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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 9:45pm-10:41pm MSK

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laws are not born in offices, the main message of such active work with voters, including in the outback. secondary school in the agricultural town of svislych. this year , she met her students with renewed, serious investments from the state. oleg dichenko focuses on the strategy of socio-economic development for teachers. i would like young people to come here, young people to stay, for this the village really needs to develop. and the place is beautiful, on one side is berezina, on the other side is svislysh. the land is historical.
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live and prosper here, everything is there, gas in every house, cosmetic repairs have been carried out on two faps, this is in the agricultural town of svislysh in the town of krasnoye, a lot of work has been done to improve public wells, all the streets are illuminated, a number of socially important projects will be implemented this year, including including for residents of the new microdistrict, a school designed for 100 places with a kindergarten, a library, a sports school, appreciate what you have achieved and do not succumb to the negative influence of the destructive internet community,
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16 he helped the partisans, delivered rifles, machine guns, after which he was stolen to germany for work, the veteran will turn 97 on may 25, they are for us an example of courage, heroism, the feat that they accomplished during the great patriotic war, especially for us, as for military people, for our children, most importantly - this is, of course, peace, unfortunately, in european countries, military graves are being destroyed, monuments, memorials, veterans are being destroyed...
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the task of the younger generation is to preserve unity and historical memory. andrey yastrebov vasily fataliev, television news agency. so, belarus will celebrate victory day on a grand scale tomorrow. the capital, main locations, victory park, area near the sports palace, october square. guests of the holiday will be able to visit a partisan camp, see military equipment and listen to front-line songs. the central place of the celebration will traditionally be... victory square at 19:00 a republican action will take place. belarus remembers the laying of flowers at the victory monument . according to tradition , the head of state will take part in the ceremony. gala concert at 9:00 pm after the war
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will gather at the site on october square. the first artists will appear on stage at 21:30. the victorious melodies of may, the familiar motifs of the great victory, will sound. and already at 23:00 minsk will salute the sky above the capital with salvos from six points. in the parks named after yanka kupala, huga chavez and pavlov on the embankment in drozdy, as well as on the grounds near the chizhovka arena of the national library. all evening celebrations for victory day will be shown live by the bel-tv and radio company. the streets of the capital turned into a kind of exhibition for victory day. with archival photographs, the facade of the pedagogical university is traditionally decorated with a handmade canvas of 8 thousand flags. the solemn atmosphere on the eve of the holiday, in the story of karina gurevich.
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designers always think through the image of a victorious may for the hero city of minsk in detail. this year the emphasis was on the heroes of the great patriotic war. the front-line photo album decorates the streets and avenues of the capital as an art object. sergei perov, a designer at the minsklama enterprise, has been helping create ceremonial decorations for may 9 for 11 years. while the printer is printing banners holiday, a specialist painstakingly cuts it out. i do it, i really like the work, naturally, i take pride in it, and i
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make sure to show and tell my children that this is what dad did, the heroes whose names the streets are named after, the marshals, the military leaders who led and accepted the victorious... the solution is now on banners, stand screens. a chronicle of names and faces, an exhibition of photographic documents, of the legendary bagration operation on the october square of the capital. there are flag cascades and apple blossoms as a symbol of victory. we should be proud and to love those people who laid down their lives for us, this love, it just pours out in these installations, in these, well, beautiful flags, photographs, and also here. these are historical notes that are written everywhere, that you can read, our grandmothers and grandfathers also fought, our children know all this, we were walking the day before, also when the city is getting ready, you can already feel the eve of the holiday, very interesting, i like it in general, in principle history, the history of belarus
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is also very interesting, how they fought, flags, this it gives more solemnity, and it’s very pleasant, as in general the holiday is usually held, oh, we go to the city with our family, we go for a walk, of course. we definitely go to my grandmother’s grave, because he is also a veteran, we remember, we tell him, yes, she just showed me the pictures, they looked at everything, photographs, read everything. in the center of the graphic composition of the city's design is the first military award that appeared during the war, the order of the patriotic war, first degree. you can get acquainted with the chronology of the liberation of belarus along pedestrian zone along pobediteley avenue. this walk of fame leads from the sports palace to the history museum. great patriotic war. we also had one very important goal: to fill the city with interesting, important, necessary information, which we gleaned from archival and documentary sources. according to tradition
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, the facade of the pedagogical university is dressed in a ceremonial uniform. a 40 m high panel of 8.00 flags, the lighting supports on independence square were transformed. in cubic stands, there is also an unusual photo zone, which repeats the angle of the war photo of the festive square in 1944. these stylized stars will decorate all entrances by may 9th. to the capital, the height of the art object is 4 m, in the center of the installation there is a three-dimensional emblem of the holiday, on it is the outline of the country and the silhouette of the iconic memorial, the mound of glory, on each star there is a gold number 80, a sign of the anniversary year, the liberation of belarus. karina gurevich and sergey matveychuk, television news agency.
