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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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aimed at the ideological consciousness of the population, especially the young population, today western politicians are trying to rewrite history, falsify facts, this is aimed at leveling the role of the soviet union, leveling the role of the soviet soldier, in the liberation of europe from the brown plague and fascism. we remember, we honor, we are proud, participants of the great patriotic war receive congratulations at home on the eve of victory day celebrations.
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on the belarusian-polish border on the evening of may 6 in the pruzhany district by a border guard two men, injured afghan citizens, were found. according to the refugees, polish security forces severely beat them during their arrest, and then forcibly threw them into the territory of belarus. an investigative team was dispatched to the scene. the refugees told investigators they wanted to cross poland to france to reunite with their families, but were captured by polish patrols at the border. six mercenaries in military uniform knocked down the unarmed.
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foreigners were thrown to the ground and began to be beaten with batons, punched and kicked. currently afghan citizens received medical assistance. investigative actions are being carried out regarding this incident and forensic medical examinations have been ordered. at the hospital where the refugees were taken, they were diagnosed with bruises of varying severity, as well as cut wounds. according to afghan citizens, polish security forces brutally beat them and then forced them to the belarusian side. in addition, only in a week i recorded it on the border with the european union. for the death of three refugees; on may 3, the bodies of two foreigners were found on the border with latvia, and on may 5 another one on the border with poland. in total, since 2021 , the death of 52 foreigners has been recorded on the border with certain eu countries and by the border service of belarus. the legendary commentator vladimir navitsky turns 70 today, but even on this holiday, the master of belarusian sports journalism is all at work. novitsky is rightfully considered the most famous belarusian.
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a commentator who witnessed the main victories of our sport during our sovereign history. vladimir novitsky spent almost 40 years broadcasting live on television. continues to do what he loves on other platforms.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world, the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, i will praise you. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to ragnedi and yesesla.
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of the cross, which was created with the blessing of the monastery cathedral, there is a copy of that same venerable euphrasinia. another important shrine. hello, the program “sas authorized” is on air, i and the presenter nadezhda ss, hello, i remind you that this is a program for those who want to understand better. what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. we will tell you about the main events of world politics this week right now. speaking on polish television, polish deputy defense minister pawel zalewski said that warsaw has submitted an application to participate
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in the nuclearing program, which provides for the deployment of american nuclear weapons in european countries. zalewski noted that in this nato program already participates. germany, italy and belgium. poland also wants to join it, while leaving full control over the use of nuclear weapons to the americans. in brussels they still say there are no plans to deploy nuclear weapons in poland. let us recall that the north atlantic alliance includes three countries that have their own nuclear weapons: the usa, france and great britain. in addition, according to some reports, american tactical nuclear weapons are stationed in five alliance countries, including turkey. india overtook western sanctions on russian oil, the country granted permission to provide marine insurance services to three russian companies: vska, sagaz, alfa insurance. according to the directorate general of shipping of india, the first three companies
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received permission to operate until february 20 , 2025, and ingosstrakh extended accreditation until march 2029. insurance coverage for all four. providers are provided by the state russian national reinsurance company, according to foreign media, this will strengthen moscow in refusing use of western insurance providers . the day before, foreign media reported that india had resumed, after a short pause , the use of the russian state fleet for oil supplies to the key asian market. us secretary of state antony blinken announced china's attempts to influence the upcoming american presidential elections. elections to interfere with them. according to him, the united states wants to make sure that such actions are stopped. this issue was discussed during a meeting with the leader of the people's republic of china, shizen pinn, mr. blinken clarified. in general, we see evidence of attempts to influence, possibly intervene. any interference from china in our elections is one
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of those things that we watch very closely and is completely unacceptable to us, so i wanted to make sure that this time they heard our words,” the secretary of state said. in an interview with cnn from april 24 to april 26, anthony blinken was on a working visit to china, he held talks with chinese foreign minister wang yi and xiding ping. and i congratulate all orthodox christians on the bright holiday of the resurrection of christ, jesus risen. and i will begin our conversation on this special day for every believer with a quote from the author of sunday, count lev nikolaevich dolstov. faith is understanding. life and recognition of the responsibilities arising from this understanding. in our time , a systemic and unprecedented in its scale war is being waged against faith, against religion, under slogans about personal freedom, and there is reason to believe that it is in this war with
