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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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today the whole country celebrates one of the most important holidays, which for us is sacred victory day. there is so much in these words: bitterness, tears of loss, joy, meetings of achievements and deep gratitude to our dear veterans for their greatest feat.
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on may 9, 1945, we won, we broke the back of world evil, we forced the enemies to capitulate, it was the soviet people who played a key, decisive role in the fight against fascism, against the ideology of extermination of the slavs, against the attempt to make us slaves, and today we honor our heroes, bow our heads in front of the memory of the victors, in front of tens of millions of people who, with their feat... at the cost of their lives, defended peace and tranquility in their native land. the television news agency bel tv and radio company continues its big festive information day, there are many congratulations ahead, emotions of the brightest inclusions from different platforms in belarus. in the studio sergey lgovsky, hello, let's celebrate may 9th together.
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today our president shared the joy of the great victory with the heads of state of the post-soviet space; a parade was held in moscow red square. this is a tradition established by the heroes back in the victorious forty-fifth year. and even the snow that kept falling from the sky could not extinguish the fiery hearts of the participants in this grandiose action. the heads of state arrived in the kremlin in the morning, vladimir putin. i warmly greeted each of my colleagues personally, we still look good, then the leaders of the countries joined the spectators of the victory parade and took their places on the central stand. in his speech, vladimir putin emphasized: the west is trying to distort the truth about the second world war, because it interferes with colonial policy, but the truth is also historical memory. this is part of the general policy
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of western elites to incite more and more regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, and to restrain sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject the claim of exclusivity by any state or alliance. we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. in the west, they would like to forget the lessons of world war ii, but we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles.
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near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev, a minute of silence is declared for victory, hurray, hurray! on june 24, 1945, the first victory parade took place, when defeated german banners and standards were thrown at the walls of the mausaleum. and today, in front of the veterans and guests, again the foot crews of all russian troops, from the cadets suvorov and nakhimov schools to border guards. marines, tankers and cossacks. all the strength and might of the modern army is on red square. there are 75 pieces of equipment in front of the audience,
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more than 9 participants. the parade of military equipment was traditionally opened by the legendary t-34 tank, the main combat vehicle. great patriotic war. armored personnel carriers, tigers, triumph and iskander anti-aircraft systems, and the yars nuclear deterrent complex passed on the paving stones. victory day is one of the main holidays for belarusians and russians. another important constant tradition - laying wreaths and flowers. to the tomb of the unknown soldier, together with the heads of other states in the alexander garden, our president. journalists did not miss the opportunity to ask questions to the two leaders, in particular regarding the second stage of response measures. as stated, the general staffs of the armed
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forces of belarus and russia provide for a check of the forces of the joint regional grouping of troops. the first stage we carried out was, one might say, beneficial. we have already started execution, so there is nothing unusual here, this is a planned work. in honor of the heads of state invited to the celebration.
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who crushed fascism and saved the future of humanity, the head of state noted. in every corner, in every family of belarus, generated by hatred of the ideas of world domination, the war left unhealed wounds from the monstrous crimes of hitler’s executioners and their minions. the unity of our ancestors, their love for their homeland and sincere faith in victory forever became moral guidelines for the grateful generations of the peaceful and independent belarusian state. years later, the truth about the great victory protects our land from the threats of modern times, all of humanity, from the revival of the destructive ideas of nazism. the belarusian people sacredly honor the memory of those who died and will never consign to oblivion the names of innocent martyrs and the glory of courageous
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defenders of the victors,” alexander lukashenko emphasized. and today it is important for us to preserve historical memory. this is part of our state policy towards memorials. the honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war does not cut off the flow of people. monuments to our defenders are surrounded by flowers, and this is no coincidence. it is here that the most emotional and main words. a great, greatest holiday with a hint of grief and sadness. i wouldn't want this to happen again. but you must remember, this is our victory, we simply must not give it to anyone, we have not forgotten, we will also remind the heirs of the punitive forces how in the distant forty-first
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the belarusian land turned into one big death camp, we see how the revanchists are trying to pull them out of the underworld. bankrupt nazi ideology. in these conditions, the truth about the crimes of fascism serves as a serious warning to humanity, preservation of historical memory takes on special significance. the main thing we must do is to preserve this truth and prevent the revival of the terrible past. don't even try to talk to us from a position of strength. belarus still stands as an indestructible brez fortress, in the path of any enemy. and may the memory of those who left us inspire us to create, for the sake of
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the future of our peoples, for the sake of peace. we don't need war. we intend to use all reserves to restore stability and calm in the region. we are our native land, we will not give up independence and sovereignty to anyone. belarus remembers, as long as we come here, together with our children, belarus will always remember. festive victory marches can be heard in all regions of the country. thousands of people gathered in brest, a parade of equipment, a march of military personnel accompanied by a live orchestra,
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military vehicles in a symbolic number of 79 units drove along the central street of the city from the very morning, for the first time a soviet heavy tank, the prototype of which took part in the parade of allied troops in berlin in september 1945 . traditionally, belarusians marched in a solemn procession to the brest fortress. this is always the main holiday location in the city. the memory of the defenders of the legendary citadel was honored with a minute of silence, these are truly words, with tears in my eyes, i already burst into tears, this is joy, this is happiness.