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on the eve of the great holiday of victory day , numerous sporting events are held throughout the country in honor of this bright date. so today in the capital's arena the amateur team diplomat played a friendly match with the rodina club. the organizers of the meeting included representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and business structures of various states. representatives of the media and art athletes have already come out for their homeland. the result of the fight definitely fades into the background here; in any case, friendship won on the lawn today. the main goal of our match today is to promote the friendship of peoples. you've seen that teams have representatives from different types.
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the first match, the big match of the season, we are opening it, we have a new uniform, so we hope that there will be new meetings, new projects, both football and social and , hopefully, business projects. this year, by the way, the diplomat team plans to organize a friendly match in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. perhaps, the organizers announce, the fight will take place on the national lawn. and one more news for everyone involved in the world of sports,
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the legendary commentator vladimir navitsky turns 70 today. but even on this holiday, the master of belarusian sports journalism is in demand and is also hungry for his profession. navitsky is rightfully considered the most famous belarusian commentator, who was an eyewitness to the main victories of our sport during our sovereign history. andrey kozlov will personally congratulate you. our sentimental memory didn’t shed a tear, so thank god. it so happens that this interview from the fall of 2022 is only appearing on air now, but it’s even more interesting. buildings with columns, famous for a long time, just like bt, two tv channels bt and lad, they went on air from there, but the building nearby, this yellow house, there on the first floor... the main editorial office of sports programs was located. the topic is the legendary victory of dynamo minsk in
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the 1982 ussr championship. it’s amazing that exactly a year before that incredible story , vladimir navitsky entered the television profession; we were all very lucky. in the eighty-first year, may 25, my first working day on belarusian television, no , not in the sports editorial office, in the main editorial office information, the position of administrator, well , in fact, a courier, he’s already 27 years old, i already have a higher education from the bpi under my belt, but there was no crown, there was nothing to fall, i was a fan, an erudite fan, my football universities were at the dynamo stadium , there was such a wonderful metal table with figures of football players, someone said guy park, someone called it a bunch, let's go to the pile, it was interesting, it was educational, well, an erudite fan wrote a letter to the sports editorial office of the belarusian bt television, that i see how it can be conveyed...
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less than 2.5 minutes before the end of the third period, the puck hits tomi selo and bounces off the swedish goal, 4:3, 4:3, born in 1954 in brest, in family of a military man, graduated from the belarusian state polytechnic institute with a degree in power engineering, later received a diploma with honors from the correspondence department of the faculty of journalism of the belarusian state university . i got into sports journalism thanks to a letter that i wrote to the directorate of sports programs of belarusian television, it was destined by fate.
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vladimir nowitski was awarded a special presidential prize of the belarusian sports olympus, which is well deserved. cultural figure of belarus, 12 olympiads were held with his participation, none of our colleagues can boast of this, this admiration, you know, for sports, this interest, this is like a spectacle, you have it, this is how you managed to preserve it, because i i see that not all colleagues have been able to do this for years, but i think, without this love, andrey, you will confirm this yourself, without this love there is nothing to do in our profession, thanks to him many people came into the profession, yes, even the authors of this story, and the magic and sincerity... which today comes from vladimir nikolaevich fell in love with sports , happy birthday and long life and love for the best profession on earth. dear friends, dear fans, thank you for feeling your good relations over these decades, feeling your support, all the best to you, first national tv channel, vladimir
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novitsky, andrey kozlov, ilya maximov, television news agency. vladimir nikolaevich, team. once again he confesses his love to you and joins in the congratulations. look at the trends right now, i’m saying goodbye to the upcoming holiday. black sun of europe. nazism is rapidly gaining popularity, and its followers are coming to power. the ukrainian way, how friendly and open people were convinced that their hero was crazy thugs. soviet monument in ternopil.
