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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:36pm MSK

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have a good, peaceful, festive day, dear belarusians, the team of the tv news agency continues the information channel in honor of the day: great victory, tatyana korol is with you, hello, today we pay tribute to the eternal memory of all those who died during the war, we meet the day of may. the 79th anniversary of the victory is a sacred date for each of us. we will not stop saying thank you to our heroes, veterans, who defended our independence in the world. belarus remembers everyone, let the whole world remember too. there are many congratulations ahead, live broadcasts from the holidays sites of touching memories. holy sacred date. let's celebrate together.
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the president congratulated the belarusians on victory day. this sacred holiday resonates in our hearts with great joy and immeasurable gratitude to the soviet people, who crushed fascism and saved the future of humanity,” noted the head of state. in every corner, every family of belarus, generated by hatred, ideas of world domination. the war left unhealed wounds from the monstrous crimes of hitler’s cries of their minions, unity our ancestors, their love for the homeland and sincere faith in victory forever became moral guidelines for the grateful generations of the peaceful and independent belarusian state; years later, the truth about the great victory protects our land from the threats of modern times and all of humanity from the revival of the destructive ideas of nazism. the belarusian people...
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will honor the memory of the dead and will never give the names of innocent martyrs the glory of courageous defenders and liberators into oblivion,” alexander lukashenko emphasized. and today we it is important to preserve historical memory. this is part of our state policy. there is a constant flow of people to the monuments in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war, and this is no coincidence. this is where the most important words are spoken.
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the main thing we must do is to preserve this truth and prevent the revival of the terrible past. don't even try to talk to us from a position of strength. belarus still stands as an indestructible brez fortress in the path of any enemy. and let the memory. and those who left
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us inspire us to create in the name of the future of our peoples, in the name of peace. we don't need it. we intend to use all reserves to restore stability and calm in the region. we will not give up our native land, independence and sovereignty to anyone. belarus remembers as long as we come here. together with her children, belarus will always be remembered. victory day is our common holiday, which the soviet people won and gave us the right to independence, the joy of a great victory.
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the belarusian leader shared today with the presidents of the countries of the post-soviet space. a parade took place in moscow red square. this is a tradition that the heroes laid down back in... the victorious forty-fifth year, and even the snow that kept falling from the sky could not extinguish the fiery hearts of the participants in this action. the parade started at 10:00, just exactly with perfect military precision, the weather was a little unlucky, minus two they say that our colleagues, this is the coldest may 9th, but the atmosphere on red square is completely special, because it was here that the the victory parade in '45, it took place in june, though the press stands are less full. there’s simply no room, we can’t get up and there’s such a second of silence until the main action begins. the first to report on the readiness of the troops is the russian minister of defense, a unique historical fact; from here, from red square in november 1941, after a military parade, when the front line was only 18 km from moscow, the soldiers simply directly
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left to defend the capital. troops of the moscow garrison. ready for the victory parade. army general shaigu. in total , more than 9 people, 75 pieces of equipment, solemn processions of honor guards, battalions and branches of various troops of the armed forces. you need to understand that you cannot buy tickets for the parade in moscow, only invitees are here, veterans are on the central podium, they are the main characters, there are not as many of these people left as in general those who saw the war. it is important for everyone to preserve the memory of the great patriotic war, the victory, belarus, russia, and we went through this war together, we defended the entire country, and not only the country, but... the whole of europe was liberated from fascism, and today it is necessary to do this again. now it is clear that there are different political movements, but i think that for people whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought, this is a sacred holiday for everyone. there are three stands in total: left, right, central, where the heads of state are located. this year
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there are eight leaders in the parade. alexander lukashenko, let us remind you, flew to moscow the day before, the anniversary summit of the eurasian economic union took place here, they left after midnight, but arrived in the kremlin again in the morning. vladimir putin. warmly greeted each of my colleagues personally. then the leaders of the countries joined spectators of the victory parade. in his speech, vladimir putin will talk about how the west is trying to distort the truth about world war ii, but it will live on in the stories of millions of families. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis are part of the whole.
