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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 10:55pm-11:55pm MSK

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and on earth the whole people mocked the deity, and the people, the beasts killed without fear, the one who created the world of the sea and not the foundation, and they crucified, screamed, crucify, crucify, mocked, trampled, threw scraps of scraps on the devenets from sharp thorns on the head , nailed them into the sponges, gave vinegar instead of water, and mocked, spat on, and tormented, drove, so if you are the son of god, come down from the cross, they wanted another messiah for themselves, one who would lay the kingdom of the world at their feet, who would make them rich , you are not a real king, as the jews expected, as people all expected, and are still waiting diligently, waiting for the one who will rebuild the whole world,
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compass on a ruler, but such a thing was not born, and will not be born forever, the king is not real, a fool, but only, and what’s wrong to be afraid, and why serve such a one, samrata will wash our feet, and entertain us with a funny story, give us cold wine to drink. to feed us with warm bread, and isn’t it true that we have those for whom everything was done, for whom the president laid down his whole life, here are businesses, prosperity, food, work, roads, hospitals, schools, gardens, here are the best for you conditions, here are benefits for you, here is every year, economic growth, we have never, never lived like this in history, here is everything for you, i give myself all, here is a world that no one else has, here is my life, and some are blind the people,
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deceived by liars, for the purity of your soul, holy one, slandered you with shameful words, and demanded execution over whom, over you, and what would happen then, we also know, enslaved by slaves, lying freedom will not give you peace, you will flood the country bloody streams, flames will run through your cities, there will be no peace for you in the whoredom debauchery, there will be no end to the slander of envy.
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the violent brother of the suffering brother will rise up, and the son will raise the sword against the old father, but isn’t this how everything happens in history and beyond, aren’t these same chosen ones striving for world power, did satan show one lord all the kingdoms of the world and offer him a bow to himself, here the bogomerian west is accumulating wealth. power, strength, weapons, science, and subjugates himself, subjugates peoples, collects everything for himself, but russia always interferes with him, we are so wretched, so bast shoes, so undeveloped, so backward, what kind of king is he, he rides a donkey, what a country this is, you strange, funny people, you lived your whole century as beggars and built temples of god, but i would have rebuilt them into latrines a long time ago, what will he say?
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zamarashkin, this is yesenin, here we are, the zamorashkins, without warm latrines, yes, what can we do, there’s the armadish, napoleon, all the forces of europe, all the advanced great things are with him, there’s hitler and his horde, his steel hulks, that’s three times in wars and devastation, humiliated russia will be able to fight him, but tyutchev is idiots, they didn’t read it, and if they did read it, they didn’t understand it. and he will not notice the proud gaze on the tribal one, which shines through in the other world in his humble nakedness, depressed by the burden of the godmother... all of you, your
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native land in a slave form, is the whole king of heaven. came out blessing. and today the whole west, the whole world, has submissively bowed its head against us. and how long ago was it when a dark cloud enveloped you from the west, under its thunderstorm the forests fell, the mother of cheese the earth shook, and the ominous smoke from the burning villages rose high in a black cloud. and we stand, belarus and russia, we stand in the truth and overcome because we are risen. the lord is with us, he and a russian soldier are going to storm the fortresses, he is making shells with a russian worker, christ is with our president at the command post of the air force of the air defense forces, he was with him when dad came out with a machine gun, he is always there, listens, helps,
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and not a single black bird will fly to our land, the black western satanic bulk is melting, their indestructible temple, the temple of earthly power, is collapsing. the russian soldier, as then, fights for our world, for churches, for his loved ones, for the fact that we are in collectively we call it the fatherland, the guys voluntarily go to the front, into the trenches, because. that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended their homeland, their grandfathers knew that they were living to defend their homeland, and now their grandchildren do not dare to disgrace the family. let's wish victory, and
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that this year, which, according to the dates of the two main great holidays, coincides with the forty -fifth year of victory, nazism will be broken, after a new victory, new heroes will come to your schools to talk about what the homeland is and how it is protect, yes, it’s not for nothing that easter coincides this year with the calendar of the forty-fifth year, you goats, you just don’t know our main strength, the mysterious tactical technique, we need it... “christ is risen, glory to belarus, glory to russia, may darkness perish, the west of judas and traitors, death, where your sting, it is not, but we are, christ is risen, but having conquered the water, not washed by the power of the tomb, the lord has risen,
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appeared to everyone again, the enemies have been defeated, the monstrous anger has fallen , love has dissipated. fields, they did not
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once die in our land, but turned into white cranes, to this day, from the time... all the distant ones fly, they give us voices, isn’t that why so often and sadly, we fall silent, looking at the heavens. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavli. this city was founded in 985
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by grand duke vladimir and given to rognedi. what was the earthly path of the saints?
