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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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good evening, live broadcast of panorama, in the studio of ekaterina tekhamirova and about the main events of this wednesday. results of ten years of work of the eac, prospects for development vectors of alexander lukashenko at the summit of the eurasian economic union. we'll tell you the details in a minute. from victory square to the most remote corners of the country, belarus is preparing to celebrate the great day of heroism of our ancestors, traditionally on may 9 we will show everything on the first button. and the case of espionage, the polish prosecutor's office opened a case against a judge who fled to belarus. he faces life imprisonment. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. results of the meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. narrow and wide composition.
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not only sympathize, but openly rely on the ultra-right and neo-fascists, how friendly and open people were convinced that their hero was crazy thugs, who was behind war crimes on the territory of belarus and how, with the help of ordinary radio , they carried out genocide, depriving more than a million people of their lives, we will discuss in trends immediately after the panorama, not freedom of speech, how in the west they fire journalists for telling the truth and to whom belongs to all us media and... let's find
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shocking answers. to preserve unity in society, historical truth, to convey the messages of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the tasks of people's representatives, personal receptions, meetings in work collectives with young patriots, how actively parliamentarians work in the regions, we will tell in the section: time has chosen us. front-line photo album as an art object, stylized four-meter stars and flag cascades. minsk in ceremonial decoration.
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has become the largest regional economic organization in the world. but not even in economic indicators, the main result, as our president noted, is that countries have learned to hear each other better. neither gdp growth nor increases in real incomes would be possible if we were astounding. and the fact that the meeting of leaders takes place on the eve of victory day only added special symbolism to it, because as long as we are united, we are invincible. from moscow. belarus, russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, unofficially speaking, are the backbone of the eurasian economic union. eat observer states are in status at the negotiation stage or have expressed interest, this is already in official language, to what extent the union is interesting to third players without geo-restrictions: moldova, uzbekistan and cuba, cambodia, syria, japan, peru, chile, vietnam, singapore, serbia, this not to mention china, india, egypt and mongoria. and this is not a complete list of those who...
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the presidential plane will land in moscow in the morning alexander lukashenko was met by the belarusian ambassador and the secretary of state of the union state: integration, communications, trade, common tasks. next, all heads of state who arrive have so-called personal time before work, and the gap varies from several hours to an actual direct transfer. the press does not work there; the official countdown begins with arrival at the site. this is the entrance to the large kremlin palace, here. as if the heads of state will be there, and in alphabetical order of the russian language: armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, and russia is waiting inside. it is clear that meetings will be held here in a limited format, in in a broad composition, which the eu heads will talk about. this year the integration turns 10 years old, so the question is not only about summing up the results, but about developing a strategy. still,
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alexander lukashenko arrived first. the motorcade proceeded through the kremlin territory, the president greeted the journalists, but without question, everyone understood that the schedule had moved. destination st. andrew's hall of the kremlin palace. the format of the meeting is narrow only for participating countries. the second to arrive at the same entrance was nikol pashinyan, the armenian prime minister, for the head of kazakhstan, kasym zhamar takaev, completed the top four together with the delegations of the president of kyrgyzstan, sadyr zhapparov. already in the hall, the president of russia will begin with welcoming words, a reminder of the anniversary of the summit and overall successful figures. we note with satisfaction that over the past decades our association has established itself as one of the independent and self-sufficient ones. centers of the emerging multipolar world, which ultimately brings real benefits to each of the participants in our association, here we are now, before entering the hall here, how i talked about this with my colleagues and stated very good indicators for the development of our economies. if
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we talk about results in money, the total gdp of the five countries over 10 years increased from one and 6 to 2.5 trillion dollars. trade turnover with third countries that have not yet entered the union increased by... at the same time , yaas players began to trade twice as much among themselves, untethered from the dollar and euro and tied to national currencies, and the dynamics continue even under sanctions, in covid - this is also an achievement of the eac, in a sharp change weather, like snow fell in moscow today, don’t even pay attention to it. nikola pashinyan has the first word, this year armenia is presiding over the ias, he is a worker, the presidents will move straight to the agenda. i propose, dear colleagues, right away. start discussing the issues on the agenda and thank the media representatives for their work. thanks a lot. and the press will leave the room. at this time , shavkat mirziyoyev will arrive in the kremlin. uzbekistan now ranks first among the eac's trading partners in the cis, and wants to enter the yas
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fully. at least such statements were made by their diplomats. and now the president of cuba will appear in the kremlin palace, miguel diaz canel. at the beginning of the year, the cubans talked about , well, if not a sharp change in the pace of dialogue with... and the presidents will switch to a wide format in the alexander hall with strange observers, if we translate again into numbers, there is a huge market at one table, only in the state participants they live 185 million people, of which the economically active population is 93 million. people who work, pay taxes, something produce, do business. the unemployment rate is lower than in the world, including the eu. these are not extreme figures, of course, but this result is ensured by the main meanings of the eac: freedom of movement of goods, services and labor . what does belarus want from integration? we will immediately talk about strategy 2025. even according to the most
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strict account, we can state that the first 10 years have been completed quite successfully. stage of implementation of the 2025 strategy. the measures we took objectively contributed to an increase in mutual trade between member states of the union. by at the end of the twenty-third year, its growth rate was almost 105%. in absolute figures , about 90 billion dollars. growth rates, and this despite the continuing difficult situation in the world.
