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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

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they say guys don't cry, are you embarrassed by tears, what can make you cry? well, am i embarrassed by tears? well, probably in childhood, yes, i was a little shy, now a different understanding comes, the consciousness that he wants will make me cry, well, probably this is the loss of a person close to me, whom i loved, appreciated, respected, well, in particular, here is the loss of a mother, yes, children.
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study well, don’t get bad grades, so that on saturday-sunday i can get a leave of absence to go home to meet her, and if i get a bad grade or fool around, accordingly, i wasn’t going anywhere, interesting details, let’s turn 180°, the next question is from there, the red sector, is it true that all suvorovites belong to the brotherhood, is this some kind of secret brotherhood?
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no, there are no secrets here, as i said earlier, since we are a closed educational institution, in what sense, in the sense that from monday to sunday every week we are constantly, the guys are constantly together, they go to physical exercises together, they have breakfast together, they go to school together classes, they help each other with various household chores, participate in various competitions, visit cinemas, museums, movies, discos, somewhere maybe they share their innermost secrets, that he likes some girl, what he would like to achieve some goals, to become an officer of this type of troops, and this brings the boys together, they begin to take. and these are really not
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just words, i know this from myself, since i also graduated from college, i have a lot of , so to speak, adult men, then my suvorov brothers, cadets, with whom we still communicate, we help each other in various situations, not only in joy, but sometimes there is also sadness in life, and this is true... throughout our entire lives. do you keep in touch with your friends from college? we constantly communicate, call each other, meet. literally that year, at the anniversary of our school, we celebrated our seventieth anniversary. i saw many, even guys whom, let’s say, i haven’t seen for a long time. constantly constant connections, some kind of problematic and joyful questions.
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of course, there is an oath, since the guys are, or rather have not reached the age of 18, they do not have the right to take an oath according to our law, but when entering the suvorov military school, they take an oath to the suvorov military school, this happens solemnly, at a ceremonial line, on the parade ground , always with the invitation of the top officials of the state. with
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the invitation of school graduates, well , accordingly, parents, brothers, sisters, our boys come out and solemnly take an oath and... you're lucky, come out here. such oath, it includes three sections. the first is to be faithful to your fatherland, the second to the combat traditions of the armed forces, the third to the soviet-russian traditions, this is what concerns the brotherhood. so when you learn, do it. next, the black sector, to your left. they say that suvorovites have less free time than... schoolchildren, describe the daily routine of the cadets and how you yourself had fun, as i said earlier, yes, indeed, the guys live according to a strict, strict daily routine, but nevertheless they have time to relax, to do their own things hobbies, this is the time after lunch, when
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the guys attend various clubs, electives, currently it is very... let's say, it arouses great interest among the guys, this is in unmanned aerial systems, also at the stenarovsky school, the guys can learn these skills in handling weapons, there is also a shooting section under the guidance of very highly qualified teachers, and the guys also attend various clubs not only within the walls of the school, but also outside. the school pays great attention to the development of creative skills, singing, dancing, the ability to communicate and joke, the so-called kvn, that is, an expression that the guys do not have
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free time, they have a lot of free time, they just spend this time usefully, so i think that they have enough time. and the most important thing is that with all this, they are under the constant supervision of trained teachers, trained educational officers. a lot of officer-educators are graduates of our school. please tell us about your happiest memory from your cadet period? well, probably the happiest. from the cadet period, when we took the cadet oath, it took place near minsk, at one of the training grounds of the republic of belarus, in the evening, during the evening check, the deputy platoon read out the oath, and we all, faithfully, each
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heard his last name, answered: i cense this is probably the most vivid impression that remains in life. what is the main difference between modern wars and those we study in the textbook? well, the most important difference is that the world does not stand still, it moves, develops, with it military science is also developing, forms and methods of conducting combat operations are changing, so yes, we are analyzing. how various military conflicts proceed or occur, and it’s not that we study, but we inform, we tell the suvorovites that there is such a method and form, there is such a method