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change the decision of any government body if it does not ensure the stable development of society, with the exception of a court decision. no society that based its activities on misanthropy, on the destruction of people by people, man by man, had a future, did not have a long history, europe in the form in which it is now has no future. one of the tasks of the all-belarus people's assembly is, of course, to protect the country from ever starting to build it anew. don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. alexander alexandrovich, good evening, hello, sergeevich, today we live in a terrible time, when the last ones are leaving veterans of the great patriotic war, and the collective west does not hesitate to rewrite history. it is in such moments that an effective symbol of heroism is needed more than ever. the brest fortress is also a symbol of the collapse of the wehrmacht's hopes for the blitz creek. in full conditions. no one expected such courage from the soviet people, well, as well as from the belarusians,
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let's face it, in the twentieth year, yeah, just like 80 years ago, the citadel stands on the front line of a war, a new war, informational, hybrid, you see in are there parallels to these events? i see because i'm kind of working in the fortress since 2003, yes, so i have already seen and felt a lot over the years. going from the krovetskaya museum to work in the brest fortress, there is already a certain historical onslaught, falsification of the fortress, so it is no coincidence that we bitterly joke that we have another defense of the brest fortress, only now it is falsifiers of history, and this is scary, but we need to understand that falsification is possible only in a society that does not know its history well, therefore our very important task, and not by chance... in our state a historical the policy, now insistent, is that our youth especially know their
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history, because we say that we must raise a citizen of the country, but a citizen of the country, his integral quality, without which he cannot be a real citizen of knowledge of his history and respect for our history, so our citadel, our brez fortress, it seems to me, now plays a particularly important role in educating the country, you know, it’s not by chance that i invited you to the program today, because in reality we’ve known each other for probably 15 years , yes, and you were the first person who then conducted such a cool excursion, if a citizen of education and pride in his own can be called that, to the brez fortress, because then i even learned so many new things for myself, although all my life i was interested in the history of the great patriotic war and history brez fortress, and lived in the brest region.
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that’s what it is, my eyes are blurred, the greenhouse effect has taken its toll, you have your own answer, you know, i was thinking about this too, this question bothered me too, because in bresten indeed, there was a collision there on masherov boulevard, and they were destroying everything, vandalism was happening, and it seemed, well, maybe we didn’t do something right, but then i realized that these guys who defended our country, and
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the president, who defended our country, they were also in the brezh fortress on an excursion, so after all, the fact that we... defended the country is our essential role, but why, why did these people come out, everything you listed, all this true, a certain type of personality, somewhat infantile, i tell you i will say, because now life is like never before in belarus, calm, well-fed by and large, even look at the number of cars in brest, this is a huge number, and people probably thought that it will always be like this, but what is manipulation?
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territory, for the seizure of economic countries and so on, here, where the war was aimed at destruction, you know, this immediately raises the question of reconciliation, and bandera’s people maybe weren’t so bad either, these are also veterans of the second world war, you know, they are trying to squirm on two chairs like this, on the one hand the volyn massacre, yes, on the other hand hugging bandera on two chairs will not work, because you understand, after all, ukraine
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is our fraternal people, now in connection with the war in ukraine.
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that the brest fortress is a soviet myth, that there was nothing here, don’t believe it, it’s not an excursion, nothing, we ’ll now tell you another story, a true one, that is, the periodically raised question that in reality there was no heroic defense , of course, that the memorial is soviet propaganda, that the writer sergei sergeevich smirnov is a propagandist, he
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exaggerated everything here, that there is nothing to be proud of, this is the key word, look, some pseudo-historians. they also claim that the supposed defense of the brist fortress, and as such, is a fiction. the red army citizens surrendered en masse . what is the most ridiculous myth you personally had to debunk? i won’t say that they are ridiculous, but bitter, perhaps even for perception, firstly, our sofa experts, dear ones, i often had to read that there is a living barrier, it’s all a myth invented by the defenders of the fortress. this is that the germans were hiding behind a human barrier of women and children, i decided this question for myself unequivocally, you see, there was a military meaning in this human barrier, they took up certain positions while covering.
