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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:35pm MSK

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the tv news agency team continues the festive broadcast in honor of the great victory day. today is may 9, 79th victorious spring. we say thank you to our heroes, our ancestors, who defended this world, liberated us from fascism and gave us freedom. today is a sacred date for belarusians.
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svetlana lukyanuk. svetlana, there is less than an hour left before the memorial event with the participation of the head of state, i give you the floor. good afternoon to you, colleagues, good afternoon to all our tv viewers, happy victory day to you once again. and here we see that the holiday celebrations are getting closer, this is felt best here in victory square. it must be said that all the creative teams that will take part in the celebrations are already here, they are repeating, rehearsing their numbers, we saw them all, too. here are military crews, and of course,
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our spectators, they brought a lot of flowers, balloons, also state flags, and the flags of the groups they represent, i also noticed a lot of branded clothing, but so that it was immediately clear who came from which company , it should be said that here of course, there is little time left before the celebration, about the weather and a little fresh, if anyone else plans to come and join us, to be here on victory square,
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countries from the victory monument along independence avenue, belarusians came with their families, these were the guests as well our, of course, residents of the city of minsk, who came especially for the celebration, so i want to say that there are a lot of young people, as well as children, including four, 5 years old, ten, of course, these traditions are passed on from generation to generation, adults tell children many came with portraits, photographs, of the soldiers of the forties, of those who fought.
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literally in about 15 minutes we were told they would already be here on victory square, i’m sure they will immediately appear on the television and video cameras of our colleagues, because here are their memories, their words without price, they will be brought centrally by buses, such attention and care in belarus was a veteran remains. always, because for them victory day is a holy holiday, it is an important date, they remember may 9 , 1945, and of course, victory always remembers tragic moments, because soldiers died, civilians died, belarus, which lost every third person , probably feels this acutely, this is a holiday for us, it’s sung like in a song with tears in our eyes, and these are not empty words, i’m sure many here will talk about it , here we will see both a military orchestra and a company of honor...
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so happy victory day to you, colleagues, thank you, svetlana lukinyuk continues to work at the victory monument. today our president shared the joy of the great victory with the heads of state of the post-soviet space in moscow held a parade on red square. this is a tradition laid down by the heroes.
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in the west, they would like to forget the lessons of the second world war, but we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev, a minute of silence is declared. for the victory, hurray, here on june 24, 1945, the first
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victory parade took place, when the defeated german banners and standards were thrown at the walls of the mausoleum, and today, in front of the veterans and guests, foot crews of all russian troops again from kadetovsky. and russians. another unchanging tradition of laying wines and flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, together with the heads of other
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states in the alexander garden, is our president. journalists did not miss the opportunity to ask questions to the two leaders, in particular on the second stage of response measures, as is known, by the general staff of the armed forces of belarus. so there is nothing unusual here, this is a planned job. in honor of the heads of state
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invited to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the great victory in moscow, a reception was given on behalf of president of russia, the decisive role of the soviet union in the defeat of fascism is undeniable. which we had to sacrifice to defeat the nazis will forever remain in our
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hearts. unfortunately, today there are many in the world who not only justify the bloody atrocities of the hitlerites and their accomplices, but also purposefully nurture their ideological heirs who commit no less serious crimes. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev noted that the may 9 holiday has become a holiday forever. history as a symbol of unparalleled heroism, valor and the dedication of front-line soldiers and home front workers in the fight against fascism, in the fight for freedom and independence. on this bright day, we honor and carefully preserve the memory of the feat of our heroes, all those who defended their homeland at the cost of their lives. we pay tribute to all those who, after the war, raised destroyed cities and villages from the ruins. the president of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev, in
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a congratulatory message received from him, noted that the memory of this sacred day is kept in hearts as a symbol of unparalleled heroism and courage, true patriotism and courage warriors, winners. we are eternally grateful to our front-line soldiers, home front workers, who went through all the troubles of the war, freed the world from the fascist threat, and developed a relationship of friendship. mutual support will henceforth serve as a solid basis for multifaceted cooperation between uzbekistan and belarus. venezuelan president nicolas maduro emphasized in his congratulatory message that his country glorifies the heroic struggle of the brave troops who defeated nazism. the self-sacrifice of your people has left an indelible mark on history. mister president, in the face of new challenges, in the fight against neo-colonialism in a number of countries, we
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must oppose our values ​​of peace and dialogue to everything that poses a threat to humanity. the presidents of kyrgyzstan, turkmenistan, pakistan, the secretary general of the cis, the secretary of state of the union state, and the secretary general of the csto also sent wishes for peace, well-being and prosperity to the belarusian people. and again connections, regions, the city of grodno. there are dozens of thematic platforms here. the concert program continues on the main stage, vitebsk hosts an exhibition of military equipment and songs of victory are played. my colleagues are already ready to tell you about the celebrations. yuri kornilovich and marina romanovskaya are in touch. hello, happy holiday. good evening, minsk, grodno congratulates everyone on victory day. very soon we will have a performance by the orchestra of the internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs.
