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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 12:45am-1:11am MSK

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now a short advertisement, then we will talk about exchange rates and the development of the confectionery industry, we will show the product at the international confectionery symposium, soon! we are going on a trip to belarus, this town was built in the last century, it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here, with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. good afternoon, masha, kolka years, kolka, oh, don’t even count, i really really missed your bread, but in general it’s very great that it’s available, wax, we know where to buy eggs, everything, we sit and do creativity, visit me.
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see the program for the route. on the tv channel belarus 24. in principle , everything is degrading for them today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary, are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same thing concerns their politics, their economy, then what is the west now, a lost cause? if you are not
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lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory. we feel this makevialist approach, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone. we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, to meanness, to cooperate with the devil and the devil just to win, so our path is long, but... this is a conscious choice. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest and we continue. to the current exchange rates at the national bank. a dollar costs 3 rubles 22 kopecks. the euro exchange rate will be.
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347, for 10 yuan they give 4.45 belarusian, for 100 russian - 3 rubles 52 kopecks. and now to the traditional may events, one of which has already become the international symposium of confectioners, it will be held in minsk on may 23 and 24, and differs from previous ones in its scale, delegations from russia, serbia, kyrgyzstan, brazil will come to exchange experiences, discuss new opportunities for cooperation , china, african countries. representatives of leading confectionery factories, bakeries of large retail chains in belarus, manufacturers, raw material equipment suppliers. participants will enjoy seminars, master classes, presentations and tastings. anton malyuta more details. the sweetest industry in belarus consists of dozens of enterprises throughout the country. each with its own specialization, its own branded products and its own audience. yes, everyone has different tastes,
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but one thing is certain: our confectionery is tasty and of high quality. the upcoming symposium will be dedicated to the year of quality. we expect great interest from our eac colleagues. since we are in a single eurasian space, at the level of the five countries of the eurasian union, we must comply with uniform requirements, including for confectionery products. today , work is underway, already, i would say, work of the second plan, we have already... for almost 7 years defended the requirements for chocolate at the site of the eurasian commission, defended them, made changes to the relevant technical regulation on food safety twenty- first, where we have the same requirements for chocolate on the platform of the eurasian union, but there remains such a painful, i would say, question regarding requirements for chocolate glaze, and here there is a point in which these
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requirements differ, both in the republic of belarus and in the russian federation, while we are trying to achieve this consensus through standardization. it's obvious that. consumers make a choice in favor of belarusian products. saturating the domestic market is the main task for the belgospischeprom concern. of course, they don’t forget about exports. in total , 160,000 tons of confectionery products were produced in the country last year. capacity utilization is 86.2% nationwide. it's also positive here there is dynamics, we have grown by 1.2% points compared to the twenty-second year. a third of the products produced by our enterprises. approximately a third of last year is exported, this is 173 million dollars, we received foreign exchange earnings, grew by 15% in physical terms, and the geography includes 41 countries, while the enterprises of the concern operate in market conditions to varying degrees, depending on what is
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happening in the world , for example, we are now experiencing a record increase in prices for cocoa beans, we need to respond quickly to this, we have the main enterprises are kommunarka and spartak, which produce chocolate and chocolate products; candy accounts for about 40-43% of the cost of which product. therefore, what we are doing: firstly, we are even more involved in cost issues from the point of view of their optimization, secondly, we are very attentive to the conclusion of contract support, placing emphasis on the deadline. the third area of ​​work is the diversification of import countries, if traditionally this is ghana. today we are looking at liberia, cameroon, venezuela, dominican people's republic, in this way we are trying to mitigate those negative processes that, i repeat, inevitably affect our confectioners. this issue will also be on the agenda of the international confectionery symposium; more than 300 participants are already preparing for the large-scale event; they promise
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that it will not only be interesting, but also very tasty. anton malyuta area of ​​interest. and that’s all for today, look at your area of ​​interest three times a week. the world has access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it? business and developing, hospitable, bright
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and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its
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development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers. the tv channel belarus 24 is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. we follow sports the life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. final qualifying start: the world cup ended in thailand. the history of the championship has been rewritten again, never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series, we are reviewing the most interesting events. the british runner raskuk, known on the internet, as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on a record a year ago;
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he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion steeplechase runner anouk garnier set a new world record for the kanata climb. we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but rather the density of results. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. a talk show in essence, today we will talk about entrepreneurs about what awaits them in the future, well, there will be changes soon, and you probably already know about this, alena syrova works in the studio , kirill kazakov, if you want to join our conversation, please point to the qr code that popped up at the bottom of the screen, use your smartphone and connect. to our chat, you can write questions or any comments there, if you want to know what the film crew lives behind the scenes, then, in fact, subscribe to our telegram channel, this is the second qr code that appeared at the bottom of the screen, well, actually speaking, let's begin, good evening, well, in general, let's approach, today we are together with a complex topic, a topic that has caused great discussions, but which... in a very large number of people causes fear, apprehension, as, probably, all
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new, changes in the activities of our entrepreneurs, but this whole story began in the nineties, when legislation was created, they calculated that before the current changes , exactly as much as one generation of belarusians had time to grow up there, it is clear that to remain unchanged and frozen ...