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yes, this excursion, so you understand, the war in ukraine, this is a terrible, bitter war, shows that human barriers are the trademark of the nazis, so for me in this moral sense, not only historical, i fully believe that they did this, committed these war crimes, but have to to prove on excursions to say that, believe me, the crimes of fascism are not made up, this is the topic of executions, that for some time in germany they said that no, the wehrmach is honest. soldiers, they could not shoot hitler’s order and about the treatment of prisoners, the treatment of commissars, jews, like no, only the ss did it, the wehrmach, no, well,
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numerous documents, now the memories of the same diaries of participants in the storming of the brest fortress from the forty-fifth wehrmach infantry division of the germans or austrians themselves, oh yeah, there were a lot of austrians, they write directly, yes, there were executions, they read out the order to convert us. to figure it out at that moment, yes , pyotr kotelnikov remained alive, this is the youngest of the graves still in russia, who is 100 years old, today there are still living defenders, no,
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defenders from those who are like petya kotelnik, albeit a twelve-year-old boy with a weapon in his hands i was upset, no longer, unfortunately, there are children who survived the war, they met the war at a young age, but i must say that boris efimovich feershtein, who died in israel, he is also a defender. but the defender of the fifth fort, another question is that sergei sergeevich smirnov, the museum staff of those years, yes, uh, considered the defenders of the fortress to be the defenders of the fortress core of these four islands, and already those who fought in the forts of the brest fortress, they were considered participants in the battles in the brest area, yes, defenders of brest, that’s why, on the one hand, yes, he was a participant in the battles, a hero, was captured, went through all the horrors of captivity, like the jews there are very tragic stories, this is a separate topic conversation, but in the very core of the fortress he did not fight then in the forty-first year,
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so part of the truth, as always, yes, part is a little exaggerated, but well, it is believed that even major gavrilov, who accepted the last one , is officially recognized as the last defender of the brest fortress battle on july 23 , 1941, that is, a month after the start of the war, he ended up in... then much later after the war he became a hero of the soviet union, but he was buried in brest, and from krasnodar, yes, but is it true that even in august before the arrival of both hitler and musalini in the fortress, the ruins were still being shot at, gavrilov, pyotr mikhailovich, we always say that this is the last of the famous heroes of the brest fortress, there are already german documents. uh written on july 24-25 that on july 23, while clearing the ruins of the fortress there, the german team was fired upon, five german
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soldiers were wounded, then during the cleanup, another sixth soldier was wounded, seven remains of russians were discovered, a senior lieutenant was captured, some historians believe that this is exactly what we are talking about gavrilov, if remember, he initially called himself a senior lieutenant in captivity. others say that this is most likely some other unknown defender of the brest fortress, then there are german memories, and the commandant of the fortress von unruh wrote that when he arrived in brest at the end of july for his post, there was still shooting, and he and fought with this shooting, that’s what the purge was carried out back in august of the forty-first year in early august before the arrival of hitler and mussolini, therefore... this confirmation is still waiting, probably, in the german archives, and thus more, this is the famous story with the last
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defender, who. in the spring of the year he was captured; it became the basis for a story by boris vasiliev; he was not included in the lists. i wanted to literally tell you a little bit, briefly, why i, for example, think that most likely this fact took place, because the foreman of the eighty-fourth rifle regiment durasov wrote about this to sergei sergeevich smirnov in his letter, he was the commander of an ammunition supply platoon, and he wrote: that yes, indeed, when i was in captivity, after my recovery in revere, this was a camp for the wounded the sick, our prisoners, yes, he worked in brest together with one of the jews, yes, they chopped wood there and so on, such a service worker, and he says, once, it was already around april of the forty-second year, this jew he was late, and then he told this
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story that when he was going to work... he was stopped by a german officer who got out of the car and said: “will you come with me, that they came to the fortress, he said, there is a russian sitting there who does not give up , go persuade him, or we will shoot you, this is the famous the story happened, yes, when he said that you are crying, that i want to look at your powerlessness and the german officer said that this is a real hero, everyone knows this, it is written well in the story, but what next, according to the characteristic features this jew, yes, that he was a violinist in a restaurant, by the way, the building where the restaurant was was preserved in brest to this day, the komsomol, he determined that it was the monstavsky hall, that is, you see, durasov did not know the last name, it had already acquired its existence, specifics, and already in the process research work, writing a book about the bresse fortress, but this is not enough, we have a unique brest in that the only archive of the brest geto in europe has been preserved.
