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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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but it’s just that what i achieved was not a gift for me, this signal means that the time for questions to the hero has expired, alexander vasilyevich, now you have to choose the best question of this program. i really liked polina’s question, she said about her mother, and i thought it was very nice that they were talking to her and talking about very serious things, and for me personally. on very important ones, i would call polina’s question for me not just interesting, but very important. polina, according to our rules program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from the guest: go to the site. it is unlikely that he will save you from life’s troubles, everyone has them, but at least believe that i sincerely hope that... everything in your life
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will be fine, thank you very much. alexander vasilyevich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. i will behave very pragmatically in this situation, if god willing , work on a film about school will work out for me, i would like to ask you, what are the most important problems for you in your school life, what would you like a movie to tell about, which may not...
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people shut down because of this, they have a lot of problems, then it results in a very negative outcome. it seems to me that an integral part of school life is first friends and first love. regarding the problems of schoolchildren that can be shown in films, most likely this will seem like some too common and devalued topic, but many people who enroll have huge problems with... motivation and they just don’t know what to do with it, most likely, many can somehow romanticize it, think, like, well, don’t feel anything, this is so great, no problem, this is absolutely not true, so if this appears in many films, many can see some common features with themselves in this, and many can agree with this, i agree, thank you very much, alexander vasilyevich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, people’s artist of belarus. and theater and film director
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alexander vasilyevich efremov is visiting today the program has 100 questions for adults. alexander vasilyevich, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. alexander vasilyevich, here i will ask you to stay. alexander vasilievich, tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? well, the question about fears was very difficult, it was a very difficult question. about your parents, but they were just very emotionally daggering, let's just say, was there a moment when you just wanted to run away from the studio? no, what surprised you today with our audience? they are inquisitive, they really are i want to know, it was important for me to answer some of their questions, maybe i wasn’t exactly what they wanted to hear, but i was sincere, it seems to me that today you...
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i carefully selected the answers in words, in some then at moments memories came flooding back to him, such honest eyes cannot deceive, so to put it briefly, then like this, it seems to me that he was very honest, especially in relation to his work, with such, with such awe, warmth to talk about his work life, i think it's very cool,
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and i would also like to find myself and know what to do in order to talk about my profession like that. children, how many of you think that our hero today was still a little cunning, cunning and didn’t say something? raise a hand. there is no such person, you absolutely endeared yourself to the children, alexander vasilyevich. well, that’s great, alexander vasilyevich, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. but i, i didn't expect anything different, so i tried to be sincere. because i understand that this you should never lie to people about anything. theater and film director alexander vasilyevich efremov was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week.
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everything that modern belarus lives with today. watch on belarus24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country. feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus,
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austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. tune in. form and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the tv channel belarus 24 and discover the signal of the tv channel broadcast in open belarus. establishing a soldier’s good name is the crown of all our work, because missing in action can mean anything, he could
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have been captured, he could have collaborated, he could have become a collaborator, there are hundreds of cases in the war that could maybe when he's here, we found him. who died near mogilev lies in a trench, here are all these other conjectures, they are excluded, what remains is, here is a man who gave his life for the fatherland, for his homeland, my name is nikolai borisenko, i am the chairman of the mogilev regional historical and patriotic search club vikru. we are bringing missing soldiers home.
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our search club vikru is a community of like-minded people, our youngest is 16 years old, our oldest is 70. while studying at bsu, we were taught latin proverbs when we we were thinking about what name to come up with, i miraculously remembered the proverb victoria cruenta, latin, well, it literally translates:
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it’s calling, but my grandmother told me that there was a plane lying near the garden from the time of the war, well, how can you remain indifferent with such information, you yourself we get into the cars and go to check this information, the field search season lasts from april to october, the time that remains in the off-season is used to prepare for the field season.
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german documents are good, they left a field behind them, they saw the real the number of losses, we are now very actively studying german aerial photographs, looking at places, we are already working effectively, we will not walk through the fields in vain, this is the field of the forty-first year, the field on which to this day rests for... mogilev’s accountants died in the middle, in at the end of july forty-one,
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at a depth of a meter, one and a half meters, they are still lying in their families, almost all of them are listed as missing. before starting work on the field, we will definitely examine it with powerful modern metal detectors, hello guys, hello, well, you put up the flags, there’s enough for one more watch, and this is pasha, that’s it, hello, greetings, pasha, great, the flag is there, because there’s some kind of metal signal of a fairly large volume, my task is to check where it is is located if it is a top signal, that is , if it is not a fighter, but some kind of deep
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find, precisely from above, in this case we have something on top here, now we will try to throw back the ground a little to see what we have there, here we immediately stopped. looks like some kind of agricultural equipment, that’s all, that is, for now we fold it back, check the flag again, that means that’s it, we take the flag.
