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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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he will spend the whole night alone in the abandoned base.
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cruel torture and humiliation, but despite everything, she did not betray either her mission goals or her comrades to the enemy. the girl was silent and only said that her name was tanya. after prolonged torture, zoya kosmedemyanskaya was hanged on petrishchevskaya square. zoya kosmedemyanskaya was the first woman during the war to be awarded the title of soviet hero. union. posthumously.
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let's go on a trip to belarus. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. it is unique in that it is completely implemented.
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the whole akruga, the amal that went to mlynar, who grinds flour, who grinds cereals, if a person comes, prays, turns with faith to this miraculous icon of the mother of god, he begins to see this face very well, she always helps, look in the program for the route built on the belarus 24 tv channel . alexander lukashenko’s working visit to russia began today. board number one landed at vnukovo-2 airport. the visit will last 2 days. at a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in moscow they will discuss cooperation agenda within the organization. the anniversary summit marks 10 years since the signing of the agreement on the creation of the eac. the event will be held in a narrow and expanded format. on may 9, the president of belarus, along with
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other invited leaders of state, will attend a military parade on red square to commemorate the seventy- ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. the construction process in belarus needs to be simplified, prime minister roman golovchenko stated this at the presidium of the council of ministers. now construction of houses and a number of other objects are accompanied by a large number of procedures. according to the government , it is necessary to adopt a package of documents to reduce duplicate approvals in the near future, and this work has already started. one of the proposals is that if the design and estimate documentation is fully examined, at the final stage of construction the facility will only be accepted by state construction supervision. there is no need to obtain any other conclusions. the code of the republic of belarus on architectural, urban planning and construction activities has been adopted and comes into force in july of this year. of the year. it introduces a number of innovations aimed at optimizing the requirements for the construction process. a number of
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separate decisions have also been made to simplify the procedure for the construction of single-family residential buildings and structures of the fifth class of complexity, as well as the demolition of buildings. in 2024 work. continued in this direction, and on march 15, we in the government considered proposals prepared by the ministry of architecture, the essence of which boils down to changing approaches to monitoring the construction process in relation to objects of the fourth and fifth classes of complexity. on the eve of victory day celebrations are held throughout belarus. secretary of state of the security council of belarus alexander volfovich spoke at a rally dedicated to victory day in borisov. participants of the event gathered at the monument to the legendary tank crew of lieutenant pavel rak to remember everyone who heroically fought during the great patriotic war and at the cost of their lives brought the victorious may of 1945 closer. alexander volfovich noted that western politicians forgot the tragic events
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of eighty years ago and unleashed a new hybrid war. belarus sees risks and challenges that could develop into real threats to national security. we didn't think so. probably then 80 years ago, that today the world will again come to a dangerous point, the brink of unleashing a war, a war of a different format, although in essence the war is going on today, a hybrid war, uh, which is aimed at ideology, first of all, probably, the information component of this war aimed at the ideological consciousness of the population, especially the young population, today western politicians are trying to rewrite history, falsify facts, that's... aimed at leveling the role of the soviet union, leveling the role of the soviet soldier in the liberation of europe from the brown plague of fascism. we remember, we honor, we are proud. participants of the great patriotic war receive congratulations at home on the eve of victory day celebrations.
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government officials, public figures and deputies come to visit veterans. words of gratitude are heard and participants in those events share their memories. in minsk, today. rehabilitation, who is disabled first today, the second or third group and needs special means, this includes health improvement. brest investigators are conducting an investigation into
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the incident on the belarusian-polish border. on the evening of may 6, in the pruzhany district, a border patrol found two men, injured citizens of afghanistan. according to refugees, polish security forces. they were severely beaten during their arrest, and then forcibly thrown into the territory of belarus. an investigative team was dispatched to the scene. the refugees told investigators they wanted to go through poland to france to be reunited. with their families, but were captured by a polish patrol at the border. six mercenaries in military uniform knocked the unarmed foreigners to the ground and began beating them with batons, punching and kicking them. at present , medical assistance has been provided to afghan citizens. investigations into this incident are being carried out. forensic medical examinations have been ordered. at the hospital where the refugees were taken, they were diagnosed with bruises of varying severity, as well as cut wounds. according to afghan citizens, polish security forces they were brutally beaten and then forced out to the belarusian side. in addition, in just one week
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, the death of three refugees was recorded on the border with the european union. on may 3, the bodies of two foreigners were found on the border with latvia, and on may 5, another one was found on the border with poland. in total, from 2021 on the border contiguous. victories of our sport during the time of a sovereign commentator who was an eyewitness to the main stories. vladimir novitsky spent almost 40 years live on television and continues to do what he loves on other platforms.