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christianity that it is worth looking for the roots of all other modern conflicts and social cataclysms. this will be discussed in today's program, i am pleased to welcome you to our studio for the first time. bsu. hello. hello. i am pleased to welcome konstantin petrovich kurylev, doctor of historical sciences, head of the patrice lumomba rouden department of theory and history of international relations, professor from the russian federation. greetings. hello. by tradition, we begin our program with a quick question, which i address to each participant in today’s program. do you agree that the main division in the world today is along the lines of the struggle for the soul of humanity, tatyana vladimirovna, i give you the right to answer. yes, it is obvious that today there is a war for souls, for minds, for resources, resources today are the key
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concept of any course on geopolitics, which is taught at any university, including in our country, it seems to me that the war today is primarily against . for souls, this is a war for the self-awareness of the individual, for the self-awareness of the nation, this is a war for the erosion of identity, but at the same time one cannot discount the traditional interests of the collective west in view of the struggle for resources, in view of the struggle for territory, for influence, and so on. yes, you know, i would like to draw attention to a rather entertaining picture that... was made by one of the americans, first we, yes,
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please, colleagues, will display it on the screen and draw conclusions. tatyana vladimirovna, i think you know that, on the day of catholic easter, the president of the united states of america, biden, decided not to abandon the day of respect for lgbtq+ representatives, so he painted some buildings in new york. in the colors of the corresponding flag, and it’s remarkable how easter was celebrated back in the last century, and it seems to me that what dark forces, satanic, it’s even scary to talk about, especially on such a bright holiday, but since we’re talking about the future, about the struggle for the soul humanity, it is impossible to ignore these topics, it seems to me that at the heart of all conflicts, as i said earlier and even the current... conflict that we are seeing in ukraine, this is the main thing that is worth paying attention to,
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because how else split the orthodox peace, christian peace, how not to bring discord to these slavic territories? yes, that’s right, it is the crisis of cultures and the clash of cultures, the clash of civilizations that has always been the fundamental cause of all military conflicts, and what we are seeing now is absolutely no exception and identity in all countries around the world, there is this exacerbation of crises
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here itself geopolitical situation was the trigger that caused all these transformation processes in modern society, therefore our main the task is to try to preserve what we have, and orthodoxy, it was orthodoxy that was the stronghold thanks to which - these traditional mental bonds appeared in belarus, this is, first of all , justice, humanism, this is philanthropy, hard work, this is basically everything what we value and what we want to instill and pass on to our children, what the president of the republic of belarus alexander grigoryevich lukashenko spoke about in particular in the evening.
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with the schedule for celebrating easter in the united states of america, whatever you want to say that, well, it was a completely different america at that time on the top of the slide, which showed a comparison with today and this is completely different, so you said europe, but we are also europe and it would be more correct to say about the european union, and the european union
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today is completely different than it was 20 years ago and completely. the process of integration is developing differently than the way it was laid out in the fifties and developed in the subsequent decades. today about the european union yes, we can talk about an international integration project, but alas, in my opinion it did not take place, and one of the evidence of this is its non-subjectivity in the context of the events in ukraine that we have today. we also observe the actions that the countries of the european union are sometimes forced to take to the detriment of their interests. and what you said about the deep internal crisis of identity of the countries, members of the european union, this just fits into how much this association has changed not in the better side, not living up to the expectations,
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including, probably, of its citizens, who so wanted to live in... europe, but in the end they received a europe again divided, divided not only from the point of view of languages, for example, divided from the point of view of different political aspirations, but also divided, as we now see, these are the colors from the point of view of identity. konstantin petrovich, i would like to add to our broadcast alexey komov, president of the analytical center family policy of the russian federation, representative world congress of families in russia, alexey, i greet you. program, yes, hello, good afternoon, and today we are talking about the future that the western world offers, a future in which a person is invited to consider himself a god in words, in practice there is absolutely no place for god, and where there is no god, i think you agree with me, it is known who rules the show, and i addressed
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the guests present in the studio a question to which i would like the answer to come from your lips: do you agree with what? major rift in the world today we are going along the line of struggle for the soul of humanity, yes, it seems to me that this is the exposed nerve that divides people in the 20th century, and we see at what speed there is a departure from traditional christian, family values ​​- in europe and america, and russia, belarus, in this regard, some other countries are such... in fact, the opposite pole in this struggle, and other brix countries, third world countries, developing countries look at the position that russia occupies, understand that this is real, in this there is hope that a real alternative, which has nuclear weapons, a country whose president has a clear position on issues of traditional
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values, this is the hope for many in the west, i think about half.
