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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 7:20am-8:41am MSK

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the authorities are not with each other, that is, you are friends, you are bad, in culture, in art, you have to conflict with the authorities, i can’t say where they found this quote, but it penetrates, especially during the period when we had a great time in you know, the nineties years when we were not the only ones who dug up... kurapaty said that this is the meaning of our life, none of these, but the diggers said that guys, we survived such a period of the patriotic war, our grandfathers and we ourselves survived, the same guys from my age, where you have been, experienced, what we are looking for, and rightly says alexander grigorich today, what would have happened if... that
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twentieth year had won, yes, this group of people, which it did, and even then it is unlikely that they would have triumphed, they probably wouldn’t have had honey from the bees, earn money myself, now we know what they are being told there, how much they can feed you, where the revolution is in belarus, where, no, it swings through art, art. let's return to this question, to yours, this is a very important, problematic issue, very problematic, and, by the way, a little overlooked in today's the day may be when there is a national assembly, i was a delegate to this assembly, i know that i was present with delight, this is an intermediate link where all segments of the population, all cultural institutions can, i know why with culture... the last 2 -3
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years no one, to be honest, no one from the ideological structures, not even me, the head of the studio of military artists, i ask people who are responsible for ideology to meet with us, i ask, lenin went himself, he came to the factory, but here, you know , here i am making one canvas, it’s on well 100%. should it be reflected either in painting, no, in the fine arts the twentieth year, what do you think, yes, yes, in literature it is necessary, it is necessary, in cinema it is necessary, and many of these things, in general, by and large, if so by and large , culture should be at the forefront of this issue at the forefront, i had a proposal...
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four years ago, listen, let’s gather the confederation of creative unions, and let’s say the ministry, i ask him 3 to make an appeal to our former friends, neighbors, listen, metaran, you are ours from ours blue. let's see or listen to what your, you know, cultural program says about the fact that you are demolishing monuments, and you demolished our lesha, thank god, you didn’t get to the point in berlin to demolish a monument to a soldier, a liberator, by the way, nikolaev read it perfectly this poem at the opening of the exhibition judge military artists, powerful and...
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lunacharsky, who works, so this is the link that is intermediate between the state and the people, this is what we need to work with culture, lenin said meeting, i think this is an amazing action, well, in our state, where we, even in our union, i say, there is no need to write letters and go there.
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like the first one, these two wings, it holds this bird, it must, it will get away from the enemy with the help of these wings, it must peck someone.
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i don’t just want to do it, i want to decide, you know, the first woman from belarus, and in general our first, there shouldn’t just be a portrait of her, i sat down in the village, i could do it, now she was in us
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, present at the national meeting, she charming, beautiful, you can make candy from it, but the candy didn’t fly into space, it flew. a courageous, strong woman, and in order to be in space, and i want her to get out of the rocket, so i want her to fly like, you know, a woman from belarus, something needs to be hinted at belarus, as it was, she walked , yes, she flew, this is very important, i ’ll tell you, even...
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with these devices that we need and where we fly and test something, and us with test tubes, she didn’t just fly like that, look how many operations she performed those, which are needed by laboratories on earth, academies, so i am obliged to make a triptych, i just want the guts, your space triptych, yes, a good name, a good name. honestly, we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and invite guests, we have connections,
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they absorb knowledge. with an enviable appetite, is it true that in developed countries the male population predominates over the female population? the female population predominates there because men have a higher mortality rate in childhood, what do you think? various factors, my dad threw me into a river when i was a child, and then the brilliant ones answer the host’s questions, does anyone know why september is called september, not because it’s the seventh month, no, nikita, great, it’s the seventh month, september is simply named serial number, relatively speaking, even adults are delighted with the erudition of these guys, and why?
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arina is not a traitor, she had reasons, i ’m sure, and i’m sure that she knew what she was doing, and it’s called desertion, what
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are we going to do, it doesn’t look like you’re narin, i’ll do it everything, as long as you live, but what happened to you, my husband is seriously shell-shocked, he can’t hear anything, he speaks poorly, give him secret documents and bargain for forgiveness, he will spend the whole night alone in an abandoned base, what about the beauties? we use petrov as bait, come back with the films, eliminate prozorovsk immediately on our side, watch the intelligence series on the belarus 24 tv channel, the program say don’t be silent is on air again, our guest is the honored artist of the republic of belarus, winner of the presidential prize.