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finger on the pulse of time. what should each of us pay attention to? let's figure it out together. mentoring tone, arrogant behavior and frankly disgusting attitude. all these are integral features of foreign policy. collective west. for several decades now, we have been listening to narratives that we have illegitimate elections and a lame democracy. to the ward of the worlds. of course they don’t call, they assure that a gold standard exists, so they know exactly how to do everything correctly, it’s interesting that there are no adjustments for national characteristics and historical traditions, there is a specific cultural suppression and the imposition of the superiority of the western model, well, at least this time skulls are not measured with a needle when establishing our membership in democracy, although here
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perhaps you shouldn’t be categorical, but still make an allowance for time. here's what belarusian president alexander lukashenko said about this the day before. politicians in some countries have imagined themselves to be masters of the world. it has become common practice to rudely and unceremoniously interfere in the affairs of sovereign states; all one has to do is declare an undesirable country a zone of one’s interests, or a threat to national security, and carpet bombing will immediately follow. overthrow of an undemocratic regime. for this reason, in different parts of the planet, constantly hotbeds of tension flare up, destroying countries and entire regions. there are a lot of examples . we have come to the conclusion that today not a single state feels protected
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from external aggression. the number of ultra-legal organizations in the west is growing rapidly and the problem is already simple. can't sweep it under the rug. the topic of nazism continually appears on the covers of major publications. the economist literally screams and warns about the threat to europe. the leader of the liberals is worried that an ideological chimera can break out and devour its own owners. this is where a radical change will occur, another turn of the historical spiral. the radicalization of western elites is already gaining momentum. politicians come to power who are not just sympathetic, but open. fascist radicals march under the banners of ss divisions, war criminals are honored at the state level, and those
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who honor the memory of the great victory are declared enemies of the nation. unprecedented information attacks and all kinds of falsifications on the part of the collective west justify the crimes committed by the nazis. and their henchmen's atrocities, we see how revanchists are trying to pull the bankrupt nazi ideology out of the underworld. everything is presented as if the nureng tribunal never happened. in january of this year, a scandal erupted in italy, hundreds of people gathered in rallies in front of the former headquarters of the neo-fascist italian social party.
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after the liquidation of the party in 1995, aaktiv joined the brothers of italy party, which did not join the national alliance, and subsequently today is the ruling party, their leader, prime minister george meloni. west is literally experiencing a renaissance of nazism, the black sun strives to... torchlight processions are returning to the streets of european cities, supporters of far-right and neo-nazi associations quite openly honor the leaders of the third reich and fascist italy. extremists from all over germany gather together every year and march in memory of rudolf hesse. today the fallen, and tomorrow for a better germany, for the homeland, for the people. the organizer of the march is a group. the third way is one of many in europe that adheres to neo-nazi views. their ideology is dominated by racial theory and the desire for ethnic cleansing. you might think that
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russians or degenerates come, there is not a single normal citizen among them, the same pit every year. gradually, peaceful walks with torches and reading specific literature flow into direct action. in october 2019, a twenty-seven-year-old neo-nazi tried to break into a synagogue where 68 people were present on the occasion of the holiday. after he failed to break down the door, he opened fire on passersby and killed two people, the event was broadcast live with a camera on his helmet. the key task of modern neo-nazis is to penetrate the corridors of power, integrate their like-minded people into the state apparatus, allowing activists to influence the legislative framework and evade responsibility. “we want to infiltrate people into the army, the police and the criminal system, so that they spread our ideology. in 2020, a serious