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gratitude to the heroes of the great patriotic war has become part of our genetic code; it is our duty not only to honor the fallen, to take care of veterans and children of the war, but... also to preserve the sacred memory of the heroic deeds of the people, passing it on to future generations. senator dmitry
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the basques, as well as hockey players from the team of the president of belarus with their families, according to good tradition, laid flowers at the victory monument in the morning. we thank our veterans, home front workers, and honor the children of war who found the strength not only to survive this difficult time, but also to rebuild our country. they showed everyone the strength of spirit of the belarusian people. of course, the war claimed and broke millions of human destinies, the task is to preserve that memory so that the sacrifice of that generation of people would not be in vain, and we teach children, pass this on children and raise them in family values, in our family traditions, peace and unity, unity, because now nato is on the borders, of course we all need to stick together.
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the whole country on victory day, as you can see, here on victory square in minsk, the atmosphere is completely different than it was in the morning, the monument is already beginning to be buried in flowers, war songs are heard, and most importantly, people come here and come with their stories, to our direct two families join the broadcast at once, which, if i’m not mistaken, are from vladimir, you to they came to us, yes, from russia, let’s tell us why you decided to celebrate this day with the fraternal people, with the belarusians here, well, because it’s correct to say this... the fraternal people wanted us to see everything here, we already went to the breet fortress, now we came here to
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minsk, tell us, they brought the children, it’s probably important to show them this story today, let’s probably ask mom this, so that they know, remember, know this and honor the memory, well , they had a memory from childhood that they were , they saw veterans while someone else is alive, someone tell family stories, perhaps they have their own heroes. are you ready to tell us, well, our grandfathers fought, one of my grandfathers went missing, the other went through the war, that’s it.
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thank you very much, but we continue to work here on victory square near the eternal flame monument, as you can see, people continue to lay flowers, come as individuals , as families, as work groups, and most
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importantly, here they keep in memory and tell all the same stories about their heroes . photo.
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it's hard for him, he lost an eye, for this the feat was awarded the order of the great patriotic war, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, that is , took part in the war, liberated our country from the fascist invaders. may 9 is victory day, when the whole world was liberated from the nazis. grandfather fought, he reached berlin, was seriously wounded, and then lay there.
