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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 9:00am-9:36am MSK

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as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading a person experiences centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present, belarus 24.
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today the whole country celebrates one of the most important holidays, which is holy for us, victory day, you must agree how much in these words: bitterness, tears of loss, joy. a meeting of achievements and deep gratitude to our dear veterans for their greatest feat in the terrible events of the great patriotic war. on may 9, 1945 we won, we broke the back of world evil. we forced capitulate the enemy. it was the soviet people who played the key, decisive and long-suffering role in the fight against fascism, against the ideology of extermination of the slavs, against attempts.
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make us slaves, and today we honor our heroes and bow our heads to the memory of the victors, to the tens of millions of people who, with their feats and at the cost of their lives, defended peace and tranquility in their native land. tv news agency bel tv and radio company begins a big festive information day, there are many congratulations, emotions, the brightest inclusions from different sites in belarus. in a studio. gilgovsky, hello, we celebrate may 9 together, the president congratulated the belarusians on victory day, this sacred holiday resonates in our hearts with great joy and immeasurable gratitude to the soviet people, who crushed fascism and saved the future of humanity... - noted the head of state. in
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every corner, in every family of belarus, the war, generated by hatred of the ideas of world domination, left unhealed wounds from the monstrous crimes of hitler’s executioners and their henchmen. unity of our ancestors, their love for their homeland and sincere faith in victory forever became moral guidelines for the grateful generations of the peaceful and independent belarusian state. after years. the truth about the great victory protects our land from the threats of modern times, all of humanity, from the revival of the destructive ideas of nazism. the belarusian people sacredly honor the memory of those who died and will never consign to oblivion the names of innocent martyrs and gloriously courageous defenders and liberators, ” alexander lukashenko emphasized. great victory day is a common holiday for the once a united and powerful country, and therefore the memory of the feat... we have without borders and distances.
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today in the morning, alexander lukashenko, along with other invited leaders, will attend a military parade on red square to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the victory. the president will also take part in a flower-laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier. the day before, alexander lukashenko took part in the tenth anniversary eu summit. during this time , the eurasian economic union became established. as one of the self-sufficient centers the emerging multipolar world. the combined gdp of the five increased to $2.5 trillion. yaas helps ensure stable economic development of the eurasian region as a whole. according to the results of the past year, the growth rate of mutual trade is plus 90 billion. according to alexander lukashenko, countries have learned to hear each other better, and this is perhaps the main result: the beginning.
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their volume in our countries amounts to almost 200 billion dollars per year of purchases; in fact, states, as buyers of goods, works, services, completely manage this market, and also determine procurement policies and acquisition channels. if we really govern, then let's ensure mutual access at least where products produced in the eu can. to become an effective source of satisfying government needs, but national protectionism still persists in this area. in reality, the market is protected not from imports from outside third countries, which account for
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almost 2/3 of purchases in our union, but from goods and services produced in the countries of our union. that is, we protect everyone. according to our president, the five countries are responsible for ensuring that the eurasian platform becomes a real pole of economic attraction in the modern world. alexander lukashenko expressed confidence that the unification is
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capable of doing this. the belarusian leader congratulated everyone on the anniversary of the heroic victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war and wished them peace, well-being and prosperity. for the victory, the peoples of the ussr paid a monstrous price, more than 26 million lives. the war killed every third belarusian, and this figure may be even more tragic. this is confirmed by new facts in the case of the genocide of belarusians during the war. on our land , the nazis burned and plundered 209 cities and regional centers and wiped them off the face of the earth. minsk, gomel, vitebsk were completely destroyed. already in modern belarus , an interdepartmental working group recalculated the damage that nazi criminals caused to us, the figure is in
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the trillions of dollars, or 43,000 tons of gold, this does not take into account the looting of cultural property, and of course, this is incomparable with human losses, they... irrevocably during the years of occupation the population of belarus decreased by almost 3 million people, and today it is important for us to preserve historical memory, this is part of our state policy, the flow of people to the memorial in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war is not cut off, the monuments to our defenders are drowned in flowers, this is no coincidence, this is where the most emotional and important words are spoken. a great, greatest holiday with a touch of grief and sadness, i would not like it to happen again, but you must remember,
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this is our victory, we simply should not give it to anyone. we have not forgotten and the heir to the punitive forces will also remind us how in the distant forty -first the belarusian land turned into one large death camp. we see how revanchists are trying to pull the bankrupt nazi ideology out of the underworld. in these conditions, the truth about the crimes of fascism serves as a serious warning to humanity and the preservation of historical memory. takes on special meaning. the main thing we must do is to preserve this truth and prevent the revival of the terrible past. don't even try to talk to us from
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a position of strength. belarus still stands as an indestructible brez fortress in the path of any enemy. and may the memory of those who left us inspire us to create, in the name of the future of our peoples, in the name. we do not need war, we intend to use all reserves to restore stability and calm in the region. we will not give up our native land, independence and sovereignty to anyone. belarus remembers. and as long as we come here, together with our children, belarus will always be remembered.