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world war, and we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles . in the west, we would like to forget the lessons of the second world war near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev. announced a minute of silence, for the victory, hurray, hurray,
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in front of the veterans and guests again there are foot crews of all russian troops from the cadets of the suvorov nakhimov military school to the border. the parade of military equipment was traditionally opened by the legendary t-34 tank, the main combat vehicle of the great patriotic war. tiger armored personnel carriers, triumph and iskander anti-aircraft systems. yars nuclear deterrent complex, until recently they did not know whether the knight swifts would fly due to the weather, but they did. the voice of many thousands of the russian army will shout on victory day from the stands, here on the spot, this is an absolutely unique thing in terms of atmosphere, today hundreds of channels will try to broadcast it live, it’s time. another important tradition is
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laying wreaths and flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier together with the heads of other states in the alexander garden. alexander lukashenko will pay tribute to the memory of fallen heroes. a small magazine approach. asked questions of the two leaders on the second phase of the response. belarus does not have strategic nuclear weapons, so this time we offered our friends and allies, to take part in one of the stages of this exercise. we conduct them regularly, this time they are carried out in three stages. we spent the first stage, one might say, in a frenzy, but yesterday we decided to synchronize and conduct the second and third stages together. he correctly emphasized, this is not the first time, this is our third training session, well, there have already
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been dozens of them in russia, so we are synchronizing and the general staffs have already started executing these, yesterday the work was done, yes, so there is nothing unusual here, this is planned work. in general, the latest for two days, belarus and russia live on the same political and social agenda, the ninth of may, a holiday that is written in our family albums and which cost the two nations very dearly. we love the belarusian people very much, these are our dear people, god bless you, you have a wonderful president, we have a wonderful president, they are friends, they work in the name of our states, we will live, work and win, there is no more important holiday in our life, especially those who had veterans in the family, survivors of the siege, god grant that this day, this victory, it’s like lived as long as possible in the hearts of people all over the world, and so that the whole world would understand, yes, for what and for what? today russia and belarus are together. this common history, when we already stood shoulder to shoulder, binds us together on many
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issues stronger than any treaties now, as the descendants of the great victors, an absolute evil that the whole world could not cope with. katerina krutalevich, daria belousovo-petrovskaya, olesya vysotskaya, alexander oleshka, tv news agency moscow. the decisive role of the soviet union in the defeat of fascism is undeniable. may 9 today the whole country is celebrating, in the capital the central place of celebrations is victory square, belarusians come here in the morning, at 19:00 as part of the republican action belarus remembers, wreaths will be laid at the victory monument, our president will traditionally take part in the ceremony, already now our correspondent, svetlana lukyanyuk, works there. sveta, good afternoon, happy holiday, good afternoon. tatyana, good afternoon to all our tv viewers and of course happy holiday to you, here on victory square
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there is still such a calm before the main celebrations, but most importantly, sunny , clear weather and good mood. it must be said that there are 4 hours before the main celebrations, a little less, and someone may say a lot more, but definitely not for those who are in charge of all these celebrations, it is important to check the sound, light, and of course, how the cameras are placed repeat the order of numbers, of course. everything has been rehearsed, but given the importance of the event , it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it, of course. it should be said that from the very morning here, to victory square, and we see it at the foot of eternal flame, also at the foot of the monument, flowers, they are brought not only by some work collectives, public organizations, i saw it myself when i was going to work, they come with families with their own bouquet, because each flower is, of course, a tribute to memory and respect and pride, but here on victory square, it’s all decorated.
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there are frames with metal detectors that lead here to victory square, security measures are first of all, but extra things are an additional queue, in order to get through it faster, it is better to take the minimum with you. i also i will say that right now traffic along independence avenue is already blocked, only public transport could move, but after 16:00 it will also take a detour, so
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please take this into account if you are getting to the city center by public transport. i know what the belarusians have. it’s already a tradition to come with the whole family to such a holiday as may 9, bring your children, many come with portraits, photographs of their grandmothers, great-grandmothers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, because their personal stories, their experiences, their pride, their victory, their even defeats, which they talked about, it is from these stories that the whole great victory in may of 1945 is made up, and of course, here are the main guests and of course the main participants in today's celebrations - this is ours... dear veterans, every year there are fewer and fewer of them, this is a daily concern, as well as the opportunity to create such a holiday for them on may 9 - this is the little that we can do for them, chairs have not yet been installed for them, but to the left of me they will be installed here near the eternal flame , given their venerable age, they of course, they will arrive close to the beginning
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of the celebration, we were told that there will be approximately 50 veterans of the great patriotic war and the armed forces of belarus. well, all their veterans, as well as all belarusians , will be congratulated here on victory square by the president, traditionally the head of state on these holy days for belarus and on may 9 and july 3 they always take part in ceremonial events, there will be many flowers here, of course wreaths will be laid, a minute of silence and honor guard company, i know that among our tv viewers, those who will come here to victory square, there are many admirers of their talent, as they are in filigree... they march to the music of a military orchestra and can perform all the actions, complex elements harmoniously, but those who will be a little further away, here from the eternal flame, from the square victory, they will also see everything, even if they are along independence avenue, there are huge screens installed on both sides where everything will be demonstrated that takes place right here at the foot of the monument, so don’t miss