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is considered religious, but the image of satan in it is interpreted only as a symbol of power and freedom, its representatives do not believe in either god or the devil, they oppose all spirituality and everything supernatural, in 2019 the american authorities even exempted them from paying taxes, inspire people to have friendly relations with each other and compassion, with such a mission, hiding behind supposedly noble goals in 2013 in the usa by graduates... the satanic temple was founded at harvard university, this is an american group of civil activists that has the status of a religious organization. they use satanic symbols to engage in society. activities, political lobbying and ridiculing the relationship between the state and christian organizations. for followers of the movement, satan is
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a symbol of the eternal rebel against the arbitrariness of power and social norms. a year after the supporters of the movement were already making money on their ideas. in 2014, the satanic temple began raising money for a statue depicting satan as baphamet. the monument was planned to be erected. at the oklahoma state capitol, but permission was never forthcoming. as a result , the opening of the monument took place later in another place. since 2015, the horned idol has sat on a throne adorned with a pentagram in detroit, one of the most popular areas of the anti-abortion movement. the organization's code states that the human body inviolable and belongs only to him. so in the state of missouri, representatives of the satanic temple for several years. participated in lawsuits opposing current restrictions on abortion. over time, the movement continued to develop and covered more and more groups of the population. in 2016, supporters of the idea
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brought it to us schools. they offered elementary school students and their parents a new after-school group called the “after school satan club.” the organization has achieved similar events in dozens of schools, in particular in educational institutions. los angeles, saltley. the last school in pennsylvania joined the movement about a year ago. the organization now has 18 branches in the united states and four in europe. the largest and most active groups are in detroit and los angeles. when you see these shots, you remember the catchphrase attributed to dostoevsky, who is usually associated with roman by the karamazov brothers, if there is no god, everything is permitted. here. it is these forces that are trying influence primarily on the unformed children's psyche, the question is, who will we get as a result by raising
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children in this way? well, in fact, yes, the soul grows cold and the heart freezes at the sight of these shots, especially the end of the plot, where we are talking about children with whom they are working in a certain direction, let’s say, and it’s not for nothing that they say, if you want... to win enemy by raising his children. eh, the calculation is very simple. they already, from the very beginning, filter these children, brainwash them, expect that these children will be highly spiritual, highly moral, representatives of civil society, well, that would be somewhat absurd. therefore, in my opinion, situations like these once again indicate a deep crisis and split in society. including in western society. continuing our discussion, i would like to add to our broadcast rainer rodfus, doctor of science, member of the bundestag from
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the alternative for germany, a critic of western imperialism, who deals with issues of persecution. mr. rodfus, i am very glad to see you in our program, thank you for your time. glad to be in your program. strength of these processes, we can simply recognize that in fact the goal of this elite is to destroy the self-identification of people, the self-identification
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of a person as a man or woman, whose calling is to create a family, have children, and also follow the rules and principles that we have followed for hundreds of years in christian europe . today, the goal is to destroy the familiar world, and for this purpose the entertainment industry has been actively used for several decades, which promotes other things, they are trying to undermine readiness people follow the commandments of christianity and push humanity to follow other rules and norms. i see clear signs that the elites have this weapon, a weapon that changes the consciousness of people, through the media, the
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entertainment industry. today, an open discussion in western countries is impossible, it is impossible to say that the imposed values ​​do not suit us, it is impossible to talk about preserving christian values. we see this, today our party, represented in the german bundestag, is the main opposition party. we are the only party in germany that adheres to the value of protecting unborn life, we are against abortion. we are the only party in germany that adheres to the value of protecting unborn life, protecting life until it becomes natural.