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it will not give understanding to the human soul, yes, it can decorate, it can do miracles that the human brain may not even think of this, because it forms a person and the structure of a person, the very same origin that nature and the past generation laid for him, to reach artificial intelligence today by... including that, let's say, painting that caresses the soul not
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only, for example, where this form of this art is mainly, as in russia, in belarus, yes, throughout the soviet post-soviet space, we had a school, school of classical realistic movement and art, we grew up with this school. hundreds of hundreds of generations, today that school of classical fine art, the so-called classical realism, means that it is in demand all over the world, i will give an example, i was invited from germany from three museums, to exhibit there, that i answered them there, tell me, am i in the form of picasso, or in the form of the one i work with, i have... there are works like this, well, all the artists want to try, and you know, from all three museums, starting from
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hannover and ending with two more, i received the answer: no, only in the manner that we saw your work, well, yes, it was later after an excessive passion for the avant-garde, a return to realism, of course, artificial intelligence will not write, probably not, will do everything, portraits, and group portraits, everything will be as it should be for artificial intelligence, exactly, and moles, braids, everything will be and eyelashes, but it will sit in front... but there will be no one to communicate with, not even to communicate silently with whom, today's form of fine art, he appears from a person from a small example , i’ll give you a small example, we had a moment in the artists’ union when a person was the post-secretary of the artists’ union, and he
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invited from germany to be the curator of our republican exhibition. i say why? but that curator, i met, so he tried to do this, to do it so that it would just be different from what you had, so that there was no smell of realism, they made an exhibition, so what, it smells different, that you don’t have to go there, but they are curators from germany, well-known, pursuing goals that are exactly what you wanted. ask about patriotism on the eve of a big holiday, what is this, nikolai, we talked about culture and art, how do they buy people of art? i’ll give you a small example from life, and this is important for political scientists to know, and not only political scientists, and the leader of the country, why i told you, yes, if you give me a million
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dollars, then all the art will be at my feet, and if i have more. ..
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structure, it is built on cunning, on deception, on meanness, but only for their own purposes, what they did, they made a noise from us, you know, two germans are buying, they are walking around workshops, they are buying, what is the result in the whole world, our people rushed in and offered to organize an exhibition of your art of today with us, it is very fashionable, this is fashionable.
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we made an exhibition there, brought in realism, like they did here, a bunch of beautiful ones, landscapes, portraits, letters there, and of course, those people who work, well, let’s say on the road chagall, chagall is a brilliant work, by the way, well, we’ve also set up, there’s a man on duty.
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only according to the school of realistic art, this is a classic, this is forever, this is all fashionable, this, and this is a school forever, but its you can destroy it this way, yeah.
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it has worked out, you know, like technical progress, it has worked out, we don’t have enough screws to tighten it, we have come a new generation, i believe that we should look at this event of today in the world, here, around us, in other eyes, even the fact that i made this roast in 1941, i didn’t make shtakovaya like that.
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this thought, it disappeared from the canvas, there is an advertisement, he took someone by the chest with an arm, a leg, his head, hit everything in the face. on today we lack this warmth. and thoughts, you said correctly, thought disappeared from the canvas, unfortunately, this question of yours should be raised on the shield by all creative people. organizations, because such is the time, so i’ll return again to this meeting that i was at, it somehow made
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a strong impression on me, so that we can be heard and so that we say, don’t be at the top, don’t be at the top, i think the history of our homeland and state, it allows us today to work on very sharp issues. problems, even on these problems that were in the twentieth year, this is the year that gives us the whole culture of art, to think, to hold certain forums, meetings, to turn to people like us in europe, why not in europe, we had good contacts, musical, literary, artistic, exhibition venues, why are we silent, we don’t have the confederation that should work with... with the environment, because they will work with a machine gun here, i think so, we need to not be silent,
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our monuments to our reds have been destroyed, 3 years have been crumbling soldier, that's what i say guys, well, you are leaders, let's make a decision, a cry to europe, to the culture of europe, that this is bad, this is good, we have the right to appeal, we are the country that is there... in the house, in every soul living today day in our country of people, and even more so for artists, we must respond to this holiday
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with our works, thank god that we all lived to see the eightieth anniversary, the great victory of the liberation of the republic of belarus. nikolai afanasyevich, now you will hear a phrase familiar to you, please add yours signature on our picture. considering that artificial intelligence is a speaking person only through art, i will write to him like this, to each his own.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. today we are in polotsk. oh, you know what, i’ve been thinking about hanging out here for a long time, because this is a city with real history. is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, the post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence. and off we go.
