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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 9:35am-10:11am MSK

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in the vaults of the memorial, video chronicles of the war and post-war years were broadcast; national colors and state symbols added to the effectiveness. i would like to note that the tradition of turning on the holiday lights in the minsk region originated in kurganeslav back in 2021. for the belarusian people, victory day has a fateful significance, we defended peace on our land, we defeated evil, we thank those who fought, went on the attack, showed courage and heroism, defended, saved, alas, died, the pain and wounds that fascism brought us still bled. our memory
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immortal, we remember, we honor, we will not forget.
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in honor of. on may 9, the beltv and radio company prepared a major premiere of a three-part documentary investigation about the flock of the fatherland, watch today on the evening broadcast of the belarus-1 and belarus24 tv channels , a joint project of the television news agency, the state security committee and the belarusian orthodox church. the trilogy is based on archival documents about how the clergy rebelled against the third reich. the priests took the path of resistance.
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were liaisons to the enemy, went into partisan detachments, created underground hospitals, some of them were sent to concentration camps, others remained with their flock to the end, burned together with people in churches during fascist atrocities. after the war, a number of priests were awarded state awards. trilogy about patriotic pastors: the first documentary investigation about the clergy during the great patriotic war. well, with that, i say goodbye to you until noon, when we will continue the marathon of holiday broadcasts, happy motherland, happy victory day, belarus.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. in the final of the president's cup, the most unexpected pair,
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zhlobin metallurgist and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. we review the most interesting event. british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, took the plunge a year ago. record. he wanted to run across africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman used her hands to climb to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. i have been observing a trend over the last few olympic cycles. we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but rather the density of results, all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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kondraty ivanovich naumov on august 22 , 1944, at the age of 26, he received the high title of hero of the soviet union, for his marriage, courage and heroism shown in battles with the nazi invaders. tank battalion commander, captain. naumov distinguished himself in the pabrui operation. within a few days, in june 1944, in a battle for a railway station with four tanks, he destroyed two anti-tank guns and knocked out one self-propelled gun. at the head of the group, he liberated
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a fortified point, set fire to an ammunition depot, knocked out a tank, and captured the northwestern outskirts bobruisk destroyed the enemy column. vehicles, despite the severe wounds received in this battle, he continued to command the battalion until the very end. on september 5, 1944, during fierce battles, the tank of captain naumov’s guard was hit. this time, the seriously wounded battalion commander was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. besides. title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was awarded the order of lenin, the order of the patriotic war, second degree, and medals posthumously.
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good afternoon, comrades svorovtsy, i wish you health comrade priest! before the lesson, let us pray, as usual with you, to the heavenly king, the comforter of the soul of truth, and that everywhere, being filled with the treasure of good things and the giver of life, come and be cleansed. save our blessed souls from all kinds of filth. now you and i are in the church of the holy apostle and evangelist john the theologian. it is located in the building of a former seminary, which now houses the minsk suvorov military school, that is, this temple is the home temple of this educational institution. and here services are performed, worship is performed, and of course, most importantly,
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the liturgy is celebrated here, and suvorovites have the opportunity to be partakers not only of the oral sermon of the clergy, but also to be participants in the sacraments, confession, sacrament of communion, to be involved in the liturgical life of the church, some of the suvorovites help... a feature of this institution is the fact that the students here are all male, the church, our predominant parishioners are representatives of the fair half of humanity, in life this is how it turns out: that the main leadership positions, naturally, are all
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the main positions in the army, and the most important thing in the family, are occupied by a man, the man is the head of the family. suvorovites, by the way, after graduation, they also have the right to devote themselves not only to military service, they often become sovereign men, occupy important positions that influence ... the life of the state, the life of the people, here the church has a unique opportunity communicate with men, talk with them about the most important thing, because the most important thing for a man is god, that’s the way it was, a man has always been responsible for the relationship with god, a man has always stood guard over spiritual security. it must also be said that a clergyman and a person liable for military service... are united by security. the church is primarily responsible for the spiritual
