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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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indonesia, united arab emirates, mongolia. by the way, today we will start negotiations on a temporary trade agreement with lanbater. however, i am working.
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international first meeting, and we, of course, will not let you down in this regard. thank you very much, russia’s active, consistent efforts to develop and strengthen our partnership are more important today than ever. in general, everyone present will talk about speed. any initiatives must be implemented faster, even between each other, or with external players, specific solutions on priority tasks. for example, the ias has already begun to mutually recognize scientists. degree this
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happened in early may to increase the mobility of highly qualified personnel. an important part of the overall story, speaking, everyone will pay attention on may 9, tomorrow alexander lukashenko, along with other invitees , will be at the victory parade on red square, all this time preparations are underway for him to lay flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory is significant for our countries, absolutely, because this victory was given to us as nations are very expensive, and they are actively trying to do it expensively. value in partnership, because a lot depends on how today’s partners behaved in the past, this becomes important for entire generations, and so it is clearly cemented by a common history, tomorrow it will be obvious, as obvious today. katerina krutalevich, veronica buta, alexander oleshka, telenews agency moscow. victory day is our common holiday, achieved by the heroism and feat of the peoples of a once vast country, everyone , young and old, contributed to we, the current generation, had the right to...
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life, on this important day for each of us, the head of state will be shoulder to shoulder with belarusians according to tradition, the president will lead the ceremonial events in the center of the capital. at 19:00 on victory square, as part of the republican action belarus remembers, flowers will be laid at the monument. from year to year , an endless stream of people reaches the memorials in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war. monuments to our defenders are buried in flowers. great, greatest holiday with a hint of grief and sadness, not i would like this to happen again, but you must remember, this is our victory, we simply should not give it to anyone. we have not forgotten and
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we will also remind the heirs of the punishers how in the distant forty-first the belarusian land turned into one large death camp. we see how revanchists are trying to pull the bankrupt nazi ideology out of the underworld. in these conditions, the truth about the crimes of fascism serves as a serious warning to humanity, and the preservation of historical memory takes on special significance. the main thing we must do is this is to preserve this truth, to prevent the revival of the terrible past. don't even try to talk to us from a position of strength. belarus still stands as an indestructible brez fortress in the path of any enemy. and may the memory of those who left us
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inspire us to create, for the sake of the future of our peoples, for the sake of peace. we do not need war; we intend to use all reserves to restore stability and calm in the region. we will not give up our native land, independence and sovereignty to anyone. belarus remembers. while we come here, together with with their children, belarus will always be remembered. many years have passed since the war, but the memory of military events, exploits and courage
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of soviet soldiers lives in the heart of every belarusian and is carefully passed on from generation to generation. svetlana lukinyuk, about timeless memory. here the earth used to stand on its hind legs, but now there are granite slabs, there is not a single personal fate here, all destinies are merged into one, as vladimir vysotsky wrote about the mass graves at the crossroads in the ostoroshidsky town, the place where 104 soldiers of the hundredth are buried rifle division, precisely their distinctive sign on the main pedestal, stood here to the death in june... even at the beginning of the war, there were no less losses in forty-four. liberation operation bogartion, fighting for every kilometer in the air and on the ground. eternal glory to the tankmen of the fifth guards army. this is the legendary t-34, which played a huge role in the great patriotic war.
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this is the best combat vehicle for its time, easy to manufacture and maintain, but at the same time this tank became a real nightmare for german troops. and its not very thick armor, thanks to the angle of inclination, was practically not penetrated by the guns of german tanks. today we preserve the memory of those who fell during the great patriotic war by reading books, watching newsreels, meeting with witnesses of those years, of whom, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer every year, and also bringing flowers to unknown graves and large monuments. in belarus, the trail to such places is not overgrown. the prime minister, heads of staff and members of the council of ministers paid tribute to the memory of those who fought for every piece of land during the war. belarusian land, because the price of victory is millions of losses and a long journey of 4 years, where there were defeats and thousands of small victories.