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yes, belarusians have their own pain, and millions of reasons to bow before the monuments of memory. they are like conscience, like alarm bells, reminders of terrible grief and great victory. vladislav bondel is in touch with the studio. good morning, happy holiday, and you will agree, vlad. on this day, belarusians cannot do otherwise. good morning, sergey, happy holiday to you, happy victory day , country. yes, belarusians don’t know any other way, you’re right here, but do you know why? everything is simple, yes, because we were raised that way. we must love our homeland not in dry phrases, but in the real stories of those who gave us this independence. and thanks to whom we basically exist today. and one such example is personal. the history of my family, my great-grandfather on my mother’s side, martynov andrei dmitrievich, was called up for service
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back in the forties, served in the far east as a border guard, but entered battle with the enemy as part of the third belarusian front, the same one that took köniksberg, under the leadership of a marshal vasilevsky, they completely captured the city fortress, for which he received a medal; in general , it is impossible to list all the awards for life, but perhaps it is the most valuable in this... great-grandfather andrei was a signalman, when the lines were broken, he was given the task of finding a breakdown and restoring everything, was wounded by an enemy sniper, received a bullet in the elbow, lost consciousness, it was may 8, 1945, when he regained consciousness in the hospital, found out that we they won, everything was not in vain, and who are the belarusians who come to the memorials with such stories today? some with black and white portraits, some with color photographs of gray-haired heroes who showed for
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which country this victory was forged. all roads in minsk today lead here to victory square to the monument to the eternal flame. so far, of course, there are not many people here, the residents of the capital are just waking up, all the main events will take place here this evening, but now, by the way, about the roads, they are not blocked yet, it will be a little. later, for our safety and here is the announcement of the evening events: the main celebrations at the monument and the eternal flame will begin at 7:00 pm, the head of state will also join, now let me remind you in moscow, laying ceremonies will take place here, creative performances will be shown, after all, may 9 - it's a celebration of mood contrasts, and of course, there will be veterans, a little more than fifty, but alas, time is taking its toll on the whole country. there are many more than a thousand of them left, most of the witnesses to the terrible events, there are about 7,300 of them - these are victims of
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the great patriotic war, prisoners, blockade survivors of the camps. my great-grandmother, already on my father’s side, vera ivanovna bondar, also survived the siege of leningrad and went through the entire war. yes, colleagues, forgive me, there will be a personal story here again, when to tell them, if not on may 9th. so, i remember when i was little, we didn’t tell our grandparents how we worked at kitchen, i was terribly tired both day and night, that’s it. once a soldier took pity on her and said: “vera, rest under the menu.” and when she came to that place in the morning, she found out that it had been blown up by enemy shells. just imagine what it’s like to live your whole life and know that you’re alive thanks to that soldier, and my great-grandmother lived for 98 long years. and i also found my great-grandfather in person. colleagues, this is probably where i answered the main one.
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festive events in minsk today will take place at fifteen venues. main victory park near the sports palace, oktyabrskaya square. guests will be able to visit a partisan camp. see military equipment, take part in sports activities and listen to front-line songs. the central place, as noted above, will be victory square. at 19:00, as part of the republican action belarus remembers, flowers will be laid at the victory monument. according to tradition , our president will take part in the ceremony. at 21:30
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a large concert called gola will begin on october square. at 9:00 pm after the war, the familiar motifs of the victorious melodies of may will sound. all the evening celebrations for victory day will be broadcast live by bel tv and radio company. well, the culmination of the holiday will be a colorful fireworks display. the sky above the city will be colored by volleys from six points in the parks named after yanka kupala, ugachavis and pavlov, on the embankment in drozdy, as well as on the grounds near the uchezhovka arena and the national library. elena vitko will tell you more about the program. stella's book of memory is minsk - a hero city, exhibitions of military equipment and generous fairs in all areas. there are only a couple of hours before the opening of holiday locations in the capital. guests will be greeted dozens of sites, central near the sports palace. and at noon the concert will begin here. we remember, we are proud. musical
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posters - folk groups and famous belarusian artists. however. victory melodies will also sound nearby on the green zone along the avenue of winners. the belarusian courtyard, the partisan camp and post-war minsk, everything is as interactive as possible. the venue will also take place in victory park, which we are doing jointly with the ministry of defense, there will be an exhibition of military equipment, a gala concert, and interactivity various, programs have also been prepared in the city districts on may 9, more than 15 sites will operate.