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or in politics, this pushes me to argue that today there is a real war against christian values ​​and the church, in the west half of the helpers of this war are the globalist elite and some parts of the global church. mr. rodfus, thank you for your position, your fight, please stay with us on the air. konstantin petrovich, but we hear this and understand the challenges it comes with. of the entire western world, but what is the ultimate goal, in your opinion, other than to destroy the christian world, for the sake of what, can you formulate this, because it is difficult to put this crazy puzzle together in your head? well, i wanted to say a few words about the satanic temple, if possible, which means,
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if i remember what? united the states of america, then they were created as a shining city on a hill, which was designed to illuminate everything around, and to attract and turn into itself. now we see that perverted radiance of a hail on a hill, which does not attract, but repels, and what you are asking about is precisely in this logic , then this is the struggle against dissimilar ones. yes, the fight against those who speak from other positions, with a position of traditionalism, with a position that is actually more perceived by humanity than what they show us and guide us towards, and of course, this fight against most of the world, this smaller part that we are now observing, is also aimed at
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preserving this influence. i agree with you, alexey, well , indeed, the western elite can hardly be calm about the commitment of modern belarus and russia to traditional values, because an integral part of the european, so-called choice, which was even made by the same citizens of ukraine during the dramatic events of 2014, has become unconditional acceptance of european values ​​that are not really values, including parades. community, which, despite the protest of the church, are held in orthodox cities, in athens, in belgrade and bucharest, in kiev, in podgorica, in sofia in tbilisi, we see what is happening today with representatives of the church of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, but this is real terror , and do you think there is still an opportunity to get out of this trap, well, you know, a lot depends on how things will
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develop. events in ukraine, that is , if russia manages to defend the values ​​for which it acts on on all fronts and dimensions, then the situation. the world may somehow change significantly, and this issue, this process, the slide of the world towards satanism may slow down, but in fact, about the temple of satan i wanted to say that this is such an open form of satanism, it certainly moves the overton window further, it does this acceptable for some people in schools and so on, just as recently same-sex marriages, so -called or gay pride parades, were still absolutely unacceptable there, now... we see that the majority, according to polls public opinion, the majority of the population in western countries accept this, although for another 10-20 years, it was unthinkable, there is nothing new on earth at all, and the struggle is in the human heart, as fyodor mikhailovich
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dostoevsky said, god fights with the devil, and the battlefield is the heart man, here’s alexey, i ’m sorry for interrupting you, i was once lucky enough to talk with also a deputy from the alternative for germany, it was probably about 10 years ago, this... in fact, this satanism, it’s poured out everywhere, this is such open, shocking satanism, but this is the air of modern liberal civilization in recent centuries, it is poured
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everywhere in hollywood films, in songs and so on, in fact, always when a person considers himself the measure of everything, this is such a soft or not even... soft form of satanism, therefore we need to understand that there is a higher power above us, that there is god, an eternal beginning, there are laws of this world, commandments, and there is no escape from them, therefore this rebellion against god will not end in anything good for those who lead it. thank you very much, alexey, it’s really worth adding that the satanic temple organization, which has the status of a religious association, also spoke out in 2022 in support of ukraine and collected.
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do you think that all christian denominations faced with the problem of militant atheism need to put aside their differences and support each other in the struggle for common values? there are only churches in other parts of the world, outside the west, that can actually unite in this fight. here in
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the west i see great difficulty in uniting the churches in resistance to these tendencies in defense of true christian values, and i am very sad to say about this. globalists are afraid of the christian faith only because it is a faith that gives freedom, as well as the opportunity for resistance. resistance, as one of the main values, if we look at the life of jesus christ, at one time he was persecuted by church structures, and religious structures, the ancient jews, abused the state power of the roman empire. jesus christ is the spirit that must make every citizen strong, resist state power when it calls people to do something that is completely
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contrary to the commandments of god, so the church would be a key factor. if only she followed these rules. rothfuss, i believe that light will certainly defeat darkness, i will be glad to see you again on the program. we are dealing with expeditions in the depths of our country, with the ever-growing emotions and positive emotions. all there is to the fore is a folklore expedition with paradoxical numbers 590. what happened and many times before passed away in the viciebsk region. let's follow the story meat abrady. let us admire the greatest glory of the church of the holy trinity. these temples were known in 1900 in the winter of right, past,