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today these salvos are in honor of those who sacrificed their lives for their homeland. the readiness of our ancestors for self-sacrifice for... courage, perseverance, valor and bravery, it may be required now, and this is not necessarily related to war, it can be and happens much more often in ordinary peaceful life, when each of us must make our own choice in favor of his beloved country, his fatherland, i hope i am sure that we have made the right conclusions, the conclusions that the policy of appeasing the aggressor probably does not always or almost never bear fruit. you always need to be ready to defend your country, you need to anticipate the development of events, and the country’s leadership needs to prepare for any scenarios for the development of the situation, adequately perceive all the processes taking place, and so do everything to
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ensure that war never comes to our land again. this is felt even more acutely here in khatyn, with the burned trees. you still had to live to see victory, you look inside yourself and think, but you could withstand this, and i don’t know, so today you remember probably the most important words, if only there was no war. at the capital's military cemetery there are more than half a thousand underground fighters, soldiers, officers, as well as local residents who liberated minsk, 11 heroes of the soviet union. many are not identified, 42 mass graves. in these may days there were still battles for the capital then, in
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1944, right up to july, the memory of all the heroes was honored today by the deputies of the chamber representatives. i am simply sure that people live as long as they are remembered, as long as they pass the baton of memory to other generations. this is how it should be, this is probably our strength. the most famous monument: minsk in the heart of our capital. on a pedestal near the officers' house. the tank has tail number l-145, like the combat vehicle that was the first to burst into the capital on july 3, 1944. today there are red flowers at the foot, as a symbol of shed blood. this memorial is not only in honor of the liberators of minsk. soviet wars on such tanks europe was also liberated. however, over the years, the west has stopped appreciating this. of course, this is a great memory, which is here. should be in our hearts, those people who in the west today are silently watching how
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these monuments are being demolished in their countries, in fact should have shown their collective this is not and collective protest to their leaders of the countries, to those who are hosting today in municipalities or in the leadership of states such decisions are made, because oblivion is the path to repetition, our veterans know this for sure, their eyes speak of many to the younger generation of belarusians. and how great it is that today our schoolchildren congratulate the heroes, chords of military songs, gifts of flowers. tamara vishnyakova survived the blockade in leningrad, celebrated victory as a child, and lived most of her life in minsk. today we remember the horrors of war, this is not forgotten. there was such a blockade, it was hunger, cold, centga, dystrophy. the most important thing is peace. peace is the happiness of the people. the world is the bright sun over the whole earth. in belarus. which lost every third person, louder than any words, thousands are talking about it burial monuments. black granite is
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a dark page in the history of the country, and the wall is a massive barrier that calls to stop, to linger and think about life, which is filled with mistakes of stories that should not be repeated. thanks to those people who lie here, we live today, rejoice, live under a bright sky, a kind sun and pass on to our children the memory of what happened and what should not happen again, the generation of victorious descendants on these may days on the avenue in honor of the soldiers forties winners from stella minsk is a hero city. the main thing of the celebration is quiet moments of silence - here. bow your head and slow down a little in our current fast-paced world. the capital was rebuilt from ruins, this is also a feat. more than 500 representatives of the country's sports community - this is the head of nog, our medalists, winners of various...
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it is possible to play, everyone who brings their flower, it’s at the call of their hearts, it was so and so it will be, the memory of the war is at the genetic level, it is important not only to preserve it, but also to pass it on, because memory is timeless. svetlana lukinyuk, victoria sharkova, ekaterina pavlova and andrey kozlov, television news agency. the museum of the great feat of the soviet people stood on the rails of the blue line of the capital's metro. the memory train started from the square. victories were greeted by a branded line-up with well-known chords of war songs.
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nasty eagle, about the one she loved, great-grandmother. each of the five carriages has its own history of the war in retro photographs, historical facts and documents, and the musical atmosphere delighted the passengers. this is necessary so that children just know, children they don’t know or understand a lot of things, but when all this is shown, their memory will be debugged.