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security of a person, for the safety of his soul. the church very much desires that after death a person’s soul will be alive, capable of life in the next century, a free person and living with god. this is the purpose of our salvation. suvorovites and those liable for military service also have their own. security, they are responsible for the safety of the body, for the safety of the borders of the state, for our, so to speak, physical safety, we complement each other, it is impossible to defend the state without preserving your own soul, without preserving your own spiritual state morally pure, otherwise you will do more harm than good, but and we, the church, also need: to be protected in an earthly way, we need
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defenders, an army, so that we can preach calmly, can perform divine services calmly, and thereby serve god and the people. our main events that are held here are the weekly orthodox hour with suvorovites, where we talk about biblical history, tell the law of god, talk about the main holidays, the main ones. church, we also tell the life of ascetics, glorified as saints, but
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also who connected their lives with military affairs. each company has a priest assigned to it; it is he who is considered the confessor of his company, where he conducts his classes. our main focus, of course, is on spiritual security and spiritual knowledge, because military people, they will be in special situations in the future. which a civilian does not face, they will need to make decisions that we, ordinary people, may never have to make in our lives, so we often discuss situations with them. at what point can we exercise the right to take the life of another person, at what point is this impossible, where is the line, when it should not be crossed under any circumstances, what the church blesses in war, what the church believes in no way acceptable, children are also
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very interested in the topic of family, they love to listen, be interested... in all sorts of rules, what can help them create a good family in the future, what can help them become a good husband, have a loving, strong family, their eyes light up, they ask a lot of questions, they are interested in child-parent relationships, how to relate to parents, to their future children, they are also interested in issues of marital relations, the topic of family... today is also in demand in other institutions, education, because such an important topic as god and the family is not entirely, perhaps not fully covered in our educational institutions, maybe this is not their task, this is probably the task of the church, but to show the family from the point of view christian
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teachings and talk about god, but also those questions that everyone constantly faces, there is no meaning of life, about god, about family, these are living people who would not think about dialogues, sincere dialogues, for example, we are also more we have been cooperating with 33 for 13 years gymnasium of the city of minsk, one of the best gymnasiums in the republic of belarus, thanks to the very active position of the director oksana borisovna yakubovskaya, who... wants to give her students the most precious and most important thing, this is to introduce them to spiritual knowledge, to introduce them to the life of the church, to give them knowledge about the family. in fact, priest, here i am, when i serve in a parish, most of the parishioners’ questions are most often connected with the family, these are
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child-parent relationships, these are marital relationships, and of course, some also... personal questions in terms of personal spiritual life, and over time i also realized that there is a need, a very great need, to tell parishioners in advance about the church’s view of the family, because when people come to you, they often come with problems, which has already happened, and you know that history has no reverse. many things cannot be changed, and we here, as well as probably doctors, most often say that the best thing is prevention, it is best to find out in advance, in advance with the priest seek advice, because it is often very difficult to correct, some things are possible, but others cannot be corrected at all, and
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i conduct such courses at the church of the archangel michael in the city of minsk, this is... the sukharevo microdistrict, where we gather and study the bible using the example of families from the bible, using the example of marital relationships with the bible, using the example of how god treats a person, a family, in the holy scriptures, we also look at how we should live as people, how to build our families so that they are filled with bliss , ready for god for the family. my parents were born in the city of novomoskovsky , tula region, my father graduated from the moscow institute of chemical technology,
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he is a chemical technologist, my mother graduated from the tula polytechnic institute, she... myst, she graduated from the institute with honors, she was given priority rights to choose choose an assignment, i really liked belarus, so she chose belarus, she was sent to the city of baran, arshan region, there was then the red october plant, which produced communications equipment, my parents moved in this way, back then to the bssr, and accordingly, i too along with them... moved there, then my father, he all the time, as he said in his words, he all the time wanted to be a priest, on his father’s side, my grandmother, my great-grandmother would...
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in the city of baran, then he moved to another place of service, in the city of gorki, there he built a temple in honor of the most holy theotokos, the spreader of bread. my mother, she worked as a programmer at this plant, and then we have five children in our family, my mother even, so as not to send us to kindergarten for a while, with dad worked at a factory in...
