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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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the tv channel is available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best. the heroes of this program chose life for. why do you need this and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, there they see more opportunities , use them to the maximum, 26 piglets, you have chickens, 130 chickens , who else do you have a cow, a cow, a cow, ducks, that's what you don't have is free time.
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which can be spent on laziness and despondency, i i understand that this is definitely not the case, neither depression nor despondency and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, and then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange it when we do it here, in in the future we are a reception room, what we do here is somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that’s what we have here, there are leftovers, valuable ones, we’ll hang them here. 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles , thank you very much, watch the project “i’m from the village” on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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sbignev tornovetsky, your task is to find out which side ternovetsky is going to play on, ternovetsky is going to take the side of the british, this is our only chance, there is a bomb, there is a bomb, arina, we don’t know
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whether she is alive or not, her basement and a bullet in the forehead , wait, i’ll tell you everything, he won’t touch her yet, i’m a soviet intelligence officer. i and my comrades should have killed you, if she is russian, i am stalin, kravchik, but you are completely crazy, kravchik is now in conflict with ternovetsky, that’s right, and if ternovetsky’s people destroy kravchik’s detachment, they will witnesses, there will be a war between polish detachments, we have walked a lot, i think the kilometers are not enough, we will reach some source, and they will leave me there. i love you, i want to live for you, you hear, thank you very much, everything will be fine, and as you know, i don’t need to marry,
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how can this be?
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“i really didn’t know that there would be such an order, they didn’t tell me anything, i tried to explain, i think everything will be clear, i don’t have to ask you, keep your head up, boring book, let’s switch, finish reading, let’s switch, zoya, it’s high, oh well , you're not like me i taught you, if you want to go for a walk, of course i want to, but it’s a quiet
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time for us, and the leg will let you go out the window, sit down. if you won’t, i can go to him, please,
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sister, wait. and you are nina, i’m perepelkin, for some reason i don’t remember your face, comrade perepelkin, wait a second, i ’m suspected of something here, i’m just great, great, the head doctor is begging me, nina is leaving her medan for christ’s sake to come to us we don’t have enough staff, but it turns out i’m not welcome here, and they won’t let me take a patient to a procedure, no, if konstantin alexandrovich himself, i don’t mind, work, please. am i a scout or not?
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thank you, you see he’s alive, he’s good, i hear... now who knows, maybe even worse , everyone will call him a traitor, and you, like me, can’t defend him, why can’t i, you’re a hero now,
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maybe you won’t write, search they will be ours for me, she ran away, the officer will now write a report, we can’t stay here, we have to go to germany, i have a grandmother, she... the city of rodolshtat, you can go there, he doesn’t have a passport, we don’t have money, we have a hiding place in the forest, there is money and documents, today it’s ours the plane will arrive, okay, maybe in moscow you know that sarina, maybe, here’s another thing, that i... i want to write a rapport, what kind of report? about
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how you dragged me on you. well, who isn’t i, scouts, before the scouts, i’ll talk to vorotinnikov, let them give you a medal, we walked together, you’re also entitled to a medal, but i didn’t have enough, i don’t really remember how everything is there, it’s in fragments, of course , bullet in the leg. “i lost a lot of blood, from there these, what’s their name, hallucinations, but there were no hallucinations, there were, he didn’t promise to marry us, well, you can’t say it with a headache, i remember this, it’s not with a headache, i really want to marry you, leave me, i’ll marry you?
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that means, when we arrive in moscow, i’ll submit two applications at once, why two? well, it’s like one wedding , the second is katya’s daughter, for katya, thank you, about something else, what to expect before moscow, you want to get married, let’s do it now, okay, but i don’t know, i know, there’s a rifle unit not far away, i’ve agreed with the commander , let’s go, let’s go . , i found a shirt and a suit for you from the convention participants. okay, where does the connection with the men's shirt and suit come from? so are you going to interrogate me or marry me?
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how are you, friend, excuse me, my husband is seriously shell-shocked, get better, be quiet, where are we, you
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can’t talk, we can’t give ourselves away, there are germans all around, we’re going to germany, why go to germany? that’s how it’s necessary, then i’ll explain, remember, you’re a german soldier, you’re wounded, seriously shell-shocked, you can’t speak, this is normal when you’re shell-shocked, i’m your wife, for christ’s sake, my sister, we’re taking you home, just don’t say anything, be quiet, we’re going to sanitary train, money forward, okay, how much? 500 marks to me, another 500 to the head of the train, pick it up when we arrive in germany, they will soon
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let us through everywhere. so they decided to get married, that’s right, comrade major, okay, but i’ve never called a german before, my comrade, i got wound up, i’m busy later, i’m getting married for the first time, so i’ll sign the paper, according to what words.