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and form, and there is a classic, so clearly we, as modern military personnel, are constantly studying , analyze. in order to later teach their upbringing, they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty, but how are things going with this at school and do you have a favorite dish? well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our sovorod military school, come to the checkpoint, say that they will meet you at my place, feed you, then you will tell everyone how... they feed you, and what if no joke, the food is very good, very tasty, the diet is different, these include meat products, these are sausages, these are fish products, these are yoghurts, juices, various different cereals,
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soups, i’ll be honest here, the diet is very, very rich, and as for my favorite dish, well, probably, since my childhood passed. some on the territory of military camps, and some with my grandparents, my grandparents lived in the village, my favorite thing was probably fried potatoes and fried meat. now , many years after graduating from the suvorov military school, you returned to it, but already in the role of a boss, what has changed within the walls of the school over the years, and you immediately recognized the corridors of the classrooms, the school is a cultural and historical value of the republic of belarus, first floor, this... in due time there was a theological women's seminary, and in fact
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the corridors there have not changed, they have been transformed, since there are certain points, the very location of the school, since it is in the center of the city of minsk, has also not actually changed, yes, the educational material base has been increased, a lot of sports have appeared objects, a lot of computer classes appeared. a modern medical center appeared on the territory of the school, the uniform changed somewhere , and so to speak, the corridors were globally swapped, no, everything remained the same, as it was with me, so, of course, i found out, and another such remark is that throughout my life i still came to the scenes of my native school. there with friends, teachers, so there was no such failure that i graduated here, appeared here,
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i didn’t have one, somewhere from time to time i visited the stages of my native school, it’s true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully, well, to say it for a long time, i wouldn’t say so, but in order to sharpen my drill bearing for... there is certain classes in drill training, where, let’s say, for a certain time the suvorovites are on the parade ground and improve their drill training, as we showed here, we start with an island stance and then move with an island step, to say a lot of time, well, probably there is no need to say , which is a lot of time, quantity. it takes all the time, because - well, it’s no
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secret that our boys are always the first to open parades in our country, they set the pace for the whole parade, and you can you imagine what a responsibility these boys have, that they go first with the drums, tapping a step, it’s beautiful, believe me, it’s very exciting, but can you do it? miron, don’t be shy, please go out to the parade ground, but i suggest some other young man do this, i’m trying, stand, this is to take an island stance, chin higher, step, this is a preliminary command, right, bend your body forward, right. the center of gravity is on the toe, so jump and move it like this from the left foot, we make a clear island
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step, march, you are almost ready for the parade, a wonderful experience, let's move on to the next question, this is the purple sector, it is to your right, why are girls not accepted into the school, the girls are very offended, do you think of changing any of your foundations, rules. in the russian federation, in our country, and for
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girls we have created codet schools, patriotic classes, where you can undergo the same training as suvorov soldiers undergo, only a little, so to speak, at a lower level, and after that enter the military academy, we are always waiting for beautiful girls in the ranks of the armed forces. what is more important for a military man: to be strong or to be smart? you know, the modern world, modern weapons
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, require very high mental abilities from military personnel. because these are various sights, these are quadcopters, this is a large system, so to speak, of communication, control, so there is no such thing as strong means he is better, but smart means he is weaker, no, the combination of these two qualities is currently, probably a criterion military man. who's ready to ask a question? hello, my name is ivan, what does the word boy mean to you? well, probably, at my age it is more relevant to say the word of a cadet, the word of a man, the word of an officer, but nevertheless
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the meaning does not change. responsibility, what is your favorite song, blue, blue berets, let's sing, the blue spilled, splashed, stripped down to the shoulder straps, stripped down to the beret, i want this song to continue according to... the harsh commandments of the airborne troops, an all-round brave man, in what situations army discipline helped to you in everyday life? well, in childhood, like all children, sometimes, you don’t want to do something,
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learn math or something else, but you understand that if you don’t learn it. then, accordingly, your comrades also, say, will not go to dismissal or some kind of movie, there is already an internal consciousness that this is necessary, this is necessary, this is your main task, then the question is from the red sector, you will have to turn around, raise your hand, whoever asks i wish him good health, my name is rastislav, the young hero of the movie officers, received a punishment for going instead of lessons look at the hippopotamus, did you receive punishment during your service? of course, you received punishment, somewhere you didn’t understand instructions and orders correctly enough, somewhere you yourself were wrong, so