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he began to wonder where to go, my father advised me to go to get an education as a psychologist, a practical psychologist, because he said that from his practice , most people deal with family issues or personal psychological issues, and he says, he sometimes gave me the example of st. basil the great, he said that he also first received a secular education, everything possible at that time, then... he served very graciously in the field of christ, so my father told me that also i need, first, it is possible, and this is good,
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to get a secular education, and thus, in 2003, i entered the maxim tank pedagogical university, the faculty of psychology , specializing in practical psychologist and english teacher, which i graduated in 2008, in 2009... i entered the seminary, the smolensk theological seminary, i really liked studying there, i studied in the correspondence department, uh, but then very important events happened in my life, i was ordained as a deacon, i was appointed a clergyman saint church of the holy archangel michael in the city of minsk, i was lucky enough not to move anywhere, to serve in one place, i was always worried about the church. as far as i can remember, it has always been important for me when some issue was considered, how god looks at it, what is known about this issue in the holy scriptures, how the holy fathers looked at this issue,
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for me it was such a moment of truth for me me. before joining the clergy in the church of christ, which the lord acquired with his honest blood, i, of course, joined the small church. this is... creating a family, the fact is that i studied, in fact, in minsk there are a lot of good girls, beautiful girls, but i was always worried about the question of how to find the one who will be my wife, i really wanted, so that god would bless this matter, but i didn’t understand how to do it, even though i studied to be a psychologist, i knew a lot of things, but in fact, just like the wise solomon says that a wise wife is from god, when i heard these words , i prayed for a very long time, i've been praying for about a year i prayed every day, i understood that this was a very important step in life, about a year later , when i was studying at the university, i
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proposed, because it seemed to me that the moment we met on the third day i would do i was very worried that such a beautiful girl would not be taken away, that no one would beat me, 19 days passed from the moment of the proposal to the moment of our wedding, thus our small church was created, this is... a very blessed place, family, on the one hand, on the other hand, this is the place where we need to grow to the measure of christ, this is a school of love, a place where we learn to live and love, to change ourselves, before getting married, i asked my wife how many children she wants, she says three, i say, okay, i say , come on, i say, the minimum, no less, if god willing, everything will be fine and the health and
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situation, so... uh, today the lord has had mercy on our family and given us six children. huge help, this is the joy that comes from the family, this is from the wife. she is a very cheerful, perky person who loves holidays. her second name is celebration and joy. and thus she greatly supports the internal psychological microclimate in the family, having many children. i am a great honor and blessing from god as a father, the fact is that my father, he was alone, one child in the family, but this was due to the fact that my grandmother and grandfather, they went through a hard life, concentration camps, they were stolen to germany, my grandmother did not have health, the opportunity to give birth to more than one child, so my father grew up alone in the family, he always told us, he says: guys, he says, god forbid, you grow up alone in a family, you live, if the lord willing, give birth,
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he says, he says, all difficulties are surmountable, he says, you will cope with all this, so that somehow, a little bit, at least you can cope in a large family, first of all , you need, so to speak, a schedule or routine, otherwise chaos begins, and this is already scary, in our family we have a routine, we try to stick to it, sometimes it is broken, so, but then we try to return to it, this greatly facilitates our family life. our family values, of course, this is the most important thing for us, my wife , to raise christians, so that our children are christians, our children in the family, if we break it down into three parts like this, into spiritual, mental, physical, then as for the spiritual, we try to pray together, we also try to always read the bible, i must say that the love for the bible was passed down to me from my grandmother, because
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my grandmother on my father’s side, she was a believer, she... the bible and the psalter were always such a center of life for her, by the way, i learned to read - i didn’t learn our alphabet, at first i learned to read church slavonic, but my grandmother didn’t have the alphabet, she said, here’s a book, pointed to the psalter, she said this, come on, she says, this grandson, read, love for the bible, for the church word, she passed on to me, and i also try to pass this on to my children, we read the bible, read... the law of god, and then we hope that the lord will somehow allow these gracious words to sprout in our hearts in the hearts of our children. as for emotional relationships, this is probably the most important thing for us, when i received psychological education, i translated many foreign articles. for me , psychological climate is not an empty word; in particular, we always try
