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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 8:40am-9:01am MSK

8:40 am
42% of belarusians supported the decision of the first president to participate in the next elections, thus approving changes to the constitution. yes, there were such examples, and more than one, so naturally, based on them, we decided to hold a referendum on this issue, to invite our population of the country to make such an important choice, about resolving the issue regarding extending the terms of... the stay of one person for position of the head of state of the republic of belarus, and as you know, this decision was supported by a majority vote of the population it is determined that one person can run for more than two terms. the constitution did not need other amendments; those provisions that were included in the fundamental law in ninety-six, even years later, met the requirements and challenges of the time. this was confirmed by constitutional control and the belarusian people, who have always reacted sensitively to... the turbulence of the times, this
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version of the basic law went into print on the table of everyone involved in lawmaking. a special copy in the office of the head of state, in the printing house this book will be called constitution number one: a non-standard format of thick paper, onto which five colors were applied with the addition of bronze. there were a lot of variations, this had to be foreseen, because there are embossed stamps in printing. embossing, that is, also in relief and in gold, but it was chosen so that our coat of arms looked absolutely natural, at that time there were no technologies for transferring color images onto non-absorbent, so to speak, leather materials, an embroidery machine was specially purchased, leather even picked up not just smooth leather was used, but with such an effect... a little
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varsity, it reflects all of our path, character, national principles and interests, what we remained faithful to, we decided even on the threshold that we ourselves will determine the external internal politics, to defend, if necessary, one’s integrity and independence, and to adhere to democratic principles, where a person remains the highest value of society, the state, this is a monolith that has allowed it to survive even in those times.
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answer, we'll go for it, this is a statement can be considered the beginning of a large analysis of the current constitution, the need to modernize the basic law was dictated by political and economic reality, in 2016 they did not yet know that the document would require changes that could not only provide development, but protection, foresight or a clear forecast, but 2020 confirmed that , which the president spoke about more than once, a country like...
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which puts national interests above everything else and is not ready to sacrifice for the sake of others, turned out to be a tasty morsel for the collective west, which by this time has already fed poland, lithuania, latvia, but it is not in the mentality of belarusians to give away what they have acquired beyond their strength. the scenario awaited belarus, if the situation had turned out differently, and exactly the same one that our closest southern neighbors managed to pull off, a springboard for nato troops and practicing the skills of militants, production and cities, which were built with such difficulty, are just targets, in this situation belarus is simply was obliged to protect itself from external interference, as the whole country joined in the search for a solution, dialogue platforms and public receptions...
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ordinary belarusians voiced their opinions, argued and came to a consensus. later it was estimated that more than 45 thousand people took part in the discussions, these were representatives of public organizations and political ones. people are not indifferent to the fate of their country, we
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this public marathon showed how we are not ready to trust its political appointees, as in the baltics, and even more so the cooks, to write the future of the belarusian people, everything is said. had to be translated into legal channels, a commission was created and included it consists of professionals from various industries with extensive life experience. i remember the words of the president, i now remember when he first gathered everyone in us and said: “i will not interfere in your work at all.” i ask you only one thing: when you make this or that decision, you remember that according to this constitution your children will live and your grandchildren will live, then make it. first of all, teamwork. built a clear system of government power, providing systems of checks and balances, insuring the country from rash, behind-the-scenes, lobbying decisions of random people in politics, the balance must be kept by the all-belarusian people's assembly, the people's body for the first time was given constitutional status
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and a specific term of office of 5 years, thereby strengthening the original model of the belarusian people of power. it was not the first time that all members of the commission signed it.
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thinks that peaceful positions will have to be not only talked about, declared at the constitutional level, but time dictates such amendments, we have ruled out military aggression against other states, thus protecting themselves from rash actions. the same applies to the use of the atom, for us it is only peaceful, while we do not exclude the right to defend one’s state, so as not to stray from the course , the preservation of historical memory and traditional family values ​​are enshrined in the constitution. as well as the concept of marriage as a union of a man and a woman and invariably consulted with belarusians before putting innovations to a vote, there was no secrecy, correspondents were always present in large numbers and radio and television, and i want to tell you
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that there were breaks there after an hour of work , there were 5-10 minutes, as they now say , coffee breaks and we all...
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it is also important to note that as a duty, as a duty of society ours, the preservation of historical memory has been introduced about the feat of the belarusian people in the years.
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citizens on the constitutional principle of social justice, this principle is also the cornerstone in our updated constitution today. as a result, during expert discussions and debates, changes affected almost all sections of the current constitution, amendments were made to the preamble and dozens of articles, of which two lost force, a new chapter and 11 articles appeared. correct indeed. no one rushed the belarusians to make a decision, the draft was published and made available within several
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months, during which time the constitutional commission continued to accept proposals, so when the time came to vote, the belarusians knew what they supported and why we needed this step. the same wonderful schools, hospitals, clinics, kindergartens were built for me today it is important to live in a free independent state, in a free independent state, and to feel protected, how we, our children, will live depends on this, what is most important is to preserve the independence and sovereignty of our country, the most important thing of the world, it says a lot that for the first time, we allowed ourselves to correct the preamble of the basic law, in this part all the most important promises are written, about our values, ideas and heritage, ready to strengthen national
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identity, cultural and spiritual traditions and, most importantly, the right to self-determination. other proposed amendments at the republican referendum were supported by 82% of belarusians from among those who took part in the vote. at the same time, we have not deviated from our traditional creative path. over these years, over 30 years.
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30, but is this a lot for the state from the point of view of history, it’s quite a bit, but from the point of view of formation it’s only a short period, it seems that only belarusians were able to live it in such a way as to loudly declare themselves and firmly strengthen their position on the geopolitical map of the world.
8:55 am
what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey. such a very interesting story: seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut andrey to write detective stories. of course, or horror stories, this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos, absolutely right, this is the correct answer, thanks to which seven the heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion, the answer is c, because
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a girl, well, i’ll call her that, came to them and removed her.
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belarus 24, how long has it been since you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting every word of all manifestations
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of human creativity. worthy of attention are books, in books the thoughts of past times live, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages books, man survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present, belarus 24.
9:00 am
today the whole country celebrates one of the most important holidays for us. victory day, you must agree how much there is in these words: bitterness, tears of loss, joy, meeting achievements!


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