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the heroism of soviet soldiers, who during the great patriotic war and at the cost of their own lives brought the victorious may of 1945 closer, was honored today in borisov. participants of the event gathered at the monument to the legendary tank crew of lieutenant pavel rak. flowers were laid at the foot of the monument. speaking about the crew’s feat, state secretary of the security council of belarus alexander volfovich
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emphasized: these young guys committed leap into immortality, breaking through. over a bridge that had not yet been destroyed, they broke into the city occupied by the nazi invaders and fought alone with the enemy garrison for 16 hours. they probably didn’t think 80 years ago that today the world would again come to a dangerous point, the brink of unleashing a war, a war of a different format, although in essence there is a war going on today, a hybrid war that is aimed at ideology. soviet ones aimed at leveling the role of the union, leveling the role of the soviet soldier in the liberation of europe from the brown plague,
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fascism. belarus sees risks and challenges that could develop into real threats to national security. therefore , historical memory and patriotism are included in our national interests, the state secretary of the security council emphasized. but western politicians, alas, forgot who they owe for liberating the world from the brown plague, fascism, and unleashed a new hybrid war, risking a return to the tragic events of eighty years ago. for example, ukraine, where the so-called elite holds its own people hostage to political ambitions. trying to change history. alexander volfovich said this. the people of ukraine, the same conscientious, friendly, hardworking people of ukraine today are experiencing something that they should not experience at the behest of their politicians, at the behest of those people who followed the lead of the collective west. most of the marshals of the soviet union, heroes of the soviet
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union, came from ukraine, they forgot something about them, but politicians. today they did everything possible, that today history in ukraine has turned upside down, that’s what what’s happening there today, what it led to, we see, we don’t want this to happen in belarus. the construction of radical nationalism in ukraine began long before the collapse of the soviet union and blossomed gradually. the west, in turn, not only supports such an ideology, but has long been its sponsor. he shared this opinion with our tv channel.
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who is coming to power in europe today, how ordinary citizens of ukraine were convinced that their heroes are crazy criminals and who is behind war crimes in the territory belarus. watch the trends project today after the panorama.
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the west continues to escalate tensions in the region. the united states, together with nato allies , have launched major military exercises in europe , astral knight. according to the pentagon press secretary , they will work on two-week maneuvers. flights and simulation of military operations in poland and the baltic countries are supported by 500 military personnel from the usa, great britain, latvia, lithuania, poland, estonia, as well as over fifty aircraft and other aircraft. the purpose of the maneuvers is to learn to repel air and missile attacks enemy and build a joint one. strategy for detecting the destruction of air threats. to do this, the american military brought with them the latest air defense systems, which will temporarily become part of the unified
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allied defense system. the independence of poland is in question; the influence on the warsaw regime from the united states is too great. a frank view of the situation in the solovyov project was voiced by the polish judge thomas schmidt, who asked for political asylum in belarus.
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that sekorsky simply fears for his career. the polish prosecutor's office has already opened a case of espionage against schmidt in his homeland; he faces life imprisonment. the level of dissatisfaction with the actions of the lithuanian authorities is reflected in the failing ratings. according to a survey by a local research company, almost 72% of lithuanians are dissatisfied with the work of the government led by prime minister shimanytė. they approve of her activities. 20% of respondents, this is the worst rating for the entire term of office, local media note. the rating of the current head
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of the lithuanian state has also dropped significantly, and on the eve presidential elections, support for used 35%, a month ago it was 10% more. however, instead of looking for reasons for the discontent of citizens of the baltic countries, they are waging a war with people's memory, victory day is prohibited there. holiday. residents of estonia face a year in prison or a large fine. local authorities recalled the ban on public gatherings of the procession, as well as the symbols of victory. at the same time , residents of the country are asked to denounce anyone who dares to go against the rules of the regime. in latvia, laying flowers to places where previously there were monuments that would be seen as glorifying military aggression. all symbols of this holiday are prohibited in lithuania... flags and ribbons have become illegal in germany as well.