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scandal broke out, french investigators from the mediapart publication took a walk on social networks career military personnel and discovered their commitment to neo-nazi ideology. we are not talking about isolated cases, this is a systemic problem in the french armed forces. supporters of far-right views were identified in 14 different departments. as a result of the audit, only one fighter was dismissed, who was found to have an ss tattoo. we published the first investigation in july 2020. about ten cases were identified in which military personnel openly demonstrated their affiliation on social networks to neo-nazi ideology. there were stories about parties where the military celebrated adolf hitler's birthday and then attacked mosques. among the military units of france, one of the breeding grounds. legion, representatives of this unit from nazism are rightfully considered foreign in the early days, take an active part in the civil war in ukraine, many of them
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come not only for money, but for ideological reasons. do you speak french? yes, i speak french, how do you know the language? i'm from the french legion. young man demonstrates the green beret of the french legion, but the image on his helmet attracts special attention. double rune zeke from. used units of nazi germany. the symbolism of the third reich allows the new generation of nazis to identify their like-minded people, as well as demonstrate their right to dominance and superiority over others. such patches on army uniforms are widespread among those who are fighting on the side of the kiev regime today. ukraine has become a hub for far-right and neo-nazis from all over the world. i coordinate all the people who... they leave there, a lot, a lot of football fans from all over the world write, people understand that this is a war in some sense, a war of good and
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evil, which is absolutely understandable here. where is the good, where is the evil, the war, after which it’s either us or them, because, well, if putin comes here, then poland will be next, then there will be further, that is, white europe, the culture of europe, that is, this is white europe, european culture, the protrusion of the ideology of neo-nazism in the armed forces of ukraine began negatively influence the perception of this country in the west, and it is not that european or american politicians are against the proliferation. ideology, on the contrary, they nurture it and protect it, but voters and the opposition are increasingly asking uncomfortable questions, which is why the ukrainian national battalions have been renamed , the outer shell has been changed, the notorious azov, which consists entirely of neo-nazis and has become familiar in the west, is now a third separate assault brigade, however in the arena they are still the same, i am a man who is one of the creators of the battalion, now the regiment...
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azov regiment sergei korotkikh is not only accused of committing war crimes. he is involved in a number of high-profile murders. among the victims, one of the founders of the azov battalion, yaroslav babich, was found hanged in his own apartment. the head of the public organization belarusian house in ukraine, vitaly shishov, was found hanged in the svyatoshinsky forest park. journalist pavel shirimet was killed by a planted bomb. his car, short, undeniable authority in neo-nazi circles in ukraine. such fellows are already closely integrated into corridors of power and build their new reich. the main place of concentration of neo-nazis today is absolutely rightly considered to be the territory of ukraine. supporters and followers of this ideology were used for a long time as chicken dogs,
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local oligarchs. the raider attacks are amazing. competitors protecting their own business. yesterday's soccer players were dressed up as cartoons and given military weapons in their hands. the appetite came with eating and over time the young men began to integrate into the corridors of power. about the bases for the preparation and spread of nazism in in ukraine, western journalists have made dozens of documentaries. hundreds of articles have been published. american congressman taylor garin focuses on this. it's surprising to me that after just a few years, talk about nazis in ukraine began to be considered disinformation. i don't think there's anyone in the us government that americans don't support actual nazis or white supremacists, i really don't think so. and i can’t understand why, in such a short period of time, this information, which our people often talked about, own american media is no longer discussed. i would like to draw your
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attention to an article from nbc in which... it is stated that the nazi problem in ukraine is real, mr. snyder, you see this headline, it is news on nbc news that says that the nazi problem in ukraine is real, even if putin's statements about denatification are not. this is what our own american media is saying, even if you think nbc or time magazine are disinformation peddlers, it contradicts what you say. today in ukraine a new generation is already followers of neo-nazism. for decades , teenage sports and patriotic camps have been operating in the country ; schoolchildren were instilled with a sense of elitism and superiority over others, this is hitler jugent, the ukrainian ambassador. i arrived at the recovered taber, for example, urlyonok there, i arrived at the children's, military, patriotic tabir azovets. graduates of such institutions are the striking fist of azov. the guy caught in the video died in the