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well, due to busy holiday events, from 13:00 until the end of the program in minsk, the movement of all types of transport will be limited, with the exception of special and public transport. it will not be possible to drive a private car along independence avenue from yanka kupala street to masherov avenue. public transport will not stop here either. hours, independence avenue from lenin street to masherov avenue in the area of ​​victory square, kiseleva and communist streets, as well as zakharova and frunze, entry to yanka kupala street will be prohibited from kuibyshev to pervomaiskaya to engels street, from karl marx to international. ge asks to take this information into account, and also
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to refrain from driving private cars during this period. best for attending holiday events. use public transport. throughout the day, our correspondents will visit the most iconic places. and right now it's all the best interesting in the announcement of our correspondents. brest, vitebsk and mogilev are getting in touch. brest congratulates everyone on the holiday of the great victory. according to tradition, the main location today will, of course, be the brest hero fortress. the legendary citadel has been a symbol of the courage and perseverance of our soldiers for 80 years. but it all starts with a victory parade with the participation of military equipment and military personnel of the brest garrison and border service. a solemn ceremony will be held at the main entrance to the fortress with the raising of the victory banner. main guests of the holiday - veterans in cars, military personnel, townspeople will take part in the solemn procession, and then the laying ceremony at the eternal flame in the brest fortress.
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the combined choir of participants of the international festival of the berestey choir assembly will perform at the ceremony square. and the reception of veterans , concert venues will operate in recreation parks throughout the city, and my colleague marina romanovskaya will tell how this solemn day will go in vitebsk. vitebsk joins the congratulations on victory square, this is where the the main celebration, residents and guests of the city are already gathering. it all starts with a solemn procession, which will finish at the monument in honor of soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters. the rally will take place here. flowers will be laid at the bust of the hero of the soviet union pyotr masherov, as well as at the memorial sign installed at the site of the execution of soviet patriots, after which everyone is invited to join the motor rally, as well as... an athletics race. however, not only the sports, but also the cultural program is rich. artists will perform at freedom square, everyone anyone who wants to spin in the may waltz is welcome in
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frunze park. my colleague andrey yastrebov will tell you how mogilev will be celebrated. the start of the holiday in mogilev will be given by the youngest patriots. a victory parade for kindergarten students will take place on lenin square . military units of the mogilev garrison will march there in a solemn march , the procession of generations will unite everyone , we invite you to join the rally, we will glorify the victory, as well as the people’s laying of the action, according to tradition, fresh flowers will be laid to the eternal flame on the square of glory, in the same place the honored team of belarus, clear voice and other artists will perform, in the pechersky forest parks you can try real soldier’s porridge, young people will gather a flash mob, a victory waltz. the whole country will thank the veterans with gratitude and respect, our peaceful sky at 23:00 will be colored with festive fireworks...
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people who survived the war are always in the center of attention of the state, we provide every possible support to help our heroes. social support covers almost all areas of life, and what is important, not only in the run-up to special dates, but daily. yes, indeed, care and support for this category of the population is one of the accents of the state’s social policy. 100 veterans of the great patriotic war and 7,300 victims of its consequences. this is exactly how many witnesses of the tragic events and those who endured the hardships of war remain in belarus today. these are former prisoners of fascism, families. dead or missing, as well as disabled children who were injured or concussed. since 2021 , by presidential decree,
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financial assistance has been paid on the eve of victory day. considering anniversary date, its size this year has been significantly increased, almost doubled. so for 4,000 rubles. disabled participants of the great patriotic war, as well as those who participated in battles against the japanese army, received. awarded with orders and medals of the ussr for selflessness. labor, impeccable military service in the rear, and other citizens for merit in wartime are provided with 2,000 rubles. families of military personnel who died or went missing, as well as former musicians of fascism in the thousands. 8,400 people received such support, and 10.5 million rubles were allocated for these purposes. a few months before victory day , a survey of the material and living conditions of veterans is conducted throughout the country, an annual practice that helps to... identify and meet their needs as much as possible. social services, volunteers, public associations and youth are involved in this work. based on the results of such monitoring , this year already 400 people have received various
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social services, technical means of rehabilitation and assistance in cleaning the local area. healthcare support is free provision of medicines dental prosthetics and annual spa treatment. of course, taking into account the advanced age of veterans, not everyone can go for... recovery; in this case, monetary compensation for the trip is provided, 10 basic units, that is, about 400 rubles. among other things, free travel on all types of public transport, a discount on housing and communal services in the field of pensions, a number of increases in age supplements and care allowances are provided. the country’s support for veterans is systematic and comprehensive, while it continues be reflected in legislative initiatives. of the latter, a document that will expand social. guarantee for certain categories of veterans, it is already preparing for the second reading in the oval hall, they do not leave veterans without social support, those who are no longer able