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came to this topic? well, you are absolutely correct about the background to this question, why did we even note that this story began in the nineties, we remember what was going on in the country then, in the world in general, yes in the post-soviet space, these are empty shelves, this is an absolute absence, so to speak, of some kind of legal culture and so on, and in order to remind, to solve these problems, seven-minute problems, there was such permissiveness, and such... well, in my memory, in my opinion, this story began in the twenty-first year, i was then a member of the inter-commission on the safe sphere
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of the economy at the security council, then this question arose, and the question of rhetoric was raised , not something that we sometimes hear enough of today high offices of mouth that the state cared about the very culture of entrepreneurship, it is necessary to create equal conditions, and so on and so forth, no, this was just the third thesis, the third factor, so to speak, that the first factor was really raised. the fmd, the state control committee, the fiscal authorities - this is what many business structures, especially individual entrepreneurs, used in various laundering schemes in terms of cashing out. this is the first fact. by the way, we must give due credit to the authorities for solving this problem, at least the company ephemera. the second factor is the issue of tax collection. your eyeliner says that yes, the state cared about money, this is bad. what's wrong with that? we have a social one.
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really fraudulent schemes, yes , that is, it is close to optimization, so to speak, the horse is not lying down, the second is really from the point of view of tax collection and equal conditions, and the third is... ips, llc, odo, they are objective, so to say, they are doing the same thing, many times, ten times, once again i emphasize the figure, they are actually the tax office they have a smaller base, a cost base. nikolayevich, here’s the question, the current individual entrepreneur, how much
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is now, let’s say, financial revenue to the budget, this is the first, yes, second, well, the question is really being politicized. they are scaring us with the soviet union, this is the most popular story, the second thing, well, really, that there is not enough money, we suddenly suddenly decided to collect everything that they had from individual entrepreneurs, this is the second quote that comes from extremists, they take everything, kirill, well, to argue, there’s not enough money, you know, there’s always not enough money enough, here you and i are ordinary people, like any other ordinary person, people plan their expenses, they would like more, that’s why there is not enough money as usual, and for those requests that we can assume that we would like to implement, the budget itself in fact, it’s not much different, if we simplify like this, let’s see, we have something to build, but we need to put roads,
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infrastructure in order, and here the question is that there is not enough money, we need to take it from someone, the question is that... we must fairly participate in the financing of government expenses, well , the wording here is a bit complicated, but nevertheless , you need to make a contribution within your power, entrepreneurs pay a lot, whether a lot or a little is also a relative question, if we look at the absolute figure, we did such an analysis, about a billion rubles in various forms in which entrepreneurs exist there with different taxation regimes according to...
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so, uh, if we go even deeper in these figures, then, unfortunately, we come to a result where, in general, average n, of course, this may not be very correct, there are different, different types of activities there, different profitability, he does nails, someone sells building materials there, yes, someone makes a turnover of millions there, works there with millions of turnover in wholesale trade, for example, but if we
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look again as a whole, it turns out that the individual entrepreneur pays, unfortunately somewhere... at the level of the average wage in the country, if we take it and compare it, it means at the level withdrawal level, yes, although not every individual entrepreneur will agree to work for this average salary, so these issues, among other things, prompted, well, this kind of transformation, you can get it just a question, just get it, yes, that’s how much you plan to collect after this reform, now it’s a billion, that’s how much you want, we don’t want to go here.
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he is engaged in the provision of services, photography, doing nails, something else, yes, so he says: in principle, i pay about 100, there is 100-odd rubles in tax per month, i understand perfectly well what i earn a month sometimes from 2 to 300 dollars, this is a small salary, now they want to take 300-400 rubles from me there. this is a question, let’s say, maybe not very deep into this law, but a philistine one, that is, you say don’t...
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fight with the completeness of payment of taxes, tax authorities all over the world fight and control and are forced to do this in various ways. , it seems to me that the key word here is fairness, that’s why it’s not taxes, and moreover, i would still suggest to my colleague that nothing will change, well, how can it not change, we we limit the types of activities, in particular against, it was stated that this is not about taxes, i agree,
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