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you had to receive punishment, and then of course. i tried to do so in order to improve, to get encouragement from my commanders, it was like this, can you tell me an example, well, let’s take the slovsk school, and when i entered the suur school, my first outfit, and what is an outfit, these are four people, they do their service, round day, restore order, maintain order, while while we were still carrying barrels of food to each table for the whole company, well , there is a queue when you stand on the bedside table, well , for about an hour there are 45 minutes, without the habit it’s quite hard, standing in one place, leaning you can’t, you can’t sit down,
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you can’t lie down, you just stand on the counter. well, i see there’s no one there, i think i’ll go and sit in the utility room, well, at that time the foreman comes in, well, that was probably my first punishment, yes, it’s clear that no one shouted at me there, nothing, they tried to explain to me that i was wrong, the punishment consisted of the suggestion that there is a need, you are responsible for this, for this, and you are obliged, what do we need an army? you know, girl, back in the 18th century, the french commander napoleon,
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who tried to seize our territory, enslave our peoples, said a very good expression: whoever does not want to feed his army will feed someone else’s army, what am i leading to? but depending on what perspective these are viewed from, if we look at it from the perspective of a fight, then it is important to be able to attack, at the same time
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to be able to defend ourselves, to defend ourselves, if you look from a military point of view, defense is good, but without attack, there will be no victory, so i believe that these two... they are constantly side by side, if you want to win, you must be able to defend and attack. tell us about your family, do you have a wife and children? of course there is, there is a wife, she is her teacher, there are children, so. they’ve really grown up, they have their own families, but i think
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i’m lucky in life, next to me is an ideologically-minded person who, you know, like in the movie matchmakers, yes, whoever watched it, ivan stepanovich gave a good definition of what it is family. this is a mechanism of domestic assembly, which when you need to stroke it, when you need to stick it in, so i consider myself lucky, my wife has always supported me in everything, guided me in some places, suggested in others, and most importantly, even the sconce now, i really i listen to her very much, because he has many times more teaching experience... much more than i have, she is my primary school teacher, so for me family is sacred, it is the most precious thing
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that anyone has person, in in particular for me. dmitry vladimirovich, did your children become military? some have journalism, others medicine. these are some of the directions. the red sector is next for us. i heard that cyber troops have appeared in belarus, what is this? is it to play shooting games and tanks on the computer? well, probably not entirely correctly, but in principle, yes, indeed, the development of the armed forces does not stand still, and... modern trends dictate to us the conditions for having a special unit that will deal with the development of the armed forces ,
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specifically in cyberspace. well, what is cyberpros? this is for, well, in your understandable language, these are specialists, these are people who develop programs for the armed forces, assemble some kind of simulators. develop communication, control, and weapons systems that will facilitate the accomplishment of victory tasks if necessary. next, a question from the purple sector: how do you cope with stress? well, i guess i’m just trying to leave this stress behind the threshold of my family. somewhere, well, of course, i come home, my wife always says: why are you silent, why are you
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are you nervous? i carry it in me, in myself, in myself, then still in a conversation, when you tell a person, someone close to you, about your problems, what is boiling over somehow becomes easier on the soul, already in a calm state you can accept the only correct thing , the right decision. hello, my name is zlata, you have come a long way from a cadet to a colonel once... shoulder straps, do the military have star fever and do you dream of becoming a general? well, there is an expression: a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. therefore, of course, any savvy a tourist, an officer, he wants to achieve some specific career growth, including becoming a general. not everyone, of course, manages to reach this level, but
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nevertheless, i... believe that there is no star fever, behind this lies everyday painstaking work, you cannot achieve some high ranks in the armed forces by lying on the couch, this is first and foremost work, work on yourself, work with your team, and most importantly, for every commander 90%, even 95% of his success is his team,
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left foot back, back, op, then we turn over, you put your foot on me, oh, like that, well done, then again, thank you, this is one of the oldest.