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this means that we remember them. well, the main celebrations on victory square near the eternal flame monument will begin this evening, according to plans at 7:00, the head of state will also join, i will now remind you, in moscow. the laying on will take place here, they will also show and creative performances. after all, victory day is such a symbiosis of different emotions, both
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joy and sadness. of course, there will be veterans here too, we will definitely talk. it is on one of the most traveled streets, it is located on independence avenue, in principle, right on the roadway, and it is such a beacon for everyone who passes, even on an ordinary non- holiday day, saw it in the window, remembered it, recorded it, probably like this we are belarusians and pass on this memory, moreover, underground here too... history is stored, from the exit from the metro there is a whole gallery with paintings, they are also immersive, let’s say some schoolchild will go home, come out, see these paintings, and be immersed in this atmosphere. perhaps he will come home, ask his parents, and they will tell stories about their heroes, the history, in principle, of the feat of our people, and the most important thing is to pass on the memory to other
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generations, so that they keep it for their descendants, and so on. so, belarus remembers. thank you, vlad, well, right now we are moving to victory park, where the race of the brave and andrey kozlov from the scene. come here, today is a wonderful holiday, thank you, of course, i would like to say to our veterans for this clear sky, i would like to wish good health to everyone, peaceful
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skies, and most importantly, victory for everyone, everyone together, cheers, brilliant support group, guys, let's wave on the track in the camera, and you or i will go with me, come on, let’s also record you so beautiful while the kids finish. you’ve already run, yes, how you ran, tell us, great, we’re in the youngest age group 4-6, and vika took part for the first time, i really, really liked it, the course was easy, but very interesting, and why is it important for you to run on such a day, and for us this is a very important day for our family, our grandfathers all fought, reached berlin and returned with awards , with orders, with medals, thanks to this we exist, thank you very much for being so beautiful, happy victory day, thank you, congratulations. let's see for now, after all, we are at the race, this is such a difficult part of the distance, through the armored personnel carrier at the finish line, which boys and girls are still overcoming, but we are up to
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we’ll quickly reach the finish line, this is where the finish happens, you can see it all in the mode, a well-deserved medal with such a cozy support group, who are here for their people as always, well done, well done, well done, let’s do more. such a cozy support group , you can even see that emotions also take over, well , ilya, bring us back now, the head of the belarusian athletics federation, ivan grigorievich tihan, is approaching us, i greet you on the occasion of the great victory, we are live in belarus alone, so let's probably a few good words to the veterans on such a great day, i think. not only the running fans who came to cheer and run
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and cheer, to support their youngest, but after lunch the oldest, the very best, who will pass the test through the entire obstacle course, will also finish, well, i would like to wish this a day is, first of all, harmony and tranquility, a peaceful sky above your head, and... all participants receive such medals, by the way, i’m showing this for those who may still doubt it, although, probably, registration is closed, but an adult race will take place at one o’clock, so everyone be sure to come on such a great day, it seems to me that sports and health need to emphasize the importance
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of our great victory, that’s all i have for now, colleagues, the floor is yours, thank you andrey, as we see, everything is from few people celebrate victory day, the holiday has a special spirit in vitebsk, because during the war the city was almost completely destroyed, events started. processions, a column of 15 thousand people, enterprise workers, students, cultural representatives sports, the final point was victory square, a rally was held at the memorial, fresh flowers were laid at the eternal flame. victory day is a huge holiday for the whole country and personally for my family, my grandfather reached berlin, my second grandfather was
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a partisan. today i am here to show thanks for the victory, we must honor the memory of our heroes and come every time on may 9 to the square, a very beautiful city, it was transformed by may 9, it became much brighter, more interesting, the whole family always celebrates this day, we wish peaceful skies over your head, we wish happiness, health, prosperity for families, and to always be happy people, festive victory marches sound in the streets. squares and gardens of vitebsk. freedom square hosts an exhibition of military equipment at the disposal of artists. guest residents are invited to the amusement park. at these moments , the motor rally continues, which will pass through memorable places in the regional center. in our country there are no people indifferent to the immortal feat. memory lives in the hearts of new generations. the story of one fate on a long difficult path to the day of victory. reporting by alexandra goiton.
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order in the beds, around the first spring plot on the banks of the berezina river, perfect flowers, a veteran of the great patriotic war and still takes care of her farmstead on her own, work on the land is the roots of her vitality and youth of spirit, on august 8 she will be 98, she will be 99, yes it was already eight, and i’m waiting for the ninth, very soon the century.
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fishing, and they shot after me, and she lay there, she was still running away, she was still there, and tomorrow we stood there the night, watching the huts burn, dad was burning in the hut, the doors of her house were always open for children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and guests, thank you for the victory, for peace, for the bright sky, in honor of victory day, a personalized apple tree has been added to sofia stasevich’s orchard,
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next year we hope... victory day, words of gratitude to veterans and everyone who lived and resisted during the hard years of war are heard getting louder. in our country there are no people indifferent to the heroes and their immortal feat, even though time takes us away from those events, the memory lives in our hearts. alexandra goiton, alexander oleshko, tv news agency. according to updated data, during the great patriotic war the nazis suffered more than 12,300 settlements were affected. and
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the main blow, as we see, has come. in the vitebsk region, the region received an unprecedented blow from the fascist fist. new names of the sisters of khatyn became famous. the nazis purposefully burned 288 villages and villages along with their inhabitants. the majority are also in the vitebsk region. and even these figures and data are not final. by presidential decree, the most courageous belarusian cities were awarded a pennant for courage and perseverance per year.


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