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the germans did not have time to destroy it in 1944, when a museum employee examined this archive, she found a card from zalmanstavsky, you see, in the archive , but this archive has already been fully explored, but no, there is, of course, still something that can be explored, but you see , how many such as yes, it turns out beads, which, yes, from which a chain is made, i do you know why i'm asking this?
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you will be a delegate of the supreme council, we will be a little different, but what was this path like from a research assistant to the head of the brest fortress? this is not just the brest fortress, but a belarusian symbol of courage? well, to be honest, frankly speaking, i never set myself the task of being a director or some kind of political figure, i just did my job, probably the main secret is that i am always for the youth. i say this to ours, yes, who comes to the brest fortress, loves his job, if you don’t love your job, don’t we need to do this, it’s impossible, you see, even touching on this issue, yes, we have a certain staff turnover, people leave, but believe me, not the previous director, but grigory grigorievich bysyuk, whom i respect very much, not me, but we don’t fire anyone there it is, they leave on their own, if suddenly,
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you know, there is something in their views, here in their head... the difference with what you say is that it is impossible, impossible, so yes, i regret that people leave, but i think well, the fortress itself often squeezed you out, because well, that means this is not the place where you should work, so, well, it so happened that yes, i loved history since childhood, i went to the brest fortress , gradually i came to work there and worked, worked, and then got a job, so yes, i just probably love my job, i love driving. excursions, although now it’s not required by my position on the one hand, but sometimes i take excursions, because , firstly, i don’t forget there was practice and just talking with people, you also get great pleasure, so i guess i say take those who play coach, believe me, this is very important, especially since i remember my impression that this story of yours really had such a serious influence at that time, it was completely different, not like usual, you know, probably also because, well, sort of...
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yourself it’s not good to say modestly, but well, i honestly let every excursion go through my soul, and the main thing is that for me these defenders of the fortress are like family to our team, so when we say: on excursions we worry about them, we let them through our soul , i have to say that one one of the significant points in the work of the memorial is that we have preserved the continuity of generations, yes, we are not in a mine, in the sense, yes, that physical health and age are not the main thing for us, experience is very important, so i, as director, try to do our the older generation, yes, who taught me, for as long as possible, i say, while you are working, work, because you are a living example from... history, a connection between generations, yes, and you are educating our youth, who come by your example with this fiery relationships, caring about work, this is very important, because it is very important, you know, such a person read important words, history can
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only educate with the truth. you don’t allow us to rewrite history, even for the sake of even more drama, well, you are the same person who wrote the script for ugolnikov’s film the brez fortress, yes, well, that’s what they say. the historical consultant and chief consultant was valery vladimirovich gubarenko, who then headed the brest fortress, but all experienced employees participated, you see, we didn’t do it that way, as soon as we read, we gave it to everyone experienced employees should read this, so this is not just my opinion. the whole team, for example, because we firmly believed there, well, there were nuances, i can even say, there was an idea that the captured major gavrilov, on august 26 he was shown to hitler and musalini, you know, but i always say as a screenwriter,
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i say, believe me , you read the memoirs of the defenders of the fortress, because we gave such folders with memories, with a letter from sergei sergeevich to smirunov, i say, you such stories that life never writes in in life you can’t figure out how to think of something, if there were such moments in life that you can sit and read their tragedy, this heroism of people, therefore, since life itself came up with, no one will come up with, so these, yes, as it were on the one hand, it seems, well, it’s a good moment, gavrilov is spitting there, let’s say in hitler’s face, yes, but well, in real life this doesn’t happen, as soon as you lie, they stop believing you in the rest, yes , of course, but... alexander alexandrovich, after all , hollywood does not hesitate to rewrite history, to attribute victory to itself through yes movie epics, and well, maybe sometimes we don’t need this pedantry, after all? well
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, this is a difficult question, you know, i’ll tell you this, mm, well, we, some believe in god, some don’t , i, for example, believe in god, so i think that we shouldn’t become the same as them, because what is the point then, if we are the same, it is our peculiarity, yes, love for the truth of our people, yes, for the truth, the fact that we will not lie or embellish ourselves, it ultimately wins, really, everything will still make its way, yes, they are there now they imagine that even now during polls in poland, i looked, yes, they are already saying with whom, poland won, with which allies, yes, the usa,
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especially with regard to the great patriotic war, but people are not stupid in the west either , yes, with us, when they are faced with this outright lie, they want to know, but what really happened, this is when they want to know, unfortunately, a significant number, excuse me, as they say, people are eating, but for such a slant it is not very appropriate for the program , but i remember perfectly specific for example, now yes, when the wargaming company, when they drew the image of an astronaut, gagarin was all there. in a helmet, but this is the famous inscription of the ussr, yes, but suddenly it wasn’t there, it just wasn’t there, because you seem to know the image, the first cosmonaut, yes, but a small nuance, but so indicative.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at the transmur countries and came to the belarusian city where alexander vasilyevich. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago here there was the lower castle and posad, and then the town hall rose, where the city highway was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish , weighing 41 kg and two long. meters to show how unusual and