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about my friends, about how the formation of special operations forces of the armed forces of the republic of belarus took place, a lot of interesting moments, well, probably here are two such areas of life that you would choose, if you had a chance to see a person from the past, then who is it and why, it's probably so
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clear. it’s impossible to say who exactly i would like to see, but i probably would like to visit my childhood, this does not mean the fact that, probably, my life path would have changed, well, maybe my attitude towards some things, i would have done it completely differently, this signal means that... the questions are glass, now you have to choose the best question this program, who spoke about family, introduce yourself, what school are you from, what grade are you in, i’m from school 153, i’m in the eighth grade, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question roma receives a special gift from our guest, go to platform. well, roma,
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i wanted to be the first to give get yourself a book like this. which was released in honor of our seventieth anniversary, since childhood we were each given your name, these are sworovits, and small memorable gifts, thank you for the question, thank you very much, dmitry vladimirovich, now you can ask the children your question, a question to everyone, if in hall of young guys who would like to join the soviet war... i am very attracted to military affairs, since childhood i dreamed of becoming a military man, but unfortunately, due to poor eyesight , i am unlikely to be able to realize my dream, well why do you need to approach, from
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a medical point of view, you need to get checked, or maybe it’s age-related, so don’t hang your nose, everything will be fine, you just need to always achieve your goal, i would like to become more disciplined, well, learn to defend myself if someone attacks, i agree with you, there is such an opportunity within our walls, i really wanted to enter the suvorov school, they don’t accept girls there, you gave me the name of other institutions where i can go, and i’m very happy about it, we... i’m telling you , we are always waiting for beautiful girls in the ranks armed forces. it's time to say goodbye to our audience. dear guys, i’m glad that i talked to you today, if suddenly
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you had any questions and i didn’t answer them, come to the school, i’m always there, and see you again. dmitry vladimirovich, tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? well, probably the question is, why do people fight and continue to fight? this, of course, is very gratifying that our children at such a young age are interested in such complex issues, what question were you waiting for, but you they didn’t ask, well, they probably asked all the questions that would interest the children,
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i tried to answer them sincerely, today you managed to answer 52 questions, tell me, if we call you again, you will agree to come, with pleasure , and now i... returning to our audience, do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today, who thinks so, raise your hands, well, it seemed to me that he answered our questions very openly and honestly, he seemed a very simple and kind person, i hope that all people will take the prime minister from him. i thought he was quite honest, because he spoke with reason and also clearly, quite positively. and it was very interesting to listen to an honest answer, i think that he answered very well, very honestly, and spoke very interestingly about the suvorov soldiers and
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about his life. it seems to me that he, as a very thoughtful person, thought about all the questions, while at the same time giving truthful answers, therefore. i am very glad that i came here, i was very interested in listening to the opinion of such specialist in his field. who thinks that dmitry vladimirovich was cunning, didn’t say enough, was a little disingenuous? i think that he didn’t finish speaking a little, because the question about why people continue to fight, his answer was quite general, so, even better, to protect the child’s psyche, that’s right, that’s also true. such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place. i think that our two-way conversation was probably as open, as honest as possible,
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the questions were really interesting, quite unexpected, so i’m glad that such a meeting is happening, because such projects are of interest to our youth. the head of the minsk suvorov military school, colonel dmitry kuchuk was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. watch in the next episode! dear participants of the program, today our guest is tv presenter, honored artist of belarus, alena speredovich, welcome! do you worry before your broadcasts? between the presenters, is it possible? friendship or just competition? what would the world be like without
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journalism? how do you manage to fight star fever? how do you manage to smile even when you want to cry? 100 questions for an adult. in order to work on television, you have no right to be sick, you must learn to sleep very little , work very hard, you must always be in a good mood, this is also part of my...