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hire people who don’t want to run and play, like rain, sunshine, sunshine, and how our life is formed from these little people, we want to look at this light for everyone and protect our skin for ourselves...
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i have a russian passport, my husband has a belarusian passport, we had a wedding in russia , urban-type settlement krasny, and we live in belarus. belarusian borderland, vitebsk region, agricultural town, the international timoshkov family is 12 years old, 300 meters from home to the border, on the other side, and not frequent guests, our uncle ruslan lives there, that’s my dad’s brother, i don’t notice much of a difference. people there, the people here are, in principle, all the same, they joke here, the bordering union state in every house is in miniature, people communicate, make friends, get married, a single people is not divided by nationality. the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, they honor, remember, meet, literally last year or the year before last, both the krasnenskys and our lednyanskys met, organized a concert, exchanged gifts, we are all one family, that
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is, we... do not separate there, let’s say who is belarusian, who is russian, we are all together, especially here at the border. friendship is the same public diplomacy, roots, culture, tradition, common memory, history, you can’t count everything that connects belarus and russia today. unity begins in families and extends to integration between states. and this is exactly the case when we are together in joy in grief. the belarusian people mourn together with the russians, the terrorist attack at crocus cityholi resonated with pain in the souls of belarusians, the russian embassy, ​​as if at the site of a terrible tragedy, lamps, a sea of ​​flowers, toys, the first reaction that i saw, it was the reaction of our belarusian colleagues, it was public she immediately started calling us, writing to us, sending us links, and so on, our colleagues from the belarusian foreign ministry began to call us, there is an expression for friends in misfortune, when the misfortune is the same for everyone, but
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here it is misfortune. ears for oceanic advisers stuck out from the rupees of the opposition in ninety-six, their cozers have not changed today, since the collapse of the great soviet country, the united states is not at hand, strong players in the region, and any integration, especially such close one, causes hysteria, when the international community is going through a difficult time of conflict crises, unity acquires special value. history has repeatedly proven that only together can we adequately respond to any challenges. here are these historical shots: on april 2 , 1996, the presidents of the two countries, boris yeltsin and alexander lukashenko, signed an agreement in the kremlin on the formation of a community of russia and belarus. soon a holiday will be approved, the day of unity of nations. a little more time will pass
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and a union will appear, and this is the first brick foundation for integration. the state will become a union state in 99. over more than a quarter of a century, integration has not only grown stronger, it has gained strength by... they say that the relations between russia and belarus are in the middle space, simply aerobatics, and even the union states set an example for other integration associations, that’s what you say, because for the au and for the cis, what is being worked out at the sites of the union state, first of all, with november twenty- first year, this is an obvious result. which can be used, which can be assessed, including in numbers, and which can be adopted. space, of course, is a global project, everyone followed the flight of the first belarusian one with a launch from baikanur.
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in space alone, eight union programs have been implemented, a ninth is in progress, we are talking about joint projects, developments, training of astronauts and much more. space is important, it is in demand.
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the economy is a locomotive, the figures confirm that, for example, union projects will increase the gdp of belarus by $8 billion. the program for the formation of a unified industrial policy of the union state has become a flagship program. its goal is to synchronize approaches, legislation, norms, rules; there is already an agreement on mutual recognition technological operations, completing.
