lives brought the victorious may of 1945 closer. alexander volfovich noted that western politicians forgot the tragic events of eighty years ago and unleashed a new hybrid war. belarus sees risks and challenges that can develop into real ones threats to national security. they probably didn’t think 80 years ago that today the world would again come to a dangerous point, the brink of starting a war. wars are of a different format, although in essence the war is going on today, a hybrid war that is aimed at... on ideology, first of all, probably, the information component of this war,
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aimed at the ideological consciousness of the population, especially the young population, today western politicians are trying to rewrite history, falsify facts, these are aimed at leveling the role of the soviet union, leveling the role of the soviet soldier in the liberation of europe from the brown plague of fascism. we remember, we honor, we are proud, participants of the great patriotic war. on the eve of the celebration of victory day , congratulations are received at home, government officials, public figures and deputies come to visit veterans, words of gratitude are heard, participants in those events share with... 370 veterans currently live in minsk, this is a quarter of all those remaining in belarus , an active citizen of our country, he is interested in all issues, starting social, political, ideological everything worries him, this is truly a man with a core, this is a model for everyone.


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