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saved to the peoples of the pratev union, our beloved mother, rodzima, ever our belarus, our beloved, of course alive. and belarus
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, right away, is possible as we have lost our native peoples , and we forgot about our currency by slaughtering it. hail to our land, blessed name, hail to the peoples of the faithful. oh, our beloved, mother, homeland, live forever, shine, our beloved, mother, break through, live forever, accept belarus,
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friendship. bright name, greetings to the peoples of the krapentsk union, our beloved mother, russia,
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belarus, our beloved mother, honored. good evening, live broadcast of panorama, in the studio of ekaterina tyahomirova and about the main events of this wednesday. results of ten years of work of the eac, prospects for development vectors of alexander lukashenko at the summit of the eurasian economic union. we'll tell you the details this minute. from victory square to the most
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remote corners of the country. belarus is preparing to celebrate the great day of heroism of our ancestors. traditionally, we will show it on may 9th. everything is on the first button, and the case is about espionage, the polish prosecutor's office has opened a case against a judge who fled to belarus, he faces life imprisonment. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. results of the meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. narrow broad composition, five participating countries cuba uzbekistan, observers, main theses, everything that yais decides should become a reality for high speed improving the standard of living in the countries of the union is the main goal. we'll tell you in panorama. the memory is alive in belarus on the eve of may 9. our story is full of pain and pride. today we honor large monuments, mass graves and monuments to soldiers of the forties. nazism is gaining popularity again in europe. politicians come to power who not only sympathize, but
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openly rely on the ultra-right and neo-fascists. how friendly and open people were convinced that their hero was crazy thugs. who is behind the military? crimes on the territory of belarus and both with the help of ordinary radio committed genocide, taking the lives of more than a million people, we will discuss in the trends immediately after the panorama: not freedom of speech, how in the west they fire journalists for telling the truth and who owns all the media in the usa and britain? let's find shocking answers. the task is to preserve unity in society, historical truth, and represent ambassadors of the all-belarusian people's assembly. people's representatives, personal receptions, meetings in work collectives with young patriots, how actively parliamentarians work in the regions, we will tell you in the section: the time has chosen us. front-line photo album as an art object, stylized four-meter stars and flag cascades. minsk welcomes the victorious may in solemn decoration;
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we will show the transformation of the capital through floral accents and thematic installations in a panorama. the president of belarus is on a working visit to russia. today alexander lukashenko took part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in moscow. this is an anniversary summit, 10 years since the signing of the agreement on the creation of the eac. let us remind you that belarus and russia are the founders eurasian platform, which has become the largest regional economic organization in the world. but not even in economic indicators, the main result, as our president noted. countries have learned to listen to each other better, neither gdp growth nor an increase in real incomes would be possible if we were astonishing, and the fact that the meeting of leaders takes place on the eve of the day. victory only gave it a special symbolism, because as long as we are united, we are invincible. report from moscow by katerina
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kurtalevich. belarus, russia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, unofficially speaking , are the backbone of the eurasian economic union. there are observer states, they are in status at the negotiation stage or have expressed interest, this is already in official language, to what extent the union is interesting to third players without geo-restrictions: moldova, uzbekistan and cuba, cambodia, syria, japan, peruchi. this is not to mention china, india, egypt and mongoria. and this is not a complete list of those who are considering or are already trading freely in the union. the main point of the eac is a separate center forces in the world, despite the fact that the emphasis, of course, is on the economy, setting the clock once a year. the press is in full readiness in a separate wing of the large kremlin palace. the presidential plane will land in moscow in the morning. alexander lukashenko was met by the belarusian ambassador and state. secretary of the union state integration, communications, trade, general tasks. next, all heads of state who arrive have so-called personal
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time before work, and the gap varies, from several hours to an actual direct transfer. the press doesn't work there the official countdown begins with arrival at the place. this is the entrance to the large kremlin palace, heads of state will arrive, and in alphabetical order of the russian language , armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, and russia is waiting. it is clear that meetings will be held here in a narrow format and... figure out what the heads of the eac will talk about, this year integration turns 10 years old, so the question is not only in summing up the results, but in developing a strategy. still, alexander lukashenko arrived first. the cortege proceeded through the kremlin territory, the president greeted the journalists, but without question everyone understands that the schedule has moved. destination st. andrew's hall of the kremlin palace, the starting format of the meeting is narrow, only for participating countries. the second to arrive at the same entrance was nikol pashinyan, the armenian prime minister, followed by the head of kazakhstan kasym jamar takaev, who completed the four , together with the delegations, the president of kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov. already in the hall, the president of russia will begin with welcoming words, a reminder of the anniversary of the summit and overall successful figures.