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products will be produced on a planar - these are photo masks, the production of photo masks, well, this is a real challenge, because few countries in the world can boast that they have developed production. by producing these products, yes, we are moving forward. belarus has a special interest in aircraft construction, there are already programs and companies communicate directly. a separate area is the digital economy. in the twenty-third year, the volume of this services market between our countries amounted to $410 million. moscow and minsk practically completed the transition to payments in national currencies. their share in the union state is 92%. another important area is logistics. in the twenty-third, belarus almost doubled the transportation of goods through
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russian transport corridors, and in the first 2 months of this year there was another increase of a quarter. belaes is perhaps the largest joint project in our history, we are talking about this on the sidelines of the atomexpo international forum, which has a record number of participants. a large-scale project not only for the republic, but also for rusatom. for the first time this project implemented in a country where... there was no nuclear energy, not at operating sites, practically in an open field, two units are working, now we are talking about a third unit, the ministry of energy on both sides is working on this issue, this is dear to me country, today it is the best nuclear power plant in the world. belarus and russia are developing nuclear energy together, and peaceful atom has given impetus to new projects in a number of sectors: science, medicine. industry, let me congratulate you on
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this signing, what does this mean today for belarus? we have essentially created a program document with an open architecture, we can add projects there, we can change something, and which of the projects can be the first to be implemented? it seems to me that there is a greater degree of readiness, perhaps, this is the direction of medicine, medical equipment, first of all tomographs for various purposes, in this area the state corporation has quite good competence. on our part, these are treatment methods, and at the same time we also agreed that we would think about at least issues of personnel training, then good competence in the field of electric vehicles, we have a comprehensive project for the future national electric transport, in principle , the competencies already have a certain history, the niche of public transport has been mastered, these include electric buses, autonomous trolleybuses, trams, hybrid schemes, various with the completion of the construction of a nuclear power plant power plants in...
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what opportunities will belarusians have? advanced technologies, what do they provide? growth in labor productivity, this time, as it were, because a certain production chain is shortened, yes, and accordingly, the chain is preserved, there is no need to use a certain amount of equipment, milling machines, lathes, the material utilization rate increases, plus one technology makes it possible to increase the technical characteristics of a particular product, then they can make it easier, stronger, there is also a shape that you...
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another russian federation, and here we are very open, already in the last entrance campaign we accepted our russian friends into our universities based on the results of a single state. exam, but the truth is that there is a paid form of education. this year we are allocating more than 1.0 budget places so that our russian colleagues can enter our universities. i can’t help but say that just the other day our guys, about 600 of our youth, returned from the world youth forum, which was held in the city of sochi, on the basis of the sirius territory.
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very good impression, seven cooperation agreements have been signed between our various youth organizations, what else emphasizes again. from this interaction, when it comes to young people, there have been no barriers or boundaries in relations for a long time, in the last 2 years this has been a completely new, high-quality level, first of all, this is specific work on the employment of young people, on exchange, such a topic as student detachments in the russian federation and the republic of belarus are of a fundamental nature, where young people have the opportunity not only to try themselves in the profession, but above all, of course...
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the teams of the russian federation, the most famous groups of our republic of belarus, and you know, the spectacle is fascinating, because they are getting acquainted with our cultures, and of course the viewer gets great pleasure from what is happening on stage. since last year, the standing
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committee has been an active participant in the event in alexandria. kupala gathers friends. we see how all the events within the framework of this festival are of great interest. taking into account the decision of the supreme state council, the government has instructed cooperation in eleven areas, this is the cultural and humanitarian sphere, this is education, this is sports, this is tourism, this is something new that also returns funds to national budgets, but something that creates a special atmosphere of camaraderie and closeness for people.
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we must build our relationships on very clear, transparent, semantic loads. tourism is a special topic. in the union state , the creative program is rapidly gaining momentum and new routes are appearing. if in belarus these are castles, agrotourism and industrial, beautiful nature with blue lakes and health resorts right next to forest lakes, then
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in russia, the sea, mountains, snowy slopes and mountain rivers are added to the same list. we are in sochi, a non-standard question in krasnaya polyana, do you know anything about belarus? we know nature, beautiful belarusian famous products, we know a lot. would like to visit, yes, we want to, we will go, where do you plan to come, minsk, brest, i would definitely like to take the children to brest, we need to explain to them why we are all here, why our country is so big, why we are friends, why our peoples are friends , why be surprised when you meet a person from slonim on the funicular, belarusians and russians are one such people, spirit, yes, of course, there is no difference here, absolutely, and i think, not only not here, everywhere. all people are kindly responsive to joy hello, by the way, somewhere on the mountain slopes there are descendants of belarusian teeth, so
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belarusians help replenish the population, a string of blue buses are also belarusian - these are mazy, minsk and sochi - sister cities, for example, were here when i was a child there with my parents, now people who come here simply can’t recognize the city and say, where was this little shop here, and where is this cafe, we took pictures there, i say, everything has changed a lot. a lot of display points have appeared, this is certainly the olympic heritage, these are ski resorts, these are olympic arenas, now we still have innovation going on, for example, the same olympic venues are being reoriented for new sports, as happened with the fish stadium, there was an opening ceremony , the closing of the olympics, now it is a football stadium, we later had the world cup there, and constantly some very significant events take place in our city, which attract a large number of guests.