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access at least where ip products can become an effective
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source of satisfying government needs. however , national protectionism still persists in this area. in reality, the market is protected not from imports from outside third countries, which account for almost 2/3 of purchases in our union, but from goods and services produced. in the countries of our union, that is, we protect each of our markets from our partners. i am convinced that the issue of expanding mutual participation in government procurement requires an urgent solution, because it is closely related to import substitution and technological sovereignty; by and large , this is our security, and this is our independence. not everything is going smoothly with digitalization, but business needs it. an electronic digital signature recognized by everyone, the question seems to be technically everyone agrees, but it stands still, like technical regulations,
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which the same large industry needs for standardization and certification, there is progress on transport issues, here we worked at the national and supranational level, we managed to find a solution on alternative routes for the supply of goods, agree, albeit temporarily, on the implementation of re-shipment, transshipment, agree on new conditions for crossing .
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however, the work to establish partnerships with third countries, in our opinion, needs to be systematized in the current geo-economic realities and needs to be clearly understand with which countries, in what sequence, within what time frame the free trade zone will be formed, and with which of the potential partners we will limit ourselves.
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thank you very much, russia’s active, consistent efforts to develop and strengthen our partnership are more important today than ever. in general, everyone present will talk about speed, any initiatives must be implemented faster, either among themselves, or with external players, specific decisions on priority tasks. for example, the ias has already begun to mutually recognize academic degrees, this
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occurred in early may to increase the mobility of highly qualified personnel. the important part is the general story: when speaking, everyone will pay attention to may 9th. tomorrow alexander lukashenko, together with other invitees , will be at the victory parade on red square. all this time, preparations are underway for him to lay flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. the 79th anniversary of the victory is significant for our countries, absolutely, because this victory was given to us, as nations, very dearly, and they are actively trying to devalue it. in a partnership, a lot depends on how today's companions behaved in the past, it becomes. victory day is our common holiday, achieved by the heroism and exploits of the peoples of a once vast country, everyone , young and old, contributed to ensuring that we, the current generation, have the right to life.