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and we don’t know what bones we come across, and it doesn’t even look like a fighter’s hand is lying below, but while we see a dump here, the battlefield was left to the germans, here are the locals... the soviet bsl sapper shovel is large,
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of course, if he had a medallion with him nominal, personal, of course, if it is read, this is the greatest happiness for us, the greatest success, because it can be used to establish a name, find relatives, inform them about it, so... the fighter is lying down, is already clearly visible, we stumbled somewhere, no matter what, on a leg, on a head, we begin to clear around so that he is completely on the surface. and the main thing is not to miss any of the finds that can help establish the name, this is the most important thing in these forgings, here the guys ran into
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a pocket in breeches and pulled out the remains of a wooden matchbox and coins. well, pockets, as a rule, are the most interesting places, because a medallion might come across. nikolai sergeevich, most likely the medallion is metal, so, here we no longer have in the area of ​​the breast pocket, a button from the breast pocket is stuck to it, it looks very much like it’s a medallion, yes, it looks like it’s metal in two parts, one is thinner, the other is thicker. there is hope that the name will return. this is the excavation protocol drawn up for each raised fighter.
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yes, comrade stalin, if such a need arises, partisans from all over belarus will work to support the operation, they will be able to pin down fairly large forces, army groups in the center, there is no one there, they have not returned yet, and no one dear will return, now here we are with her all together, we need to put forward someone so that he is all ours, a partisan, that... to hold the whole giant, so that he has strength in the brain and so that he is patient, but what kind of partisans are we without maneuver, they will squeeze him into a ring, the lid will be blown out of the air, wait, wait, what, wait, the troops are arriving, semyon ivan, the war will end, i will build a house for you, so that again with the neighbors,
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the final stage of the frufest will begin, which will end with the complete destruction of the partisan bank, organization. civilian population, i instruct i still have to tell you, we are taking a mortal risk, follow the order, watch the series flame on the belarus 24 tv channel . when we have finished lifting the remains of the soldiers, following the fifty-second battalion, we hand over the remains to him, they pack them in bags, sealed and handed over to the local village council, according to the law,
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within 3 months the remains must be reburied solemnly with full military honors. if we managed to establish the name, then we are trying to find relatives and invite them to the reburial. according to according to belarusian legislation, all search work at sites of former military operations, at undeclared, previously unknown burial sites, is carried out by the fifty-second search battalions of the armed forces of the republic of belarus. we have very close ties with him.
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search work, keep records of related finds, bone remains, transfer of explosive objects, small arms, scythes on the machine, of course, for re-storage, well, explosive objects for destruction. our field search season continues, we are now carrying out work in the chaovsky district, antonovsky village council. the front stood here for 9 months, during which time thousands of soldiers died here, most of them remain lying in the fields, restless,
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unmourned and unburied. judging by the depth of the remains, the soldier is lying out of position, in a crater. and most likely it was the same shell or a mine that killed him, around the remains we see just a huge number of fragments, from the finds a bowler hat, two spoons, ammunition, we came across a very interesting box, in general we are seeing this for the first time, it ’s a memorable souvenir, something like that . you awards for some merit. 25 years of october, a fighter of the patriotic war. it looks more like shag was stored here. the soldier
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had with him a helmet that was not typical for this period, more for an earlier one, there was forty -one, in the jargon it is called a halkingolka. we can assume that the soldier has been fighting for a very long time and... he has some merits, we just hope, probably even dream, that if he has been serving for a long time, then maybe some kind of reward will be somewhere down there funnels. last year in chaovsky area, three fighters were raised in one burial, one of them had a medal for courage. the soldier's name was determined by the medal number. we begin in the archive to break through the lists of irretrievable losses for this fighter, in this list, in this burial, the other two of his comrades are also listed and also have names and full
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data on them. there are times when we find signature items, a pot, a spoon, a flask. our club primarily consists of interested people. i have been working as the head of the belarusnefteproduct search department for five years in search. our members include engineers, workers,
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writers, historians, local historians, teachers, journalists. all this is done exclusively in free time from work; many take vacations, select them according to the work plan, during shifts. here. any person can come to us if he is partial to the search for a soldier, loves military history and can clearly explain why he needs it, and of course the recommendations of two of our members of old search engines, if there are none, sorry guys, the candidate’s experience may drag on for a long, long time, our association has 23 search groups and detachments, well, about 150 active members, the main composition, and the same number of approximately variable composition, that is, these are