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chasovo yar area. he was 19 years old, just like our beloved ukraine with good-natured people has turned into what we see today, we will discuss it with political scientist vladimir kornilov. hello, how do you assess the nature of the appearance of neo-nazi battles on the territory of ukraine, what is this connected with? well, you understand that ukrainian radical nationalism was cultivated there in ukraine for a very long time, for decades, these were created. ideological concepts, for which there were significant grants on the territory of western states, i say this again, it was nurtured in ukraine for a very long time, and accordingly, suddenly, out of nowhere, the so-called banderaites, yaroslav ostatsko, even then began to overthrow monuments to soviet soldiers, all this was really nurtured, very actively, significant funds were poured into this, the result
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we see now is what... the influence the native had the work of nazi units with ukrainian children, well, they worked with children for a very long time, so i recently found a photograph, i think 12-13 years old from... from lvov, where there are children, schoolchildren, there is a secondary school, so to speak, and zigged in these same ones, in t-shirts with the symbols of the ss division, a death's head, you understand how old they are now, that's what they are now, and this is the very backbone of the ukrainian nazi battalions, well, or at least at the beginning of the special military operation, many of them were now. .. in them, of course, for obvious reasons they were disposed of there at various azovstal, but they played a significant role, how did they manage to include outright nazis in the pantheon of heroes in ukraine? well, again, all this took a long time to get to this point, you remember, that is
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it started with what, with the rehabilitation, say, of the seemingly harmless nazi slogan of the ukrainian collaborators, who now you know are actively shouting not only in ukraine, but also many western figures, without even... without thinking about what they are doing, yes, in ukraine everyone understands that this slogan that they are shouting means glory to ukraine and so on, yes, that is, it seems that each phrase separately is harmless, not punishable, but everyone understands that this is a nazi slogan, the slogan of nazi collaborators, with this began, then the rehabilitation of bandera, shukhevych and so on went on, you understand, i remember, i have a photograph somewhere,
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and so on, but that’s the trouble, so to speak, with these same nazi organizations, that each of them is aimed narrowly at its own audience, each of them seems to preach the superiority of its nation, its race, its local elite and so on, which is why it is often very difficult for them to come together, they have completely different opposing aspirations, geopolitical guidelines, some... believe that they are closer to russia, well, somewhere in europe, yes, others, on the contrary, are concerned that they are russophobes there and so on and incite hatred towards russia, but the most important feature of any such ideology is the seed
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of hatred towards their neighbors, closest neighbors, well, that’s why the polish nazis will probably never get along with the ukrainian ones, they have some common goals, they even sometimes pursued some common... something that western politicians, without a twinge of conscience, with a feeling of complete impunity, promote openly nazi theses in masses. what is this if not an attempt to demonstrate their superiority when the head of european diplomacy declares that they have a blooming garden, and we have a jungle here.
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to complete the picture, all you need is a pith helmet and you can go east again. if here you can try to object and even try to convince that this is not what he meant at all, then in a conversation with pranksters about... an american transgender, ex-speaker of the armed forces of ukraine, generalizes this idea. chirila says directly: russians are born to be slaves. the reality is that russians are not europeans, russian, as mr. danilov clearly put it, has a different culture. russian asians. and ultimately they did come from the mongols. they really come from a group, mr. president, mr. deputy, of people who want to be slaves and want to be led, as it was in the time of jundis khan. and therefore. i would like the rest of europe and the western world to understand that europe ends in ukraine. they cannot be called people. it was with these theses that the punitive forces entered the territory of belarus. squads. we habitually consider the germans to be nazis.