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the war found me on old roads, at the beginning i was a member of the underground komsomol organization, in 1942 i became a partisan, and until the liberation of belarus i fought in the kutuzov partisan detachment.
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germany is completely destroyed. that's it, victory. emotions, joy and sadness immediately surged. we waited so long for this day, how much effort we spent. but many of those who were nearby in the detachment. they gave their lives to bring the day of victory closer, having come to their senses a little, they immediately jumped out into the street, you could only hear it all around, victory, hurray, all the inhabitants of the old roads came out to street, you couldn’t step a few meters without falling into someone’s arms or hearing a fiery speech, everyone considered it their duty to congratulate the other on victory, they rejoiced, cried with happiness, those who fought were sure to remember their comrades in conversation, how only the initial volleys
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were gone, people went home to meet again, but this time in a festive way, they put on the best outfits, some wore military uniforms with medals, tables were set everywhere, music was played, dances were organized in the center of the old roads, there was music playing there until the night "dugout, blue handkerchief, dark night." and other war songs that will best test your erudition and intelligence, that’s right, tricky questions, is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers, andrei, well, there was such a very interesting one.
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that's right, watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today about whether belarusian newspapers lie, whether there is censorship in the usa, what we do when we wake up, especially in turbulent times? that’s right, we want to make sure that while we were sleeping,
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nothing force majeure happened nearby; in quiet periods of life, on the contrary, we are looking for a way to tickle our nerves. people satisfy these polarly different needs by consuming the latest news, which is delivered to us by the press. since it appeared, its format has expanded greatly. once upon a time these were leaflets, then full-fledged newspapers, then radio and television were soiled by separate organisms. then they together acquired their own internet versions, now the contents of all media duplicate pages on social networks and telegram channels. all these are forms or descendants. one phenomenon: print media. we began printing texts for public use in 1517, when francis skarina published his first book in prague. belarusians appeared in printed periodicals in the 19th century; at the beginning of the twentieth century, the newspapers nasha doli and nasha niva began to be published. our niva is generally
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a brand that it’s time to return to its owners , the belarusians living in belarus. it has been used in recent years. people who have indirect attitude towards our state is definitely not in its interests. and the date of the celebration of printing day is associated with another newspaper: may 2, 1996, alexander lukashenko signed decree number 156 on the establishment of a holiday in the republic of belarus, printing day designated a date for it - may 5, because it was on this day in 1912 that the first issue of the newspaper was published is it true. this is important. a parallel that has set the bar for everyone who works with the printed word in belarus; not only print media work with it, but also radio and television, workers who will celebrate their professional holiday on may 7. the fact is that official publications strictly obey the laws of the country in which they operate, from this we can draw two conclusions: in which country the publication operates,
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it is subject to the laws of that country, and if the editorial office of the resource is located, for example, in poland or lithuania, this the resource operates under polish or lithuanian laws in the interests of these countries. the second conclusion: all resources that are not registered in belarus, as media publications, do not operate strictly within the law, therefore any information from such sources can and should be questioned and verified. for a media resource registered in belarus, lying is the same as getting caught in an article, running into a fine, being labeled as an unreliable source of information, or in general. will lose his license, and if there is no such threat, then there is no fear in lying, and it is not available only for those who do not work here according to foreign laws. have you noticed how many attacks on our state media there were in the twentieth and twenty-first, but not once was any of the attackers able to refute even the most shocking statements of journalists. the investigative films of belarusian tv channels were more like blockbuster plots, but
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even the most legally savvy ill-wishers were unable to find clues in them to refute those voiced. facts, because not a single registered media resource in the country would risk the reputation and trust of its audience, because yes, everything that the media registered in the country write and broadcast is true, information from them can always be verified in case of its inconsistency and presented a claim, which local resources, of course, don’t want, so they work purely. the main law on which our country's media resources rely is the law on funds. foreign ones that are distributed in our country . this also applies to belarusian publications . of course, we have products from foreign media and their representatives. belarusians
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have access to hundreds of printed publications published by foreign editors. we see them... in bookstore kiosks, in order to obtain permission to distribute them here, a legal entity applies to the ministry information, along with the application, brings contracts that confirm that the publishers have allowed him to sell their products for the last three issues, newspapers or magazines for which our market opens. miinform conducts an examination of these copies, and if everything goes well, permission for distribution is issued, it is unlimited, and if the same publication... is sold here by someone else, he no longer needs to obtain permission, because the media adds one to the list of those permitted for distribution once. plus or minus the same rules work for those who want to open here body. channel, radio station or launch cable television, only they receive a work permit for 3 years. it is important that