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school students, working youth, i myself was born in mogilev, then the family moved 20 km from mogilev to the chaovsky district, to the sites of hostilities. i grew up in those places, graduated from school, in the ninety-third year the mogilev regional center for tourism of local history came, and from that time we trace our history, well, the great patriotic war for me is the closest in historical period, besides, this war is the most... and the other
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five are not listed anywhere at all, then they are still missing, they went to war, can you imagine, for my grandmother, for my mother, she has been missing all her life, she has been waiting for them all her life, i remember this from childhood, and my mother constantly reminded me of this, and my grandfather told me , i don’t need anything anymore, and those floating next to us would live, all the reward would be for us to live, we would live, we would live, and we are floating in the sky, this pain does not subside, where are you, living water, oh why, there is a war,
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why, oh, why, oh, why, why are they killing us, and the smoke on the daughter’s roof is getting paler, pale higher, mother, mother, you will hear my voice, my voice, my voice, further and further, the mood, when there is a good search object, when the weather is good, when it is good where you can work for several days, then you can really gather around the fire, you can spend the night , you can sing songs, that is, sit mentally.
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along with identifying names, along with local searches. with archival research, work with youth is no less important for you, work especially with student youth, we regularly go out with such educational lessons, lectures, exhibitions, be sure to use exhibition materials at every trip , plus we attract our guys
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, reenactors
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, to a distant, but still dear person, thanks to whom they received a peaceful sky above their heads today. i think what touches the living is that these are not empty words, not empty lectures, but here everything goes through real work, through military archeology, through excavations, not a single rarity that we bring with us, this iron, is not taken from the funds, from somewhere, from storage, it's all from... on february 11, 2022, we were invited to submit materials for the prize of the president of the republic of belarus for spiritual revival. we received
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this award, joy. the fact that they did not go unnoticed, the fact that the guys worked conscientiously for so many years, well, of course, this gives a second wind, as i sometimes say, to... now it’s unstoppable, after 28 years of work, together with the fifty-second battalion, it was raised from the land there are 1,515 soldiers and commanders of the red army, as of today, of which the names of 117 people have been established, information has been established about 26,500... missing unknown, the penultimate watch, when we raised 23 soldiers and policemen at the height of vladimirov in the goyim, the name
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of one of them was established, drishchenko yakov stepanovich, they found relatives in the klimovichi region, his own niece, took him to his homeland, and reburied him there. hello, halen danilo!
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we are working for this, you know, not just to dig up and bury impersonal bones, there is a name, they were returned to the family, the work was done with high quality
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and to the end, i say, i’ll go like this, the cable player and her mother are crying, well, who doesn't it came to this, and then to lose something to the children, to lose something? now you know that he died heroically in defense of mogilev, as long as i live, i will always come to him, the lord walks nearby somewhere, i feel it in my life, it’s not in vain, i say, you work 24 hours, he... , as if pushing, stopping somewhere, stop, you can go here, we find machines, thanks to modern technologies, here are the names, the earth
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gives back with difficulty, when you find it, this feeling cannot be compared with anything, inhaled, exhaled, that’s it, did.
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my name is yulia semenchenko, i came to brest from the moscow region, i have been living and working here for almost 5 years.
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i came to belarus directly to brest from moscow, or rather even from the moscow region, i am a moscow resident, i came here for work to head the russian center of science and culture, which, in principle, i have been doing for almost 5 years. i was born into a very ordinary family, my mother is a primary school teacher, she worked in school all her life, now she is, of course, already a student, and a very busy, very energetic person, my father all... i worked as a driver, there were no diplomatic roots in my family, my fate just so happened that i began to engage in this activity, but at the same time i have two sons, already adult sons, one of them works, has three higher degrees education, the second is studying magimo, and i assume that this dynasty, probably diplomatic, will begin with me, my sons, in principle, are focused on this work, work in the international field, promoting... the interests of the russian federation abroad, and i wish them, of course, in this
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great success, so that all their plans, all their ideas come true, this is important for me, as for a mother, well, like for any mother, the success of their children is more important than their own success, my children, of course, come to me very often, my youngest son lived here with me for the first year, until he graduated from school, he studied in the name of pushkin, he really liked brest, and of course, the first thing when the eldest son and the youngest son arrived, we... and not so long ago came to me my sister came a year ago in the spring, it was already very warm, of course, when you come from moscow, it’s still winter there, but here it’s spring, something is already starting to bloom, it’s incredible, plus... the atmosphere, plus the nature of belarus, it captivates absolutely everyone.