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wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most picky travelers. watch the program "cities of belarus". on the tv channel belarus-24. white-red now. our flag, let’s stand hand in hand, the hitch is a priori an element of attack, of course, the phrase “let’s stand hand in hand” is a call, here is the bc flag, inciting social hatred and enmity, but this is different, probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian party, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is exchanging article 342, what kind of people are you...
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i support ukraine, well, it’s not up to this supported the inhabitants of the bratsk donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now, being in georgia and moving...
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in the ninth grade, more information in general on the war in paragraphs already in the eleventh graduating class, everything is combined in two paragraphs of the entire second world war, in the ninth in the class, more about the defense of the brest fortress was given and names, some circumstances, the task of the school is to give basic knowledge, and the second task of the school is to take them on excursions, and to the same khatyn, the museum of the great patriotic war in minsk, and isn’t it too late to start in ninth grade? it’s a bit late, so it needs to be done.
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because they would have studied the anthem there in the late eighties, not minsk, and it was correct, it took place in the nineties, when they drugged us, but then you see, all the same, this childish upbringing is now manifesting itself in us, so i believe that the state should huge resources should be allocated to educators so that they have higher salaries, because a lot depends on educators, you know, when a person becomes 13,
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the system of communication with the ministry of education is to ensure that museum-pedagogical classes are conducted for younger schoolchildren, we have a wonderful excursion to the hello museum when the kids come. they are not overloaded with information, but at least you understand, they will come, and then they will say, yes, i was in the brest fortress, i received something, you know, they threw a grain, and then a sprout grows from there and... a patriot of his country grows, and about the ussr, i also want to, you know, how to say, i thought for a long time, and so i assessed why not we get films about the great patriotic war, well, basically, i even watch a little of everything, turn it off, but because it is impossible to make a film about the great
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patriotic war without communist ideology, no matter how we communists, anti-communists treat it, but when it just pulls out , you know, as if there was nothing. everything, everything is falling apart, because no matter what we say, the komsomol members, the communists were moving forward, the idea was big, but what is sometimes missing in our times, so by throwing out this, yes, we seem to we are throwing out the child with water, so here, but if we are talking about patriotic education, i am interested in your personal opinion, on another issue, i would , in addition to preserving the memory of the great patriotic war, bring back the lessons of god’s law. i heard that your brother paints icons, yes, that’s how faith, in your opinion, can help preserve memory, historical memory, well, war and faith are also inseparable, you know, if such questions are already theological, i read a book about a serbian saint
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about the future war, when he wrote before the second world war and in general, many parameters were correct , its future was predicted and what he... it will be impossible without faith to achieve victory in a holy cause, but temporarily it is possible, of course, success, because why does it seem that the godless soviet state defeated germany, but because they all had such bright feelings of patriotism, they really fought against evil, against the fiend of hell, so the war must be waged, of course, thank god i didn’t fight, but with respect for the enemy. in any way, you understand, without mocking him, that is, when you have a spiritual core, you are at the front it’s easier to fight, according to god’s laws they must play a role, even in war, well, tell me, it’s a historical fact, on the territory of the brest fortress, this is a white church, it was then a club, yes, yes, why today
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is it really an active object already spiritual, church, yes, why is this important, in addition, it is also... a center for the spiritual education of the military, this is a large stronghold for them now in our brez garrison, an interesting story, and in the 19th century a garrison orthodox church was built, then in the twenties, thirties years, in connection with politics, the polish garrison was rebuilt into the church of st. casimir, just the day before the military club, in which, by the way, efim moiseevich fvamin spoke at a lecture before the screening of the film ... from june 1, that there will be no war, wow, message from tas that it was all just rumors, immediately after a few hours the war began, and then - the dilapidated temple stood as an object of a memorial complex, yes, in the ninety- fourth year it was decided to hand it over to the believers, its restoration began,
