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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 8, 2024 11:55pm-12:16am MSK

11:55 pm
i was 4 years old at the time, which, according to the nazis, was quite a suitable age for donation. i remember how they brought in burnt tank crews, they just needed skin, and the donors, the skinners, died the fastest, they could only survive two transplants, i remember that time. it’s hard and scary, but it’s not forgotten. our family celebrated victory day in our city. we were released and immediately returned. we came to our house on the streets and were surprised to find that it had not been completely bombed. among the complete ruins, three walls survived ; a wood warehouse was preserved, but people were already living there people. began to live together, so on may 9, on
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the radio we called him burdock, announced the complete defeat of the nazis, i remember there was no limit to rejoicing, the weather was sunny, wonderful, everyone who was in the house ran to the city center to the square, there too - the victory was announced to a large loudspeaker, the people were congratulated, people rejoiced. hugged, my grandmother then arranged a festive dinner on this occasion, salted sprat soup, a jar of canned food, she buried it in the underground before the germans arrived, and they were made from potato peelings and chaff, because we lived very hungry then, but that’s another story, the main thing is that we waited for victory.
11:57 pm
the lithuanian authorities have set conditions for the osce office for democratic institutions and human rights. on the upcoming ones. there should be no observers from belarus and russia in the lithuanian presidential elections. imagine such electoral transparency, and small lithuania can dictate to the osce who will be allowed to observe the progress and legitimacy of their democratic elections with which passport. we provided a platform for lithuanian presidential candidates. what is happening in lithuania, what what the candidates are thinking about the race leader, incumbent president nausėda, as well as the sweep. before
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the battle, the lithuanian government is preparing the population for the war for the greatness of america. interviews with presidential candidates are exclusively in russian. the presidential elections in lithuania will be held on may 12, with a second round expected 2 weeks later if none of the candidates receives an absolute majority. eight candidates remain in the race. current president gitanos nauseda, prime minister ingrida simonyte, former nato deputy secretary general gedrimos eglinskos, former advisor to the minister health care eduard svaytkus. still you.
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arunas rimkus, ex-candidate for the presidency of lithuania, self-nominated candidate, age 61, psychiatrist at the siauliai republican hospital, former member of the siauliai city... precisely because i really don’t like what both the president and our government are doing, including, well, i’m more and i’m more interested in, as i said, how we
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can become richer, wealthier and everything and how i see the actions of the government, they do a lot of things like that...
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i must adhere to some kind of self-censorship, yes, yes, what would you change if you became president, what problem points have the current government missed, for example, is medicine accessible and what is the standard of living of lithuanians? well, this is a painful topic, i would like
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to say, before the covid period in lithuania, i think it was well... health care, well, nothing is being done to do this better, people who earn, well, an average salary, pay taxes more than half of their salary, two-room apartment, well in winter, well, i know
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an example, it could be in cold weather 80 euros for heating, for time. independence , there was a significant outflow of population, you lost more than a million people, for such a small country this is a significant figure, a third, in lithuania a lot of people left, of course, abroad and...
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and this is the most popular thing to say in order to become a famous politician at the head of state , you need to promise a lot, everything will be fine, well, this is a problem of democracy, in this case, maybe the problem is the distortion of the very concept of democracy by these politicians? it's not the best people who get into power, that's why there are such thoughts, but it’s true, i think
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it’s a very good truth, that in democracies, well, in lithuania, when it became independent, i think there were authorities, there were many more smart people than now, in the dictatorship, in countries with dictatorships, there are, there are advantages, of course, because...
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dictatorship and democracy are not about terms from a political science textbook, an absolute ideology, and a media one, according to the principle of divide and rule, two opposite poles, west and east. on the one hand , democracy is what western countries call it the nato coalition, on the other hand, the dictatorship in the east, this is how we, russia, iran and china are branded. the democracy of the west is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but the predator lives by eating
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others, shooting, napalm explosions on the civilian population. this is vietnam 1972. america decided to bring democracy there. a girl, her body was burned 60% from the bomb democracy. total 6,727. bomb. america dropped on vietnam in the name of democracy. also yugoslavia, where the united states and the coalition came to fight the dictatorship, dropping bombs on the maternity hospital. afghanistan, libya, egypt, iraq, syria. africa knows this, rich in resources, but poor for the most part, because america took everything for next to nothing. colonial democracy printing press works wonders. invest a dollar in a dozen trained puppet politicians, they themselves... will give up both resources and land, this is a democracy of slave owners, capital and
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oligarchs, they themselves order terms from ideologists, and then carry out a supposed peacekeeping mission to eliminate the so -called dictator countries and plant a puppet there democracy, here in these countries the government no longer dictates, but mumbles, gives and gives, this is a disaster, a disaster for the state and for the people, but not for the united states, its puppet politicians, where relations are built like those of little steam. in the trough of sports, we very clearly stand with america, because it is still a hegemonic country, at least for now, with which it is necessary. to whose music lithuania dances, what america means more in lithuania and what proposals are being hatched for the suwalki corridor, in the next episode the ex-deputy secretary general of nato, candidate giedrimas eglinskas, will tell us about this.
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farmers have something to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell almost 7.5 billion dollars to hundreds of countries on the planet, and with falling world prices, with good agricultural technology, with a good approach, we can get remarkable harvests today. on our varieties, our corn differs by 3-4 centners out of 100, and if we compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imported corn becomes unprofitable. belarus is among the top five countries exporting dairy products and among the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but on there is no need to stop what has been achieved;
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the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged. with the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can give new varieties from science that are highly productive and are resistant to diseases and pests, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how they are at home , how to behave when visiting, amigus, kind difference amigus.
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watch on belarus 24 tv channel only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, you know what, i ’ve been thinking about visiting here for a long time, because this is a city, real history, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, a post office building, and not exactly
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a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence and set off on an exciting journey. discover belarus together with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. raise its children, if you need a manual leader, manager, military commander, just educate him, he will not contradict, he will obey, he will bring even his relatives to their knees, it will be... the conversation, however, is very revealing, at the end we will count how many times the candidate for the presidency of lithuania named the name of his country, and how many said it?


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