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all those who have visited me here are sick of belarus, in fact, from the heart, from the heart, and i don’t even compare it with any other countries, because here there is some kind of unique atmosphere, unique people, well-disposed, very friendly, very hospitable, very clean cities, absolutely everyone celebrates this, delicious cuisine, of course, this is also important, and nature, here storks, this is of course... well, it captivates everyone’s heart, of course, i fell in love with brest with all my heart and soul, i feel at home here, because i’ve been living here for quite a long time, almost 5 years, and i know every street of it , i know every house, i know these people, in fact, brest has become my dearest, very dear city, and i always think with regret, to be honest, that i will have to return someday. belarus people are simply unique,
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i really say this without any flattery, without any pathos. these people always amaze me with their altruism, first of all. i travel a lot around the country, in the brest district, in the brest region, everywhere i come across people who, with an open soul, in an hour without any additional finances, do the job, this is very important, they do the job from the heart, from the heart , often invest all their possible resources there. support, yes, no support, but they are simply sick of this matter, and this captivates me, in fact, belarus rests on such people, i meet them everywhere, here is a museum, we are going to some museum, this is the director of the museum, this is some ordinary person, this is a deputy, this is a public figure, people put their soul, their heart into a cause that is necessary for the people, for my country, and this is actually worth a lot, for this i love and appreciate belarusians. first of all, of course, we are glad
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to welcome you to the russian center of science and culture, this building has already existed since 2014, in general for quite a long time, next year we will celebrate its tenth anniversary our center, which we are of course very happy about and glad that you came to us, that you look at our location, look at our capabilities, and get to know us. with my colleagues you will learn what we do and what our main goals are, tasks in general about us, you will probably get to know us as people, with ordinary people, the ice was broken. the next day the boy, with timid curiosity , entered the living room, which he had not been in since a strange city guest, who seemed so angry and squeamish to him, had moved in there. now yesterday's song this guest, bribed the boy's ears. we
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have a cinema hall, which is also a concert hall, we have a library, maybe it’s not very big, but nevertheless cozy, with a lot of literature. first of all , we receive artistic literature from moscow, and we transfer this literature to our partners, these are schools, bresse, grodno, these are museums, this is a public organization, these are libraries, we are trying to equip them, yes, with what modern russian publishing houses now represent, there are a lot of good books , especially children's books, in our children and adults come to the library , absolutely anyone from the street can come, sign up, become our direct partner, even a friend, often, by the way, those who come to us, first for books, then offer us some your events, projects, such, such a story also exists, you can take this book, you can come to us or write us a letter, ask us to hand over these books, which teachers often do directly, today we received an application
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from one of the schools so that we give them books, in general, this is such a big job, interesting and the main thing is that it makes you... popular, every child wants to take it. no, a book is always enjoyed by a big book, especially a new one, when it still smells of printing ink, open it, look at the pictures, inhale its aroma and enjoy russian literature, the russian center. of course, he gives gifts. and very often artists gather on our site. here is one of the gifts we received from a russian artist, a contemporary artist who now lives in belgium, he has his own greeve there. this is this painting, it’s so unusual, avant-garde, i would call it that, it’s called mars. uh, our main task was to
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make sure we hang this picture, because it has some very positive, powerful, bright energy. here on the second floor she meets you at the russian science center. culture, here we have several classrooms, including an educational and methodological center , where children study the russian language, prepare to enter russian universities, and study history. one of ours classes where children gather every evening, here they directly study the russian language and prepare for admission to russian universities. the classroom is equipped, as you can see, there is all the necessary equipment, but like all our premises. and it is also multi-format, we often gather here with the guys, participate in round tables, participate in some international projects, recently joined a forum, for example, on the battle of stalingrad, which took place in several countries, the main platform was moscow, here we sometimes host small career guidance film screenings for college kids, in