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the rector of the temple, father igor, live in in general, he put it on its restoration, but inside the temple... there were still traces of battles, here is a very strong contrast, external beauty, yes, in the pseudo-byzantine style, you go inside, traces of battles, marks, yes, this is very important not lose, because the energy there is very powerful, crazy, it’s true, and i believe that a warrior without faith cannot be a real warrior, a defender of his fatherland, because yes, i ’ll tell you more, also touching on the patriotic issue, but how can we educate ? patriotic fight against the consumer society, which now prevails all over the world, and over spiritual values, because as the modern war in ukraine has shown, yes, an egoist will not go to defend his country, because he only cares about himself, only a person is not an egoist, he can give your life something, but
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our task as a state is to help young people understand what they can give their life for, we are not calling for them to die or... that according to their assumptions, they should be buried at the volyn fortification the remains of soldiers, our fifty-second separate specialized battalion of the ministry of defense carried out excavations, found... 10 remains that were reburied under the slabs of the memorial, it is important for understanding to know that when the memorial was opened
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in 1971, there were the remains of 823 people, they were solemnly reburied, this those that were reburied from the garrison cemetery, where they were before the construction of the memorial, found during construction work, now we have 1048 remains under the memorial slabs, yeah. besides, this is voiced during according to german data, we definitely know that about 2.0 remains of the dead defenders of the fortress were buried by the hands of our prisoners, that is, you see, another hundred remains, we assume, are in our land, they ask to be solemnly preserved, that is, discovered, so the work this search will continue until the last one is found, but soldier, the war is not over.
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found 58 remains in this crater, a crater made from a large-caliber six-hundred-millimeter martira karl shell, and yes, but it was found from photographs that appeared in on the internet, how our prisoners dumped the remains of the dead there, but it was found. if i’m not mistaken, 11 medallions, but only two were read and one was identified from letters in portman, one of these three people out of 58 identified was taglin, the defender of the fortress, just imagine that in 71 his name was symbolic in the documents, yes, according to the recollections certified by the military registration and enlistment office, eyewitnesses of his death are placed on the slab and memorial, 70 years after his death in 2011 on...
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stories must be charged, these must be patriots on their side, because children look to the example, yes, it’s impossible for us
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to tell them about patriotism at the same time behave completely differently, they will say: well , what are you telling us here, but who are you yourself? so, that’s why it seems to me, well, this is being carried out, we also have a commission under the administration, the president of the republic of belarus, and on historical policy, this is an important role for us to produce patriotic teachers. who, by personal example, well, what can i say, there are moments, yes, when you have to go to the brest fortress, teachers say, oh, again to this brest fortress, if the teacher says what the child will think, or the parents tell him, again money must be spent on this disgusting fortress, it is very important that these people who tell children about the great patriotic war themselves empathize, they themselves love this topic and ourselves... well, there is a word called participation, so to cultivate participation, so that people not only of history, but of our modern life in
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belarus are involved and empathize. well, you have an indicative badge now, yes, the very concept of historical memory has already become a constitutional norm, protected, yes, protected by the state, but by -laws and legislative acts are always important in the development of constitutional norms, what kind of legislative acts do you think today? and the supreme national assembly, which plays this role, cementing, yes, providing a connection between generations, and a political transition from
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shocks, protecting, again, the genocide of the belarusian law. it seems like there are all the laws, but they must work, here, probably, even more of a role is to ensure that these laws begin to actually work, to ensure that so that they work, then, if we talk about such ordinary things, you know, sometimes this abbreviation of the second world war squabbles, you think, well, what kind of second world war, even in documents and public space, the great patriotic war is shortened like that, it’s impossible, there are things that ... you can’t shorten it or speed it up, because by shortening the second world war we are disrespecting the memory of the great patriotic war, i ’m talking about myself, sometimes you make such mistakes yourself, but it’s very important to be faithful to the memory in the little things, because without this there will be one verbiage and we won’t achieve anything, then
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an important understanding, according to lawmaking , yes... so that memorial sites have a special status, because now we often have to deal with the understanding that the brest fortress is a tourist site, no, the brest fortress is first of all, a memorial site, a memorial complex, so there should be some restrictions there on many issues, and people should not come to exchange, it should probably be a difficult question, no, let’s be straight to say, if this is a memorial complex, there is definitely no plan... well, the state must, of course, in my opinion , take on very large financial obligations, because culture and some financial issue must, of course , earn money, but first of all it about other things, yes, it’s difficult to combine money, and spirituality, because this is aleksandrevich, don’t even continue, i’ll tell you the idea that i always try to impose, ideology cannot
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be free, absolutely. you can’t sell it, you need to spend it on it, invest in it, because then the losses from stopping the economy for ideological reasons will cost us all much more, and we return with you again to the topic of 2020 tortured in this way, it turns out that we and somewhere here the belarusian dimness did not want to offend the same neighboring poland, some- then questions.