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sometimes losing sight of the special role of the other participants in the campaign to the east in the genocide of the belarusian people. unfortunately, a huge number of war crimes on our land are the work of our closest neighbors. long time. we tried not to push this topic in the name of our friendship and good neighborly relations. today, when there is an absolutely tangible prospect of history repeating itself, it is important to talk about this. in june 1941, german troops in lithuania were literally greeted with liberators. this allowed the command of the third reich to rely on support and use mobilization potential. 25 police battalions with a total number of over 8 thousand bayonets were formed from the local population. already in october, the second lithuanian battalion under the command of antan saemplevičius was transferred to the minsk region to fight the partisan underground. in 1943, the second lithuanian battalion, with the support
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of the latvian and 50th ukrainian schutmanshaft battalion, carried out a brutal punitive operation in the belarusian borderland, which was cheekily called winter magic. in the course of such magic , 158 settlements were burned. several thousand people were cynically killed with extreme cruelty. the captured children were sent to the salaspils death camp, located on the territory of latvia. these were collaborators, these were latvians. that the local population here knew very well that in this village there lived parents and children who were in partisan detachments, so these elderly people were immediately shot here on the spot, and then they burned out together with the population in one of the largest huts in this village. the latvian battalions were noted for their particular diligence in carrying out punitive operations; in total, under the patronage of the nazis , 41 battalions with a total number of 15,000 soldiers and officers were formed, many of them walked... with their boots on belarusian soil, one of the key methods of their
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brutal attitude towards ordinary people was demining fields and roads with the help of the local population. it got to the point that the punishers complained about the lack of belarusians for similar actions. the kgb archives still contain interrogation protocols, which fully reflect the attitude of the latvian police towards the civilian population. heading on horseback to the headquarters of the 314th battalion for food, under the command of the sergeant major of the battalion headquarters. i don’t remember his last name now, as part of privates polchevsky ivan and isad myacheslav, driving along the road past the barn, we heard a child’s cry coming from there. having stopped the horse, we went to the barn and the following picture presented itself: in the barn lay a fallen a horse, on it sat a child, naked without shoes, about three years old, sitting next to him on the floor were two more children of the same age, also naked, and all of them had frostbitten feet. the foreman ordered us to put all the children on a sled and take them to the pit, on the order of the foreman, we threw
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the children into the pit, the children cried, one of them shouted: dad, take me, on the order of the foreman, polchevsky threw a grenade at the children. unlike the latvian and lithuanian police battles, where the command staff was exclusively from among the nazis, estonian units enjoyed special trust among the nazis. in them, the commanders were appointed from the local population, and only one german observation officer was present. in total , 26 such battles were formed with a total number of 10 thousand bayonets. their main use was predominantly punitive operations against the civilian population and the partisan underground. the estonian ss brigade took part in the bloody operations heinrich and fritz in the vicinity of polotsk. the atrocity of ukrainian battles left its mark on belarusian soil special pain. the nazis un upa carried out dozens of misanthropic actions during the punitive operation swamp fever bandera killed. more than 10,000 people were alive, 1,200 were taken into german slavery.
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today, their actions are actively denouncing war criminals themselves and elevating them to the rank of heroes. during the all-belarusian people's assembly , the head of the state security committee noted an extremely important thing: everything that is happening today is not something new. the kgb archives record exactly the same approaches only adapted to... modern realities. perhaps one of the key reasons is the clear continuity of the power of ideology. in the photo, president of latvia edgars renkiewicz. it was back in 2013, rinkevich himself was the head of mit at that time. but we are interested in the second character, with whom edgar takes photographs without a twinge of conscience and probably even feeling a sense of pride. laimons ozels, a legionnaire of the latvian sss legion, a war criminal, took part in punitive operations in the territory. today the baltic countries are actively participating
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in the financing and training of characters who openly set as their goal the violent overthrow of the government in belarus. let's discuss the situation with doctor of historical sciences, deputy of the house of representatives vyacheslav danilovich. hello. good afternoon. in your opinion, how did the situation with collaborationist movements in belarus develop, were any technologies used, were they trying to recruit those people to go over to the enemy’s side, how did this situation develop? the years of the great patriotic war, as i understand it, yes, that means, regarding that period, it should be noted that naturally, the intelligence services of the german reich carried out preliminary work before the start of the war with the soviet union, as much as possible. the soviet union, and specifically soviet belarus, if we are talking about some figures associated with belarus, then after the occupation of the territory of the bssr, of course, the nazi
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occupiers sought to somehow attract the population to cooperate, and with the occupation authorities, and this it was done, it means it was done partially. people were forced means, to enter into some kind of cooperation with the nazi authorities in order to get some piece of bread, but i would like to emphasize that what is in belarus, this collaborationist movement, was the smallest among all the territories occupied by the nazis, if we have i mean, yes , european countries, this is about 20,000 people, remember in parallel the numbers of partisans and underground fighters who were on our territory, 374,000 partisans and 70,000 underground fighters, many times over, many times over, and speaking clearly. clear, so yes, that means there were those who was recruited in advance, there were ideological opponents of the soviet regime, who also , in principle, did not care with whom to cooperate, as long as they caused some harm to the soviet society that was unacceptable to them, there were those who were forced to cooperate with the nazi occupiers, also if we we are talking about some armed collaborationist formations at that time,