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born after us victors, my dear ones, hold our land in the same hands in which we held it.
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vitebsk congratulates everyone on the day of the great victory, today on the streets of the ancient city victory marches sounded, festive events began with a solemn procession, a column of thousands arrived at the memorial in honor of soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters. residents and guests of vetebsk
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joined the motor rally, and the most athletic people took part in the track and field race.
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one of the most iconic places in the capital stella minsk is the city of hero, where festive events take place throughout the day; deputies
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of the minsk city council with their families were among the first to come to the monument, to the foot of the obelisk red flowers were laid down for everyone who came to the monument.
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we will always remember the role that our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers played in the fact that we live today under a peaceful sky, thanks to their perseverance, thanks to their heroism. the mood of victorious may will reign in molodechno until late in the evening, when the city, together with the whole country, will fly in honor of the great victory. may 9 is the day when we thank everyone who gave us peace and freedom, fought at the front in tela, revived the country in the difficult post-war years, in honor holiday, warmest wishes to belarusians from russian state duma deputy maria butina. dear belarusian brothers, i sincerely congratulate you on our common holiday, victory day. on this day
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i would like to wish all of us good health. health first of all to our veterans. yes, there are few of them left, but we are strong in that we will always help those who are now alive and well, to preserve the memory of those who defended our peaceful sky above our heads. thank you for the historical memory, which you carefully preserve when you are in minsk, i see, with what awe do you feel for the memory of our great victory, from may 9, god bless you, a machine gunner will handcuff you for the blue handkerchief that was on your shoulders, a special atmosphere today on the mound of glory, to honor the memory of the heroes, belarusians and guests of our country came here, flowers to the foot of the leadership
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of the central region, headed by the governor of the minsk region, the regional bicycle ride, the star of the great victory, also finished here. the start was given a week ago in zaslavl, the participants traveled through eight districts. we are very proud that this is where we are completing this bike ride that we had this honor.
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we feel our belonging, we feel the blood of winners flowing in our veins, we live in a happy sovereign country, we raise our children, we think about the future of our grandchildren. we are proud that we live and work together with a strong leader, our president alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. our victory day is something that
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we always honor at our enterprise, we always celebrate, i am sure we have celebrated, we are celebrating and will continue to celebrate. minsk tractor plant is exactly the enterprise that was built immediately after the war, in 1946, it began to be built; it was the victors who began to build it. who won, then that bacchanalia and fascism, this is our history, this is our past, i am sure that in each of our tractors that we produce, there is also a share of that memory, which, therefore, remains from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. patriotic education, the preservation of historical memory, is carried out by patriots of belarus all year round, not only on one victory day, many thousands of our belarusians join us different parts of the country, and this is very cool, this work resonates with them, that is, they...
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unfortunately ended up in a penal battalion, but as part of a penal battalion they reached könsberg, berlin and were awarded many awards. i think that today's holiday
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is a very serious symbol.