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berlin has officially banned the use of symbols associated with russia and the soviet union at the three largest memorials in honor of may 9. the russian embassy in germany called this decision unacceptable. however, in the baltic countries. there is not only historical, but any truth in general. in latvia, 17 criminal cases were opened for connection to prohibited tv channels, specifically russian and belarusian sources. according to the police, 13 cases were opened in 2023, and four more this year. punishments threaten both those who provide the service and viewers; more than a thousand checks have been carried out on the so-called legality of audiovisual content, especially. tv news agency:
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we hear so much about freedom of speech in the countries of the collective west, which for some reason teach others and make a remark that you have censorship, but behind the promoted slogan freedom of speech hides much stricter censorship, dismissal and discrimination of journalists, and i will not even list the massive cases of illegal blocking, for example, of russian media in the west, i will remember the real facts about western journalists. leading american television for one of the largest us arms companies. all us and british media are controlled either by large transnational corporations or by the government, like the bbc. and the corporations that call the shots don’t need honest journalists with independent investigations. they need those who work in their best interests. but
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even worse, western intelligence agencies bring their proteges into the mainstream media. the telegram newspaper reported that the british security agency had been reviewing the bbc's appointment for many years. the us central intelligence agency and media insiders have admitted that the cia employed numerous agents who held senior leadership positions in the most important us news organizations. former education minister and current mp michael. worked again works at the times. boris johnson also worked as spectacle editor before become foreign minister. johnson also worked as the brussels correspondent for the telegraph, which likely prepared him well for his future role on the brexit frontline. so that’s why we don’t see western media headlines like the us and britain committing more and more war crimes in the middle east or thousands of nato mercenaries killing people in
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the donbass? we don’t hear about discrimination against julian asandge, who was punished for telling the truth. a symbol of hypocrisy can also be considered, by the way, also cynical the cruelty of false democratic values, one can also consider the many years of mockery of julian assange, solely for his beliefs and journalistic activities, some tortured by washington’s guarantee that he is a prisoner of conscience. will be executed, only he can be put behind bars, well, for 175 years, well, no more, no one in the enlightened west was touched by the tragedy of the american-chilean journalist gonce leary, who was tortured to death in ukrainian dungeons. actually a cool life hack, for example, a politician wants it please biden by purchasing american oil, gas and weapons at inflated prices. how to convince your people of the correctness of these wrong decisions, through the media, the trend of not
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free speech is popular in... all countries of the collective west, if you, as a reporter , work either in state media, financed by forced license fees, or in large private media companies, then you cannot write what you want and what you feel yourself. there are certain recommendations. roughly speaking, everyone knows that in the newspapers springer, bilt, davelt will not publish articles extremely critical of israel. they have no chance there, because you need to sign a statement that you are pro- israel, that you will not question the existence of the state of israel or the israeli point of view, and so on. and if the journalist tells the truth, he will become like tucker kalson, fired, but loved by the audience. and now a commercial break, a break, really for fair and free journalism. if in belarus the shift depends on advertisers, then in the reference countries democracy, the press is sometimes 100%
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financed by advertisers, that is.
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the gomel region has built an effective system of working with citizens’ appeals, this opinion was expressed by natalya kachanova at an extended meeting of the presidium of the council of the republic in gomel. he was illuminated. or the results of a single day of reception of citizens on personal issues, which on may 2 covered all districts of the gomel region. in terms of the number of requests for help from senators, the gomel region moved from fifth place to fourth, this is an assessment of the work of local authorities with the population and a litmus test of how to determine where adjustments are needed at the legislative level. it is noted that 60% of problem solving is within the competence.
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the townspeople received the dolphin pool, which was built at the expense of the regional budget as part of the investment program; it is a multifunctional site with swimming bowls, a gym and a dry swimming room, a classroom, and modern equipment. important decisions made at the all-belarusian people's assembly are receiving more and more responses, vectors are defined, speeches are sorted into quotes, but it is now active... work has begun on the ground, the deputies of the house of representatives have a large layer of work, not only to convey the ambassadors to the national assembly, being its participants, but to take into account the problems of the outback, several hundred kilometers of roads in the capital, in order to study the problems on
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the spot and receive personal on issues in the asipovichi executive committee, the dialogue is led by the deputy chairman of the standing committee of the house of representatives of the delegation of the belarusian people's assembly of the seventh convocation, oleg dichenko. the region is not new for the deputy, after all, it has been around for many years. served in mogilev pedagogical university. today, the top requests are to consider the possibility of lowering the retirement age for internationalist soldiers and the collective pension age for workers at a machine-building enterprise, and reviewing payments for hazardous working conditions. according to article 225 of the labor code , special food is provided in the form of milk or equivalent products. it would also be convenient for the employer to replace the consent of workers without food with simply monetary compensation. because the. we were elected by the people, then we must work closely with voters in the district, citizens come and formulate specific tasks for us with their people’s representatives already at their level, at the parliamentary level to consider these issues. laws are not born in offices,
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the main message of such active work with voters, including in the outback. a secondary school in the agricultural town of svislych, this year its students received updated, serious investments from the state. implemented this year, including for residents of the new microdistrict, a school designed for a thousand places with a kindergarten, library sports school. appreciating what we have achieved and not succumbing to the negative influence of destructive online communities, and oleg dichenko sets these priorities already
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in his meeting with the students of the osipovichy gymnasium, resulted in a constructive dialogue about the military doctrine adopted at the supreme national assembly on why it is so important to remember the lessons of history. new patriotic projects of the gymnasium, as a tribute to the hero. models with a story about the largest sabotage during the great patriotic war at the osipovich station and the memory of villages burned by the nazis. the most important symbol is a maple with huge red leaves that symbolize fire. and just under this maple tree there is a shed where people were burned by german punitive forces. our pioneer squad is named after fyodor andreevich krylovich. therefore, it became a matter of honor for us to create a panorama, a diversion. we are caring for the grave of fyodor andreevich krylovich. and a pleasant end to the deputy’s day in the region, the anniversary medal in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus and gifts were accepted by the only veteran remaining in the region.