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only a legal entity registered in belarus can apply to distribute a media resource. this is how we protect the national information field from foreign interference and filter it from destructive content. censorship is the control of the content of works intended for mass distribution. to prevent their destructive influence on people's consciousness. in the last couple of years, belarusians have tried to suggest that the words censorship and destructive are concepts with political overtones. but now i’ll give you an example, i’ll ask a question, and you’ll answer it for yourself. about 10 years ago, newspapers, magazines, and books on television in the united states began to actively promote lgbt ideas. in 2015, the american center for disease control conducted a survey and found that 11% of the country's teenagers aged 14 to 18 consider themselves homosexual. a recent survey this year showed that
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almost 25% of american teenagers have changed their sexual orientation. the figure has more than doubled times in less than 10 years. this is the work of not only american propaganda, but also censorship. she promotes lgbt ideas in the information field, and, judging by the results, successfully. but they didn’t start being born there. with a special genetic makeup. let’s imagine that a western publisher of such content comes to the belarusian market. and now the question: do you want his products to be released onto our bookshelves or television screens without any examination of restrictions? but in western countries they are not only promoting lgbt sentiments, they are starting to justify pedophilia, cannibalism, drug addiction, all this is written into the subcortex of children, destroying their personalities. isn't this a destructive influence? when the world is burning on the planet. information war, censorship of one country becomes a shield from the destructive propaganda of another, the word has become a weapon capable of degenerating entire nations, and if we are ready
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to protect our physical borders, it is criminal not to protect the mental ones and let everyone delve into the heads of our children. the most striking example of western freedom of speech was the dismissal of the leading american tv channel tucker carlson's fox news. he sounded crazy. ratings, his broadcasts were watched simultaneously by 4.5 million people, but carlson was forced to resign and does not hide the fact that it was not of his own free will. the journalist was guilty of openly assessing the actions of the joe biden administration. the editors were put under pressure by the democrats, who had absolutely no need for the truth about their presidential candidate before the election, and tucker, who laid the golden eggs for the channel, had to be removed from the air. another great example of the western struggle for freedom of speech is dancing around law on foreign agents. when russia decided to label all media that work with foreign money as inagent, states and europe said that this was not democratic. 2 months ago
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, georgia decided to put the same stigma on its foreign agents, western curators immediately brought rebels onto the streets of the country who almost demolished the government, and the entire head of european diplomacy, josep barel , stated that such a law does not correspond to democratic values. the georgian authorities backtracked and withdrew the bill. about foreign agents with consideration. and a week after this , it became known from the european press that the european parliament was preparing its own law on foreign agents for the european union. under it, all commercial and non-profit organizations will be required to report funding from outside the eu. and barel is silent, and the united states does not protest. do you know why? because in the usa such a law has been in force for 84 years. it's called the foreign age registration act. law. registration of foreign agents, abbreviated headlight. it was adopted in 1938, in 1966 and ninety-fifth amendments were made that slightly narrowed
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the scope of the law, but its priorities remained the same: to identify lobbyists for the political interests of other countries, that is , the democratic west understands the power of the printed word, treats it exactly like a weapon, issues restrictive laws for it, monitors supplies to its market, carefully selects those who can use it in the public space, but it denies us the right to the same thoughtful approach. as in any war, learn to handle weapons, in an information war - this is a word, check someone else’s, think about your own, be able to raise the shield of reasonable censorship over the heads of your children in time, take on faith only the words of those who are responsible for them before the law, on the first weekend of may congratulate our battalion of soldiers, they are on... information frontline with the only weapon available to them, thank you for your support, viewer. i'm marina karaman, what combination of figures of the world information field have we figured out, everything is clear, see you!
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everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts about... live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands. germany,
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france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. do not take fruits that are too light; such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. the minced beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a light
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milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead, and you know that you need a huge amount of energy. this is the breakfast that will do just that. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our hands up. we raise our legs and do such a cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. music dj. hello everyone, soon a hero will come to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the hero, and where it’s more exciting to perform on the parade ground in front of suvorov soldiers or in front of television cameras, what’s here and what’s there, your audience is children, so i think it’s the same, you agree with the statement that children subtly feel when they are told a lie, i’m convinced, well ,
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then good luck, dear program participants, today in the studio is the head of the minsk suvorov military school, colonel dmitry kuchuk. we welcome our guest. dmitry vladimirovich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if according to for some reason you may not be able or want to respond.


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