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then such forced mobilization was practiced, but these belarusian regional defense, the belarusian youth union, so they tried in every possible way to go there. same attracting people means various methods, including coercive methods, but as a rule, those who were forced, which means forces were forced, that is, to join these formations, they soon enough left them and went over to the side of the partisans and underground fighters, so once again i would like to emphasize that the collaborationist movement in belarus, of course, has not received such a scale as in some european states, which, by the way, are the same france, which today is considered one of the winning countries of the nazi reich, in fact there is half there. the french took the side of the occupying nazi authorities, this is also a fact that we should talk about and not be embarrassed about, because it happened in history, i do not in any way beg the merits of those french, for example, who took up arms against the nazi occupiers. at the same time, we see even today attempts to say that the leaders of these collaboration movements on the territory
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of belarus, they were generally ardent patriots and generally wanted, well, strictly speaking motivated their actions to give status. it is impossible for belarus to form its own statehood and so on, in your opinion, how does this actually fit in with the reality that was happening, but it doesn’t fit in at all, everyone knows it, which means the nazi plan, what was supposed to be done with the belarusians, which means they were supposed to be or destroy in any way, which means creating unbearable conditions for living, and there was no talk of preserving any kind of belarusian statehood, only on the final stage, when the nazi occupiers already understood that the soviet union was about to liberate these occupied territories, they
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were carrying out this work with the nazi occupiers, they could not help but see it, they themselves were forced to participate in it, and this completely tainted them, because nazis, they advocated the destruction of the belarusian people in one way or another, for the destruction of the belarusian statehood, these attempts to present these figures as patriots, but they do not stand up to any criticism, no patriot will ever agree cooperation with the enemy who poses with any enemy his people and his state, and even more so if he sets the task of destroying, destroying. this people and a specific, therefore, statehood, therefore they are in no way patriots, in many ways too, again it is necessary, among them there were a large number of those who wanted to get some kind of gain from cooperation with the nazi occupiers, to get rich, and so on and so forth things, so this also needs to be understood and this was present, but once again i would like to emphasize such people in our society, there were very many of them
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very little, thank god, do you think it is appropriate today to draw parallels between collaborationist movements in the repair of the great patriotic war? and those detachments, militants that are formed on the territory of neighboring states for our country, they openly set as their goal the military overthrow of the current government, is there a parallel at the moment, of course there is, now a virtually hybrid war is being launched against the republic of belarus, against the russian federation, our union state, and naturally, this means that the parallel here is actually direct, but in essence these are collaborators who act on the side of the enemy, be they citizens. let’s take that opposition in quotes, because this is not an opposition at all, they are essentially traitors to their people, who have no shame in taking money, which means advocating for
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the common people to live as poorly as possible here in belarus, to create as much difficulty in development as possible of his state, he is simply a traitor, so the parallel, unfortunately, is direct, direct parallel, the only thing in this parallel is a consolation that not then during the second world war, the great patriotic wars , the collaborators did not achieve their goals, now i am sure that this is a collaborationist... the movement will not be crowned with anything successful at the level of error, yes, the number of unconditionally minuscule ones compared to the overall number citizens of the republic of belarus, thank you for the upcoming holiday, mutually too, not often, but there were still cases, i had to deal with a certain skepticism, which revolves around the fact that a repetition of those terrible events are simply impossible, they say we have all become terrible humanists, the inhabitants of a blooming garden can’t even see a fly in flight, genocide in modern realities is simply impossible, so, unfortunately, think those who see nothing beyond their noses. the mass
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extermination of the tutsi is in some ways the first genocide of the information age, it was controlled in real time and directed precisely by the media, of course, if this were not africa, the media would be technologically backward, we are talking about'. tom radio of a thousand hills, for watching tv requires a tv, and this remained an elitist pastime in rwanda; newspapers were published in the country, but to read them, you had to know how to read and write. it was the radio that welded the pogromists into a well-coordinated, disciplined, multimillion-strong army of killers. in the studio, thousands of hills talked about the racial inferiority of the tutsis, although their blackness was forever different from the blackness of the hutus. to treat, experts understandably declared the tutsi to be eternal haters of the hutu pests, although real hatred
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was born during the massacre. i was a copral, i surrendered and they accused me of treason, because i killed the people i was supposed to protect. i was convicted, but i tell you what, healing will take a long time. some people hate tutsis, others hate hutta when... people will leave, then only hatred will go away, but this was not the main thing, the radio waves delivered the crisis signal to the most remote corners of rwanda, transmitted the order to exterminate people to each specific community, if you look for analogues, this is exactly the same as today’s social networks, the connection was instant, although of course one-sided, it was possible to give the order, listen to the report on it execution and... there is no longer any correction, this became one of the reasons for the monstrous scale of the man-killer:
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rational-minded people controlled the destruction of the tut, they would have achieved the goal, maybe they would have called off the pack of killers, but there was no feedback, and therefore everything was done with reserve , in order to exterminate for sure and guaranteed, the hutu elite wanted money from the authorities, they would have received it smeared in blood and dirt, but... prevented a military defeat from the tutsi rebels. in the tragedy of rwanda there is a lot of monstrous and fantastic, or rather fantastically monstrous, one can remember the un peacekeepers who refused protection to the tuts being killed, although un troops were sent there for protection. many of the countries represented here today have sent peacekeepers to rwanda. these were not the soldiers who destroyed rwanda. the international community destroyed us, partly out of indifference, partly out of cowardice.