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a single detail, we invite everyone to come here to plunge into this festive atmosphere, but if you don’t have the opportunity, or you’re not in minsk today, but want to see everything, as there will be new theatrical performances, new performers, there will be some new compositions , of course, we won’t reveal all the secrets, it will be interesting to see, i will say that new items are really expected, so if you can’t come, stay on the belarus 1 tv channel, our cameras are located throughout the avenue, we will show you all the action from the best angles, and of course we will try convey the whole festive atmosphere. we continue to work here, we will confidently turn on after about 18:00 and tell you what is happening here on victory square. tatiana. thank you, svetlana and see you in the next issue. the first blow of the enemy 79 years ago was taken by the austere fortress, the true courage of the defenders in the words: “i’m dying, but i’m not giving up, we have absorbed our descendants like a genetic
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cat.” and today the start of the main celebrations was given right here, in the legendary citadel. and now anna buikevich is in touch with us. anna, good afternoon, in what mood does brest celebrate this victory day? good afternoon, minsk, happy holiday, the memorial complex is literally strewn with flowers, today the brest fortress is especially crowded, because for every belarusian this place is iconic. words of gratitude to veterans and songs of victory may sound endlessly here. people come with whole families, come from other cities and countries to honor the memory of the defenders. my grandfather went through the entire war, ended up in berlin, received a medal for the capture of berlin, so this is always a holiday for me with tears in my eyes, and i’m happy that today the sky is so blue, it’s wonderful, today we are all filled with a feeling of pride, a feeling of gratitude that the people who were
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winners in 1945, that today we are the heirs of victory here in the fortress memory. it’s a blessing that we take care of our dear belarus, it’s not for nothing that our president speaks more dearly than belarus, there is nothing more. will become a symbol of victory for, first of all , the belarusian people, for the entire people of the world, because the first heroism was born here, we understand what courage is, what
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memory is, as long as it lives, it will live forever. songs of great victory are heard on the heroic land today, performed by participants in the international festival berestia choral assemblies. the festive events will last until the evening, and we are all looking forward to the culmination of this day, when the sky will be painted in victory. firework. anna buikevich, ruslan selyuk, telenews agency. and right now we are moving to other cities of belarus. in mogilev this day began with a solemn processions. concert venues are now open, themed flash mobs and exhibitions are taking place. in gomel you can not only see, but touch real military equipment. however, we will find out all the details right now. andrey yastrebov and natalya ignatinka join us. colleagues, good afternoon, happy
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holiday. good afternoon, minsk, happy victory day belarus. mogilev plunged into celebration. according to tradition, the start of the events was given on lenin square, where representatives of public associations, city enterprises, military. thousands of citizens came today to express special words of gratitude to those who decided to please the veterans with a victory parade, pupils of the city's kindergartens, wearing military uniforms, specially sewn for the holiday, young patriots became participants in a flash mob. we are for peace, we want it to be
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on our planet, so that there are more smiles, more joy. we see what is happening on the borders of our sovereign belarus and we must pay tribute to the fact that there is peace and harmony on our streets, therefore. must to be proud, first of all, of their native belarus, and also the solemn march of military units of the mogilev garrison, the procession of generations along the main street of the regional center and the car rally, the holiday united people of different generations. in the pechersky forest park today they are serving soldiers' porridge and young people have been united by the victory waltz flash mob. and now the word to my colleague natalya ignatenko. thank you, andrey, gomel joins in the congratulations. it should be noted that this year we remained true to tradition. the holiday in the city has begun. with solemn procession, veterans, athletes,
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youth, labor collectives, thousands of people in the column, the culmination of the crippling fire of the mass grave of soviet soldiers and underground fighters, flowers, a minute of silence and peals of gun shots in honor of the heroes who brought the victorious may closer.
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for victory for peace. millions of soviet soldiers, millions of home front workers and partisans forged victory in this most terrible war in the history of mankind. the most important thing is health, peaceful skies, prosperity, creation of all , all benefits. we will remember, keep until we remember them and these events.
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victory day is a symbol of the heroic feat of the soviet people, thanks to our memory and our truth about the war, no one will be able to rewrite history, ex-detail of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, oleg tsarev, addressed the belarusians with this message. congratulations on victory day, this is a big holiday, very significant for russian-ukrainians. belarusians and indeed for the entire former soviet union. why don’t our enemies like this holiday? because they keep telling us that this is not a holiday. it is very important for them that we ourselves felt like a loser. why? because a people who feels like a winner cannot be imposed on other people’s values, cannot be dictated to, cannot be controlled. losers cannot control winners. therefore, it is very important to feel like a winner and
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be grateful. to our parents, our parents and parents who gave us this feeling, winners, happiness, love, warmth, health to everyone on this good holiday, the machine gunner scribbles for the blue handkerchief that was on his shoulders, dear belarusians today are united by victorious motives, in capital at the minsk stela. our correspondent, victoria sharkova, continues to work in hero city. victoria, good afternoon, happy great victory day. since the very morning, people continue to come to stella in the hundreds, these are both labor collectives, trade union organizations, and ordinary belarusians. each family here has its own history and heroes, but the victory that united everyone is one, common, and the price for our peaceful sky
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is understood by all generations. among the first to arrive at the monument were deputies of the minsk city council and their families. the column honored the memory of those who defended minsk and fell for liberation of the capital of all belarus from fascist invaders. red flowers lay at the foot of the obelisk as a symbol of shed blood. the fact that belarus treats the great victory day with such respect indicates that our nation has not lost its conscience. and those peoples who remember the exploits of their ancestors are capable of new exploits.