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to have a morning and an evening meal after prayer. so to speak, physical contact with the children with the spouse, we always hug each other, each one separately, each one hugs each other, we talk, because the whole day is ahead, so that some charge of love, i don’t know, the tactile memory of hugs is enough for the whole day, until the evening, in the evening the same thing happens to the coming sleep on a simple level, on the physical level in our family, we try to be varied, my wife tries very hard to cook tasty, a lot, and most importantly - it’s healthy, we have switched to a healthy diet since a long time, probably already 13 years old, i have a small mill at home, wheat, we make flour ourselves, my wife cooks only with whole grain flour, so
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we... we try to ensure that no one consumes sugar in children's food, so that children grow up healthy, also... we try for children provide musical education, with the exception of the last two boys, who are almost the same age, we all receive a musical education, the children also participate in dances, folk dances, perform in folk dances, this type of dance, my eldest son played football, did biathlon, successfully, but in some way that period of time he was injured, it took a long time to recover, now he just... plays sports for himself, my daughter likes to indulge, do exercises, she is like that, it seems to me that the future one will like to do some kind of fitness training in the future , i also have children, especially girls, they love to cook, probably their spouse betrayed this love to them, i
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tell them, kids, learn to cook, learn from your dad, from your mom, because when you come to the family, you will have a husband, it will be much easier for you, we love to participate in some projects with the whole family, my wife... she is a creative person, she was involved in theater, productions, here she is, we perform at sunday school, on holidays, also my wife, she loves photography, she does it professionally, she encouraged us to go to photo shoot, outdoors it turned out very good photos, which were exhibited at the exhibition in the national library, as some kind of incentive to show the beauty... of activities, as for me personally, my parents gave me a very diverse interest in sports from childhood, i just love to run , i love skating, my mother always went to the skating rink with me as a child, you know, nineteen
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were not the easiest years, especially in the ram, so it was necessary to go with my parents, dad was in his busy schedule, even though i rarely saw houses, but he he found time to go skiing with me as a child, i don’t forget it, it was such an experience. because he usually returned late, when it was already getting dark , and she said what to do, let’s go, and we were already driving into the forest, when it was dark, and you are rushing there, rushing down a hill in the forest, and it is dark there, there are barely trees you catch the siloet, it’s certainly an indescribable impression, i myself loved playing basketball very much, but now she doesn’t have the opportunity to do it, i basically, if she has time, i swim, go to the pool running, i like running in nature, you just somehow run, silence, nature, that’s... somehow one of my hobbies has such a positive effect, of course, reading in the silence of large families has something like this, you know, it seems to me that all families with many children have such a hobby is to be in silence and be alone, that is
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, you need such time to recover, it is to read, lie down or do some work, well, alone, then as for a large family, i would like to say that family is a divine project, god established it, so the lord created the universe, the lord created man as the crown of all creation, then the lord saw that it was not good for man to be alone, and created him a wife. if you were to ask me whether i would like to change something in my life, live a different life, have fewer children, then for me this is a question to which i would answer without hesitation, of course not, it is very expensive for me which i have is of course in the center. any life, especially family life , lies the cross that the lord gave, and most the main thing is to remember that this cross can only be lifted with god, the center of life should always be the lord god, who created this family and life, and prayer,
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prayer for help to god, so that the lord would help himself change, help give peace in the family, by the way, my wife and i try to protect from... relationships between children, so that they are peaceful, so that when they grow up, they are friends with each other, because brother and sister are forever, it’s not like in kindergarten : today i’m friends with one, tomorrow i’m friends with another, you can’t change the character of a brother and sister much, but you need to be friends, communicate and do it sincerely and so that it gives joy in life, then the family becomes a small church, there is a lot of joy, a lot of life, it’s fun. it’s happy, and in general, well , she’s a family, now we’re talking about many children, but if before there were many children, this is from five children, because even when we count, we say, one child, two children.


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