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it is known that the borders were carefully closed; the border guards of neighboring states calmly watched how, on the other side of the imaginary line of state borders, children were being slaughtered, men were being carried away, and women were being dismembered. the french took a strong part in the genocide an army contingent, he controlled the cities where the massacre took place, and then transported the most bloodthirsty killers abroad. in total, up to 1,100 thousand rwandans died, that is, every fifth resident of the country was killed. the terrible massacre lasted 100 days. at the end, a completely insoluble problem arose. how to punish all murderers? the winners of turest were 120 thousand active participants in the genocide, and these were not all of them. murderers, but even less than 3% of them were convicted, it was calculated that at this rate the trials would last 200 years,
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thought and decided, let the communities be on the ground. give trials and deal with local murderers themselves. it’s a great idea, and it was possible to pass more than a million sentences this way. later, however, it turned out that the local courts were controlled by the very murderers who were supposed to be punished. in general, as usual, they punished whoever they wanted and how they had to. a special international tribunal was in charge of catching the fleeing organizers of the genocide. the most influential ones, of course, hid in europe. and the rich, there were enough of them, for example, in france and belgium, of course, such they were punished only if they were stupid enough to open their eyes and not hide. here is the website of an organization that is trying to achieve justice; according to its data, hundreds of murderers live happily in germany, canada, the usa and britain. here's a couple found in australia. nobody is interested in them, and after
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exposure, seven more are going to be tried in niger. but they won’t get together, while the un paid all the accused $3,000 in benefits, the defendants complained of poverty, in general, quite expectedly, the persecution of the perpetrators of genocide turned into a vile circus performance and a demagogic competition in vulgarity. from april to june 1994, horror reigned in rwanda. the anniversary allows victims to reflect, to heal from... on this day, we understand that this is no longer possible either in africa or anywhere else on the planet. what can i say, justice can only be ensured by force, and of course, if force is on the side of justice. the rwandan genocide
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was controlled and incited by primitive radio. today access to humanity. consciousness is much more extensive, it 24/7 and practically unlimited, you and i carry these devices ourselves and cannot imagine our lives without them. at the same time, the manipulation of consciousness and the promotion of radical ideologies has become literally an everyday thing. nazism is raising its head again. in the west they openly refuse our common victory in the second world war, demolish monuments to heroes and nurture any initiatives aimed at escalation and confrontation. belarusians, no... have repeatedly proven their desire to be masters of their land, we have learned and learned our lessons well history, and we must not forget, our love of peace is not pacifism. that's all for today, this was the trends program, scattered facts packaged into a single concept, see you next time.
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take the blood, do it, one, two, united by the idea of ​​patriotism, they provide all the most important events with the participation of the head of state, meet foreign delegations, represent belarus at socio-political cultural meetings abroad, serve in the company of the honorary corolla is captivating because... . a lot of different events in which he took part. personally, the most memorable thing is to see the leaders of the heads of other states, the honor guard company, the face of the belarusian army, everyone understands the military personnel standing in the ranks that he has no right to make a mistake, their performances are mesmerizing and breathtaking, military incidents are carried out according to...


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