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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 12:15am-12:45am MSK

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if you want to defeat the enemy, raise his children, if you need a manual leader, a manager, a military commander, just educate him, he will not argue, he will obey, he will bring even his relatives to their knees, this will be an atypical conversation, but very revealing, in the end we will count, how many times the lithuanian presidential candidate said the name of his country, and how many times he said the usa. an interview with the ex-deputy deputy of nato on our air, my name is ekaterina tikhomirova, this is the inside out project and we have provided a platform for candidates for the presidency of lithuania.
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lithuania under the soviet union, like the other baltic republics, was a showcase of the ussr; resources from the center were poured there as a priority. industry was created in the republic. ignalina nuclear power plant, the only oil refinery in the baltics, the venta chip plant, the baltia shipbuilding plant, a machine tool plant, an electrical engineering plant, a port in klaipeda, and the list goes on for a long time. from the point of view of the soviet union, the baltic states, including lithuania, were at the junction of two civilizations, therefore they had priority economic and infrastructural development. however, for western civilization, the core of which is the united states, lithuania is a deep backyard, a doormat in front of the door of the european union, especially against the backdrop of a new round of confrontation between russia and the north atlantic alliance. america is not interested in large-scale development of lithuanian infrastructure. the lack
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of economic support is compensated by turning the country into a military springboard, i served in the leadership for 3 years, i am in the leadership of the ministry of defense, also as a deputy minister, i have extensive experience in the private sector from all over the world, i served in the army in intelligence, i have a suitable education and west and georgetown and columbia , everything is in the united states, all this experience, this makes me suitable, it seems to me the most ... candidate for the presidency of lithuania, in lithuanian political circles designated as opposition, age 44 years old, graduated from the us military academy at westpoint, served in lithuanian intelligence, and served as nato deputy secretary general for organizational management from 2019-22. gedrimos, why did you decide to run for office? presidents of lithuania, you are not satisfied with the policies of the current leadership of the country. well, i decided
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to run for president, because at this stage of history, we see it very well, what is happening in ukraine, what is happening throughout the region, when geopolitics remains unstable, lithuania needs a leader with vision, strong competencies in the field of defense, security, diplomacy and with leadership experience, that is, you believe that the current president nausėda does not have such qualities? it is obvious that at this time at the moment, lithuania's foreign policy lacks unity and, it seems to me, professionalism. lithuania's foreign policy can be described as, i think, chaotic, aimless and even romantic. in my vision, lithuania should strengthen our relationship with the united states, as the world changes, we see growing competition from authoritarian powers, as if. russia, china. on the external political
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circuit, today russia and china represent competition for us global hegemony. to replace the unipolar system led by states comes multipolar. the east asserts itself primarily in economic terms. this is an impressive share of global gdp. the share of countries included in brix today, for example, taking into account the states that are joining the association. by 2040, global gdp will increase from 36 to... 5%, this will more than double the share of the g7 countries, despite the fact that the organization is an economic association, the west perceives it as a challenge and calls it an open enemy. shanghai cooperation organization, among them nuclear powers, the second and sixth economies in the world, 60% of the territory of eurasia and almost half of the planet's population. brix and sco are considered the main threat to us dominance. what do you have?
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the usa is the most important country and of course the most important thing, it seems to me, is that there would be more in america in lithuania.
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the usa is a hegemonic country with which lithuania needs to stand to the last, but you are now talking about foreign policy, and what other strategic decisions would you make if you were the president of lithuania? well, of course, the usa comes first, the second thing is nato, and nato - foreign policy, but also security policy, that’s all, that’s all, everything, everything goes together, and of course, more nato in lithuania, especially speaking of this. the suwalki corridor, as they call it, this is poland, lithuania, the border of poland, lithuania, i have an idea that how, in order to implement it, we must execute it, we must, we must, in truth, this speaks about this at the highest level, this
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the president with the president of poland, with the president and chancellor of germany, with the president of the united states. the topic of the suwalki corridor always becomes a political tool in the run-up to elections, for example, in poland, before the parliamentary elections, morowiecki looked at a map of the winding border with lithuania. for decades, both poland and lithuania have been saying that here, at this point in suwalki, there will be a breakthrough
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by belarusian and russian tanks, but they have never learned how to defend this corridor. suwalki, by the way, is a winding two-lane road, extremely inconvenient for a military log.