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celebrates victory day on a grand scale in every corner of the country; in minsk , a kind of retro teleport was organized along winners avenue, here you can find yourself in an apartment after wartime, try soldier’s porridge, listen to front-line melodies and take atmospheric shots as a keepsake. this is the day of victory, heaps are lost. this is a holiday,
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seventh day of visit, and for sports fans, for the eighth time, the race of brave people was held in victory park, the youngest participant is only 4 years old, well done, well done, well done, well done, let's do it a little more, come on, come on, come on, come on, well done, well done, most importantly, i want on behalf of myself and many other families and friends there to congratulate all the veterans on the holiday, i understand that there are only a few of them left, but nevertheless, this is an honor of respect in such holiday, having organized such a test of the race for the brave, it is simply worth it, everyone is certainly happy about it, the festive program continues, the bright decoration and conclusion of victory day will be a concert on october square, which will end under a volley of festive fireworks at 23:00, came
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to katyusha bank, on the high bank, on the steep one, in honor of may 9, the belarusian radio company has prepared a big premiere of a three-part documentary investigation for the flock of the fatherland, watch this evening on belarus-1 and belarus24, a joint project telnews agency and state security committee. and the belarusian orthodox church. so, episode one right now. after this, the bel tv and radio company will begin a live broadcast from victory square, where at 7:00 pm a ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the monument with the participation of the head of state will take place. and we will sum up the results of the day in a panorama at 20:00 happy holiday, dear belarusians, happy great victory day. stay with us.
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beltelokompaniya tv news agency, state security committee of belarus and belarusian orthodox church present. documentary investigation about the religious movement during the great patriotic war. a time of testing strength, patriotism or betrayal. everyone has their own motivation. nazi germany's services tried to recruit priests by any means. divide rule implementation of nazi church policy in the occupied territory. they are loudly protesting and supporting the belarusian collaborators and their idea of ​​​​creating a belarusian autocephalous church. the partisan priest, confessor and fighter, saving the fighters, endangered
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yourself and your loved ones. it was. tank column of dmitry donskoy, squadron of alexander nevsky, contribution of the church to the overall victory. by the end of the war, the sums—these total fees—were in the tens of millions of rubles. wars of the spirit, their oath of allegiance to god and the homeland in the documentary investigation of the reserve of the fatherland. right now. on june 22, 1941, the first
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massive attacks of the third reich were carried out on the territory of the soviet union. ignoring the non-aggression pact, nazi germany and its allies attacked the ussr. the german propaganda machine , led by goebbels, did not explain this. as a war with the country by the people, but as a military campaign to fight the bolsheviks. nazi propaganda used this as an anti-soviet thesis, that the crusade against the godless bolsheviks, well, this is purely at the level of propaganda ideology, somewhere, including in germany, it was told, yes, why we attacked the soviet union. apparently, that’s why the attack was planned for june 22, on the orthodox calendar - the day of all the saints who shone in the russian land, but to talk about that it is a religious issue. was thoroughly worked out even before the attack, it is not necessary, the religious nazi policy of the occupiers on the territory of belarus was largely situational and contradictory in nature, it must be clearly understood that germany wanted to conquer
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this territory, quickly walk through it, reach moscow and solve its political problems. the leadership of the third reich developed its goal in detail in the strategic program plan barbaros and the general plan ost. according to program documents, 75% of the population. in the territory of belarus, the nazis began to fulfill their main task: to ensure the safe and unhindered advancement of the wehrmacht unit. they organized concentration camps, prisons, ghettos, got rid of communists, port workers, jews, also introduced the so-called new order,
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and created administrative authorities. in this they were actively helped by already trained managers, people who arrived in the same convoy as invaders. belarusians who left their homeland back in the twenties. they also took up the solution. already took place in nazi germany approbation of those new traditions that they wanted to plant in germany itself and already in the countries it occupied, so they already had some kind of practice in relation to the clergy, the church. the nazis and their accomplices carried out the religious case of the military-political leadership of the third reich in the occupied territory of belarus, relying on the ideology of national socialism, which not only denied.


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