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i am very sorry that i have to ask the last, almost philosophical traditional question, a lot of films have been made about the bresse fortress, what we need to learn from them, and what we need to learn, you know, i really love the writer pikule, he has a book. the square of fallen fighters has such beautiful words, he says, but what, he says, why even in those villainous times people were different, but because they loved their homeland more than is customary now, but these are the key words in their memories, pride for the country, this is sorely lacking, i repeat once again that without pride in the country
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it is impossible to fight for it, and the state cannot develop. without people feeling this pride for their country, for what has been done, now thank god, that’s all we understand, then the next question is that people gave their lives, yes, repression, again, so i raised the question in the film brest fortress in the credits, according to gavrilov it is said, but about repression and how many experts on the brest fortress told us, here you have gavrilov repressed , was never repressed, read the title, it says subjected to repression, what does that mean? that gavrilov was forced out of the army, that he, with the mark of a prisoner, could not get a normal job, he worked as a watchman in krasnodar in some shack, which his knocked down with his hands, is this a place for a hero, we should not turn a blind eye to the negative moments in history, because when we embellish it, let’s see if we do it, young people will not believe this story, so we
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should talk about these relations towards former prisoners in history... of the fortress, but what is significant is that those who survived were even subjected to the unfair treatment of the soviet state, and in the first years after the war there... küng, nikolai fedorovich, the same defender of the fortress who was in prison there for several months they beat me because that in buchenwald he was among the participants in the uprising in the camp, yes, and they tried to admit that he was an sdm agent there and so on, and what do you think, they lived with a grudge against their country, no, until the last days of their lives , but thanks to the fact that i came to the fortress a long time ago, i even corresponded with them, they wrote all the time in letters about how... how we can develop russia, belarus, that is, they were worried about the country, the quality of a patriot, because patriotism not only in the biological feeling of love, no, patriotism must be conscious, we must understand the shortcomings, see and think about
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how we can improve the country, you know, life in the country, and the defenders of the fortress teach us all this, because in fact, you know, some historians say that the war was won by ten years, that is, education, culture, which... we must invest our people, that’s what, i’m not an economist, i understand that economic programs are put in first place somewhere, but if we miss education and culture, then who will we grow up, but this moment is impossible since childhood, so i want to end with this, and i want to really be heard, you need to start from childhood, from kindergarten, from kindergarten.
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when the news of the victory came, i was 7 years old, it would seem like just a child, but i remember everything clearly, children were early then. became adults, and behind me was a concentration camp and a military hospital, where i became a blood donor for german soldiers, i was then 4 years old, according to the nazis, quite a suitable age for donation, i remember how they brought burnt german tank crews, just for them. ..fastest of all, they could only survive two transplants, remembering this time is difficult and skin was needed, and donors, skinners, died terribly, but this is not forgotten,
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our family celebrated victory day in our city, we were released, and we immediately returned, came to our house on the street and were surprised to find it. that it was not completely bombed, among the complete ruins three walls survived and a wood warehouse was preserved, but people were already living there, so...


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