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lithuania was recognized in the line as the most drinking country in the world in 2023. in 2023 , there were 19,600 per 100,000 inhabitants suicides. for many years, lithuania has been holding first place in the ranking within the european union; according to summarized data, about 22 thousand people left lithuania in 2023, which is 44% more than the year before. however, lithuania explained the percentage increase by the departure of citizens of ukraine and belarus from the country. yes, this, this, of course, it’s not like a problem, but it’s just like that, this is a question that needs to be, we just need to find, find, measures to, so that all this is published, but we 34 years ago, when we regained
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our independence, we had 3.700 thousand people, now we have 2,700,000 people there, projections, they say that in... at the border , refugees from africa and the middle east, women and children are maimed and killed with impunity. belarus records dozens of casualties and injuries. and you were
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the deputy secretary general of nato, and i will repeat your words, you know the alliance from the inside, as far as i understand, ukraine was counting on greater participation of the alliance than is actually happening, what is happening in the west, we see everything well, this is not a surprise, because that this is this year, this is an election year, we all knew that every democracy. there will be - all sorts of interesting things will happen there, and we see very clearly, it seems to me, what is happening in the usa. another thing, this is our entire, well, ours, i say, western, western industry, military industry, which does not yet work in military uniform, this is still all we have in all sorts of countries - this. this is not a howl, how well , we live as if in peace, but the world is no longer at peace, this is
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time, this is time that ukraine does not have, so of course i’m an optimist, but well , it really seems necessary, we need to stand together, we need to we can more clearly call on both the united states and the most important economic countries that have this potential to produce weapons. in europe it is necessary, well, the pace should be completely different, ukraine is fighting for us, and nato is ready for confrontation with russia? yes, we are very ready, of course we are ready, and this is very important for america to remain strong and united. yes, we, we need a strong america. we count. so, gedrim from glinsk with his lips, the name,
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his country, lithuania, and derivatives sounded 10 times. america, usa, 22 times. do you think he such one? washington's relations with the baltic countries from the very beginning are built on the model of suzerain and vasal, who loyally stand on their hind legs in front of the owner. moreover, such import of personnel over the years. established in the baltics, iglinskos, perhaps, does not have an american passport, although who knows, at one time an american passport did not prevent thomas hendrik ivels from leading estonia for 10 years, and a canadian citizen, vaira vikki feiberga, surrendered her passport a day before her election by the sejm president of latvia. valdas adamkus too renounced his american citizenship just 5 days before taking office as president of lithuania. and in the us policy towards... lithuania and the other baltic republics today , a clearing strategy is clearly visible;
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politicians trained and directed by america have a smaller population, less industry, agriculture and infrastructure against the backdrop of the militarization of the region. ekaterina tikhomirova was with you, see you.
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what's the best way to test your erudition?
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i was waiting, i want to catch up with lyosha at three. paris, london, new york, name the last city provided we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne, that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. don't take ones that are too light. in such fruits either. there are no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. enough unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if
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you have a difficult day ahead and you know that you need a huge amount of energy. this is the breakfast that will really help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, see the breakfast of a champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel . the country has updated the action program for price stabilization, what additional measures
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the government proposes and how they will affect inflation, let’s figure it out together. to work under the protection of the state and... unions, how the interests of working people are protected in what work difficulties the trade union movement will help in the interview of the program and the product face of belarusian sweets at the international symposium of confectioners, we will tell the development of the industry. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you. hello. an action program to stabilize prices has been approved in belarus. strategic the document contains measures to reduce inflation in sectors of the economy. supplying the domestic market with goods, increasing import-substituting production. every year since 2022, the government and the state control committee have taken similar measures, improved pricing methodology, and conducted monitoring. a similar action program has been approved for 2024. in general, the country has built a system that allows, if
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necessary, to curb inflation, as well as provide the consumer market with a wide range of goods. what additional measures? developed by the government this time, veronica buta will tell you. there are no serious reasons for rising prices in belarus. the inflation expectations of the population were studied by the national bank of the country. the regulator came to the conclusion: belarusians view the situation on the market more positively compared to last year. thus, in their opinion, the growth in consumer prices in the future could reach 11%. then, as in...