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we note with satisfaction that over the past for decades, our association has established itself as one of the independent and self-sufficient centers of the emerging multipolar world, which ultimately brings real benefits to each of the participants in our association. here we are now before entering the hall. i just talked about this with my colleagues here and noted very good indicators for the development of our economies. if we talk about results in money, the total gdp of the five countries over 10 years increased from 1.6 to 2.5 trillion dollars. trade turnover with third countries, those who have not yet joined the union increased by 60%. at the same time, yas players began to trade twice as much among themselves, untethered from the dollar and euro and tied to national currencies. moreover, the dynamics remain in...
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the market, only in the ias member states , thank you, and the presidents will switch to a wide format in the alexander hall, with strange observers, if we translate
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again into numbers, 185 million people live at one huge table, of which economically active population - 93 million. people who work, pay taxes, produce something, are doing business. the unemployment rate is lower than in the world, including the eu. these are not extreme figures, of course, but they provide such a result. member states of the union, at the end of the twenty -third year, its growth rate was almost 105%. in absolute figures, about 90 billion
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dollars. what else needs to be done, progress is good, but gaps need to be closed, support for industrial cooperation is important, sanctions pressure remains, and alexander lukashenko will note here, well, you can’t be sluggish, money has been allocated to subsidize projects, you need to do it, it’s easier speaking, we are talking about partner factories, enterprises, companies, the form is less important than the content, a large market wants to get away from export dependence, and in everything in the same government purchases, their volume in our countries
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is almost 200 billion dollars of government purchases, in fact the state , as buyers of goods, works, services, completely manage this market, and also determine procurement policies and acquisition channels. if we really govern, then let's ensure mutual access at least where products produced in the eu can become an effective source of government satisfaction. needs, however , national protectionism still remains in this area. in reality, the market is protected not from imports from outside third countries, which account for almost 2/3 of purchases in our union, but from goods and services produced in the countries of our union. that is, we protect each
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of our markets from our partners. convinced question. expansion of mutual participation in government procurement requires an urgent decision, because it is closely related to import substitution and technological sovereignty, by and large this is our security and this is our independence, not everything is going smoothly with digitalization, business needs an electronic digital signature recognized by everyone, the question seems to be just technically everyone agrees, but it stands still, like technical regulation, which is needed by the same big industry to standardize certification.
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this is necessary for more precise management of cargo flows and organization of efficient work at the border crossing. the president will briefly touch on food security, this market needs to be fed, and means helping farmers and will move on to international positioning. the eu, as a player, represents competition, a multipolar world - a thesis that not everyone likes today either, so they are trying to isolate eu from advanced technologies, premium markets, this also needs to be taken into account in matters of strategy. we are slowly moving forward. a full-fledged trade agreement has been signed with iran, mutually beneficial cooperation in the format of the five with promising friendly countries, indonesia, the united arab emirates, and mongolia is being strengthened. by the way, today we will start negotiations on a temporary trade agreement with lanbater. however.


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