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victory park, area near the sports palace,
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october square. guests of the holiday will be able to visit a partisan camp, see military equipment and listen to front-line songs. the central place of the celebration will traditionally be victory square. at 19:00 a republican action will be held. belarus remembers the laying of flowers and wreaths at the victory monument. according to tradition , the head of state will take part in the ceremony. a gala concert at 9:00 pm after the war will gather at october square. the first artists will appear on stage at 21:30. victory melodies will sound may, the motives of the great victory are familiar to everyone. and already at 23:00 minsk will salute, the sky over the capital will be colored by salvoes from six points. in the parks named after yanka kupala, uga chavis and pavlov on the embankment in drozdy, as well as on the grounds near the zhovka arena and the national library. all evening celebrations for
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victory day will be shown live by the bel-tv and radio company . for victory day, the streets of the capital turned into a kind of exhibition galleries with archival photographs. the facade of the pedagogical university is traditionally decorated with a handmade canvas of 8 thousand flags. solemn atmosphere on the eve of the holiday. in the story of karina gurevich. designers always think through the image of a victorious may for the hero city of minsk in detail. this year the emphasis was on the heroes of the great patriotic war. a front-line photo album decorates the streets like an art object. and avenues of the capital. sergei perov, artist, designer
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of the minsklama enterprise, has been helping to create ceremonial decorations for may 9 for 11 years. while the printer is printing banners for the holiday, a specialist is painstakingly cutting out the names of the heroes. when i'm walking down the street and i see that the work that i did with my own hands naturally takes some pride from me. because i do this work, i perform it, i really like the work. naturally, i... am proud of this, and i definitely show and tell my children that dad did this, the heroes whose names the streets are named after, the marshals, the military leaders who led and made victorious decisions, are now on banners, stand screens , a chronicle of names and faces, an exhibition of photographic documents of the legendary operation bagration on october square capital, there are flag cascades and apple blossoms as a symbol of victory.
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in general, history in general, the history of belarus is also very interesting, how they fought, the flags - it gives more solemnity, yes, it’s very nice, but how do you usually spend the holiday? oh, my family and i are going to the city. city, the first military award that appeared in the center of the graphic composition of the design during the war years, the order of the patriotic
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war, first degree. you can get acquainted with the chronology of the liberation of belarus along the pedestrian zone along pobediteley avenue. this walk of fame leads from the palace. sports to the museum of the history of the great patriotic war. we also had one very important goal: to fill the city with interesting, important, necessary information, which we gleaned from archival sources and from documentary sources. according to tradition , the façade of the pedagogical university is dressed in a ceremonial uniform. pono 40 m high from 8.00 flags, on the square. depending on the lighting supports have been transformed into cubic stands, there is also an unusual photo zone that repeats the angle of a military photo of the holiday square in 1944. these stylized stars will decorate all entrances to the capital by may 9, the height of the art object is 4 m. in the center of the installation is a three-dimensional emblem of the holiday, on it is the outline
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of the country and the silhouette of the iconic memorial, the mound of glory. each star has a gold number 80, a sign of the anniversary year. liberation of belarus. karina gurevich and sergey matveychuk, telenews agency. three tanpistas, three cheerful friends. the crew is a combat vehicle. in anticipation. of the great victory day holiday are held throughout the country, including numerous sporting events in honor of this bright date. so today, in the capital's arena , the amateur diplomat team played a friendly match with the rodina club. the organizers of the meeting included representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and business structures of various states.