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it means yours told me how serious everything is with you, i think there’s no need to say anything here, since she was dragging you along, or she’s crazy, or she really loves you, but she doesn’t look like a crazy woman. that citizen petrov and citizen velichka, i declare you husband and wife, be fruitful, as they say, and multiply, for the glory of the communist party and the soviet people, comrade major, we found flamethrowers, where are they, you can handle it without a flamethrower, i can handle it, look, it’s not taken into account yet, i can give it away, it’s not
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necessary, but i’ll save it for mine, well, kiss me or what? what's up, are we having a wedding? the major, it seems to me, was more worried than us, i found something like this somewhere, you know, the main thing was i found it, how do you feel in your new capacity? oh, nice. "captain petrov and lieutenant velichka, you are late, actually already a lieutenant petrova and not a big one, we just got married. what, take them, what's the matter, lieutenant, you are under arrest, some kind of mistake, we are intelligence officers, i know, we are in moscow today, the plane will arrive,
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call colonel vorotynnikov, take it easy, comrade vorotynnikov is aware, and the plane has already arrived for you , women's dress, uniform, civilian dress. a woman's handbag, ladies' summer shoes, that's it, look at the contents of the table, a bottle of cognac, empty, another half-empty with cognac, cigarettes, matches, a book in a foreign language, give it here.
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are you finished? no, they are looking for hiding places. do you want a drink? come on, what are you worried about? arina is not a traitor, she had reasons, i’m sure, and i’m sure that she... knew what she was doing, and this is called desertion, we don’t know for sure, that’s it, so don’t beat yourself up, please, not everyone is given to be people like you,
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like you, what prozorovskaya did will not hit her, but it will hit us, all of us, that’s what we need to worry about. have a seat, investigator karusova irina vladimirovna, petrova, alexandrovna, yes, yes, petrova, newlywed. congratulations, thank you, help yourself, thank you, well, newlywed
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petrova, let’s think together about how you can quickly get out of here with your husband and celebrate your wedding, i’m all for it, great, tell me. what about poland, no need about the mission, i know that, what happened, what happened there? what will happen against us, it was necessary to eliminate him, captain petrov planted an explosive device on him, then we were supposed to take arina to leave, but she didn’t come out, why? i don’t know, okay, then we were covered by ternovetsky’s guards, we barely fought back. captain petrov received a bullet in the leg, but got out of the city, they figured that they couldn’t approach ternovetsky, they decided to get out to our people, they walked for a while
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on their own, then the scouts picked us up, with prozarovskaya, which i don’t know, we didn’t see her anymore, maybe she died, no, she didn’t die, a day later she got in touch, passed on a proposal for negotiations, well, well done, but no, when our plane arrived, she attacked an officer, then hid in the forest, deserted, you know why, i have no idea, but it doesn’t look like arina, well , it looks like it doesn’t look like there’s a war, maybe she had some conversations, but i don’t know, i’m tired of the war, i don’t like the party, hitler is not as bad as they say in the newspapers, come on, come on,
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remember, there’s nothing. i haven’t heard anything like that, i haven’t heard, i haven’t heard, it means that we are succeeding, it turns out that the group did not complete the task, the prozorovskaya deserter, moreover, it’s also not entirely clear about you and your husband, that’s why it’s not clear, well, why, you accidentally stumbled upon the scouts, or maybe they were on you, maybe you weren’t coming to us at all, but... maybe we are also deserters, comrade, and one more thing, prozorovskaya is not here, where she is unknown, and you are here, maybe you are newlywed, older in the group, you will still have to answer, and it will not be her who will have to answer, you, do you understand
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why? i, i wish you well, let’s remember everything that she did there, we’ll quickly arrange everything for her free, but if you don’t remember yourself, i’ll interrogate you for a long time until you admit everything yourself. “i, i understand, that’s it, don’t rush, we need to consult, escort, take us to the yard for exercise, eat, remember, once, i suggest.
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the investigator said, yes, what are we going to do? this looks like arina, why would she desert? if she ran away, that means it happened, why? yes, she is probably still doing something for the sake of the task, and now we will expose her to a traitor, she will return to her bunk, that is, if we do not refuse to testify, and if we refuse, then the witnesses will go to siberia here, wherever you throw a wedge here , what to do, how to act, as
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always? in all honesty, people, they are like wax, with stinging fingers, they bent, and you are different , since you are strong and love the truth, and if so, well, you can’t drown arina, well, that’s not true, i agree, you see, i’m learning from you, before i would have pawned her right away, now i’m sitting in front of this trail and thinking, i ruined arina’s life once, now... the second time, no, then i’ll look you in the eye, i need something figure out how to turn it around so that you come out, maybe the wife is just satan, i heard, i heard, we’ll break through together.
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good afternoon mr. hoftan. hello christina, as usual. helga, please bring me a bottle.
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they left the child orphaned, you bastards. yes, i understand. please.