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general, this is any of our venues, not just this one, but any of our offices, it’s multi-format, and we work with the guys at these venues on absolutely different topics, not so a long time ago we had a media forum on the literacy of children on their work on the internet - in social networks, and the forum occupied absolutely everything from cinema halls, foyers, all offices, the guys sat in sections, journalists worked with them, bloggers worked with them, this was also our first experience, very interesting, i hope that it will continue, now the center is running a course... in the russian language in history, since the difference in the russian and belarusian programs is insignificant, but nevertheless it exists, and the guys , in order to fill this gap, those guys who plan to enter russian universities, they take advantage of this opportunity, come to our courses, every year we have more and more cadets, which of course makes us happy, they study with us very
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good teachers, time-tested and working with us for many years, so i hope that they will get here... good experience and good knowledge in order to then implement them in the future. this is a class for studying history, world history, the history of russia, the history of belarus, since our histories are closely connected, the guys here fill in some gaps that they have in the history of russia, probably more and a little more gaps in world history. this is one of our work offices, directly, now we are in our press center, here we gather in this space with our partners. journalists, bloggers who want to discuss with us their various questions, problems, some of their proposals, here we gather as a team, directly discuss, also many workers in... questions and problems there is live communication. i received my appointment in moscow, i was the head of the department for belarus,
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moldova, ukraine, at that time ukraine was still with us, i was directly involved in this work after i returned from chisinau, having worked there for 5 years. i am very glad that i have been working in brist for 4.5 years, i hope that i will work here for some more time, because the plans do not end in abundance, they are only increasing, the range of work is increasing, partnership, friendship. with people, with people who live in the city, with the region in general, first of all we are promoting russian culture, of course, there are a lot of projects, these are projects in the city, we have a lot of partners, in the region in general, yes, these are exhibitions, these are what -film screenings, concerts, a lot of projects, probably it’s very difficult to even cover them all now, not so long ago in the twenty-first year, i always talk about this, because i consider it a kind of brainchild of our team. in brest, we made a mural on the wall of one of the houses on gavrilov street, dedicated to major gavrilov, one of the defenders of the brest
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fortress, this is a kind of our memory, this is our pride, and we wanted to do this project, including from the point of view of attracting young people. we have another very interesting project for young people, this is, of course, our quota company. russian federation provides more than 3,000 quotas for foreign students every year, we are now talking only about the budget, that is, guys from other countries can go to study at russian universities, of course, the most worthy, the nicest guys and get a good education there, russian education has always been rated, it has always been popular all over the world, but i want to note that for belarusians this quota has increased significantly, literally 4-5 years ago there were 70-90 quotas in total for the entire republic, this year 1,300 quotas are provided for... applicants and this of course it’s great, and we are glad that the guys can go to study at russian universities in completely different areas, because
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the first question that of course we are always asked is where to go, what university, what direction, all these nuances begin, i want to say , that all directions are represented in this quota company, from creative, relatively speaking, vocals, yes, ending with medicine, how it works, the guys register on a certain education and rusha platform, and this... where they go, choose the direction that they are interested, after they have entered a few of their data, yes, the direction they want there is a faculty, and a list of universities pops up that represents a particular program, there can be a large number of these universities, the applicant must choose six universities according to priority, here in belarus we are carrying out the first stage of this quota company, that is, we select the most worthy guys, send a package of documents with them to minsk, where they take place...