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past, spring, past, past, red, springy rye rolls, wheat snaps, and to the old traditions, new life, spring , summer click on them, and the green bargus. just before the project was broadcast on the belarus24 tv channel. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader, a delegation headed by minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan. tell us the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership; an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, but agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion
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dollars. new products also help promote technology under the made in belarus brand, among which an unmanned tractor will soon appear. what is known about this? particular emphasis in software development will be placed on on the security and navigation system. the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field and do the work on its own. you can start the smart car from the remote control; the maximum speed is 38 km/h. will be able to work 24/7. in belarus , it is planned to shoot a film about the legendary partisan father minaya. who will be working on the project when it premieres? this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, headed by igor ugolnikov. the start of filming was announced at august, the release of the film will coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. the majority of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, expert comments. interesting facts, watch the program events on thursdays on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . i remind you that on the air of the program the central committee is authorized to state that the topic of our program today is a campaign against god, for which it is actually being waged. there is a struggle in the world today, and as mark benetz wrote in the washington times, at the height of the cold war, american conservatives the officially atheistic soviet union was called a nation of atheists. more than 30 years later, history has come full circle, and now the kremlin and its allies in the russian orthodox church may make similar accusations against the west. philosopher alexander dugin, in an interview with journalist tucker carlson, called the basis of russophobia that... that russia defends traditional values ​​that
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the west is trying to destroy. let's watch a fragment of the interview right now. just recently, a year ago, putin signed a decree on the political protection of traditional values, and this, i would say, was the starting point. but observers from the progressive camp in the west, i think, understood this from the very beginning of his leadership. it is true, so this hatred is not just a fact. or some kind of attitude, if your main task and goal is to destroy traditional values, traditional family, traditional states, traditional relationships, traditional beliefs, then someone with nuclear weapons and not the smallest arsenal, which is important, as an argument, begins seriously defend the traditional values ​​that you are going to abolish, so i think they have a basis for this russophobia and hatred of putin, and this is not just an accident.
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when a person can choose not only their gender, but also be a human or be a cat, a dog, there was some new trend in the news recently, people dress up as cats, dogs, they bark, bite, i don’t know how widespread this is , but they write about it in the news, there is a manifesto of transhumanists, this is a serious movement that the tycoons of hollywood, the financial sector, wall street dream about, dream about, people like george soros. bill gates and i have repeatedly voiced similar fantasies, and even elon musk, who i personally like on many issues, but he also believes that we need to explore other planets, artificial intelligence will give us breakthroughs, and so on, that’s all things - they are together - indicate that western
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society, it is moving towards some kind of apocalyptic scenario, stands here... russia, you see, here russia arose, somehow unexpectedly for many, after the turbulent events, the tragic nineties, somehow it came together in some way that is incomprehensible to many, and now again it dares, generally has the audacity, from the point of view of the western elites, to pursue an independent policy, in what issues, just think, in the most important ones, the most fundamental, we raised the banner of protecting traditional values, i want to tell you a very important point,
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and the president of the united states, they launched a campaign to boycott the olympics in sochi, that russia is oppressed by the rights of gays, athletes, and so on , and now sanctions came, but that’s exactly what happened beginning, i agree, alexey, thank you very much for participating in the program and tatyana vladimirovna, you will agree that similar persecutions today extend to the republic of belarus, because these states, which are not going to break away from their roots, truly respect the right of everyone...
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updated a draft version of the constitution of the republic of belarus, yes, which also officially stated that marriage is a union between a man and a woman and nothing else, that is, we are responding at the legislative level to the challenges that the us west, an important point that i would like to draw attention to is that justice is the foundation that came to us from... orthodoxy is that clot of mentality that formed the basis of east slavic culture, at that time how - freedom in all its forms and manifestations, in all these perverted forms that we see today, this is the mental construct that was
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the basis of western values, and it is precisely this opposition that we now see. artificial intelligence, which is increasingly spreading throughout the world, these technologies, they are quite capable of replacing the biological material into which a person can turn, having lost his identity, primarily sexual, then there is a loss of collective identity, roots, ancestors, clan, if a person does not have this, then he simply ceases to be a person, but simply becomes biological material. well, by the way, notice what is happening with today's ukraine, it is abandoning history, values, some of our own guidelines, but what is terrifying is that today, under slogans, we are fighting for the rights of minorities.