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don't worry, i have one idea what the idea, such a beautiful girl can
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pay not only with money, let's go upstairs, you need it. medicine, i will be waiting for you, mrs. munser, what can i do for you, courageous, bruno, brave, good, another example, irma, irma, brave, okay, sit down, ears, ears, fash. decisive, very good, that’s all for today, the topic of tomorrow’s lesson, goodbye,
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goodbye. he lent it to me, i’m going to the director. i have no money. i haven't received a salary for 4 months. like all of us. i know you have an emergency fund for the needs of the school. he was taken to...
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he was taken to the front line, take him to the front line, he is already over 50, germany comes first, thank you, but i need money for medicine, i need to eat something, if only your husband could do some chores around the school, “i i could give him a ration, thank you, but today we have a nabi, thank you,
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wow, it’s burning, it’s very tasty, eat, eat, arin, why did you arrange separate meals, why without stew, i don’t want it “me too . , you need to get better, you need to gain strength, but no, come on, it seems to me there won’t be any more, pharmacies won’t lend gives. well, i’m already healthy,
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i got out of bed a week ago, it’s fine , i need to treat my lungs, the doctor says, but you never know what this doctor says, it’s great, you say, you paint your lips, i see it for the first time, you have to be handsome, for whom, lad, one invited a date, where did you find the trouble, he takes old people to the front line. tell me that
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i painted my lips for whom, i have a date, pharmacists, wipe it off, why wipe it off if i take it off for medicine, why, a bottle is enough for a week, no one knows how many of them you need, you’ll bore him, then what? need to do something, it is necessary, you remember where these pills are in the pharmacy, why prevention, today. services in the church in the evening, you should
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go, definitely, sometimes after the service they give you a glass of flour in your hands, setting up three glasses, it’s just necessary, let’s go.
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tell us!
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“yes, of course, you pestered her sister, she loves her sister, you see what you brought her to, forgive me, i will never promise you a word again, that means we have no problems, absolutely none, i swear to you, why came, i found the medicine, it would have lasted for a month, you would have shot him if i hadn’t
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i came, in a war, like in a war, this is wrong, you know, i did a lot of wrong things, i was rewarded for it, all for your sake. no, not at that price, why? and you don't understand why? no, i will do everything to make sure you live. yes, what happened to you? i’m not what you would like, i’m not like that, and i don’t recognize you at all. in '43 i married a german pilot. he shot our refugees, women, children and was proud of it, then i had to torture him, he was very strong, but i managed before i died
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he told me that i was the same as him, even worse. and you know, he’s right, you can’t try to be better than the enemy, if you want to win, become worse than everyone else, i want us to survive, just everything, say something, i can’t, then scream, i can’t. this is the worst thing, when you don’t scream, don’t speak, let’s go back to our people, our people almost killed you, let’s go back, it’s the end,
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if not to the wall, then to siberia, with your own lungs it’s a month, maybe, but you have to go back. you see, otherwise we’ll be lost, why will we be lost, we had love there, and you’re completely different, but here? and we don’t have love, will you go, no, then i’ll go alone, leave me, you killed yourself because of me, inside, i’ll leave, maybe
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it will become easier. thank you christ for everything and goodbye, what does goodbye mean? where is he to ours, as you said it’s impossible? hold it, you will find love, give one, they say it can be anyone,
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now, excuse me, i want to be alone. wait, wait, what about onna, this can’t be done, it’s so bad, i know it’s bad, but it’s not working out in a good way, we have to fight, we have to fight, you yourself told you, like in the books, she was waiting, you were waiting. if you don't have love, then you don't have it in general, no one has, in life
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it doesn’t work out like in books, since everything is there and there is no way out, if you love, you’ll find a way out, you’ll put it on.
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we will survive, i don’t know how, but we will survive, together, we will forget all the bad things, as if nothing happened. meinen, die is goed froh, meine kleine katze, die wollen b, meine kleine katzeplante f, und nach einerweile, blizie auf der.
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my husband is seriously shell-shocked, he can’t hear anything , he speaks poorly, i can help you, yes, thank you, i’m looking for a military base, it should be somewhere here, can you tell me how to get there, of course, but there are no soldiers there, it’s been a month now, war i’m lost, i’m not looking for soldiers, i just need to stop there, it’s cold and dirty, maybe it’s better at mrs. schuytz’s? she has a wonderful boarding house, no, thank you, i only need to spend one night, the base is quite suitable for this,
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let’s go, i’ll show you, go straight along this street, turn right at the church, and you’ll see there, thank you, goodbye. in his cabin there is a box with the inscription top secret, he travels alone, no security, everything is correct, when the war is lost, the losers have two strategies, the first is to change clothes, disappear into the crowd, the second - if he sells himself to the winner, gives him secret documents and seeks forgiveness, he
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will spend the whole night alone in an abandoned base.
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have a good, peaceful, festive day, dear belarusians, the team of the tv news agency continues the information channel in honor of the day, the great victory, tatyana korol is with you, hello, today we pay tribute to the eternal memory of all those who died during the war, we celebrate the ninth of may.


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