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so that they can fulfill their dream, we they are always happy, they come to us, after studying there for six months, for example, or a year , they always come and say: you know, we didn’t believe, we didn’t believe in this story, we thought it was something fantastic, that it was something... that is impossible, but this is far from me, i am not capable, yes, i, we often underestimate ourselves, when we entered the most famous russian university, baumenka also, by the way, uses technical directions there, well, anyone else, and we are studying now , and we still can’t believe it, and we get this feedback, of course it’s worth a lot, because we understand that the child will receive a good education, yes, that
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he is now in the conditions that he dreamed of and that he aspired to. the task of this quota company from the russian point of view is to prepare a good specialist who would return to his home and directly develop his fatherland. if we talk in general about our tasks, then of course this is , first of all, the advancement of russian culture. because russian culture is close to people here in belarus, but i want to say since i worked in other countries, in general , russian culture has always been interesting in different places. never in my life have i regretted my choice, the fact that i began to do this work, probably, on the contrary, i consider myself a very happy person, because not everyone gets such a chance to do this work, often my loved ones, my family do not understand this, they don’t understand my suitcase mood. and i can’t
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imagine my life in one place anymore, although i love my hometown very much, i’m from the moscow region, it’s already difficult for me, i’m coming home, a year or two passes by, and something starts to, you know, urge me inside, i understand that i need to go somewhere, i need to change the situation, i need to communicate with other people, i need to be in a different space, therefore, i have never regretted that i had such a chance to do this work, i am very grateful to the people who helped me at... some certain stages, i am very grateful to fate that it worked out this way for me, to my parents, of course, which probably brought me to this one way or another after a while you begin to understand that this, that, yes, some kind of supporting points that led you to this one way or another, i’m happy that i’m doing this and i hope that i will be doing this for many more years, but of course there are nuances that i regret,
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each of us has them, yes, i regret that, for example, i studied few languages, now, yes , i feel that if if only i knew two or three languages ​​there, it would help me, when you know the language, you know the culture, the people, yes, this is interesting, i regret this, i regret that maybe i didn’t study some musical instruments at one time, unfortunately i don’t have hearing, but i would like to be able to play, which is a little more, probably i had to study art, world art, sometimes i feel some kind of lack. knowledge in this area, but nevertheless, i am sure that this work, my current work, has given me a lot, and i am happy to be a diplomat serving for the benefit of my fatherland. now we have come to the brest fortress, probably about a feat
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everyone knows the defenders of the brest fortress. and this place is dear to each of us, and to me, of course, certainly too. when i arrived in brest, the first thing i did, without unpacking my suitcases and boxes, was come here, it was literally on that same day, the day of my arrival. and she couldn’t help but come. in fact, this is the place of our common strength, our common victory, because it was here in brest that the victory that took place on may 9 was forged. since the year forty-five, it was from this place, from the heroic defense in the rezka fortress by those people who were here on for almost a month. pyotr gavrilov, you know this very well, fought until almost the end of july, when hitler thought that he would cover the entire brest in 2 hours and move on. this place is important to me and
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valuable to me because... it was always very difficult, it was always very tragic, i didn’t manage to learn much from her, and from those terrible years of the war, but i remember one of her memories , she told how they girls, very young, very young, highlighted enemy planes, how they they fired, and they, in spite of everything, continued their
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work with these huge searchlights, many years later i... went to the website feat of the people, began to read about my grandfather, whom i knew well, yes, he lived a long life, but he never told me what he did, i found out that he was a sapper, he had many awards, including for demining, and for me it was actually a revelation, i didn’t know how heroic a person he was, and i think that in the family of each of us, both russians and belarusians there are such stories, our grandfathers - our grandmothers, great-grandfathers, fought, shed blood for our present, in which we live, for our peaceful present, good, happy, now, when someone is trying to distort history, yes, falsify it, who -this suggests that we probably need to move away from this, we need to perhaps forget or not
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talk about it so often, i am always amazed by this, because... it still hurts in me, and in me this is how this genetic memory is strong in each of our people, it doesn’t go anywhere do when i hear a sacred song... i get goosebumps, yes, a lump in my throat, it can’t be any other way, and i know that my children have it, that’s why brest, the brest fortress, is a fantastically powerful place, a fantastically powerful place where everyone should visit, should experience it through themselves, and you should definitely bring your children here, definitely, the brest land still... preserves the bodies of the defenders of their fatherland, the defenders of the soviet union, and they are still being found, they are still being raised from the ground, they names are restored, perpetuated, and this
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is actually a colossal big work that is being carried out both by the state and by public figures, and this needs to be done, it needs to be talked about, as many young people as possible need to be involved in this, because it is perpetuating memory. defenders of our fatherland, this is probably our most important task, such an immutable truth, if we do not know our history, if we forget it, we are doomed to repeat these mistakes again. there is nothing more valuable than peace on earth. we all understand this perfectly, these are not some banal words. all our families survived the horrors of that war and remember it very well. therefore, each of us. must strive to preserve this world for ourselves and for subsequent generations, it is in this place that i would like to wish our peoples, the peoples of belarus, russia, peace,
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goodness, prosperity, prosperity, so that we continue to preserve all our moral and spiritual guidelines, which are presented here in the press fortress so that...
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which for us is a holy day of victory, there is so much in these words: bitterness, tears of loss, joy, meetings of achievements and deep gratitude to our dear veterans for their greatest feat,


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