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is in opposition to such militant liberalism, but we have many more supporters, not only in our
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region, not only in our countries, we can quite rightly talk about the emerging so-called collective non-west or global south, that is, those in those countries who are tired of this dictatorship, tired of this game according to made-up rules, this imposition, and there are many more of these countries, said their position regarding what is happening in world. please let us hear the direct speech. the israeli presidency bombed the iraqi embassy in syria. iran responded
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by striking two remote military airfields in israel. and suddenly the entire eu is against iran and accuses it of violating human rights. nonsense. apparently they want to punish iran for its support of russia, so i want to say to all eu citizens: this is what your leaders are doing. the eu will be against discrimination here too, the children of migrants will be given an equal opportunity to die in ukrainian hell, so vote against the eu in the next elections.
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the position is tough, but absolutely fair, one cannot disagree. tatyana vladimirovna, let’s sum up our conversation today, it is extremely complex, and even while preparing for the program, we could not come to a definite consensus on what kind of program it would be, it is still politically religious, but that’s probably why meaning what is happening today, because politics, western-style politics, they interfere in any aspect of a person’s personal manifestation , including issues of his connection with god. yes, exactly so, but the fragment that you just showed, the speech of marcel degraf, makes us return a little to the question that you asked one of the speakers, what is the driver of all these ? changes - all these sad, let's call it that, events, here i would like to note that - there is
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societal pessimism in society, because if people were confident that the same europeans, that they have powerful power, strong , strong, which controls them, perhaps they would behave a little differently and their system... values ​​would be different, they would understand what to defend, when people understand that countries are run by deep states, the so-called, that there is some kind of elite that solves its own issues, lobbies its interests, they essentially don’t care about people, then people they are looking for alternative searches, in alternative searches, to rely on, to find some kind of strength for movement, for development, and this is very scary, some find... in satanism, some find in some other branches, uh , someone actually comes to god and gains faith, and
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develop, give birth to children, raise them, and...
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an identity alien to the identity of a german, a frenchman, and so on. yes, serbian politician dragan stanojevic is joining our broadcast right now. dragan, greetings. dear friends, hello. dragan, in today’s program we are talking about the campaign against god, which is what the world is really fighting for. and it was this week that was remembered for the news that in the self-proclaimed republic.
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there are so-called states and so on, and since this is naturally available the state, relatively speaking, and they naturally accept the conditions dictated by their masters, therefore, despite the fact that there is, let’s say, a muslim majority of society, which seems to be traditionally conservative and so on, but no one actually asks the people, they want to make them and thus, in fact , they even do...
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to dear viewers with wishes and of course , in turn, congratulations to you, thank you very much, big greetings to you too, i wish you a great holiday, especially such a big one a christian holiday, like easter, it has always been beautiful, always, and in the orthodox world this is a very big holiday with easter cakes, with all these eggs from the event, which - thank you very much, i wish you good luck, thank you for taking the time to join the broadcast , and since today our program comes out on a bright holiday for all believers in the republic of belarus, in russia, in ukraine, where our viewers are, we are grateful to them for their loyalty, despite such dramatic events
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developing, i am grateful. i would like to congratulate all believers on this bright holiday, this is the most important holiday of the year, and what i would like to wish, first of all , is peace and prosperity in homes, in families, so that children grow up, so that they run around calmly, rejoice, rejoice in the world, rejoice in spring, rejoice summer, and were not afraid of bombings or explosions, shells, so happy easter everyone. and may there be peace everywhere on the planet, thank you very much, konstantin petrovich, yes, of course, happy easter everyone, this is a sunday holiday, and it has always existed
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in the soviet period, and today in the post-soviet period it is always celebrated, therefore, no matter how hard it is for people, they always turn to it, we will also turn to him on a bright holiday, good health and happiness to everyone, thank you very much, to all participants in today’s discussion, i congratulate everyone happy easter, since i started with tolstoy, i will complete the references to him, even though the great writer himself had an extremely difficult relationship with the church, but this does not implore the wisdom of his work, leo tolstoy once wrote: “the essence of all faith is that it gives life a meaning that is not destroyed by death." and with this, on a special day today... i will conclude our program, thank you, this was the program szasz was authorized to declare. before our eyes , the battle for the soul of humanity unfolded.
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