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blooms, consider aromatherapy surrounded by such plant abundance, you feel this unification of peoples, it
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is built from this, it is built from little things, that’s exactly us, in our case, we go from the particular to the general, and we look at some global changes, from the point of view of what exactly i can do, what exactly is a small step, we are trying to celebrate some holidays in belarus here in the sanatorium, thereby... crushing citizens of the russian federation or citizens of other countries on some national holidays in belarus, that is , we even practice such moments, so yes, we can say that we carry culture here separately on our territory. meanwhile, the house on the belarusian-russian border smells of vanilla, mint, and delicious pies. on april 2 , the table is always set for guests, the timoshkovas work on a local farm in the dnieper region, the children go to school and participate in clubs. overhead...
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the club of editors, which means the all-belarusian people's assembly for the country, is one of mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all absolutely branches of power, such a foundation on which belarus will be built further, this is such a foundation for the belarus of the future, we have a new constitutional body, but there is one more function, the supreme council can cancel the decision.
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make the most of them. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have? ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that can be spent on laziness, sadness, i
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understand, this is definitely not there, on depression. watch the project i'm from the village on the belarus24 tv channel.
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when you're five, that collection of tom jerry gum inserts seems like the most valuable thing is taken by the one who flips both of them. we made paper dolls in batches, drew dresses and called ourselves fashion designers. we waited a whole week to watch our favorite cartoon on sunday morning; it was only later that vcrs appeared. true luxury. those who
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had access to it organized a whole cinema hall at home. scarcity is the most capacious thing that collects the romance of childhood, the beginning nineties. when you can’t bring candy into the garden, others want it too, but there’s no way to get it, no, not to buy it, just to get it, and this is not a bad childhood, that was the time. it took years to understand how much parents did to get candy, and why they didn’t buy furniture for the interior.
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i work, i can’t feed him, so it costs 3,000, well, well, what is it, my hands are dirty, my hands are dirty, i pay 200 rubles. 250, i can eat these prices at the store and buy them right away. let’s say we withdraw money from the book, live for a while, then what? no less queues lined up at the cash registers, it would be good if the salary was paid out for the previous month, or at least part in money, the other in produced goods, but the main blow was ahead, having lost control over money circulation, savings turned into the same candy wrappers. inflation grew by 30% per month, as a result, for the price of an apartment, people were able to buy... except maybe a barn castle, my husband died, i'm depressed, i worked for so many years, worked, raised children, now i have to beg,
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the people were robbed, who were saving death they survived, there were a thousand, some thousand, what they turned into, where they got millions and billions, at the expense of whom it was, it was in an honest way that they made these millions and billions. must answer his own. before deputy lukashenko, no one spoke so openly about corruption. this statement, which was made at a meeting of the supreme council at the end of ninety- three, was listened to by the whole country. and it seems
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that no one except a young and proactive politician. and it didn’t matter that ordinary people suffer from the inaction of the authorities, but the young state, just a few years after the collapse of the ussr, found itself on the brink of failure. they kept silent, who didn’t, didn’t know how and where to move on. actually, they don’t have any program of their own, and what program do they have to get us out? the soviets should be sent somewhere to retire, they probably need to be changed, it will be helpful if they are professionally trained people, so that it is not cooks who run the country, but professionally trained people who know their job. tired of the vacillations of the supreme council of the twelfth convocation, which not only did not offer people a way out of the economic and political crisis, but also delayed the adoption of the first
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constitution for several years, which means that the state was marking time and there was no talk of any development, society had reached a boiling point, trust in the authorities was lost, only a strong leader can turn the situation around in favor of the people, when they stop raising prices, when...