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and on this important day for each of us, the head of state will be shoulder to shoulder with belarusians. according to tradition, the president will lead the ceremonial events in the center of the capital. at 19:00 on victory square, as part of the republican action belarus remembers, flowers will be laid at the monument. from year to year , an inexhaustible stream of people reaches the memorials in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war. monuments to our defenders are buried in flowers. a great, greatest holiday with a tinge of grief and sadness, we wouldn’t want this to happen again, but you must remember, this is our victory, we simply must not give it to anyone, we have not forgotten and we
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will also remind the heirs of the punishers, like in the distant past... what to do is to preserve this truth, to prevent the revival of the terrible past. don't even try to talk to us from a position of strength. belarus still stands as an indestructible brez fortress on the path of any enemy. and let the memory of those who left us
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inspire. us for creation, for the sake of the future of our peoples, for the sake of peace. we don't need war. we intend to use all reserves to restore stability and calm in the region. we are our native land, independent and sovereign. we won't give it to anyone. belarus remembers, as long as we come here, together with our children, belarus will always remember. many years have passed since the war, but the memory of military events, exploits and
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courage of soviet soldiers lives in the heart every belarusian and is carefully passed on. the divisions are precisely their distinctive sign on the main pedestal, here they stood to the death in june 1941, even at the beginning of the war, there were no less losses in 1944, the liberation operation: bogration, battles for every kilometer in the air, on the ground. eternal glory to the tankmen of the fifth guards army. this is the legendary t-34, which played
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a huge role in the great patriotic war. this is the best combat vehicle for its time, easy to manufacture and maintain, but at the same time this tank became a real nightmare for german troops. and its not very thick armor, thanks to the angle of inclination, practically did not penetrate. savmin’s companions honored the memory of those who fought for every piece of belarusian land during the war, because the price of victory was millions of losses and a long journey of 4 years, where
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there were defeats and thousands of small victories. today these salvos are in honor of those who sacrificed their lives for their homeland. the readiness of our ancestors for self-sacrifice, for courage, perseverance, valor and courage, it may be required now and this is not... for any scenarios of development of the situation, events, the country's leadership needs to prepare to adequately perceive all
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the processes taking place, and so do everything to ensure that war never comes to our land again. this is felt even more acutely here in khatyn, a burned village with civilians is a symbol of almost three hundred similar villages that will last forever. from the map of belarus, now remaining only in granite slabs, these are the most terrible pages of the great patriotic war, before the victory you still had to live, but you look into yourself and think, and you i could withstand this, and i don’t know, so today you remember, probably, the most important words: if only there was no war. there are more than half a thousand underground soldiers at the capital's military cemetery. officers, as well as local residents who liberated minsk. 11 heroes of the soviet union, many unidentified, 42 mass graves. in these
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may days, fighting for the capital was still going on in 1944, right up to july. deputies of the house of representatives honored the memory of all heroes today. i'm just sure that people live as long as they are remembered, as long as passing the baton of memory.
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the path to repetition, our veterans know this for sure, their eyes speak a lot to the younger generation of belarusians, and how great it is that today our schoolchildren congratulate the heroes, chords of military songs, flowers gifts, tamara vishnyakova survived the blockade in leningrad, met victory as a child lived most of her life in minsk, today she remembers the horrors of the war, this is not forgotten, there was such a blockade, it was hunger, cold, cirrhosis, dystrophy, the most important thing is peace, peace is the happiness of the people, peace is the bright sun above all over the earth. in belarus, which has lost every third person,
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thousands of burial monuments speak about this louder than any words. black granite is a dark page in the history of the country, the wall is a massive barrier that calls to stop, to linger and think about life, which is filled with mistakes of stories that should not be repeated. thanks to those people who lie here, we live today, rejoice, live under a bright sky, a kind sun, and pass on to our children the memory of what happened and what should not happen again. generation descendants of the winners in these may days. on the avenue in honor of the soldiers of the fortieth victors at stella minsk - the city of hero, the main celebrations are quiet moments of silence here, bow your head and slow down a little in our current fast world. the capital was rebuilt from ruins, this is also a feat. more than 500 representatives of the country's sports community include the head of nog, our medalists, winners of various competitions. today they laid flowers at the monument on a man-made mound near victory park.
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to love so much, how to sympathize so much, how to understand so much, to me it seems that no nation can do it like we do, i really really love my fellow countrymen, i love my homeland very much, and we, she, she is so bright, because we are like that, because we love her, without cherishing, without at all some shadow of doubt, we teach this to our children, a sea of ​​eye colors, thoughtful glances, it is impossible to play, everyone who brings their own flower is at the call of their hearts, so it was and so... we will have a memory of the war at the genetic level, it is important not only to preserve it, but also to pass it on, because memory is timeless. svetlana lukinyuk, victoria sharkova, ekaterina pavlova and andrey kozlov, television news agency. the museum of the great feat of the soviet people stood on the rails of the blue line of the capital's metro, the memory train started from victory square, and the branded train was greeted to the well-known chords of war songs.
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each of the five carriages has its own history of the war in retro photographs, historical facts and documents, and the musical atmosphere pleased the passengers, this is just necessary for children to know, children do not know a lot of things.