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to care for themselves receive social services at home, specialists also take care of them in boarding houses, and relatives care benefits have been assigned, alas, time is running out, a generation of veterans is leaving, every year there are fewer and fewer of them with us, but the memory of the great victory will live for centuries. “we know the price of peace and harmony, and we will unswervingly defend our ideals. today we remember with special trepidation everyone who during the war was ready to give their life for our peaceful sky, and what a blessing that you and i can still hear the truth from eyewitnesses those terrible events. everyone who went through the war and did not betray and did not break is a hero worthy of worship and respect. today we went to kupriyan mironovich suchkov to learn the memories of that very road to victory, he is called a man. a legend, i went through the war from the first to
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the last day, there is no freedom on the front page of kythera. place, the veteran proudly displays a dummy mosin rifle as a gift for his centenary, and even now, at his venerable 102 , he does not lose his good spirits. hello, yes, i'm listening. his generation suffered terrible trials. i met the war at the age of 19, as a cadet at the moscow military school. already on the second day after the nazi attack, he joined the ranks of the red army, after which he became the commander of a platoon of a parachute detachment. for most victory on may 9, 1944, and he still has thousands of kilometers of roads and dozens of bloody battles ahead, next to the order of the great patriotic war of the red star, a medal for the victory over japan, even at that age he remembers the smallest details of the battles. we
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forced it. the chinese were almost with us, they told us the road, where, what, what, there was a village, we stayed there, it was already light, the chinese had already appeared, they began to tell us where the japanese were, they were defending, they were defending 5 km. their feat gave us the opportunity to live and work fully strengthen the state. in gratitude , yesterday at the great patriotic war museum, from the hands of the minister of defense kupriyan mironovich , another anniversary medal was presented in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. veterans are our heroes; they not only preserve history, surviving the hardships of war with their
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optimism. our task is to preserve the peace and freedom for which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought. congratulations on victory day from people's artist of russia nadezhda kadysheva. dear belarusian brothers, on this great day, victory day, i want to honor our memory. ancestors who played an invaluable role in the defense of our great homeland. may such a terrible war never happen again. let there be peace and harmony in every country and every home. good health to you, dear belarusians, happiness, prosperity, and most importantly, clear skies above
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your heads. holiday, happy great victory day, and that means we need one victory, we won’t stand at the price for everyone, we won’t stand for the price for everyone, numerous congratulations are being sent to the president and the belarusian people, that's what i noted.
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speeches here into the belarusian swamps from 146 settlements of russia, belarus , old people, women and children were driven into inhuman conditions, in the open air, people died from hypothermia, pneumonia, exhaustion, tuberculosis, typhus, shrapnel wounds, we today we don’t know exactly how
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many people were rounded up. and localized the typhus epidemic within 2 months. an information center with a museum exhibition appeared, stella remained untouched, since there is burial, soldiers killed during liberation and prisoners. 80 years later, have
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those involved in the genocide of belarusians in azararich been punished ? how important is it for the younger generation to know and remember those events? unfortunately, not all of them were hidden. allies in the anti-hitler coalition, here is richard, commander of the thirty-fifth infantry division, he fully answered for his crimes, was executed along with eighteen other war criminals in minsk, at the military racetrack, in 1946, the azararich memorial complex today allows us to feel and pass through all the tragedy that our people endured, there is no... future without knowledge of the history of the past, we did not consign to oblivion what happened here 80 years ago, we must come to these places, we must honor the memory and take
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responsibility for this memory. no country in the world has known such massive resistance to fascist aggression. commemorative events in the gomel region started long before may 9. the day before, a rally took place on the alley of heroes. there will be a rich program today. the official start of the holiday will be given by a procession. veterans, work collectives, athletes, and youth will walk along sovetskaya street. for the first time there will be a parade in... but this is grodno, here the historical center of the city is reserved for festive festivities,
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a ceremonial parade of students of cadet classes will take place, dozens of thematic sites will operate, an exhibition of modern military equipment, a festival of soldiers' porridge, a time stop location, these will be four large interactive... areas that will display the corresponding time period, this is pre-war time, war time, post-war time, the time of restoration of the republic and now modern belarus, its achievement and development. in the evening, a surprise awaits the citizens and guests of grodno, a concert by the lyube group. in the heroic heart of the central region on the mound of glory at 11:00 a ceremonial laying of flowers at the foot will begin... also a platform for festive events, the area near the memorial will traditionally become well, the day before the mound of glory turned into a multimedia screen specially for victory day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus,
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in the vaults of the memorial, video chronicles of the war and post-war years were broadcast; national colors and state symbols added to the effectiveness. i would like to note the tradition of turning on festive lighting in the minsk region. originated on the mound of glory back in 2021. for the belarusian people, victory day is of fateful significance. we defended peace on... our land, we defeated evil, we thank those who fought, went on the attack, showed courage and heroism, defended, saved, alas, died, the pain and wounds that fascism brought us were still bleeding.


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