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which will be supplemented by advanced world experience, but looking through the prism of democratic transformations of conservation social guarantees, it turned out that even the closest western neighbors do not have this in pomin. the approaches of russia, which decided on its development strategy a year earlier, were closer in spirit. the developers proposed about three dozen options, added and crossed out, argued and agreed. what was duplicated from project to project. was preserved, and thus the first fundamental law of independent belarus was created. we declared ourselves as a unitary democratic, social, legal state. the person was put at the forefront. there were people
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defined as the only source of state power. for the first time , the institution of presidency was designated in the constitution. the constitution of belarus is based on historical experience.
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adopted on behalf of the people, based on responsibility for the present and future of belarus. the years have shown how important it was to enshrine the principles of civil consent in the basic law. this core will again and again help to resist external challenges and interference in internal affairs. and the stronger belarus gets back on its feet, the more attempts there will be with greater pressure undertaken by those who will never be able to come to terms with our independence. what would have happened to us if we had not made changes to our constitution in time, had not built our country, but there was no state, we were similar, you know, we have neighbors here, such baltic countries, our unfriendly countries, so we were similar to them, they probably stood on their hind legs and waited for us to be given some kind of bone, while our western neighbors were deciding and waiting for what they would offer and how they would tell us to live further? the belarusian people took the situation into account
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first of all, they had to decide on the candidacy of the future first president. the country approached the 1994 elections in a deplorable state, 40% of industrial production was lost. agriculture has been set back decades due to fuel shortages, the harvesting company is under threat, real incomes are falling, unemployment is rising, and this is against the backdrop of times... those factories that used to produce rockets were forced to add on and produce those goods that were first of all, people need, for example, graters, that is, for many engineers it was a very moral blow, that before that we were just making cartridges, machine guns, just making graters, for many it was even a kind of humiliation, but what to do, the whole country was forced to survive, everyone rushed en masse to trade, because food prices are exactly in russia. they were
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three times higher than ours, just my father, like many other people, they were transporting products primarily butter, sausages, cheeses to russia, just in connection with the general shortage, and i i remember how we father stood at the door of the store and asked people if they were going to buy butter, and if people said that they were not going to buy butter, we asked them to buy us a pack of butter, father and...
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the director of the state farm, a town man from his people, that’s what they called to his voters, he promised to restore industry, return all external relations, while honestly warning about the difficult path to true independence. the people reacted to the presidential elections of 1994 with great enthusiasm, and it was in the newspapers with there were very broad discussions among the people about what would happen next, so everyone with the understanding that the fate of the country depended on us, they came to the polling stations, i remember myself, i came with my mother by the hand, she brought me and i remember that the polling stations were very decorated and people were very festively dressed, they were getting ready, they saw that they had the opportunity to decide their country's fate in their hands, to entrust the person to whom they... people entrusted the fate of the country
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, they entrusted this most difficult difficult responsibility lies with the young politician. alexander lukashenko wins the second round of the presidential election by a large margin. without relaxing, without enjoying the victory, the first president immediately proposed a plan of urgent measures to get the economy out of the crisis. time waits, there is nowhere to fall further. this program, after a long time of despair, became an inspiring first step for people.