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there were young people dressed in soldier uniforms great patriotic war, in general , the passengers who came in were pleasantly surprised, and the famous song katyusha, for example, i heard when i was traveling in the carriage, songs about victory day, they picked up and it’s very pleasant that not only people of the older generation, but the youth also picked up these songs and sang together, and there was some kind of, you know , atmosphere of unity on the bank of tatyusha, on the high bank on the steep one. the heroism of soviet soldiers, who during the great patriotic war and at the cost of their own lives brought the victorious may of 1945 closer, was honored today in borisov. participants of the event gathered at the monument to the legendary tank crew of lieutenant pavel rak. flowers were laid at the foot of the monument. speaking about the crew's feat, secretary of state of the security council of belarus
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alexander. emphasized: these young guys made a leap into immortality, breaking through the bridge that had not yet been destroyed, they broke into the city occupied by the nazi invaders, and for 16 hours they fought alone with the enemy garrison. they probably didn’t think then 80 years ago that today the world would again come to a dangerous line, the brink the outbreak of a war, a war of a different format, although in essence... which is aimed at the information component of this war, at ideology, first of all, probably aimed at the ideological consciousness of the population, especially the young population, today western politicians are trying to rewrite history, falsify facts, these are aimed at leveling the role of the soviet union, leveling the role of the soviet soldier in the liberation of europe from the brown plague
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of fascism. belarus sees risks and challenges that could develop into a real threat national security, therefore , historical memory and patriotism are included in our national interests, i emphasize.
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nationalism was cultivated there in ukraine for a very long time, for decades, ideological concepts were created for this, there were significant grants for this on the territory of western states, i say all this again,
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it was nurtured in ukraine for a very long time, and accordingly, suddenly, out of nowhere , the so-called there bandera, yaroslav statsko, even then began to overthrow monuments to soviet soldiers and all this. was really nurtured, very actively, significant funds were invested in this, the result we see now is who is coming to power in europe today, how ordinary citizens of ukraine were convinced that their heroes are crazy criminals and who is behind war crimes on the territory of belarus? watch the trends project today after the panorama.
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the west continues to escalate tensions in the region. the united states, together with its nato allies , have launched major military exercises in europe. astral knight, according to the pentagon press secretary, for two weeks the maneuvers will include flights and simulation of combat operations in poland and the baltic countries. 5,000 military personnel from the usa, great britain, latvia, lithuania, poland, estonia, as well as over fifty aircraft and other aircraft will be involved. the purpose of the maneuvers is to learn how to repel enemy air and missile attacks and build a joint strategy for detecting and destroying air threats. to do this, the american military brought with them the latest air defense systems, which will temporarily
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become part of the unified allied defense system. poland's independence under great the question is whether the influence on the warsaw regime on the part of the united states is too great. a frank look at the situation in...
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regarding schmidt, in his homeland he faces life imprisonment. the level of dissatisfaction with the actions of the lithuanian authorities is reflected in the failing ratings. according to a survey by a local research company, almost 72% of lithuanians are dissatisfied with the work of the government led by prime minister shimanytė. only 20% of respondents approve of its activities. this is the worst assessment for the entire term of office, they note. local media, the rating of the current head
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of state of lithuania has also dropped noticeably, and on the eve of the presidential elections, support for sittings is 35%, a month ago it was 10% more, however, instead of looking for the reasons for the discontent of citizens, the baltic countries are waging a war with people's memory, victory day is there prohibited holiday, residents of estonia face a year in prison or a large fine, local authorities remind. at the same time, residents of the country are asked to denounce anyone who dares to go against the rules of the regime. in latvia, laying flowers on places where monuments used to be located will be seen as glorifying military aggression. in lithuania, all symbols of this holiday are prohibited: the st. george's ribbon, the red star and banners, the ignorance of those whose ancestors. responsible for the millions who died during the war, it knows no bounds; flags and ribbons have become
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illegal in germany as well. berlin has officially banned the use of symbols associated with russia and the soviet union at the three largest memorials in honor of may 9. the russian embassy in germany called this decision unacceptable. however, in the baltic countries, not only historical truth, but any truth in general is prohibited. 17 criminal cases were opened in latvia. for connecting to prohibited tv channels, specifically russian and belarusian sources. according to police, 13 cases were opened in 2023, and four more this year. those who provide the service and the viewers are also threatened with punishment. more than a thousand checks of the so-called legality of audiovisual content have been carried out, the forceful activity of local authorities is especially escalating on the eve of memorable dates, which... maria petrashko will continue the topic.