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in general, in the world economy, which is destabilizing today, it has not disappeared anywhere, therefore, in order to prevent this negative impact on the domestic market, this response measure was introduced, in the form of price regulation, until these external factors of negative impact disappear, until then this measure will apparently remain in effect. task number one is to maintain price stability and availability of goods primarily through our products. these are targeted measures. to increase the number of goods presented on the domestic market, this applies primarily, of course, to domestically produced goods, it is planned to increase volumes and range of production of vegetables
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in protected soil, the work recommended by the stabilization fund will be improved, which allowed us in the past and this off-season to provide a wide range of belarusian fruit products on the domestic market at affordable prices, of course, the activation of our producers according to... the system price regulation, control over its implementation is of little importance; this work includes not only march and state control, the local vertical, parliamentarians and concerned belarusians. as for control activities, here we see the main function from the point of view of more prevention, namely, that is, with the very goal of punishing the subject. it, in principle, allows
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a business entity to issue recommendations based on the results and, accordingly, only if these recommendations are not followed, then appropriate measures of responsibility are applied, and probably the most severe measure is the suspension of the activities of retail facilities on the initiative. last year for gross violation of trade 53 entities have suspended their activities, this year there are seven of them so far. positive dynamics remain in pricing. as for the facts of violation of legislation in the field of pricing, i would like to note that the dynamics here in terms of compliance and price discipline are positive, if in the twenty-second year we identified almost such violations in a quarter of our checks. objects, then last year only 12% of business entities subject to control and analytical measures committed such violations, here this positive trend continues
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this year. the joint program of action of the government and state control to stabilize prices, by the way, this is the third in a row - this is a strategic document. most of the activities are already implementing a number of tools; they are being further refined, for example, approaches to regulating dominants and monopolists will be improved, as well. comfortable working conditions and additional guarantees; such requirements are imposed on all organizations, regardless of their form of ownership. practice shows where
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there are no trade unions, violations of labor laws are more common, and workers have much less opportunity to defend their rights. how are the interests of working people protected today? why is the trade union movement in belarus one of the best? let's ask valery kursevich, chairman of the belarusian trade union of industry workers. trade unions are the largest public organization in the country today, so what role do these associations play in society today? you know, the head of our state said that trade unions are the foundation of civil society, they are truly a connecting link, we are 4 million trade union members, so we are everywhere, we... are close to the worker, we are close to his needs and aspirations, and the first to whom in production, in the workplace, to whoever
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a trade union member turns to is, of course, the trade union leader. we resolve labor safety issues, monitor the provision of personal protective equipment, working and living conditions, and the level of wages. an important step in protecting workers' rights is the creation of primary trade unions, tell us in the organization, which you head, do you have any features that other industries don’t have? the bilsh trade union unites more than 280 thousand trade union members, these are workers at our mechanical engineering enterprises, enterprises subordinate to... industry, military industry, light industry and state standards, it is clear that this is a very large part of the real sector of the economy, and there are different working conditions, for pilots, for welders, turners, which is why we place special emphasis on labor protection, of course, we have many collective agreements, collective agreements are aimed at increasing the material well-being of workers, i want to brag about one of the norms
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that has been implemented in our collective... when a woman registers for pregnancy at 12 weeks, she can go on so -called prenatal leave with payment of the average wage, that is, these are the agreements there is with the employer, we really have clear interaction with social partners, and we are always proud of this. as for import substitution, this is the kind of work being done in this direction by the industrial sector today belarusian enterprise? our enterprise, no matter how difficult it was, has resolved many issues with import substitution and is glad that we can also produce hypoid bridges, that is, we can produce highly competitive equipment, this has given impetus to the development of competence in our industries, so import substitution is an impetus for development the entire industry, the entire real
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sector of the economy. and we are also here nearby and help, for example, through a collective agreement, norms regarding rationalization proposals with a certain type of incentive for additional payments, including for the quality of products, so this is a link in the same chain. what are the emphasis in the year of quality in the work of industry, what tasks do enterprises face? the teams clearly understand that only high-quality products can be produced. this is a guarantee of productive work of the enterprise for the long term, but the long term is a guarantee of the fulfillment of the collective agreement, a guarantee of an increase in wages, the fulfillment of all accepted obligations, therefore the teams are aimed at high-quality work, it was always carried out, there is no need to say that somewhere before something
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was done poorly. under the brand made in belarus - this is a quality brand, therefore, but a special emphasis in the year of quality is given to this impulse, a lot of modernization is taking place at our enterprises, this is pleasing, we are sprouting new types of equipment, and modernization means better working conditions, this means better productivity, quality, and, accordingly, an increase in the well-being and satisfaction of our workers. now a short advertisement, then we will tell you about the courses currency and the development of the confectionery industry, we will show off the product at the international confectionery symposium, coming soon! let's go on a trip to belarus; this town was built from 94 to 96 last year. it is unique
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in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. good afternoon, masha, kolki gods, kolkas, oh, don’t even count, i really really miss your bread, but in general it’s very cool that it’s available, wax, we know where to buy it, and eggs, that’s it, we sit and get creative , visit me.


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