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several more important issues were put to the referendum in 1995: it is impossible to restore the walls without strengthening the foundation. the young belarusian state began practically from scratch, in their ideology and symbolism, after the collapse of the ussr, some hot-headed people proposed to demolish everything to
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the ground. belarus is one step away from nationalism. the language issue could provoke a split in society and lead to fraternal hatred. as it happened in ukraine in the baltic countries. the symbolism imposed by the bchv threatened to inflict a mortal wound on an entire generation that knew what stood behind it. years later, it is clear who benefited from this, where they wanted to turn our country, then in order to survive, it was important preserve the unity of society and once and for all determine their own path of development, without wars of shocks, and the belarusians said: yes. more than 83%. citizens agreed that russian should become the state language on an equal basis with belarusian, 75% voted for changing state symbols, more than 83% supported economic integration with russia, almost 78% agreed with
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amendments to the constitution regarding the powers of the supreme council. when we worked in the supreme council of the thirteenth convocation, there were a lot of different such questions, politicking. we were involved in legislation a little less, on february 24, this referendum took place in 1996, and on february 27 , the supreme council of the 13th ceased to exist and a house of representatives of 10 deputies was organized, of which we were included, and here we have already begun. began to engage more in legislative activities and began to engage in what parliament should do. build a clear system of state power that would make it possible to quickly make management decisions would ensure their implementation, it turned out to be
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an extremely difficult task, they went through this, someone is still causing problems in all countries of the post-soviet space, this process turned out to be painful for belarus as well. the discussion of changes to the constitution took place in a difficult political situation; separate winds of power, political parties and public associations found themselves in opposition. the supreme council has prepared its own version of the changes. the main question remained: should belarus be a parliamentary or presidential republic. an attempt to pull into the conflict between citizens failed. people, having seen enough of the distant discussions in the supreme council, trusted more the one who simply worked, solving their specific problems. here is the visit of the head of state to mogilev. thank you, thank you. this is gomel. here the president once again stated: the fate of the young state is only in the hands of ordinary people.
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today is not easy. yes, today there are a lot of problems, but, believe me, these problems are up to us to solve. here, whether anyone wants it or not, only we can solve these problems, no matter what it is or not, only us. capable of saving our the country and bring it to the level that our belarusian people deserve. even at the beginning of his journey, the president took a principled position: all important decisions will be made together with the belarusian people. this is his initiative to convene the first all-belarusian people's assembly in the history of a sovereign state. 5,000 people listened to the report, which transparently reflected the tactics of the young politician, only... the people have the right to decide their fate. and right there in court , the socio-economic development program for the next
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five-year period was discussed together, there and about increasing exports and developing the agro-industrial complex that it is time to revive the pace of housing construction. thus , together, the further path of development of the state was determined. there were different people, there were officials, there were deputies of both houses of parliament, there were employees of the ministry.
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constitution. thus , a full-fledged vertical of power in the presidential republic was formed in belarus. the highest legislative and representative body was the bicameral parliament, the executive council of ministers. to the councils of deputies, starting local government and self-government were entrusted to city and district districts. the clear vertical of power, which was then formed thanks to the constitutional reform, made it possible to preserve belarusian statehood. this will later be noticed by historians and experts. the task from the president was absolutely clear: to protect the interests of honestly working people, and not
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speculators and privatizers. and put national interests above what the west is blindly trying to point out. it was necessary to look at all sectors of the national economy and their effective work from a fresh angle. will strengthen the social sphere, how and with what to treat and what is missing in medicine, so that...
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nonsense, they told us that a teacher, a lesson giver, he must give a lesson two knowledge, give knowledge, education, this does not concern him, but we we see what this could lead to if we didn’t catch it in time, so a lot has been done, we have returned profiling, the fact that belarusians have chosen the right path to stop the young state has already been confirmed by the first five-year plan, by the 2000s gdp grew by more than a third, as many added. to investments in fixed capital, industrial production increased by more than half, incomes and
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new buildings began to grow, no matter how those who like to give away predicted the collapse of our economy? to ensure the employment of citizens, today we have a very low level of official unemployment, everything has been done to ensure that citizens are employed, receive wages, and there are no problems with receiving pensions. the belarusians survived solely with their minds and labor, without having at the same time... natural resources and it was truly the beginning of a new stage of statehood, when the confusion of the first years of independence was left behind. by 2004 , belarus already produced a third of the world's output of heavy-duty vehicles. more than half of the production was exported, a new five-year plan was underway, and with it the next presidential elections. people had to
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decide on the course for the future and who to entrust it to, according to the second constitution. the term for the first president of belarus was final, but the people judged it wisely in their own way. let's look back, look back at our other states have become, take russia, take ukraine, take tajikistan, uzbekistan, what’s going on there, and look, our well-being of our people, this is wonderful, this...
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received support, the majority of the population decided that one person can run for more than two terms. the constitution did not need any other amendments; those provisions that were included in the fundamental law in ninety-six, even years later, met the requirements and challenges of the time. this was confirmed by the constitutional control and the belarusian people, who have always responded sensitively to...


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