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belarusians, but also guests of the capital, came from other countries especially to us. some to honor the memory of those who gave their lives for our peaceful sky. we came from russia specifically to belarus, our regiment was canceled, well, of course, for security reasons, we came to you to really celebrate may 9 with a lot of people, with a lot of people who care about this. yesterday we were at the
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partisan breakthrough memorial complex. village, it just takes pride in your country, i work in switzerland, i came especially for victory day to see, we continue our happiness here, very beautiful, very amazing, i really liked it, for me victory day is a special holiday that is necessary note the whole family, my grandfather fought in the war, he went through it, he returned, i even found him, i still remember him, for me this is a very personal holiday, this is... a very important holiday, i am here with a portrait of my grandfather , my grandfather fought, the money man fought, liberated the caucasus, liberated the crimea, sevastopol, as a sign of respect for his feat, as a sign of respect for the feat of everyone, i’m here today, i’ll also note that today you can visit the museum of the great patriotic war completely free of charge, and by the way, not only his, we’re talking about any museum, specifically a state museum, there will be no fee be charged for excursion support.
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thank you, victoria sharkova, about the festive events in the capital. this great victory gave everything. belarus remembers reminds those who suffer from historical amnesia. europe owes a great victory to the soviet people, who saved it from the brown plague. belarusian diplomats today lay holy wreaths at the memorials of fallen soldiers abroad and hold commemorative events. today is may 9, victory day. republic of serbia. takes part in a commemorative state ceremony at the memorial the liberator complex of belgrade, where soviet soldiers and soldiers of the yugoslav army who died in the battles for the liberation of the serbian capital are buried. then the capital
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of yugoslavia. high representatives of the government of the republic of serbia took part in the state commemorative ceremony; many commemorative events take place throughout serbia, and in their course it was especially clear. you realize that the memory of military brotherhood, the culture of historical memory, the struggle to preserve historical truth are very important, binding foundations relations between our countries and peoples. despite the fact that the regular units of the red army did not manage to reach rome, belarusians, as well as citizens of other republics of the soviet union, took a direct part in the liberation of italy from nazism, took part in various formats, for example, about 200 belarusians died in the famous the battle was rewound by casino, freeing the allied forces from the south of italy to rome. for many years, embassy employees visit this place every year together with belarusians who today live in rome, thiville, naples and
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other cities in italy to honor the memory of heroes. many of our compatriots, having escaped from concentration camps, joined the italian resistance. finding their burial places is, as a rule, isolated, hard, painstaking work. recent years show how important it is to preserve historical memory, which is why italians were recently able to watch the film come and see, which is why any guest of the embassy can today get acquainted with the belarus invincible exhibition, which is why in belarus these days there is a delegation of italian anti-fascists who have been taking part in festive events dedicated to victory day for many years now. the ambassador of belarus in vienna, heads of diplomatic missions of the cis and csto countries, representatives of austrian public organizations laid the tribute.
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belarusian flags flew at events in the city of beirut, the capital of the lebanese republic. today, may 9, 2024, together with russian friends, embassy employees took part in ceremonial events dedicated to victory day in the city of damascus. belarus remembers. memorial wreaths went down today to the memorial. to soviet citizens who fell during the liberation of belgium, as well as to the wall of executioners monument in honor of the belgians who died during the second world war. the events were attended by the charge d'affaires of belarus in belgium and employees of our embassy in belgium.
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diplomats of the belarusian embassy in turkmenistan today took part in a flower-laying ceremony at the "eternal glory" monument of the people's memory memorial complex. the large-scale ceremony was also attended by ambassadors of the cis countries, libya, palestine, afghanistan, employees of the un mission in turkmenistan, representatives of the clergy and residents of the city of ashgabat. happy victory day, dear friends. today in israel, the belarusian embassy , ​​together with the embassies of the cis countries, are holding a number of joint events dedicated to the great victory day. this morning at 10:30, flowers were laid at the monument to the besieged leningrad in the city of jerusalem. and now, in just a few minutes , the laying of wreaths will begin.


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