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hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, telenews agency. we hear so much about freedom of speech in the countries of the collective west, which for some reason teach others and make a remark that you have censorship, but behind the promoted slogan freedom of speech hides much stricter censorship, dismissal and discrimination of journalists, and i won’t even list massive cases of illegal blocking, for example, russian. media in the west. i will remember the real facts about western journalists. the host of the american television channel msnbc, phil donohoe criticized the war in iraq in 2003 and was quickly fired. msnbc is owned by general electric, one of the largest us arms companies. all us and british media are controlled either by large transnational corporations or by the government, like the bbc. and the corporations that call the tune don't... need honest journalists with independent investigations, they need those who work in
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their own interests. to make matters worse, western intelligence agencies bring their proteges into the mainstream media. the telegraph newspaper reported that over the years, the british security agency mi5 verified the bbc's appointment. the us central intelligence agency and media insiders have admitted that the cia used many agents who held senior leadership positions in the most. in important us news organizations. former education secretary and current mp michael gove has worked for the times again. boris johnson also served as spectate editor before becoming foreign secretary. johnson also worked as a brussels correspondent for the telegram, which likely prepared him well to his subsequent role at the forefront of the brexit campaign. so that's why we don't see western media headlines like the us and britain doing everything.
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so tortured by washington’s guarantee that even though a prisoner of conscience will not be executed, he can only be put behind bars for, well, 175 years, well, no more. no one in the enlightened west was touched by the tragedy of the american-chilean journalist honce leary, who was tortured to death in ukrainian dungeons. actually a cool life hack, for example, a politician wants to please biden by purchasing overpriced american oil, gas and weapons. how to convince your people of the correctness of these wrong decisions? through
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the media, the trend of non-free speech is popular in all countries of the collective west. if you work as a reporter, or in the state media, we finance it. through forced licensing fees or large private media companies, then you cannot write what you want and what you feel. there are certain recommendations. roughly speaking, everyone knows that springer, bilt, deivelt will not be published in the newspapers articles extremely critical of israel. they have no chance there, because you need to sign a statement that you are pro-israel, that you will not question the existence of the state of israel or the israeli point. vision and so on, and if the journalist tells the truth, he will become like tucker kalson, fired, but loved by the viewer. and now a commercial break, a break, however, for fair and free journalism. if in belarus it is less dependent on advertisers, then in the countries of the reference democracy. the press is sometimes 100%
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financed by advertisers, that is , transnational corporations and foundations, and they set the tone. let's take for example. groups, one of the key pr firms supporting us propaganda efforts during recent wars. in the eighties, she carried out pr propaganda to overthrow panamanian president manuel noriega. rendon's group also shaped international support for the first gulf war and created the iraqi national congress in the 1990s. belarus knows firsthand about pseudo-independence of the work of pro-western resources spreading lies and coordinating protests. to whom. civil war and the loss of the country's sovereignty, who has new billions in bank accounts, but whether to fight with the cheap and cynical tricks of western governments of transnational corporations or not to fight is everyone's choice, and this choice should be made today. the gomer region
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has built an effective system of working with citizens’ appeals, this is the opinion. natalya kachanova expressed herself at an extended meeting of the presidium of the council of the republic in gomel. his dedicated to the results of a single day of reception of citizens on personal issues, which on may 2 covered all districts of the gomel region. in terms of the number of requests for help from senators, the gomel region moved from fifth place to fourth. this is an assessment of the work of local authorities, with the population and a litmus test of how to determine where in the legislative process. level , adjustments are needed, while it is noted that 60% of problem solving is within the competence of local authorities. every seventh appeal to the council of the republic is repeated. still more often the housing and communal services sector is subject to criticism and criticism. the most difficult land use issues to resolve. the principle of fairness
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and attentive attitude towards people is key for all government agencies and the vertical of power. natalya kachanova also visited a place memorable for every patriot: flowers and wreaths were laid at the mass grave of soviet soldiers and underground fighters at the eternal flame in gomel. the memory of the heroes was honored with a minute of silence. in 1945, time chose our grandfathers and
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great-grandfathers; they honorably bore the sacred duty that was entrusted to them. meanwhile. and if it weren’t for this holy victory, i think that... the townspeople received a gift for victory day today. the dolphin pool was built at the expense of the regional budget as part of the investment program. this is a multifunctional area with swimming bowls, a gym and a dry swimming room.


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