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representatives of the media and art athletes have already come out for their homeland. the result of the fight here definitely fades into the background, in any case, friendba won on the lawn today. the main goal of our match today is to promote the friendship of peoples. have you seen in the teams there are representatives of different peoples, different nationalities. on the eve of such a sacred holiday, we also want to pay tribute to the memory and respect of our ancestors, who won this common victory for us, in a sporting way.
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this year, by the way, the diplomat team plans to organize a friendly match in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. perhaps, the organizers announce, the match will take place on the lawn of the dynamo national olympic stadium. and one more news for everyone involved in the world of sports, the legendary commentator vladimir navitsky turns 70 years old today, but even on this holiday , the master of belarusian sports journalism is up to the task and is also hungry for the profession. navitsky is rightfully considered the most famous belarusian commentator, who was an eyewitness to the main victories of our sport during our sovereign history. andrey kozlov personally congratulated the hero of the day. our memories did not knock out a tear from the sentimental novitsky,
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so thank god. it just so happens that this interview is from fall 2022 on air. appears only now, but it’s even more interesting. buildings with columns. known for a long time simply as bt, two tv channels bt and lad, they went on air from there, but the building nearby, this is a yellow house, the main editorial office of sports programs was located there on the ground floor. the topic is the legendary victory of dynamo minsk in the 1982 ussr championship. it’s amazing that exactly a year before that incredible story, vladimir navitsky came to the profession of television for all of us. essentially a courier, i’m already 27 years old, i already have a higher education from bpi shoulders, but there was no crown, there was
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nothing to fall, i was a fan, an erudite fan, my football universities were at the dynamo stadium, there was such a wonderful metal table with figures of football players, someone said gate park, someone called it a bunch, let's go on a bunch, it was interesting, it was informative, well, an erudite fan wrote a letter to the sports editorial office of bt belarusian television, which is what i see...
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nowitzki was born in 1954 in brest into a military family, graduated from the belarusian state polytechnic institute with a degree in power engineering, later received a diploma with honors from the correspondence department of the faculty of journalism of the bsu, and got into sports journalism thanks to a letter that he wrote. 12 olympiads were held with his participation, none of our colleagues can boast of this, this admiration, you know, for sports, this interest, this is like a spectacle, you have it, this is how you managed to preserve it, because i don’t see it for all my colleagues this.
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take a cow, do it, one, two, united by the idea of ​​patriotism, they provide everything the most important events. with the participation of the head of state, meet foreign delegations, represent belarus at socio-political and cultural
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meetings abroad. the service at the gates of honor catches you. corolla has the fact that there are a lot of different events in which he personally took part, the most memorable thing is seeing the leaders of the heads of other states, the honor guard company, the face of the belarusian army, everyone understands a serviceman standing in the ranks that he has no right to make a mistake, their the performances are mesmerizing and breathtaking, military personnel spend 5-6 hours on the parade ground, this preparatory process. watch on friday only on our
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tv channel.
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well, beauties, with victory, we’ll use petrov as bait, come back with the films, eliminate the prosaic immediately on our side, watch the tv series scouts on the belarus 24 tv channel . isai pavlovich kozenets, one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground. in the summer of 1941, he created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group
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of oil workers. for secrecy, i took it for myself. name deceased comrade vyacheslav yurygin. under the name slavka, he entered the history of the minsk anti-fascist underground. the oil workers established contact with other partisan detachments operating in the vicinity of minsk. they equipped an underground printing house and organized sabotage at the minsk railway junction and other objects of the occupiers. in march. in 1942, the minsk anti-fascist underground failed because sd agents were introduced into its ranks. despite all the measures of secrecy, they failed to protect themselves. almost all members of the first members of the minsk underground were arrested and tortured in fascist dungeons.


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